AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Jarislav von Zitzewitz for the degree of Master of Science in Crop Science presented on September 23, 2004. Title: Structural and Functional Characterization of Candidate Vernalization Genes in Barley Abstract approved: Redacted for privacy - Patrick Vernalization yes the requirement of a period of low temperature to induce the transition from a vegetative to a reproductive state is an evolutionarily and economically important trait in the Triticeae. The genetic basis of vernalization in barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare), a model crop for the Triticeae, was first defined in terms of a three-locus epistatic model. Candidate genes for two of the vernalization loci (Vrn] and Vrn2) were recently cloned in diploid and polyploid Triticurn species. The sequence and expression of HvBM5A, a candidate for Vrn-H1, were characterized in a panel of ten barley germplasm accessions, including one accession of the wild progenitor (Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum). Differences in vernalization requirement are most likely due to allelic variation at the HvBM5A promoter andlor intragenic sites rather than in the coding region. An analysis of promoter and intron 1 polymorphisms showed that differences in the sequence of the latter are most consistent with growth habit classifications. HvBM5A expression patterns correlate with growth habit and meristem development. HvBM5A maps to the predicted position of Vrn-H1 on chromosome 5H. All available evidence suggests that HvBM5A is Vrn-H1. The presence/absence of the tightly linked ZCCT-H gene family members on chromosome 4H is perfectly correlated with growth habit in the germplasm array: all spring forms show a complete deletion of the ZCCT-H gene family. All available evidence suggests that a ZCCT-H gene family member is VrnH2. All QTL for vernalization requirement reported for barley in the literature can be explained by a two-locus model involving the Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H2 candidates. The data from this study provide a rigorous definition for "facultative growth habit": facultative genotypes have the Vrn-H2 deletion and signature "winter" habit alleles at Vrn-H1. These data lay the foundation for determining if the coincidence of Vrn-H1 with QTL for multiple winter hardiness-related phenotypes is due to linkage and/or pleiotropy. ©Copyright by Jarislav von Zitzewitz September 23, 2004 All Rights Reserved Structural and Functional Characterization of Candidate Vernalization Genes in Barley by Jarislav von Zitzewitz A THESIS Submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Presented September 23, 2004 Commencement June 2005 Master of Science thesis of Jarislav von Zitzewitz presented on September 23, 2004 APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Major Professor, representii'ig Crop Sence Redacted for privacy Head of the Department of Crop and Soil Science Redacted for privacy Dean of th9'ra4Iate School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature bellow authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. Redacted for privacy Jarislav von Zitzewitz, Author / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My gratitude is expressed to my major professor Dr. Patrick M. Hayes, for his guidance, encouragement, and understanding during critical times throughout the course of my study. I would also like to thank him for his hospitality and for sharing times in his back yard with family, BBQ, and beer. And thanks for a few good sessions of Oregon surf I further express my appreciation to the other members of my committee, who have so graciously given of their time and expertise: Dr. Tony H.H. Chen, Dr. Isabel Vales, and Dr. Oscar Riera-Lizarazu. Special thanks to Dr. Jeffrey Skinner for his excellent counsel and guidance on the design, conduct, and analysis of this study. I would also like to thank him for the good times we have had mountain biking. My sincere appreciation is extended to the members of the OSU barley project: First of all I would like to thank my friend Ariel Castro, for encouraging me all the way, and as a roommate, teacher of history and politics of my own country; a thanks to Tanya Filichkin, who always helped in all aspects of the laboratory and always was a good listener; Dr. Jennifer Kling, who was always there for any sort of statistical problem; Dr. Lol Cooper, as a weekend laboratory companion; Dr. Luis MarquezCedillo, who has been here since the beginning and shared so much with me; and my graduate colleague Kelly Richardson, who has always helped when I asked for it. I would like to specially thank my Hungarian friend, Dr. Peter Szucs, who helped tremendously with this research, for his camaraderie and all the laughter and beers we shared. Another special thanks to Ann Corey, who also has been here since the 11 beginning, for her friendship and for being so kind in hosting me at her home with her family during the last moments of my thesis writing. Many thanks to Alexa Michel, who helped in early morning sessions of (cold room) apical meristem collections. Special thanks to Dr. Hiro Nonogaki and his Ph.D. student Po-Pu Liu for providing RNA extraction protocols and helping in designing expression studies. A note of thanks to Zoran Jeknic who showed me the "ins and outs" of the digital camera, and Caprice Rosato and Mark Dasenko for assisting me with gene sequencing. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation and the North American Barley Genome Project. Without this support, this work would have never been possible. I would like to extend my thanks to my Portland friends, Sara and Ryan Retzlaff, who became very good friends to me and have helped so much in my personal life since I began my education at Oregon State University in 1997. Finally, and most important, a thanks to my parents, brother and sisters, who have supported me throughout my studies; my in-laws Jorge and Pilar, and sisters in law for having me at their home through difficult transitional times; and infinite thanks to my beautiful wife Cecilia and daughter Manuela, who without their patience, support, kind words of encouragement, and lots of love, I would have never been able to complete this work. 111 CONTRIBUTION OF AUTHORS Dr. Patrick M. Hayes, initiated, advised, and supervised all aspects of this project. He contributed in formulating hypothesis and in preparation of this manuscript. Dr. Jeffrey S. Skinner made substantial contributions to the preparation of this manuscript, and he provided essential assistance in the design and execution of experiments. Dr. Peter Szucs aided in cloning and sequencing alleles, genotyping, and analysis of data. Dr. Tony H. H. Chen helped in advising, manuscript revision, and experimental design. Dr. Jorge Dubcovsky and Liuling Yang provided valuable prepublication data and information, and participated in manuscript preparation. lv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page General Introduction .1 Structural and Functional Characterization of Candidate Vernalization Genes in Barley ........................................................................................ 8 ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ 9 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................ 10 RESULTS......................................................................................................... 14 DISCUSSION ................................................................................................... 37 MATERIALS AND METHODS ...................................................................... 45 LITERATURE CITED ..................................................................................... 53 General Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 57 Bibliography .................................................................................................................. 62 Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 67 Figure Al. Alignment of the HvBM5A coding sequence in ten barley varieties differing in growth habit .................................................... 71 Figure A2. Alignment of the HvBM5A promoter sequence in ten barley varieties differing in growth habit .......................................................... 77 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. Linkage map positions of HvBM5A, HvBM5B and inferred position of ZCCT-H in the Dicktoo x Morex population .................................. 16 2. Exonlintron structure of Morex HvBM5A and HvBM5B and primerpositions ................................................................................................. 17 3. Alignment of predicted peptides of fIvBM5A and other MADS-box AP1/SQUAMOSA family members ................................................................. 21 4. Northern blots of HvBM5A in Strider (winter), Dicktoo (facultative) and Morex (spring) (A); contrast enhanced images of Strider and Dicktoo (B); and RT-PCR of HvBM5A and HvBM5B in Strider, Dicktoo and Morex (C) ..................................................................................... 24 5. Apical meristems of Strider, Dicktoo, and Morex sampled at specific time points and treatments shown in expression studies (Figure 4) .................. 26 6. HvBM5A promoter (-2 kb) haplotypes in winter/facultative and spring genotypes vs. Tremois and OSU 11 with predicted motifs(A) and predicted TATA-box and the putative CArG motif (B) ............................. 28 7. HvBM5A Intron 1 length polymorphism in winter, facultative, and spring barley genotypes (A) and sequence alignments of a conserved portion of intron 1 for HvBM5A, TaVRT1 and TmApl(B) ................................ 32 8. PCR amplification of SnJ2 and ZCCT-H showing deletion in facuttative and spring genotypes ....................................................................... 34 vi LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Conserved HvBM5A promoter elements found in ten barley genotypes that could be involved in vernalization requirement or abiotic stress responses (see Figure 6A for relative positions) ............................................... 30 2. HvBM5A intron 1 elements found in a 436 bp region conserved between Hordeum and Triticum accessions, involved in flowering or abiotic stress responses ................................................................................. 33 3. Summary of Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H2 allele types compared to vernalization requirement QTL reported in the literature ....................................................... 37 Structural and Functional Characterization of Candidate Vernalization genes in Barley General Introduction Vernalization can be defined as the induction of flowering by exposure of a plant to extended periods of low temperature. The range of effective temperatures at which flowering is promoted by cold is usually between 1-7°C, and in some cases vernalizing temperatures can be as low as -6°C (Michaels and Amasino, 2000). Vernalization is characteristic of many temperate zone plants, including "winter growth habit" forms of the Triticeae. Candidate genes for the Vrn-A1 and Vrn-A2 loci were recently cloned in diploid wheat (Triticum monococcum) (Yan et at., 2003 and 2004) and in the A, B, and D genomes in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) (Danyluk et al., 2003; Trevaskis et al., 2003; Murai et al., 2003). This has considerably advanced our understanding of this trait in economically important crop species. The genetics of vernalization are well-characterized in Arabidopsis thaliana (see review by Henderson et al., 2003; Henderson and Dean, 2004), where the central genes in the vernalization pathway are now known to be different than the central genes in the Triticeae (Yan et at., 2003 and 2004). Recently, it has been shown that genes in the Arabidopsis thaliana vernalization pathway are involved in epigenetic silencing by histone modifications (Sung and Amasino, 2004; Bastow et al., 2004). In the Triticeae, such detailed studies are still in progress. 2 In the Triticeae, vernalization is an important trait due to its role in winter hardiness, which can be defined as the capacity of a genotype to survive the winter. In this simple definition, the complex genetic and genetic x environmental interactions that transpire between planting and harvesting a winter cereal crop (Hayes et al., 1997), need to be accounted for. Winter hardiness is composed of three principal traits, which include low temperature tolerance, vernalization requirement, and photoperiod sensitivity. The three phenotypes are usually associated, e.g. "winter varieties" that are low temperature-tolerant usually require vernalization and are photoperiod sensitive. The requirement of vernalization is the trait that is usually associated the most with winter hardy genotypes. However, in an extensive characterization of a range of barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare) gerrnplasm, Karsai et al., (2001) found that some of the most low temperature-tolerant genotypes were photoperiod sensitive but did not require vernalization. Such varieties are termed "facultative" because agronomically speaking, they could be fall or spring-sown. The variety "Dicktoo", which is a model for winter hardiness research in the barley community (Pan et al., 1994; van Zee et al., 1995; Hayes et al., 1997; Choi et al., 2000; Mahfoozi et al., 2000; Karsai et al. 2001; Fowler et al., 2001) shows facultative growth habit: it is cold tolerant, it is sensitive to short photoperiod, and does not have a vernalization requirement. There is evidence in wheat that maximum low temperature tolerance is associated with both vernalization and photoperiod sensitivity (Mahfoozi et al., 2001). Therefore, it is important to understand the structure and function of Triticeae vernalization genes. Determining the genes and pathways involved in the vernalization pathway is of fundamental scientific importance and has the potential to allow plant breeders to tailor varieties to specific environments. The Triticeae are a very useful tool to study the genetics of vernalization because they form a homogeneous genetic system, in which results from one species are frequently applicable to other members of the cereal tribe (Dubcovsky et al., 1998). Barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare) belongs to the Triticeae, and is an economically important crop model for studying the genetics and physiology of vernalization. Barley is a simple genetic system due to its self-pollinating and diploid nature, and it displays genetic variation for the components of winter hardiness. In addition, an ever-expanding set of tools exists for genetic and molecular analysis (reviewed in Hayes et al., 2003), including multiple mapping populations, arrayed BAC clones (Yu et al., 2000), a large EST database, and a microarray chip (Close et al., 2004). These tools could be very useful to rapidly develop gene-specific markers to improve elite lines during conventional and marker assisted breeding (Francki and Appels, 2002). The foundations for the genetics of vernalization requirement in barley were established by Takahashi and Yasuda (1971), who proposed a three-locus epistatic model in which genotypes that require vernalization (winter types) have the allelic architecture Sh sh2sh2sh3sh3. All other allelic configurations lead to facultative and spring growth habits. Based on wheat: barley orthology, the Sh loci are now described using standard Triticeae nomenclature, with an "H" indicating the Hordeum genome, 4 as follows: Sh2 = Vrn-H1 (chromosome 5H); Sh = Vrn-H2 (chromosome 4H); and Sh3= Vrn-H3 (chromosome 111). Allelic variants at the Vrn-H3 locus are reported only in barleys from extreme high or low latitudes (Takahashi and Yasuda, 1971). Yan et al. (2003, 2004) proposed a model explaining the Vrn2/Vrnl epistatic interaction in the Triticeae, based on the positional cloning and expression studies of Vrn-A1 and Vrn-A2 candidates in T. monococcum. Per this model, ZCCT1 (the candidate gene for Vrn2) encodes a dominant repressor of flowering that binds to a cis element regulatory region of Api (the candidate for Vrni) a MADS-box gene. Vernalization down-regulates the expression of Vrn2 allowing expression of Vrni. A lack of vernalization requirement occurs in genotypes with a deletion for Vrn2, regardless of the allele at Vrni as well as in genotypes that do have Vrn2 but that lack a target binding site for the repressor in Vrnl. A deletion was reported in the promoter region of Vrn-A1 that correlated with spring vs. winter growth habit. The candidate barley ortholog of Vrn-A1 was first described as barley MADS-box 5 (HvBM5) by Schmitz et al. (2000), but the work was not related to vernalization and HvBM5 was not equated with Vrn-H1. Additional evidence supporting the orthology of barley HvBM5 with T monococcum Api (Vrn-Ai) is provided in the expression studies reported by Danyluk et al. (2003), and Trevaskis et al. (2003). Differences in the genetics of vernalization in Arabidopsis and the Triticeae should be mentioned, because similar gene names used for both species do not imply to have a common function. The Triticeae ApI candidate for Vrnl is similar to the Arabidopsis meristem identity gene APE TA LA 1 (APi), but Arabidopsis APi is not directly involved in vernalization (Yan et al. 2003; Trevaskis et al. 2003; Murai et al., 2003). In Arabidopsis, the vernalization-requirement phenotype is conferred by a combination of functional alleles at the FRIGIDA (FRI) and FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) loci (Burn et al., 1993; Koornneef et al., 1994). ZCCT1 , the candidate for Vrn2, is similar to FLC (as repressor), but belongs to a different family of transcription factors and contains a putative zinc finger in the first exon and a CCT domain in the second exon, in common with the Arabidopsis CONSTANS (CO) and CO-like proteins (Yan et al. 2004). The CCT domain localizes CO in the nucleus (Robson et al. 2001), the central gene in the mechanism by which day length controls flowering (Valverde et al. 2004). CO and FLC proteins regulate SOC 1, a flowering time gene, antagonistically via separate promoter motifs (Hepworth et al., 2002), suggesting that transcription factors involved in vernalization and photoperiod target upstream genes that are in common to both pathways. In Arabidopsis, Vrnl and Vrn2 are involved in the repression maintenance of FLC, clearly distinguishing their role from the T. monococcum genes with the same name. Obviously, the genetics of vernalization in the model plant Arabidopsis is complex and certainly additional genes will be identified in the Triticeae that are fundamental players in the vernalization pathway. An interesting recent discovery is the control of FLC chromatin by histone methylation and acetylation during vernalization (Sung and Amasino, 2004; Bastow et al., 2004). These reports give a new insight on the complexity of vernalization and provide leads to investigate in the Triticeae. 6 Due to the complexity in vernalization and its role in winter hardiness in the Triticeae, quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis tools have been used for trait dissection, which was simplified in barley, a diploid. For example, Laurie et al. (1995) reported vernalization QTL on chromosomes 411 and 5H in the Igri x Triumph (winter x spring) mapping population and the QTL positions correspond to the predicted locations of the Vrn-H2 and Vrn-H1 loci. Francia et al. (2003), reported a vernalization QTL on 5H at the predicted position of Vrn-H1 in the Nure x Tremois (winter x spring) mapping population. QTL for multiple winter hardiness-related traits, including crown fructan content, photoperiod sensitivity and low temperature tolerance (Hayes et al., 1993) were mapped in the Dicktoo x Morex (facultative x spring) population on 5H that corresponds with the predicted position of Vrn-H1 (Karsai et al. 1997). The availability of multiple barley QTL mapping populations segregating for components of winter hardiness provides a unique opportunity to test the Vrnl/Vrn2 model of Yan et al. (2004) and to further explore the relationships of vernalization, photoperiod sensitivity, and low temperature tolerance. A longer-term objective in our breeding program is to completely characterize the components of winter hardiness in barley. In this study we focused on vernalization and asked the question: "does the Vrnl/Vrn2 epistatic model proposed by Yan et al. (2004) for T. monococcum apply to barley?" Our specific goals were to determine if (i) allelic variation at the promoter and in the coding region of HvBM5 correlate with growth habit in a panel of 10 barley genotypes, (ii) growth habit correlates with the presence/absence of Vrn-H2 in the same germplasm array, (iii) allelic architecture at the Vrn-H candidate loci explains QTL mapping results, and (iv) expression of HvBM5 in representative genotypes, in response to vernalization and photoperiod treatments, followed patterns predicted from the literature and from the allelic architecture at the Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H2 candidate loci. Structural and Functional Characterization of Candidate Vernalization genes in Barley Jarislav von Zitzewitz', Jeffrey S. Skinner1'2, Peter Szücs3, Tony H.H. Chen2, Patrick M. Hayes1, Jorge Dubcovsky4, Liuling Yan4 1Department of Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. 2Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. 3Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-2462 Martonvásár, Hungary 4Department of Agronomy and Range Science, University of California Davis, 95616 CA, USA Plant Physiology American Society of Plant Biologists 15501 Monona Drive, Rockville, MD 20855-2768, USA (Submitted) ABSTRACT Vernalization, the requirement of a period of low temperature to induce the transition from a vegetative to a reproductive state, is an evolutionarily and economically important trait in the Triticeae. The genetic basis of vernalization in barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare) was first defined in terms of a three-locus epistatic model. We recently cloned candidate genes for two of the vernalization loci Vrn-A1 and Vrn-A2 in diploid wheat. Here we describe the sequence and expression of HvBM5A, a candidate for Vrn-H1, in ten barley germplasm accessions. Differences in vernalization requirement are most likely due to allelic variation at the HvBM5A promoter and/or intragenic sites rather than in the coding region. Differences in intron 1 are most consistent with growth habit classifications. HvBM5A expression patterns correlate with growth habit and meristem development; HvBM5A maps to the predicted position of Vrn-H1 on chromosome 511; and we therefore conclude that HvBM5A is a strong candidate for Vrn-H1. The presence/absence of the tightly linked ZCCT-H gene family members on chromosome 4H perfectly correlates with growth habit. All reported barley vernalization QTL can be explained by a two-locus model involving Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H2. Facultative genotypes have the Vrn-H2 locus deletion and signature "winter" habit alleles at HvBM5A. We are currently investigating if the coincidence of Vrn-H1 with QTL for multiple winter hardiness-related phenotypes is due to linkage and/or pleiotropy. 10 INTRODUCTION Vernalization low temperature the induction of flowering by exposure to extended periods of is characteristic of many temperate zone plants, including "winter growth habit" forms of the Triticeae. The cloning of candidates for the Vrn-A1 and Vrn-A2 genes in diploid wheat (Triz'icum monococcum) (Yan et al., 2003 and 2004) and candidates for the Vrnl gene in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) (Danyluk et al, 2003; Trevaskis et al, 2003; Murai et al., 2003) has considerably advanced our understanding of this trait in economically important crop species. The genetics of vernalization are well-characterized in Arabidopsis thaliana (see review by Henderson et al., 2003) and it is now clear that different pathways lead to the same end phenotype in this model species and in members of the Triticeae (Yan et al., 2003 and 2004). Vernalization requirement is of interest in the Triticeae because of its role in determining broad adaptation and due to its association with winter hardiness. Winter hardiness can be defined as the capacity of a genotype to survive the winter (Hayes et al., 1997). Three principal components of winter hardiness in the Triticeae are low temperature tolerance, vernalization requirement, and photoperiod sensitivity. The three phenotypes are usually associated, e.g. "winter varieties" that are low temperature tolerant usually require vernalization and are photoperiod sensitive. However, some of the most low temperature-tolerant genotypes are photoperiod sensitive and don't require vernalization (Karsai et al., 2001). Such varieties are termed "facultative" because agronomically speaking, they could be fall- or spring- sown. The variety Dicktoo, which is a model for winter hardiness research in the 11 barley community (Pan et al., 1994; van Zee et aL, 1995; Hayes et al., 1997; Choi et al., 2000; Mahfoozi et al., 2000; Karsai et al. 2001; Fowler et al., 2001), shows facultative growth habit: it is cold tolerant, it is sensitive to short photoperiod, and does not have a vernalization requirement. There is evidence in wheat that maximum low temperature tolerance is associated with both vernalization and photoperiod sensitivity (Mahfoozi et al., 2001). Therefore, from both scientific and agronomic perspectives, it is important to understand the structure and function of Triticeae vernalization genes. Barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare) is an economically important crop model for studying the genetics and physiology of vernalization in the Triticeae. Barley is a self-pollinated diploid, with abundant genetic variation for the components of winter hardiness, and an ever-expanding set of tools exist for genetic and molecular analysis (reviewed in Hayes et al., 2003), including multiple mapping populations, arrayed BAC clones (Yu et al., 2000), a large EST database, and a microarray (Close et al., 2004). Takahashi and Yasuda (1971) proposed a three-locus epistatic model for vernalization in barley in which genotypes that require vernalization (winter types) have the allelic architecture Shsh2sh2sh3sh3; all other allelic configurations lead to no vernalization requirement, e.g. "spring" growth habit. Based on wheat: barley orthology, the Sh loci we now describe using standard Triticeae nomenclature, with an "H" to indicate the Hordeum genome, as follows: Sh2 = Vrn-H1 (chromosome Sn); Sh = Vrn-H2 (chromosome 411); and Sh3= Vrn-H3 (chromosome 111). Allelic variants at 12 the Vrn-H3 locus are reported only in barleys from extreme high or low latitudes (Takahashi and Yasuda, 1971). A model explaining the Vrn2/Vrnl epistatic interaction in the Triticeae was proposed by Yan et al. (2003, 2004) based on the positional cloning of Vrn-A1 and Vrn-A2 candidates in T. monococcum. Per this model, ZCCT1 (the candidate gene for Vrn2) encodes a dominant repressor of flowering which binds to TmApl (the candidate for Vrnl), a MADS-box gene. Vernalization down-regulates the expression of Vrn2 allowing expression of Vrnl. A lack of vernalization requirement occurs in genotypes with a deletion for Vrn2, regardless of the allele at Vrnl, as well as in genotypes that do have Vrn2 but that lack a target binding site for the repressor in Vrnl. A deletion was reported in the promoter region of Vrn-A1 that correlated with spring vs. winter growth habit. The candidate barley ortholog of Vrn-A1 was first described by Schmitz et al. (2000) as barley MADS-box 5 (HvBM5), with no particular descriptive function. In order to standardize nomenclature we will use the designation HvBM5 in the remainder of this report. The orthology of barley HvBM5 with T. monococcum Api (Vrn-A1) is supported by expression studies (Danyluk et al. 2003; Trevaskis et al. 2003). It is important to highlight differences in the genetics of vernalization in Arabidopsis and the Triticeae and to stress that common names do not imply common functions. The Triticeae Api candidate for Vrnl is similar to the Arabidopsis meristem identity gene APETALA1 (APi), but Arabidopsis APi is not directly involved in vernalization (Yan et al. 2003; Trevaskis et al. 2003; Murai et al., 2003). 13 In Arabidopsis, the vernalization-requirement phenotype is conferred by a combination of functional alleles at the FRIGIDA (FRI) and FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) loci (Burn et al., 1993; Koornneef et al., 1994). ZCCTJ , the candidate for Vrn2, is similar to FLC (as repressor), but belongs to a different family of transcription factors and contains a putative zinc finger in the first exon and a CCT domain in the second exon, in common with the Arabidopsis CONSTANS (CO) and CO-like proteins (Yan et al. 2004). The CCT domain localizes CO in the nucleus (Robson et al. 2001), the central gene in the mechanism by which daylength controls flowering (Valverde et al. 2004). The genetics of vernalization in the model plant Arabidopsis is complex and additional genes will be identified in the Triticeae that are fundamental players in the vernalization pathway. The complexity of vernalization and its role in winter hardiness in the Triticeae led to the use of quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis tools for trait dissection, and diploid barley simplified the task. For example, Laurie et al. (1995) reported vernalization QTL on chromosomes 4H and 5H in the Igri x Triumph (winter x spring) mapping population and the QTL positions correspond to the predicted locations of the Vrn-H2 and Vrn-H1 loci. Francia et al. (2003), reported a vernalization QTL on 511 at the predicted position of Vrn-H1 in the Nure x Tremois (winter x spring) mapping population. QTL for multiple winter hardiness-related traits were mapped in the Dicktoo x Morex (facultative x spring) population to chromosome 5H at a position that corresponds with the predicted position of Vrn-H1 (Karsai et al. 1997). The availability of multiple barley QTL mapping populations segregating for components 14 of winter hardiness provides a unique opportunity to test the Vrnl/Vrn2 model of Yan et al. (2004) and to further explore the relationships of vernalization, photoperiod sensitivity, and low temperature tolerance. In pursuit of our longer-term objective of completely characterizing the components of winter hardiness in barley, in this study we focused on vernalization and asked the question: "does the Vrnl/Vrn2 epistatic model proposed by Yan et al. (2004) for T monococcum apply to barley?" Our specific goals were to determine if (i) allelic variation at the promoter and in the coding region of HvBM5 correlate with growth habit in a panel of 10 barley genotypes, (ii) growth habit correlates with the presence/absence of Vrn-H2 in the same germplasm array, (iii) allelic architecture at the Vrn-H candidate loci explains QTL mapping results, and (iv) expression of HvBM5 in representative genotypes, in response to vernalization and photoperiod treatments, followed patterns predicted from the literature and from the allelic architecture at the Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H2 candidate loci. RESULTS IdentfIcation and mapping of duplicated candidate genes for Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H3 We had previously determined that the barley HvBM5 cDNA (AJ249144; Schmitz et al., 2000) encodes the probable barley ortholog of T. monococcum APi (TmAPJ), the candidate gene for Vrn-Ai (Yan et al., 2003). To isolate the genomic region containing barley HvBM5, high density filters of the H. vulgare cv. Morex BAC library (Yu et al., 2000) were screened with TmAP1 to identif' clones harboring 15 HvBM5. Six TmAPJ-positive Morex BAC clones were identified and determined to form two contigs via fingerprinting and Southern hybridization strategies (data not shown). Contig 1 is composed of BAC clones 460015, 472K16, 631P8, and 597D19, while contig 2 is composed of BAC clones 315120 and 143P9. A single pass direct sequence reaction of the 3' end of the HvBM5-like region present on a representative BAC clone from each contig (clone 631P8 and clone 315120) revealed that the two clones contain closely related, yet distinct, HvBM5-like genes. The presence of two HvBM5 genes in barley is in agreement with the genomic blotting results of Schmitz et al. (2000). We therefore designated the HvBM5 form present on BAC 63 1P8 as HvBM5A and the form on BAC 315120 as HvBM5B. The HvBM5A form of Morex (HvBM5A-Mx) is allelic to the cv. Atlas (HvBM5A-At) cDNA (AJ249 144) reported in Schmitz et al. (2000). To determine which HvBM5 form, if either, is a candidate for Vrn-H1, we mapped both forms in the Dicktoo x Morex (DxM) mapping population (GrainGenes: p/ HvBM5A was mapped as a 5' UTRlocalized sized-based polymorphism, while HvBM5B was mapped as an Alul-based CAPS marker. HvBM5A mapped to the long arm of chromosome 511 and is centered directly under the DxM winter hardiness QTL cluster (Figure 1). HvBM5A is localized in BIN 11 (Cooper et al., 2004) as are the vernalization requirement QTL reported for Nure x Tremois (Francia et al., 2003) and Igri x Triumph (Laurie et al., 1995) barley mapping populations. This genome location corresponds to the positions of the Vrn-A1 16 and Vrn-D1 loci in T. monococcum and T. aestivum, respectively (Yan et al. 2003; 2004). ap321 0.00 6.54 'Il HorB 19.27 HorC 26.12 30.57 iGpi saflp96 45.54 Ical 58.35 58.39 ABG452 77.08 100.70 5H 4H IH IHVBM5B I HarD saflpl 64 116.08 iPgd 123.28 BCD265c 0.00 3.17 6.27 9.74 11.99 17.47 20.48 26.42 28.85 39.62 46.44 57.99 60.24 63.66 66.05 74.30 SOLPRO BCD265a Dhn6 88.29 saflp67 saflpl76 ap1920 saflp236 ABG472 saflpl59 saflp2o saflp36 ABG366 mHs saflp6l safJp234 HvSnf2 +IZcCT-HI BMYI 0.00 saflpl29 9.33 saflp22 saflp75 HvAcIl 15.52 18.83 25.46 29.58 saflp2O7 44.81 ABC3O2 61.77 69.62 75.83 76.29 81.24 92.38 mSrh WG364b HvCBF9 HvCBF6 saflp58 mR DsT25 Dhn2 99.81 106.77 108.00 108.12 apADH saflpl72 IHvBM5A I BAC635P2 142.62 BCD265b Dhn9 Ebmac824 saflp2l 8 ABG391 ABG373 153.57 saflpl 04 saflpl 61 161.85 GMSOO1 114.27 118.96 121.94 142.47 apHrth 155.40 163.82 132.11 Figure 1. Linkage map positions of HvBM5A, HvBM5B and inferred position of ZCCT-H in the Dicktoo x Morex population. The position of ZCCT-H is inferred based on its tight linkage with SnJ2 (Yan et al., 2004). The positions of candidates for Vrn-H genes are shown in boxed text. Lines with triangular peaks show the positions of the vernalization QTL effects attributed to Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H2, with the peak centered at the most significant position (Laurie et al., 1995; Francia et al., 2003; Karsai et al. 2004). 17 HvBM5B mapped to chromosome 111, confirming that it is a distinct gene and not an allele of HvBM5A. The map position of HvBM5B may be coincident with that predicted for linkage of Sh3 (Vrn-H3). Sh3 We inferred this map position based on the reported with Bip (Takahashi and Yasuda, 1971) and the barley bin map (Cooper et al., 2004). The HvBM5B allele in Morex appears to be a 5'-truncated pseudogene and does not appear to be expressed in Dicktoo, Morex, or Strider (see below). Relative to the HvBM5A-Mx gene, HvBM5B-Mx only retains the region from exon 3 through the 3' UTR, while the region 5' to exon 3 is deleted except for renmants of introns 1 and 2 (Figure 2). We are currently characterizing the structure and function of HvBM5B alleles in multiple germplasm accessions to establish its candidacy as Vrn-H3. Intron 1 deletion relative to winter and facultative HvBM5A-Mx 2 HvBMSB-Mx Hs'BM5A mapping H HvBM5A intron 1 primers i genotyping primers Key: HvBM5B mapping primers lntron Exon HvBM5A/BM5B RT-PCR primers UTR V4 Unknown ........... Deletion 1.0kb Figure 2. Exon/intron structure of Morex HvBM5A and HvBM5B, and primer positions. Arrows indicate positions of genotyping, mapping, and RT-PCR primers. From left to right, these primer sets are HvBM5.001 and HvBM5.006; HvBM5.055 and HvBM5.056; HvBM5.032 and HvBM5.035; and HvBM5.004 and HvBM5.070. The triangle symbol shows the approximate position of the MwoI restriction site used for distinguishing between HvBM5A and HvBM5B cDNA and gDNA. 18 Coding region variation in HvBM5A alleles does not explain differences in vernalization requirement In order to determine if allelic variation at HvBM5A accounts for differences in the vernalization requirement of representative barley germplasm, we first sequenced the Morex HvBM5A allele from approximately 2.1 kb upstream of the starting ATG through approximately 300 bp downstream of the termination codon. The HvBM5A- Mx genomic DNA sequence (AY750995) was determined via direct sequencing of both strands of BAC clone 631 P8 across this region. GenBank searches revealed numerous HvBM5A ESTs from multiple varieties, including Morex. We completely sequenced one of the Morex HvBM5A ESTs (HVSMEaOO13C13, Accession BF624256) and confirmed that this cDNA is 100% identical to the coding region and UTR segments present in the genomic HvBM5A-Mx sequence derived from BAC 631P8. HvBM5A has an intron/exon structure identical to TmAP1 consisting of eight exons and seven introns. Like TmAPJ, HvBM5A-Mx introns 1 and 2 are large, consisting of 5590 bp and 2471 bp, respectively. Primers localized to the 5' and 3' UTRs of HvBM5A-Mx were used to amplify the corresponding HvBM5A cDNA from the panel of nine additional representative barley genotypes. These genotypes include eight accessions of Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare that are parents of winter hardiness-related mapping populations: four winter (Kompolti korai, Nure, Strider, and Igri), two facultative (Dicktoo and 88Ab536), and two spring (Morex and Harrington) genotypes. We also included an accession of Hordeum vulgare subsp. Spontaneum (OSU 11), the ancestral winter habit form of cultivated barley. The OSU 11 accession (Caesarea 26-24) is not a 19 mapping population parent but has been extensively genotyped and phenotyped (Matus and Hayes, 2002; Matus et al., 2003; Karsai et al., 2004). We also included the variety Trernois, which was used as the spring habit parent in a winter hardiness mapping population (Francia et al., 2003). However, this variety has been described as both a winter and spring type in the European Barley Database (http://barley.ipk- HvBM5A coding region alleles were successfully cloned from each genotype and sequencing of the cDNAs revealed that the products are nearly identical at the nucleotide level. Only three polymorphic sites are present and are UTR-localized (Appendix Figure Al). These consist of one 5' UTR-localized 4 bp InDel event and two single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sites: one in the 5' UTR and one in the 3' UTR. At the two SNP sites, Morex and Harrington (spring genotypes) are identical and distinct from the other eight genotypes. Morex, Hamngton, and OSU1 1 (winter habit) have a 5' UTR 4 bp insertion compared to the other winter and facultative accessions. Tremois (which has an ambiguous growth habit description) has the three UTR haplotype variations characteristic of the winter and facultative genotypes. The coding region from each variety is 100% identical at the nucleotide level and thus specifies an identical HvBM5A polypeptide (data not shown). HvBM5A encodes a MADS-box protein that phylogenetically clusters with the AP1/SQUAMOSA branch and BLAST searches reveal that it is most closely related, and likely orthologous to, TmApl and TaVRT-1, in agreement with previous reports (Yan et al., 2003, Danyluk et al., 2003, and Murai et al., 2003) (data not shown). 20 These results further support the hypothesis that HvBM5A is Vrn-H1 and demonstrate that variation in the HvBM5A polypeptide does not account for differences in vernalization requirement observed in this panel of accessions. The HvBM5A-At polypeptide reported by Schmitz et al. (2000) is from a spring variety (European Barley Database: /ebdb.php3) and contains two amino acid substitutions relative to the ten varieties analyzed in this study (Figure 3). The HvBM5A-At cDNA was isolated as a 5'truncated clone and a full-length eDNA derived via RT-PCR (Schmitz et al., 2000). These amino acid substitutions may represent actual spring genotype variations not shared with Morex and Harrington or simply be artifacts resulting from polymerasebased substitutions. HvBM5A expression correlates with growth habit The lack of variation among the ten genotypes in the HvBM5A polypeptide suggests that differences in vernalization requirement in barley may be due to differences in HvBM5A regulation, as reported by Yan et al. (2003) for TmAPJ of 11 monococcum. We therefore monitored HvBM5A expression in representative spring (Morex), facultative (Dicktoo), and winter (Strider) barley genotypes under unvernalized, short day (SD) vernalized, and long day (LD) vernalized conditions through eight weeks of treatment. 21 NIA 1) S-I HvBX5A-St HVBM5A-At TaVRT-1 ThAp1 LtMADS1 OSMADS14 Z4 AtAP1 PbFBP2 6 AtFUL HvBM5A-St HvBN5A-At TaVRT-1 F a a a TmAP1 LtMADS1 OsMADS14 I Zxnm4 a L I iN I N I N N N N I AtAP1 PhFBP26 I . a ALFUL - . A -I I I) II C domain EvBM5A-St BVBM5A-At I PaVRT-1 TmAP1 LtMADS1 OaMADS14 Zmm4 AtAP1 PhFBP2 6 AtFOL I RI)AAPVADTSNFIPAAA E:pAEnvAvoIQvpI,RT ER.EDVAVQPQvPIRTA RIIAPPAADS I IIPAAA ERAFDAAVQPQAP[RT1 RIIAPPAANS I IIPAAA ERAEDAAVQPAPIRTc RiIALPU rNLSNYPAAA ER[EDVAAGQPQHARI L P P P EAAPJTNVStFPVAA ARVVEGAAAQP-QAV p (AA'UPA NASNIPAAA5I)RAEDATG--pp1RTV NU ---------NU ---------NG---- ------ r: T NO NNG NO AC ---------- PPQQHQ1QHPYMLSH() PSPFLNNGGLYQEDDPMRNDLF P SQPLNSLHWEAYPSALDNGEVEGSSRQQPP A PQYCVTSSRDGFVERVGNG- --GASSLTEPNSLJ A RPTTTNF LEPVYNCNWCFAA NG Figure 3. Alignment of predicted peptides of HvBM5A and other MADS-box AP1/SQUAMOSA family members. The representative sequence shown is from cultivar Strider (HvBM5A-St). Also shown are Hordeum vulgare HvBM5A-At (CAB97352), Triticum aestivum TaVRT-1 (AAP33790), Triticum monococcum TmAP 1 (AA072630), Lolium temulentum LtM4DS1 (AAD 10625), Oryza sativa OsMADSJ4 (AAF 19047), Zea mays Zmm4 (CAD23417), Arabidopsis thaliana AtAP1 (CAA78909), Petunia hybrida PhFBP26 (AAF19164), and Arabidopsis thaliana AtFUL/AGL8 (Q38876). Areas in black are identical or encode similar proteins. MADS-box domain = DNA binding domain; I domain intervening region; K domain = keratin-like domain; C domain = C-terminal region. At the initiation of the experiment (0 weeks), while HvBM5A expression was readily detectable in the spring genotype (Morex), no expression was observed in either the facultative (Dicktoo) or winter (Strider) genotypes (Figure 4A). In the unvernalized treatments, the HvBM5A expression pattern varied with growth habit: expression was detectable in Morex at each sampling point, reaching maximum levels 22 by four weeks; expression was detectable in Dicktoo by week two and peaked by week four; and no expression was detected in Strider over the eight week time course. With vernalization treatment, the observed HvBM5A expression pattern correlated with vernalization requirement, while the effect of photoperiod duration (e.g., short day (SD) vs. long day (LD) varied with genotype. Expression reached maximal levels in Morex by the first week, and photoperiod did not have a major effect on HvBM5A expression. There was a low level of HvBM5A expression detectable in Dicktoo following one week of vernalization, which was slightly higher under LD relative to SD conditions (Figure 4B). The HvBM5A expression difference between SD and LD seem to be more evident at two weeks of vernalization; Dicktoo is a photoperiod sensitive genotype (sensu Karsai et al., 2004). However, even after eight weeks of vernalization under both photoperiod regimes, HvBM5A expression in Dicktoo was always lower than in Morex. In contrast, there was no detectable HvBM5A expression in the winter genotype Strider, under either photoperiod, until eight weeks of vernalization had elapsed, with the HvBM5A expression level slightly higher under LD (Figure 4B); Strider is also a photoperiod sensitive genotype. Even after the eight weeks of vernalization, HvBM5A expression was lower relative to Dicktoo and Morex. When previously-vernalized Morex, Dicktoo, and Strider plants were placed back under LD, non-vernalizing conditions, the resultant effect on HvBM5A expression patterns differed. HvBM5A transcript levels were reduced in Morex, and more so in plants that had been vernalized under SD conditions. In contrast, no change in HvBM5A expression was observed for Dicktoo or Strider plants vernalized under 23 SD, while a substantial increase occurred in plants that had been vernalized under LD. These results highlight the complexity of photoperiod and vernalization interactions in determining winter, facultative, and spring growth habit; experiments designed to reveal the nature of these interactions are underway. We used a diagnostic restriction-profile based reverse transcnptase PCR (RT- PCR) strategy to verify that the putative HvBM5B pseudogene is not expressed and therefore not contributing to the observed HvBM5A expression levels. We designed a primer pair that amplifies an intron-spanning portion of the 3' coding region of both HvBM5A and HvBM5B, and which yields different size products following MwoI digestion. This primer pair therefore distinguishes HvBM5A (149 bp) from HvBM5B (74 and 75 bp) products of cDNA origin, as well as from the larger HvBM5A and HvBM5B intron-containing products of gDNA origin (Figure 4C). Analysis of RNA from Morex, Dicktoo, and Strider sampled at time 0 (pretreatment) and at four weeks of LD-vernalization demonstrated that only the 149 bp HvBM5A cDNA product was present and there was no evidence for the 74-7 5 bp HvBM5B-derived cDNA product. Our sequence data, the RT-PCR results, and the lack of HvBM5B-like EST sequences in GenBank (data not shown), all suggest that HvBM5B is a pseudogene that is not expressed in any of the three representative genotypes that we studied. The RT-PCR data paralleled our Northern data for the three genotypes, except that the higher sensitivity of RT-PCR allowed detection of lower expression levels, e.g., low levels of HvBM5A expression at time 0 in unvernalized Dicktoo and expression after four weeks of vernalization in Strider. 24 A Weeks: Photoperiod: 0 2 1 LD LD LD 4 LD Post Vernalization Vernalized Unvernalized 8 LD LD SD 4 2 1 SD LD 8 LD SD SD 2 LD SD-LD LD-LD Strider Dicktoo Morex -- - Strider at Dicktoo . Morex I B Strider Dicktoo c Unvernalized Week 0 - , . Vernalized Week 4 - . . E HvBM5A cDNA cDNA Figure 4. Northern blot of HvBM5A in Strider (winter), Dicktoo (facultative) and Morex (spring) (A); contrast enhanced images of Strider and Dicktoo (B); and RTPCR of HvBM5A and HvBM5B in Strider, Dicktoo and Morex. (A) Northern blot probed with Morex HvBM5A cDNA and hybridized with total RNA. Unvernalized plants were grown under 1 6h light! 8 h dark photoperiod, where week 0 represents the beginning of the third leaf stage under greenhouse conditions. For vernalization treatments (2°C) plants were grown at either 8 h light!16 h dark photoperiod (SD) or 16 h/ 8 h dark photoperiod (LD). The last two columns on the blot represent the same vernalized SD and LD-grown plants that were transferred back to greenhouse conditions and grown for another 2 weeks under LD photoperiod. 18S rRNA was used as a Northern hybridization control. (B) Contrast-enhanced image of the HvBM5A northern analysis for Strider and Dicktoo showing low abundance transcripts and effects of LD and SD photoperiod. (C) RT-PCR results for Strider, Dicktoo, and Morex using primers that amplif' a conserved region in HvBM5A and HvBM5B (Figure 2). HvBM5A cDNA is amplified but there is no amplification of the restriction digest products of HvBM5B. 25 HvBM5A expression parallels the vegetative to floral meristem transition The formation of a double-ridge structure on the apical meristem of cereals is a phenotypic marker of meristem transition from the vegetative to reproductive state (Danyluk et al., 2003). In conjunction with the tissue harvests for expression analysis, we investigated the developmental state of the apical meristem at each collection time point. As shown in Figure 5, the presence of the double ridge structure, indicating the apical meristem had transitioned to a reproductive state, correlated with HvBM5A expression. For Morex and Dicktoo, doubk ridge formation was observed at the start of the experiment, indicating that approximately two and a half weeks of LD growth under greenhouse conditions, at which time the plants had developed to the two to three leaf stage, was sufficient to initiate meristem transition in these two genotypes. The double ridge formation was more advanced in Morex than in Dicktoo at time 0 (Figure 5), indicating Morex had transitioned to a reproductive state earlier than Dicktoo. This is in agreement with the higher HvBM5A expression level of Morex at this time point relative to Dicktoo, where expression was only detectable via RT-PCR (Figures 4A, 4B and 4C.). Strider, which had no detectable HvBM5A expression at this time point, had not yet initiated double ridge formation. Double ridge formation was not observed in Strider until eight weeks of vernalization had transpired and is in agreement with the RNA gel blot analysis, although a low level of expression was detectable at four weeks of vernalization via RT-PCR. 26 Unvernalized Weeks: 0 2 Photoperiod: LD Vernalized 2 8 SD LD SD LD Figure 5. Apical meristems of Strider, Dicktoo, and Morex sampled at specific time points and treatments shown in expression studies (Figure 4). Morex (spring) and Dicktoo (facultative) show double ridge formation (indicated with a white bracket in the boxed expanded images) at time point 0 (pretreatment) whereas Strider does not show double ridge formation until the eighth week of vernalization. 27 For all three genotypes, shoot apex growth was retarded to varying degrees under low temperature (vernalizing) conditions and may simply be indicative of a decrease in metabolic activity due to the cold temperature. Strider, however, essentially ceased growth, whereas some growth was observed in the Dicktoo and Morex apices. For these two genotypes, growth under low temperature conditions was more rapid under LD conditions. This may be due to photoperiod regulation of growth and/or the higher light energy received under LD conditions. Differences in HvBM5A promoter sequence are generally predictive of growth habit We sequenced approximately 2.1 kb of upstream regulatory region from each of the ten barley genotypes to investigate the basis of the HvBM5A expression differences. Alignment of the promoters revealed that thirty six polymorphic positions, consisting of SNPs, InDels, and SSRs, were present between the ten genotypes (Figure A2). Nineteen of the polymorphic positions were specific to an individual genotype, and are therefore indicative of genotypic variation that is most likely not associated with growth habit. The remaining seventeen were consistent with spring and winter growth habit, and the facultative genotypes (Dicktoo and 88Ab536) harbor the winter haplotype at all positions (Figure 6A). In contrast the promoters of OSU 11 and Tremois have features of both the winter and spring promoter haplotypes at the seventeen polymorphic positions. Since OSU 11, a H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum, is the ancestral winter habit form, the "winter" regions of its promoter may define regulatory segments that contribute to the winter growth habit. However, analysis of 28 additional accessions of subsp. spontaneum will be necessary to demonstrate this. Tremois has a unique promoter haplotype that may have originated from recombination between winter and spring forms. A Winter Facultative [ osuii [ Tremois Spring II I I I I III p [ I I] AAP I I I I I I MPA [ I I I iii iii I I] P CArG lx CRTIDRE 0 ABRE/G-box B Predicted TATA-box Putative CArC HvBM5A-Kk HvBN5A-Nu HvEM5A-St HvBM5A- Ig HvBM5A-Dt HVBM5A-Ab HvBM5A-Tr HvBM5A-011 HvBN5A-Mx HVBM5A-Ha Th,API-DV92 ThAPI-G1777 T,nP1-G3 116 TmAPI-G2528A Th,API-G2528B ThiAP1-P1349049 ThiAPI-P1355515 Figure 6. HvBM5A promoter (2 kb) haplotypes in winter/facultative and spring genotypes vs. Tremois and OSU 11 with predicted motifs(A) and predicted TATAbox and the putative CArG motif (B). (A) Genotype-specific polymorphisms were not included. Conserved "winter" promoter regions are shown in white and conserved "spring" promoter regions in black. (B) The putative direct/indirect Vrn2 repression site (CArG motif black arrow on diagram A) detected in T. monococcum (Yan et al., 2003) is conserved in barley and invariant between winter and spring genotypes. 29 Analysis of the strictly conserved regions between all the genotypes revealed a number of predicted regulatory motifs that may contribute to common HvBM5A expression properties (Appendix Figure A2, Table 1). These include multiple light responsive (data not shown), CArG, and low temperature responsive CRT motifs (Table 1). Interestingly, the CArG-related motif proposed to be a basis of differential vernalization requirement between most spring and winter wheat accessions (Yan et al., 2003), is invariant among all ten of the barley genotypes, demonstrating that this position is not a candidate for the barley vernalization phenotype (Figure 6B). We investigated the seventeen polymorphic promoter positions that differentiate winter from spring genotypes to determine whether any led to a presence/absence event of a motif between the two growth habit forms. However, no motif with an obvious function that would explain the winter vs. spring vernalization phenotype was identified. Overall, the composite structure of the Tremois promoter, along with the lack of an obvious promoter-based variation that explains the winter vs. spring vernalization response, suggests that a gene region distinct from the promoter could be involved in growth habit regulation of HvBM5A expression. A length polymorphism in HvBM5A intron 1 is correlated with growth habit Intron-based regulation of MADS-box genes related to flowering and vernalization has been reported for AG (Sieburth and Meyerowitz, 1997) and FLC (He et al. 2003; Bastow et al. 2004). Accordingly, we extended our search for polymorphisms to the introns of HvBM5A. Overlapping amplifications performed 30 along the full length of the Morex and Strider HvBM5A alleles established the presence of a prominent InDel event (an approximately 5.2 kb deletion in Morex relative to Strider) that occurs approximately 1 kb into the first intron (Figure 2). Using primers that flank the borders of this InDel event, we determined that the intron 1 fragment length polymorphism is consistent with the growth habit of the genotypes (Figure 7). The winter, including OSU1 1, and facultative genotypes, all contain the longer intron 1 form, whereas the spring genotypes Morex and Harrington have the truncated form. Tremois, interestingly, contains the longer intron 1 form indicative of winter and facultative genotypes. A similar finding has been observed for the first intron of TmAPJ from winter vs. spring wheat accessions, where winters have the larger intron 1 form (Fu et al., submitted). This 5.2 kb deletion event in spring genotypes is therefore a strong candidate region for the Vrn-H1 QTL effect source. Element Class CArG-like CArG-like CArG-like CRT/DRE CRT/DRE CRT/DRE CRT/DRE CRT/DRE ABRE/G-box like CAAT-box TATA Box Sequence CCAATTTAAG CCAAAAGTAG CCTCATTTGG CCGAC CCGAC CCGAC CCGAC GTCGAC CACACGCAGC CCAAT TTTAAAA Function/Response Developmental/Floral CC(A/T)6GG Developmental/Floral CC(A/T)6GG Developmental/Floral CC(AIT)6GG Abiotic stress (Cold/Drought/Salinity) CCGAC Abiotic stress (Cold/Drought/Salinity) CCGAC Abiotic stress (Cold/Drought/Salinity) CCGAC Abiotic stress (Cold/Drought/Salinity) CCGAC Low temperature binding GTCGAC Abscisic acid and light response CACGTG Basal promoter element CCAAT TATA(T/A)A(T/A)A Basal promoter element Consensus Table 1. Conserved HvBM5A promoter elements found in ten barley genotypes that could be involved in vernalization requirement or abiotic stress responses (see Figure 6A for relative positions) 31 Subsequently, we isolated and sequenced HvBM5A intron 1 from representative winter (Strider) and facultative (Dicktoo) accessions for comparison with the spring growth habit allele of Morex. The HvBM5A intron 1 sequence of Dicktoo (AY750994) and Strider (AY750993) are 100% identical. We report elsewhere that we have delimited a 2.8 kb deleted region of HvBM5A/TmAP1 intron 1 by comparing overlapping deletions in the Triticeae A, B, D, and H genornes (Fu et al., submitted). Sequence comparisons revealed that a 436 bp segment of this 2.8 kb segment display the highest sequence conservation between barley and wheat, suggesting that conserved regulatory elements important to the winter vernalization genotype may be present within this region (Figure 7B). Sequence analysis of this 436 bp region indicates a number of predicted cis regulatory motifs are present that may contribute towards the vernalization phenotype. These include hormone and multiple light responsive motifs, as well as a cold responsive CRT/DRE motif (Table 2; data not shown). Most interestingly though, four Dof protein binding sites are also present in this region and the predicted elements are strictly conserved between wheat and barley (Figure 7B); Dof proteins function as transcriptional activators or repressors in plants (Yanagisawa and Sheen, 1998). The candidate Vrn2 proteins ZCCT-Ha (AAS60249) of barley and ZCCT1 (AY485969) of T. monococcum (Yan et al., 2004) contain a Dof zinc finger domain, suggesting one or more of these Dof sites may be a target of Vrn2 repression for HvBM5A and TmAP1, respectively. Experiments to elucidate which, if any, of these sites are important to the vernalization response of HvBM5A are planned. 32 Facultative Spring Winter Ir ! 100 * 120 * 140 * 160 180 * 200 * 220 * 240 320 HvBM5A-St TaVRTI-TDC TrrAP1-DV92 * HvBM5A-St TaVRTI-TDC 33*API-DV92 * GATCAAAGTA * 260 * 340 280 * 300 * 360 * 380 * HvBM5A-St TVRT1-TDC TmP1-DV92 * HvBM5A-St TaVRTI-TDC TmAPI-DV92 CGGTP 400 I TrGCTCCT * HvBM5A-St L i-- 420 * 440 ATCTTTGTCT Figure 7. HvBM5A Intron 1 length polymorphism in winter, facultative, and spring barley genotypes (A) and sequence alignments of a conserved portion of intron 1 for HvBM5A, TaVRTJ and TmApl(B). (A) Agrose gel showing that only the spring genotypes (Barrington and Morex) contain an approximately 5.2 kb deletion. (B) Sequence alignments for a 436bp region within the 5.2 kb fragment that is highly conserved between H. vulgare subsp. vulgare (HvBM5A), T. aestivum (TaVRTJ) and T. monococcum (TmAPJ). Underlined conserved sequences below the alignment indicate positions of putative Dof binding sites. 33 Element Class I-box like C-box like RY motif ABRE/G-box like CRTjDRE MRE MRE TATC-box Dof Dof Dof Dof Sequence GTTAT (-) CGTCA (-) CATGCA ATCACGTGAC CCGAC AACCAAA AACCTAT TATCTCA GATCAAAGTAT AAATAAAGCCG AGGCAAAGCAA AGACAAAGCAT Consensus Function/Response GATAA TGACG CATGCA CACGTG CCGAC AACCTAA AACCTAA TATCCCA NMNNAAAGNNN NNNWAAAGCNN NNNWAAAGCNN NNNWAAAGCNN Light responsive MeJa-responsive, light responsive ABA responsive, seed expression abscisic acid responsive, light responsive Abiotic (cold, drought, salt) stress inducible MYB transcription factor binding site MYB transcription factor binding site Gibberellin responsiveness Dof transcription factor binding site Dof transcription factor binding site Dof transcription factor binding site Dof transcription factor binding site Table 2. HvBM5A intron 1 elements found in a 436 bp region conserved between Hordeum and Triticum accessions, involved in flowering or abiotic stress responses. The presence/absence of Vrn-H2 correlates with vernalization requirement and defines facultative growth habit Vernalization loci interact in an epistatic fashion, where the vernalization requirement phenotype is observed only in Vrn-H2 vrn-Hlvrn-Hlvrn-H3vrn-H3 genotypes (Takahashi and Yasuda, 1971; Laurie et al., 1995; Yan et al., 2004). As noted above, we hypothesize that Vrn-H3 alleles in our germplasm array are nonfunctional, reducing the genetic model from three to two interacting loci. Consistent with the hypothesis that Vrn2 encodes a repressor of Vrn], we previously observed complete deletions of the ZCCT-H candidate genes for the Vrn-H2 locus in spring barley germplasm accessions Yan et al. (2004). We extended the Vrn-H2 locus germplasm characterization to the ten genotypes examined in this study by multiplex amplification of a conserved region of the Vrn-H2 candidate genes ZCCT-Ha and -Hb (referred to as ZCCT-H in the remainder of this report), as well as the tightly-linked 34 Vrn-H2 locus-proximal amplifications, the SnJ2 Vrn-H2 gene (Yan et al., 2004). Based on the ZCCT-H gene locus is deleted in both the facultative and spring genotypes, being present only in genotypes that display a strong vernalization response (Figure 8). In contrast, Vrn-H2 locus-proximal varieties (Figure 8), verifying that the lack of SnJ2 ZCCT-HaIb amplified from all ten amplification in the facultative and spring genotypes is likely due to a physical deletion of these genes and not a failure of PCR amplification. These results provide a simple genetic model that explains the facultative growth habit: The physical deletion of the results in loss of the trans-acting repressor of the winter Vrn-H1 Vrn-H2 locus allele, yielding a pseudo-spring, facultative genotype from which a vernalization requirement has essentially been eliminated. The lack of a strong vernalization response for Tremois, despite containing an apparent winter deletion of Vrn-H2 Vrn-H1 intergenic allele, is likely due to and suggests that Tremois may actually be better classified as a facultative genotype. Facultative Winter E a z rID 0 Spring - ZCCT-H SnJ2 Figure 8. PCR amplification of SnJ2 and ZCCT-H showing the deletion of the latter in facultative and spring genotypes. 35 The Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H2 epistatic interaction model agrees with QTL and Mendelian mapping results The Vrn-H2/ Vrn-H1 epistatic interaction model, based on the presence/absence of Vrn-H2 and the promoter and/or intron 1 architecture at the Vrn-H1, explains the vernalization requirement QTL results reported in every barley mapping population reported in the literature (Table 3) except for Nure x Tremois and Igri x Triumph. According to the initial report of Francia et al. (2003), the Nure x Tremois population showed a vernalization QTL only on 5H, in association with Vrn-H1. This QTL effect may be attributable to the "winter" Vrn-H1 allele in Nure and the unique Vrn-H1 allele in Tremois. No QTL were reported on 4H in association with Vrn-H2, but this was due to an incomplete genetic linkage map in this region. We therefore scored additional loci in this population, which expanded the linkage map to include all the long arm of 4H (Figure: data provided after completion of thesis). Using this linkage map and the available phenotype data, we now have strong evidence for a QTL on chromosome 4H. A controlled environment assessment of vernalization requirement and photoperiod sensitivity in the Nure x Tremois population is underway. The significance of QTL in association with both Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H2, as reported by Laurie et a! (1995) in Igri x Triumph, would be predicted if alleles are segregating at both loci. We genotyped Igri in this study and confirmed it has winter alleles at both loci: unfortunately, we were not able to obtain seed of the Triumph mapping population parent to confirm its allele architecture at the Vrn-H2 and Vrn-H1 loci. Further support for the two-locus epistatic model comes from the vernalization phenotype data from the progeny of a Morex x Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum, accession OSU6 cross. We present these data in greater detail elsewhere (Fu et al. submitted). Briefly, we have shown Morex is Vrn-H1 Vrn-Hlvrn-H2vrn-H2 and the spontaneum accession is inferred to be (vrn-Hlvrn-H1 Vrn-H2 Vrn-H2) due its vernalization requirement (Karsai et al., 2004). The two-way factorial analysis of variance showed a significant interaction between Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H2 (P= 0.01). Therefore, we first analyzed the effect of the Vrn-H1 intron 1 deletion (e.g. Morex allele) within the two Vrn-H2 classes. Among the plants carrying the recessive vrn-H2 (e.g. Morex allele) allele no significant effect on flowering time was observed between the plants with and without the Vrn-H1 intron one deletion (P = 0.69). However, among the plants carrying the dominant Vrn-H2 allele (e.g. spontaneum allele), plants with at least one copy of the Vrn-H1 intron 1 deletion flowered 35 days earlier than the plants without the deletion (P < 0.0001). Similar results were found when we analyzed the effect of the Vrn-H2 gene deletion within the two Vrn-H1 classes. No significant effects for the Vrn-H2 alleles were observed among the plants carrying at least one Vrn-H1 copy with the intron deletion (P = 0.54). However, among the plants with the recessive vrn-H1 allele those carrying the recessive vrn-H2 allele flowered 34 days earlier than those with the dominant Vrn-H2 allele (P = 0.0003). 37 Mapping population and Parents Vrn-H2 Dicktoo x Morex Strider x 88Ab536 Nure x Tremois Dicktoo x Kompolti korai Igri x Triumph Chromosome 5H Chromosome 4H Dicktoo Morex Strider 88Ab536 Nure Tremois Dicktoo Kompolti Igri Triumph QTL - + + + + - + + + + Vrn-H1 Vrn -Hi promoter W intron 1 W S S W W W W W W W W W W WIS W W W QTL + + ? Table 3. Summary of Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H2 allele types compared to vernalization requirement QTL reported in the literature. The presence or absence of Vrn-H2 is indicated by "+" or "-". VrnH-1 alleles are classified as "winter (W)" or "spring (S)" based on promoter and intron 1 features. Significant QTL effects are shown as "+";"indicates to QTL effects reported. *The Tremois promoter has winter and spring features **The Vrn-H1 and VrnH-2 alleles of Triumph were not sequenced. DISCUSSION HvBM5A is a strong candidate for Vrn-H1 Four lines of evidence orthology, map location, expression pattern during plant development, and Mendelian genetic analysis of the vernalization phenotype - provide very strong support for the hypothesis that HvBM5A is Vrn-Hi. Blast searches reveal that HvBM5A protein sequences of all ten genotypes show highest identity with TmAPJ and Ta VR T-1 , which are reported to encode a MADS-box protein (Yan et al., 2003, Danyluk et al., 2003, and Murai et al., 2003). HvBM5A maps to Bin 38 11 of chromosome 5H, which is syntenous with the reported position of Vrn-A1 and flanking markers in T. monococcum, and based on Triticeae homoeology, the position of Vrnl in the B and D genomes. Bin 11 is also the position of vernalization response QTL in the Nure X Tremois (Francia et al., 2003) and Igri x Franka (Laurie et al., 1995) mapping populations. The expression patterns of HvBM5A in terms of both amount of HvBM5A niRNA detected and correlation of HvBM5A expression with meristem differentiation agree with previous reports in the literature for the putative Triticum spp. orthologs of Vrn] (Yan et al. 2003; Danyluk et al., 2003. Finally, our vernalization requirement phenotype data from the cross of Morex x Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum (OSU6) show an inheritance pattern that agrees with expectations for a two-locus, epistatic model. An additional line of evidence that HvBM5A is Vrn-H1 would be complete association of winter and spring HvBM5A alleles with vernalization requirement in QTL mapping populations where significant QTL effects are detected on chromosome 5H. As shown in Table 3, the appropriate populations for such an analysis are Nure X Tremois (Francia et al., 2003) and Igri x Triumph (Laurie et al., 1995). In the Nure x Tremois population, vernalization requirement was calculated as the difference in heading date of each map-line in fall spring-sown experiments and is therefore confounded with earliness per se and photoperiod sensitivity effects. Accordingly, we are currently characterizing the Nure x Tremois population for vernalization requirement and photoperiod sensitivity under controlled environment conditions. It is not possible to determine the Vrn-H1/H-2 allele genotype relationships with 39 vernalization requirement in the Igri x Triumph population based on the published report (Laurie et al., 1995) because genotype and phenotype data sets are not available. Definitive proof that HvBM5A is Vrn-H1 will require forward and/or reverse genetics strategies. The overall recalcitrance of barley to transformation has slowed efforts to engineer appropriate genotypes (e.g. with complete Vrn-H2 but with a spring Vrn-H1) with winter type Vrn-H1 alleles. However, recent progress in tissue culture promises to remove this impediment (Chang et al., 2003). Yan et al. (2004) used a gene silencing strategy to demonstrate that ZCCT-1 is Vrn-A2, and this approach may also be useful for demonstrating the candidacy of Vrn-H1, although selectively regulating a MADS-box gene that may function throughout plant growth and development could be a challenge. Dfferences in vernalization requirement, f due to HvBM5A, are regulatory and not structural Given that all the data support the hypothesis that HvBM5A is Vrn-H1, we asked the question "are differences in vernalization requirement due to structural and/or regulatory differences in Vrn-H1 alleles?" Our data provide very strong evidence that differences in vernalization requirement are due to gene regulation, not in the encoded polypeptide. The coding regions of all ten genotypes we surveyed which represent an ancestral form and cultivated genotypes from the major germplasm groups (e.g. spring and winter habit; two-row and six-row inflorescence) of North America and Europe are identical. There are limited polymorphisms in the UTRs but these would not lead to differences in the encoded polypeptide. Integrating these results with those from Triticum spp. (Yan et al., 2004; Danyluk et al., 2003) reveals a high degree of Vrn] gene sequence conservation, and presumably function, in the Triticeae. Based on the lack of polypeptide variation and the report of Yan et al. (2003) that promoter mutations in a CArG-like motif accounted for differences in growth habit in T monococcum, we searched for promoter differences in the ten representative barley genotypes. We found the CArG-like motif in all ten accessions is invariant. Furthermore, the T. monococcum CArG-!ike motif is a variant of the consensus CC(AIT)6GG (Shiraishi et al., 1993; Mizukami et al., 1996), as it has a sequence of CCTcgTTTTGG, where a C and a G are present in the normally AlT specific intervening sequence, and the flanking CC-GG are spaced by 7 bp, rather than the normal 6 bp. The corresponding CArG-like motif of barley has the sequence CCTCATTTGG and is a better match to the consensus sequence in spacing and sequence, although it does contain a C in the normally AlT-exclusive 6 bp run position. Based on these results, this CArG-like motif is not a candidate for winter vs. spring phenotypes. Yan et al. (2004) also found dominant alleles of VrnI that do not have CArG- like motif mutations, and these findings prompted a more comprehensive analysis of the promoter and intron 1 regions in the A, B, D, and H genomes (Fu et al., submitted). Based on the reports of intron-based regulation of MADS-box genes related to flowering in Arabidopsis (Sieburth and Meyerowitz, 1997; He et al. 2003; 41 Bastow et al. 2004) we characterized the overall structure of intron 1 in the ten genotypes and sequenced the full intron in three genotypes representing spring (Morex), facultative (Dicktoo), and winter (Strider) growth habit classes. We found that all the winter and facultative genotypes, and OSU 11 (the Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum accession) , contain a HvBM5A intron 1 that is 5.2 kb longer than in the spring genotypes Morex and Harrington. Since winter habit is the ancestral form in the Triticeae, the deletion of this region of intron 1 may be of functional and evolutionary significance. As reported elsewhere in greater detail ( Fu et al., submitted) we have further reduced the critical region of this deletion to 2.8 kb region. The first 436-bp of this 2.8-kb region showed the highest sequence conservation between the A, B, D, and H genomes suggesting that it may be the site of conserved regulatory elements involved in regulation of growth habit. However, biochemical andlor transgenic experiments will be necessary to determine if these are indeed the vernalization response mediating regulatory regions. Considering the Triticeae as a whole, the data suggest that the regulation of Vrnl may be achieved through the promoter and/or intronic regions. The mechanisms have yet to be elucidated, and the question remains if Vrn2 is the direct DNA binding trans-acting regulatory factor of Vrnl or if Vrn2 is a cofactor in a complex that effects the DNA binding of Vrnl. The Vrn-H2 deletion explains spring and facultative growth habit Spring and winter growth habit can be easily defined based on the presence or absence of a vernalization requirement, and the two-locus epistatic interaction model 42 of Yan et al. (2004) provides a genetic mechanism to explain the phenotype. We found a complete association of the Vrn-H2 deletion with spring growth habit, extending the results of Yan et al. (2004) to North American, European and ancestral germplasm accessions. We also observed a deletion in Dicktoo and 88Ab536, facultative genotypes, and Tremois, a genotype with conflicting growth habit descriptors. The term "facultative" growth habit has lacked a rigorous definition, and is used rather loosely to define genotypes that do not have a vernalization requirement but do have sufficient low temperature tolerance for fall-sowing in some environments. Additional confirmation in broader range of germplasm and elucidation the underlying genetic mechanisms will be necessary, but we propose that the term facultative growth habit may be appropriate to describe of genotypes that are low temperature-tolerant and have "winter" alleles at Vrn-H1, but lack the repressor encoded by Vrn-H2. By this definition, Tremois could be re-classified as a facultative. II meets the Vrn allele architecture criteria and we are currently characterizing its low temperature tolerance and other winter hardiness related phenotypes in controlled environment tests. As spring genotypes typically transition to a floral fate faster than facultative genotypes, additional regulatory inputs are likely differentially affecting the Vrn-H1 spring alleles relative to the winter Vrn-H1 allele present in facultative genotypes, and this may account, in part for differences in maturity. 43 The Vrn2/VrnI two-locus model provides a genetic explanation for vernalization requirement QTL Vernalization requirement in barley is not absolute: in a study of a diverse array of barley germplasm, Karsai et al. (2001) found that when unvernalized, all genotypes surveyed would eventually flower. However, the heading date of some genotypes was so delayed when unvernalized as compared to vernalized (e.g. up to 141 days) that these genotypes can be said to have a vernalization requirement. Accordingly, vernalization requirement/response in barley is measured quantitatively (e.g. as the difference in heading date between vernalized and unvernalized plants grown at a specified photoperiod) and these phenotypic data are analyzed using QTL, as opposed to Mendelian tools. Vernalization requirement QTL are reported from a number of barley mapping populations, and Vrn loci were hypothesized to be candidate genes for these QTL effects (Hayes et al., 1997). Our characterization of the Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H2 locus genotypes in mapping population parents explains QTL effects in all reported mapping populations (Table 3 ). The first cross combination listed Dicktoo x Morex is a facultative x spring cross in that both parents show the Vrn-H2 deletion but have contrasting alleles at Vrn-H1. No vernalization requirement QTL are expected, due to the lack of the Vrn-H2 repressor, and none are reported. Strider x 88Ab536 and Dicktoo x Kompolti korai are winter x facultative crosses, and QTL effects would be expected only in association with Vrn-H2 since the parents contrast for the deletion but both have winter type alleles at Vrn-H1. These expectations are supported by the QTL data (Marquez-Cedillo et al., submitted; Karsai et al., submitted). By expanding the map of 4H in Nure x Trernois, we have shown 44 that there is a vernalization QTL in this population, as would be expected based on segregation of the Vrn-H2 deletion. In the case of Igri x Triumph, we had to infer that Triumph is lacking Vrn-H since we were not able to obtain seed of the Triumph source used as the parent of the mapping population. The finding that our Vrn-Hl and Vrn-H2 allele data are sufficient to explain all reported vernalization requirement QTL data are additional evidence that Vrn-H3 may be a determinant of vernalization response only in a limited range of barley germplasm, as reported by Takahashi and Yasuda (1971). We provide preliminary data that a second form of HvBM5 (HvBM5B) is a candidate for Vrn-H3, although additional experiments are clearly necessary. The pseudogene structure of HvBM5B, and the lack of expression of this gene in Strider, Dicktoo, and Morex support the QTL data. Vrn loci and other winter hardiness phenotypes This characterization of the structure and function of Vrn genes in barley is part of a long-term effort to unravel the complexities of the winter hardiness regulon in barley that involves a systematic genetic and physiological dissection of key phenotypes, including vernalization requirement, photoperiod sensitivity, and low temperature tolerance. This long-term goal has relied heavily on QTL approaches, given the complex inheritance and interactions of the three phenotypes and, until recently, a lack of candidate genes. Of particular interest in the current context is the coincidence of QTL for multiple winter hardiness-related traits on chromosome 5H, in 45 conjunction with the Vrn-H1 locus, in multiple barley mapping populations (Hayes et al., 2003). This same region has also been implicated in Triticum spp., where the low temperature tolerance effects in conjunction with Vrnl have been attributed to a locus designated Fri (see Crosatti, 2003). We are currently investigating the question of whether these multiple QTL are effects of separate loci (e.g. a cluster of adaptivelyrelated genes) or if they are the pleiotropic effects of the Vrn-H1 locus. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant material and growth conditions Ten Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare varieties representing the three barley winter hardiness phenotype classes - winter, facultative winter, and spring- were utilized in the current study. These are the five winter class varieties: Kompolti korai, Nure, OSU1 1, Strider, and Igri; the two facultative winter class varieties: Dicktoo and 88Ab536; and the three spring class varieties: Morex, Tremois, and Harrington. Plants for DNA extraction were grown under greenhouse conditions and supplemented with artificial light (16 h photoperiod; 18°C/15°C day/night temperatures). For expression studies, Strider, Dicktoo, and Morex varieties were grown to the beginning of the third leaf stage under greenhouse conditions (16 h photoperiod) and then transferred to treatment conditions unvernalized, short day (SD-) vernalized, or long day (LD-) vernalized and bulk aerial tissue collected following 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks of treatment exposure. Prior to transfer to treatment conditions, a pre-transfer (0 exposure) sample was collected as above from each variety. For the unvernalized treatment, plants were 46 maintained under greenhouse conditions. For the SD- and LD-vernalized treatments, plants were transferred to environmentally-controlled cold rooms maintained at 2°C with either an 8 h photoperiod (SD) or 16 h photoperiod (LD). For post-vernalization treatments, following the 8 weeks of vernalization under either SD or LD photopenod, plants were returned to the above pretreatment greenhouse conditions (LD) and samples collected after 2 weeks additional growth. Plants for HvBM5A cDNA isolations were grown and SD-vernalized as above for 4 weeks prior to tissue harvest. Isolation of the candidate Vrn-H1 Gene alleles High density filters of the H. vulgare cv. Morex BAC library (Yu et al., 2000) were screened with TmAPJ and contig sets determined as previously described (Yan et al., 2003). High quality BAC DNA for direct sequencing was prepared using a QIAGEN Large-Construct Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). The sequence of the fulllength Morex HvBM5A gene allele (AY750995) was determined from both strands of BAC clone 631P8. To determine the HvBM5A coding region sequence for each barley variety, first-strand cDNA was prepared from 5 jig of 4 week SD-vernalized total RNA of each respective variety using a RETROscript Kit (Ambion, Austin, TX) according to the manufacturers instructions. The coding and flanking regions for each HvBM5A cDNA were PCR-amplified from the respective first strand eDNA pool using the 5' and 3' UTR-localized primers HvBM5.00 1 (5'-ccaaccacctgacagccatg-3') and HvBM5.002 (5'-cgataggttaattcacagaaacaac-3') and Qiagen Taq DNA polymerase according to the manufacturers instructions (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). To determine 47 each respective HvBM5A promoter sequence, approximately 2.1 kb of sequence upstream of the starting ATG, based on the determined Morex allele present on BAC clone 631P8, was amplified and cloned from each remaining barley variety. Total genomic DNA was extracted from each barley variety using a DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) and the promoter region subsequently amplified using primers HvBM5.027 (5'-aggcctattcgtttgcaatgc-3') and HvBM5.006 (5'-atctcgtgcgccttcttgag-3 ) and Takara LA Taq DNA polymerase (Takara Minis Bio, Madison, WI) according to the manufacturer's guidelines. For HvBM5B, we used the following primers: and HvBM5.032 (5'-tcggaaatgaacaaaagagactt-3') mapping HvBM5.03 5 (5'- gaaaacttgaacaacaccagaacc-3'). These primers amplify a 487bp fragment in both, Dicktoo and Morex. We sequenced both and it mapped the polymorphism as a cleaved amplified polymorphic site (CAPS) marker (see mapping section). We cloned and sequenced another region of HvBM5B with one PCR nm of HvBM5.003 (5'gcacgaatccatttctgagcttc-3') and HvBM5.002 (as described in the eDNA section). This amplicon spans the region from exon 5 to the 3'UTR (see figure 2 for exon position). Sequences were obtained for this region from 88Ab536, Morex, and Strider, but for Dicktoo we obtained only the 3'UTR with primers HvBM5.005 (5'- cttccagcccatgtaagcgt-3') and HvBM5.002. the RT-PCR primers were designed from an alignment with of all HvBM5B sequences. For all sequenced PCR products, PCR amplicons were electrophoretically separated in agarose gels, excised and purified using QlAquick Gel Extraction Kits (Qiagen, Valencia, CA), and cloned for sequencing using the TOPO TA Cloning Kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). For each 48 gene/allele isolated via PCR, cloned amplicons from two independent PCR reactions were each sequenced and verified to contain identical sequences to verify polymerase- based nucleotide substitutions had not occurred; only the non-primer portion of each sequenced amplicon was reported to GenBank. Regulatory motif searches of the promoter and barley:wheat conserved intron 1 region were conducted using PLACE (, MOTIF (http://inotgrioiiejp/), and PIantCARE ( P1antCAREI) sequence analysis functions. Linkage Mapping Vrn-H loci linkage map positions corresponding to HvBM5A (Vrn-H1), HvBM5B (Vrn-H3), and Vrn-H2 were assigned using the Dicktoo x Morex (DxM) doubled haploid mapping population (Hayes et al., 1997). HvBM5A was mapped as an amplified differential sized-based polymorphism (221 bp-Dicktoo vs. 225 bp-Morex) present in the 5' UTR using the primers HvBM5.006 (sequence in gene isolation section) and HvBM5.001 (sequence in gene isolation section). HvBM5B was mapped as an Alul-based CAPS marker using the primers HvBM5.032 (5'-tcggaaat gaacaaaagagactt-3') and HvBM5.03 5 (5'-gaaaacttgaacaacaccagaacc-3'). The candidate genes for the Vrn-H2 locus (Yan et al., 2004) of barley are physically deleted in both mapping population parental genotypes (see Results). SnJ2, the closest physicallylinked gene, was used to position the adjacent Vrn-H2 deletions via an approximately 250 bp differential-sized amplicon using the primers cccggattggtcagagaagt-3') and SnJ2.002 (5'-gcggttttagttttgattat-3'). SnJ2.00l (5'- based on the 49 methodology of Yan et al. (2002). All mapping-based PCR reactions were performed using Taq DNA polymerase under standard conditions optimized for each gene and primer set according to the manufacturers instructions (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). JoinMap 3.0 (Van Ooijen and Voorrips, 2001) was used for linkage map construction following procedures by Castro et al. (2002). The linkage map relationship of the Vrn- Hi candidate gene HvBM5A to the Dicktoo x Morex vernalization QTL position present on 5H-L was performed using existing phenotype data sets (GrainGenes) and QTL Cartographer Version 1.6 (http://statgen.ncsu.edulqticart/) on the newly constructed map. Alignments and Phylogenetic Analysis Sequences used for promoter alignments were barley alleles HvBM5A -Kk, HvBM5A 011, HvBM5A -St, HvBM5A -Ig, HvBM5A -Dt, HvBM5A -Tr, HvBM5A -Ab, HvBM5A -Mx, HvBM5A -Ha, and wheat TmApl alleles reported by Yan et al. (2003). Sequences used for protein alignments a were full-length proteins for HvBM5A-At (CAB97352), HvBM5A-St (AY750993), TaVRT-1 (AAP33790), TmAP1 (AA072630), LtMADS1 (AAD 10625), OsMADS 14 (AAF 19047), Zmm4 (CAD234 17), AtAP 1 (CAA78909), PhFBP26 (AAF19164), and AtFUL (Q38876). For the promoter and protein alignments, sequences were aligned using ClustalW ( and the output alignments refined by hand using GeneDoc Version 2.6 software ( Phylogenetic analyses on refined alignments 50 were conducted using MEGA Version 2.1 software (; Kumar et al. 2001). RNA gel blot and RT-PCR expression analysis Total RNA was isolated from all tissue sources using RNeasy Plant Kits (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). Gel electrophoresis and blotting of RNA to Nytran nylon membranes (Schleicher and Schuell, Keene, NH) was performed as previously described (Skinner and Timko, 1998). RNA blots were probed and washed using Ultrahyb Solution following the manufacturer's guidelines (Ambion, Austin, TX). For northern analysis, an HvBM5A probe fragment was isolated from the Morex cDNA present in EST HVSMEaOO13C13 that excluded the conserved MADS-box domain. An 18S rRNA fragment from Morex EST BF620814 was utilized as a constitutive loading control probe. Labeled probes were generated using a High Prime Labeling Kit according to the manufacturer's protocol (Roche Molecular Biochemicals, Indianapolis, N). Diagnostic restriction-profile based RT-PCR was employed to determine whether HvBM5B was expressed. Dicktoo, Strider, and Morex pretreatment (0 exposure) and 4 week LD-vernalized RNA was used as a template for cDNA synthesis. First-strand cDNA for each sample was synthesized from 5 tg total RNA utilizing a RETROscript Kit (Ambion, Austin, TX) according to the manufacturers instructions. Input first-strand cDNA sample volumes for RT-PCR were first normalized for cDNA yield between samples relative to a barley actin gene using the primers HvActin.001 (5'-tcgcaacttagaagcacttccg-3') and HvActin.002 (5'- 51 aagtacagtgtctggattggaggg-3'). For RT-PCR amplifications, PCR was performed on each cDNA sample with Qiagen Taq polymerase according to manufacturer's guidelines (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) for 35 cycles (90°C for 30 s, 55°C for 45 s, and 72°C for 60 s per cycle) followed by a 10 mm final extension at 72°C. Primers HvBM5.004 (5'-ggcgcagcaagatcaaactca-3') and HvBM5. 070 (5'-ggacctgaggctgcactgc3') were used for HvBM5AIB analysis and designed to coamplify an analogous intron- spanning 3' portion of the coding region of HvBM5A and HvBM5B that would yield differential-sized products following MwoI digestion and simultaneously distinguish products originating from cDNA vs. gDNA templates. To verify both HvBM5A and HvBM5B amplification would occur under the experimental conditions and that MwoI digestion of HvBM5B product had taken place, gDNA from Dicktoo, Strider, and Morex were also used as templates. Following amplifications, reaction products were digested with MwoI (New England BioLabs, Beverly, MA) and electrophoretically separated. Apical meristem development Shoot apical meristem development was determined in conjunction with the tissue harvest for the 0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 week expression analysis stages for the unvernalized, and SD- and LD-vernalized treatments from Dicktoo, Strider, and Morex; the 2 week post-vernalization treatment time point was not examined. For each time point, the apical meristems of three individual plants from each barley genotype were dissected from the crown tissue and digitally captured; an average representative 52 meristem from each relevant time point is presented. Meristem images were captured using a Nikon Coolpix 995 digital system and a Nikon SMZ-2T dissecting scope. Meristem developmental stage was determined by the degree of double-ridge formation as in Danyluk et al., (2003). Genotyping of HvBM5A intron 1 size and Vrn-H2 candidate gene presence The ten barley lines were genotyped for HvBM5A intron 1 size and Vrn-H2 candidate gene presence using gDNA as amplification template. To genotype the 5 kb size polymorphism of the HvBM5A intron 1, PCR amplifications were performed using Takara LA Taq DNA polymerase (Takara Minis Bio, Madison WI) according to the manufacturer's guidelines atgcatagaataattggctccagc-3') and with the HvBM5.056 primers HvBM5.055 (5'- (5'-cagtaagcactacgatgatgataaac-3') followed by electrophoretic separation of the products. Primers HvZCCT.00 1 (5'cacatgatgtcgcccgttc-3') and HvZCCT.002 (5'-ggactcgtagcggatttgc-3') were designed to coamplify a conserved region of two closely related candidate Vrn-H2 genes, ZCCT- Ha (AY485977) and ZCCT-Hb (AY485978), and were utilized in a multiplex PCR reaction with primers HvSnJ2.0 1 F (5'-cctgaagcgagtatccatatgc-3') and HvSnJ2.03R (5'- gctgattgtttttgtggccagg-3') to simultaneously amplify the Vrn-H2 locus-proximal SnJ2 gene. The Vrn-H2 (ZCCT-Ha/ZCCT-Hb)/Snj2 multiplex PCR reactions were performed using Qiagen Taq DNA polymerase according to the manufacturer's instructions (Qiagen, Vanecia, CA) and the products electrophoretically separated. 53 LITERATURE CITED Bastow R, Mylne JS, Lister C, Lippman Z, Martienssen RA, Dean C (2004) Vernalization requires epigenetic silencing of FLC by histone methylation. Nature. 427: 164-167. Burn JE, Smyth DR, Peacock Wi, Denis ES (1993) Genes conferring late flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetica 90: 145-157. Castro A, Chen X, Hayes PM, Knapp SJ, Line RF, Toojinda T, Vivar H (2002) Coincident QTL determine seedling and adult plant resistance to stripe rust in barley. Crop Science. 42: 1701-1708. Chang Y, von Zitzewitz J, Hayes PM, and ChenTHH (2003) High frequency plant regeneration from immature embryos of an elite barley cultivar (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Morex). Plant Cell Reports. 21: 733-738. Choi D-W, Koag MC, Close TJ (2000) Map locations of barley Dhn genes determined by gene-specific PCR. Theor Appl Genet 101: 350-354. Close TJ, Wanamaker SI, Caldo RA, Turner SM, Ashlock DA, Dickerson JA, Wing RA, Muehlbauer GJ, Kleinhofs A, Wise RP (2004) A new resource for cereal genomics: 22K barley GeneChip comes of age. Plant Physiol 134: 960-968. Cooper LD, Marquez-Cedillo L, Singh J, Sturbaum AK, Zhang 5, Edwards V, Johnson K, Kleinhofs A, Rangel 5, Carollo V, Bregitzer P, Lemaux PG, Hayes PM (2004) Mapping Ds insertions in barley using a sequence-based approach. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 272: 181-193. Danyluk J, Kane N A, Breton G, Limin A, Fowler D B, Sarhan F (2003) TaVRT-1, a putative transcription factor associated with vegetative reproductive transition in cereals. Plant Physiology 132: 1-12. Fowler DB, Breton G, Limin AE, Mahfoozi 5, Sarhan F (2001) Photoperiod and temperature interactions regulate low-temperature-induced gene expression in barley. Plant Physiol 127: 1676-1681. Francia E, Rizza F, Cattivelli L, Stanca AM, Galiba G, Toth B, Hayes PM, Skinner JS, Pecehioni N (2003) Two loci on chromosome 5H determine lowtemperature tolerance in a 'Nure' (winter) x 'Tremois' (spring) barley map. Theor Appl Genet 108: 670-680. 54 Fu D, Szucs P, Yan L, Helguera M, Skinner J, von Zitzewitz J, Hayes PM, and Dubcovsky D (2004) Large deletions in the first intron of the VRN-1 vernalization gene are associated with spring growth habit in barley and polyploid wheat Molecular Genetics and Genomics (submitted). Hayes PM, Castro A, Marquez-Cedillo L, Corey A, Henson C, Jones BL, Kling J, Mather D, Matus I, Rossi C, Sato K (2003) Genetic diversity for quantitative inherited agronomic and malting quality traits. In R. von Bothmer et al. (ed.) Diversity in Barley (Hordeum vulgare). Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam. Hayes PM, Chen FQ, Corey A, Pan A, Chen THH, Baird E, Powell W, Thomas W, Waugh R, Bedo Z, Karsai I, Blake T, Oberthur L (1997) The Dicktoo x Morex population: a model for dissecting components of winterhardiness in barley. In: PH Li and TH Chen (eds.). Plant Cold Hardiness. Plenum Press, New York, USA. He Y, Michaels SD, Amasino RM (2003) Regulation of Flowering Time by Histone Acetylation in Arabidopsis. Science 302: 1751-1754. Henderson IR, Shindo C, Dean C (2003) The need for winter in the switch to flowering. Annu Rev Gen. 37: 37 1-392. Hepworth SR, Valverde F, Ravenscroft D, Mouradov A, Coupland G (2002) Antagonistic regulation of flowering-time gene SOC] by CONSTANS and FLC via separate promoter motifs. EMBO 21: 4327-43 37. Karsai I, Hayes PM, Kling J, Matus IA, Mészáros K, Lang L, Bedo Z, Sato K (2004) Genetic variation in component traits of heading date in Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum accessions characterized in controlled environments. Crop Sci. 44: 1622-1632. Karsai I, Mészáros K, Hayes PM, Bedö Z (1997) Effects of loci on chromosome 2 (2H) and 7 (5H) on developmental patterns in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under different photoperiod regimes. Theor App! Genet 94: 6 12-618. Karsai I, Meszaros K, Lang L, Hayes PM, Bedo Z (2001) Multivariate analysis of traits determining adaptation in cultivated barley. Plant Breeding 120: 217-222. Koornneef M, Blankestijn-de Vries H, Hanhart C, Soppe W, Peeters T (1994) The phenotype of some late-flowering mutants is enhanced by a locus on chromosome 5 that is not effective in the Landsberg erecta wild-type. Plant J. 6: 911-919. Laurie DA, Pratchett N, Bezant JH, Snape JW (1995) RFLP mapping of five major genes and eight quantitative trait loci controlling flowering time in a winter x spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cross. Genome 38: 575-585. 55 Mahfoozi S, Limin AE, Fowler DB (2001) Influence of vernalization and photoperiod response on the expression of cold hardiness in winter cereals. Crop Sci 41: 1006-1011. Mahfoozi S, Limin AE, Hayes PM, Huci P, Fowler DB (2000) Influence of photoperiod response on the expression of cold hardiness in wheat and barley. Can J Plant Sci 80: 72 1-724. Matus I, Corey A, Filichkin T, Hayes PM, Vales MI, Kling J, Riera-Lizarazu 0, Sato K, Powell W, Waugh R (2003) Development and characterization of recombinant chromosome substitution lines (RCSL5) using Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneurn as a source of donor alleles in a Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare background. Genome 46: 1010-1023. Matus IA, Hayes PM (2002) Genetic diversity in three groups of barley germplasm assessed by simple sequence repeats. Genome 45:1095-106. Mizukami Y, Huang H, Tudor M, Hu Y, Ma H (1996) Functional domains of the floral regulator AGAMOUS: characterization of the DNA binding domain and analysis of dominant negative mutations. Plant Cell. 8: 831-845. Murai K, Miyamae M, Kato H, Takumi S, Ogihara Y (2003) WAP1, a Wheat APETALA Homolog, Plays a Central Role in the Phase Transition from vegetative to reproductive growth. Plant cell Physiolo. 44: 1255-1265. Pan A, Hayes PM, Chen F, Blake T, Chen THH, Wright TTS, Karsai I, Bedo Z (1994) Genetic analysis of the components of winter hardiness Genet 89: 900-910. Robson F, Costa MM, Hepworth SR, Vizir I, Pineiro M, Reeves PH, Putteril J, Coupland G (2001) Functional importance of conserved domains in the floweringtime gene CONS TA NS demonstrated by analysis of mutant alleles and transgenic plants. The Plant Journal 28: 619-63 1. Schmitz J, Franzen R, Ngyuen TH, Garcia-Maroto F, Pozzi C, Salamini F, Rohde W (2000) Cloning, mapping and expression analysis of barley MADS-box genes. Plant Mol Biol. 42: 899-9 13. Shiraishi H, Okada K, Shimura Y (1993) Nucleotide sequences recognized by the AGA MO US MADS domain of Arabidopsis thaliana in vitro. Plant J. 4: 385-398. Sieburth LE, Meyerowitz EM (1997) Molecular dissection of the AGAMOUS control region shows that cis elements for spatial regulation are located intragenically. Plant Cell. 9: 355-365. 56 Skinner iS, Timko MP (1998) Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) contains multiple expressed genes encoding light-dependent NADPH: protochiorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR). Plant and Cell Physiology 39: 795-806. Takahashi R, Yasuda S (1971) Genetics of earliness and growth habit in barley. In: Nilan RA (ed) Barley genetics II. Proc 2nd mt Barley Genet Symp, Washington State University Press, pp 388-408. Trevaskis B, Bagnall D, Ellis MH, Peacock Wi, and Dennis ES (2003) MADS box genes control vernalization-induced flowering in cereals. PNAS 100: 13099-13 104. Valverde F, Mouradov A, Soppe W, Ravenscroft D, Samach A, Coupland G (2004) Photoreceptor regulation of CONS TA NS protein in photoperiodic flowering. Science 303: 1003-1006. Van Ooijen JW, Voorrips RE (2001) JoinMap 3.0, Software for the calculation of genetic linkage maps. Release 3.0. Plant Research International, Wageningen, the Netherlands. van Zee K, Chen FQ, Hayes PM, Close Ti, Chen T (1995) Cold-specific induction of a dehydrin gene family member in barley. Plant Physiol 108: 1233-1239. Yan L, Echenique V, Busso C, SanMiguel P, Ramakrishna W, Bennetzen JL, Harrington S, Dubcovsky i (2002) Cereal genes similar to SnJ2 define a new subfamily that includes human and mouse genes. Mo! Genet Genomics 268: 488-499. Yan L, Loukoianov A, Blechl A, Tranquihi G, Ramakrishna W, SanMiguel P, Bennetzen J L, Echenique V, Dubcovsky i (2004) The wheat VRN2 gene is a flowering repressor down-regulated by vernalization. Science 303:1640-1644. Yan L, Loukoianov A, Tranquilli G, Helguera M, Fahima T, and Dubcovsky J (2003) Positional cloning of the wheat vernalization gene VRN1. PNAS 100: 62636268. Yanagisawa 5, Sheen i (1998) Involvement of maize Dof zinc finger proteins in tissue-specific and light-regulated gene expression. Plant Cell 10: 75-90. Yu Y, Tomkins iP, Waugh R, Frisch, DA, Kudrna D, Kleinhofs A, Brueggeman RS, Muehlbauer GJ, Wise RP, Wing HA (2000) A bacterial artificial chromosome library for barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and the identification of clones containing putative resistance genes. Theor. Appl. Genet. 101: 1093-1099. 57 General Conclusions HvBM5A is a strong candidate for Vrn-H1 There are four lines of evidence that make HvBM5A a strong candidate for Vrn-H1: orthology, map location, expression pattern during plant development, and Mendelian genetic analysis of the vernalization phenotype. Blast searches reveal that the HvBM5A protein sequences is a MADS-box gene showing highest identity with TmAP] and TaVRT-] (Yan et al., 2003, Danyluk et al., 2003, and Murai et al., 2003). HvBM5A maps to chromosome 5H (Bin 11), the same syntenous Vrn-A1 region in T inonococcum, and the position of Vrnl in the B and D genomes based on Triticeae homoeology. Bin 11 is also the position of vernalization response QTL in other barley mapping populations (Francia et al., 2003; Laurie et al., 1995). The expression patterns of HvBM5A correlate with meristem differentiation and agree with previous reports in the literature (Yan et al. 2003; Danyluk et al., 2003). Finally, the vernalization requirement phenotype data from the cross of Morex x Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum show an inheritance pattern in agreement with a two-locus, epistatic model. Definitive proof that HvBM5A is Vrn-H1 will require forward and/or reverse genetics strategies, although using a MADS-box that affects plant growth and development might be a challenge. 58 Differences in vernalization requirement, f due to HvBM5A, are regulatory and not structural Differences in vernalization requirement are due to regulatory differences in HvBM5A. The coding regions of all ten genotypes surveyed are identical. HvBM5A reveals a high degree of Vrnl gene sequence conservation, and presumably function, in the Triticeae. Searching for promoter differences in the ten representative barley genotypes, we found that the CArG-like motif, reported to be an important regulatory site (Yan et al., 2003), to be invariant in all ten accessions. Differences correlated with growth habit were observed, as well as genotype-specific differences. No obvious motifs were identified that represented promising candidates for the role of regulating HvBM5A by ZCCT-H. We genotyped the array for an intron 1 large deletion in all ten barley varieties and found that all the winter and facultative genotypes, and OSU1 1 (the Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum accession), contain the full HvBM5A intron 1 version relative to the two deleted spring genotypes. Since winter habit is the ancestral form in the Triticeae, the intron 1 deletion may be of functional and evolutionary significance. We have further reduced this critical region of this deletion to 2.8 kb region, by sequencing and aligning representative genotypes with a diploid and a hexaploid wheat accession. The first 436-bp region showed the highest sequence conservation, suggesting that it may be the site of conserved regulatory elements possible for growth habit. Biochemical and/or transgenic experiments will be necessary to establish the role of these motifs in the regulation of HvBM5A. The main question remains: "is Vrn2 the trans-acting regulatory factor of Vrnl or is Vrn2 a cofactor in a complex that effects the DNA binding of Vrnl?" 59 The Vrn-H2 deletion explains spring andfacultative growth habit Spring and winter growth habit is defined based on the presence or absence of a vernalization requirement, and deletion of Vrn-H2 in spring barley accessions (Yan et al. 2004) provides a genetic mechanism to explain the phenotype. A complete association of the deletion of the tightly linked ZCCT-H gene family (one of which, ZCCT-H1 is the most likely candidate for Vrn-H2) with spring growth habit was observed. The ZCCT-H genes were also deleted in Dicktoo and 88Ab536 (facultative genotypes) and Tremois (a genotype with conflicting growth habit descriptors). We propose that the term facultative growth habit is descriptive of genotypes that are low temperature-tolerant and have "winter" alleles at Vrn-H1, but lack the repressor encoded by Vrn-H2. This could lead to re-classification of Tremois as a facultative. Tremois meets the Vrn allele architecture criteria and we are currently characterizing its low temperature tolerance and other winter hardiness related phenotypes in controlled environment tests. The Vrn2/Vrnl two-locus model provides a genetic explanation for vernalization requirement QTL Vernalization requirement QTL are reported from a number of barley mapping populations, and Vrn loci were hypothesized to be candidate genes for these QTL effects (Hayes et al., 1997). Our characterization of the Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H2 locus genotypes in mapping population parents explains QTL effects in all reported mapping populations. The finding that our Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H2 allele data are sufficient to explain all reported vernalization requirement QTL data are additional evidence that Vrn-H3 may be a determinant of vernalization response only in a limited range of barley gerrnplasm, as reported by Takahashi and Yasuda (1971). We provide preliminary data that a second form of HvBM5 (HvBM5B) is a candidate for Vrn-H3, although additional experiments are clearly necessary. The pseudogene structure of HvBM5B, and the lack of expression of this gene in Strider, Dicktoo, and Morex support the QTL data. Vrn loci and other winter hardiness phenotypes The localization of Vrn-H1 in the genome is coincident with QTL for the winter hardiness-related traits on chromosome 5H (Hayes et al., 2003). In the Triticum spp. low temperature tolerance effects coincide with Vrnl (Crosatti, et al., 2003). It still needs to be determined if these are separate loci or if they are the pleiotropic effects of the Vrn-H1 locus. Relevance offindings The barley germplasm pool, including wild progenitors, contain abundant genetic variation for the components of winter hardiness (Karsai et al., 2004). Since barley is a simple genetic system, tools have been developed for genetic and molecular analysis (reviewed in Hayes et aL, 2003), including multiple mapping populations, arrayed BAC clones (Yu et al., 2000), a large EST database, and a microarray chip (Close et al., 2004). These tools should be useful for the genetic dissection of vernalization. For example molecular markers have been used to introgress novel alleles from Hordeum 61 vulgare subsp. spontaneum into the elite cultivated germplasm (Matus et al. 2003). The judicious application of the aforementioned genomic tools should allow for the rapid development of gene-specific markers to introgress new allelic combinations from wild accessions. This will increase the number of parental allele combinations in elite lines during conventional and marker assisted breeding (Francki and Appels, 2002), and thus contribute to agricultural diversity. A breeding objective of some programs in temperate climates, in creating fallsown barley or wheat, is to breed varieties that do not require vernalization, but that are cold tolerant. A lack of vernalization requirement facilitates accelerated gerrnplasm advance. Photoperiod sensitivity in such genotypes would be desirable in order to prolong the vegetative period sufficiently to reduce risk of early spring low temperature injury. Therefore, the identification of the genes involved in vernalization, and other winter hardiness related traits, will be very useful to breeders as genespecific markers for marker assisted breeding. 62 Bibliography Bastow R, Mylne JS, Lister C, Lippman Z, Martienssen RA, Dean C (2004) Vernalization requires epigenetic silencing of FLC by histone methylation. Nature. 427: 164-167. Burn JE, Smyth DR, Peacock WJ, Denis ES (1993) Genes conferring late flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetica 90: 145-157. Castro A, Chen X, Hayes PM, Knapp SJ, Line RF, Toojinda T, Vivar H (2002) Coincident QTL determine seedling and adult plant resistance to stripe rust in barley. Crop Science. 42: 1701-1708. Chang Y, von Zitzewitz J, Hayes PM, and ChenTHH (2003) High frequency plant regeneration from immature embryos of an elite barley cultivar (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Morex). Plant Cell Reports. 21: 733-738. Choi D-W, Koag MC, Close TJ (2000) Map locations of barley Dhn genes determined by gene-specific PCR. Theor Appl Genet 101: 350-354. Close TJ, Wanamaker SI, Caldo RA, Turner SM, Ashlock DA, Dickerson JA, Wing RA, Muehlbauer GJ, Kleinhofs A, Wise RP (2004) A new resource for cereal genomics: 22K barley GeneChip comes of age. Plant Physiol 134: 960-968. Cooper LD, Marquez-Cedillo L, Singh J, Sturbaum AK, Zhang 5, Edwards V, Johnson K, Kleinhofs A, Rangel S, Carollo V, Bregitzer P, Lemaux PG, Hayes PM (2004) Mapping Ds insertions in barley using a sequence-based approach. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 272: 181-193. Crosatti C, Mare C, Mazzucotelli E, Belloni 5, Barilli 5, Bassi 5, Dubcovskyi J, Galiba G, Stanca AM, and Cattivelli L (2003) Genetic analysis of the expression of the cold-regulated gene corl4b: a way toward the identification of components of the cold response signal transduction in Triticeae. Can. J. Bot 81: 1162-1167. Danyluk J, Kane N A, Breton G, Limin A, Fowler D B, Sarhan F (2003) TaVRT-1, a putative transcription factor associated with vegetative reproductive transition in cereals. Plant Physiology 132: 1-12. Dubcovsky J, Lijavetzky D, Appendino L, Tranquilli G (1998) Comparative RFLP mapping of Triticum monococcum genes controlling vernalization requirement. Theor Appl Genet 97: 968-975. 63 Fowler DB, Breton G, Limin AE, Mahfoozi S, Sarhan F (2001) Photoperiod and temperature interactions regulate low-temperature-induced gene expression in barley. Plant Physiol 127: 1676-1681. Francia E, Rizza F, Cattivelli L, Stanca AM, Galiba G, Toth B, Hayes PM, Skinner JS, Pecchioni N (2003) Two loci on chromosome 5H determine lowtemperature tolerance in a 'Nure' (winter) x 'Tremois' (spring) barley map. Theor Appl Genet 108: 670-680. Fu D, Szucs P, Yan L, Helguera M, Skinner J, von Zitzewitz J, Hayes PM, and Dubcovsky D (2004) Large deletions in the first intron of the VRN-1 vernalization gene are associated with spring growth habit in barley and polyploid wheat Molecular Genetics and Genomics (submitted). Hayes PM, Castro A, Marquez-Cedillo L, Corey A, Henson C, Jones BL, Kling J, Mather D, Matus I, Rossi C, Sato K (2003) Genetic diversity for quantitative inherited agronomic and malting quality traits. In R. von Bothmer et al. (ed.) Diversity in Barley (Hordeum vulgare). Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam. Hayes PM, Chen FQ, Corey A, Pan A, Chen THH, Baird E, Powell W, Thomas W, Waugh R, Bedo Z, Karsai I, Blake T, Oberthur L (1997) The Dicktoo x Morex population: a model for dissecting components of winterhardiness in barley. In: PH Li and TH Chen (eds.). Plant Cold Hardiness. Plenum Press, New York, USA. He Y, Michaels SD, Amasino RM (2003) Regulation of Flowering Time by Histone Acetylation in Arabidopsis. Science 302: 1751-1754. Henderson IR, Dean C (2004) Control of Arabidopsis flowering: the chill before the bloom. Development. 131: 3829-3838. Henderson IR, Shindo C, Dean C (2003) The need for winter in the switch to flowering. Annu Rev Gen. 37: 37 1-392. Hepworth SR, Valverde F, Ravenscroft D, Mouradov A, Coupland G (2002) Antagonistic regulation of flowering-time gene SOCJ by CONSTANS and FLC via separate promoter motifs. EMBO 21: 4327-4337. Karsai I, Hayes PM, Kling J, Matus IA, Mészáros K, Lang L, Bedo Z, Sato K (2004) Genetic variation in component traits of heading date in Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum accessions characterized in controlled environments. Crop Sci. 44: 1622-1632. 64 Karsai I, Mészáros K, Hayes PM, Bedô Z (1997) Effects of loci on chromosome 2 (2H) and 7 (511) on developmental patterns in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under different photoperiod regimes. Theor Appl Genet 94: 6 12-618. Karsai I, Meszaros K, Lang L, Hayes PM, Bedo Z (2001) Multivariate analysis of traits detennining adaptation in cultivated barley. Plant Breeding 120: 217-222. KoornneefM, Blankestijn-de Vries H, Hanhart C, Soppe W, Peeters T (1994) The phenotype of some late-flowering mutants is enhanced by a locus on chromosome 5 that is not effective in the Landsberg erecta wild-type. Plant J. 6: 911-919. Laurie DA, Pratchett N, Bezant JH, Snape JW (1995) RFLP mapping of five major genes and eight quantitative trait loci controlling flowering time in a winter x spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cross. Genome 38: 575-585. Mahfoozi S, Limin AE, Fowler DB (2001) Influence of vernalization and photoperiod response on the expression of cold hardiness in winter cereals. Crop Sci 41: 1006-1011. Mahfoozi 5, Limin AE, Hayes PM, Huci P, Fowler DB (2000) Influence of photoperiod response on the expression of cold hardiness in wheat and barley. Can J Plant Sci 80: 721-724. Matus I, Corey A, Filichkin T, Hayes PM, Vales MI, Kling J, Riera-Lizarazu 0, Sato K, Powell W, Waugh R (2003) Development and characterization of recombinant chromosome substitution lines (RCSLs) using Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum as a source of donor alleles in a Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare background. Genome 46: 1010-1023. Matus IA, Hayes PM (2002) Genetic diversity in three groups of barley germplasm assessed by simple sequence repeats. Genome 45:1095-106. Michaels SD, Amasino R1VI (2000) Memories of winter: vernalization and the competence to flower. Plant Cell Environ. 23: 1145-1153. Mizukami Y, Huang H, Tudor M, Hu Y, Ma H (1996) Functional domains of the floral regulator AGA MO US: characterization of the DNA binding domain and analysis of dominant negative mutations. Plant Cell. 8: 83 1-845. Murai K, Miyamae M, Kato H, Takumi 5, Ogihara Y (2003) WAP1, a Wheat APETALA Homolog, Plays a Central Role in the Phase Transition from vegetative to reproductive growth. Plant cell Physiolo. 44: 1255-1265. 65 Pan A, Hayes PM, Chen F, Blake T, Chen THH, Wright TTS, Karsai I, Bedo Z (1994) Genetic analysis of the components of winter hardiness Genet 89: 900-910. Robson F, Costa MM, Hepworth SR, Vizir I, Pineiro M, Reeves PH, Putterill J, Coupland G (2001) Functional importance of conserved domains in the floweringtime gene CONSTANS demonstrated by analysis of mutant alleles and transgenic plants. The Plant Journal 28: 619-631. Schmitz J, Franzen R, Ngyuen TH, Garcia-Maroto F, Pozzi C, Salamini F, Rohde W (2000) Cloning, mapping and expression analysis of barley MADS-box genes. Plant Mol Biol. 42: 899-9 13. Shiraishi H, Okada K, Shimura Y (1993) Nucleotide sequences recognized by the A GA MO US MADS domain of Arabidopsis thaliana in vitro. Plant J. 4: 385-398. Sieburth LE, Meyerowitz EM (1997) Molecular dissection of the AGAMOUS control region shows that cis elements for spatial regulation are located intragenically. Plant Cell. 9: 355-365. Skinner JS, Timko MP (1998) Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) contains multiple expressed genes encoding light-dependent NADPH: oxidoreductase (POR). Plant and Cell Physiology 39: 795-806. protochiorophyllide Sung S, Amasino RM (2004) Vernalization in Arabidopsis thaliana is mediated by the PHD finger protein VIN3 Nature 427: 159-164. Takahashi R, Yasuda S (1971) Genetics of earliness and growth habit in barley. In: Nilan RA (ed) Barley genetics II. Proc 2nd mt Barley Genet Symp, Washington State University Press, pp 388-408. Trevaskis B, Bagnall D, Ellis MH, Peacock WJ, and Dennis ES (2003) MADS box genes control vernalization-induced flowering in cereals. PNAS 100: 13099-13 104. Valverde F, Mouradov A, Soppe W, Ravenscroft D, Samach A, Coupland G (2004) Photoreceptor regulation of CONSTANS protein in photoperiodic flowering. Science 303: 1003-1006. Van Ooijen JW, Voorrips RE (2001) JoinMap 3.0, Software for the calculation of genetic linkage maps. Release 3.0. Plant Research International, Wageningen, the Netherlands. van Zee K, Chen FQ, Hayes PM, Close TJ, Chen T (1995) Cold-specific induction of a dehydrin gene family member in barley. Plant Physiol 108: 1233-1239. 66 Yan L, Echenique V, Busso C, SanMiguel P, Ramakrishna W, Bennetzen JL, Harrington S, Dubcovsky J (2002) Cereal genes similar to SnJ2 define a new subfamily that includes human and mouse genes. Mol Genet Genomics 268: 488-499. Yan L, Loukoianov A, Blechi A, Tranquilli G, Ramakrishna W, SanMiguel P, Bennetzen J L, Echenique V, Dubcovsky J (2004) The wheat VRN2 gene is a flowering repressor down-regulated by vernalization. Science 303:1640-1644. Yan L, Loukoianov A, Tranquilli G, Helguera M, Fahima T, and Dubcovsky J (2003) Positional cloning of the wheat vernalization gene VRNJ. PNAS 100: 6263- 6268. Yanagisawa S, Sheen J (1998) Involvement of maize Dof zinc finger proteins in tissue-specific and light-regulated gene expression. Plant Cell 10: 75-90. Yu Y, Tomkins JP, Waugh R, Frisch, DA, Kudrna D, Kleinhofs A, Brueggeman RS, Muehlbauer GJ, Wise RP, Wing RA (2000) A bacterial artificial chromosome library for barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and the identification of clones containing putative resistance genes. Theor. App!. Genet. 101: 1093-1099. 67 Appendix SI. I ii :1 .1 CCLCCT'LC'JCCCTCTLL CCL, CCCIC CCI CCCII CCC ILL ICCCJL(CCI 11CC CCCIII CTC,LICILCC CCCLI CCLI, IC CCCCCC'CCTC]XCFCCII Cli CT[ 1CCC CIII Cl LILT' 'CC C CCCCC CCCCCC LIE CICL''C CCCL,['I' l'CCCC,IIL ' -CCC _TCCLCL CC CCL ,ICC( [Li CCLCICU' CL CCCLI CCCC-1 CCC' ICCLC ,T -1 Cl CII, CCCCCCC],C'C-CCC'C'CCCICC,, C, CC,CIL ,,IL'' C lC LCCILC,CILCC LLCLI_ CLI C-' CL TCCCICC' C _CLICCLCICC CCiLICCCILIZ 1- ,LC',IL' i'll CCLI, CTT'CCCC1CLICCCILLTCCL CCCCCCCTC:'CC,ICC[CTC,,CCCCCCCGCCICC'C, LL'-LGCC,CJ LLT(CCC ['111,1, '''C[CCII, I .1 I CCCCGCCCCICL-CLI-G CCC GCCCCGGCCCL,CCCCGC 'CL C CCCCC -CC CGCCCCCTCLCCCLICCLIGC'CLIICCC'CCGCCGCTC, 'CCCFGL 'CC'LI-CC IIILCCI CICCC'CCIICCICGICCLCCCCCI'CCL,CCGC CCCCCC'CICCC-CCCI'CL-LCLLITCCILI-C CGICCCCTCCIC'CCC,CCCLICT'CG,CGCCCC,C( CCC' LCLCI'C CLIILCG,C'i( ',,I, LCICCCC[' :1 II CCCCCCCL C ,-'C2CCCClICTCiCCLCC'CLiCC, CC CCCLIC]'CLCLTTC']CCIICLC' CC CCCL T-CC' CC-, CC1 C C ]CT( I CLCCLICCC LIICCTCCL'CC,CCCCLCICCT(CCC CC C C LII' CC1CCC,I, IICC'CC ICC -'T CC -,-C-CLIILC,,CC C,,ICLCIIClCC IGGCCCLIIC, I'C-CC'CC-CLILC CC' CCC,CL,CCCGCC, II,CCCLI-,, C II IlL, G,1, CC1CCCCCrCC'_CCLC ICCICICC Lr_CCC'CCCCILCC, CCCCLCCTCCCCI CL,LIi' C CICLCFLOLICCCC CC CC CT CCCLIII LICTCC iC-CCIC'CLCCCC'CCCC' CLICIC, elI-CC- LICLC'CCCCC CCC C CCGCIC LI] CCLI CC - CC CT'CCCCCLC-'CCCCILU,CCLICTCICCTCi,C, CGCCCIILTC ICICCC III LLCIIC',( CCII CC C CC1CC CCCLiGCC' '.CC,CCCCCCICITCC,LL,TCCCGCiCC'CLICCII,r,j CCC,L-,CCLC,,-]CCCC( II -C-,iLIL CC,LLC ,GICCIICILC'LLC'i'CII''C' CCCCCC,C,TCCTCCCICC'[CIIC T'C'Ci'CC(CCC,,CCC,CC1 LLCL1-LL],C ICC-CL. LCCC'], LCLCCCC-,'CCT, CCCTLICCCCCCCLICTC I ,-[iC1_]CL IL. C-,CL,-CCCCCLL,CC 'C 'CiLCI1Cl,L LICCCCCCCL GCLCGLICCCIC'C-CCCCC-CCILL,L,CCGCCCCGCCCC,l CL CL IICCCCCLGICCICGLCICLGLC[,LC'C,lCCCf'CLC, ICLCC ,C11,iIC' C -,LLiLCCLTi ,IICC1LC - 11,1CC LCCCCLTC,CCC,_CLCC ICLLCC CC'LCC 1CC1L LT,_C CCII, ILIL, lILT' ,,LCC'C'CC, ]'II ,iC- 'I I CCCTCCCCCICCCCCECC,CC,LICL] CCLI] IC CLLCGC1CCC,C,CC, CCC1'lCTCL.-C 'CCCLI CC-LITC CCCI CCCCCLLC,CC'C,_, 'CLCCCCICCCCIIIICL,CCICCCG_TCICCCTCE'CICC,, L,LC [CCCLII' ,CCCCLL'II-CCCC'CCCC- C-C- ICICCCI'C, ICT'CCC_,j CCCC,C C CCCL,, II .1 .1 LI'-' ICE-LI Li LCILICilC,CLCCCCC Ii CCCI,' IL. Ill L]'LICCC'-L IIILCCIC ,1CC TILLIC [C'CL 'L-' [CC CL, C,1-L,CClI,]LLCL ICCCLLIC-TCCI,_ICI]i, -C'_CCE 1'_ LIII LI LIT CCCL] CLII CCLI CCLPCCFCCCE,CCII,CLC CCCIIICICCCCCICCCL1, CCLCC,C',l, CLCI[CI, 1_II' ICCC,L LI,CI IC', C C ,,IICCCCCL C CC,CTLITCCC, CL C,-CC'CCCICI]CLI[CCILIC,LC, CC, L-I,C 1, CCLI CC CC-IC] ,CI,, -CCLII CCC TCI1CCCCICTXC L LCCICCILCC' ',CCLC CC-C TLCLC',ICLTC[CC'C-, CCCL-', C'CCLLLT, -CL TCIII'ICC LC_'LILI ,ICCI-L ,CII LCTIICICL-CII CCCC C' 1-CC TLCC'CCCT, CC,_CCLC,CLILI, iI]_,CLT,IILI, LC-CC,' C _LICCCCI LIII',]'' 'C CLILC , - CCCCICCCII CLICCC'CC L',',TCICCLI,,CILI'CC' 'CCL'C'CCTCL.CCC C'CCCLI CL-C ICTCCC,ECCILC,CC'CC,LC S CCCI LLICIC',, IC_C, [CLIII IC-IC I'll, CC' CCI, -CLII' ,,L, LI'CC- CC]LL .5 I LCIIILL-CIICL' iC, CC'CI ICC, [[CC IS I 'CCC lCI-IG --CL. C CII-CICL,C_TLC,,LCCICC', 'II-,] ----LLIICC'JCCCIC 'TCI'TI, CLCCC-,-IlL CIC-C-CIC FC,,CCLI:CIClTT,CC I,_,-E ,IILTCCTC CC CIC '11111CC II1.CCCIICII CC-CCIII ICCC'III CL'Cl-T1_ C'CC-'T,IT-CL, 'C C111 CI'C--ICC'C-C -CCC, CI'C-,CCI' 'CL' -_-Ll', IL,IC CC'[C ''-C---' I ICIC-' CCC--- ,T,',ICIC-, 21'CL C,,---' 1111, I _,'ICII-fl1II-I1 - L.-ICC'CC1CC, CCCIII ',,CCCI-'CLCICC CCII CLI' ,CC I' CTCCC]CCC CCC IC'I-1'CCCLICCICITCCC, CTLCILCLI CIC]'] TCC'L,-L- C Ill]1' ECICLICI, CICIC- _IIiC,LL CLI, Cli ICC-ICC IICCTCIICCCC',CT IC-,CCCCLI C, ICC ,CC_ IICIL,CCTC'CJCL ICI-CC1TLC LLII_ CII LI ECC ClCTCCCICCLIIICC[CCIILCCC1L1,IL_CC'CCCCLI,'[ C-TC'',-LI- 'C'CIC,CLCCI' IICI CICI,-- 11CC '-CC' IC' CCCLI GIC CITSI'CC C ZI_ICIC ILl] [CII TC--ILI'C [C, CC' -L-LT',,,I,1C-, C'CCII,,--,C ['CC-I' L,CL,C1-CTLIIIIC, 'C CIC ICC ICC-C CCIZ'C1'CGLICCCIZIC_ C,CCCIC [C CTI'CC ,CCI''CCC'CTIICCI,_ 'C, ,CIIC'CI, -IC, CC-L,'',ICIC C - CI'CCCClCCCZII-CIT,C'] [CL. ,CT-[L CCCCCCCC,I11']I i-C 21CC',] CCII II'] FC--'CICCCI' C', CCCII CC IL',ICIC- CTCITCT ILL [ S , I 'I .1 I 'CC-CC CCI II -CCILL CC['I',_ CLI C, CCC[1TCC,CC II" CL. LCCTC-LC, CCC-C- -CII 1111-CC',, 1['CC, IE,'CC-L-,CC hIlL CTCITC,CC-I, I' 'CL ,CZCLIICC,,IICCCC_II,CL LCLII CIIG-C CCCLI I [1 ]LTCCI',' 'CCL-'C_ ICC]' C1CIlIL I'CLI--L ',Cl'CC-'_, -'C' C- l-,T-CI CI,-,_CCi,_-_,,C'CCIjLI, Iii,-]'' C-',E-,CLICC-C]LICh,,--,I'CL. C-' ,ICC IC, 'CC'C,Z1,iCC,L CLIlICCCC.LICCLC ,,C'II',C]CC CC_C T-IC,,L.CC1I,-'LIC--',,IC'_-I LCCI-ICGCL.C_CT,,_CCC ' _L CC-C -'1,11-C-' I'C-IIC'CCC CLIIIC C,CiCCiT, - C'CLL C_,,_l, Ir,, ZCLII_C _,,'' -'[CCL CCCLI C-C ,ICLI] CCI C,CCTCC G-,L ,C'CCCLI__Z[, IC_-iC' ICCC[ CCZCCL CI_C'LC C_'C'LIL,,iCCIC_CCCC,CC ,,LCIC_L_I_ZC CC - CC--LC-T1,- CCCL __LL I, ILCIL''L' C, III,, C,CCTCCF,,CCIIJCI ,L. CL IC IC [L LI]',-IC'CTCL-1 11111CC ICI_ C ICIC1CC',,C-L,'CCI'IC--I'LCCI',--'CCI_ 1,11CC LII, -CCII 111' ''L-CCIf'Cf'_1TIE C ICCI-_C'Ci-CLILLI'C'CL, '-,' -, , 1, II CC, ILC['LIIC'LIL.ICT, ,[ I' C ',' I CCC IC',_ CII',LLI' -,,'IIC' - 70 (continued) HVBM5A-Kk HVBK5A-Nu HvBK5A-St HvPM5A-Ig HvBM5A-Dt HvBI'f5A-Ab HvPM5A-Tr HvB'f5A-01 HvBM5A-Mx HVEII5A-}la HvBM5A-Kk HVBM5A-Nu HvBMSA-St HVBM5A-Ig HvflM5A-Dt HVBM5A-Ab HvBM5A-Tr HVBM5A-01 HVBM5A-Mx HVBIf5A-Ha Figure Al. 71 (Continued) Figure Al. Alignment of the HvBM5A coding sequence in ten barley varieties with different growth habit. The ten barley varieties are represented as follows: winter types Kompolti korai (Kk), Nure (Nu), Strider (St), and Igri (Ig); facultative types Dicktoo (Dt) and 88Ab536 (Ab); spring types Morex (Mx) and Harrington (Ha); Nure (Nu) and the Hordeum spontaneum OSU1 1 (011) 77 (Continued) Figure A2. Alignment of the HvBMSA promoter sequence in ten barley varieties differing in growth habit. Motifs that might be of importance and are conserved in all barley accessions are siø, a C-repeatldehydration responsive element (CRT/DRE) found in the promoter of cold regulated (çOR) genes and known to be target of Crepeat binding factor (CBF) genes, CRI/DRE regulatory element targeted by the barley HvCBF2 gene, CArG consensus sequence found in the promoter of Arabidopsis SOC 1 which is the MAD S-box flowering-time gene, where FLC is a flowering repressor and a component of the vernalization pathway binds, and binds directly to this type of GarG site and blocks transcriptional activation of SOC1 an alternate CArG by CONSTANS (CO) (Hepworth et al., 2002), consensus sequence. The motifs that are not conserved and might be interru ting a regulatory element are a an ABA responsive element, A A £ A Putative Methyl Jasmonate responsive element. Putative TATA-box: transcription start: ; Start codon: . The ten barley varieties are represented as follows: winter types Kompolti korai (Kk), Nure (Nu), Strider (St), and Igri (Ig); facultative types Dicktoo (Dt) and 88Ab536 (Ab); spring types Morex (Mx) and Harrington (Ha); Nure (Nu) and the Hordeum spontaneum OSU1 1 (011).