Improved characterisation approaches for the identification of post-translationally modified peptides by utilising travelling wave-based ion mobility mass spectrometry 1 1 1 1 1 2 Susan E. Slade; Konstantinos Thalassinos; Gillian R. Hilton; Nisha Patel; James H. Scrivens and Robert H. Bateman 1 Biological Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics, Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom 2 Waters Corporation, MS Technologies Centre, Manchester, U.K. Results The mobilities of all twelve of the doubly charged phosphorylated peptide ions used in this study were reduced compared to their expected arrival times based on their m/z. Optimisation of the mobility cell gas pressure and wave height and subsequent analysis of the mobility data allowed the identification of phosphorylated from non-phosphorylated peptides especially at higher m/z. Tandem MS spectra of a doubly charged phosphorylated peptide were obtained by CID in both the trap and transfer cells. Similar fragmentation was observed in both spectra. Analysis of the peptides under more stringent denaturing conditions, did not result in a change in mobility under the experimental conditions used. INTRODUCTION Post translational modifications (PTMs) are extremely important and greatly enhance the diversity and functionality of proteins, can determine the cellular localisation of a protein, its interaction with other proteins, its turnover, whether it is active or inactive and are implicated in some disease states. It is estimated that one in three of all proteins are phosphorylated at some time-point [1]. PTMs can either be permanent or as in the case of phosphorylation reversible. There are numerous PTMs but the most commonly occurring and most studied are phosphorylation, glycosylation and ubiquitination. The ability to rapidly identify modified proteins in complex mixtures would be greatly advantageous. Ruotolo et al. [2] reported the ability to discriminate between phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated tryptically-generated singly charged peptides using MALDI ion mobility mass spectrometry based on the change in conformation of peptides that have been modified. Jensen et al. reported the use of a travelling wave ion mobility device for the separation and detection of ESI-generated doubly charged modified peptides from an enolase digest. In our study we further developed the experimental parameters required to optimise the separation of phosphorylated doubly charged peptides in order to develop a screening process for modified peptides using the Synapt HDMS system in mobility mode, see Figure 1. Twelve pairs of peptides identical in sequence were chosen for this study, but one of each pair had a single phosphorylated residue (serine, threonine or tyrosine) present. In this manner, we can directly relate the two conformers of control and phosphorylated peptides. Twelve phosphorylated peptides (Abgent Inc., San Diego, U.S.A.) containing either one phosphoserine, phosphothreonine or phosphotyrosine residue were selected for this study and their sequences are shown in Table 1. Each of the peptides and their non-phosphorylated control peptide was reduced and alkylated with dithiothreitol and iodoacetamide respectively prior to an overnight in-solution tryptic digest being performed. Thus peptides were generated that were reflective of those produced during a typical enzymatic digest undertaken as part of a proteomics study. Similarly, the preparation of the alpha-casein protein was as described above. Arrival scan number 68 Our data from the ESI-travelling wave-based ion mobility mass spectrometry experiments indicates that the mobility plot for the doubly charged non-modified peptide mixtures (m/z 5001200) is approximately linear. Increased arrival times (scan number) were observed for peptides of increasing m/z, see Figure 2, for all of the experimental conditions used. 63 Alpha-casein tryptic peptides Phosphorylated alphacasein tryptic peptides Linear ( Alpha-casein tryptic pept ides) 58 53 48 43 38 33 Figure 5. Mass/mobility plot of selected tryptic peptides from an alpha-casein digest obtained using a fixed travelling wave height of 12 V and an IMS cell gas flow of 38 mL/min (phosphopeptides shown in pink). The requirement to further characterise any identified phosphorylated peptide would require a tandem MS approach, in order to confirm the affected residue/s A phosphothreonine containing peptide (IGEG(pT)YGVVYK) was selected for CID performed in either the trap or transfer cells. The spectra obtained are shown in Figure 9. 28 520 720 920 1120 m/z 55 30 74 Figure 2. Mobility chromatogram of three doubly charged peptides resolved using travelling wave-based ion mobility mass spectrometry (from left to right peptides m/z 549.8, 880.5 and 1158.7). The arrival time is noted above each peak in scan number. Sequence Relative Molecular Mass RMM incl. modifications [M+2H]2+ CSTRPPTL(pS)PIPHIPR 1850.9227 1907.9442 954.9721 CPGGNIYI(pS)PLKSPYK 1815.8631 1872.8846 937.4423 VSNG(pS)PSLER 1124.4864 1124.4864 563.2432 CLDHEPAV(pS)PLLPR 1625.7637 1682.7852 842.3926 CPLPSGLL(pT)PPQSGKK 1701.8525 1758.8740 880.4370 CNAGSVEQ(pT)PKKPGLR 1763.8390 1820.8605 911.4303 CLMTGDTY(pT)AHAGAK 1618.6521 1675.6736 838.8368 IGEG(pT)YGVVYK 1264.5741 1264.5741 633.2871 CRLMTGDT(pY)TAHAGAK 1774.7532 1831.7747 916.8874 CVYGVSPN(pY)DKWEMER 2054.8268 2111.8483 1056.9242 CGGQYGEV(pY)EGVWK 1653.6535 1710.6750 856.3375 155 IGEGT(pY)GVVYK 1264.5741 1264.5741 633.2871 135 Conventional mass spectrum Figure 9. CID spectra of a doubly charged phosphothreonine-containing peptide produced in the trap (upper) or transfer cell (lower) of the Synapt HDMS. Mobility-selected mass spectrum Table 1. Table showing sequences and sites of phosphorylation of peptides used in this study. Relative molecular mass prior to and after chemical and enzymatic cleavage are also shown for each peptide. Analysis by means of travelling wave-based ion mobility mass spectrometry 195 115 95 75 55 Mixtures containing a number of phosphorylated and control peptides were prepared in 50% aqueous acetonitrile containing 0.1% formic acid. Concentrations of the peptides ranged from 1 - 50 µM in order to produce a spectrum containing similar ion abundances from all of the peptides present. The peptides analysed under less denaturing conditions were prepared in 10 mM ammonium bicarbonate containing 10% methanol. 35 15 520 720 920 1120 m/z Control peptides using a wave height of 6 V Phosphopeptides u sing a w ave height of 6 V Control pept ides u sing a w ave height of 7 V Phosphopeptides u sing a w ave height of 7 V Control pept ides u sing a w ave height of 8 V Phosphopeptides u sing a w ave height of 8 V Control pept ides u sing a w ave height of 9 V Phosphopeptides u sing a w ave height of 9 V Control pept ides u sing a w ave height of 12 V Phosphopeptides u sing a w ave height of 12 V Linear ( Control pept ides u sing a wave h eight of 6 V ) Linear ( Control pept ides u sing a wave h eight of 7 V ) Linear ( Control pept ides u sing a wave h eight of 8 V ) Linear ( Control pept ides u sing a wave h eight of 9 V ) Linear ( Control pept ides u sing a wave h eight of 12 V ) Figure 6. Example of a mobility selected region extracted from the DriftScope program (left) and its effect on the resulting mass spectrum (right). Figure 3. Mass/mobility plot of phosphorylated and control peptides obtained using a fixed IMS cell gas flow of 30 mL/min with variable travelling wave heights. Arrival time distribution for phosphopeptide IGEG(pT)YGVVYK Control peptides using IMS gas flow 34 mL/min 120 75 Control peptides using IMS gas flow of 42 mL/min Phosphopepti des using IMS gas flow 34 mL/min 110 Phosphopeptides u sing I MS gas f low of 42 m L/min 65 The IMS cell gas was nitrogen, operated at flow rates from 24 - 42 mL/min (4.55 - 7.61 x 10-1 mbar respectively). The travelling wave height was fixed at either 8 or 12 V whilst the IMS gas cell pressure was optimised. Similarly, during the wave height optimisation the IMS gas cell flow was fixed at 30 mL/min (5.48 x 10-1 mbar). The travelling wave velocity was fixed for all of the experiments at 300 m/sec. A scan was acquired every 2 seconds (90 µsec pusher rate) comprising of 200 mobility bins. 90 Phosphopepti des using IMS gas flow 30 mL/min 80 Control pepti des using IMS gas flow 26 mL/min 70 Phosphopepti des using IMS gas flow 26 mL/min 60 Linear ( Control pepti des using IMS gas flow 34 mL/min) 50 40 30 520 Linear (Control peptides using IMS gas flow 30 mL/min) 720 920 m/z The comparison of the phosphorylated and control peptide mixture under denaturing and less denaturing conditions was undertaken at an IMS cell flow of 38 mL/min (6.71 x 10-1 mbar) and a travelling wave height of 12 V. These conditions were also used for the analysis of the alphacasein digest and for the comparison of two peptides of identical amino acid sequence but differing in their phosphorylated residue. Control pept ides u sing I MS gas flow of 38 m L/min Control pepti des using IMS gas flow 30 mL/min 100 1120 Linear (Control peptides using IMS gas flow 26 mL/min) Two of the peptides used in this study had identical amino acid sequences but the site and residue affected by the phosphorylation event differed. The mobilities of the two doubly charged ions having m/z 633.287 were determined and compared to assess if the phosphorylated residue affected the mobility of the ions through the travelling wave device. 33 Figure 4 (below left) shows the mass/mobility data for the same peptides obtained using a fixed wave height of 8 V with IMS cell gas flow of 26, 30 and 34 mL/min and shown below right the data obtained using fixed wave height of 12 V with IMS gas flow of 30, 34, 38 and 42 mL/min. The samples were infused by means of nanoflow capillaries (Waters Corporation, MS Technologies, Manchester, U.K.) operated at 1200 V, typically at a flow rate of 100 - 200 nL/min. All analyses were performed on a Synapt HDMS (Waters MS Technologies) operating in ESI mobility mode (see Figure 1). The gas used for the trap and transfer cells was argon. The trap gas flow rate was 5 mL/min (4.25 x 10-2 mbar). CONCLUSIONS In order to determine the optimal experimental conditions for the resolution of phosphorylated from control peptides, the mobilities of the doubly charged peptide ions were determined at a fixed IMS cell argon flow of 30 mL/min using a travelling wave height of 6, 7, 8, 9 or 12 V. The mass/mobility plot is shown in Figure 3. 175 A phosphothreonine peptide was selected for a tandem MS experiment undergoing CID in either the trap or transfer cells. The doubly charged peptide was selected using the quadrupole then sufficient collision energy was supplied to ensure fragmentation of the entire peptide in both cells. Figure 1. Schematic of the Synapt HDMS. 73 Arrival scan number Methods Commercially available singly phosphorylated peptides and their non-phosphorylated control peptides were chemically and proteolytically treated to generate tryptic peptides. The peptides were analysed by means of ESI-MS and the mobilities of the doubly charged ions through a travelling wave-based ion mobility device determined. A number of experimental parameters were optimised and these conditions were used in the analysis of a tryptic digest of the phosphorylated protein alpha-casein. Sample Preparation Arrival scan number Purpose To utilise travelling wave-based ion mobility mass spectrometry to facilitate the identification of potentially post-translationally modified peptides generated during tryptic digestion of a protein sample. MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS Arrival scan number OVERVIEW 78 34 Control pept ides u sing I MS gas flow of 34 m L/min Phosphopeptides u sing I MS gas f low of 34 m L/min 45 Control pept ides u sing I MS gas flow of 30 m L/min Phosphopeptides u sing I MS gas f low of 30 m L/min 35 All of the peptides used in this study exhibited reduced arrival time distributions than would be expected based on the mobility of their control and other non-phosphorylated peptides, indicating a more compact conformation. All of the phosphorylated peptides used in the study exhibited similar shifts in mobility indicating that the presence, not the site, of phosphorylation was a factor in the change in arrival time distribution. A number of experimental parameters were optimised for the mobility separation of modified from non-modified doubly charged ions and to date an IMS cell gas flow rate of 38 mL/min (6.71 x 10-1 mbar) with a fixed wave height of 12 V and a velocity of 300 m/sec appears to be the most discriminatory, especially at higher m/z. We will be repeating the experiments using alternative enzymatic/chemical cleavage mechanisms that generate larger peptide fragments in order to fully utilise the resolving power of the travelling wave device at higher m/z. Further experimental parameters will also be optimised including travelling wave velocity, ramped wave heights and velocities and IMS gas. Arrival time distribution for phosphopeptide IGEGT(pY)GVVYK Figure 7. Mobility chromatograms of two peptides of identical sequence but differing in the site and residue of phosphorylation. Phosphopeptides u sing I MS gas f low of 38 m L/min 55 We have successfully demonstrated the first use of ESI-travelling wave -based ion mobility MS to distinguish a number of singly phosphorylated, doubly charged tryptic peptide ions from their non-modified control. A sample containing both phosphorylated and control peptides was prepared in both denaturing and a more physiological buffer. Mobility data were obtained for a number of peptides, two of which are shown in Figure 8. It was possible to identify a number of potentially modified peptides from an alpha-casein digest due to their differing mobility through the T-wave device, using the experimental conditions described above. The use of the DriftScope data processing tool allows sections of the mass/mobility plot to be extracted from the raw data allowing more rapid identification of a peptide due to its charge state. With further optimisation of the experimental conditions, it is envisaged that an extracted spectrum from the raw ESI-TWIM MS data, can be generated using DriftScope that is optimised for the identification of phosphorylated peptides. The mobilities of the doubly charged tryptic peptides were unaffected (within the reproducibility of the experiment) by the denaturing capability of the solvent system used. Linear ( Control pept ides u sing IMS gas f low of 42 m L/min) Linear ( Control pept ides u sing IMS gas f low of 38 m L/min) 25 33 57 33 58 Linear ( Control pept ides u sing IMS gas f low of 34 m L/min) 15 520 720 920 1120 Linear ( Control pept ides u sing IMS gas f low of 30 m L/min) m/z We were unable to distinguish between two peptides of identical sequence that differed in the site of phosphorylation. We envisage that a combination of experimental and molecular modelling experiments will be required to establish the extent of conformational change on phosphorylation in the peptides studied. Figure 4. Mass/mobility plots of phosphorylated and control peptides obtained using fixed travelling wave heights of 8 V (left) and 12 V (right) with IMS cell gas flow indicated. We will be converting the arrival time distributions into rotationally averaged cross sections for each peptide based on a calibration created using conventional drift tube mobility/cross section measurements on a further set of tryptic peptides. Based on the results obtained, all further mobility experiments were performed using an IMS gas flow of 38 mL/min and a travelling wave height of 12 V. CID experiments can be conducted in both the trap or transfer cells of the Synapt HDMS system both resulting in fragmentation, predominantly a y-ion series that can be interpreted from the N– to C- terminus and includes the loss of a phosphothreonine residue. A tryptic digest of the phosphorylated protein alpha-casein was performed and the peptides analysed as described above. The mobility data of a number of non-phosphorylated peptides was obtained and plotted on a mass mobility graph, see Figure 5. The mobilities of a number of known phosphorylated alpha-casein peptides were obtained, aided by the use of the mobility-specific data processing tool in DriftScope (Waters MS Technologies), see Figure 6. Figure 8. Mobility chromatograms of two phosphorylated doubly charged peptide ions (m/z 633.3 and 956.0) obtained using a fixed travelling wave height of 12 V and an IMS cell flow of 38 mL/min under denaturing (left) and near-native (right) conditions. The arrival time is noted above each peak in scan number. REFERENCES [1]. Kumar, R., A.E. Gururaj, and C.J. Barnes, (2006) Nat. Rev. Cancer 6: 459-71. [2]. Ruotolo, B. T., Verbeck IV, G. F. Thomson, L. M., Woods, A. S., Gillig, K. J. And Russell, D. H. (2002) Journal of Proteome Res. : 303-06. [3]. Jensen, O. N., Larsen, M. R., Wildgoose, J. Bateman, R. H., Giles, K., Pringle, S., Hughes, C. And Langridge, J. Poster presentation ASMS 2006.