Broadband Development in Republic of Moldova 31 March – 1 April 2015, ITU Regional Forum, Moldova Roman BAHNARU Deputy Chief Execution Regulation Departament Chapter I – Regulation in Republic of Moldova Chapter II – Broadband Statistics History Information Society BIG Three …………………….......………... Fixed telephony Technical View Now 2015 I.1 National regulatory framework in a nutshell Law on electronic communications nr. 241/2007 It transposes into the national legislation the provisions of the regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, adopted by the European Union in 2002: Directive 21/2002/EC Directive 19/2002/EC Directive 20/2002/EC Directive 22/2002/EC ------------ Commission guidelines on market analisys Recommendation 2003/311/EC Recommendation 2007/879/EC NGA Recommendation 2010/572/EU I.2 Markets analyzed by the ANRCETI (4 markets) – related to broadband Market 4 - Wholesale network infrastructure access (including shared or fully unbundled access) at a fixed location. Market 5 - Wholesale broadband access. Market 6 - Wholesale terminating segments of leased lines, irrespective of the technology used to provide leased or dedicated capacity. Market 8 - Wholesale trunk segments of leased lines. Reference Offers for specific markets Market 4 Reference Offer for Access, Reference Offer for Access to Ducts, Reference Offer for Access to Pillars, Reference Offer for Colocation Services Market 5 Reference Offer for Bitstream Market 6 Reference Offer for Leased Lines Services Market 8 Reference Offer for Leased Lines Services I.3 Access to, and use of, specific network facilities This remedie is targeted at: • Encouraging shared use and co-investments • Encouraging the use of alternative infrastructures for fiber deployment • Mandating e ual a ess to SMP’s infrastructure • Access to fiber loops of the SMPs • Access to FTTx loops as bit-stream 2.1 Broadband revenue (MDL): mobile and fixed 2011 2012 2013 2014 Revenue fixed broadband 540.236.600 652.578.643 785.261.930 927.657.696 Revenue mobile broadband: 256.355.767 383.431.766 407.898.597 482.159.803 from mobile voice users (addons) 103.294.833 113.533.803 148.219.189 190.880.955 from mobile dedicated users 153.060.934 269.897.963 259.679.408 291.278.849 796.592.367 1.409.817.499 Market share % fixed BB 67,8% 63,0% 65,8% 65,8% Market share % mobile BB 32,2% 37,0% 34,2% 34,2% Overall revenue: fixed and mobile Overall revenue from: mobile/fixed voice, mobile/fixed BB and PayTV 6.219.748.857 6.642.559.735 6.801.702.820 118.80 144.68 obilă 2011 89.10 80.96 2012 77.20 76.54 Fixed voice 51.39 126.29 141.12 98.80 150.10 Mobile BB dedicated 2013 48.94 68.20 68.46 160.49 Fixed BB 2014 48.33 65.1 68.5 86.82 2.2 ARPU (MDL) - Mobile and Fixed Broadband 2010 58.78 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 154.05 Telefo ie 100.20 117.27 78.12 PayTV 40.97 2.3 Broadband subscriptions: mobile and fixed • • • Basic broadband is available to all citizens in Republic of Moldova, 99% is coverage for 3G services, and 94% is coverage for fixed broadband; As of December 2014, almost 33% was coverage for 4G services offered by operators. 1,800 1,600 509.2 1,400 467.1 1,200 1,000 417.2 800 600 1/3 of population have Mobile BB subscription; 400 863.8 1,032.9 1,208.4 200 • About 3/4 of households have Fixed BB subscriptions (in which over a half are NGA subscriptions – FTTB/FTTH or DOCSIS 3.0). 91% 2012 2013 Mobile BB subscriptions (active) 2014 Fixed BB subscriptions Mobile and Fixed Broadband (BB) subscription %, 2012-2014 Mobile Broadband coverage, 2012-2014 99% 0 99% 99% 93% 94% 43.2% 46.3% 48.0% 33.9% 29.0% 50% 55% 60% 11.7% 28% 5.0% 2013 13.1% 14.3% 33% 16% 2012 24.3% 2014 Mobile BB coverage 3G Fixed BB coverage, total Mobile BB coverage 4G NGA coverage* (aproximation) 2012 7.3% 2013 8.4% 2014 Mobile Internet subscriptions Mobile BB subscriptions (active) Fixed BB subscriptions Dedicated mobile BB subscriptios 2.4 Fixed broadband by technology 100% 0.63% 2.80% 0.35% 0.32% 0.49% 0.34% 4.58% 5.63% 6.05% 7.04% 48.7% 44.5% 41.6% 61.2% 55.4% 45.4% 49.0% 51.0% 35.4% 39.7% 2012 2013 2014 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 2010 2011 FTTx xDSL DOCSIS other 2.5 Internet users/household profile • About 3/4 of households are connected to Internet; • Over one half of total connections are connected by PC; • 1/3 of voice mobile users have smartphones (or about 1/4 of citizens of Moldova); • 80% of Internet users, use Internet daily; Voice mobile users, possession of smartphones have smart phon e do ’t 34% have smart phone 66% Usage of broadband Household connection to Internet (%), type of device Co u i atio ( y Skype,… 82% Social media 81% News No 28% Yes 72% noteb ook 41% PC 51% tablet 8% 67% Wheather 63% Searching informations 61% On-line video 58% On-line music 58% Email Translate text 51% 37% Download soft and games 29% Online games 29% 2.6 Fast and ultrafast broadband 4.0% >100 Mbps 30-100 Mbps 10-30 Mbps 18.8% An estimated 18% of homes subscribe to fast and ultrafast broadband 2-10 Mbps < 2 Mbps 32.5% 8.1% 17.2% Fast broadband (at least 30 Mbps) penetration (subscriptions as a % of population) Source: Communications Committee CE, 2013 12.5% IE 12.4% BG HU UK LU PT DK RO LV SE 10.5% 9.2% PL 8.7% FI 8.3% DE EU 8.7% CZ MT MD SK 8.3% EE 6.7% AT 5.6% 5.3% 5.2% ES 6.3% EL 4.6% CY 4.4% IT 4.3% HR 3.9% 0.4% 2% 0.4% 4% 1.5% 6% 3.2% 8% 4.7% 10% 7.7% 12% 10.3% 14% 10.2% 16% 22.7% 18% 13.2% 20% 0.1% • 36.5% Fast broadband (>30 Mbps) is getting popular, while ultrafast broadband (>100 Mbps) is still rare. 0.0% • 0% SI FR LT NL BE 2.7 Reasons for lack of Internet connection • • • • • • As mentioned by 66% of espo de ts ( ho a e ’t connected), the main reason why their households are not connected to Internet is that they do not have computers. About 18% of those who do not have Internet connection reiterated that the service is too expensive for them. And only, about 4% said that there is no possibility to get connected to the service at their residential area. Over half of respondents (54%) who do not have computers in their households explained it by lack of financial resources to purchase it (purchasing power - affordability) 1/4 stated that they don't have anything to do with a computer (digital literacy) 15% of respondents do not have the necessary skills to use it (digital literacy) Don't have a computer 66% Internet is too expensive for us Do ’t ha e a o ile pho e o to Internet e ted No possibility to get connected to Internet Speed of Internet available is too low Other DK/NR 18% 4% 4% 1% 5% 2% Source: Centre for Electronic Governance,, 2013 Main reasons for the lack of computers in households, 2013 Do not have financial resources to buy a computer 54% Don't have anything to do with a computer 25% Do not have the necessary knowledge/skills to use a computer Do not have Internet connection, do ’t k o ho else to use it 15% 2% Do not need a computer at home as it is used elsewhere 0.8% Other 1.3% DK/NR 1.6% Source: Centre for Electronic Governance,, 2013 2.8 M2M communications OTT, content and netneutrality regulations ??? BIG Three Startups Startups Thank you! Roman BAHNARU Deputy Chief, Execution Regulation Departament, National Agency for Electronic Communications an Information Technology (ANRCETI), Republic of Moldova E-mail: