American University | Office of Sponsored Programs | Routing and PI Assurance Form OSP Proposal # PI: Dept./School/College: Sponsor: Funding Agency (If different from sponsor): Project Title: Proposal Type: New Revision*-* If checked, OSP will complete only the top portion of this form and will attach the Revised Proposal Form Supplemental** Continuation** - **If checked, please provide existing internal AU account #: Proposal Project Period: Start Date: End Date: This section to be completed by the PI 1. The proposed project will require 8. new space or alternation of existing space hiring of new personnel purchase of new equipment If you checked any item above, please explain below and indicate if such will be accommodated with funds requested by the sponsor. Have equipment costs been cleared with Purchasing? Yes No If yes, please attach the quote. 2. Will you be requesting a course release? Yes No 3. Does the proposal involve the creation of or planning for a new degree program or degree track? Yes No If yes, please describe. 4. Does the proposal involve the use of consultants or subcontracts? Yes No If more than 50% of the funding is going to another organization, please explain why AU is taking the lead. Please check if this project involves any of the following: Human Subjects: Protocol Status: pending exempt approved (approval number) Vertebrate Animals: Protocol Status: pending exempt approved (approval number) Use of Radioactive Materials Use of Bio hazardous Material Use of Infectious Agents 9. Does the project involve work with special insurance, or work overseas? Yes No Will the program be intended for minors (ie: Summer Camp)? Yes No If yes, list the date of coordination with the Risk Management and Safety Office. For overseas projects, attach the country risk report from the Office of Risk Management. 10. What level of academic year effort (per percent) will be required by the PI and Co-PI to conduct the proposed project? PI 5. Does the proposal include funds or contributions in the form of: Cost-Share: Yes No Matching: Yes No If yes, is cost share or matching required by the sponsor Yes No Please note: Proposed cost share should be included in the internal budget and acknowledgement from your Department Chair, Dean or designee in the form of an e-mail or other communication is required and should be attached when the proposal is routed for review/approval. 6. Does this proposal contain any information which is: Patentable, Confidential, Copyrightable, Proprietary? Yes No If yes, please indicate via page number(s) where this information is located in the proposal. Will this project involve intellectual property in which you or the University may own or have an interest? Yes No 7. Indicate the type of research/program to be conducted: (Hover cursor over checkbox for definition) Basic Applied Developmental AY Summer AY Co-PI Summer Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Will salary support be requested from the sponsor to fully reimburse the level of proposed effort above? Yes No (If no, voluntary cost share is proposed and question #5 is applicable.) 11. Will the project involve payment to foreign nationals? Yes No 12. If applicable, indicate where the funding opportunity for the project/program that you are applying for was obtained: Pivot Grant Forward SciVal Foundation Center OSP Newsletter OSP Staff Provost Office Other: 13. Will the proposed sponsored project/program take place in any of the following: Provide a brief abstract of the proposal (REQUIRED). There is a 600 character limit. Attach additional sheet if needed. I certify that the information provided in the routing form and in the application/proposal is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. I understand as the Principal Investigator, I have ultimate responsibility for the scientific conduct of the proposed project, the ethical performance of the proposed project, the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects, and adherence to any stipulations imposed by the applicable IRB and/or IACUC. I accept responsibility for compliance with all applicable regulations, laws, and polices of the sponsor and American University, including those governing the use of space, salary verification, cost sharing and financial oversight of the proposed project. I understand I must notify American University of any change of information provided in the routing form or application/proposal, but not limited to, changes in the project scope.