Monday 4/18/16 Chemistry Periods 5-6 Please show the steps below to the students using the Elmo and projector. (A student can help you turn it on if you need help.) This is the most important thing to me, because substitutes in the past have forgotten to show something to the students. Please show them only each step at a time, or they’ll skip ahead and not really read. You can use your best judgment to adjust the time if everyone finishes reading earlier or later than my guess. Please write down on the back of this page the name of any students who didn’t bring a book today, and assign them a book from the back cabinet, checking off their name when they return it to you. The directions for today are posted on my website! 1. Read the bottom of page 579, C. Calculating the pH of Strong Acid Solutions. (~2 min.) 2. Take out your “16.2 Determining the Acidity of a Solution Handout,” which we started the Friday before break. Substitute or student volunteer: Please see the attached copy, with some notes written on it in red and show it under the Elmo. Show the bottom of the front side and the top of the back using the Elmo. Note the 2 mistakes on their handout that have been corrected in my red writing. Have them do the 4 practice problems on their own, then show them the answers. 3. Substitute or student volunteer: Now transition to the slides provided (which continue their handout). Please show them slides 1 and 2 and then have them try the #s 5 (slide 3) to 9 (slide 7). Then have them pull out a piece of scratch paper and try slide 8. 4. Your lab from before break will be due on Wed., in class, instead of tomorrow. 5. Your quiz for this chapter will be Wednesday. 6. Now start on your HW, which is to read pgs 573-578 and to do HW #17: Pg 589 #11 (skip 11c), 17, 21. 23, 25. It is due tomorrow in class. Tuesday 4/19/16 Chemistry Periods 5-6 Please show the steps below to the students using the Elmo and projector. (A student can help you turn it on if you need help.) This is the most important thing to me, because substitutes in the past have forgotten to show something to the students. Please show them only each step at a time, or they’ll skip ahead and not really read. You can use your best judgment to adjust the time if everyone finishes reading earlier or later than my guess. Please write down on the back of this page the name of any students who didn’t bring a book today, and assign them a book from the back cabinet, checking off their name when they return it to you. The directions for today are posted on my website! 1. Take out your but put away all writing utensils. Have a student volunteer to show the answers to HW #17: Pg 589 #11 (skip 11c), 17, 21. 23, 25. Then collect it. 2. Your lab from before spring break is due tomorrow, in class. On the back of the procedure and data table it has the directions for how to set up the lab report. Attach the half sheet of paper with the procedure and data to the front of the lab report but not stapled at the top of the page. Staple it (with more than 1 staple) directly below where you write “Data: See Data” on your lab report. 3. Your quiz for this chapter will be tomorrow. 4. Now read pages 584-586. (~10 min) 5. Start on HW #18: pg 590 #22,24,30-36 (only a & b for all). This will also be due tomorrow, in class. 6. Some student please volunteer to also handout HW #19: Ch. 16 Review. HW #19 will not be due until Thursday, but it will help you on your quiz tomorrow if you do it tonight. Wednesday 4/20/16 Chemistry Periods 5-6 Collect the students lab reports. Have students take out HW #18: pg 590 #22,24,30-36 (only a & b for all) but put away all writing utensils. Have a student volunteer to show the answers (~3 min only). Then collect it. Remind them that HW # 19: Ch. 16 Review is due tomorrow, in class. Show the following Warm-Up/review problems to the students using the Elmo. They should solve them on a piece of their own paper. (Take ~7 min to answer the questions, then ~3 min to go over it. I want to make sure they have enough time to finish the quiz.) Ask for volunteers to share answers under the ELMO and how they got that answer. Warm-Up/review 1. What is the pH of a solution with [H3O+] = 4.0 x 10-6 M? 2. What is [H+] of a solution with pH = 3.40? 3. What is [OH-] if the pH = 4.53? 4. Can and acid be both a strong acid and dilute? Answers: 1. 5.40 2. 4.0 x 10-4 M 3. 3.4 x 10-10 M 4. Yes, HCl is a strong acid whether or not it is a high or low concentration. Now the students will take a quiz. Ask a student to help pass out a pair of maroon or red folder dividers to each table. (The put them between them to minimize cheating.) Please hand out the quizzes. They may use calculators. The students may write on the quiz. Please remind them that 1.0 x 10-14 is only 2 significant figures, and remind them that they need to put units on all concentrations. Please collect the quiz and place them on the island table for tomorrow’s substitute. Thursday 4/21/16 Chemistry Periods 5-6 The students took a quiz yesterday. I instructed the sub to place them on the island desk after 6th period yesterday. Please locate them. Please use the Elmo and projector to show the Warm-Up on the notes provided (slide 1). (A student can help you turn on the Elmo if you need help.) After ~8 minutes show them the answers. Next, show them slides 2-4 and have them copy them as notes (except they don’t copy slide 4). Now, pass out the quizzes, asking students to NOT take their own quiz or the quiz of someone nearby. They should write “Corrected By” and their name at the bottom. Each multiple choice question is worth 1 pt (26 total). #27 is 3 points total (a,b,c), all or nothing, no points off for not having a double arrow but -1 for charges being wrong or missing. #28 is 6 points: one point for the number, one for acidic, basic, or neutral (for each a,b,c). #29 is similarly 6 points, one point for the number, one for acidic, basic, or neutral (for each a,b,c). #30 is 1 point (-0.5 for no unit of M). This should total 42 points (26 + 3 + 6 + 6 +1). Have students give the quiz to the person whose it is. Let them look at it and discuss it for 2 or 3 minutes, then ask if anyone would like to ask the class a question about a problem. Now collect the quizzes Now go over the homework, HW #19 Ch. 16 Review using the solutions provided. Then collect it. Lastly, if time, have them solve the review problems on slide 8. Thanks! Friday 4/22/16 Chemistry Periods 5-6 The students will take a test today. The blue folders with the multiple choice questions are in the island desk near the projector, in the bottom cabinet. Also in there are the answer documents. 1. Have the students take out a piece of scratch paper and write their name on it. They must turn it in. They may use calculators. 2. Ask a student to help pass out a pair of maroon or red folder dividers to each table. (The put them between them to minimize cheating.) 3. While that is happening, please look at the back of the answer documents and pass out version A to the 4 students nearest the wall (close to the door), then version B to the 4 students who sit next to them, and so on, so that no 2 students sitting next to each other have the same version. (Note: The version on the back is completely independent of the version of the multiple choice section). 4. Please pass out the blue folders with the multiple choice section of the exam. Give the four students nearest the wall test #s 1-4, then 5-8 for the students sitting next to them, etc. I looked at the test and I don’t believe they need periodic tables, but there are laminated ones available (I left them out) if they say they need them. 5. Please give students the full time to complete the test. They should turn in the blue folder, the answer document, and their scratch paper. Have students turn in the tests and have those who finish early put the blue folders in numerical order. During the passing period organize the blue folders and finish putting them in numerical order. Thanks!