INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC– E TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR March 2006 English only STUDY PERIOD 2005-2008 Original: English Question(s): ALL STUDY GROUP 19 – REPORT 4 Source: Study Group 19 (Mobile Telecommunication Networks) Title: Report of the Geneva meeting (23-27 January 2006) Structure of the report R 4 of the fourth meeting of the SG 19 (Geneva, 23-27 January 2006) COM 19-R 4 Annexes to the report R 4 REPORT OF OBSERVATIONS Study Group 19 (Mobile Telecommunication Networks) Contains list of liaisons SG19 Questions 1, 3, 4 and joint 2, 5/19 6/13 and 29/16 meetings Annex 3 contains SG19 Work Programme Attention: This is a document submitted to the work of ITU-T and as such is intended for use by the Member States of ITU, by ITUT Sector Members and Associates, and their respective staff and collaborators in their ITU-related work. It is made publicly available for information purposes but shall not be redistributed without the prior written consent of ITU. Copyright on this document is owned by the author, unless otherwise mentioned. This document is not an ITU-T Recommendation, an ITU publication, or part thereof. -2COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E Table of contents Table of contents ...................................................................................................................... 2 1. General .......................................................................................................................... 3 2. Documentation for the meeting .................................................................................... 4 3. Approval of Draft Recommendations ........................................................................... 4 4 Next Generation Networks and SG 19’s Role .............................................................. 4 5. Reports of Interim and Related Activities .................................................................... 5 6 Meeting Timetable and Appointment of Coordinators ................................................. 5 7. Approval of reports of individual Questions ................................................................ 6 8. Allocation of NGN deliverable responsibilities ........................................................... 9 9. Future meetings ............................................................................................................ 9 10. Approval of outgoing liaison statements ...................................................................... 10 11. Work Programme for SG 19 ......................................................................................... 11 12. Planning for Workshops and Seminars......................................................................... 11 13. Reducing Documentation Costs ................................................................................... 11 14. Closing of the Meeting ................................................................................................. 11 Annex 1 - Agenda .................................................................................................................... 13 Annex 2 - Notes on Additional Documents Identified in the Opening Plenary ...................... 14 Annex 3 - SG 19 Work Programme ......................................................................................... 17 Annex 4 - Q.1/19 Report: Service and network capability requirements and network architecture ................................................................................................................... 19 Annex 5 - Q.3/19 Report: Identification of existing and evolving IMT-2000 systems .......... 23 Annex 6 - Q.4/19 Report: Preparation of a handbook on IMT-2000 ....................................... 25 Annex 7 - Report of Joint Meetings of Q.2/19, Q.5/19, Q.6/13 and Q.29/16 .......................... 27 Annex 8 - Extract of Proposal on Trial for Further Reducing Paper Consumption at ITU-T Meetings ....................................................................................................................... 34 Annex 9 - Draft Work Plan for July 2006 Meeting of SG 19 .................................................. 36 ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC -3COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E 1. General 1.1 The fourth meeting of ITU-T Study Group 19 “Mobile Telecommunication Networks” in the 2005-2008 study period, took place in Geneva, Switzerland, in the ITU Facilities from 23-27 January 2006. The meeting was convened by TSB Collective Letter 4/19 dated 1 November 2005 and was chaired by Mr John Visser (Nortel, Canada), assisted by the following SG 19 ViceChairmen: Mr Maurice Ghazal (MPT, Lebanon) Mr Kiritkumar Lathia (Siemens Mobile Communications, Italy) Mr Bruno Ramos (ANATEL, Brazil) Mr Motoshi Tamura (NTT DoCoMo, Japan) Mr Konstantin Trofimov (NIIR, Russia) 1.2 One Vice-Chairman was not able to participate in this meeting, extended apologies for his absence, and designated a representative to take his place: Mr Young Kyun Kim (Samsung Electronics, Korea) represented by Mr Kees den Hollander 1.3 One Vice-Chairman was not able to participate in this meeting and extended apologies for his absence: Mr Patrick Masambu (Communications Commission, Uganda) 1.4 The Chairman opened the meeting at 09:30 on 23 January 2005 and welcomed the participants. The Chairman invited Dr Houlin Zhao, ITU TSB Director, to provide some opening remarks. Dr Zhao gave a warm welcome to the delegates, and then noted a number of points: SG 19 is the only study group in ITU-T that addresses mobility. From discussions in 2005 on proposals on restructuring the study groups, it was clear that the membership does not support merging study groups for at least another year, and it was considered very important that Study Group 19 continue. Noting the strong relationships of the work across study groups involved in the NGN-GSI, he was pleased to note that all involved were working closely together to ensure the work progresses as quickly as possible. He also noted that there are a number of new initiatives and topics being worked, including networked RFIDs, Home Networking and IPTV. He encouraged participants to become involved in these areas, noting that ITU-T is holding a number of workshops on these and other topics. 1.5 The SG 19 Chairman provided his opening remarks and stated his overall objectives for the meeting. These are summarized here: Continue to play an essential role in and actively contribute to the progress of the NGNGlobal Standards Initiative by progressing our work on Mobility, and on Fixed Mobile Convergence, as essential aspects of the NGN-GSI initiative; in particular: o progress our work on Mobility Management in Q.2/19 towards completing the deliverable Q.MMR (Mobility Management Requirements for Systems Beyond IMT-2000) at this meeting; o progress the work on Fixed Mobile Convergence, adding significant momentum to this activity; and ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC -4COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E o advance the work on requirements and architecture for IMT-2000 and systems beyond while also providing a better description of its positioning with respect to NGN; Progress the work on the next iterations of Recommendations Q.1741 and Q.1742; Advance the state of the next version of the Handbook for IMT-2000 and systems beyond, and consider where else we could usefully develop guidance documents for the benefit of developing countries and countries with economies in transition, and how we should go about doing so successfully; Continue to assert and promote SG 19’s mandate and role in the NGN-GSI context, namely continue with our position that SG 19 should handle the approval of NGN-GSI deliverables that fall within its mandate, while ensuring that progress on defining the NGN is maintained in order to meet the needs of end users and operators; and Consider future directions for effectively handling the topics and work areas allocated to SG 19 with the aim of seeing these progress rapidly and effectively in meeting the needs of the telecommunications industry. 2. Documentation for the meeting 2.1 The agenda, as provided in TSB Collective Letter 4/19, is available as TD 245 and has been attached to this report as Annex 1. It was accepted as proposed. 2.2 The meeting considered thirteen contributions (D 29 through D 41). The meeting considered eighteen liaison statements, listed in TD 277. One series of Temporary Documents was assigned. A proposed document allocation was made available as TD 293R1. TDs generated during the meeting are not included in this allocation. 2.3 The list of participants was distributed as TD 317. 2.4 All documents for the meeting may be downloaded from the SG 19 web page: 3. Approval of Draft Recommendations 3.1 AAP Consent of Draft New Recommendations 3.1.1 No draft new Recommendations were presented for consideration for AAP Consent. 4 Next Generation Networks and SG 19’s Role 4.1 The report and the draft output document “NGN Release 1 – Scope” of the final meeting of the Next Generation Networks Focus Group (Gatwick, UK, 14-17 November 2005) are found in TD 263. 4.2 SG 19 continues to assert its position on its role in NGN studies, especially with respect to mobility and fixed-mobile convergence, based on the mandate assigned to it at WTSA-2004, as further discussed in §8 below. At the same time, SG 19 is working closely with relevant Questions in SG 13 and other study groups to ensure that the technical work progresses expeditiously. One example is the coordinated and effective discussions involving Q.2 and 5.19 with Q.6/13 and Q.29/16 at this meeting. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC -5COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E 5. Reports of Interim and Related Activities 5.1 While an interim e-meeting of Q.1/19 was scheduled 8 - 22 November 2005, this meeting was cancelled due to lack of sufficient input documents to warrant proceeding. 5.2 Notes on the discussions on the remaining general documents identified in the opening plenary may be found in Annex 2. 5.3 Open Access to SG 19 Documentation 5.3.1 The SG 19 Chairman noted the substantial increase in the proportion of contributions that have been designated as available for public access. The SG 19 Chairman is also required to report to TSAG on SG 19’s experience to date with respect to the conduct of a trial of making SG 19 documents publicly accessible. It is noted that ten of thirteen contributions (77%) and a number of TDs to this meeting are designated for public access. All the publicly accessible documents, including a public version of the previous meeting’s report, are available at 5.3.2 No issues or concerns of any sort have arisen as a result of the open and public access to these documents to date. The SG 19 Chairman will so indicate to TSAG at the upcoming meeting, 3 - 7 July 2006. 5.3.3 The SG 19 Chairman encouraged participants to continue to strive for greater openness and public accessibility for their documents within the agreed guidelines in order to obtain the fullest possible experience in this area. 6 Meeting Timetable and Appointment of Coordinators 6.1 The SG 19 Management Team proposed a meeting timetable in the Collective Letter and this was provided in TD 246. This timetable includes joint sessions of various questions as referenced above. 6.2 There has been no change to the list of Rapporteurs included in the previous meeting’s report. 6.3 The following table provides the updated list of SG 19 Coordinators. Function Coordinator EDH open (SG 19 Chairman by default) IETF, IEEE 802 Mr Young Kyun Kim (Samsung Electronics, Korea) ITU-D Q.18/2 Liaison Mr Maurice Ghazal (MPT, Lebanon) ITU-R WP 8F Liaison Mr Konstantin Trofimov (Russian Federation) assisted by Mr Kiritkumar Lathia (Siemens Mobile Communications, Italy) Liaison Mr Konstantin Trofimov (Russian Federation) Meeting Scheduling Mr Motoshi Tamura (NTT DoCoMo, Japan) NGN Mr Leslie Graf (Australia) OPs of 3GPP and 3GPP2 Mr Ilkka Hyvärinen (Nokia, Finland; Q.3/19 Rapporteur) Project Plan Mr Bruno Ramos (ANATEL, Brazil) ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC -6COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E Function Coordinator Publicity Mr John Visser (Nortel, Canada) Security open (SG 19 Chairman by default) Seminars and Workshops Mr Kiritkumar Lathia (Siemens Mobile Communications, Italy) 7. Approval of reports of individual Questions 7.1 Q.1/19 “Service and network capability requirements and network architecture” 7.1.1 The meeting reviewed and approved the report of Q1/19 in TD 310R1, attached as Annex 4. 7.1.2 The key results extracted from the report of Q1/19 are: discussed how to progress the work on draft new Recommendation “Functional Network Architecture for Systems Beyond IMT-2000” (Q.FNAB); and reviewed, and agreed to an updated work plan for Q.1/19, changing the timing for Q.FNAB from 3Q2006 to 2Q2007. 7.1.3 Q.1/19 proposed one outgoing liaison statement as listed in §10 below. 7.1.4 Proposed interim activities were approved and details are included in §9 below. 7.1.5 A discussion on reinvigorating the work of Q.1/19 supported that the work should be more closely coupled with Q.3/13 (“Principles and functional architecture for NGN”) as indicated in the report and in the proposed liaison statement, and that this should be extended to include Q.2/13 (“Requirements and implementation scenarios for emerging services in NGN.”) 7.2 Q.3/19 “Identification of existing and evolving IMT-2000 systems” 7.2.1 The meeting reviewed and approved the report of Q.3/19 in TD 299R1, attached as Annex 5. A public version of this TD has also been posted. 7.2.2 The key results extracted from the report of Q.3/19 are: reviewed and approved inputs from ARIB and TTC for draft new Recommendation Q.1742.5 “ANSI-41 evolved core network with cdma2000 access network” in preparation for anticipated submission for AAP Consent at the July 2006 meeting of SG 19. 7.2.3 Q.3/19 proposed one outgoing liaison statements as listed in §10 below. 7.2.4 No interim activities were proposed. 7.3 Q.4/19 “Preparation of a handbook on IMT-2000” 7.3.1 The meeting reviewed and approved the report of Q.4/19 in TD 311R1, attached as Annex 6. 7.3.2 The key results extracted from the report of Q.4/19 are: a new chapter on safety and security issues for IMT-2000 was reviewed and adopted subject to revision as might be suggested by ITU-T Study Group 17 in response to a liaison being sent to this study group; and material for a new chapter on FMC was proposed to the editor. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC -7COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E 7.3.3 Q.4/19 proposed four outgoing liaison statements as listed in §10 below. One of these was not approved as indicated in §7.3.6 below. 7.3.4 No interim activities were proposed. 7.3.5 The review of the report identified that recent ITU-BDT workshops in Damascus and Nairobi might also be used as a source of material for the Handbook, similar to the material identified in TD 311R1 for recent events in Kyiv and Tunis: ITU/BDT Regional Workshop for the Arab Region on Guidelines on the Smooth Transition of Existing Mobile Networks to IMT-2000 for Developing Countries, Damascus, Syria, 13-15 June 2005 ITU/BDT Regional Seminar for Africa on Fixed Mobile Convergence and Guidelines on the smooth transition of existing mobile networks to IMT-2000 for Developing Countries, Nairobi, Kenya, 9-12 May 2005 Information in these events may be found at 7.3.6 The proposed liaison statement in TD 305R1 was discussed. It was clarified that what is being requested is only a brief description of the ITU-D Q.18/2 MTG document. Considering that the WTDC-06 will occur in March 2006, that no meetings of ITU-D Q.18/2 are scheduled before then, and that the outcome of WTDC-06 may alter the structure and content of the ITU-D Questions, it was considered not appropriate to send this proposed liaison statement. Mr Kiritkumar Lathia kindly volunteered to draft text to meet the need expressed by Q.4/19. It was therefore agreed that this liaison statement was not needed and hence it was not approved. 7.4 Joint Q.2/19, Q.5/19, Q.6/13 and Q.29/16 7.4.1 are: Questions Q.2/19, Q.5/19, Q.6/13 and Q.29/16 met jointly. The titles of these Questions Q.2/19 Mobility management Q.5/19 Convergence of evolving IMT-2000 networks with evolving fixed networks Q.6/13 NGN mobility and fixed-mobile convergence Q.19/16 Mobility for Multimedia Systems and Services 7.4.2 The meeting reviewed and approved with editorial corrections the report of the joint meetings in TD 302 as reflected in TD 302R1, attached as Annex 7. Note that this review and approval does not include that part of the report dealing with Q.6/13 specific aspects, that is §2 of TD 302R1, which was handled by SG 13. 7.4.3 Joint: Key results extracted from the report are: agreed to propose that circuit switched services (i.e., voice services) of 2G and 3G mobile networks are emulated/simulated in NGN in the earliest Release possible in order to be able to use 2G/3G access networks in conjunction with NGN. Mobility Management (MM): 1 agreed to combine SG 19’s draft Q.MMR1 and draft Q.MMF2, and SG 13’s draft Y.NGN-MOB in order to create a common Stage 1 (MMR) and common three- Q.MMR = Mobility Management Requirements (Stage 1) ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC -8COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E volume Stage 2 (MMF, LMF3, and HMF4) Mobility Management Recommendations across the Study Groups. Q.MMR was updated (D 30) resulting in TD 119 (WP2/13) / TD 312 (GEN/19) Additional description of ‘Local’ and ‘Home’ Location Manager and MM Scenarios were added to Q.MMF resulting in TD 120 (WP2/13) / TD 313 (GEN/19). Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC): agreed to narrow the scope of Q.FMC stage 2 to a stage 2 recommendation on IMS based FMC and to clarify this in the working title by changing it to Rec.FMC-IMS5. Material in the output draft from this meeting that is outside the new scope will be transferred at the next meeting to another FMC recommendation or a living list. A draft containing a substantial amount of new stage 2 material can be found in TD 303R1(GEN/19) / TD 118 (WP2/13) agreed to start a new recommendation on an FMC scenario using PSTN as the fixed access network for a UMTS network with working title Rec.FMC-PAU6. A first working draft was produced and can be found in TD 304 (GEN/19) / TD 117(WP2/13) Rec.FMC-REQ7 sections on high level requirements and capabilities were considerably enhanced including a new definition of FMC that makes it clear that FMC is an aspect of NGN, but not limited to NGN. It can be found in TD308(GEN/19) / TD116R1 (WP2/13) 7.4.4 Mr Li Mo of ZTE kindly volunteered to replace Mr David McFarlane as editor for Rec.FMC-IMS. Mr Minrui Shi of China Telecom kindly volunteered to take on the editorship for the new draft recommendation Rec.FMC-PAU. The appointment of these editors was approved. 7.4.5 The joint meeting proposed one outgoing liaison statement as listed in §10 below. 7.4.6 Proposed interim activities were approved and details are included in §9 below. 7.4.7 In TD 302 R1 §5.5.3, a definition of FMC was noted. The Rapporteurs are encouraged to ensure this definition is coordinated with the work on definitions in the NGN-GSI. 7.4.8 It was observed that the joint meetings benefited from the involvement of a number of participants who were not registered for SG 19. (It is estimated that twenty-one participants in the joint Questions discussions were not registered for SG 19.) All participants are kindly requested to consider registering for SG 19 in addition to other study groups in the NGN-GSI. Noting that associate members might be financially impacted if they are required to register for multiple study groups, it was made clear that this request to also register for SG 19 is desirable but optional, and that registering for any one of the involved study groups is sufficient to participate in a joint meeting. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q.MMF = Mobility Management Framework (Stage 2) LMF = Location Mobility Management Framework (Stage 2) HMF = Handover Management Framework (Stage 2) FMC-IMS = Fixed Mobile Convergence with a common IMS session control domain FMC-PAU = FMC service scenario by using PSTN as the fixed Access network for UMTS network FMC-REQ = FMC General Requirements ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC -9COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E 7.4.9 It was noted by the SG 19 Chairman that the Rapporteurs for the four Questions making up this joint activity had worked together very well in the best spirit of resolving differences in points of view and in moving the work forward. An indication of appreciation was suggested and the meeting responded promptly with a substantial round of applause. 8. Allocation of NGN deliverable responsibilities 8.1 SG 13 TD 137 (PLEN) provides a listing of draft Recommendations and deliverables and their evolution as the work of the FGNGN has transitioned into the regular study groups structure. For SG 19, the deliverables FRMOB “Mobility management capability requirements for NGN” and FGNGN-IFN “IMS for Next Generation Networks” remain marked as target study group “13/19*” with the asterisk referring to a note at the end of the table that indicates: “The allocation of responsibilities is under review.” 8.2 SG 19 continues to be of the view that these two deliverables fall within its purview per WTSA-2004 discussions and decisions as captured in WTSA document 118 and Resolution 2, and as “endorsed by a meeting between the TSB Director and Heads of Delegation on 7 September [2005] and form the basis of the ongoing coordination, planning and management of the NGN work.” (TD 240, previous SG 19 meeting.) At the same time, SG 19 has every intention of progressing the approval process for these deliverables expeditiously in order that SG 19’s involvement in the NGN-GSI be positive and constructive in delivering timely results to meet the needs of all parties involved. 9. Future meetings 9.1 The next meeting of SG 19 is scheduled to take place 24-28 July 2006 in Geneva per TSB Circular 40 dated 25 July 2005, during the same period as SGs 13 and 11. Further details will be provided by Collective Letter and will be posted on the SG 19 web site in the usual manner. 9.2 There was discussion of how to better schedule the activities of the three study groups making up the core of the NGN-GSI. To this end, SG 19 considered whether the current schedule was appropriate or whether a better allocation of time slots over the two week period 17 - 28 July 2006 might be defined. As a result of these discussions, it was agreed that the meeting plan provided at Annex 9 would meet the needs of the technical discussions. 9.3 The SG 19 Meeting Schedule Coordinator, Mr Motoshi Tamura, presented TD 284 which provides information on the schedule for selected meetings of other groups relevant to SG19. This provides an excellent overview of meetings of interest to SG 19 and will also be used by the SG leadership and Rapporteurs in planning meeting schedules as noted above. An update reflecting SG electronic meetings and Rapporteurs’ meetings, etc., will be provided after the meeting as TD 284R1. Mr Tamura’s efforts are much appreciated. 9.4 Interim meetings were proposed and approved as listed below. Electronic meetings will take place using the electronic discussion board facilities at supplemented by meeting document access on TIES. Guidelines for the conduct of electronic meetings may be found at • Q1/19: • Electronic: 23 May - 6 June 2006 • Terms of Reference: To progress the work on Q.FNAB • Joint Q2/19, Q.5/19, Q.6/13: • Rapporteurs: (22 - 27 April 2006; Kobe, Japan) ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 10 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E • Terms of Reference: Mobility Management: to combine SG19’s Q.MMR, Q.MMF, and SG13’s Y.NGN-MOB in order to create a Stage 1 (MMF) and three Stage 2 (MMF, LMF, and HMF) Mobility Management Recommendations. FMC: progress the work on draft Rec.FMC-REQ progress the work on draft Rec.FMC-IMS progress the work on draft Rec.FMC-PAU 9.5 Mr Hideo Imanaka (NTT) kindly provided a brief presentation on the arrangements for the Workshop and Rapporteurs meetings in Kobe, Japan, 20-27 April 2006. Further information on the arrangements is available in TD 318. Information on the arrangements for the above meeting is available on the NGN GSI web page: 9.6 Rapporteurs are encouraged to send out reminders as they approach the dates for their meetings. The TSB will only post information about the above meetings as provided by the Rapporteurs. 10. Approval of outgoing liaison statements 10.1 The following table provides a list of the liaison statements that were proposed. All the listed Liaison Statements were reviewed and approved during the presentation of the individual Question reports except as noted in §10.2. The work of Mr Konstantin Trofimov in coordinating these liaison statements is much appreciated. 10.2 In TD 112, received at the previous SG 19 meeting, TSAG requested that study groups provide information on tracking outgoing LSs to non-ITU-T organizations. A report to TSAG on this is provided in TD 298. All the Liaison Statements listed in this table were reviewed and approved in the closing plenary. LS No. TD No. 24 298 25 300R1 26 Title For To Source Tracking of Liaison Statements with non-ITU-T organizations Alert to SDOs of Q.1742.5 publication status Information TSAG SG 19 Action Q.3/19 301R1 Development of a PDNR in response to Q.223 27 306 Information/ Action/Com ment Action ARIB, CCSA, TIA, TTA, TTC ITU-R WP 8F 307R1 29 309R2 30 314 ITU-T SG 17 ITU-R WP 8F ITU-T Q.3/13 ITU-T SG 3 Q.4/19 28 Revision of the draft new chapter for the Handbook on IMT-2000 Preparation of the Handbook on IMT- Action 2000 Request for analysis and comments Action on Q.FNAB Request for material for the Action Handbook on IMT-2000 ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC SGs 13 and 19 Q.4/19 Q.1/19 Q.4/19 - 11 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E LS No. 31 TD No. 319 Title Correction to TD 43 (WP 1/13), Q.1/13 Living List of approved/draft Recommendations that could fall into the scope of NGN For Action To ITU-T SG 13 Source SG 19 All Liaison Statements are available at . 11. Work Programme for SG 19 11.1 Mr Bruno Ramos produced an updated SG 19 Work Programme which is provided at Annex 3 and is also available as TD 247R1. Mr Ramos’s work is much appreciated. 12. Planning for Workshops and Seminars 12.1 TD 273 provides information on the upcoming ITU-T/ATIS Workshop on Next Generation Network Technology and Standardization, 19 - 20 March 2006, Las Vegas, USA. Further information may be found at SG 19 participants, especially those based in North America, are encouraged to participate. (A similar event took place in Gatwick, UK, on 18 November 2005. A future event is also planned for 20-21 April 2006 in Kobe, Japan. Further information may be found at See also SG 13 TD 141 (PLEN) for practical information.) 13. Reducing Documentation Costs From TSAG Report R 7; 11.3.2 TSAG endorsed a trial to distribute paper copies of pre-meeting documents for SG 15 and SG 19 only to those delegates requesting them on the meeting registration form. TSB will include this option in the Collective Letters for these study groups. The Chairman of Study Group 15 said that this choice would save more than 60% of the paper in Study Group 15. Taking into account the needs of developing countries, paper copies will continue to be distributed to those who want them. Iran pointed out that this method already works very well in ITU-R. The trial will be evaluated with the consideration to apply this option in all study groups. This refers to the discussion in TSAG Report R 10, section 4.3. The Collective Letter for the current SG 19 meeting was issued before this decision was taken. Therefore, the SG Chairman provided a proposal on how to conduct such a trial by email to the SG 19 reflector. The edited text of this email is included at Annex 8. The proposal by the SG 19 Chairman in this regard was found to be suitable. No issues were identified. All appreciated the ongoing efforts to reduce paper consumption and the associated cost savings. Based on initial experience, a positive Recommendation can be made to TSAG to extend this process to all study groups. 14. Closing of the Meeting 14.1 The Chairman thanked the TSB Secretariat (Ms. Tatiana Kurakova and Ms. Maite Comas Barnés) for their excellent support to the meeting, and all the participants for their hard work, proactive input and cooperation. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 12 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E 14.2 The delegates expressed their appreciation for the SG 19 Chairman’s efforts in guiding the meeting. 14.3 The meeting was closed. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 13 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E Annex 1 - Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Opening of the meeting Welcome by TSB Director Chairman’s comments and key objectives for this meeting Approval of agenda Brief reports of interim meetings 5.1 Q.1/19 E-Meeting (8 – 22 November 2005) Related activities 6.1 Next Generation Networks Focus Group meeting (Gatwick, London, UK, 14 - 17 November 2005) 6.2 ITU-T SG 13 (Geneva, 29 August – 9 September 2005) 6.3 Others as identified Information on other events of interest 7.1 ITU-T SG 19 Workshop “Mobile Telecommunications and Fixed/Mobile Convergence - the realities going forward” (Kyiv, Ukraine, 12-14 September 2005) 7.2 ITU-D SG 2 meeting (Geneva, 12 – 15 September 2005) 7.3 ITU-R WP 8F meeting (Helsinki, Finland, 12-19 October 2005) 7.4 Workshop on Opportunities and Challenges in Home Networking (Geneva, 13 – 14 October 2005) 7.5 SG Chairmen’s meeting (Geneva, 3-4 November 2005) 7.6 TSAG meeting (Geneva, 7-11 November 2005) 7.7 WSIS II - Second Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (Tunis, Tunisia, 16-18 November 2005) 7.8 NGN Industry Event (Gatwick, London, England, 18 November 2005) 7.9 ITU-BDT Regional Seminar on Fixed Mobile Convergence and New Network Architecture for the Arab Region (Tunis, Tunisia, 21-24 November 2005) Organization of the work 8.1 Working methods 8.2 Appointment of Rapporteurs, Editors and Coordinators as required 8.3 Others as identified Approval of Meeting Work Plan Document allocation Meetings of Individual Questions Examination and approval of the reports of the Questions 12.1 Consent of Recommendations in accordance with the rules of Recommendation A.8 Future activities Miscellaneous Closure of the Meeting ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 14 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E Annex 2 - Notes on Additional Documents Identified in the Opening Plenary D 29 from France Telecom is lists ETSI TISPAN NGN Release 1 Specifications and how they are related to ITU-T NGN related Questions in NGN-GSI activities. The presentation at the opening plenary noted that there are several documents relevant to SG 19 on the subjects of requirements, service capabilities, architecture, mobility management, IMS and roaming interface protocols. In the opening plenary, it was noted that there is agreement that the TISPAN specifications will not be simply imported en bloc by referencing, but rather that they will be individually assessed against requirements and referenced accordingly. Further discussion of the details of this document was remanded to the Questions 1, 2 and 5/19 as indicated in TD 293R1. D 41 (Korea) provided an overview of recent activity in groups within the IETF that are addressing aspects of mobility. Remanded to Q.2/19 for further consideration. TD 250 from SG 4 provides the Terms of Reference for the continuing Focus Group on NGN Management which is supporting the NGN-GSI in this dimension. It was noted. TD 251 is SG 9’s reply to TSAG on TDR/EW. SG 9 is working on a draft new Recommendation J.pref (“Specifications for preferential telecommunications over IPCablecom networks”) which will address the requirements in J.260. This document is for SG 19’s information. Noted. TD 252 provides the list of contacts in SG 9, including details of how they may be contacted. Noted. TD 253 provides SG 17’s action plan to support the involvement of developing countries and countries with economies in transition (DC-CET) in the standardization work on security, languages and telecommunication software. Noted. TD 254 indicates that, according to a request from TSAG, SG 17 started to review its work programme for work that Telecommunications for Disaster Relief and Early Warning (TDR/EW) system development can use and adapt the Action Plan. This liaison provides TSAG and SG 2 with a first feedback on the actions taken. It is for information to other study groups. Noted. TD 255 provides SG 17 guidance to TSAG and Study Groups on how ITU-T could strengthen its role in conformance and interoperability testing. The Chairman noted that this document provides a succinct and informative overview of the subject area and he encouraged SG 19 participants to take part in an informal workshop on this area that SG 11 is conducting on the morning of 25 January. Noted. TD 258 is an action item from TSAG on behalf of the TSB asking that Rapporteurs ensure that the TSB is provided with all documents from their meetings so that they may be archived. It was noted that all SSG and SG 19 Rapporteurs meeting documents have made use of the ITU facilities and therefore all our documents are already covered. No further action is needed. TD 259 is a request from TSAG which is a request for registration and dissemination of the ITU-T Technology Watch function. SG 19 participants are encouraged to sign up to this reflector. TD 260 provides TSB Circular 47 which describes the NGN-GSI initiative. Noted. TD 261 provides CCSA’s letter in response to Circular 47 in which the CCSA Secretary General indicates clear support for the NGN-GSI activities in the ITU-T. Noted with thanks to CCSA for their expression of support. TD 263 is the report of the final meeting of the FGNGN. The attachments include the report of that final meeting of the FGNGN. The SG 19 Chairman walked through this to note the deliverables that were transitioning from the FGNGN to the NGN-GSI. The document indicates that any feedback on ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 15 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E the report or the outputs being transitioned to the NGN-GSI should be addressed to SG 13. The document includes the FGNGN “NGN Release 1 Scope” document. Noted. TD 264 provides the FGNGN’s response to the SG 19 liaison regarding comments on FGNGN output documents. It is noted that essentially all the comments and suggestions provided by SG 19 were agreed and are reflected in associated amendments to the FGNGN draft deliverables transitioned to the NGN-GSI. The exception is the comment on whether FRMOB is needed for Release 1 considering the assertion in FGNGN-OD-00229 NGN Release 1 Scope (attached to TD 263 as noted above) that: “No major new interfaces for mobility are proposed for Release 1. Existing interfaces between networks, users and terminals, users and networks, terminals and networks will be used. Release 1 continues to use existing signalling capabilities for all types of mobility as currently defined.” Noted. TD 265 provides a summary report of the SG 19 workshop held in Kyiv, Ukraine, 12-14 September 2005. There were several indications that this workshop had been well received and was considered very successful. Further information is available at Noted. TD 266 indicates that SG 2 is the lead SG on TDR/EW. Noted. TD 267 indicates that SG 2 is the lead SG on Service Definition, Numbering and Routing. SG 2 has approved a new Recommendation (E.910), Procedures for the Registration within the Domain “.int”, and also determined one new and three revised Recommendations: E.156: Procedures to determine ITU action on reported misuse of E.164 number resources. E.118: The international telecommunication charge card E.152, The international freephone service E.164.1, Criteria and procedures for the reservation, assignment and reclamation of E.164 CCs and associated ICs Noted. TD 270 is a summary of relevant discussions in the SG Chairmen’s meeting which took place just prior to the last meeting of TSAG. The SG 19 Chairman noted the discussion on further clustering of SG meetings and the consideration in doing this. He noted that ITU-T Recommendation A.9 (“Working procedures for the Special Study Group on IMT-2000 and Beyond”) was proposed for deletion as these had been made available to all the study groups. One point was identified as a change to Resolution 1. The deletion and change to Resolution 1 were agreed by the SG Chairmen and were proposed to the TSAG meeting which also agreed. This is reported in TSAG Report R 7, §11.1.1 and further elaborated in TSAG Report R 8, §4. The SG 19 Chairman also indicated that an ITU-T/ATIS NGN Workshop is being prepared. Further information may be found at Noted. TD 271 indicated that the Resolution 40 should be used as guidance in deciding which approval procedures, TAP or AAP, is to be used for a draft new Recommendation. Noted. TD 272 provides the report of a workshop on “SOS by SMS” which took place 28 November 2005 in Geneva. This addressed how charitable donations in support of victims of natural and other disasters might be made using mobile telephone technology, and addressed a number of issues in doing so. Noted. TD 273 alerts participants to the upcoming “ITU-T/ATIS workshop on Next Generation Network Technology and Standardization,” 19 - 20 March 2006, Las Vegas, USA. Further information on ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 16 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E this event may be found at Delegates, especially those from North America, are encouraged to participate. TD 274 provides information on a number of upcoming ITU-T workshops, including some described in other TDs. Delegates are encouraged to review this list and give positive consideration to participating and contributing to workshops. Noted. TD 275 provides information on meeting facilities, etc. Noted. TD 276 provides the list of Delayed contributions. Noted. TD 277 provides the list of incoming liaison statements. Noted. TD 286 provides extracts of the results and outcomes of WSIS II. Noted for information. TD 287 provides the “Consolidated Study Group reply to the TSAG Action Plan for TDR/EW Standardization.” Noted. TD 288 provides extracts from the TSAG report R 7 on conformance and interoperability testing and follow-up actions. The informal workshop being organized by SG 11 for the morning of 25 January was noted and participants were encouraged to join this event if they had time available to do so. Noted. TD 289 provides extracts from TSAG report R 7 on Home Networking and RFID. A Joint Coordination Activity on Home Networking is continuing. The attention of participants was drawn to an ITU-T Workshop on “Opportunities and Challenges in Home Networking” that was held in Geneva, 13 - 14 October 2005. Further information is available at A correspondence group on RFID is continuing. An ITU-T Workshop on "Networked RFID: Systems and Services" will be held in the CICG, Geneva, 14 - 15 February 2006. Further details are available at TD 290 provides extracts from TSAG report on Network security. This indicates endorsement by TSAG of SG 17 recommended actions: SGs to identify relevant Recommendations for review of adequate security considerations and that relevant SGs review Recommendations within their areas of responsibility and provide results each year to the TSB, with a copy to SG 17, in time for the TSB Director to report to Council. SG 19 had previously provided inputs to the “Manual - Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology - December 2003” and updated for October 2004 . These manuals are available at and No updates to this information were identified at this meeting. TD 291 provides extracts from TSAG report on NGN-related issues. This includes the results of a discussion on a contribution from Lebanon concerning moving certain work from one study group to another. Continuation of the NGN Management Focus Group was supported. Transition of the work from the FGNGN to the NGN-GSI was reported and endorsed. Noted. TD 294 provides information on a “Regional Seminar on Fixed Mobile Convergence and New Network Architectures for the Arab Region” which took place in Tunis (Tunisia), 21-24 November 2005. The SG 19 Chairman was also the Chairman for this event. Noted. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 17 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E Annex 3 - SG 19 Work Programme Recommendation ST Ques SG Q.1701 R 1/19 Q.1711 R Supplement 30 to Q-Series Recommendations Q.FIFB Pri Pag 19 M 27 15,37 99 1/19 19 M 29 15,37 99 R 1/19 19 M 15,37 00 N 1/19 19 TBD H 15,37 27 Long-term high-level network functional information flows for beyond IMT 2000 systems Q.FNAB N 1/19 19 2Q 2007 H ITU-T SGs 2, 11, 12, 13, 16, ITU-R WP 8D and 8F (WGVision), ITU-D SGs, SDOs (TTA, TTC, ETSI, TIA, ATIS, ARIB, CCSA) ITU-T SGs 2, 11, 12, 13, 16, ITU-R WP 8D and 8F (WGVision), ITU-D SGs, SDOs (TTA, TTC, ETSI, TIA, ATIS, ARIB, CCSA) 15,37 27 Rec.MMR N 2/19 13/ 19 3Q 2006 H 15 Rec.MMF N 2/19 13/ 19 2Q 2007 H Rec.LMF N 2/19 13/ 19 2Q 2007 H Rec.HMF N 2/19 13/ 19 2Q 2007 H ITU-T SG 19 Q. 1, 3, 5, relevant SDOs (IETF), relevant ITU-T SGs, ITU-R SGs and ITU-D SGs ITU-T SG 19 Q. 1, 3, 5, relevant SDOs (IETF), relevant ITU-T SGs, ITU-R SGs and ITU-D SGs ITU-T SG 19 Q. 1, 3, 5, relevant SDOs (IETF), relevant ITU-T SGs, ITU-R SGs and ITU-D SGs ITU-T SG 19 Q. 1, 3, 5, relevant SDOs (IETF), relevant ITU-T SGs, ITU-R SGs and ITU-D SGs Long-term high-level network architecture for systems beyond IMT 2000, including definition of functional entities (FEs), allocation of functional capabilities to FEs, and interfaces model among FEs Mobility Management Requirements (Stage 1) ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC Timing Liaison Area Domain References COM 11-R 116 Subject Framework for IMT-2000 networks Network functional model for IMT-2000 Specifications of International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 15 Mobility Management Framework (Stage 2) 15 Location Mobility Management Framework (Stage 2) 15 Handover Management Framework (Stage 2) - 18 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E Recommendation ST Ques SG Timing Pri Pag Q.1741.5 N 3/19 19 TBD H 500 SDOs, ITU-R WP 8F 15 27 Q.1742.5 N 3/19 19 3Q 2006 H 160 SDOs, ITU-R WP 8F 15 27 Handbook on IMT-2000 (2nd Edition) (Core Network Aspects) Rec.FMC Req N 4/19 19 2Q 2007 H 299 All ITU-T SGs, SDOs 15,37 00 N 5/19 13/ 19 2Q 2007 H 15,37 27 Rec.FMC PAU N 5/19 13/ 19 2Q 2007 H 15,37 27 Rec.FMC IMS N 5/19 13/ 19 2Q 2007 H ITU-R WP 8A, 8B, 8D and 8F, related questions 77/8, 215/8, ITU-R JTG 1-6-8-9, ITU-T SGs 4, 9, 11, 13, 16, SDOs, IETF, ATM Forum ITU-R WP 8A, 8B, 8D and 8F, related questions 77/8, 215/8, ITU-R JTG 1-6-8-9, ITU-T SGs 4, 9, 11, 13, 16, SDOs, IETF, ATM Forum ITU-R WP 8A, 8B, 8D and 8F, related questions 77/8, 215/8, ITU-R JTG 1-6-8-9, ITU-T SGs 4, 9, 11, 13, 16, SDOs, IETF, ATM Forum 15,37 27 ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC Liaison Area Domain References Subject Develop contents for Q.1741.5 draft Recommendation: architecture and specifications of release 7 of “GSM evolved UMTS core network” Architecture and specifications of each release of IMT-2000 family members, making reference to specifications produced by SDOs. Q.1742: “ANSI-41 evolved core network with cdma2000 access network”. The Handbook of evolving IMT2000 Systems (Core Network Aspects) FMC general requirements from NGN point of view, identifying the fundamental characteristics, requirements and capabilities that a FMC should be able to support. FMC service scenario by using PSTN as the fixed Access network for UMTS network Stage 2 of fixed mobile convergence with a common IMS session control domain - 19 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E Annex 4 - Q.1/19 Report: Service and network capability requirements and network architecture 1. Organization of Meeting 1.1 Meeting Identification, Chairmanship and Participation This is the report of a meeting of Q.1/19: Service and network capability requirements and network architecture. Q.1/19 met in Geneva on 24-26 January 2006. The meeting was chaired by Mr Bruno Ramos, Q.1/19 Rapporteur. The meeting was attended by about 11 delegates from 6 countries. 1.2 Meeting Agenda The Meeting Agenda was published in Temporary Document TD 296R1. It was reviewed and approved. 2 Key Results 2.1 Work Items Progressed Discussion on how to improve the work on ITU-T PDNR: Functional Network Architecture for Systems Beyond IMT-2000, Q.FNAB; Reviewed, and agreed to the work plan for Q.1/19, that has changed the timing for Q.FNAB from 3Q2006 to 2Q2007. 3 Meeting Documentation All documents considered at this meeting are available at: 4 Liaison Statements The meeting resulted in the preparation of one Liaison Statement to ITU-T SG 13, Q.3/13, asking for their analysis and contributions on Q.FNAB v.4.0. 5 Recommendation Status and Work Plan Status and Work Plan for Recommendations and other deliverables under the responsibility of this Question are summarized in the overall Study Group work plan. 5.1 Future Work The next activity of Question 1/19 will be in the form of an e-meeting, as described below: Duration: From May, 23 to June, 6, 2006 At: Terms of Reference: To progress the work on Q.FNAB. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 20 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E 6 Detailed Report of Discussions Q.1/19 met during 24-26 January 2006. A total of 11 people participated in this discussion. The agreed agenda for the Q.1/19 meeting is in Temporary Document TD 296R1. 6.1 Opening Plenary The Q.1/19 session was called to order at 9:00hrs on 24 January. The proposed agenda for the Q.1/19 plenary was approved. The terms of reference for this meeting are to continue the work as assigned to this question (former Q.1/SSG). 6.2 312) General Items (D 29; D 34; TD 249; TD 256; TD 257; TD 262; SG 13: D 310; D 311; D The following provides a brief summary of the discussions on and dispositions of input documents that were assigned to the work item “General Items.” D 29 - (Disposition of ETSI TISPAN NGN Release 1 Specifications in ITU-T NGN related Questions (and in ITU-T NGN-GSI activities)) Summary: This contribution presents the ETSI NGN Release 1 set of deliverables published or soon to be published (as they are approved or in the approval process), identifies the ITU-T Questions concerned by each document and proposes that the relevant ITU-T Questions consider the relevant ones as a basis for their ongoing activities and make normative reference to them wherever applicable and appropriate. Q.1/19 Discussions: The group agreed to consider, during the work on Q.FNAB, the deliverables selected to SG19. D 34 - (2G Mobile Access Network Support in NGN – A Requirement for 2G Network Evolution Towards NGN for Developing Nations) Summary: The NGN architecture (release 1), recently released by the FGNGN under SG13, talks about the interoperability with the existing telecom network technologies including the PSTN/ISDN networks and 2G PLMNs. It also talks about the network attachment with various kinds of access technologies. Moreover special emphasis has been given for the PSTN/ISDN emulation/ simulation/ evolution due to its existing ubiquitous large subscriber base. However the fact of presence of even larger and ubiquitous subscriber base of 2G PLMN has been completely ignored for the emulation/ simulation/ evolution aspect towards NGN. This means that the existing 2G access network will not be able to attach to the NGN. Moreover neither the existing 2G subscriber will be able to roam in the NGN nor will the NGN subscriber be able to roam in the existing 2G networks. A contribution, viz., FGNGN-ID-1073 – “NGN In-Roaming for the terminals belonging to Legacy Mobile networks (Non-IMS PLMN) - Support of MAP”, was submitted in the last FGNGN meeting. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.>. This contribution is a follow up discussion on the same issue. Q.1/19 Discussions: The group decided to consider this document in the directives to Systems Beyond IMT-2000. Nevertheless, it was discussed that the correct forum to discuss this document is ITU-T SG 13. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 21 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E TD 249 - (LS from ITU-T SG 4) Summary: SG 4 is responsible for maintaining the Telecommunications Management Documentation Plan. On this matter, Q12/4 asks for suggestions and comments concerning keeping this document in the current condition. Q.1/19 Discussions: For information. TD 256 - (LS from ITU-T SG 17) Summary: Liaison concerning work to extend OIDs to provide Object Hierarchical Names. Q.1/19 Discussions: For information. TD 257 - (LS from ITU-T SG 17) Summary: Status of Action Plan to address WTSA-04 Resolution 50 – Cybersecurity obligations. Q.1/19 Discussions: For information. TD 262 - (LS from ITU-R WP8F (Helsinki, 12-19 October 2005)) Summary: Liaison Statement to ITU-T Study Groups 13 and 19 on the development of a PDNR in response to Q.223. Q.1/19 Discussions: The group understood that this document should be discussed within the Joint Sessions of Q.2/19, Q.5/19; Q.6/13; and, Q.29/16. ITU-T SG 13 D 310 - (NGN Release 1 scope document – WG1 output of Gatwick London November 2005 FGNGN meeting (Ref.: FGNGN-OD-00253)) <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> ITU-T SG 13 D 311 - (NGN Release 1 Requirements document – WG1 output of London November 2005 FGNGN meeting (Ref.: FGNGN-OD-00252)) <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> ITU-T SG 13 D 312 - (FGNGN-FRA Version 7.1 (Ref.: FGNGN-OD-0244R2)) <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 6.3 Functional Network Architecture for Systems Beyond IMT-2000 (Q.FNAB) (TD 297) <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 6.4 Review of Work Plan for Planned Deliverables It was agreed that one electronic meeting should be held to progress the work on Q.FNAB before the next SG 19 Meeting. The planned Q.1/19 Rapporteur’s Electronic Meeting is scheduled for May 23 to June 6, 2006. 6.5 Closing Plenary of Q.1/19 Q.1/19 held its closing plenary at 9:00hrs on Thursday, 26 January 2006. The Q.1/19 report, including all annexes, was reviewed and agreed to. The delegates were thanked for their participation in the Q.1/19 activities at this meeting. Q.1/19 discussion meeting was closed at 10:30 hrs. 6.6 Review of Meeting Report. The draft meeting report in TD 310 was reviewed and approved as TD 310R1. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 22 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E 7 Acknowledgements Participants - for their participation at this meeting. Mr Atsushi Minokuchi, from NTT DoCoMo, for his outstanding work as Co-Editor of Q.FNAB so far. Mr Minokuchi has just moved to NTT DoCoMo Japan and will not work in this PDNR from now on. All participants of Q.1/19 would like to thank Mr Minokuchi for this work with them and would like to wish him every success in his new assignment. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 23 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E Annex 5 - Q.3/19 Report: Identification of existing and evolving IMT-2000 systems 1 Organization of Meeting 1.1 Meeting Identification, Chairmanship and Participation This is the report of a meeting of Q.3/19, title: “Identification of existing and evolving IMT-2000 systems”, met in 2 sessions on 23-27 January 2006. The meeting was chaired by Mr Ilkka Hyvärinen, Nokia Corporation, Finland and was attended by eight participants from various countries. 1.2 Meeting agenda The Meeting Agenda was published in Temporary Document TD GEN 281R1. It was reviewed and approved. 2 Key Results 2.1 Work Items Progressed Meeting reviewed and approved inputs of ARIB and TTC for Recommendation Q.1742.5 and developed a Liaison Statement to 3GPP2 SDOs requesting additional inputs for the consent of Q.1742.5 in the July meeting of SG19. 2.2 Recommendations planned for Consent at the next meeting The following Recommendations are planned to be submitted for Consent under the Alternative Approval Procedure at the 24-28 July 2006 meeting of the Study Group 19. Table 1 – Recommendations planned for submission for Consent at the next meeting Rec. # Q.1742.5 Rec. Title Editor(s) “ANSI-41 evolved core network with cdma2000 access network” Documents Mr Charles C. Teising Jr. Lucent Technologies (USA) 3 Meeting Documentation All documents considered at this meeting are available at 4 Liaison Statements The meeting resulted in the preparation of Liaison Statements as summarized in Table 2. Table 2 – Outgoing Liaison Statements Addressee ARIB, CCSA, TIA, TTA, TTC Document number Question For GEN 300R1 3/19 Action ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC Title/ Subject Alert to SDOs of Q.1742.5 publication status - 24 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E 5 Recommendation status and Work Plan Status and Work Plan for Recommendations and other deliverables under the responsibility of this Question are summarized in the overall plan for the Study Group. Meeting made the following change to the work plan of Q.3: - change the consent of Q.1742.5 from 1Q2006 to 3Q2006 5.1 Future work No interim meetings proposed. 6 Detailed report of discussions 6.1 Work item 3a: General The meeting reviewed and approved the agenda (document TD GEN 281R1) as recorded under clause 1.2. TD GEN 247 provides the draft work programme of SG 19. The Q.3 meeting reviewed the document and made the updates recorded under clause 5 of this report. 6.2 Work item 3b: Q.1742.5 TD GEN 268 provides inputs of TTC for Q.1742.5. Document reviewed and as the presented input information included all the requested data, it was approved to be included into the draft Q.1742.5. TD GEN 269 provides inputs of ARIB for Q.1742.5. Document reviewed and as the presented input information included all the requested data, it was approved to be included into the draft Q.1742.5. 6.3 AOB No other business recognized. 6.4 Review of Meeting Report The draft meeting report in TD 299 was reviewed, revised and approved as revision 1 of TD 299. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 25 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E Annex 6 - Q.4/19 Report: Preparation of a handbook on IMT-2000 1 Organization of Meeting 1.1 Meeting Identification, Chairmanship and Participation This is the report of a meeting of Q.4/19 Title: Preparation of a handbook on IMT-2000. Q.4/19 met in Geneva on 24-26 January 2006. The meeting was chaired by Mr Maurice Ghazal, Ministry of Telecommunications, Lebanon, and was attended by 10 delegates from 6 countries. 1.2 Meeting agenda The Meeting Agenda was published in Temporary Document 285R1. It was reviewed and approved by the meeting. 2 Key Results 2.1 Work Items Progressed A new chapter on safety and security issues for IMT-2000 was reviewed, adopted by the meeting participants and sent to the ITU-T Study Group 17 for further revision. The material for new chapter on FMC was proposed to the editor. 3 Meeting Documentation Documents considered at this meeting are available at . 4 Liaison Statements The meeting resulted in the preparation of Liaison Statements as summarized in Table 1. Table 1 – Outgoing Liaison Statements Addressee Document number Question For ITU-D Q.18/2 TD 305R1 Q.4/19 Action Request of the material for the Handbook on IMT2000 ITU-T SG17 TD 306 Q.4/19 Action Revision of the draft new chapter for the Handbook on IMT-2000 ITU-R WP8F TD 307R1 Q.4/19 Action Preparation of the Handbook on IMT-2000 TD 314 Q.4/19 Action Request for material for the Handbook on IMT2000 ITU-T SG3 5 Title/ Subject Recommendation status and Work Plan Status and Work Plan for Recommendations and other deliverables under the responsibility of this Question are summarized in the overall Work Plan for the Study Group. 5.1 Future work The next activity of Question 4/19 will be in the form of physical meeting on the next meeting of SG19 in July 2006 in Geneva. It was decided that no Q.4/19 Rapporteurs meetings are needed. An ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 26 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E electronic Rapporteur meeting will probably be established after the next meeting of SG19 in July 2006. 6 Detailed report of discussions The Delayed contribution D 35 “The proposal on editing of the Handbook on IMT-2000” from Russian Federation was presented to the meeting, reviewed and adopted by the meeting participants. This contribution contained the proposal to use the material from Kyiv Workshop on FMC (TD 265) for the new chapter. It was proposed during the discussion to use the material both from Kyiv Workshop and Tunis Seminar (TD 294). TD 265 is the TSB Report of the SG19 Workshop on Mobile Telecommunications and FMC, Kyiv, Ukraine, 12-14 September 2005. It was noted. The material from the Workshop can be used as a material for new chapter. TD 294 contains the information about ITU-BDT Seminar on FMC and New Network Architectures, Tunis, 21-24 Nov 2005. It was noted. The material from the Seminar can be used as a material for new chapter. TD 248 is a Liaison Statement from ITU-D Q.18/2 on the Revision of WTDC Resolution 43 (Istanbul, 2002). The Liaison Statement to ITU-D Q.18/2 concerning the material for the Handbook within the scope of the Resolution 43 was prepared. TD 253 is a Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG17 informing the group about the SG17 Action Plan for developing countries and countries with economies in transition (DC-CET). It was noted. The Liaison Statement to ITU-T SG17 concerning the revision of the draft new chapter for the Handbook on safety and security issues was prepared. TD 283 is the Executive Summary of the 17th ITU-R WP8F meeting. It was noted. The Liaison Statement to ITU-R WP8F concerning the preparation of the Second Edition of the Handbook was prepared. TD 247 is a SG19 Work Programme. The Q.4/19 portion of it was reviewed. It was decided to postpone the issue of the Handbook to the 2Q.2007 because of the large amount of material to process. TD 282 R1 is a chapter on safety and security issues (for the second edition of the Handbook). It was revised, approved and sent to the ITU-T Study Group 17 for further revision. During the closing session discussion there was a proposal to prepare a liaison statement for ITU-T SG3 to request the information for tariff and accounting principles. The liaison statement was prepared and adopted as TD 314. 7 Review of Meeting Report The draft meeting report in TD 311R1 was reviewed and approved. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 27 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E Annex 7 - Report of Joint Meetings of Q.2/19, Q.5/19, Q.6/13 and Q.29/16 1. Organization of Meeting This is the combined meeting report of the joint questions of 6/13, 29/16, 2 and 5/19 that were held during 16-27 January 2006. It covers the following sessions: Q6 Independent Meeting – 16-20 January 2006 o Reference to Q.3, 6, 9/13 Joint Meeting Report Joint meeting across Q.6/13, Q.29/16, Q.2/19 and Q.5/19 – 23, 26 January 2006 Joint meeting of Q.2/19 and Q.6/13 on Mobility Management – 23-25 January 2006 Joint meeting of Q.5/19 and Q.6/13 on Fixed Mobile Convergence – 23-25 January 2006 The meeting agenda was published in TD82r3 (WP2/13) and TD 280r1 (GEN/19). 2 Q6/13 Independent Meeting Reports <Notes are found in the TIES protected version of this document.> 3 Joint Meeting Reports across Q.6/13, Q.29/16, Q.2/19 and Q.5/19 The meeting was chaired by Felix Zhang, Q.6/13 Rapporteur, Leo Lehmann Q.29/16 Rapporteur, Farrokh Khatibi, Q.2/19 Rapporteur and Kees den Hollander, Q.5/19 Rapporteur. 3.1 Key results It was agreed to propose that circuit switched services (i.e., voice services) of 2G and 3G mobile networks are emulated/simulated in NGN in the earliest Release possible in order to be able to use 2G/3G access networks in conjunction with NGN. 3.2 Future Work The next joint MM and FMC meeting of Q.6/13, Q.2/19, and Q.5/19 is scheduled during the Kobe meeting in the morning of 27 April. Please note that the joint meetings on FMC will be in the morning and the joint meetings on MM will be in the afternoon of April 24th-26th April. 3.3 Liaison Statements TD262(SG19) TD160GEN(SG13) LS - Development of a PDNR in response to Q.223 TD295(SG19) ITU-R Q.223-1 Text Discussion: This LS from ITU-R WP8F informs SGs 13 and 19 that it has started work on the development of a PDNR in response to Q.223 on IP applications over mobile systems. Based on a brief overview of the document, the group agreed that it is important for SGs 13 and 19 to be involved in this activity. Action: An LS in TD 301 (GEN/19) and TD 104 (WP 2/13). 3.4 Contributions TD88r2(WP2/13) Report of Joint Meeting across Q3, 6 and 9/13 < Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> D546 (SG13) This contribution states the U.S.A. Position on the Use of IMS Terminology [USA] <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 28 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E TD84(WP2/13), TD278 (SG19) Technical Paper on Service Mobility for new Multimedia Service Architecture (Rev. 0.3) <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> D29(SG19) Disposition of ETSI TISPAN NGN Release 1 Specifications in ITU-T NGN related Questions (and in ITU-T NGN-GSI activities) Discussion: This contribution lists ETSI TISPAN Specifications that are relevant to ITU-T NGN-GSI activities. Upon review of this list, TD 278 (SG19) was generated and reviewed in the MM section. Action: Noted and review TD 278. D34(SG19), D370(SG13) 2G Mobile Access Network Support in NGN – A Requirement for 2G Network Evolution Towards NGN for Developing Nations Discussion: The author of this contribution was unfortunately not available to present it or clarify some of the questions that were raised by the contribution. Nonetheless, the contribution was reviewed. The meeting agreed with the following statement to be addressed at the Plenaries: Propose that circuit switched services (i.e., voice services) of 2G and 3G mobile networks are emulated/simulated in NGN in the earliest Release possible in order to be able to use 2G/3G access networks in conjunction with NGN. Action: Agreed to forward the above statement to the Plenaries. 4 Mobility Management The meeting was chaired by Farrokh Khatibi, Q.2/19 and Felix Zhang, Q.6/13 Rapporteur. 4.1 Key results It was agreed to combine SG19’s Q.MMR, Q.MMF, and SG13’s Y.NGN-MOB in order to create a common Stage 1 (MMR) and common three-volume Stage 2 (MMF, LMF, and HMF) Mobility Management Recommendations across the Study Groups. Q.MMR was updated (please refer to the D30) resulting in: TD119 (WP2/13) and TD312 (GEN/19) Additional description of ‘Local’ and ‘Home’ Location Manager and MM Scenarios were added to Q.MMF resulting in: TD120 (WP2/13) and TD313 (GEN/19). 4.2 Recommendation status and work plan The following Work Plan update was agreed by the group: MMR (Stage 1) AAP Consent in July 2006 Plenary MMF (Stage 2) Stable document by 2Q2006 and AAP Consent 2Q2007 LMF Location Management (Stage 2) 2Q2007 HMF Handover Management (Stage 2) 2Q2007 ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 29 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E 4.3 Future Work The next joint meeting of Q.2/19 and Q.6/13 is in the form of a joint Rapporteur level face-to-face meeting 24-27 April, during the NGN-GSI meeting in Kobe, Japan. The Terms of Reference for this meeting are: To combine SG19’s Q.MMR, Q.MMF, and SG13’s Y.NGN-MOB in order to create a Stage 1 (MMR) and three Stage 2 (MMF, LMF, and HMF) Mobility Management Recommendations. 4.4 Liaison Statements No liaison statements were assigned to the joint session on MM. 4.5 Contributions D40(SG19) Review of proposed new IETF work item: "Network-based Localized Mobility" Discussion: This contribution reviews a proposal for a new IETF working group to address certain aspects of Mobility Management. The contribution includes the scope of the Network-based Localized Mobility Management (netlmm) Work Plan. Action: The participants were encouraged to follow up on the discussions in this group and provide relevant discussion to the MM activities of ITU-T. D41(SG19) Executive Summary of the mobility-related WGs in IETF Discussion: This contribution summarized the activities of 64th IETF Meeting related to MM. Action: The participants were encouraged to follow up on the discussions in IETF and provide relevant interaction between IETF and ITU-T. D313(SG13) Mobility Management Capability Requirements for NGN (Ref. FGNGN-OD00246r1) <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> D469(SG13) Proposed added texts to Section 5.2 – IPv6 Capabilities in NGN <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> TD159(GEN/13) Final Draft TR on Corporate Telecommunication Networks – Mobility for Enterprise Communications (ref. Ecma/TC32-TG17/2005/069) <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> TD279 (SG19) Roaming Interface Protocol Definitions for TISPAN NGN Network Access - TISPAN NGN Release 1 <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> D30(SG19) Draft New Recommendation Q.MMR <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> D33(SG19) Draft New Recommendation Q.MMF (version 0.9) <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> D32(SG19) Clarification of Local and Home Location Managers ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 30 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E Discussion: This document defines the terms ‘Local’ and ‘Home’ Location Manager. Note that we could have multiple levels of Handover Management. There needs to be a clear connection between LM and HM. Action: The contribution was agreed and the Editors were instructed to update Q.MMF to include these updates. D31(SG19) MM Scenarios by Service Models. Discussion: This contribution proposes the texts for Section 9 (MM scenarios by Services Models) of Q.MMF. It points out that the application services models can be divided into the client-server model and peer-to-peer model. The contribution includes a table that compared different MM Scenarios by MMF. The comparison does not include all factors such as resource allocation. Contributions are invited to add other factors to the comparison Action: The contribution was approved and the Editors were instructed to include it in Q.MMF. 5 Fixed Mobile Convergence The meeting was chaired by Kees den Hollander, Q.5/19 Rapporteur and Felix Zhang, Q.6/13 Rapporteur. In their opening remarks the Rapporteurs clarified that at future NGN-GSI and co-located SG 13 and SG 19 meetings, all FMC sessions will be joint meetings of Q.6/13 and Q.5/19. It was further noted that the consequence of joining forces is that the scope of the recommendations of both questions will have to be reviewed in order to ensure that the joint group produces a consistent set of recommendations according to a consolidated work plan. 5.1 Key results The meeting achieved the following results: It was agreed to narrow the scope of Q.FMC stage 2 to a stage 2 recommendation on IMS based FMC and to clarify this in the working title by changing it to Rec.FMC-IMS. Material in the output draft from this meeting that does no longer fall within the new scope will be taken out at the next meeting and transferred to another FMC recommendation or a living list. An output draft was produced that contains a substantial amount of new stage 2 material. It can be found in TD303R1(GEN/19)/TD118R1(WP2/13) It was agreed to start a new recommendation on an FMC scenario using PSTN as the fixed access network for a UMTS network with working title Rec.FMC-PAU. A first working draft was produced as output from the meeting. It can be found in TD304(GEN/19)/TD117 (WP2/13) Rec.FMC-REQ was considerable enhanced in the sections on high level requirements and capabilities. The new output draft contains a new definition of FMC that makes it clear that FMC is an aspect of NGN, but not limited to NGN. It can be found in TD308(GEN/19)/TD116R1 (WP2/13) 5.2 Recommendation status and work plan The target date of Rec.FMC-IMS has been revised to 2Q 2007, because there is no SG meeting in Q1 (the current target date). For the new draft Rec.FMC-PAU the meeting agreed to a planned completion date of 2Q 2007. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 31 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E It was suggested that these stage 2 documents can only be completed if the stage 1, Rec.FMC-REQ, is available at least two meeting earlier. Since there is no SG meeting in November, it was agreed that it would be sufficient if Rec.FMC-REQ reaches stable draft status at the NGN-GSI meeting in November and the group hold an additional Rapporteur’s meeting between the November and April meeting. The official target date for Rec.FMC-REQ is also 2Q 2007. Lawful interception <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.>. 5.2.1 Editors Mr Li Mo of ZTE kindly volunteered to replace Mr David McFarlane as editor for Rec.FMC-IMS. Mr Minrui Shi of China Telecom kindly volunteered to take on the editorship for the new draft recommendation Rec.FMC-PAU. Both nominations were gladly accepted by the meeting and both new editors were wished every success in their endeavours. 5.3 Future Work It was agreed to progress the work on the FMC deliverables during the NGN-GSI meeting in Kobe, Japan. The FMC meetings will held in the mornings of April 24 – 26. The output results will be reviewed in a joint session on FMC and MM in the morning of April 27. The terms of reference for the April meeting are: progress the work on Rec.FMC-REQ progress the work on Rec.FMC-IMS progress the work on Rec.FMC-PAU The meeting discussed the planning for the July meeting of SGs 13 and 19. To allow enough time for the discussions on FMC and facilitate co-ordination with Q3/13 it was decided to hold the formal FMC sessions on July 20 and 21. Drafting may take place on July 24 and 25 and the results of drafting will be reviewed in a joint session with MM on July 26. 5.4 Liaison Statements No liaison statements were assigned to the joint session on FMC. 5.5 Contributions 5.5.1 General D314(SG13) FGNGN-IFN (IMS for Next Generation Networks) (Ref.: FGNGN-OD00245r1) <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> D487(SG13) [Korea] Proposal for the categorization of the converged services in NGN. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> D538(SG13) [ZTE] Fixed Mobile Convergence - Services Migration and Architecture Migration Scenarios <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 32 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E D36(SG19)/D464(SG13) [China Telecom] A proposal to initiate the study of FMC service scenario by using PSTN as the fixed access network for UMTS network. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 5.5.2 Q.FMC Stage 2 TD234r1 (SG19) Output Draft of Q.FMC stage 2 from September 2006 meeting Discussion: No further work has been done on Q.FMC stage 2 since the last meeting and the output draft from the last meeting is therefore the basis for the work during this meeting. It was noted that the scope of the current draft is limited to an FMC scenario with a common IMS session control domain. In order to reflect this in the title it was agreed to change the title to: “FMC with a common IMS session control domain” and refer to the draft recommendation as Rec.FMC-IMS. D38(SG19) [Samsung] Proposed revised text for Q.FMC section 7 on high level design principles Discussion: The proposed concept of FMC network domains and reference points was accepted but the discussion raised the need to clarify the proposed text in a number of areas: the stated goal of FMC is too limited and needs to be expanded; converged service should be replaced by service transparency; the figure and in particular the reference point between the session control and access transport domain should be checked against FRA. Action: Address the issues mentioned above in drafting and incorporate the results in the output draft from this meeting. D39(SG19) [Samsung] Proposed approach for the development of an FMC specific functional model Discussion: It was clarified that it is proposed to complement the top down modelling approach of FRA with a bottom-up analysis of the existing functional models of fixed and mobile networks. The purpose is to identify the existing interfaces that are applicable at the FMC domain boundaries and to investigate on the basis of FRA which merged or new functions are required to support FMC. A number of questions were raised on the proposed baseline figure that portrays an FMC scenario with UTRAN, I-WLAN and TISPAN DSL access networks. It was agreed that the material is valuable, but needs further scrutiny, and should therefore be captured in an informative annex at this stage. Action: Review the proposed baseline figure and associated text in drafting and incorporate the results in an informative annex in the output draft from this meeting. D37(SG19) [Samsung] Proposed text for Q.FMC section 8 on mechanism on Unique User Identity. Discussion: During the discussions it appeared that many delegates interpret the requirement in the current draft for support of ISIM equivalent functionality in the User Equipment as a requirement to support IMS AKA. It was suggested that this is meant as a requirement to provide an authentication mechanism that is supported by existing or emerging IMS specifications and agreed that this should be clarified. It was further suggested and agreed to strike the sentence in the proposed text that says that the proposed mechanisms to support legacy terminals are not an alternative to ISIM functionality. Action: Clarify the proposed text in drafting and incorporate the results in the output draft from this meeting. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 33 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E Results of drafting The results of the drafting group on Rec.FMC-IMS were reviewed and agreed. The output draft from this meeting is contained in TD303R1 (GEN/19)/TD118 (GEN/13). <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 5.5.3 Y.FMC_Req D418(SG13) [MII of CHINA] Proposal for FMC Definition in Y.FMC_Req <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> D419(SG13) [MII of CHINA] Proposal for Objectives of FMC Y.FMC_Req <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> D459(SG13) [ChinaTelecom] Proposal for adding FMC service requirements in "Y.FMC Req" <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> D462(SG13) [ChinaTelecom] Some proposals to UPT Service Scenarios over NGN <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> D498(SG13) [Korea (Rep. of)] Additional Requirements on Draft Y.FMCReq <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> D509(SG13) [Alcatel Shanghai Bell, CATR/MII] Proposed text for Clause "Fundamental characteristics of FMC" in draft Recommendation Y.FMCReq <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> D510(SG13) [MII of CHINA] Proposed text for Clause "FMC networking capabilities" in draft Recommendation Y.FMCReq <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> Results of drafting The results of the drafting group on Rec.FMC-REQ were reviewed and agreed. The output draft from this meeting is contained in TD308 (GEN/19)/TD116R1 (GEN/13). 6. Acknowledgements Rapporteurs of Q6/13, Q29/16, Q2 and 5/19 would like to thank all participants for their hard work and dedication during the course of the meeting. Thanks to TSB supporting team, for help and assistance before and during the meeting. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 34 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E Annex 8 - Extract of Proposal on Trial for Further Reducing Paper Consumption at ITU-T Meetings As part of increasing the emphasis on all electronic working while ensuring that the needs of the membership continue to be met, TSAG has authorized SGs 15 and 19 to conduct a trial of an enhancement to the indication of paper vs. electronic documentation when registering for a meeting. Please read through the remainder of this email for information about this change and the request for those of you who have indicated on your registration form that you wish paper copies to indicate whether you would be agreeable to an additional option. This does not affect those who work only with electronic documents. ... Currently, the registration form in the SG 19 Collective Letter asks you to indicate whether you need paper copies of contributions or paper copies of TDs. If these options are not selected, it is taken as an indication that you work with electronic documents. It has been proposed that this be modified to allow participants to download documents electronically from the web site prior to the meeting and then to receive paper copies only of new TDs generated during the meeting. This will save reproduction costs by not printing copies of TDs that participants have downloaded and printed for themselves before coming to the meeting (and would be bringing to the meeting), but still enables those participants who need, or prefer, to work from paper copies to be provided paper copies of new TDs generated during the meeting. TDs that participants have printed at home would not need to be printed again for the meeting, thereby potentially saving a considerable amount of paper and the associated printing and distribution costs. In order for this to work, there would need to be a clear demarcation point for when TDs are considered "new" and would be printed, vs. when they would be considered to have been downloaded and printed at home. The suggested demarcation point is end-of-day one working day before the meeting when there is an intervening weekend, or end-of-day two working days before the meeting when there is not an intervening weekend. In other words, for a meeting beginning on Monday, this would be end-of-day Thursday; for a meeting beginning on a Tuesday, this would be end-of-day Friday; for a meeting beginning on a Wednesday, this would be end of day Monday; and so on. End-of-day would be nominally 1700 hours local time at the location where the meeting is to be held. For Geneva, this would be 1700 CET or 1600 GMT/UTC for our upcoming SG 19 meeting. Any TD not posted by this time (e.g., 1600 GMT/UTC Thursday for our meeting next week) would be considered "new" and would be printed for those requesting paper copies of "new" TDs. The demarcation point for "new" TDs would be made clear in the Collective Letter. A change to the registration form would be needed to add an additional option which could be selected by those who still wish to work with paper copies of TDs. The following is a possible approach to this: I need paper copies for all Delayed Contributions: [_] <-- a current option with "all" added I need paper copies for all Temporary Documents: [_] <-- a current option with "all" added I need paper copies only for "new" Temporary Documents: [_] <-- a new option In order to begin using this process expeditiously (i.e., immediately), I would ask all of you who have registered for the SG 19 meeting ... and who have asked ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 35 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E for paper copies, to consider whether you would be willing to be provided only paper copies of "new" TDs. Kindly inform (the TSB) as soon as possible if you would be able to work with only paper copies of "new" TDs. I would further ask you to provide feedback to myself on whether this option is considered useful for you, or whether there are problems that you foresee that would need to be addressed. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC - 36 COM 19 – R 4 PUBLIC – E Annex 9 - Draft Work Plan for July 2006 Meeting of SG 19 SG 19 Activity Thu 20 Jul Session 1 2 Fri 21 Jul 3 4 1 2 Sun 23 Jul 3 4 Mgmt Team 1 2 Mon 24 Jul 3 4 1 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 Thu 27 Jul 3 X 4 X X X X X X X 1 2 3 4 3 X4 X Q.1/19 MM 3 Wed 26 Jul X SG 19 Plenary FMC1 2 Tue 25 Jul X X X X X X X 2 X X X X X MM & FMC X Q.3/19 X Q.4/19 X X X X5 Notes: 1. FMC is the joint activity on Fixed-Mobile Convergence involving Qs.5/19, 6/13 and 29/16. 2. MM is the joint activity on Mobility Management involving Qs.2/19, 6/13 and 29/16. 3. The SG 19 Management Team will also meet 1330h-1400h on Wednesday to review issues and progress, and prepare for the closing plenary. 4. Recommendations for AAP Consent or TAP Determination, and Supplements to be considered for approval, must be provided to the TSB in sufficient time that they can be posted and available to all delegates by 0830h Thursday. Question reports should be made available by this time as well, but as a second priority. 5 This session will follow that allocated to Q.1/19 and is to provide an opportunity for Q.4/19 to work with participants in Q.3/19 following their last session in support of the work of Q.4/19. _________________ ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R004-PUBLIC-E.DOC