Grad Advising News and Announcements NEW Non-credit internships and the SIS Professional Experience Requirement Students completing an internship this fall to fulfill the SIS MA Professional Experience requirement must register the internship. Internships can be registered either for non-credit (no tuition charge, only fulfills the Professional Experience requirement) or for academic credit (tuition charges apply, may fulfill the Elective requirement in addition to the Professional Experience requirement). Students must submit their completed internship registration materials (including any necessary approvals and attachments) to the Graduate Advising office by Thursday, September 4 to allow time for processing before Monday, September 8. Students who anticipate securing a fall internship after the registration deadline, or who will be unable to complete the registration paperwork by the deadline, should contact their academic advisor in advance of the deadline to discuss options. For more information about the SIS Professional Experience requirement visit the SIS Graduate Advising website. For more information on registering internships, please review the Add/Drop Registration FAQs visit the SIS Graduate Advising website. NEW SIS Graduate Student Council (GSC) Elections The GSC acts as a forum for the needs and interests of graduate students in SIS and provides opportunities for academic and professional development, social interaction and community service. Each year senators are elected from each program to represent their cohort. To vote for your program's senator for this year's GSC, please visit Questions about the elections? Contact GSC president, Jane Burke at Internship and Independent Study (including SRP and thesis) Registration Forms Deadline Students registering Internships (for academic credit or non-credit to fulfill the professional experience requirement) or Independent Studies (including SRPs and theses) for the fall 2014 semester are required to submit their completed registration materials (including any necessary approvals and attachments) to the Graduate Advising office by Thursday, September 4 to allow time for processing before Monday, September 8. Students who anticipate being unable to complete the registration paperwork by the deadline for any reason should contact their academic advisor in advance of the deadlineto discuss options. Incomplete paperwork will not be processed. For information on registering independent studies (including SRPs and theses) and internships, please review the Add/Drop Registration FAQs visit the SIS Graduate Advising website. 2014 Add/Drop, Express Advising and Registration FAQs The last day of the add/drop period (the last day to make changes to your schedule for a 100% refund) is Monday, September 8. Advisors are holding Express Advising hours for the duration of the add/drop period, and will not resume appointments until September 15. For Express Advising schedules, please visit: For registration FAQs, please review the Add/Drop Registration FAQs. Apply to Graduate for Fall 2014 Students planing to complete all program requirements this semester must apply to graduate via their myAU portal (under Academics – Apply to Graduate). We recommend that you complete the application as soon as possible (the application takes less than 5 minutes) so that your advisor can begin reviewing your graduation eligibility for fall. Fall 2014 Skills Institutes For an updated list of weekend skills institutes being offered this fall, and instructions on how to make registration changes for skills institutes after Monday, September 8, please visit: Fall 2014 Orientation Strategic Advising Materials Materials from this year's Orientation Strategic Advising sessions, including a copy of the powerpoint presentation and handouts provided, have been posted on the Graduate Advising website under News and Announcements for any interested students. This includes a handout on campus resources and one on language learning resources at AU and in DC. Upcoming Events TODAY Alumni in the Atrium: David Parker (Center for Strategic And International Studies) Tuesday, September 2, 4:00-5:00pm, SIS Atrium Please join SIS Career Center advisors in conversation with David Parker, SIS/MA '13, Research Associate at CSIS. Students, alumni, faculty and staff are invited to join an informal discussion about her work and career path since SIS. No RSVP is necessary. Come ask questions, receive advice, and build your network. Join for just a few minutes or the entire hour. NEW Office of Merit Awards Info Session: Critical Language Scholarship Thursday, September 4, 4-5pm, MGC 200 The U.S. Department of State's Critical Language Scholarships provide funding for intensive overseas study of "critical need" languages, including Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bangla/Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Turkish, and Urdu. Critical Language Scholarships are offered for beginning, intermediate and/or advanced level summer language programs. For more information: The national deadline for summer 2015 is November 15, 2014 (tentative). NEW Graduate Enhancement Workshop: Fulfilling (and Excelling at) your Foreign Language Requirement Examination: Resources and Strategies Monday, September 15, 5:30-6:30pm, Graduate Research Center For more information and to RSVP: Presented by Center for Language Exploration, Acquisition and Research (CLEAR) In this workshop we will review graduate language requirements and the best ways for you to prepare to demonstrate the required proficiency. We’ll specifically discussing what is entailed by the required proficiency examination and how to tailor your prep efforts. We will then utilize a standardized instrument so you can individually determine your foreign language experience and capabilities and have a clear idea of where you stand. For those planning on starting a new language or brushing up on a language you have not revisited for some time, we will discuss strategies specific to language study as well as the resources available to you at AU. FOR SIS EVENTS: