Monday 4/18/16 Physics Periods 1-3

Monday 4/18/16 Physics Periods 1-3
Please show the steps below to the students using the Elmo and projector. (A student can help you turn
it on if you need help.) This is the most important thing to me, because substitutes in the past have
forgotten to show something to the students. Please show them only each step at a time, or they’ll skip
ahead and not really read. You can use your best judgment to adjust the time if everyone finishes
reading earlier or later than my guess. Please write down on the back of this page the name of any
students who didn’t bring a book today, and assign them a book from the back cabinet, checking off
their name when they return it to you.
The directions for each day are posted on my website!
1. Read pgs 677-679. (~10 minutes)
-Note: An electron’s magnetic property is called its “spin.”
They used to think that the electron might be spinning, but it
isn’t. This was the ↑ in the orbital diagrams you drew in
↑↓ ↑
2. Read pgs 680-683, but ignore the magnetic flux section (and
equation ) on the bottom of pg 680. (~10 min.)
3. Someone please pass out copies of the Magnetism handout.
Substitute or student: Use the provided Magnetism Notes to
show slides 1-3 under the Elmo. Students, copy the notes.
(Please leave the Magentism Notes page for next class, AND for
4. Do pg 682 #1-5, pg 695 #1-5, 12. Bring it to class tomorrow.
(This is classwork, but whatever you don’t finish do at home.)
Tuesday 4/19/16 Physics Periods 1-3
Please show the steps below to the students using the Elmo and projector. (A student can help you turn
it on if you need help.) This is the most important thing to me, because substitutes in the past have
forgotten to show something to the students. Please show them only each step at a time, or they’ll skip
ahead and not really read. You can use your best judgment to adjust the time if everyone finishes
reading earlier or later than my guess. Please write down on the back of this page the name of any
students who didn’t bring a book today, and assign them a book from the back cabinet, checking off
their name when they return it to you.
The directions for each day are posted on my website!
1. Collect pg 682 #1-5, pg 695 #1-5, 12.
2. Read pgs 687 – 688. (~6 min.)
Note: We’ll write the equation as FB =qvB sinθ.
Note: On page 688 there is a picture (Figure 9) of an
alternate form of the right-hand rule. It should get you the
same answer. Mr. Brunner uses this way, so if you get help
from an AP student this is how they’ll try to show you. You may
use either the one I showed you previously, or this one.
(There’s also another version using 3 fingers, if you see
something online that has that.)
3. Complete yesterday’s Magnetism notes using the Magnetism
handout you got yesterday and the Magnetism Notes. Start
with slide 4. Substitute or student: Use the provided
Magnetism Notes to show slides 4-8c under the Elmo.
Students, copy the notes and try the problems.
4. Someone pass out HW #17: Charged Particles and Magnetic
Fields. Work on this for the rest of the period. It will be due
Thursday (in class), but you should work on it tonight, and help
each other out tomorrow near the end of class, when given
time to do so.
Wednesday 4/20/16 Physics Periods 1-3
Please show the steps below to the students using the Elmo and projector. (A student can help you turn
it on if you need help.) This is the most important thing to me, because substitutes in the past have
forgotten to show something to the students. Please show them only each step at a time, or they’ll skip
ahead and not really read. You can use your best judgment to adjust the time if everyone finishes
reading earlier or later than my guess. Please write down on the back of this page the name of any
students who didn’t bring a book today, and assign them a book from the back cabinet, checking off
their name when they return it to you.
The directions for each day are posted on my website!
1. Someone please pass out the handout with a Warm-Up:
“Find the direction of the force on the charged particle and the
equation for the magnitude of the force.” Do the Warm-Up.
After a few ~4 min. see the Notes provided for the answer to
the Warm-Up.
2.. Read pg 690, but ignore the equation on this page. Pay
special attention to Figure 10 and Figure 11. (~ 4min.)
3. Since we imagine current is a positive charge moving through
the wire, to find the DIRECTION of the force on a wire in a
magnetic field, we’ll use the same right-hand rule as before.
Just imagine positive charges are moving in the direction of the
current. So v is in the same direction as I. Find the force on the
positive charges and that’s the direction the wire gets pushed.
(It’s really negatively charged electrons moving the opposite
direction as the current, but the force is the same direction
either way—try it!). (Note: We won’t find the magnitude of the
force, so we don’t need the equation in the book.)
4. Complete slide 2 of the handout using the notes provided.
5. Read pgs 684-686. (~ 10 min.)
6. Complete slides 3 & 4 using the notes, then slides 6-8 (skip 5
for a few minutes).
7. Read pg 691 (~4 min.), and afterward complete slide 5 on the
8. Discuss and work on your HW #17: Charged Particles and
Magnetic Fields, due tomorrow in class.
Thursday 4/21/16 Physics Periods 1-3
Please show the steps below to the students using the Elmo and projector. (A student can help you turn
it on if you need help.) This is the most important thing to me, because substitutes in the past have
forgotten to show something to the students. Please show them only each step at a time, or they’ll skip
ahead and not really read. You can use your best judgment to adjust the time if everyone finishes
reading earlier or later than my guess. Please write down on the back of this page the name of any
students who didn’t bring a book today, and assign them a book from the back cabinet, checking off
their name when they return it to you.
The directions for each day are posted on my website!
1. Writing utensils down: Have a student volunteer to show
answers to HW #17: Charged Particles and Magnetic Fields, then
collect it.
2. Work on HW #18: Pg 696 #27, 30, 37, 44, 46, due tomorrow
in class.
#27: See the picture below. Find the direction of the magnetic
field below the wire, where the electrons (using the 2nd righthand rule). Then use that and direction of the electrons’
velocity to find the direction of the force on the electrons, using
the 1st right-hand rule. (But in be the current changed
- -
#30. Include the direction of the duck’s velocity!
#37. See #35 and change the direction of v to being a current
going that same direction in the wire. (The point is that the
answers are the same for #35 & 37!)
#44. Fnet=ma so FB = mac since it’s going in circle (ac= v2/r)
So qvB sinθ =m(v2/r)
#46. Each part, a., b., c., are a different situation and therefore
will require using a different formula. This is helpful review for
Friday 4/22/16 Physics Periods 1-3
Please show the steps below to the students using the Elmo and projector. (A student can help you turn
it on if you need help.) This is the most important thing to me, because substitutes in the past have
forgotten to show something to the students. Please show them only each step at a time, or they’ll skip
ahead and not really read. You can use your best judgment to adjust the time if everyone finishes
reading earlier or later than my guess. Please write down on the back of this page the name of any
students who didn’t bring a book today, and assign them a book from the back cabinet, checking off
their name when they return it to you.
The directions for each day are posted on my website!
1. Writing utensils down: Have a student volunteer to show
answers to Pg 696 #27, 30, 37, 44, 46, then collect it.
2. Work on HW #19: Review for Q3 Test. The test will be next
week, probably on Friday (we’ll discuss it). It will be ONLY on 3rd
quarter material (waves, electrostatics, electricity,
electromagnetism), and you will get a ONE-sided notecard.
You will (most likely) also have a quiz on electromagnetism on
Thusday (we’ll see).