J. Field Ornithol., 69(2):235-243 CHRONOLOGY MATED OF NESTING SANDPIPERS BRETT EVENTS IN WESTERN AND SEMIPALNEAR THE ARCTIC CIRCLE K. SANDERCOCK Departmentof BiologicalSciences SimonFraser University Burnaby, British ColumbiaVSA 1S6 Canada Abstract.--The chronologyof nestingeventswasexamined in WesternSandpipers(Ca/idris mauri) and SemipalmatedSandpipers(C. pusilia) breeding at Nome, Alaska.The duration of laying (5 d for a 4-eggclutch) and hatching (53.0 -+ 26.6 SD h, dry chicksto emerge from star-pippedeggs)wassimilarfor both species.Layingratesof SemipalmatedSandpipers at Nome were slowerthan other populations,possiblybecauselayingintervalswere greater than 30 h. Length of incubationwassignificantlylonger in Western(21.5 - 0.5 d) than SemipalmatedSandpipers(20.3 -+-1.9 d). Early clutcheshad significantlyhigher hatching success than late clutchesin Semipalmated Sandpipers(60.0%, n = 105vs.22.9%, n = 70) but not WesternSandpipers(68.2%, n = 88 vs.47.3%, n = 55). CRONOLOGiA DE LOS EVENTOS DE ANIDAMIENTO ILLA CERCA DEL CJRCULO ARTICO DE CALIDRIS MAURIY C. PUS- Sinopsis.--Seexamin(5la cronclogiade los eventosde anidamientode Calidrismauri y C. pusillaen Nome, Alaska.La duracitn de la puesta(5 dias para una camadade 4 huevos)y el eclosionamiento(53.0 -+ 26.6 DE horas,para emergery secarsede un huevopicado) fue similar para ambasespecies.La tasade puestade C. pusilia en Nome fue menor que para otraspoblaciones,posiblementedebido a que el int•rvalo de puestafue mayor a 30 horas. El periodo de incubacitn fue significativamente menor en C. mauri (21.5 _+0.5 dias) que en C. pusilia (20.3 -+ 1.9 dias). Las camadasproducidastemprano tuvieronun exito significativamentemayor que las camadasproducidastardes en C. pusilla (60%, n = 105 vs. 22.9%, n = 70), pero no asien la segundaespecie(68.2%, n = 88 vs.47.3%, n = 55). Time constraintsstronglyinfluence the biologyof migratorybirds that breed in the arctic. Local conditionsare usuallysuitablefor only a short period, and early departure may be critical if migrantsare to reach wintering areas successfully.Many shorebirds have compressedbreeding schedulesat high latitudes(Miller 1983, Pienkowski1984), and northern populationsmay haveadaptationsthat reducethe length of the breeding period. The nestingchronologyof shorebirdscan be difficult to investigate becauseit is hard to find nestsbefore laying is complete and predation rates are often high (Evansand Pienkowski1984). Nonetheless, Dunlin (Calidris alpina) have fasteregg-layingratesin the northern parts of their breedingrange (Holmes 1966, Soikkeli1967), Red Phalaropes (Phalaropusfulicaria)have a shorter length of incubation (Schameland Tracy 1987), and female SemipalmatedSandpipers(C. pusilla) desert their youngto departearlier (Grattoand Cooke1987).The aimsof this studywere to determine: the egg-layingrates, length of incubation,duration of hatching, and seasonalrates of nest successin Western Sandpipers (C. mauri) and SemipalmatedSandpipersbreeding at a site near the Arctic Circle. 235 236] B.K. Sandercock J.Field Ornithol. Spring 1998 STUDY AREA AND METHODS Fieldmethods.--Thereproductivebiologyof Westernand Semipalmated Sandpiperswasstudiedat a 4 km• studysite,21 km eastof Nome, Alaska (64ø20'N, 164ø56'W) during May-July in 1993-1995. The two species breed in the same habitat at this site, and nestsare placed on low, dry ridgesthat are closeto shallowtundra ponds. Nestswere locatedby walking the tundra and observingsandpiperbehavior.Incubatingbirdsflushedfrom the nestat shortdistancesand used distractiondisplaysto lead the observeraway.If the clutchwasnot found immediatelyafter the parent flushed, the bird wasobservedfrom 20-30 m until it returned to the nest. Nests were marked with a line of small sticksand a wooden stake 10 m from the nestcup.Date and the time of daywere recordedon all nestvisits;mosteffort wasin the daylighthours of 0800-0100 h. Nestsfound with fewer than four eggswere visited 1-2 times per day until clutch size remained unchanged for three days.These nestswere revisited during incubation to float eggs. If a nest contained four eggs (the maximum clutch size) when it wasfound, 2-4 eggswere immersed in a small, clear cup of warm water. Eggswere pushed to the bottom before releaseto prevent egg damagefrom dropping and to ensurethey were not held by surfacetension.Only undamagedeggswere floated. If eggstouched the bottom of the cup, the angle betweenthe bottom of the cup and the center axisof the egg (flat or 20-90ø) wasmeasured.If eggsfloated freely in the water,it wasrecordedwhether or not the eggshellbroke the surface.Floatingeggsdoesnot affecthatchabilityin shorebirds (Alberico 1995, Van Paassen et al. 1984). Nestswere visitedevery6-7 d during incubationand then daily close to estimatedhatchingdate. Observersheld eggscloseto the ear to listen for the soundof young tapping on the eggshell.If tappingwasheard, we lightly touched the blunt end of the egg with a fingertip to detect raised eggshell(or star-pips).In the next stageof hatching,young punctured a smallopening (hole-pip) in the eggshell;theseholeswerevisiblewithout handling the eggs. Young were not banded until all viable eggs had hatched, and preferably when the chick down feathers had dried. The young usuallydeparted the nest soon after all were dry. Estimationmethods.--Thenumber of nestswasnot adequateto testfor annual or seasonalvariation in most cases,so data from the three years were usuallypooled. Samplesizesdiffer amonganalyses becausecomplete information wasnot availablefor every nest. Egg-layingrateswere calculatedfor four-eggclutchesthat were found during laying. Three-egg clutcheswere excluded becausea long laying interval could be causedby eggslost to partial nest depredation or disturbanceduring laying.The few neststhat were not visitedat leastdaily during layingwere alsoexcluded.The layinginterval betweensuccessive eggswascalculatedby using the elapsedtime betweentwo different nest visits.To obtain a minimum estimate, I assumedthat an egg had been Vol.69,No.9 Nesting Chronolo• • in ArcticSandpipers [237 laid just previousto the first visit, and I only included caseswhere an additional egg wasknown to have been laid subsequentto the last nest check.If egg number did not changebetweentwo dailyvisits,the elapsed time wasa minimum estimateof one laying interval (e.g., 3 eggson day I at 1000 h to 3 eggson day 2 at 1800 h givesa laying interval of 32 h). If egg number increasedby one during a 2-3 d period, the elapsedtime was a minimum estimate of two laying intervals (e.g., 2 eggson day I at 1300 h to 3 eggson day 4 at 1300 h givesa mean laying interval of 36 h). Both estimatesare sensitiveto check frequency,thus minimum intervalsof lessthan 15 h were discarded.The estimatesmaybe biasedtowards longer laying intervalsbecauseit wasnot possibleto determine the time of layingwhen an egg appearedbetweentwo daily nestvisits. The duration of incubationwasestimatedby subtractingthe date the last eggwaslaid from the date of hatching.For nestsfound during laying, the date of last laying wasthe day the last egg wasfound. For neststhat contained complete clutchesof eggsthat floated flat (seebelow), date of last layingwasassumedto be the day the nestwasfound. The duration for each stageof hatching wasthe elapsedtime between the nest visit where some eggsin the nest showedsignsof hatching and the nest check where the last viable egg had hatched. There wasusually some hatching asynchronyamong the eggsof a clutch, and nestswere categorizedon the basisof the most advancedegg. Determiningnestsuccess.--Nest fate was defined as one of three outcomes:(1) abandoned:eggswere consistentlycold for a week or more; (2) depredated: eggsdisappearedbefore the expected hatching date, or there were signsof predator activity (broken egg shells,fox urine in the nestbowl); or (3) hatched: at least one chick was banded and left the nest. Predatorsoften remove all eggsfrom shorebirdnests(pers.obs.), but the fate of an empty nestbowl can be ambiguous because parents remove eggshellsfrom the nest at hatching (Sandercock1996). To clarifyuncertainty in nest fate, I used flotation of eggsto determine stageof incubation (Alberico 1995, Rahn and Ar 1974, Van Passenet al. 1984). If a nest was found after laying was completed and subsequentlydisappeared,I compared the date it waslast seenwith the estimatedstageof incubation and predictedhatchingdate. Egg buoyancywasa good predictorof stage of incubation,the number of daysof incubationcould be estimatedwith an error of -+2-3 d if the nest wasfound within the first week after laying (Fig. 1). This accuracyis comparableto float curvesfor other shorebirds (Van Paassenet al. 1984). All testswere two-tailedand consideredsignificantat probabilitylevels lessthan P = 0.05. Means are presented ___1 SD. RESULTS Sandpiper nestswere usuallyfound after laying was completed (Western: 79.3%, n = 164;Semipalmated:85.8%, n = 183). Mostof the clutches found during laying that eventuallycontainedfour eggswere discovered when the clutch wasalmost complete (Western, 1-egg:7.4%, 2-egg: 238] B. K. Sandercock J. Field Ornithol. Spring 1998 • FLAT 20ø •--•45-64ø • R• 25-44 ø •] WESTERN 27 65-850 90ø • AT SURFACE E•ABOVE SURFACE SANDPIPER 15 22 44 25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8+ 14 47 16 19 56 lOO% 75% 50% 25% u_ 0 0% <o D_I SEMIPALMATED 13 17 18 SANDPIPER 27 26 19 33 34 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 •- 100% z o 75% 5O% 25% 0% <0 0 DAYS OF 8+ INCUBATION FIGURE 1. Changesin the buoyancy of sandpipereggsduringincubation.Day0 is the estimateddate of layingfor the last egg; it wasdeterminedfrom either observations during egg-layingor by back-datingfrom the date of hatch. Observersrecordedthe anglebetweenthe centreaxisof the eggand the bottomof the float cup.Numbers aboveeachbar indicatethe samplesizeof eggs,the totalsare basedon 90 visitsto 71 WesternSandpipernestsand 80 visitsto 64 Semipalmated Sandpiper nests.The egg that wasflat on day6 wasprobablyinfertile. 25.9%,3-egg:66.6%,n = 27;Semipalmated, 1-egg:5.5%,2-egg:33.3%, 3-egg:61.1%,n = 18). Nestsfoundearlyin layingweremorelikelyto havea layingschedule thatincludedvisitswheretherewasno newegg (100%of nestsfoundat 1-egg,n = 3; 63.6%of 2-eggnests,n = 11;25.0% of 3-eggnests,n = 24;Fisher's exacttest,P < 0.01 [pooling1-and2-egg clutches]).In the followinglayingschedules, numbersindicatedays whereneweggswerefoundduringnestvisits.A dashindicatesa day where egg number wasunchangedin Western(1-2-34, n = 1; 12-3-4, n = 1; 2-3-4, n = 1; 2-34, n -- 2; 23-4, n = 1; 234, n = 2; 3-4, n -- 4; 34, n -- 10) and Semipalmated Sandpipers(1-2-34, n -- 1; 2-34, n = 1; Vol.69,No.2 Nesting Chronology in ArcticSandpipers [239 23-4, n = 2; 234, n = 2; 3-4, n = 2; 34, n -- 8). The daysthat eggswere not found did not appearmore frequentlytowardseither the startor end of laying. The estimatesof the minimum interval betweentwo sequentialeggsin Western(mean -- 23.1 h + 3.2, range = 17.7-28.5 h, n = 12) and Semipalmated Sandpipers(mean - 24.1 h + 5.0, range = 17.2-31.4, n = 8) were sometimesas high as 30 h. The estimatesof the mean minimum interval between three sequentialeggswere as high as 36 h in Western (mean = 30.5 h +- 5.8, range = 23.4-36.4 h, n = 6) and Semipalmated Sandpipers(mean = 28.6 h + 7.2, range = 23.9-36.9 h, n = 3). Both estimateswere based on a sample of 16 neststhat included visitswhere no new egg was found. Length of incubation was significantlyshorter in SemipalmatedSandpipers (mean = 20.3 d ___ 1.0, n = 7) than WesternSandpipers(mean = 21.5 d __-0.5, n = 12, Mann-Whitneytest,U = 7.8, P < 0.01). There was no significantdifferencebetweenthe two speciesin the duration of hatching (all tests,P > 0.05). The elapsedtime between hatching of the last chick and the different stagesof hatching (both speciespooled) were: tapping eggs71.5 h --- 42.6 (n = 16), star-pippedeggs53.0 h ___ 26.6 (n = 51), hole-pippedeggs28.1 h _+ 19.9 (n = 18), and wet chicks13.7 h + 5.7 (n = 16). I examined the success rate (hatchedvs. depredated) of nestslaid before and after the mean annual laying dates. Abandoned clutcheswere not included in the totals becausefew nestswere deserted each year (Western, n -- 0-7; Semipalmated,n = 0-2). In SemipalmatedSandpi- pers, the success rate of early nests (60.0%, n = 105) was significantly higher than that of late nests (22.9%, n = 70, Fisher'sexact test, P < 0.001). The successrate of early Western Sandpiper nests (68.2%, n = 88) wasalso higher than late nests(47.3%, n = 55) but the difference was not significant(Fisher'sexact test, P = 0.15). The pattern was the same in all years, and similar conclusionswere reached if survival rates were calculatedwith the Mayfield method. DISCUSSION Egg-layingrates.mWesternand SemipalmatedSandpipersat Nome took 5 d to lay a 4-eggclutch, and there were often dayswhen no new eggwas found. In contrast,Holmes (1972) observedlaying schedulesat seven WesternSandpipernestsand concludedthat the layingintervalsaveraged 24-25 h. Estimatesof laying intervals between eggs in Semipalmated Sandpipers rangefrom lessthan 24 h (n = 1, Norton 1972), 1 egg/d or 24 h (n -- 4, Ashkenazieand Safriel1979), and up to 32 h (Gratto-Trevor 1992). In a studyof SemipalmatedSandpipersin Manitoba, C.L. GrattoTrevor (unpubl. data) found that 72% of nests (n = 25) discoveredat the 1-eggstagehad a laying schedule (1234) consistentwith a laying interval of 24 h. In the remaining nests(28%), no new eggwasfound after the first (1-234) or secondegg (12-34) was laid. Gapsin laying schedulesmay be due to the time of day a nest visit 240] B.K. Sandercock J.Field Ornithol. Spring 1998 occurs,to a fixed laying interval that is greater than the visitationrate, or to skipped dayswhere an egg is not laid (Schubert and Cooke 1993, Wiebe and Martin 1995). An apparent gap would be found if a new egg waslaid after the observer'sdaily visit.A 24-h visitationrate is an unlikely explanation for laying gaps in this study becauseI never observed an increase of two eggsafter a visit where there was no new egg. Furthermore, I used the same methods and visitation rates as C. L. Gratto-Trevor (unpubl. data), but we found that the laying ratesin two populationsof SemipalmatedSandpiperswere different. The layingschedulesand estimatesof layinginterval I observedin Western and Semipalmated Sandpipers are consistentwith a fixed interval greater than 30 h. In other shorebirds,the time betweenconsecutiveeggs is usuallygreater than 24 h. Estimatesinclude 23-26 h (phalaropes,Col- well and Oring 1988, Kagarise1979), 30 h (n = 17, LeastSandpiperC. minutilla, Miller 1983), 32 h (n = 6, Temminck's Stint C. temminckii, Breiehagen 1989), 36 h (n = 8, Curlew Numeniusarquata,Mulder and Swaan 1992), 46 h (n = 15, Greenshank Tringa nebularia,Nethersole- Thompsonand Nethersole-Thompson 1979) and 47 h (n = 1, Longbilled Curlew N. americanus, Allen 1980). However, Western and Semi- palmated Sandpipersmay have had gapsin their laying schedulesif the laying interval was24 h but femalesoccasionallyskippeda day.Indeed, severalof the abovestudiesnoted that layinggapswere sometimesgreater than 48 h (Breiehagen 1989, Colwell and Oring 1988, Miller 1983). Daily visitsare not adequate to test conclusivelybetween the last two explanations, and this questionwarrants further research: It was surprisingthat the more northerly population of Semipalmated Sandpipers at Nome,Alaska(64øN)had sloweregg-laying ratesthanbirds breedingat La P•rouseBay,Manitoba (58øN).This is the oppositeof Dunlin whichhavefasteregg-laying ratesat Barrow,Alaska(72øN,1 egg/ d or 24 h, Holmes 1966) than in Finland (62øN, 36 h, Soikkeli 1967). However,slowrates of egg-layingare consistentwith two other aspectsof SemipalmatedSandpiper reproduction at Nome. This population is unusual in that females often produce clutchesof lessthan four eggsand rarely renest (B. K. Sandercock,unpubl. data). Interpopulation differences in the fecundity of this speciesmay be related to differences in timing of breeding (birds at Nome nest 3-4 wk earlier than birds at other sites,Gratto and Cooke 1987, B. K. Sandercock,unpubl. data), or to sitespecificnutritional constraintson femalesduring egg production. Lengthofincubation.--Incubationaveraged21 d in WesternSandpipers and 20 d in SemipalmatedSandpipers,which is consistentwith previous reports (Ashkenazieand Safriel 1979, Gratto-Trevor1992, Holmes 1972). Length of incubation in other calidrine sandpipersvariesfrom 20 d (n = 5, LeastSandpiper,Miller 1983), 21 d (n = 6, Temminck'sStint, Breiehagen 1989), 21-22 d (n -- 23, Dunlin, Soikkeli 1967) to 22 d (n = 1, White-rumped Sandpiper C. fuscicollis,Parmelee et al. 1968). Interspecific variation in shorebird laying intervals and length of incubation is Vol.69,No.') Nesting Chronology in ArcticSandpipers [241 probably related to variation in egg size, all of these factorsare alsopositivelycorrelatedwith body size (Rahn and Ar 1974, Saltheret al. 1986). Nest attendance (and possiblyincubation) is initiated before laying is completein Semipalmated Sandpipers(Ashkenazie and Safriel1979,Norton 1972) and most other shorebirds(Maxsonand Oring 1980, Miller 1983,Reynolds1987).In thisstudy,the majorityof the nestsfoundduring laying contained three eggs.If the probability of finding a nest is proportional to the amount of time parents tend the nest (cf. Wiebe and Martin 1995), my observationsindicate that some Western Sandpipers also begin attending the nest during laying. Hatching chronology.--Ifound that sandpiper young usually finished hatching about 3 d after they had begun tapping on the eggshell.Past estimatesof hatching duration in Western Sandpipers (24 h, Holmes 1972) and Semipalmated Sandpipers(24 h, Ashkenazie and Safriel1979) appear to have been calculatedfrom the hatching of the first egg to the last egg. If so, they are comparableto my estimatesof 28 h for the hatching of nestswith hole-pippedeggs.In a comparativestudyof other cali- drine sandpipers,Norton (1972) also found that hole-pipspreceded hatching by 12-48 h. The total time required by sandpiperyoung to emerge from eggs is longer than previouslyrecognized. Future studies should be explicit in defining how estimatesof different hatching stages are measured. Nestingsuccess.--Predation on the nestsof both sandpiperspeciesincreasedasthe breedingseasons progressedat Nome. WesternSandpipers had higher nest successbecausethey tended to breed earlier than Semipalmated Sandpipers(B. K. Sandercock,unpubl. data). In contrast,nest predation rates decreasedseasonallyin Ringed Plovers (Charadriushiaticula,Pienkowski1984) and Red-neckedPhalaropes(Phalaropuslobams, Reynolds1987). Ratesof nest predation in arctic shorebirdsare often linked to numbers of predatorsand their alternate prey (Gratto-Trevor 1994, Pienkowski 1984, Underhill et al. 1993). Microtine rodents were not observedat Nome, but foxes (Alopexlagopus,Vulpesvulpes),jaegers (all Stercorarius spp.), and Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis)were present. Nest predation may have increasedseasonallybecausepredator encounter ratesand activitywere affectedby the cumulativenumber of initiated clutches.Pienkowski(1984) argued that nest predation declined becausethe availabilityof other prey increased. Despite many hours afield, we rarely observed predator encounterswith nests of any bird. Alternately, late-nestingsandpipersmay have suffered higher predation ratesbecausetheywere youngeror more inexperiencedbirds.Late-breeding sandpipersat Nome are usuallynew birds that are unbanded (B. K. Sandercock,unpubl. data), but whether their nestswere more vulnerable is unknown. Shorebirdnumbersare affectedby variationin productivity(Ryan et al. 1993), but variable nesting successshould not have a major effect on population size becauseadult survivalrates are high in shorebirds(Evans 1991, Sandercockand Gratto-Trevor1997). Recent population models 242] B.K. Sandercock j. Field Ornithol. Spring 1998 supportthis notion, and showthat sandpipernumbersare mostsensitive to changesin the rates of adult mortality (Hitchcock and Gratto-Trevor 1997). ACKNO•qLEDGMENTS I am grateful to S. A. Cullen, L. Imbeau, N. Imbeault, R. S. Mulder, P. D. O'Hara, K. M. O'Reilly, C. A. Schuppli, C. St. Pierre, S. A. Wyshynskiand other colleagueswho worked hard to find sandpipernestsduring thisproject.R. E. GillJr. (AlaskaScienceCenter,National Biological Service) and R. Harris (U.S. Parks Service) were helpful in providing logistical support.SitnasaukNative Corporationkindly permitted accessto their land for this research. I thank C. L. Gratto-Trevorfor sharingunpublisheddata on sandpiperlayingrates,and F. Cooke, R. E. Gill Jr., C. L. Gratto-Trevor,D. B. Lank, A.M. MacCharles,G.J. Robertson,J. A. Robinson,D. Schamel,and T. D. Williamsfor makingcommentson the manuscript.I was supportedby graduatefellowshipsfrom Queen's Universityand Simon Fraser University. Fundingfor this researchwasprovidedby the CanadianWildlife Service,the CWS/NSERC ResearchChair in Wildlife Ecology,a Dean's Grant for Doctoral Field Travel (Queen's University),the Northern StudiesTraining Program, an NSERC Operating Grant (to E Cooke), and awardsfrom the Frank M. Chapman,John K. Cooper and Jennifer Robinsonmemorial funds. LITERATURE CITED ALBERICO, J. A. R. 1995. Floating eggsto estimateincubationstagedoes not affect hatchability.Wildl. Soc.Bull. 23:212-216. ALt•EN,J. N. 1980. The ecologyand behaviorof the long-billedcurlewin southeasternWashington.Wildl. Monog. 73. ASHKENAZIE, S., ANDU. N. SAFRIEL. 1979. 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