UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Equality and Diversity Committee There will be a meeting of the Equality and Diversity Committee on Monday 31 October 2011 at 2.00pm in the Council Chamber, first floor University House, chaired by Professor Koen Lamberts. J F Baldwin Registrar Note: Questions on agenda items or apologies for this meeting should be directed to the Assistant Secretary of the Committee, Sandra Beaufoy, ext 74479 or AGENDA 1. Terms of Reference and Membership (a) Terms of Reference TO CONSIDER: The Terms of Reference for the Equality and Diversity Committee for 2011/12 EDC Paper 01/11-12, copy attached. (b) Membership TO CONSIDER: The membership of the Committee for 2011/12. EDC Paper 02/11-12, copy attached. 2. Minutes TO CONSIDER: The minutes of the meeting held on 31 May 2011 (copy attached). 3. Matters Arising (a) Athena SWAN Charter (Minute 26/10-11(b) refers) TO RECEIVE: An oral report from Professor Koen Lamberts regarding the fact that the Psychology department had been unsuccessful in its bid for a silver Athena SWAN Award. 4. Single Equality Act 1 TO REPORT: a. That the specific duties for England with respect to the Equality Duty of the Equality Act 2010 came into force on 10 September 2011; it being noted that the specific duties require higher education institutions to publish: b. Equality objectives, at least every four years (by April 2012) and; Information to demonstrate their compliance with the Equality Duty, at least annually (by 31 January 2012). That the information published should include, in particular, information relating to employees and others affected by their policies and practices, including students. TO CONSIDER: 5. a. A draft revision of the Single Equality Scheme, taking into account the new equality legislation. (EDC Paper 03/11-12, copy attached) b. A draft of the proposed equality objectives, into which the Single Equality Action Plan has been incorporated. (EDC Paper 04/11-12, copy attached) Staff Statistics Report: Equality Monitoring 2010/11 TO CONSIDER: A paper containing key staffing statistics for the academic year 2010/11 (EDC Paper 05/11-12, copy attached). 6. Promotion and Probation TO CONSIDER: A report on academic promotions and probations for the academic year 2010/11.(EDC Paper 06/11-12, copy attached) 7. Equality and Diversity Network TO RECEIVE: A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Equality and Diversity Network held on 17 October 2011. (EDC Paper 07/11-12, copy attached) 8. Items from the Equality and Diversity Network TO CONSIDER: An oral report from the Disability Coordinator with respect to the document on Managing Reasonable Adjustments in Higher Education. 2 TO CONSIDER: a. How the University can ensure that equal consideration is given to both staff and students with disabilities when planning and implementing adjustments in the work place. b. The time and commitment of individuals in roles supporting Equality and Diversity should be seen as official university business and time spent at meetings should be recognised as such. 9. Disability Interest Group TO RECEIVE: A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Disability Interest Group held on 19 May 2011 (EDC Paper 08/11-12, copy attached) 10. Equality and Diversity Training TO REPORT: That an external training company has been engaged to deliver a number of Equality and Diversity training courses, specifically for Heads of Departments in relation to the upcoming REF requirement and for SSLC reps, Dignity Contacts and departmental E&D representatives in the first instance, after which further places would be open to the wider university community. 11. Equal Pay Review 2011 TO CONSIDER The draft Equal Pay review for staff in grades 1a-8, and level 9. It being noted that the University is waiting for guidance from the Government on how Equal Pay Review outcomes should be published at 31 December 2011. EDC Paper 09/11-12 – copy attached and EDC Paper 10/11-12 to be tabled at the meeting. 13. Staff Network Groups TO REPORT: That the University would like to establish a number of Staff Network Groups to encompass protected characteristics, such as disability, BME, LGB and that notices have been placed on InSite and posters have been issued to departmental equality and diversity representatives for display on departmental notice boards accordingly. 14. Equality Challenge Unit – Strategic Priorities TO RECEIVE: 3 An oral report from the Deputy Director of HR regarding the ECU strategic priorities for 2011/13. 15. HEFCE Equality Scheme 2011-2014 Consultation Document TO REPORT: That the University’s draft response to the HEFCE’s consultation document was considered at a meeting of the Steering Committee on 25 July 2011 and that it was resolved that HR would submit a response to the HEFCE by the required date of 29 July 2011. 16 Any Other Business 17. Date of Next Meeting TO REPORT: That the date of the next meeting of the Equality and Diversity Committee will be on Wednesday 8 February 2012 at 10.00 am in the Institute of Advanced Studies Seminar Room. 4