National Agriculture Emergency Management System An Action Learning Project Osama El-Lissy


National Agriculture Emergency

Management System

Osama El-Lissy

An Action Learning Project

April 2004

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Briefing Sequence…

► Background

► Approach & Methodology

► Solutions & Deliverables

► Discussion (Learning Experience)


Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System


► Homeland Security Presidential Directive - 5

National Incident Management System (NIMS)

“All Federal Agencies”

► Homeland Security Presidential Directive - 9

Develop Comprehensive Incident Management Plans

“United States Department of Agriculture”

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System


► Secretary Veneman’s Memorandum 1800-1

Incident Command System (ICS)

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System


► Plant Protection & Quarantine (PPQ)

Protecting American agriculture and natural resources from the risks associated with the entry, establishment, or spread of harmful plant pests and diseases

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System


► Pest and Disease Pathways:

1. Unintentional 2. Intentional a. Natural Movement b. Accidental Introduction a. Bioterrorism

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System


► Plant Protection & Quarantine (PPQ)

Regardless of the pathways, PPQ must maximize its posture in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from pest and disease outbreaks in the most effective and efficient manner.

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework

Marquardt Model:


Defining & Redefining Problem


Forming Action Learning Group


Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting


Learn how to Learn


Acting on the Problem


Action Learning Coach

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

4. Learn How to Learn

5. Acting on the Problem

6. Action Learning Coach

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework

How might USDA-PPQ respond to plant pest outbreaks – naturally occurring or intentionally introduced (bio-terrorism)

– in the most effective and efficient manner?

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

• Core Issues:

- Technical

- Legal

- Funding & Resources

- Communication

- Pathways

4. Learn How to Learn

5. Acting on the Problem

6. Action Learning Coach

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework

How might USDA-PPQ respond to plant pest outbreaks – naturally occurring or intentionally introduced (bio-terrorism)

– in the most effective and efficient manner?

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

• Ramifications & Consequences:

- Devastating impact on U.S. Ag. economy

Loss of nation’s supply of food & fiber

- Negative impact on trade & commerce

- Increased dependency on imports

4. Learn How to Learn

5. Acting on the Problem

6. Action Learning Coach

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework

Primary Team:

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

Mike Stefan

Susan Ellis

Emergency Program

National Staff Officer

Joel Floyd Emergency Preparedness

Lynn Goldner P. Pathologist

Timothy McNary Western Region

Stephen Poe Entomologist

John Stewart Eastern Region

Osama El-Lissy Primary Coach

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

4. Learn How to Learn

5. Acting on the problem

6. Action Learning Coach

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework

Other Resources:

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

► Office of General Council (OGC)

► Quarantine Regulations Division (QRD)

► Policy Develop. & Business Services (PDBS)

► Agriculture Research Service (ARS)

► Center for Plant Health Science &

Technology (CPHST)

► Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (SCREES)

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

4. Learn How to Learn

5. Acting on the Problem

6. Action Learning Coach

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework

Major Stakeholders:

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

► State departments of agriculture

► National Plant Board

► Industry

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

4. Learn How to Learn

5. Acting on the Problem

6. Action Learning Coach

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework

Team Norms:

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

► Biweekly Meetings

► Meeting occurred when five or more present

► Out of state members participated via video

► Dialogue was earnest, but with empathy & respect

► Active listening

► All team members are accountable

► Confidentiality

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

4. Learn How to Learn

5. Acting on the Problem

6. Acting Learning Coach

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework

Initial Questions:

What is PPQ seeking to accomplish?

What is stopping PPQ from accomplishing it?

What can PPQ do about it?

What are we (AL team) trying to achieve?

Why is it important?

Who can get the solution implemented?

What happens if solutions were not implemented?

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

4. Learn How to Learn

5. Acting on the Problem

6. Action Learning Coach

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework

Additional Questions (Boleman & Deal):

Is organization structure attuned to the task we are assigned?

Do we have the appropriate technology?

Do we have the right philosophy, vision, and values?

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

Do we have the right work environment?

What are the relevant external and internal

4. Learn How to Learn issues that impact this mission?

Do we have the needed coalitions, stakeholders,

5. Acting on the Problem agenda, and power base?

6. Action Learning Coach

Are the needs of the organization and people aligned?

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework

Additional Questions (Boleman & Deal):

Are the needs of the organization and people aligned?

Do we have the right mix of people, talents, and experiences to achieve our goals – the agency’s goal?

Do we have the right resources?

Do we have the right organization – one that is conducive to results and outcome?

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

4. Learn How to Learn

5. Acting on the Problem

6. Action Learning Coach

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework


Technical, logistical, organizational, legal, financial, political, cultural, human resources, and internal and external environmental issues.

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

Questioning Listening

4. Learn How to Learn

5. Acting on the Problem

6. Acti0n Learning Coach


Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework


Critical reflection became one of the most important team norms.


Inquiry and questioning, openness, willingness to yield to others, empathy, active listening, courage and frankness, common courtesy, and common sense.


Safe environment

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

4. Learn How to Learn

5. Acting on the Problem

6. Acting on the Problem

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework


Team realizes the serious nature of the problem


Expectation of actionable plan


Team will be involved in implementation


Accountability and responsibility


Sense of authorship

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

4. Learn How to Learn

5. Acting on the Problem

6. Action Learning Coach

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework

Lawlor (1991): the facilitator’s role “not to teach but to create an atmosphere wherein the members can learn for and from themselves, to develop confidence in themselves, to reflect and develop new ideas.

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

4. Learn How to Learn

5. Acting on the Problem

6. Action Learning Coach

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Approach & Methodology

Action Learning Framework

Marquardt’s facilitator model: active listening; understanding the group process; ability to provide feedback; willingness to sparingly confront; good judgment; tolerance to ambiguity; openness and frankness; patience; empathy; timely intervention; eager to learn; keep track of what is being learned; share one’s feelings; and reframe questions and perspectives.

1. Defining & Redefining Problem

2. Forming Action Learning Group

3. Questioning, Listening, and Reflecting

4. Learn How to Learn

5. Acting on the Problem

6. Action Learning Coach

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Solutions & Deliverables

1. Standards for Plant Health Emergency

Management System

2. PPQ – ICS Guidelines

3. ICS Training Programs

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Solutions & Deliverables

1. Standards for Plant Health Emergency

Management System

1. Emergency Management Plans

2. Written Agreements

3. Authorities and Policies

4. Surveillance

5. Communication

6. Training and Education

7. Funding

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Solutions & Deliverables

1. Standards for Plant Health Emergency

Management System

2. PPQ – ICS Guidelines


Adopted based on the National

Incident Management System

(NIMS) requirements


Provide a general description of the overall organizational structure used in responding to emergencies


Define the functions, roles, and responsibilities of each position, entity, and facility

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Solutions & Deliverables

1. Standards for Plant Health Emergency

Management System

2. PPQ – ICS Guidelines

3. ICS Training Programs

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Course Work Used






Legal Basis for Public Administration

Human Resources Management

Organization Diagnosis and Change

Program Analysis and Evaluation

Politics, Policy Making, and Public Administration

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Management System

Discussion (Learning Experience)







Collective Genius

Confidence & Fulfillment


American Agriculture

Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A

National Agriculture Emergency

Management System

An Action Learning Project



Osama El-Lissy, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-ICS, 2004A
