Solar Corona in EUV STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.1/45 STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.2/45 Applications: Magnetospheres, Sun and stars, accretion disks, jets etc, laboratory plasmas (e.g. fusion experiments) Want to understand physical processes in plasmas (ionised conducting fluids) Motivation School of Mathematics and Statistics University of St. Andrews Thomas Neukirch Fundamentals of Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.3/45 ∇×E=− ∂B , ∂t = ∇×B vi (t) = i=1 1 ∂E c2 ∂t STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.4/45 qi vi (t)δ[x − xi (t)] + ∇·B=0 µ0 N ! i=1 N 1 ! qi δ[x − xi (t)] !0 qi [E(xi , t) + vi × B(xi , t)] = = dvi dt dxi dt ∇·E mi Plasma at most fundamental level: N particle problem N particle equations plus Maxwell equations (N ! 1) "Derivation" of MHD in a Nutshell I ... Magnetic field generation (dynamo processes; lecture by E Kersalé) MHD turbulence Magnetic reconnection (lecture by P Browning) Instabilities (lecture by P Browning) MHD shocks and discontinuities MHD waves (lecture by V Nakariakov) MHD equilibria (e.g. current sheets, flux tubes, loops, etc) Phenomena STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.5/45 STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.6/45 Cs = 0: Vlasov equation for collisionless plasmas Cs [f1 , . . . , fn ] = "collision term" ∂fs qs +v·∇x fs + [E(x, t)+v×B(x, t)]·∇v fs = C[f1 , . . . , fn ] ∂t ms Leads to equation for one-particle distribution function fs (x, v, t) equation (for species s of n in total) BBGKY hierarchy: Reduce problem to one-particle problem by integrating over N − 1 particle variables xi , vi (I am glossing over a lot of maths here) "Derivation" of MHD in a Nutshell III i=1 # N " ∂Γ ! qi + (E + vi × B) · ∇vi Γ = 0 vi · ∇xi Γ + ∂t mi Liouville equation for Γ, still too nasty Introduce N particle distribution function Γ(x1 , v1 ; . . . ; xN , vN ; t) N particle problem: untractable! "Derivation" of MHD in a Nutshell II − qs ns [E(x, t) + us × B(x, t)] = F # ∂us + (us · ∇)us + ∇ · P ∂t STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.8/45 Usually closure condition is some assumption regarding third or fourth order moments Need closure condition to truncate moment hierarchy ms n s " ∂ns + ∇ · (ns us ) = 0 ∂t See first two resulting equations "Derivation" of MHD in a Nutshell V STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.7/45 Results in an infinite hierarchy of equations: nth moment equation depends on terms with (n + 1)th moment Examples: $ particle density ns = fs d3 v $ average velocity us = vfs d3 v/ns etc $ Take velocity moments vxk vym vzn fs d3 v of equation for fs to derive multifluid equations (k, m, n integers) "Derivation" of MHD in a Nutshell IV mp np vp +me ne ve mp np +me ne = mp vp +me ve mp +me (≈ vp ) STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.10/45 MHD is a theory describing large-scale and slow phenomena compared to kinetic theory Velocity much smaller than speed of light Typical time scales much slower than kinetic time scales, e.g. gyro frequencies Typical length scales much larger than kinetic length scales, e.g. gyro radii, skin depth etc Pressure scalar (see above) Plasma quasi-neutral (see above) Assumptions STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.9/45 current density: j = e(np vp − ne ve ) = en(vp − ve ) (total) pressure: p = pp + pe velocity: v = charge density: ρc = e(np − ne ) ≈ 0, so ne ≈ np = n (quasi-neutrality) mass density: ρ = mp np + me ne = (mp + me )n (≈ mp n ) Define: From now assume only two fluids: electrons and protons (Remark: mp ≈ 1836 me ) "Derivation" of MHD in a Nutshell VI E+v×B=R ∂B ∂t ∇·B=0 ∇×E=− STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.12/45 Poisson equation for E: "solved" by quasi-neutrality assumption Solenoidal condition Faraday’s law ∇ × B = µ0 j Ampère’s law (displacement current neglected) MHD Equations: Maxwell Equations STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.11/45 Also needed: Energy equation and Equation of State (will be discussed later) Ohm’s law Equation of Motion (Momentum equation) & % ∂v + v · ∇v = j × B − ∇p + F ρ ∂t ∂ρ + ∇ · (ρv) = 0 ∂t Mass Continuity equation MHD Equations: Fluid Equations V ' ∂ρ dV = − ∂t V ' ∇ · (ρv)dV = − S ' (ρv) · ndS ( B2 2µ0 ) I− S BB µ0 . V STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.14/45 Total momentum P inside volume V changes due to stresses on boundary and external forces. where T = ρvv + p + V Integrate momentum equation over a volume V : ' ' ' dP ∂(ρv) = dV = − T · ndS + FdV dt ∂t Rewrite momentum equation in conservation form: " % & # ∂(ρv) B2 BB + ∇ · ρvv + p + I− =F ∂t 2µ0 µ0 Momentum Conservation STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.13/45 Without flow through boundaries, M in V is conserved. Mass M inside volume V changes if there is net mass in- or outflow through the boundary S dM = dt Integrate continuity equation over a volume V : Mass Conservation E+v×B=R Ideal form ∂B = ∇ × (v × B) ∂t STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.16/45 ∂B = −∇ × E = ∇ × (v × B − R) ∂t Combine Faraday’s law and Ohm’s law to obtain the induction equation The electric field can be completely eliminated from the MHD equations The Induction Equation STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.15/45 ideal: R = 0 resistive: R = ηj (η = resistivity) more general forms could include: Hall term j × B/en, (electron) pressure term, inertial terms etc R represents different forms of Ohm’s law: can be regarded as the leading order terms of the electron fluid equation of motion. Ohm’s Law Ohm’s Law STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.17/45 η ∂B = ∇ × (v × B) − ∇ × [∇ × B] ∂t µ0 η = ∇ × (v × B) + ∆B µ0 Rm = µ0 L 0 v0 , η magnetic Reynolds number STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.18/45 Non-ideal term only important if second derivatives of B large =⇒ strong current density! Usually Rm ! 1 for the applications we consider (order 106 − 1012 ) with 1 ∂ B̃ ∆B̃ = ∇ × (ṽ × B̃) + Rm ∂ t̃ Non-dimensionalise equation (B = B0 B̃ etc) Magnetic Reynolds Number Then Assume η = constant for simplicity Resistive MHD: R = ηj Resistive Induction Equation S ' S * ∂B n · BdS = n· dS − V × B · dl ∂t S l ' = − ∇ × (E + V × B)ndS ' STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.20/45 Important: Current sheets, magnetic null points, separators etc Localized non-ideal regions can have global effects! Violated in localized regions of strong current density (large derivatives of B -field) Usually Rm ! 1 in solar applications, i.e. solar plasma ideal Resistive MHD: A few remarks STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.19/45 Line conservation (without proof): for ideal MHD plasma elements stay on the same field line! (for detailed discussion, see e.g. Schindler, 2007) so magnetic flux conserved if ideal Ohm’s law applies (V = v) d dt Magnetic Flux and Line Conservation STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.21/45 radiative losses everything else -.+, -.+, L = ∇ · q + Lr − ηj2 − H. + ,- . +,-. heat flux Ohmic heating ∂e + ρ(v · ∇)e + (γ − 1)ρe∇ · v = −L ∂t Term on right hand side: Ohmic heating STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.22/45 ∂p + v · ∇p + γp∇ · v = (γ − 1)η|j|2 ∂t or for resistive MHD (η '= 0) ∂p + v · ∇p + γp∇ · v = 0 ∂t Using pressure p, we get for ideal MHD (η = 0, no heat flux etc) Energy Equation: Another Form where ρ E.g. using the equation of state for an ideal gas and internal energy e = p/(γ − 1)ρ Can be written in different forms depending on thermodynamic variables used Energy Equation STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.24/45 Remark: H is only one of infinitely many "invariants" of ideal MHD H is a measure of how much a magnetic field are interlinked, twisted etc. V Magnetic Helicity: ' H = A · B dV B=∇×A Vector potential A: Magnetic Helicity STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.23/45 More terms necessary if e.g. external forces are present in the momentum equation for ideal and resistive MHD! Have to use momentum equation, multiply by v and combine with energy equation to get % & ∂ 1 2 B2 ρv + ρe + ∂t 2 2µ0 " 2 # ρv 1 +∇ · v + (ρe + p)v + E × B = 0 2 µ0 Energy equations presented above are not in conservative form! Energy Conservation S STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.25/45 because E = −v × B. dH = 0, dt H is conserved in ideal MHD, i.e. STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.26/45 (see e.g. Biskamp, 1993, or Biskamp, 2000) V In general one finds that (without proof): ' dH = −2 E · B dV dt Magnetic Helicity Conservation I V In many practical situations gauge invariant forms of magnetic helicity have to be used, e.g. ' Hrel = (A + A0 ) · (B − B0 ) dV The surface integral only vanishes if Bn = 0, i.e no field lines cross boundary V H is not gauge invariant in general: Let A! = A + ∇ψ (same B obviously) ' ' H ! = H + B · ∇ψ dV = H + ψB · dS Gauge Invariance βp = 2µ0 p B2 STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.28/45 Plasma beta: ratio of plasma pressure and magnetic pressure: j×B = 1 (∇ × B) × B µ0 % 2& B 1 ∇ = (B · ∇)B − . µ0 2µ0 ,. + + ,- . magnetic tension magnetic pressure Lorentz force Important for MHD equilibria, waves etc Magnetic pressure and tension STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.27/45 Analogy: Conservation of total mass, but mass density changes in space and time However, within the volume helicity density (A · B or equivalent) will generally be redistributed! A general remark: Helicity conservation means the value of the total helicity in a volume does not change! "Small" here means that other quantities (e.g. magnetic energy) change much more rapidly than H (see e.g. Schindler, 2007, for a detailed calculation). Even in non-ideal cases the integral on right hand side is small, so magnetic helicity is at least approximately conserved Magnetic Helicity Conservation II STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.30/45 Often used: Harris Sheet (E. Harris, 1962) Originally a kinetic equilibrium, but is also an MHD equilibrium B 2 (z) + p(z) = pT = constant 2µ0 Equilibrium structures: Total pressure across sheet is constant Here: non-singular current sheets in 1D (justified by ratio of length scales) Current sheets: can be singular MHD structures (discontinuities) or finite (e.g. neutral sheets) Current Sheets STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.29/45 Important for defining the connectivity and topology of magnetic field configurations Points in space where B = 0 Magnetic Null Points B02 /(2µ0 ) = p0 Field Lines p(z) = p0 / cosh2 (z/L) + pb B = B0 tanh(z/L)x̂ Harris Sheet STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.32/45 STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.31/45 µ0 I02 a2 p(r) = 8π 2 (r2 + a2 )2 B0 ar , Bφ (r) = 2 r + a2 STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.34/45 B0 a2 Bz (r) = 2 r + a2 Gold-Hoyle tube (Gold and Hoyle, 1960) – 1D force-fee flux tube with Bφ (r) and Bz (r) non-zero µ0 I0 r Bφ (r) = , 2π r2 + a2 Bennett pinch (Bennett 1934) – only Bφ (r) and p(r): Flux tubes: Examples STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.33/45 Equilibrium (B = (0, Bφ (r), Bz (r))): 0 / 2 (r) + B 2 (r) Bφ2 B d z φ + p(r) + =0 dr 2µ0 µ0 r Can be used as models for coronal loops, also for magnetic structures in solar interior Simplest case: 1D equilibria in cylindrical geometry (use r, φ, z as cylindrical coordinates) Flux tubes ∂ ∂y = 0 =⇒ Invariance in y -direction Then STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.36/45 A is constant along magnetic field lines! B · ∇A = (∇A × ey ) · ∇A +By ey · ∇A = 0. ,. + ,- . + =0 =0 since ∂A =0 ∂y Satisfy ∇ · B = 0 by B = ∇A × ey + By ey Assume Translational Invariance 1 STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.35/45 a˜thomas/teaching/mhdlect.pdf For more details (also on the other cases and with external forces) : see lecture notes on my web page a j × B − ∇p = 0 Here just a quick reminder how to do that for translational invariance without external forces MHD can be reduced to a single nonlinear elliptic second-order PDE Translational, rotational or helical symmetry: MHD equilibria: Symmetric Systems and So 1 j × B − ∇p = µ0 dg ∇A dA STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.38/45 % & df dg −∆A − µ0 − g(A) ∇A = 0 dA dA ∇By = By is constant along field lines =⇒ can take By = g(A) − (∇By × ey ) · ∇A = (∇A × ey ) · ∇By = 0 Translational Invariance 3 STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.37/45 Translational Invariance 2 ∂x2 ∂2 + ∂z 2 ∂2 & A = µ0 d dA / p(A) + 2µ0 By2 0 = F (A) STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.39/45 B=∇×A STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.40/45 Use B directly, ensure B solenoidal by numerical means Which gauge for A? Boundary conditions for A? Vector potential intrinsically nonlinear existence of global α and β not guaranteed (could use four potentials instead). B = ∇α × ∇β Euler Potentials (Clebsch representation): Representation of B to guarantee ∇ · B = 0 much more difficult 3D MHS Some analytical solutions known (for special choices of F (A)) Single nonlinear 2nd order elliptic partial differential equation: boundary conditions for A needed (e.g. Dirichlet or von Neumann) Grad-Shafranov(-Schlüter) equation for translational invariance − % Translational Invariance 4 µ0 j = α(r) B STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.42/45 Current density field-aligned/parallel to B everywhere, i.e. j×B=0 For the corona the plasma beta βp = 2µ0 p/B 2 ( 1 is usually much smaller than unity, so For the rest of this lecture I shall focus on force-free fields, because they are most relevant for the solar corona, e.g. for extrapolation of the coronal magnetic field from photospheric measurements Force-free Fields 1 STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.41/45 What are the appropriate boundary conditions for solving them? Further difficulty: these equations are of mixed type! ∇β · ∇ × (∇α × ∇β) = µ0 ∂p ∂α ∂p ∇α · ∇ × (∇β × ∇α) = µ0 ∂β Euler Potential Equations j = α(r)B, B · ∇α = 0 j = αB, α = constant '= 0 STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.44/45 All three classes are used for extrapolation of coronal magnetic fields, but the last one is the most important class (but also most difficult to calculate !) Nonlinear force-free fields Linear force-free fields: Potential fields : j = 0, α = 0 STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.43/45 Force-free Fields 3 ∇ × B = α(r) B B · ∇α = 0 ∇·B = 0 Basic equations to solve: i.e. α is constant along magnetic field lines. B · ∇α = 0 Since ∇ · j = 0 and ∇ · B = 0 we get Force-free Fields 2 STFC Advanced School U Warwick 2012 – p.45/45 Schindler, Physics of Space Plasma Activity, Cambridge UP, 2007 Priest, Solar Magnetohydrodynamics, Reidel, 1982 Goedbloed and Poedts, Principles of Magnetohydrodynamics, Cambridge UP, 2004 Freidberg, Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics, Plenum Press, 1987 Boyd and Sanderson, The Physics of Plasmas, Cambridge UP, 2003 Biskamp, Magnetic Reconnection in Plasmas, Cambridge UP, 2000 Biskamp, Nonlinear Magnetohydrodynamics, Cambridge UP, 1993 Further Reading