American Journal of Botany 95(6): 672–680. 2008. RESPONSES OF TWO BUNCHGRASSES TO NITROGEN ADDITION IN TALLGRASS PRAIRIE: THE ROLE OF BUD BANK DEMOGRAPHY1 Harmony J. Dalgleish,2 Abigail R. Kula,3 David C. Hartnett, and Brett K. Sandercock Division of Biology, Kansas State University, 116 Ackert Hall, Manhattan, Kansas 66506 USA Growth of tallgrass prairie plants, many of which maintain substantial bud banks, can be limited by nitrogen (N), water, and/or light. We hypothesized that tallgrass prairie plants respond to increases in N through demographic effects on the bud bank. We tested the effects of a pulse of N on (1) bud bank demography, (2) plant reproductive allocation, and (3) ramet size. We parameterized matrix models, considering each genet as a population of plant parts. Nitrogen addition significantly impacted bud bank demography in two subdominant species of bunchgrass: Sporobolus heterolepis (a C4 grass) and Koeleria macrantha (a C3 grass), but had no effect on the size of individual ramets. Emergence from the bud bank and ramet population growth rates (λ) were significantly higher in S. heterolepis genets that received supplemental N. Nitrogen addition also affected the bud demography of K. macrantha, but N addition decreased rather than increased λ. Prospective and retrospective demographic analyses indicated that bud bank dynamics were the most important demographic processes driving plant responses to nutrient availability. Thus, the variation in productivity in these tallgrass prairie species is driven principally by the demography of the bud bank rather than by the physiology and growth of aboveground tillers. Improved understanding of bud bank dynamics may lead to improved predictive models of grassland responses to environmental changes such as altered N deposition and precipitation. Key words: Kansas; Koeleria macrantha; Konza Prairie Long-Term Ecological Research Site; meristem; Poaceae; Sporobolus heterolepis. Identifying the underlying mechanisms and the sources of variation in plant productivity is critical to the development of accurate predictive models of ecosystem responses to environmental change, including increased nitrogen (N) deposition and altered precipitation patterns. A great deal of variation in aboveground net primary production (ANPP) in tallgrass prairie may be accounted for by variation in tiller density, rather than differences in tiller size (Hartnett and Fay, 1998). In addition, many tallgrass prairie plants maintain a substantial bud bank: a belowground population of meristems associated with rhizomes or other perennating organs (sensu Harper, 1977). The bud bank serves as the recruitment source for the majority of aboveground tillers in tallgrass prairie (Benson and Hartnett, 2006; Dalgleish and Hartnett, 2006). Consequently, bud bank dynamics play a fundamental role in local plant population persistence, structure, and dynamics. If variation in ANPP in tallgrass prairie can be explained principally through changes in tiller density, population processes such as the demography of buds and tillers are important not only for understanding population dynamics of individual species, but for explaining temporal and spatial variability in ANPP as well. The study of bud bank demography represents a crucial link between organismal (formation 1 and maintenance of the bud bank, rates of tiller emergence) and ecosystem level processes (ANPP). In tallgrass prairie, plant productivity may be limited by three key resources: N, water, and light (Seastedt and Knapp, 1993; Seastedt et al., 1998). The relative importance of these resources for limiting plant growth varies considerably, both spatially and temporally. In addition, human alteration of the N cycle through burning fossil fuels and agricultural activities has led to at least a doubling of the rates of terrestrial N input (Vitousek et al., 1997). Increased N deposition has many important impacts on plant communities (Clark et al., 2007). In this research, we tested the role of the bud bank in plant responses to N. Grassland plants respond to available N as a key resource that can limit plant growth, but recent theory suggests that N may also play a role as a proximal cue for bud dormancy and emergence (Tomlinson and O’Connor, 2004). The known importance of N for limiting growth in tallgrass prairie plants as well as its potential to cue bud emergence, may result in ecologically significant effects of altered N availability on bud bank and tiller demography, rather than effects on tiller growth alone. Although previous studies have examined the effects of N on tiller demography in grasses (Noble et al., 1979; Briske and Butler, 1989; Hartnett, 1993; Derner and Briske, 1999), none have examined the effects of resource availability on the ultimate source for tiller recruitment, the bud bank. Understanding bud bank dynamics in conjunction with aboveground tiller responses is important because changes in tiller recruitment or tiller size may not necessarily lead to similar changes in the bud bank. The maintenance of a belowground bud bank, like a seed bank, represents a reserve population of dormant propagules that may have important ecological consequences. We addressed the general question of how tallgrass prairie plants will respond to increased resource availability. We hypothesized that tallgrass prairie plant growth and production would respond to changing resource availability principally through changes in the demography of bud banks (changing Manuscript received 23 August 2007; revision accepted 27 March 2008. The authors thank J. Sinn, J. Hill, Z. Gill, M. Williamson, J. Birmingham, and J. Jonas for field assistance and Dr. E. G. Towne for help finding suitable populations of study plants. This work was supported by the Konza Prairie LTER, the Kansas State University Division of Biology, NSF grant DEB-0234159 and one REU supplement grant for DEB-0234159. 2 Author for correspondence (e-mail:, present address: Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University, 5230 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322 USA 3 Present address: Department of Biology, Biology-Psychology Building, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA doi:10.3732/ajb.2007277 672 June 2008] Dalgleish et al.—Bud banks and plant responses to nitrogen numbers of buds and tillers within a genet), rather than changes in individual tiller size. In addition to affecting bud bank demography, nutrient supplements could alter allocation patterns between vegetative and sexual reproduction by altering the number of flowering tillers. We experimentally manipulated N availability for genets of two species of subdominant tallgrass prairie bunchgrasses (syn. caespitose, tussock): Sporobolus heterolepis (A. Gray, prairie dropseed) and Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) Schult (Junegrass) on a watershed that is burned annually in the autumn and is protected from grazing at Konza Prairie Biological Station (KPBS) in northeast Kansas. Though they are not the dominant growth form in tallgrass prairie, we selected bunchgrasses because we could apply N to a single genet and follow the tillers within a single genet, modeling the genet as a population of plant parts (buds and tillers). We could then apply demographic analysis methods to determine which plant parts were responding to the N addition (if any) as well as compare tiller sizes between treatments. Sporobolus heterolepis and K. macrantha are two of the most common bunchgrass species at KPBS (Towne, 2002). Our objectives were to test the effect of a pulsed increase in a limiting nutrient (N) on (1) bud bank demography and aboveground tiller populations, (2) plant reproductive allocation and a tradeoff between flowering and vegetative bud production, and (3) ramet (tiller) size. If the dynamics of the belowground bud bank are more important than the growth responses of individual tillers, we predicted three bunchgrass responses to N fertilization: (1) Increased probability of emergence from the bud bank and increased ramet population growth rates (λ). Additionally, we expected that stage transitions involving the bud bank should have the greatest effect on λ. (2) Increased vegetative bud production and an increased probability of flowering. Because of a trade-off in sexual and vegetative reproduction, however, tillers that flower should have decreased bud production regardless of N treatment. (3) No change in ramet (tiller) size. MATERIALS AND METHODS Konza Prairie Biological Station (KPBS) is a 3487-ha tallgrass prairie research site located 10 km south of Manhattan, Kansas, USA, within the Flint Hills region of northeastern Kansas (39°05′N, 96°35′W). Annual precipitation averages 835 mm. Konza Prairie is representative of the Flint Hills with hard chert- and flint-bearing limestone bedrock. Upland ridges are usually flat with shallow, rocky soils, whereas the lowland valleys have deep permeable soils. KPBS is divided into 52 watershed units (average size = 60 ha) subjected to different combinations of long-term experimental fire frequency, season of fire, and grazing treatments. Our study was conducted in 2004 and 2005, which were above-average years for total precipitation (2004: 988 mm, 17% above average; 2005: 891 mm, 7% above average). However, seasonal timing of the precipitation differed between the two years. March–August precipitation was 148 mm lower in 2005 (666 mm) than 2004 (814 mm). The precipitation deficit accrued from the start of the growing season with March 2005 having 117 fewer mm of rain than March 2004. Thus, 2005 was drier during the critical times of bud emergence, growth, and flower development, and water availability was potentially more limiting to plant growth. Species and location—Sporobolus heterolepis is a subdominant warmseason, C4, perennial bunchgrass that is occasional on all KPBS sites (Towne, 2002). It flowers between August and September and is adapted to low to moderate levels of soil fertility. The average basal area of S. heterolepis genets in our study was 953.4 ± 114.0 cm2 (N = 240, mean ±1 SE). Koeleria macrantha is a subdominant, cool season, C3 bunchgrass. It is common in upland areas of KPBS (Towne, 2002), flowers between late May and June, and is adapted to low to moderate levels of soil fertility. The average basal area of K. macrantha genets in our study was 33.9 ± 8.6 cm2 (N = 240, mean ±1 SE). This study was 673 conducted in the uplands of a 12-ha watershed burned annually in autumn but not grazed by bison or cattle (Watershed FA). We selected this site because we could locate at least 300 genets of each species, which made coordination of field crews and completion of intensive field measurements feasible. Nitrogen treatment—In late April 2004, 240 genets of each study species were flagged and numbered. To select the plants, we started at one end of the watershed and marked each plant we encountered until we had an adequate sample for the study. Plants were excluded only if their boundaries were unclear (i.e., two genets appeared to be growing together). Genets were then randomly assigned to one of two treatments and either a nondestructive or destructive sampling method (as described in the Nondestructive aboveground tiller sampling and Belowground bud sampling sections). Half of the marked genets (N = 120 for each species; hereafter, “N addition” plants) received dry ammonium nitrate powder at a rate of 10 g N/m2 during the week of 5 May 2004 (Callaham et al., 2003). Because a bunchgrass genet can take up nutrients within a circle up to 50% greater than its diameter, we fertilized the entire genet as well as an area 50% greater than its diameter (Derner and Briske, 1999). Slow-release fertilizer pellets were crushed with a mortar and pestle to create ammonium nitrate powder. Application of powder on calm days ensured an even distribution on study plants. Rain fell within 24 h after all applications. No evidence of tissue burn by the fertilizer was observed during the study. Control plants were not treated. The same nitrogen application methods and rates were used in 2005, although the timing of fertilizer application was six weeks earlier for K. macrantha to better coincide with the growth phenology of this cool-season, C3 species (23 March 2005 for K. macrantha and 10 May 2005 for S. heterolepis). In the second year of the study, fertilizer was applied to genets that had been fertilized but not destructively harvested during the first year of the study. Thus, the genets sampled in the second year of the study received two applications of nitrogen. Nondestructive aboveground tiller sampling, 2004—For each treatment, 30 genets of each species were designated for repeated, aboveground, nondestructive sampling in 2004 (“tiller” plants, Table 1). These plants were visited every two weeks from 5 May to 2 October 2004 (N = eight samples for each plant with sample one used as a baseline). All vegetative and flowering ramets (tillers) of each genet were counted. One fertilized genet of S. heterolepis was mistakenly harvested for bud counts and was removed from the tiller plants category. Thus, the final sample sizes for tiller plants of S. heterolepis were 29 fertilized genets and 30 control genets, with 30 plants in each treatment of K. macrantha. The data from the S. heterolepis genets were used to parameterize the matrix models for 2004. We were not able to parameterize a model for K. macrantha in 2004 because we did not obtain sufficient early season information. Sampling dates were shifted earlier in 2005 to remedy this problem (Table 1). Nondestructive aboveground tiller sampling, 2005—We changed the sampling scheme and sample sizes in 2005, informed by data from 2004 and incorporating logistical constraints (Table 1). Seven fertilized genets and eight control genets of S. heterolepis were designated for repeated, aboveground, nondestructive sampling in 2005. These 15 genets were separate from the 59 plants sampled in 2004, but because all genets received the same treatments, measurements made on a sample of plants from one year should be comparable to measurements made on a sample of plants in the next year. Genets were visited every three weeks from 16 May to 11 October 2005 (N = 6 sampling occasions for each genet). Due to the high number of tillers within a single genet (often over 1000), it was time-consuming to census all tillers of S. heterolepis in 2004. In 2005, we developed a subsampling procedure to reduce sampling time and increase counting precision in the field. Five circular, 11.8-cm2 subplots were constructed from plastic-coated copper wire and fixed within each genet using a small piece of wire. Subplots were placed before tiller emergence in March. Because ramet densities in S. heterolepis are higher at the edges of the genet, two of the five plots were placed at the edges: one perpendicular to the shortest diameter and one perpendicular to the longest diameter, as determined by a coin toss. One plot was placed at the sparsest location on the genet, which was always in the interior of the genet. The remaining two plots were randomly placed in the interior of the genet by tossing them into the genet while looking away. At each sampling time, all vegetative and flowering tillers were counted within the five subplots within each genet, and the density of the tillers was then multiplied by the genet’s basal area to calculate total tillers. Because S. heterolepis has so few flowering tillers, which are easily identified 674 [Vol. 95 American Journal of Botany Table 1. Summary of the sampling scheme, sample sizes, and the parameters calculated from the data. Sampling of K. macrantha began and ended earlier in 2005 to better align with its cool-season phenology. Bud plant sample sizes were decreased in 2005 based upon data from 2004. Tiller plant sample sizes were decreased in 2005 for logistical reasons, but note that precision of the vital rate estimates was unaffected (Table 3). Tiller plants from 2004 were used as bud plants in 2005. Tiller plants in 2005 were not sampled in 2004. Sporobolous heterolepis Plant type Sampling Tiller plants Nondestructive sampling N (half: N treatment, half: Control) Use of dataa Bud plants Destructive sampling N (half N, half Control) No. harvests No. genets/Harvest No. tillers harvested/Genet harvested Use of data a See Koeleria macrantha 5 May–2 Oct 2004 15 May –11 Oct 2005 Count all tillers 59 Sb, Sv, Sf, Gb, Gv Count a subsample 15 Sb, Sv, Sf, Gb, Gv 5 May –2 Oct 2004 23 Mar –9 July 2005 Count all tillers Count all tillers 60 20 Insufficient earlySb, Sv, Sf, Gb, Gv season data Count all buds on harvested tillers from randomly sampled genets 160 58 160 49 8 6 8 5 20 8–10 20 8–10 10 20 10 20 Tiller size Vv, Vf, tiller size Vv, Vf, tiller size Vv, Vf, tiller size Table 2 for definition of parameters. by their large size, we counted all the flowering tillers on a genet. Before the start of the study in 2005, both tiller counting protocols (counting all tillers vs. subsampling) were applied to 10 S. heterolepis genets to determine that they yielded density and total tiller estimates that were not statistically different (Dalgleish, 2007). Thus, even though the method of determining tiller numbers per genet was different between years, the estimates of tiller population size, survival, and fecundity are directly comparable. For each treatment in 2005, 10 genets per treatment of K. macrantha were designated for repeated, aboveground, nondestructive sampling. Genets were visited every three weeks from 23 March to 9 July 2005, to ensure our sampling matched the phenology of this cool season species (N = 5 sampling times for each genet). Belowground bud sampling, 2004 and 2005—In 2004, 80 genets of each species in each treatment were used to estimate bud production (Table 1). Every two weeks, 10 genets of each species per treatment were randomly selected for destructive sampling and then removed from the experiment for a total of eight harvests. All tillers were counted on these plants, and 10 tillers per genet were removed and placed in coolers for transport (N = 100 tillers per species per treatment per sampling). In the laboratory, the height of each tiller was measured and the number of buds counted on each tiller. Bunchgrasses, including the two species in this study, produce their tillers intravaginally from inside the persistent leaf sheath of the existing tiller, making it easy to associate buds with a specific tiller (Briske and Derner, 1998). To count the buds on bunchgrass tillers, observers pulled back successive leaf sheaths at the base of the tiller to reveal the buds. Little research has been done on the longevity of grass bud banks, but buds may be viable for two or more years (Hendrickson and Briske, 1997). After dissection, tillers were dried at 60°C for 48 h and weighed to estimate biomass to the nearest 0.01 g. Our protocol for bud sampling remained the same in 2005, but sample sizes were reduced to 49 total genets of K. macrantha and 58 total genets of S. heterolepis. Every three weeks, approximately 10 genets per species were subsampled, with each genet being sampled only once. All tillers on K. macrantha genets and five 11.8-cm2 subplots of tillers were counted on S. heterolepis (as previously described) to estimate total tiller number for each genet. Twenty tillers were removed per genet and placed in coolers for transport to the laboratory for measurement and bud counting (N ≈ 100 tillers per species per treatment per sampling occasion). The changes in timing and sample size were informed by the results of the eight harvests in 2004. where V, S, and G are the stage-specific vital rates for vegetative bud production, survival, and growth, respectively. The projection matrix was linear and deterministic and did not incorporate density-dependence. Model parameterization—We parameterized the stage-structured projection matrix to determine population growth rates for each genet. We parameterized separate models for S. heterolepis in 2004 and 2005, but were only able to parameterize a model for K. macrantha in 2005 because the 2004 data did not contain sufficient early season information. Sampling dates were shifted earlier in 2005 to remedy this problem (Table 1). For each matrix, we included seven vital rates calculated from our bud and tiller censuses (Table 2, Fig. 1). To create matrix probabilities from our census data, we made three assumptions. First, we assumed no bud mortality within the bud bank, i.e., bud survival to the next time step depends only on bud emergence. We did not observe any dead or damaged buds during our sampling, and buds likely persist longer than one growing season (Hendrickson and Briske, 1997). We have no data on bud survival in the bud bank for bunchgrasses but made this assumption to calculate Sb, the probability that a bud remains in the bud bank. Nevertheless, Sb may be Table 2. Parameterization of elements in projection matrices. VT = vegetative tillers; FT = flowering tillers; subscript “1” indicates the first sampling time; subscript “end” indicates the last sampling time; subscript “peak” indicates the peak number of flowering or vegetative tillers. Matrix element Definition Equation Sb Survival probability of a bud in the bud bank 1− G b Sv Survival probability of a vegetative tiller 1− Survival probability of a flowering tiller 1− Sf Gb Probability of bud emergence ( VT peak VTpeak ( FT peak ⎡ Sb A = ⎢⎢Gb ⎢⎣ 0 Vv Vf ⎤ S v 0 ⎥⎥ , Gv Sf ⎥⎦ Gv Probability of a vegetative tiller flowering Vv Vegetative bud production of a vegetative tiller Vf Vegetative bud production of a flowering tiller − FTend ) FTpeak ( VT peak − VT1 ) ( VT ∗ ( V ) 1 Matrix population model—To synthesize bud and tiller demographic rates of the two species of bunchgrass, we developed a stage-structured matrix population model. Each genet was modeled as a population of buds and tillers over an annual time step. Our projection matrix model had three discrete life stages: bud (b), vegetative tiller (v), and flowering tiller (f) (Fig. 1): − VTend − FTpeak ) v 1 + VT1 ) FTpeak VTpeak ∑ ( No. buds per VT ) ( No. VT sampled ) ∑ ( No. buds per FT ) ( No. FT sampled ) June 2008] Dalgleish et al.—Bud banks and plant responses to nitrogen Fig. 1. Diagram of life cycle model for the tiller populations for Sporobolus heterolepis and Koeleria macrantha. The model has three stages (bud, vegetative tiller, and flowering tiller), two growth transitions (Gb, bud emergence to vegetative tiller; Gv, vegetative tiller flowering), three survival probabilities (Sb, Sv, and Sf), and two fecundity arcs that represent the number of vegetative tillers produced per vegetative (Vv) and per flowering (Vf) tiller. an overestimate. Second, we assumed that all changes in tiller population size leading up to the peak number of tillers were due to emergence of new tillers alone and that no tillers died before the peak of the growing season. Last, we assumed that all changes in tiller population size after the peak number of tillers were due to mortality. Statistical analyses—To test for differences in the effects of N addition on Vv and Vf (the average number of buds produced per tiller), we used a split-plot design with genet as the whole plot factor and the presence or absence of a flower on a tiller as the subplot factor using the program SAS 9.1 (Proc Mixed; SAS, 2003). Tiller size (grams biomass) was used as a continuous covariate. A repeated measures model was not appropriate because genets were randomly assigned to a destructive sampling time and individual genets were not resampled. To test for differences in tiller size, we used a mixed-model ANOVA design with sampling time and treatment as fixed effects and genet as a random effect using SAS 9.1 (Proc Mixed; SAS, 2003). In both of these models, the Kenward–Rogers correction was applied to the degrees of freedom. Differences between matrix elements and λ (population growth rate) between fertilized and control genets were analyzed with a Kruskal–Wallis test using SAS 9.1 (Proc Npar1way; SAS, 2003). All tests were two-tailed, based on type III sums of squares and considered significant at an α level < 0.05. Perturbation analyses—To analyze our population models, we performed both prospective and retrospective analyses. The goal of prospective and retrospective analyses is to explore the effect of perturbation of vital rates on λ, the finite rate of population growth (Horvitz et al., 1997). Prospective analyses consider the consequences of potential future changes in vital rates on λ (Horvitz 675 et al., 1997). Vital rates with large elasticity values would potentially have the largest effects on λ if changed. In addition, we conducted a fixed-effect life table response experiment (LTRE—a retrospective approach), which aims to quantify the contribution of each of the vital rates to the treatment effect on population growth rate (Horvitz et al., 1997; Caswell, 2001). Specifically, we estimated how much of the difference in λ between the N addition and control treatments was due to each of the seven vital rates (Vv, Vf, Sb, Sv, Sf, Gb, and Gv). Vital rates with large positive or large negative contribution values contribute the most to the difference in λ observed between treatments. Contribution values can be large either because the vital rate is different between treatments, because the vital rate has a high sensitivity value (indicating that it would have large effects on λ if perturbed), or both. Perturbation analyses were conducted using algorithms of the program Matlab 6.5 (Matlab, 2002) following formulae of Caswell (2001). The one-way fixed effect LTRE was conducted as described by Caswell (2001) on matrices using two levels of fertilizer treatment (for S. heterolepis and K. macrantha) or two levels of year (for S. heterolepis only). The mean control matrix or the mean 2005 matrix was used as the reference matrix in the separate LTRE analyses. RESULTS Effects of N addition on transition probabilities— Supplementary N significantly increased the probability of tiller emergence from the bud bank (Gb) by about 9% for S. heterolepis after two N additions (Control: 0.23 ± 0.002 SE; +N: 0.25 ± 0.01, χ12 = 4.35, P = 0.04). Nitrogen did not affect the probability of emergence in 2004, the year with greater early season precipitation (Table 3). Nitrogen had no effect on the probability of bud outgrowth and tiller emergence in K. macrantha in 2005. The probability of a tiller flowering or the proportion of tillers within a genet that flowered is an indirect measure of resource allocation to sexual reproduction that provides a useful estimator for treatment comparisons. Nitrogen significantly increased the probability of flowering (Gv) for both species (Table 3). In 2004 in S. heterolepis, N addition doubled the probability 2 of flowering from 0.03 ± 0.01 SE to 0.07 ± 0.01 SE in 2004 ( χ1 = 6.49, P =2 0.01), and from 0.001 ± 0.001 SE to 0.03 ± 0.01 SE in 2005 ( χ1 = 4.55, P = 0.03). Nitrogen also tended to increase the probability of tillers flowering in K. macrantha from 0.05 ± 0.02 SE to 0.08 ± 0.02 SE, but the difference was not significant 2 (χ1 = 1.76, P = 0.18). Effects of N addition on bud production— The absolute number of buds produced per flowering tiller (Vf) was higher in fertilized genets of S. heterolepis (Table 3); however, if the additional biomass accumulated by flowering tillers is included Summary of matrix elements and λ for two species of bunchgrass in tallgrass prairie for two years for plants treated with N (+N) and those without N treatment (Control). Values are means ± 1 SE. Boldfaced values differ significantly between treatments within a species and within a year at P < 0.05. Refer to Table 1 for sample sizes. Table 3. Sporobolus heterolepis Koeleria macrantha 2004 Parametera Sb Sv Sf Gb Gv Vv Vf λ a See 2005 2005 Control +N Control +N Control +N 0.44 ± 0.01 0.69 ± 0.02 0.81 ± 0.04 0.55 ± 0.01 0.03 ± 0.01 3.38 ± 0.15 4.26 ± 0.36 1.96 ± 0.02 0.45 ± 0.01 0.72 ± 0.03 0.87 ± 0.03 0.54 ± 0.01 0.07 ± 0.01 3.92 ± 0.16 4.35 ± 0.35 1.99 ± 0.02 0.77 ± 0.002 0.87 ± 0.03 1.00 ± 0.00 0.23 ± 0.002 0.001 ± 0.001 3.37 ± 0.25 4.17 ± 0.51 1.70 ± 0.02 0.75 ± 0.01 0.86 ± 0.02 0.90 ± 0.06 0.25 ± 0.01 0.03 ± 0.01 4.00 ± 0.27 5.39 ± 0.62 1.82 ± 0.02 0.18 ± 0.03 0.84 ± 0.03 0.32 ± 0.11 0.82 ± 0.03 0.05 ± 0.02 1.70 ± 0.26 1.29 ± 0.34 1.75 ± 0.02 0.18 ± 0.04 0.79 ± 0.04 0.45 ± 0.12 0.82 ± 0.04 0.08 ± 0.02 1.20 ± 0.32 1.15 ± 0.54 1.56 ± 0.04 Table 2 for definitions of parameters. 676 [Vol. 95 American Journal of Botany into the model as a covariate, N addition did not alter the number of buds produced per tiller. The number of buds per vegetative tiller (Vv) and the number of buds produced per flowering tiller (Vf) did not differ between the control (Vv, 3.87 ± 0.13 SE; Vf, 3.13 ± 0.86 SE) and +N (Vv, 3.33 ± 0.11 SE; Vf, 4.41 ± 0.50 SE) treatment of S. heterolepis in 2004 (F1,362 = 3.28, P = 0.07). Similarly, Vv and Vf did not differ between the control (Vv, 3.81 ± 0.11 SE; Vf, 2.97 ± 1.18 SE) and +N (Vv, 3.14 ± 0.10 SE; Vf, 2.28 ± 1.02 SE) treatment of S. heterolepis in 2005, (F1,351 = 0.06, P = 0.80). Koeleria macrantha had a similar pattern in 2005: Vv and Vf did not differ between the control (Vv, 1.89 ± 0.15 SE; Vf, 1.18 ± 0.32 SE) and +N (Vv, 1.31 ± 0.18 SE; Vf, 0.73 ± 0.74 SE) treatment (F1,99 = 1.27, P = 0.26). Basal area of the genet did not significantly affect the number of buds produced per tiller (data not shown). Effects of N addition on tiller size— Average tiller size (grams biomass) did not differ between the control (0.31 ± 0.02 SE) and + N treatment (0.34 ± 0.02 SE) for S. heterolepis in 2004 (F1,140 = 3.09, P = 0.08). Neither did average tiller size differ between the control (0.29 ± 0.02 SE) and the +N treatment (0.32 ± 0.02 SE) for S. heterolepis in 2005 (F1,44 = 1.20, P = 0.28). Similarly, average tiller size did not differ between the control (0.09 ± 0.004 SE) and the +N treatment (0.10 ± 0.005 SE,) for K. macrantha in 2004 (F1,143 = 2.28, P = 0.13). Last, average tiller size did not differ between the control (0.11 ± 0.01 SE) and +N treatment (0.09 ± 0.01 SE) for K. macrantha in 2005 (F1,32.6 = 1.76, P = 0.19). In addition, the average tiller size for each species was similar between years. Basal area of the genet did not significantly affect the average tiller size or the density of tillers within a genet (data not shown). Effects of N addition on tiller population growth rate— In S. heterolepis, N addition tended to increase the population growth rate of tillers (λ) (from 1.96 ± 0.02 SE to 1.99 ± 0.02 SE in 2004 and from 1.70 ± 0.02 SE to 1.82 ± 0.02 SE in 2005), though the difference was only significant in 2005 after two N additions (2004: χ12 = 0.84, P = 0.33; 2005: χ12 = 10.5, P = 0.001). In contrast, N addition significantly decreased λ in K. macrantha from 1.752± 0.02 SE to 1.56 ± 0.04 SE in 2005 after two N additions ( χ1 = 9.6, P = 0.002). Prospective analysis (elasticities)—Elasticity values for the probability of emergence from the bud bank (Gb) and the number of buds produced per vegetative tiller (Vv) were among the highest in both species in both years and accounted for 52–68% of the summed elasticity values of all matrix elements (Table 4). In 2005, elasticity values for vegetative tiller survival (Sv) were among the highest values in both treatments for K. macrantha and in the control plants for S. heterolepis (Table 4). All elasticities associated with flowering stages (Sf, Gv, Vf) were the lowest, ranging from 0.001 to 0.2 (Table 4). Retrospective analysis (LTRE)—The difference in λ between the N addition treatment and the control for K. macrantha was 0.19 with the control plants having a higher λ on average. The LTRE showed that vegetative bud production by vegetative tillers (Vv) contributed most to the difference in λ (Fig. 2). In fact, the contribution value for Vv (0.17) was an order of magnitude larger than the contribution value for any other matrix element. The difference in λ between the N addition treatment and the control for S. heterolepis in 2004 was only −0.02 with the N addition plants having a slightly higher λ on average. The probability of flowering (Gv) had the highest contribution value (−0.028), nearly double the next largest, which was for vegetative bud production by vegetative tillers (Vv) (Fig. 3A). In 2005 for S. heterolepis, the difference in λ between the N addition and control treatments was −0.13 with the N addition treatment having the higher λ on average. Vegetative bud production by vegetative tillers (Vv) contributed most to the difference in λ with a contribution value (−0.078) double that of the next highest contribution value (−0.036 for the probability of bud emergence, Gb, Fig. 3B). The LTRE between years for S. heterolepis differed in λ by 0.17 with plants in 2004, the year with the wetter spring, having a higher λ on average than those in 2005. Emergence from the bud bank (Gb) had a three times greater contribution to this difference than any other matrix element (−0.45, Fig. 3C). Survival of buds in the bud bank (Sb) had the next highest contribution value (0.14). DISCUSSION Our results provided partial support for our three predictions. First, in support of prediction 1, N addition had a positive effect on emergence from the bud bank and genet growth rates, but only in S. heterolepis. Second, we found support for prediction 2, as both species had an increase in bud production and flowering at the genet level, though we found no evidence of a tradeoff between bud production and flowering within an individual Table 4. Elasticity values for demographic parameters of S. heterolepis and K. macrantha. Parameters with the largest elasticity values would have the greatest effect on population growth if perturbed. Sporobolus heterolepis Koeleria macrantha 2004 Parametera Sb Sv Sf Gb Gv Vv Vf 2005 2005 Control +N Control +N Control +N 0.10 ± 0.003 0.19 ± 0.005 0.01 ± 0.001 0.35 ± 0.003 0.01 ± 0.002 0.33 ± 0.005 0.01 ± 0.002 0.09 ± 0.003 0.19 ± 0.007 0.02 ± 0.003 0.33 ± 0.004 0.02 ± 0.003 0.31 ± 0.007 0.02 ± 0.003 0.21 ± 0.008 0.26 ± 0.010 0.001 ± 0.010 0.26 ± 0.002 0.001 ± 0.010 0.26 ± 0.002 0.001 ± 0.001 0.19 ± 0.005 0.24 ± 0.007 0.01 ± 0.003 0.27 ± 0.003 0.01 ± 0.003 0.27 ± 0.006 0.01 ± 0.003 0.03 ± 0.006 0.30 ± 0.008 0.01 ± 0.003 0.32 ± 0.005 0.01 ± 0.003 0.31 ± 0.009 0.01 ± 0.004 0.05 ± 0.012 0.31 ± 0.020 0.01 ± 0.005 0.30 ± 0.004 0.02 ± 0.004 0.28 ± 0.007 0.02 ± 0.004 Notes: Values are means ±1 SE. Values > 0.25 indicated in boldface. Refer to Table 1 for sample sizes. a See Table 2 for definitions of parameters. June 2008] Dalgleish et al.—Bud banks and plant responses to nitrogen Fig. 2. One-way life table response experiment (N addition) in Koeleria macrantha illustrating the contributions of the different matrix elements to the difference in λ between the control and N addition treatments. C > +N indicates that for contribution values in this region, the vital rate was greater in the control than the nitrogen addition treatment and vice versa. tiller, likely as a result of the small sample size. Last, prediction 3 was upheld; we found no evidence that N addition affected tiller size in either species of bunchgrass, in contrast to previous work in Panicum virgatum, a rhizomatous grass (Hartnett, 1993). Nitrogen addition affects bud and tiller demography— Nitrogen addition significantly altered bud and tiller demography in both S. heterolepis and K. macrantha, while it had no effect on individual tiller size. In 2005, emergence from the bud bank (Gb) and growth rate (λ) were significantly higher in S. heterolepis genets that received N. Though the difference in the probability of emergence was small, it was biologically significant because it led to significant differences in λ. In addition, the elasticity analysis shows that perturbation of emergence (Gb) can have great impacts on λ in both species. While N addition also affected the demography of K. macrantha, N decreased, rather than increased λ. The difference in bud production in vegetative tillers (Vv) between the treatments, though not statistically significant, contributed most to the significant difference in λ between treatments. One might expect lower Vv measures in the N addition treatment if increased N leads to increased emergence (Gb). However, Gb was not different between treatments. Nitrogen addition tended to decrease bud production per tiller in K. macrantha, and flowering also tended to decrease bud production. The combination of the trend of increased flowering and decreased bud production with N addition may have led to decreased λ, perhaps from a trade-off between flowering and vegetative bud production. Further research on the effects of reproductive allocation on population dynamics in K. macrantha is necessary to resolve the mechanisms behind the decrease in λ in this species. Both prospective and retrospective perturbation analyses of tiller population models indicated that bud bank dynamics were key 677 demographic processes affecting genet responses to increased N availability in both species of bunchgrasses. Bud production by vegetative tillers (Vv) and emergence from the bud bank (Gb) were consistently important for affecting changes in the population growth rate of plant parts for both species and for S. heterolepis in both years. In S. heterolepis, the probability of flowering (Gv), also contributed greatly to the difference in λ between treatments in 2004, likely because Gv varied among years and was affected by N addition. Our results support the hypothesis that bunchgrasses respond to increased resource availability through a demographic response principally by changing the number of plant parts within a genet rather than by changing tiller growth and size. Additionally, our results demonstrate that the bud bank is crucial for plant responses to supplemental nutrients. Neither species responded to N addition by increasing bud natality (the number of buds per tiller). In addition, bud natality was relatively constant within a species and between years for S. heterolepis. Therefore, bud banks within a genet increased solely as a function of the number of existing buds activated and the number of tillers produced. Fertilized genets with higher recruitment from the bud bank, such as S. heterolepis genets, ended the season with a larger bud bank because they recruited more tillers than control genets. While the pattern of increased tiller recruitment with increased nutrient availability has been demonstrated for other graminoids (Noble et al., 1979; Briske and Butler, 1989; Derner and Briske, 1999), our study demonstrates how the demography of belowground bud banks drives the observed aboveground tiller population responses. Understanding bud bank dynamics complements observation of aboveground tiller responses because increased tiller recruitment may not always lead to increases in the bud bank. For example, grazing has been shown to increase tiller recruitment in tallgrass prairie grasses, likely as a compensatory growth mechanism (Vinton and Hartnett, 1992). However, long-term grazing leads to a depauperate bud bank compared to prairie that is not grazed (H. Dalgleish and D. Hartnett, unpublished manuscript). Tillers may be unable to replenish the bud bank because of lack of resources in times of nutrient stress or drought or because carbon is allocated to regrowth of photosynthetic tissue during compensatory growth after grazing. There was no evidence for a trade-off between sexual and vegetative reproduction, though flowering tillers tended to produce fewer belowground buds per tiller in 2005. This same trend was observed in 2004 for tillers that did not receive additional N. The trend was reversed, however, for tillers that received N; flowering tillers tended to increase vegetative bud production when, presumably, neither N nor water was limited by the timing of precipitation in 2004. The trade-off between reproduction and growth is a foundation of plant life-history theory, but there is little empirical evidence for such a trade-off (Reekie and Avila-Sakar, 2005). Our study provides only limited support for a trade-off between sexual fecundity and vegetative reproduction or growth. Further experiments with increased sample sizes of flowering tillers will be necessary to tease apart the effects of N and water availability on individual tiller allocation patterns. Between-year differences: The potential effects of water availability— Emergence from the bud bank and the probability of flowering were significantly lower in 2005 than in 2004 for S. heterolepis. Similarly, tiller population λ was much lower in 2005, and differences in emergence from the bud bank contributed most to the difference in λ between the years. The observed 678 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 95 differences between 2004 and 2005 for S. heterolepis could be a response to water as an important limiting resource in tallgrass prairie. The total rainfall in both years was average or slightly above, but the timing of precipitation events in 2005 was such that the plants were likely water stressed during critical life history stages. Because the experiment was conducted on plants in the same location and at the same time of the year, the difference in water availability could have been the driving force behind the annual variation. If the different response between years was due to differences in water availability, then our data indicate that the response of S. heterolepis to water availability was mediated through the bud bank. The LTRE analysis indicated that probability of emergence (Gb) contributed most to the difference in λ between years. However, further research to manipulate water during the growing season is required to test the hypothesis that S. heterolepis and other grasses respond demographically to water availability before we can make general conclusions about plant responses to water. Between-species differences: Phenology, photosynthetic pathway, reproductive strategies— Sporobolus heterolepis and K. macrantha are both subdominant tallgrass prairie bunchgrasses. In addition to differing phenologies and photosynthetic pathways, this study provides evidence that S. heterolepis and K. macrantha may have different reproductive strategies as well. Regardless of treatment or year, S. heterolepis produced an average of three times as many buds per tiller than K. macrantha, which produced barely enough buds per tiller to replace the current tiller population within a genet. On the other hand, K. macrantha tillers had a much higher probability of flowering compared to S. heterolepis tillers, and the proportion of tillers that flowered within a genet was much greater (~5% for S. heterolepis, >50% for K. macrantha). Coexisting perennial grass species can vary greatly in life history characters such as longevity, sexual and vegetative reproductive effort, dispersal, and patterns of growth (O’Connor, 1991). Understanding the relative contribution and importance of sexual and vegetative reproduction in clonal species is important for understanding patterns of genetic diversity, as well as spatial and temporal dynamics of populations (Benson et al., 2004). Eriksson (1997) proposed a continuum of seedling recruitment strategies in clonal plants, from initial seed recruitment within a population with continued maintenance through vegetative reproduction, to repeated (though perhaps low) seedling recruitment. In 40% of the 68 clonal species examined by Eriksson (1989), seedling recruitment contributed to population growth rates. A larger comparative demography study involving many more species of rhizomatous and bunchgrasses would allow for generalizations to be made about the effects of growth form, photosynthetic pathway, and sexual and vegetative reproduction on the population dynamics of grass species. Fig. 3. Contributions to the difference in λ between treatments for the one-way life table response experiments (LTRE) of Sporobolus heterolepis. (A) LTRE between the control and N addition treatments in 2004; (B) LTRE between the control and N addition treatments in 2005; (C) LTRE between years 2004 and 2005. Note the difference in scale in (B). C > +N indicates that for contribution values in this region, the vital rate was greater in the control than the nitrogen addition treatment and vice versa. Linking organismal, community, and ecosystem processes— Understanding a species’ ability to mobilize the bud bank in response to a resource pulse, such as N or an unseasonable rain event, is potentially important for predicting plant responses to community changes such as exotic species invasion. Davis et al. (2000) developed a general theory arguing that the fluctuation in resource availability is the key factor controlling invasibility and that successful invasion events occur intermittently when specific conditions of resource enrichment or release coincide with adequate propagule supply of the invasive species. June 2008] Dalgleish et al.—Bud banks and plant responses to nitrogen Thus, invasions will occur during windows of opportunity when propagules of the invader can capitalize on newly available limiting resources. If resident species have the capacity to rapidly preempt and monopolize new resources, such as through rapid recruitment from the bud bank, demographic mechanisms could underlie invasion-resistant communities (Davis et al., 2000). Our results support the hypothesis that tallgrass prairie plants are capable of rapidly responding to resource pulses through increasing recruitment from their bud banks. An important implication of this study is that grasslands with many plants that maintain large bud banks may be more resistant to invasion, a hypothesis currently under investigation (D. Hartnett and H. Dalgleish, unpublished manuscript). Our analyses support the hypothesis that the production potential of a genet, and hence the grass community, is driven by the demographic dynamics of its belowground bud bank (Murphy and Briske, 1992). Because neither S. heterolepis nor K. macrantha increased tiller size in response to N addition, an increase in biomass production by genets was achieved solely through increases in tiller number. These results contrast with a previous study of P. virgatum in which N addition resulted in increases in tiller size (Hartnett, 1993). Identifying the underlying physiological and demographic mechanisms and the sources of variation in ANPP will be critical to the development of accurate predictive models of ecosystem responses to environmental change. Most current models for predicting ANPP in grasslands (e.g., the models CENTURY and SOILWAT) and other terrestrial systems (Parton et al., 1987) are based on underlying physiological responses to resources at the canopy level (e.g., photosynthesis, C3 vs. C4 physiology and aboveground vegetative growth) rather than potentially important demographic mechanisms (e.g., bud natality, survivorship, densities, and tillering dynamics). Our data demonstrate that the demography of bud bank populations can play an important role in increases in ANPP in response to resource availability. Expanding and modifying our study for the dominant rhizomatous grasses such as Andropogon gerardii and Sorghastrum nutans is an important next step to developing a more complete understanding of the importance of bud banks in driving responses of the tallgrass prairie community to resource availability. Investigations of bud bank dynamics in grasslands may lead to better predictive models of productivity and potential grassland responses to environmental change such as altered precipitation and N deposition. Conclusions— Our study demonstrates that demographic mechanisms of the bud bank are important for driving grass responses to resource availability in S. heterolepis and K. macrantha. In both species of bunchgrass, perturbations in transitions involving the bud bank had the greatest potential to affect tiller population growth rates. 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