International Telecommunication Union Perceptual Encoder Optimization David McNally Genista Corp. ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva CODECs ITU-T o Video codecs have reached a very high level of sophistication o We have two mathematically “orthogonal” mainstream approaches: 1. DCT with motion estimation & F/B prediction (MPEG family) 2. Wavelet based schemes (JPEG2000) We observe ‘similar’ quality as function of target bit-rate & frame rate: dates ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 2 CODECs DCT: Wavelet: Transmission Coding ITU-T dates ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 3 CODECs o ITU-T The currencies for achievable quality are: • Encoder usage: 1-pass vs. n-pass • • Target Bitrate, frame size & frame rate Network behavior (BER, PLR, Latency, Jitter) BLER vs. Perceived Quality dates ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 4 CODECs ITU-T Encoders have many(!) configuration parameters… ! HOW TO CHOOSE OPTIMAL SETTINGS? dates ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 5 CODECs o ITU-T CODECs are designed to handle ‘expected’ content well: • o Sports; Movies; News; Nature; … They fail for ‘unexpected’ content: Tape noise dates Tape drop-out ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 6 CODECs ITU-T Encoders are optimized for ‘mainstream’ content ! HOW TO HANDLE ‘OUTLIERS’? dates ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 7 The Bottom-Line ITU-T o The customer does not care what technology is used o The customer has expectations which depend on his setting & experience: • • • IPTV / PPV / … ! Broadcast TV Mobile / Wireless ! Internet streaming Personalized ! High tolerance Does the consumer feel he is getting good value for money?! dates ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 8 The Bottom-Line ITU-T o There is an ‘industry’ which has developed around codec performance assessments (e.g. VQEG): ! ! ! ! dates (Subjective) Test methodologies Quality algorithms Statistical procedures Vested interests ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 9 Subjective testing wall background 17’ LCD monitor desk ITU-T viewer viewing location 2 viewing location 1 viewing location 3 curtain Viewing room (*) 100 90 80 70 Mean Opinion Score Scores 60 50 32 kbps 128 kbps 384 kbps 40 30 20 10 00:29:49:12 00:28:59:12 00:28:09:12 00:27:19:12 00:08:19:24 00:07:29:24 00:06:39:24 00:05:40:12 00:04:50:12 00:04:00:12 00:00:00:00 0 Time Variance(MOS) dates ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 10 Methodologies No Reference: Measure subscriber perceived quality ITU-T Reference Process the content Processed Measure Quality Full Reference: Measure relative degradation Reference Process the content Processed Alignment Measure Quality dates ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 11 Video Quality Metrics No Reference: ITU-T o o o o Blur Jerkiness Blockiness Colorfulness Full Reference: o Blur o Jerkiness o Blockiness o Colorfulness o Noise o ANSI metrics o PSNR o MOS dates o MOS ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 12 NR-MOS: Predictive Power ITU-T dates ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 13 Encoder Optimization FR ITU-T 1 Parameters ENCODER Reference NR 2 Processed NR 3 1: Technical optimization 2: Service optimization 3: Content optimization dates ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 14 dates Windows Media ITU-T NR Blur Apple Quicktime There is Really a Difference! NR Blur NR Blockiness NR Blkss ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 15 Conclusions ITU-T o o o o o ‘Good’ Perceived quality is the key to successful media services Encoders are mature and are reaching asymptotic performance limit Video content is highly variable User expectations are highly variable Provide cost-performance optimized services Need to integrate: • • • dates Knowledge of content Knowledge of user perception & expectation Knowledge of encoder implementation ITU-T VICA Workshop 22-23 July 2005, ITU Headquarter, Geneva 16