Networking with Courage & Confidence LINDA BIDLACK, MA, PCC RESILIENT LEADERSHIP COACHING & CONSULTING LINDAKBIDLACK@GMAIL.COM Networking with Courage & Confidence Networking at its worst and its best “The inner game runs the outer game.” Mastering Leadership Confidence comes from within Courage is how you show up despite discomfort Practice What is networking? At its worst At its best Collecting business cards A learning conversation Hoping for a referral without saying so Being curious Schmoozing Win-win interdependence Sending a resume without being asked Scanning for opportunities to help or connect others Using people Shared air time Only reaching out when desperate Open access to ‘the 150’ over time Networking is the deliberate process of exchanging information, resources, support, and access in such a way as to create mutually beneficial relationships for personal and professional success. Contacts Count The Inner Game Your Source of Confidence Accept your path up to now Self-compassion Clean up your self-talk Self-awareness Develop a 1-2 sentence career narrative Clarify what you want to learn Clarify what you can give Congruence between the inner game and outer game is authentic presence. The Outer Game Reaching out in Spite of Doubt is Courage There is no safe way to be great or great way to be safe. Self-management and social awareness Mastering Leadership Be fully present Have a list of open-ended questions Assume mutual learning Emotional Intelligence & Networking Relationship Management Be interesting! Give little nuggets; pause after 2 minutes. Conversation is like tennis Not a one-time conversation Offer first, ask second Follow through 5 Best Networking Practices Aim for one good conversation per event Talk until you find things you have in common Follow your genuine curiosity; don’t pretend Practice asking curious questions Create your own networking events Meet for coffee Hold a salon on a topic of interest Host a mutual planning retreat Organize a ‘mastermind’ group to keep yourself accountable Selected Resources Make Your Contacts Count, by Anne Baber and Lynne Waymon How Leaders Create and Use Networks, Herminia Ibarra and Mark Lee Hunter, HBR, January 2007 Networking for Introverts, by Dorie Clark, HBR, August 15, 2014