BOTSWANA TELECOMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY Impact of EMF Emissions on Humans & the Environment , September 3rd-5th , 2003 OTSILE LETEBELE BOTSWANA TELECOMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY PRIVATE BAG 00495 GABORONE, BOTSWANA Tel. No. +267 3957755 Fax. No. +267 3957976 E-MAIL: Website: ITU Seminar, Kampala, Septemeber 4th, 2003 BOTSWANA TELECOMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY The basic principle of wireless communication is the transmission of information using electromagnetic waves. The effect on humans of electromagnetic energy emissions is an issue of public concern. BOTSWANA TELECOMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY Public concern about EMF radiation is, partly a result of the spread of mobile technology, as almost everybody is potentially affect . There is widespread concern about radiation from cell phones and from the cell phone towers (base stations) . BOTSWANA TELECOMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY Experience of Botswana on the subject: Concern raised from different forums of the society. BTA had in the past requested to make presentation on the subject BOTSWANA TELECOMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY Mobile operator are required as a licence condition to carry out environment impact study. Mobile operators have to seek authorization from Department of Town and Regional Planning for any new sites in cities. The Department may impose in its authorization such conditions such as colors of the antennas etc BOTSWANA TELECOMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY A government department called National Conservation strategy Agency is the responsible body for Environmental conservation. No studies / policy in the country on impact of EMF on humans. Policy framework and legislation BOTSWANA TELECOMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY The International NIR Workshop & Symposium will take place in Seville, Spain, from 20 to 22 May 2004 This is ICNIRP/WHO Workshop Internationally recognized experts in all nonionizing radiation (NIR) specialties will present lectures on the Subject. BOTSWANA TELECOMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY THANK YOU !!! ITU Seminar, Kampala, September 4th, 2003