From: Sent By: To: Cc: Subject: Date: SISGradAdvising Marley Crutcher SIS Practica Applications for Spring 2016 SIS Practica are now open! 09/14/2015 11:27 AM Dear Students, The practicum application process for Spring 2016 is now open! You can view information for the practicum courses offered this spring on the SIS Practicum Program website. Completing the Practicum is one of the options to satisfy your SIS Masters capstone requirement. For information about other Capstone options, please see your academic advisor. There will be two general practicum information sessions: a virtual Blackboard-Collaborate meeting on Wednesday, September 16 at 5:00 PM (see Blackboard Course “Practicum Program LIBWEB-999-026” for information on joining the online meeting on Wednesday)and in person Monday, September 21 at 5:00 PM (room TBA). Stay tuned for announcements about course-specific information sessions for the opportunity to "meet and greet" the Practicum professors, which will take place between September 15 and 25th. (Up-to-date information about course-specific information sessions will be posted on the Practicum website.) Application Due Date: Midnight, Sunday, October 4th Practicum Eligibility To be eligible to participate in an SIS Practicum, MA students must: · be in good academic standing (including a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA) · have completed 18 credits of graduate coursework prior to the semester in which they will participate in the Practicum. Note: Dual-degree students (e.g. MA/MBA, JD/MA and KU/AU) must have completed at least 9 of the minimum 18 credits in SIS to be eligible to participate in a Practicum. Students are eligible to apply for any Practicum, regardless of their particular MA program (e.g. an IPCR student may apply to a USFP Practicum). Application Instructions 1. Submit the Practicum Application Form. 2. All SIS graduate students have been given access to a Blackboard site called "SIS Practicum Program." When you submit the Practicum Application webform, you will be directed to this Blackboard site. In the left side menu, click "Apply Now." If you meet the eligibility criteria but do not have access to the Practicum course in Blackboard, please email 3. To apply to a Practicum, click the course title in the list. On the submission page, upload a cover letter and resume using the "Attach File" link. DO NOT include any text in the Submission or Comment boxes. Please label your documents with your last name, first initial, and application component. For example, "SMITH_J_Cover Letter." 4. Repeat this process for EACH Practica to which you are applying. You may apply for as many Practica as you want. As with any job application, your cover letter and resume should be tailored to each Practicum. Late applications will not be considered. No preference is given to applications submitted early; please take your time completing the application. Students will be notified of the outcome of their application late October, prior to spring registration. If you have any questions, please email sis_practica@american. edu. Stephanie Fischer Director of Experiential Learning Executive in Residence School of International Service American University