WTDC RESOLUTIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS PROPOSALS FOR REVISED OR NEW RESOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS As at 9.12.13 RESOLUTION NUMBER 1 5 8 9 13 17 23 24 TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL NEW/MOD/DEL PROPOSED BY /DOC No Draft revision of Resolution 1 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010) in regard to deadlines for the submission of documents Amendments to Resolution 1 (Rev. Hyderabad 2010) on Working Procedures to be applied to study groups, their subordinate groups, the Telecommunication Advisory Group and other regional and world meetings of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector Modification of Resolution 1 (Working procedures to be applied to study groups, their subordinate groups, the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group and other regional and world meetings of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector) Amendments to Resolution 5 (Rev. Hyderabad 2010) on enhanced participation by developing countries in the activities of the Union Amendment to Resolution 5 – Enhanced participation by developing countries in the activities of the Union Amendments to Resolution 8 (Rev. Hyderabad 2010): Collection and dissemination of information and statistics Proposed Revision of Annex 1 to Resolution 9: Specific needs in spectrum management Amendments to Resolution 13 (Rev. Hyderabad 2010) on Resource mobilization and partnerships for accelerating telecommunication/information and communication technology development Resolution 17 - Implementation of regionally approved initiatives, at the national, regional, interregional and global levels Amendments to Resolution 17 (Rev. Hyderabad 2010) on Implementation of regionally approved initiatives at the national, regional, interregional and global levels Amendment to Annex II of Resolution 17 about the Regional Initiatives for the Americas Region Resolution 23 – Internet access and availability for developing countries and charging principles for international Internet connection Draft revision of Resolution 24 (Hyderabad, 2010), on authorization for TDAG to act between WTDCs MOD RPM-CIS/DOC 20 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 34 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 44 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 10 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 45 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 11 MOD MOD RPM-ARB/DOC 24 RPM-AMS/DOC 12 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 46 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 35 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 54 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 48 MOD RPM-CIS/DOC 21 RESOLUTION NUMBER 30 32 34 38 43 47 50 53 54 61 64 66 TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL NEW/MOD/DEL PROPOSED BY /DOC No Amendments to Resolution 24 (Rev. Hyderabad 2010) on Authorization for the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group to act between World Telecommunication Conferences Draft revision of Resolution 30 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010), on ITU-D's role in implementing the WSIS outcomes Amendments to Resolution 30 on the Role of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector in implementing the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society Proposal for modification of Resolution 33: Assistance and support to Serbia for rebuilding its destroyed public broadcasting system Amendments to Resolution 34 (Rev. Hyderabad 2010) on the role of telecommunications / information and communication technology in disaster preparedness, early warning, rescue, mitigation, relief and response Amendments to Resolution 34 - The role of telecommunications/information and communication technology in disaster preparedness, early warning, rescue, mitigation, relief and response Amendments on Res. 38 "Promoting the role of youth towards all inclusive societies" Proposed revisions to Resolution 43, which governs the work of Question 25/2 Draft modifications to Resolution 47 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010), on enhancement of knowledge and effective application of ITU Recommendations in developing countries, including conformance and interoperability testing of systems manufactured on the basis of ITU Recommendations Amendment to Resolution 50 – Optimal integration of information and communication technologies Amendments to Resolution 53 (Rev. Hyderabad 2010) on Strategic and financial framework for the elaboration of the Sharm el-Sheikh Action Plan Revision of Resolution 54, in respect to mobile-telephone applications MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 13 MOD RPM-CIS/DOC 22 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 14 MOD RPM-EUR/DOC 15 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 36 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 58 MOD/NEW TITLE MOD MOD RPM-ARB/DOC 11 and 21 SG2/ 2/324-E RPM-CIS/DOC 14 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 47 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 37 MOD RPM-ARB/DOC 20 MOD RPM-ARB/DOC 16 MOD RPM-AMS/DOC 59 MOD RPM-ARB/DOC 23 Updating of Resolution 61 (Hyderabad, 2010), on appointment and maximum term of office of chairmen and vice-chairmen of study groups in the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector and of the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group Amendments to Resolution 64 - Protecting and supporting users/consumers of telecommunication services/information and communication technologies Information and communication technology and climate change RESOLUTION NUMBER 67 73 CIS/1 CIS/2 AMS/1 AFR/1 EUR/1 EUR/2 EUR/3 REC/SG2-1 REC/SG2-2 TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL NEW/MOD/DEL PROPOSED BY /DOC No Revision of Resolution 67, on the role of the Telecommunication Development Sector in child online protection Amendments to Resolution 67: The role of the Telecommunication Development Sector in child online protection Draft modifications to Resolution 73 (Hyderabad, 2010), on centres of excellence Draft new WTDC-14 Resolution, on strengthening the ITU regional presence in developing countries Draft new Resolution xx (Sharm el-Sheikh, 2014), on further development of electronic working methods for the work of ITU-D Draft new resolution – Preserving and promoting multilingualism on the Internet for an inclusive information society Proposal of a Resolution to establish a mechanism for the adoption, follow-up and evaluation of recommendations and guidelines for developing countries Proposal for new Resolution (WTDC-14): Establishment of enhanced and formal coordination mechanism concerning development projects in the field of telecommunications between ITU and European Commission Proposal for new Resolution (WTDC-14): Establishment of coordination mechanism concerning development projects in the field of telecommunications between ITU and World Bank. Proposal for new Resolution: Promoting ICTs to young women and men for social and economic empowerment Proposal for a new Recommendation: Policy and regulatory initiatives for developing Telecommunications/ICTs/Broadband in rural and remote areas Proposal for a new Recommendation: ICT and climate change MOD RPM-ARB/DOC 19 MOD RPM-EUR/DOC 7 MOD NEW RPM-CIS/DOC 15 RPM-CIS/DOC 9 NEW RPM-CIS/DOC 19 NEW RPM-AMS/DOC 55 NEW RPM-AFR/DOC 9 NEW RPM-EUR/DOC 8 NEW RPM-EUR/DOC 10 ___________________ RPM-EUR/DOC 14 NEW SG2: 2/287(Rev.1) NEW SG2: 2/293(Rev.1)