Document 12959807

foreign activities in which the state and its political subdivisions may
(6) Pmvide a comprehensive emergency management system for
Texas that is a qrdinated &ort to make the best possible use of
existing organizations and resources within government and industry.
(k/xdti workshops mud ihe4smte to identify the needs and
and which includes provisions for actions to be taken at all levels
concerns of women and to mommend assistance and services in
of gwemment before, during, and after the onset of an emergency
those ?yep?;
(d) Pkcipa6with established task f o m s and poiicy groups on issues
(7) Assist in the prevention of disasters caused or aggravated by
inadequate planning for and regulation of public and private facilities
(el Monitor federal and state le@aiion dating to issues affecting
and land use; and
,. .
women; .'
. , . ..
(8)Provide the authority and mechanism to respond to ryl energy
(0Eqtablish a State Agency Council to assist %e ~o&sion
emergency; and
end::''. -:;. . ,
WHBREAS, under Sectian 418.013, Texas Disaster Act $f 1975,
Taas Government Code, the Governor is e~rpresslyauthprized to
. . "
a bieMial
of its -@,
establish by wrecutive order an EMERGENCY MANAGaM:&,&,
" '"'.&&tieAlS to the Governor. :
COUNCIL conposed of the heeds of state agencies, boards, and
. .
..- :. - . r * ~ ~ , . : ' : : . * : l a $ : ~ .,.
commissions and npnxentatives or organbed volunteer groups to
~ . ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ b aquarterly
l l ~ormat the&
e e t &.the chair. A
advise and assist the Governor in all lsattus Felating to disaster
mqbership shall constitute a quorum for the2purpose mitigation. p q a r e d m s . response, and m e w ; and,
d-~d@~g,~.thi:business of:the Commission.
WHEREAS, PURTHER UNDER Section 411.W1, Texas Disaster
of the Commission shall suve without salary.
Act of 1975, Texas Government Code, a DMSION OF EMER':'I
GENCY MANAGEMEWT is established in the Of5ce of the GovW,ageacica of state and local goyemme& are hueby directed to
ernor and the Director of the DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANcoopuate and assist the Commission in the performance of duties.
is to be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the
'fks, k u t i v e Order shall be effective immediately and remain in AGBMBNT
Gavemor; and
full f o r a and &ect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me.
WHEREAS, with the aid and assistance of the EMERGENCY
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
caused the Great Seal of the State of Texas to be af6xed. Done at the
MANAGEMENT, the Governor may recammend that cities, counties.
Capitol in the City of Austin this 21st day of August. 1997.
and other palitical subdivisions of the state undermke appropriate
emergency management programs and assist and cooperate with those
George W. Bush, Governor of Texas
developed at the state level;
NOW, THERWORe. I, 'George W. Bush. Gwemor of the State of
~il;Sd:June 15, 1998
L .
Texas, under the authority vested in me, do hcreby create and establish
the BMeRGENCYcy.hivwAGBMENT COUNCIL, to he composed of
the Chief Executive Officus of the following state agencies, boards.
commission. and organized volunteer groups:
Adjutant General's Department. American Red Cross. Department
.of Information Resources. General Land Office *. General Services
Commission, Governor's Division of Emergency Management *,
WHERBAS, the Legislaaue of the State of Texas has heretofore
Public Utility Cornmission of Texas,Railroad Commission of Texas
enacted the Taas Disaster Act of 1975, Chapter 418 et seq. of
*, State Aircraft Pooling Board State Auditor's m c e , State
Texas Govunment Code tp:
Comptroller of Public Accounts, Texas A m e y General's Oflice,
Texas Commission on Fire Protection *. Texas Department of
(1)Reduce vulnerability of people and communities of this state to
Agriculture *, Texas w e n t of Economic Development. Texas
damage. injbry, and loss of life and property resulting from natural
Department of Criminal Justice. Texas Department of Health *. Texas
or man-made catastrophes, riots, or hostile m i U q or paramilitary
Department of Housing and Community Affairs. Texas Department of
Human Services. Texas Department of Insurance, Texas Department
(2) Pnpart for, prompt and efficient rescue, care and treatment of
of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Taas Deptment of Public
persons v i c h k d or threatened by disaster;
Safety *. T m s Depamnent of Transportation *. Texas Education
Agency, Texas Workforce Commission. Taas Engineering Extension
(3) Provide a setfing conducive to the rapid and orderly matoration
Swice *. Texas Forest Sewice. Texas Natural Resource Conswation
and rehabilitation of pasons affected by disaster;
Commission *, Tuas Parks and Wildlife Department *, Texas
(4)Clarify and strengthen the pies of the Governor, state agencies.
Rehabilitation Commission, The Salvation Anny.
and local gwemmuUs in the prevention of, preparation for, response
The specific duties and responsibilities of each member of this group
to, and m e r y from disasters;
shall be as designated in the State Emergency Management Plan and
(5) Authorize the pmvide for cooperation and amdination of
Annhereto. Each member of the group may designate a staff
activities relafink to hazard mitigation, emagency p r e p a h ,
member representative to the COUNCIL.
incident response, and disaster recovery by agencies and ofacers
(b) Idylti& assess, and devclop strategies, including community
outrep& gctivities, public-private parInershqs. and coordination of
e~mmunityand state ~esources,to improve the status of women in
WVERNOR .htne 26,1998 23 TexReg 6669
I further hereby designate the Director of the Texas Department
of Public Safety to serve as Chairperson of the COUNCIL and
of the Governor's Office. The DIVISION OF EMERGENCY
MANAGFMENT shall be my designated agency to exercise the
powers granted to me under the T m s Disaster Act of 1975 in the
administration and supervision of the Act, including but not limited
to, the power to accept from the federal gwernment, or any public
or private agency or individual. any offer of services, equipment.
supplies, materials, or funds as sifts, grants. or loans for the purpose
of emergency services or disasw recovery, and may dispense such
grfts, grants. or loans for the purposes for which they are made
without further authorization other than as contained herein. The
Director shall establish emergency operations areas to be known as
Disaster Districts which shall correspond to the boundaries of the
Texas Highway Patrol Districts and Sub-Districts and shall establish
in each a Disaster District Committee composed of representatives
of the state agencies. boards, commission, and organized volunteer
groups having membership on the COUNCIL. The Highway Patrol
Commanding Officer of each Highway Patrol District or Sub-District
shall serve as Chairperson of the Disaster District Committee and
report to the Director on matters relating to disasters and emergencies.
The Chairperson shall be assisted by the COUNCIL representatives
assigned to that DISTRICC who shall provide guidance, counsel and
administrative support as may be required.
The COUNCIL is hereby authorized to issue such directives as my
be necessary to effectuate the purpose of the Texas Disaster act of
1975,and is further authorized and empowered to exercise the speci5c
powers .enumerated in the Act.
To carry out certain state emergency planning, community rightto-know, and response functions relating to hazardous materials, a
standing element of the Emergency Management Council, designated
composed of representatives named by the chief executive ofkers
of the agencies and commissions marked with an asterisk(*) in the
listing of the Emergency Management Council above. The State
Cadinator shall chair the State Emergency Response Commission
or designate a chairperson.
23 TexReg 6670 June 26,1998
Texas Register
Further, in accordance with Sections 418.102.418.103,and 418.105
Texas Disaster Act of 1975,Texas Government Code, and published
hereby ctesignate the Mayor of each municipal corporation and
the County Judge of each cuunty in the state as the Emergency
Management Director for each such political subdivision. The County
Judge and Mayor shall serve as the Governor's designated agents in
administration and supervision of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975,and
may exercise the powers, on an appropriate local scale, granted the
Governor therein. The Mayor and County Judge may each designate
an Emergency Management Coordinator who shall serve as assistant
to the presiding officer of the political subdivision for emergency
management purposes whm so designated.
By the authority vested in me under Section 418.104.Texas Disaster Act of 1975. Texas Government Code. I further hereby authorize each politid subdivisibn of the state to establish in the county
in which they are sited, inter-jurisdictional agencies by intergovernmental agreement. supported as needed by local City Ordinance of
Commissioner's Court Order, in cooperation and coordination with
the DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGJ3MENT of the Governor's Ofice. In compliance with Section 418.010. Taas Government Code, the presiding officer of each political subdivision shall
of the manner in which it is providing or securing an emergency management program and the person designated to head that program.
This executive order supersedes Executive Order GWB 91-la, and
shall remain in effect until m d e d amended or rescinded by me.
Given under my hand this 29th day of October, 1997.
George W. Bush, Governor of Texas
Filed: June 15,1998