2014/15 The Postgraduate Certificate in Academic and Professional Practice

The Postgraduate
Certificate in Academic
and Professional Practice
Participant Handbook
Learning and Development Centre
Welcome from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning
Professor Christina Hughes
The University of Warwick has a strong commitment to the development of excellence in
relation to student achievement, learning and teaching, and research. As part of this
commitment, we recognise the importance of enhancing the range of professional
development opportunities available for our academic staff - whether probationers or more
experienced colleagues.
Warwick’s academic development programme for lecturers – the Postgraduate Certificate in
Academic and Professional Practice (PCAPP) – actively demonstrates the value the
University places on flexible and (so far as possible) individualised approaches to staff
development and career enhancement.
PCAPP is part of a wider continuing professional development framework for all colleagues
with responsibility for teaching and learning, and provides a wide range of opportunities for
staff to become involved in professional development activities that are best suited to their
particular needs. The programme has been designed to provide you with opportunities to
engage with colleagues from across the institution, whilst at the same time enabling you to
contextualise the programme to your own particular disciplinary needs. PCAPP is aligned
with the UK Professional Standards Framework and as such is accredited with the Higher
Education Academy, leading to recognition as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
I very much hope you will enjoy and benefit from your participation in the programme over
the next few years.
Welcome from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning Professor Christina Hughes........... 2
Programme Overview ............................................................................................................................. 5
What are the benefits to me? ................................................................................................................. 5
Programme Aims .................................................................................................................................... 6
Learning Outcomes ................................................................................................................................. 6
The Programme Team............................................................................................................................. 7
What’s involved? ..................................................................................................................................... 7
How long does PCAPP take? ................................................................................................................... 7
Essentials for Undertaking the Programme ............................................................................................ 8
Enrolment................................................................................................................................................ 8
Overview of Programme Components .................................................................................................... 9
YEAR 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Core Workshops .................................................................................................................................... 10
Professional Group Meetings 1 and 2 ................................................................................................... 10
Teaching Baseline Exercise and Teaching Philosophy Statement ......................................................... 11
Teaching Observations .......................................................................................................................... 11
PCAPP Adviser Observation........................................................................................................... 11
Teaching Observation Reflections ................................................................................................. 11
Optional Workshop Support for Assessed Pieces of Work .................................................................... 12
Assessed Work: Pedagogic Review ....................................................................................................... 13
Route 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Route 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Route 3 .......................................................................................................................................... 14
YEAR 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Professional Group Meeting 3 .............................................................................................................. 15
Continuing Professional Development Activities .................................................................................. 15
Teaching Observations .......................................................................................................................... 18
Assessed Work: The Negotiated Project ............................................................................................... 18
Project Proposal Approval ............................................................................................................. 18
Negotiated Project: Examples of areas that could be explored .................................................... 19
Building your Assessed Portfolio ........................................................................................................... 20
Support for Participants ........................................................................................................................ 21
Support from the PCAPP Team ......................................................................................................... 21
Participant Progress Reports............................................................................................................. 21
Tell us what you think: Giving feedback ............................................................................................... 21
Other support ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Institute of Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) ........................................................................ 22
Support from the Library ................................................................................................................... 22
The Teaching Grid ............................................................................................................................. 22
Indicative Reading ................................................................................................................................. 23
Useful Journals Available from the Library ....................................................................................... 25
Key databases for education include: ............................................................................................... 26
Appendix 1: The UKPSF ......................................................................................................................... 28
What is the UKPSF? ........................................................................................................................... 28
The Descriptors: ................................................................................................................................ 28
The Dimensions of Practice ............................................................................................................... 29
Appendix 2: The Teaching Observation Process................................................................................... 30
Pre and Post Observation.................................................................................................................. 30
Appendix 3: Assessment Criteria and Procedures ................................................................................. 31
Assessment Criteria ........................................................................................................................... 31
How to submit your work .................................................................................................................. 33
Retention and return of assessed work.................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Using material more than once ........................................................................................................ 34
Plagiarism ......................................................................................................................................... 34
Referencing in assessments .............................................................................................................. 35
External Examination ........................................................................................................................ 35
Appeal ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Programme Overview
Welcome to the PCAPP programme. PCAPP is a part-time, practice-based Masters level
programme (60 CATS) for staff with teaching and learning responsibilities at Warwick.
PCAPP enables you to benchmark your practice against the UK Professional Standards
Framework (UKPSF) and gain national recognition as a Fellow of the Higher Education
Academy (FHEA).1
PCAPP is designed to enable you to plan a route of study through the programme in
accordance with your disciplinary interests and professional development needs. It provides
you with opportunities to incorporate your wider academic practice and to use evidenceinformed approaches, as well as outcomes from research and scholarship, to enhance your
The programme is fully integrated with the institutional Continuing Professional Development
Framework and encourages participants to network both within and beyond their faculty.
What are the benefits to me?
Gain formal national recognition for teaching and support of learning;
Demonstrate alignment to criteria for promotion;
Provide evidence that your practice is benchmarked to the UKPFS;
Demonstrate commitment to the professionalism of teaching and supporting learning;
Opportunity to plan and engage in professional development;
Enhance learning through innovation based on evidence and best practice.
Enlarge your professional network both within and beyond your faculty
Further details of the descriptors and their relationship to the UKPSF can be found in Appendix 1.
Programme Aims
1. To deliver flexible, creative collaborative provision that is directly relevant to a
participant’s work situation and professional development needs.
2. To provide flexible development opportunities to engage with the knowledge, values,
understanding and skills associated with excellent teaching, learning and assessment in
a research-led university.
3. To provide a means for participants to develop a professional, reflective enquiry base to
inform their teaching.
4. To provide opportunities for participants to investigate means of becoming more effective
practitioners through critical reflection on and evaluation of their own practice, and to
encourage a commitment to wider continuing professional development.
5. To support the development of the University’s research, teaching and learning culture,
benefiting both participants and the wider University.
6. To encourage the dissemination of best practice and enable participants to further
develop their ability to discuss educational issues, share ideas and communicate these
effectively in varied contexts.
7. To be appropriate for both full-time and part-time staff, whether potential entrants to the
profession, probationers or experienced members of staff.
8. To enable participants to gain academic credit for any appropriate skills, knowledge and
understanding gained prior to joining the programme and for skills, knowledge and
understanding developed through participation.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the programme, you should be able to:
1. Describe, analyse and articulate an informed rationale for your own academic practice,
incorporating research and scholarship as appropriate.
2. Design, plan and deliver effective learning activities and/or programmes of study, which
demonstrate an understanding of how students learn both generally and within your
3. Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and
4. Demonstrate an appreciation of good practice for assessing student learning and
providing effective feedback.
5. Identify, reflect on and evaluate your own academic, professional and educational
6. Demonstrate an informed awareness of institutional, national and other contexts that
affect your academic practice.
7. Demonstrate an appreciation of the UKPSF and its role in your continuing development.
The Programme Team
PCAPP is one of several professional development activities delivered through the Learning
and Development Centre. The LDC team members supporting PCAPP have a range of
experience and expertise in Higher Education both in the UK and overseas. We organise
and facilitate PCAPP workshops, Professional Groups, teaching observations, and provide
programme support for participants. We also draw on the expertise of colleagues across the
University and beyond to contribute to the workshop programme.
What’s involved?
The programme has been structured to enable you to identify your own route through the
course activities and to focus assessed work around your professional disciplinary interests
and departmental responsibilities. Assessment is via a portfolio which comprises evidence of
your professional development over the course of the programme (usually 2 years) through
undertaking and completing the course components. The first year enables you to engage
with the UKPSF as you explore the fundamentals of teaching and learning in a research
intensive institution. The second year enables you to take a more tailored approach to your
professional development through engagement with the wide range of activities available on
the LDC programme, as well as appropriate development activities in your department,
faculty or externally.
How long does PCAPP take?
PCAPP has been designed to be completed in 2 years. However, you are registered on the
programme for 3 years to allow extra time to complete and submit your assessed work. If
you need further time you can request a 6 months extension by filling the ‘Request for
Extension’ form available on
Further extensions beyond 6 months are only granted under exceptional circumstances.
There is also a 1-year fast track option, however due to the implications of the increased
workload approval from your Head of Department is required.
NOTE: if you are on leave for an extended period of time (i.e. research leave, maternity
leave, etc.) you are advised to apply for temporary withdrawal. For further information please
email pcapp@warwick.ac.uk
Essentials for Undertaking the Programme
To start the programme you need the following:
Sufficient teaching hours to successfully undertake the programme (~30 hours per
Dedicated time to undertake and complete the programme. If completing PCAPP is a
condition of your probation, you will usually have a reduced departmental workload.
A Departmental Mentor (your mentor cannot be currently registered on PCAPP).2
To have completed the online enrolment (see section on enrolment below).
If you have any questions or issues concerning these essentials (e.g. insufficient hours or
atypical teaching pattern) please contact us for advice at pcapp@warwick.ac.uk
As a participant on PCAPP you are required by the University to enrol as a ‘student’ and
therefore you will have dual status as ‘staff’ and ‘student’. When starting PCAPP you will be
given a student number and will be asked to complete the online enrolment. At the start of
each academic year the Academic Office will contact you requiring you to re-enrol. It is
important that you enrol and re-enrol as required in order for your certificate to be issued at
the end of the programme.
The enrolment process involves you creating a student IT account. In order to avoid people
emailing your student email address instead of the staff one you should set up a redirect
from your student to your staff account.
For detailed instructions on enrolment and re-enrolment see
Your Departmental Mentor is expected to provide disciplinary guidance and specific advice
on departmental procedures (such as marking policy, procedures for dealing with plagiarism) as
these will be dependent on the particular approach adopted in your department.
Overview of Programme Components
Year One
Year Two
Core workshops
Assessment and feedback strategies
How students learn
Large and small group teaching
Module design
Reviewing and evaluating your teaching
Developmental Activities
Engage in a range of development activities
to meet your identified developmental needs
and interests. Total activity should be
equivalent 15 hours
(By participating in the workshops you will
have engaged with all elements of the
2 Professional Group meetings
1 Professional Group meeting
Teaching Baseline Exercise
Teaching Philosophy Statement notes, development plans and reflections
2 Teaching Observations
1 observation by Dept. Mentor
1 observation by PCAPP Adviser
2 Teaching Observations
1 observation by Dept. Mentor
1 observation by PCAPP Adviser
Reciprocal Peer Observations
1 observation by a participant on PCAPP and 1 observation of a participant on PCAPP
Optional Workshop
Support for writing the assessed pieces
Assessed work: Pedagogic Review
Assessed work: Negotiated Project
It is expected that you will complete the activities described below within the first year on the
programme. If you do not think this will be possible then please email pcapp@warwick.ac.uk
to inform the PCAPP programme leader and to seek further advice.
Core Workshops
You are expected to participate in the 5 core workshops in your first year. These workshops
are directly aligned with the UKPSF and are aimed at providing a good foundation for your
developing teaching practice.
Assessment and Feedback Strategies
How Students Learn
Large and Small Group Teaching
Module Design
Reviewing and Evaluating Your Teaching
Core workshop details are available at:
For each workshop you will need to complete a workshop reflection sheet
During the first year you may identify additional workshops, external events or other
development activities that would be beneficial for your practice. You are encouraged to
engage with these and where appropriate these can be counted as part of your development
activities for year 2. You should complete the online form accessible from
www.warwick.ac.uk/pcapp/currentparticipants2013/workshops to advise the PCAPP team of the
proposed development activity.
Professional Group Meetings 1 and 2
In the first meeting you will be encouraged to articulate your Teaching Philosophy
Statement. This gives you the opportunity to engage directly with the UKPSF and enables
you to contextualise this for your practice. In the second meeting you will reflect on your
statement and other evidence to take stock of your skills and experience in order to consider
your development goals and how these may be achieved over the course of the programme.
Teaching Baseline Exercise and Teaching Philosophy Statement
The Teaching Philosophy Statement and development plans form the basis of your Teaching
Baseline Exercise which is a required element of your Portfolio. You are encouraged to
select a method of creating and capturing your teaching philosophy, development plans and
reflections in a way that is meaningful to you and your practice. Approaches may include a
combination of written text, actions plans, concept/mind maps or a reflective diary with an
equivalent word count of 500-1000 words.
Teaching Observations
The teaching observation process is designed to be a supportive developmental opportunity.
It is about you having support to try out new approaches, confirm good practice, and/or
address areas for development. In the first year you are observed by your Departmental
Mentor, a PCAPP adviser and you should ideally undertake the Reciprocal Peer Observation
(you observing a peer and being observed by a peer).
The Departmental Mentor observation gives you the opportunity to gain feedback that is
more focused on the subject material, whilst the experience of peer observation is likely to
be most valuable to you if your Peer Observer is able to take a genuinely objective stance.
Therefore you should observe and be observed by a fellow PCAPP participant from a
different department. (If desired the peer can come from a related discipline). If you are
unable to find an appropriate peer, please contact us via pcapp@warwick.ac.uk.
PCAPP Adviser Observation
The PCAPP adviser offers support for trying out new approaches, confirming examples of
good practice and identifying areas for further consideration. When requesting a teaching
observation by an adviser, please give as much notice as possible (minimum 3 weeks) of the
date and time of the session you would like the adviser to observe.
For information and guidelines on the Teaching Observation Processes - see
Appendix 2.
Teaching Observation Reflections
After you have undertaken the required 1st year observations (1 x PCAPP Adviser, 1 x
Departmental Mentor and can include Reciprocal Peer Observations) you should complete
the Teaching Observation Reflection Form available on
If on APL route complete this after Department Mentor and PCAPP Adviser observations.
Optional Workshop Support for Assessed Pieces of Work
This workshop (held in the spring and summer terms) gives you the opportunity to explore
the requirements for the assessed pieces of work and to contextualise these to your
practice. As part of the workshop you will be given opportunity to view anonymised past
pieces of work.
Assessed Work: Pedagogic Review
For Assessment Criteria and Procedures see Appendix 3
The pedagogic review enables you to focus on an aspect of teaching and learning of
relevance or interest to your practice. It is designed to enable you to evidence the ability to
reflect on, describe, analyse and underpin your own academic practice. The review is a
piece of academic writing and therefore must demonstrate engagement with
appropriate educational (generic and/or subject-specific) literature.
For the review there is a choice of 3 routes.
Route 1
This route comprises two parts: A and B (total 4500-5000 words)
Part A (40%)
Undertake a brief critical review of a book or no more than two articles which have had a
significant impact on your academic/professional practice and indicate how this is of
relevance to your current teaching role and disciplinary focus. You should draw upon
educational texts in support of your discussions. (1500-2000 words)
Part B (60%)
Undertake a brief critical review of a recent personal experience of teaching a module/part
module. Given the word count limitation, you may wish to focus on one specific aspect of
your teaching. Your review should be supported by reference to academic and educational
development literature and, where appropriate, you should make recommendations in
relation to, for example, the module’s future development, its curriculum, assessment, and
evaluation and/or delivery strategies. (2500-3000 words)
Route 2
Undertake an in-depth critical review of your own recent pedagogic practice. Ideally, your
review should focus on one or more aspects of your teaching, which would benefit from
further development. (You may wish to discuss your review with your Departmental Mentor
before undertaking this task).
Your review should be supported by reference to academic and educational development
literature (whether subject specific or generic) and, where appropriate, should also make
recommendations regarding, for example, the future development of e.g. a module/course
and any relevant curriculum, assessment, evaluation and/or delivery strategies.
In completing this review (total 4500-5000 words), you should specifically:
Critique your own academic/professional skills as demonstrated in specific teaching
Explore any specific issues or needs and strategies for tackling them, which you may
have identified in your teaching and upon which you wish to focus in future.
Route 3
The Faculty and Institutional Teaching and Learning Showcases can provide an opportunity
for you to present an in-depth critical review of an aspect of your own recent pedagogic
The showcases are usually themed and there are a limited number of places for each
showcase. You are therefore strongly encouraged to discuss your ideas with the PCAPP
team as soon as possible (prior to developing a presentation).
Your presentation should focus on one or more aspects of your teaching, which you would
like to explore with colleagues. It should be supported by reference to academic and
educational development literature (subject and/or generic) and, where appropriate, should
also make recommendations regarding the future development of e.g. a module/course and
any relevant curriculum, assessment, evaluation and/or delivery strategies.
The presentation should last 20 minutes followed by an opportunity for questions. As part of
the assessment your presentation will be videoed for the External Examiner. You also need
to write a reflection on your learning (1500-2000 words) and this should include a
consideration of how the academic and educational development literature has influenced
your analysis and give an indication of future development of your teaching practice.
In year 2 the emphasis has moved from attendance at formal workshops to engagement in a
range of development activities that are meaningful to and cater for your particular
professional needs and interests. Opportunities could include attending short practical
workshops aimed at developing skills, participation in interest groups such as the
Technology Enhanced Learning forum, involvement in strategic working groups or mentoring
PhD students who teach.
Professional Group Meeting 3
In professional group 3 you will reflect on your professional development to date and
articulate plans for development beyond the end of the programme.
Continuing Professional Development Activities
In Year 2 you are expected to engage in development activities approximately equivalent to
a total of 15 hours.
The table on pages 16 and 17 gives an indication of the activities you could engage with and
their equivalence in terms of hours. Please note that these activities are not inclusive, for
example other activities could include additional teaching observations (either observing or
being observed), external examining, and participation in teaching and learning focussed
committees or working groups. We will endeavour to inform you of new opportunities from
within the University as they arise.
To ensure that your development activities meet the requirements for the PCAPP
programme you should complete the online form available from
www.warwick.ac.uk/pcapp/currentparticipants2013/workshops before starting the activity.
LDC Teaching and Learning Programme www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/ldc/tandl/workshops/
LDC Researcher Programme/ Leadership & Management Programme
Participation will be on an equivalence basis i.e. a
5 hour workshop equals 5 hours of development
Institute of Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) Programme http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/iatl/news/
Library/Teaching Grid Provision
Your Faculty/ Departmental teaching and learning focussed events
Higher Education Academy workshops www.heacademy.ac.uk/events
Facilitating Teaching and Learning Focused workshops/events
These could be departmental, faculty or institutional events. Examples could include facilitating a session at a Teaching and Learning showcase, delivering/
co-delivering a workshop for PhD students who teach or facilitating a session on LDC’s programme
Participation will be on an equivalence basis plus
 Facilitating a workshop/event
development time (equal to delivery time) i.e. a 3
hours workshop would be equal to 6 hours
Teaching and Learning Showcases
The Institutional and Faculty Teaching and Learning Showcases provides a forum for the exchange of good practice, as well as offering colleagues the
opportunity to reflect more broadly on teaching and learning strategies, explore new approaches and ideas, and share experiences. For more information see
the links at www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/ldc/tandl/
Institutional Showcase
Faculty of Arts Showcase
Faculty of Science Showcase
Faculty of Social Studies Showcase
Participation is equivalent to 3 hours
Special Interest Groups and Forums
These are networking groups with the aim of sharing experiences, discussing issues and concerns, and building communities of practice. We will keep you
informed of new groups and forums that may be of interest to you. For more information on the forums listed below contact pcapp@warwick.ac.uk
Technology Enhanced Learning
Moodle User Group
Teaching Fellows Forum
Participation is equivalent to 3 hours
Undertaking a project with the Institute of Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL)
IATL offers 2 funding streams which fit the scope of the PCAPP programme: Academic Fellowships and Pedagogic Interventions. The Academic Fellowships
are for the innovative re/development of a module. Pedagogic Interventions are for the development of workshops, lectures, events involving external guests
etc. where the focus is on active participation by learners and teachers. www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/cross_fac/iatl/funding/staff/
Academic Fellowships and Pedagogic Interventions
Participation is equivalent to a maximum of 9
Mentoring a PhD Research Student who teaches/demonstrates
In your module(s) you may be supported by PhD students who facilitate seminars/problem classes, demonstrate in lab classes or supervise student projects
and you could mentor a student to support them in develop their teaching skills. This could be done informally or more formally if the student is enrolled on the
PGA Teaching and Learning in HE programme. Typical mentoring tasks could involve teaching-focused meetings, reciprocal teaching observations and if the
student is on the PGA, 2nd marking their assessed portfolio. Contact pcapp@warwick.ac.uk for more information
Mentoring a PhD research student
Mentoring a student is equivalent to a maximum
of 6 hours
Supervising an Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme (URSS) student
The URSS scheme gives Warwick undergraduate students the chance to become directly involved in research work and gain first-hand experience of working
in a research team. Past supervisors have reported benefits such as ‘bridging the gap between research and teaching’ and ‘investigating a student’s
suitability for a PhD’. Students carry out the research during the summer vacation and are awarded bursaries of up to £1000. For more information see
Supervising a URSS student
Supervising a student is equivalent to a maximum
of 6 hours
Widening Participation/ Outreach or Community Engagement
There is a wide range of provision offered by the University with examples such as ‘Further Mathematics’, ‘Pathways to Law’, ‘Headstart‘(Engineering) and
International Gateway for Gifted and Talented Youth (IGGY). For information on how you can get involved with activities in your department and beyond
contact pcapp@warwick.ac.uk
Widening Participation activities
Participation will be on an equivalence basis plus
development time (equal to delivery time) i.e. a 3
hour workshop would be equal to 6 hours
Teaching Observations
In Year 2 you undertake the second Departmental Mentor’s observation and your second
observation by a PCAPP adviser. Please note that if you haven’t done the reciprocal peer
observations in Year 1 you will need to do these in the second year.
Assessed Work: The Negotiated Project
The Negotiated Project (4500-5000 words) allows you to exploit areas of interest to you in
your current or planned work-based activities. It will demonstrate your problem solving
approaches to your academic and professional development.
The Negotiated Project is a piece of academic writing and therefore must demonstrate
engagement with appropriate educational (generic and/or subject-specific) literature.
The topic of your negotiated project has to be agreed with LDC before starting your
Project Proposal Approval
When you have decided on the area of your academic practice you would like to
concentrate on:
Complete the Negotiated Project Proposal form:
Submit it for approval via pcapp@warwick.ac.uk
Once you have received approval, you can begin your project. You should keep a
copy of your approved proposal to submit with your project.
Negotiated Project: Examples of areas that could be explored
Please note that the options below are indicative, and not prescriptive.
A Departmental Project (4500-5000 words)
A project of your choice focused on an aspect of your academic practice which you wish to
explore, have been asked to work on, or might enhance or support your teaching, research
or department responsibilities.
Examples might include:
A project of particular personal, professional interest arising out of an aspect of your own
teaching, research or academic management/administration responsibilities, e.g.:
Organisation of assessment, student admissions, supervision, personal tutoring;
Developing a new curriculum area or adopting an innovative teaching methodology;
Organisation/management of e.g. a suite of modules, a course, or research training
skills for undergraduates or postgraduates.
Identifying possible strategies for addressing specific issues within your department or
faculty, e.g.:
Student diversity;
Postgraduate student support and training;
An Evaluation of Academic Practice and Principles (4500-5000 words)
This option enables you to undertake an in-depth, critical evaluation of the principles and
practices relating to an academic issue which interests you and is likely to have arisen out
of, for example, your Teaching Observations, your participation in PCAPP workshops,
development activities, or your Professional Group meetings.
Potential topics might include:
Learning from student performance;
The impact on teaching of a culturally diverse student body;
The characteristics of high quality lecturing;
Research-led teaching: the implications for undergraduates;
Barriers and obstacles to effective postgraduate learning;
An analysis of student drop-out rates in your department.
A Research Review (4500-5000 words)
This may include:
A critique of the concept of ‘research-led teaching’ and the way in which you interpret
it within your own disciplinary context;
A review of your professional development whilst undertaking research/writing the
paper, plus an evaluation of the way in which you envisage your future research
activity/priorities developing.
Whilst the nature of research skills varies across disciplines (as well as in accordance with
prior experience), evidence of professional development might include:
Developing/acquiring specific new research skills;
Developing collaborative research either within or beyond Warwick and how this has
influenced your development as an academic practitioner;
Preparation of funding applications;
Reviewing research papers;
Organising research symposia;
Undertaking research supervisions, research project co-ordination etc.
Building your Assessed Portfolio
Assessment is by portfolio which comprises the written assignments and evidences
engagement with the programme activities. Your portfolio should contain:
1. Portfolio Coversheet
2. Teaching Baseline exercise
Teaching philosophy notes & development plans & reflections
3. Workshop/ Development Activities log sheet
4. Workshop reflection sheets
How students learn
Module design
Assessment & feedback
Large & small group teaching
Reviewing & evaluating teaching
5. Development Activities reflection sheets
6. 6x Teaching Observation forms and 1x reflection form
7. Pedagogic Review with coversheet
8. Negotiated Project with coversheet
If you are on either of the APL routes please consult the APL page for the portfolio
requirements www.warwick.ac.uk/pcapp/currentparticipants2013/aplportfolio
Support for Participants
Support from the PCAPP Team
We offer support for:
Managing your route through the programme;
Discussing ideas for undertaking the Pedagogic Review and Negotiated Project;
Arranging an observation by a member of the PCAPP team;
Confirmation of course components to be completed;
Guidance on submission requirements;
Advice about course requirements and regulations;
Enquiries from new starters about the possibility of Exemption from PCAPP and/or
Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL).
To request support please contact pcapp@warwick.ac.uk in the first instance.
Participant Progress Reports
To help you monitor your progress throughout your registration, you will be sent a
personalised Progress Report three times each academic year. The report details which
components of the course you have completed and which are outstanding. A summary of
the report is also sent to your Head of Department.
Tell us what you think: Giving feedback
The course team place great emphasis on feedback from participants and will be seeking
feedback from you in a variety of ways, including evaluation questionnaires, course review
meetings and informal discussions. Although completion of questionnaires and attendance
at review meetings takes time we hope that you will regard this as a valuable investment that
helps to develop the course for yourselves as well as future participants. If you have any
suggestions or issues as the course progresses please feel free to raise them with any
member of the course team rather than feeling you have to wait for the next ‘formal’
Other support
Institute of Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL)
IATL's core business is to foster a pedagogy that is committed to innovation,
interdisciplinarity, inclusiveness, and internationalisation. They seek to enhance the student
experience at Warwick by supporting staff and students in the development of best practice
in teaching and learning. In practical terms, this means that IATL funds teaching and
learning projects for staff, introduces interdisciplinary cross-faculty modules, and runs
Reinvention: a Journal of Undergraduate Research and the Student Ensemble.
You may want to consider collaborating with IATL as a development activity for Year 2.
Support from the Library
Staff Development Collection A dedicated collection of books to support participants on
the PCAPP course is held in the Teaching Grid. Items within this collection can be borrowed
for standard loan periods.
Further material about learning, teaching and Higher Education can be found within the
general education collection on Floor 4, with books about educational psychology and
cognition being found on Floor 2.
Chris Bradford is the Education Librarian and she can provide guidance on locating material
about teaching methods and learning styles within Higher Education.
Contact: c.bradford@warwick.ac.uk or Tel. 024765 24476
The Teaching Grid
The Teaching Grid is a dedicated space on Floor 2 of the Library that aims to support the
development of innovative teaching at the University of Warwick.
The Teaching Grid offers:
Comfortable meeting, consultation and social areas for working individually or
discussing teaching development matters with colleagues;
Flexible teaching spaces to trial teaching methods and technologies;
Technologies for teaching enhancement and delivery, including wireless data
projection equipment, smart boards, laptops, and video conferencing equipment;
A varied programme of developmental workshops, courses and events;
Indicative Reading
The following list offers a sample of the growing body of literature around academic and
professional practice in Higher Education. Most of the literature is available electronically or
in the University of Warwick Library. . Participants are also encouraged to refer to relevant
disciplinary/subject support networks online. For further information on the HEA Subject
Centres see their website – http://www.heacademy.ac.uk
Angelo, T.A. and Cross, K.P. (1993) Classroom Assessment Techniques. San Francisco:
Barnett, R. (1992) Improving Higher Education. Buckingham: SRHE/OUP.
Barnett, R. (1999) Realizing the University in an Age of Supercomplexity. Buckingham: SRHE/OUP.
Biggs, J. and Tang, C. (2007) Teaching for Quality Learning at University: What the Student does.
Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Boud, D. and Falchikov, N. (eds) (2007) Rethinking Assessment in Higher Education. London:
Boud, D.J. et al. (1993) Using Experience for Learning. Milton Keynes, OUP.
Brockbank, A. and McGill, I. (1998) Facilitating Reflective Learning in Higher Education. London:
Society for Research into Higher Education.
Brookfield, S. (2nd ed. 2005) Discussion as a Way of Teaching: Tools and Techniques for University
Teachers. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Brown, A. and Glasner, S. (eds) (1999) Assessment Matters in Higher Education: Choosing and
Using Diverse Approaches. Buckingham, SRHE and OUP Buckingham, SRHE and Open University
Butcher, C., Davies, C. and Highton, M. (2006) Designing Learning: from Module Outline to Effective
Teaching. New York, NY: Routledge.
Cousin, G. (2009) Researching Learning in Higher Education. London: Routledge.
Cowan, J. (1998) On Becoming an Innovative University Teacher. Buckingham, SRHE and Open
University Press.
Exley, K. & Dennick, R. (2004) Small Group Teaching: Tutorials, Seminars and Beyond. London:
Routledge Farmer.
Exley, K. (2004) Giving a Lecture: from Presenting to Teaching. London: Routledge Farmer.
Falchikov, N. (2004) Improving Assessment through Student Involvement. London: Routledge
Fry, H., Kettridge, S., Marshall, S. (2003) A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher
Education: Enhancing Academic Practice. (2nd edition) London: Routledge Farmer
Gibbs, G. (1988) Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods. London:
Further Education Unit.
Haines, C. (2004) Assessing Students’ Written Work: Marking Essays and Reports. London:
Jackson, N. and Lund, H.S. (2000) Benchmarking for Higher Education. Buckingham: SRHE and
Knight, P. (2002) Being a Teacher in Higher Education. Buckingham: SRHE/OUP.
Knight, P. and Yorke, M. (2003) Learning, Curriculum and Employability in Higher Education. London:
Routledge Falmer.
Knowles, M. S. (1984) Andragogy in Action. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Kolb, D.A. (1984) Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development.
New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Laurillard, D. (2006) “E-Learning in Higher Education”. In Changing Higher Education, Edited by Paul
Ashwin London: Routledge Falmer.
McGill, I and Brockbank, A. (2003) The Action Learning Handbook. London: Routledge Falmer.
McGill, I. and Beaty, L. (2002) Action Learning (2nd edition) London: Routledge.
Moon, J. (1999) Learning Journals. London: Kogan Page.
Moon, J. (2004) A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning: Theory and
Practice. London: Routledge Farmer.
Prosser, M. and Trigwell, K. (1999) Understanding Learning and Teaching. Buckingham:
Ramsden, P. (2003) Learning to Teach in Higher Education. (2nd edition) London: Routledge Falmer.
Rowland, S. (2000) The Enquiring University Teacher. Buckingham: SHRE /OUP.
Rust, C. and Gibbs, G. (1997) Improving Student Learning Through Course Design. Oxford: OCSD.
Salmon, G. (2004) E-Moderating: The Key to Online Teaching and Learning. London: Taylor &
Salmon, G. (2005) E-tivites: The Key to Online Learning. London: Taylor & Francis.
Savin-Baden, M. (2003) Facilitating Problem Based Learning. Buckingham: SRHE and OUP.
Schon, D.A. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. New York: Basic
Tight, M. (2004) The Routledge Falmer Reader in Higher Education. London: Routledge Falmer.
Useful Journals Available from the Library
About campus [electronic resource].
Active learning in higher education [electronic resource].
ASHE-ERIC higher education report [electronic resource].
Assessment and evaluation in higher education [electronic resource].
Assessment update [electronic resource].
Chronicle of higher education [electronic resource].
Education research and perspectives.
EDUCAUSE review [electronic resource].
European journal of education [electronic resource].
Further & higher education and training statistics in Wales.
Higher education [electronic resource].
Higher education in Europe. [electronic resource]
Higher education policy [electronic resource].
Higher education quarterly [electronic resource].
Higher education research & development [electronic resource].
"Higher quality (online);""Higher quality: the bulletin of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher
Education [electronic resource].""
"Inclusion (Coventry, England);""Inclusion: focus on disability and widening participation in higher
education [electronic resource].""
Innovative higher education [electronic resource].
International journal for academic development [electronic resource].
International journal of sustainability in higher education [electronic resource].
Internet and higher education [electronic resource].
Journal of access policy and practice
Journal of access studies.
Journal of blacks in higher education [electronic resource].
Journal of college student development [electronic resource].
Journal of further and higher education [electronic resource].
Journal of higher education [electronic resource].
Learning and individual differences [electronic resource]
Learning and motivation [electronic resource]
Learning and teaching in higher education [electronic resource].
Mentoring and tutoring [electronic resource]
New directions for institutional research [electronic resource].
Quality in higher education [electronic resource].
Research in higher education [electronic resource].
Research in post-compulsory education [electronic resource].
Review of higher education [electronic resource].
Studies in the education of adults [electronic resource]
Studies in higher education [electronic resource].
Teaching in higher education [electronic resource].
Tertiary education and management [electronic resource].
Times higher education supplement [electronic resource].
Virtual university journal [electronic resource].
Key databases for education include:
British Education Index, Education Research Complete, Educational; Research Abstracts and ERIC.
Useful websites include:
British Education Internet Resource Catalogue http://brs.leeds.ac.uk/~beiwww/beirc.htm
Provides access to useful internet resources in education
Copyright Licensing Agency www.cla.co.uk/
Intute www.intute.ac.uk/
Provides access to good internet resources for Education and research
Higher Education Academy www.heacademy.ac.uk/
Appendix 1: The UKPSF
The UKPSF for teaching and supporting learning is for institutions to apply to their
professional development programmes and activities thereby demonstrating that
professional standards are being met.
What is the UKPSF?
The UKPSF provides a general description of the main dimensions of the roles of teaching
and supporting learning within the HE environment. It is written from the perspective of the
practitioner and outlines a national Framework for comprehensively recognising and
benchmarking teaching and learning support roles within Higher Education. The
Framework has two components: The descriptors and the dimensions of practice.
The Descriptors:
These are a set of statements outlining the “key characteristics” of someone performing
four broad categories of typical teaching and learning support roles within Higher Education.
Fellow: Descriptor 2
Demonstrates a broad understanding of
effective approaches to teaching and
learning support as key contributions to
high quality student learning. Individuals
should be able to provide evidence of:
Successful engagement across all
five Areas of Activity;
Appropriate knowledge and
understanding across all aspects
of Core Knowledge;
A commitment to all the
Professional Values;
Successful engagement in
appropriate teaching practices
related to the Areas of Activity;
Successful incorporation of
subject and pedagogic research
and/or scholarship within the
above activities, as part of an
integrated approach to academic
Successful engagement in
continuing professional
development in relation to
teaching, learning, assessment
and, where appropriate, related
professional practices.
Typical individual role/career stage
a. Early career academics
b. Academic-related and/or support staff
holding substantive teaching and learning
c. Experienced academics relatively new to
UK higher education
d. Staff with (sometimes significant)
teaching-only responsibilities including, for
example, within work based settings
The Dimensions of Practice
These are a set of statements outlining the:
Areas of Activity undertaken by teachers and supporters of learning within HE
Core Knowledge that is needed to carry out those activities at the appropriate
Professional Values that someone performing these activities should embrace
and exemplify
Areas of Activity
A1. Design and plan
learning activities and/or
programmes of study
A2. Teach and/or support
A3. Assess and give
feedback to learners
A4. Developing effective
learning environments and
approaches to student
support and guidance
A5. Engage in continuing
professional development
in subjects/disciplines and
their pedagogy,
incorporating research,
scholarship and the
evaluation of professional
Core Knowledge
K1. The subject material
K2. Appropriate methods
for teaching and learning
in the subject area and at
the level of the academic
K3. How students learn,
both generally and
within their
K4. The use and value of
appropriate learning
K5. Methods for
evaluating the
effectiveness of teaching
Professional Values
V1. Respect individual
learners and diverse learning
V2. Promote participation in
higher education and
equality of opportunity for
V3. Use evidence-informed
approaches and the
outcomes from research,
scholarship and continuing
professional development
V4. Acknowledge the wider
context in which higher
education operates
recognising the implications
for professional practice.
6. The implications of
quality assurance and
quality enhancement for
academic and
professional practice
with a particular focus
on teaching
Appendix 2: The Teaching Observation Process
Pre and Post Observation
Before the observation, it is important to discuss the session to be observed with your observer.
The pre-observation meeting should be used to highlight your specific learning outcomes for the
session and to identify any specific areas you wish the observer to focus on e.g. how you handle
student questions, how successfully you interact with students during group work etc. Part 1 of
the teaching observation form should be completed and sent to your Observer at least 5 days
before the session.
After the observation, it is important that the debrief meeting takes place at the earliest
opportunity in order to maintain the momentum of the process and to ensure the observation is
completed, with any actions agreed and ‘signed off’ in a timely fashion. It is therefore
recommended that Observer and Observee meet immediately after the session wherever
possible. If this is not possible, the Observer should try to provide the Observee with some brief,
supportive but accurate feedback at the end of the observed session. It is also essential that the
Observer provides the Observee with constructive feedback on the session using Part 2 of the
PCAPP Teaching Observation Form.
Observation records and portfolio evidence
To facilitate a consistent approach to the observation process, a Teaching Observation Form
is used for each observation.
Departmental Mentor and PCAPP Advisers observations
Part 1: provides pre-observation information and must be given to the observer
before the observation
Part 2: includes observation comments and any suggested actions based on
discussion between observer and observee.
It is essential that a copy of the completed form is forwarded to the Course Secretary
as soon as each observation is completed and ‘signed off’
Participants should then place the originals of each form in their Portfolios
Reciprocal Peer Observations
Part 1: provides pre-observation information and is given to the observer before the
Part 2: includes observation comments and any suggested actions based on
discussion between observer and observee.
Part 3: includes comments from the observer on impact of the observation on their
own practice
It is essential that a copy of the completed form parts 1 and 2 is forwarded to the
Course Secretary as soon as each observation is completed and ‘signed off’
Participants should then place the originals of each form in their Portfolios
Appendix 3: Assessment Criteria and Procedures
The two items of written coursework are pieces of academic writing and appropriate
reference to relevant academic and/or educational literature (generic, subject specific etc.) is
therefore expected. The PCAPP programme operates in accordance with the University of
Warwick’s Faculty of Social Studies Postgraduate Marking Criteria (see tables below)
The table below provides guidance on what constitutes an excellent portfolio
Use of wide range of
relevant sources, well
understood and fully
Excellent answer to
question. Locates
suitable concepts and
makes comprehensive
assessment of issues
involved. Understands
the relevant theories and
applies them to
answering the question.
Original perspective on
the problems in the
question. Ability to set
sources and view-points
in context and evaluate
awareness and
theoretical appreciation.
Well structured and
planned. Clear, articulate
style (with good spelling,
grammar and syntax).
Proper referencing and
bibliography. Confident
presentation and
appropriate length.
The table below provides guidance on what would be classed as a referral
Few relevant sources
used. Poor
Lack of analytical
approach. Purely
descriptive account.
Often the question has
been ignored or badly
Irrelevant comments.
Lack of any critical or
appreciative framework..
presentation, lack of
coherence, page
referencing etc.
Assessment Criteria
Specific credit values are not allocated to individual elements within the PCAPP Portfolio. In
order to obtain a pass, participants are required to meet the programme’s aims and learning
outcomes as specified in first section of this handbook, and complete all the specified
components to an appropriate standard and level of detail, supported by evidence as
appropriate. This includes achieving a pass grade for the Pedagogic Review and Negotiated
The following guidance is offered to participants in relation to the marking of work:
Work meriting a pass will normally demonstrate many of the following:
Clear evidence that appropriate and identified learning outcomes have been met
Clear evidence of relevance to the candidate's own academic practice and development
The competent and scholarly organisation of material
A logical conclusion set within an appropriate context for the task
Clear evidence of background reading
The use (e.g. critique) of relevant underpinning theory
The coherent and logical progression of ideas
An awareness of broader departmental, disciplinary, institutional, national and international
contexts where appropriate
i. Competence in handling primary sources where used
j. Well reasoned conclusions which are indicative of recognition that there are likely to be inherent
tensions both in relation to practice/practical situations and within the supporting literature.
k. Effective referencing of sources and authorities
l. In the case of the Portfolio, demonstrate that all the specified components have been satisfactorily
m. A high standard of English grammar and punctuation
n. An appropriate bibliography.
o. A short abstract.
NB. A 'pass' with minor corrections expected may be awarded in certain occasional instances.
Where a submission is ‘referred’, there is likely to be evidence of a number but not
necessarily the majority of the following elements:
Limited evidence of ability to demonstrate relevance of appropriate learning outcome(s)
Limited or even poor organisation of material
Limited relevance to candidate's academic work
Restricted understanding of the subject of the submission;
Little or no evidence of secondary reading
Limited awareness of broader departmental, disciplinary, institutional, national and international
contexts when clearly relevant
g. Little or no evidence of critique and comment
h. Limited coherence and limited evidence of logical argument
i. Failure to recognise sufficiently the inherent tensions in both practice and literature
j. In the case of the Portfolio, evidence that some specified components are incomplete
k. Insufficiently high standard of English grammar and punctuation
NB. A ‘referral’ indicates that the candidate should, in the view of markers, be able to
achieve a pass with some re-working of the material.
A submission which fails is likely to display many of the following:
Failure to demonstrate achievement of appropriate learning outcome(s)
Very poor or incompetent organisation of the material
No obvious relevance to candidate's academic work
Little or no evidence that the candidate understands the subject of the submission
Very poor or non-existent evidence of use of a range of secondary reading
Substantial errors of fact
No clear evidence of ability to review, critique or comment on relevant literature
No evidence of awareness or relevance of broader departmental, disciplinary, institutional,
national and international contexts
m. Poor overall coherence and limited logical argument
h. Lack of any reference to or acknowledgement of any tensions inherent in the material.
i. In the case of the Portfolio, evidence that certain specified components are unsatisfactorily
completed and/or are missing
j. Poor standard of English grammar/punctuation which makes the text difficult to fully comprehend.
k. Lack of Bibliography or overt evidence of reading
l. Lack of relevant supporting documentation when required.
How to submit your work
There are 3 submission dates each academic year and these are the first Monday of each
1. All work must be submitted in hardcopy to the Course Secretary by 4.00pm on or before
the relevant deadline submission date.
2. Use the relevant cover sheets and checklist provided at:
3. You are also advised to retain a full copy of all the work you have submitted. A
confirmation receipt will be sent by email for all work you submit.
4. Two hard copies of each piece of assessed academic writing, (Pedagogic Review and
Negotiated Project) must be submitted. This to enable simultaneous distribution to
markers and the external examiner when necessary.
5. Work which is submitted after the deadline date will be held over until the next
submission deadline and will, therefore, not be marked until the next marking round.
Retention of assessed work
1. Please note that one copy of your portfolio may be retained indefinitely by LDC,
predominantly for the purposes of assessment moderation and for the monitoring of
course development/impact.
2. Confidentiality is strictly maintained and normally no access to copies of assessed work
is permitted to any persons other than those directly involved in assessment procedures
and those undertaking course review under quality assurance arrangements recognised
by the University.
3. In certain instances, where your Portfolio (or an element within it) demonstrates what is
agreed to be ‘good’ or ‘best’ practice, you may be asked to confirm that you have no
objection to it being shown to others (suitably anonymised where necessary).
4. If you do not wish any copies of your work to be retained beyond the minimum period
required by University procedures, please inform pcapp@warwick.ac.uk in writing within
your first three months of registering on the programme. Arrangements will then be
made for them to be destroyed.
5. Participants may be required to meet with the External Examiner at an appropriate point
in the year.
Using material more than once
1. Whilst it is possible that similar material may be relevant for more than one aspect of
your work, you should be aware that submitting substantially the same material for more
than one Portfolio element could be construed as taking unfair advantage. Thus, given
the wide range of topics and approaches available to participants in both the end of year
two Negotiated Project and the end of year one Pedagogic Review, it is essential that the
duplication of material is avoided.
2. If you are at all concerned about this issue, it is essential that you consult with the
Course Leader at an early stage and well before the final submission of your Portfolio.
Plagiarism is covered by Regulation 11, Regulations Governing the Procedure to be
Adopted in the Event of Suspected Cheating in a University Test. For further information
see: www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/gov/calendar/section2/regulations/cheating/
Referencing in assessments
Scholarly referencing is a necessary element within only two particular assessment elements
in your Portfolio:
The Pedagogic Review
The Negotiated Project
In-text citation referencing (e.g. the APA system) is commonly used in the social sciences
and is therefore the approach you are most likely to encounter in books and periodicals
relating to most aspects of academic practice and professional development in higher
We appreciate that participants who are not accustomed to working in the social sciences
may prefer to use a referencing system from their own discipline. If you wish to do this,
please ensure that a consistent referencing style is followed and a full list of bibliographical
references is given at the end of each piece of work.
External Examination
1. The PCAPP programme is subject to the normal arrangements and procedures for
external examination of postgraduate awards in the Faculty of Social Studies.
2. Please note that candidates for the PCAPP award can be required to meet with the
External Examiner prior to the relevant Examination Board. You will be notified in
advance that you may be needed but it will not be possible until nearer to the specific
date to confirm that your presence is required.
1. In the event that a course member should disagree with an assessment decision, the
following procedure will be adopted:
a. The participant will be required to submit a written statement of the grounds for
complaint to the PCAPP Course Leader at the Learning and Development
b. The statement, the submitted work, the assessors’ decision and comments,
assessment guidelines and any other relevant information will be considered by
the Course Leader in consultation with the two internal markers.
c. In exceptional cases, where the matter cannot be resolved internally, the
assignment and supporting material outlined in b. will be sent to the External
Examiner, who will adjudicate.
2. Complaints concerning the quality of teaching or of pastoral care on the course are a
different category of grievance, and should be brought to the attention of the Course