Jeeef<e&keÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ kesÀ efueS veesefìme Notice for Annual General Meeting yegOeJeej, 24 petve, 2015, Òeeleë 10.30 yepes, Je[esoje Wednesday, 24th June, 2015 at 10.30 a.m. At Vadodara efveJesMekeâ mesJeeSb efJeYeeie: yeÌ[ewoe keâeHeexjsš meWšj, le=leer¾ã leue, meer-26, peer-yuee@keâ, yeebõe kegâuee& keâe@cHeueskeäme, yeebõe (HetJe&), cegbyeF& - 400 051. F&-cesue: INVESTORS’ SERVICES DEPARTMENT Baroda Corporate Centre, 3rd Floor, C-26, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051 Email: keÀe³e&¬eÀceeW keÀer ÒecegKe leejerKeW IMPORTANT CALENDAR OF EVENTS ®egveeJe ceW Yeeie uesves kesÀ efueS Hee$e Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW kesÀ efveOeej&Ce keÀer Meg¬eÀJeej, 15 ceF&, 2015 efJeefveefo&ä leejerKe Specified date for ascertaining the Shareholders entitled to participate in the election Friday, 15th May, 2015 veeceebkeÀve HeÀece& pecee keÀjves keÀer Debeflece leejerKe cebieueJeej, 9 petve, 2015 (Meece 5.00 yepes lekeÀ) Last date of submission of nomination forms on or before Tuesday, 9th June, 2015 (Upto 5.00 p.m.) veeceebkeÀve HeÀeceeX keÀer peeb®e yegOeJeej, 10 petve, 2015 Scrutiny of Nominations Wednesday, 10th June, 2015 F&-Jeesefìbie jefJeJeej, 21 petve, 2015 (megyen 10.00 yepes) mes cebieueJeej, 23 petve, 2015 (Meece 5.00 yepes lekeÀ) E-Voting Sunday, 21 June, 2015 (From 10.00 a.m.) to Tuesday, 23rd June 2015 (Upto 5.00 p.m.) ÒeekeÌmeer HeÀe@ce& Deewj ÒeeefOeke=Àle ÒeefleefveefOe keÀer efve³egeqkeÌle mes mebyebefOele mebkeÀuHe kesÀ ÒeeHle nesves keÀer Debeflece leejerKe Meg¬eÀJeej, 19 petve, 2015 (Meece 5.00 yepes lekeÀ) Last date of receipt of Proxy Form and resolutions appointing Authorized Representative Friday, 19th June, 2015 (Upto 5.00 p.m.) DemeeOeejCe meeceev³e yewþkeÀ keÀer leejerKe SJeb mece³e yegOeJeej, 24 petve, 2015 (megyen 10.30 yepes) Date and time of Extraordinary General Meeting Wednesday, 24th June, 2015 (At 10.30 a.m.) ãäÌãÓã¾ã CONTENTS ¹ãðÓŸ Ôãâ. Page No. veesefìme NOTICE............................................................................................................................. 2 efìHHeefCe³eeb NOTES.............................................................................................................................. 3 J³eeK³eelcekeÀ efJeJejCe EXPLANATORY STATEMENT.......................................................................................... 10 veeceebkeÀve HeÀece& NOMINATION FORM........................................................................................................ 21 Iees<eCee He$e DECLARATION................................................................................................................. 23 J³eefkeÌleiele met®evee, Iees<eCee SJebced Je®eve He$e PERSONAL INFORMATION, DECLARATION AND UNDERTAKING............................... 27 Òee@keÌmeer HeÀece& FORM OF PROXY............................................................................................................ 35 ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããùû¹ãŠ ºãü¡ãõªã Bank of Baroda heÇOeeve keâeÙee&ueÙe : ceeb[Jeer, yeÌ[ewoe 390 006 keâeheexjsš keâeÙee&ueÙe : yeÌ[ewoe keâeheexjsš meWšj, meer-26, peer yuee@keâ, yeebõe-kegâuee& keâe@chueskeäme, yeebõe (hetJe&), cegbyeF& – 400 051 Head Office : Mandvi, Baroda – 390 006 Corporate Office : Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051 veesefìme NOTICE Sleod Üeje ³en veesefìme efo³ee peelee nw efkeÀ efvecveefueefKele keÀe³eeX keÀe meb®eeueve keÀjves kesÀ efueS yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe kesÀ Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀer 19JeeR Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ yegOeJeej, 24 petve, 2015 keÀes megyen 10:30 yepes mej me³eepeerjeJe veiej ie=n, Je[esoje ceneveiej mesJee meove, ìer.heer. - 1 SHeÀ. heer. 549/1, peerF&yeer keÀe@ueesveer kesÀ heeme, Deesu[ heeoje jes[, Je[esoje 390020 ceW mebheVe nesieerë NOTICE is hereby given that the 19th Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of Bank of Baroda will be held on Wednesday, 24th June 2015 at 10.30 a.m. at Sir Sayajirao Nagargriha, Vadodara Mahanagar Seva Sadan, T. P. – 1, F. P. 549/1, Near GEB Colony, Old Padra Road, Akota, Vadodara – 390 020, to transact the following business: 1. yeQkeÀ kesÀ 31 cee®e& , 2015 kesÀ leguevehe$e, 31 cee®e&, 2015 keÀes meceehle Je<e& kesÀ ueeYe-neefve uesKee, uesKeeW ceW meceeefnle DeJeefOe kesÀ keÀe³e&efve<heeove leLee keÀe³e&keÀueeheeW hej efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue keÀer efjheesì& Deewj legueve-he$e SJeb uesKeeW hej uesKee hejer#ekeÀeW keÀer efjheesì& hej efJe®eej-efJeceMe&, Devegceesove Je FvnW mJeerkeÀej keÀjvee. 1. To discuss, approve and adopt the Balance Sheet of the Bank as at 31st March 2015, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2015, the report of the Board of Directors on the working and activities of the Bank for the period covered by the accounts and the Auditor’s Report on the Balance Sheet and Accounts. 2. Je<e& 2014-15 kesÀ efueS ueeYeebMe keÀer Iees<eCee keÀjvee. 3. yeQkeÀkeÀejer efJeefvece³eve DeefOeefve³ece, 1949 (FmekesÀ yeeo efpemes ’efJeefve³eceve DeefOeefve³ece“ keÀne ie³ee nw) jeä^e³r eke=Àle yeQkeÀ (he´yebOeve SJeb efJeefJeOe he´eJeOeeve) ³eespevee, 1970 (FmekesÀ yeeo FmekeÀe GuuesKe ’³eespevee“ kesÀ ªhe ceW efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw) DeefOeefve³ece keÀer Oeeje 19 kesÀ Devegmeej efvee|cele, kesÀ meeLe heefþle yeQkeÀkeÀejer kebÀheveer (Ghe¬eÀceeW keÀe Depe&ve SJeb DeblejCe) DeefOeefve³ece 1970 (FmekesÀ yeeo Fmes ’DeefOeefve³ece“keÀne ie³ee nw) keÀer Oeeje 9 (3) (i) Deewj yeQkeÀ Dee@H] eÀ yeæ[ewoe meeceev³e (Mes³ej SJeb yewþkeÀ) efJeefve³eceve, 1998 (FmekeÀe FmekesÀ yeeo FmekeÀe GuuesKe ’efJeefve³eceve“ kesÀ ªhe ceW efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw) leLee Yeejleer³e efjp] eJe& yeQkeÀ keÀer DeefOemet®evee (FmekeÀe GuuesKe Yeejleer³e efjp] eJe& yeQkeÀ DeefOemet®evee kesÀ ªhe ceW efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw), meeJe&peefvekeÀ #es$e yeQkeÀeW kesÀ DeMeemekeÀer³e efveosMekeÀeW keÀer efve³egÊeÀ kesÀ mebyebOe ceW Yeejle mejkeÀej Üeje 25 cee®e&, 2015 keÀes peejer efoMeeefveoxMeeW kesÀ meeLe heefþle, meb. [eryeerDees[er meb. yeermeer meb. 46 Deewj 47/29.39.001/2007-08 efoveebkeÀ 1 veJebyej, 2007 Deewj meb. [eryeerDees[er. yeermeer. meb. 95/29.39.001/2010-11 efoveebkeÀ 23 ceF&, 2011, kesÀ Devegmeej yeQkeÀ kesÀ keWÀêer³e mejkeÀej mes efYeVe Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW ceW mes, efpevekesÀ JewOe veeceebkeÀve he´ehle ngS nQ, GveceW mes SkeÀ efveosMekeÀ keÀe ®egveeJe keÀjves kesÀ efueS efvecveefueefKele mebkeÀuhe heeefjle keÀjvee : ³en mebkeÀuhe heeefjle efkeÀ³ee peelee nw efkeÀ mebye× ³eespevee kesÀ meeLe heefþle DeefOeefve³ece keÀer Oeeje 9 (3)(i), GmekesÀ Debleie&le efvee|cele efJeefve³eceeW leLee Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ keÀer DeefOemet®evee SJeb Yeejle mejkeÀej keÀer DeefOemet®evee kesÀ DevegmejCe ceW keWÀêer³e mejkeÀej mes efYeVe Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW ceW mes efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW ®egves ie³es ______________ keÀes Dehevee keÀe³e&Yeej mebYeeueves kesÀ efueS ®egveeJe keÀer leejerKe mes Deieues efove mes yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW Sleod Üeje efve³egÊeÀ efkeÀ³ee peelee nw Deewj Jes Ssmes keÀe³e&Yeej ie´nCe keÀjves keÀer leejerKe mes 3 Je<e& keÀer DeJeefOe hetCe& nesves lekeÀ Deheves heo yeves jnWies. efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue kesÀ DeeosMeevegmeej ke=Àles yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe 2. To declare dividend for the year 2014-15. 3. To elect ONE Director from amongst the Shareholders of the Bank, other than the Central Government, in respect of whom valid nominations are received in terms of Section 9(3)(i) of the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) read with the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (here in after referred as “the Regulation Act”), the Nationalized Banks (Management & Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme, 1970 (hereinafter referred to as the “Scheme”) and the Bank of Baroda General (Shares and Meetings) Regulations, 1998 (hereinafter referred to as “the Regulations”) made pursuant to Section 19 of the Act, and Notification Nos.DBODNo.BC No.46 and 47/29.39.001/2007-08 dated November 01, 2007 and No.DBOD.No.BC.No.95/29.39.001/2010-11 dated May 23, 2011 of Reserve Bank of India (hereinafter referred to as “RBI Notification”) read with guidelines dated 25th March 2015 issued by Government of India for consideration as Non Official Directors of Public Sector Banks and AFTER ELECTION pass the following resolution: “RESOLVED THAT ______________ elected as Director from amongst Shareholders other than the Central Government pursuant to Section 9(3)(i) of the Act read with relevant Scheme, Regulations made there under, RBI Notification and GOI Notification, be and is hereby appointed as the Director of the Bank to assume office from the day next to the date of election and shall hold office until the completion of a period of three years from the date of such assumption”. By order of Board of Directors For BANK OF BARODA (jbpeve OeJeve) he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ SJeb cegK³e keÀe³e&heeuekeÀ DeefOekeÀejer mLeeve : cegbyeF& efoveebkeÀ : 11 ceF&, 2015 2 Place: Mumbai Date: 11th May, 2015 (Ranjan Dhawan) Managing Director & CEO veesì : NOTES: 1. APPOINTMENT OF PROXY: A SHAREHOLDER ENTITLED TO ATTEND AND VOTE AT THE MEETING IS ENTITLED TO APPOINT A PROXY (OTHER THAN AN OFFICER OR AN EMPLOYEE OF THE BANK) TO ATTEND AND VOTE INSTEAD OF HIMSELF/HERSELF AND THE PROXY NEED NOT BE A SHAREHOLDER OF THE BANK. No instrument of Proxy shall be valid unless it is in Form “B” as annexed with this Notice. The Proxy, in order to be effective, must be received at Head Office situated at Bank of Baroda, KYC & AML Department, 08th Floor, Suraj Plaza – I, Sayajiganj, Vadodara 390 005 not less than four days before the date of meeting i.e. on or before the closing hours of the Bank at 5.00 p.m. on Friday, 19th June 2015 together with the Power of Attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed or a copy of that Power of Attorney or other authority certified as a true copy by a Notary Public or a Magistrate unless such Power of Attorney or other authority has been previously deposited and registered with the Bank. 2. he´efleefveefOe keÀer efve³egefÊeÀ : 2. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE: No person shall be entitled to attend or vote at the meeting as a duly authorized representative of a Company unless a copy of the resolution appointing him as a duly authorized representative, certified to be true copy by the Chairman of the meeting at which it was passed shall have been deposited at the Head Office of the Bank at the address given above, not later than four days before the date of meeting i.e. on or before the closing hours of the Bank at 5.00 p.m. on Friday, 19th June 2015. 3. VOTING RIGHTS: In terms of sub-section (2E) of Section 3 of the Banking Companies (Acquisitions & Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970, no Shareholder of the corresponding new Bank, other than the Central Government, shall be entitled to exercise voting rights in respect of any shares held by him/her in excess of ten per cent of the total voting rights of all the Shareholders of the Bank. (However, the Central Government is not entitled to participate in the election of Director at Agenda Item No.3 of this Notice i.e. to Nominate, Contest and Vote.) Subject to the provisions contained in Section 3 (2E) of the Act, every Shareholder entitled to vote as aforesaid who, not being a Company, is present in person or by proxy or who being a Company is present by a duly authorized representative, or by proxy shall have one vote for each share held by him/her. As per Regulation 10 of the Regulations, if any share stands in the names of two or more persons, the person first named in the register shall, as regards voting, be deemed to be the sole holder thereof. Thus, if shares are in the name of joint holders, then first named person is only entitled to attend the meeting and is only eligible to nominate, contest and vote in the meeting. 1. he´e@keÌmeer keÀer efve³egefÊeÀ : yewþkeÀ ceW Yeeie uesves Deewj cele osves kesÀ efueS hee$e Mes³ejOeejkeÀ yewþkeÀ ceW Yeeie uesves Deewj cele osves kesÀ efueS Deheves mLeeve hej he´e@keÌmeer efve³egÊeÀ keÀj mekesÀiee/ mekesÀieer (yeQkeÀ kesÀ efkeÀmeer DeefOekeÀejer DeLeJee keÀce&®eejer kesÀ DeueeJee Dev³e keÀes) Deewj ³en DeeJeM³ekeÀ veneR nesiee efkeÀ efve³egÊeÀ he´e@keÌmeer yeQkeÀ keÀe Mes³ejOeejkeÀ nes. he´e@keÌmeer keÀe keÀesF& Yeer efJeuesKe leYeer JewOe ceevee peeSiee, peye Jen Fme veesefìme kesÀ meeLe Yespes ieS HeÀece& ’yeer“ ceW Yeje ie³ee nes. GÊeÀ he´e@keÌmeer leYeer he´YeeJeer ceeveer peeSieer ³eefo Jen yewþkeÀ keÀer leejerKe mes keÀce mes keÀce 4 efove hetJe& DeLee&led Meg¬eÀJeej, 19 petve, 2015 keÀes meeb³e 5.00 yepes lekeÀ ³ee Gmemes hetJe& yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe, kesÀJee³emeer SJeb SSceSue efJeYeeie, 8Jeeb leue, metjpe hueepee-I, me³eepeeriebpe, yeæ[ewoe- 390 005 eqmLele he´Oeeve keÀe³ee&ue³e ceW he´ehle nes peeSieer Deewj FmekesÀ meeLe cegKleejveecee DeLeJee Dev³e he´eefOekeÀej he$e keÀer he´efle pees efkeÀ veesìjer heeqyuekeÀ DeLeJee ceefpemì^sì Üeje mel³eeefhele nes, GÊeÀ cegKleejveecee DeLeJee Dev³e he´eefOekeÀej he$e ³eefo hetJe& ceW yeQkeÀ ceW pecee Deewj hebpeerke=Àle ve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nes, keÀes Yeer meeLe ceW Yespee peeSiee. keÀesF& Yeer J³eefÊeÀ efkeÀmeer kebÀheveer kesÀ efJeefOeJele he´efleefveefOe kesÀ ªhe ceW yewþkeÀ ceW Yeeie uesves DeLeJee Jeesì osves kesÀ efueS leye lekeÀ hee$e veneR nesiee peye lekeÀ efkeÀ Gmes SkeÀ ³eLeeefJeefOe he´eefOeke=Àle he´efleefveefOe kesÀ ªhe ceW efve³egÊeÀ keÀjves mebyebOeer mebkeÀuhe keÀer SkeÀ he´efle, efpemes Gme yewþkeÀ, efpemeceW ³en heeefjle efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee, kesÀ DeO³e#e Üeje mel³e he´efleefueefhe kesÀ ªhe ceW DeefYehe´eceeefCele ve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nes, yewþkeÀ keÀer leejerKe mes 4 efove hetJe& DeLee&le Meg¬eÀJeej, 19 petve, 2015 keÀes yeQkeÀ keÀe keÀe³e& mece³e meceehle nesves DeLee&led mee³eb 5.00 yepes lekeÀ ³ee Fmemes henues yeQkeÀ kesÀ he´Oeeve keÀe³ee&ue³e ceW GhejesÊeÀ heles hej pecee ve keÀj efo³ee ie³ee nes. 3. celeeefOekeÀej : yeQkeÀkeÀejer kebÀheveer (Ghe¬eÀceeW keÀe Depe&ve SJeb DeblejCe) DeefOeefve³ece 1970 keÀer Oeeje 3 keÀer GheOeeje (2F&) kesÀ he´eJeOeeveeW kesÀ Devegmeej keWÀêer³e mejkeÀej mes efYeVe mebye× ve³es yeQkeÀ keÀe keÀesF& Yeer Mes³ejOeejkeÀ mJe³ebOeeefjle Mes³ejeW kesÀ mebyebOe ceW yeQkeÀ kesÀ meYeer Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW kesÀ kegÀue celeeefOekeÀej kesÀ ome he´efleMele mes DeefOekeÀ celeeefOekeÀej he´³egÊeÀ keÀjves keÀe hee$e veneR nesiee. leLeeefHe, kesÀvêer³e mejkeÀej Fme veesefìme keÀer keÀe³e&met®eer ceo meb. 3 DeLee&le veeefcele keÀjves, ®egveeJe ue[ves Deewj Jeesì keÀjves kesÀ efueS efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ®egveeJe ceW Yeeie uesves nsleg Hee$e veneR nw. DeefOeefve³ece keÀer Oeeje 3 (2F&) kesÀ ÒeeJeOeeveeW kesÀ DeO³eOeerve Òel³eskeÀ Mes³ejOeejkeÀ GHe³egk& eÌle ceW Jeesì osves kesÀ efueS Hee$e nw, pees kebÀHeveer veneR nw, Jele&ceeve ceW SkeÀ J³eefkeÌle nw ³ee Òee@keÌmeer Üeje ³ee pees kebÀHeveer kesÀ ©He ceW efJeefOeJele ÒeeefOeke=Àle ÒeefleefveefOe Üeje, ³ee Òee@keÌmeer Üeje veeefcele nw, GmekesÀ Üeje Oeeefjle Òel³eskeÀ Mes³ej kesÀ efueS SkeÀ Jeesì osves nsleg Hee$e nesiee. efJeefve³eceve kesÀ efJeefve³ece 10 kesÀ Devegmeej, ³eefo Mes³ej oes ³ee Gmemes DeefOekeÀ J³eefÊeÀ³eeW kesÀ veece hej nQ lees celeoeve kesÀ efueS jefpemìj ceW DebefkeÀle he´Lece J³eefÊeÀ keÀes Gve Mes³ejeW keÀe SkeÀueOeejkeÀ mecePee pee³esiee. Deleë ³eefo Mes³ej meb³egÊeÀ OeejkeÀeW kesÀ veece hej nQ lees he´Lece J³eefÊeÀ ner yewþkeÀ ceW Yeeie uesves keÀe hee$e nw Deewj kesÀJeue Jen ner yewþkeÀ ceW veeceebkeÀve keÀjves, ®egveeJe ueæ[ves leLee cele osves keÀe hee$e nesiee. 3 4. ATTENDANCE SLIP-CUM ENTRY PASS CUM BALLOT PAPER PASS (THE ATTENDANCE SLIP): For the convenience of the Shareholders, Attendance Slip-Cum-Entry Pass-cum-Ballot Paper Pass is attached with this Notice, with requisite details pre-printed with the e-voting log-in id and password. Shareholders have an option to cast their votes by using e-voting platform. Those who do not exercise e-voting facility can cast their vote at the poll to be conducted at the venue of the meeting on the date of the AGM. Such Shareholders / Proxy holders / Authorized Representatives are requested to verify the details printed on the Attendance Slip and fill-in blanks, if any and affix their signatures at the space provided therein and surrender the same at the venue of the meeting. Proxy / Authorized Representative of Shareholders should state on the Attendance-Slip as “Proxy” or “Authorized Representative” as the case may be. The portion of Ballot Paper Pass/ Entry Passes shall be surrendered to obtain Ballot Paper at the time of Poll. Shareholders, who have already exercised their vote through e-voting, can attend the meeting but shall not be entitled to cast their vote again. 5. Closure of Register of Shareholders: 6. ueeYeebMe keÀe Yegieleeve: The Register of Shareholders and Share Transfer Books of the Bank will remain closed from Thursday, 18th June 2015 to 24th June 2015 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of 19th Annual General Meeting and for payment of dividend for the year 2014-15, if any. 6. Payment of Dividend: The Board of Directors of the Bank in its meeting held on 11th May 2015 has recommended dividend @ Rs.3.20 (Rupees Three and Paise Twenty only) per equity share of Rs.2/- each fully paid up, for the financial year ended 31st March 2015. Dividend as recommended by the Board of Directors and approved at the 19th Annual General Meeting will be paid as under: 4.GheeqmLeefle - he®eea men he´JesMe he$e-men cele-he$ekeÀ (GheeqmLeefle he®eea): Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀer megefJeOee kesÀ efueS, Fme veesefìme kesÀ meeLe F&-JeeseEìie kesÀ efueS uee@ie-Fve DeeF&[er SJeb heemeJe&[ kesÀ DeeJeM³ekeÀ efJeJejCe meefnle GheeqmLeefle He®eea-menhe´JesMehe$e-men-celehe$ekeÀ mebueive nw. Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW kesÀ heeme F&-JeeseEìie megefJeOee mes cele osves keÀe efJekeÀuhe nw. pees F&-JeeseEìie megefJeOee keÀe ueeYe veneR Gþevee ®eenles Jes Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ keÀer leejerKe keÀes yewþkeÀ mLeue hej Dehevee Jeesì os mekeÀles nQ. Ssmes meYeer Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW/ he´e@keÌmeer OeejkeÀeW /he´eefOeke=Àle he´efleefveefOe³eeW mes DevegjesOe nw efkeÀ GheeqmLeefle he®eea ceW eEhe´ì efkeÀS ieS efJeJejCe keÀes peeb®e ueW Deewj ³eefo keÀesF& Keeueer mLeeve nes lees Gmes Yejsb, GmeceW efveOee&efjle mLeeve hej Deheves nmlee#ej keÀjW Deewj Gmes yewþkeÀ kesÀ mLeeve hej meghego& keÀj oW. he´e@keÌmeer /Mes³ejOeejkeÀ kesÀ DeefOeke=Àle he´efleefveefOe, GheeqmLeefle he®eea - men he´JesMe he$e ceW mheä keÀjW efkeÀ Jen ’he´e@keÌmeer“ nw ³ee ’he´eefOeke=Àle he´efleefveefOe“ kesÀ ªhe ceW nw, pewmee ceeceuee nes. celehe$e heeme/Sbì^er heeme keÀes ®egveeJe kesÀ mece³e celehe$e he´ehle keÀjves kesÀ efueS meghego& keÀjvee nesiee. Ssmes Mes³ejOeejkeÀ, efpevneWves F&-JeeseEìie Üeje henues mes ner Dehevee cele he´³eesie keÀj efue³ee nw, yewþkeÀ ceW Yeeie ues mekeÀles nQ hejbleg Dehevee Jeesì hegve: veneR os mekeWÀies. 5.Mes³ejOeejkeÀ - jefpemìj keÀe yebo nesvee 4 yeQkeÀ kesÀ Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀe jefpemìj leLee Mes³ej DeblejCe jefpemìj ieg©Jeej, 18 petve, 2015 mes 24 petve, 2015 lekeÀ (oesveeW efove meefnle) 19JeeR Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ leLee Je<e& 2014-15 kesÀ Debeflece ueeYeebMe, ³eefo kegÀí nes lees, keÀe Yegieleeve keÀjves kesÀ GÎsM³e mes yebo jnsiee. yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue ves 11 ceF&, 2015 keÀes Dee³eesefpele Deheveer yewþkeÀ ceW 31 cee®e&, 2015 keÀes meceehle efJeÊeer³e Je<e& kesÀ efueS he´l³eskeÀ ª. 2/- kesÀ hetCe& he´oÊe Mes³ej kesÀ efueS ª. 3.20 (leerve ©he³es yeerme Hewmes cee$e) keÀer oj mes ueeYeebMe mebmlegle efkeÀ³ee nw. efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue Üeje mebmlegle leLee 19JeeR Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ ceW Devegceesefole ueeYeebMe keÀe Yegieleeve efvecveevegmeej efkeÀ³ee peeSiee. keÀ) 17 petve, 2015 keÀes keÀejesyeej mece³e keÀer meceeeqhle hej vesMeveue efmeke̳etefjìerpe ef[hee@efpeìjer efueefceìs[ (SveSme[erSue) Deewj meWì^ue ef[hee@efpeìjer (Fbef[³ee) efue. (meer[erSmeSue) Üeje GheueyOe keÀjeS ieS DeebkeÀæ[s kesÀ Devegmeej FueskeÌì^e@efvekeÀ ªhe ceW Oeeefjle Mes³ejeW kesÀ mebyebOe ceW meYeer ueeYeeLeea Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀes. a) To all beneficial owners in respect of shares held in electronic form as per the data as may be made available by the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and the Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) as of the close of the business hours on 17th June 2015; Ke) 17 petve, 2015 keÀes keÀejesyeej mece³e keÀer meceeeqhle keÀes ³ee Fmemes hetJe& yeQkeÀ/ yeQkeÀ keÀer jefpemì^ej Deewj Mes³ej DeblejCe SpeWì DeLee&led cesmeme& keÀeJeea kebÀh³etìj Mes³ej he´e. efue. nwojeyeeo (DeejìerS) kesÀ heeme ope& Mes³ej nmleeblejCe DevegjesOe kesÀ mebyebOe ceW JewOe nmleeblejCe he´YeeJeer keÀjves kesÀ he½eele 17 petve, 2015 keÀes YeeweflekeÀ ªhe ceW Oeeefjle Mes³ejeW kesÀ mebyebOe ceW meYeer meom³eeW keÀes. b) To all the members in respect of shares held in physical form as on 17th June 2015, after giving effect to valid transfers in respect of transfer requests lodged with the Bank / Bank’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent i.e. M/s Karvy Computershare Private Limited, Hyderabad (RTA) on or before the close of business hours on 17th June 2015. ie) 19JeeR Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ keÀer leejerKe mes 30 efove kesÀ Devoj hee$e Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀes ueeYeebMe efJeleefjle efkeÀ³ee peeSiee. c) The dividends will be distributed to the eligible Shareholders within 30 days from the date of the 19th Annual General Meeting. 7.heles ceW heefjJele&ve / ueeYeebMe DeefOeosMe: 7. a) The Bank for payment of dividend will use the details of Bank Account registered with the NSDL/CDSL and downloaded by RTA from the respective Depository. Members holding shares in electronic form are hereby informed that Bank particulars registered against their respective depository account should be updated with their respective Depository Participant so as to get updated before the commencement of the Book closure. The Bank or its Registrar and Share Transfer Agent cannot act on any request received directly from the members holding shares in electronic form for any change of bank particulars or bank mandates. Such changes are to be advised only to the Depository Participant of the Members. keÀ) mebyebefOele ef[hee@efpeìjer mes DeejìerS Üeje [eGveuees[ efkeÀS ieS Deewj SveSme[erSue/meer[erSmeSue hej hebpeerke=Àle yeQkeÀ Keeles kesÀ efJeJejCe keÀes yeQkeÀ Üeje ueeYeebMe keÀe Yegieleeve keÀjves kesÀ efueS he´³eesie ceW uee³ee peeSiee. FueskeÌì^e@efvekeÀ ªhe ceW Mes³ej jKeves Jeeues meom³eeW keÀes FmekesÀ Üeje metef®ele efkeÀ³ee peelee nw efkeÀ GvekesÀ mebyebefOele ef[heeefpeìjer Keeles ceW hebpeerke=Àle yeQkeÀ efJeJejCeeW keÀes Deheves mebyebefOele ef[hee@efpeìjer menYeeieer kesÀ meeLe DeÐeleve efkeÀ³ee peevee ®eeefnS leeefkeÀ uesKeeyeboer mes henues Jes DeÐeleve efkeÀ³es pee mekeWÀ. yeQkeÀ DeLeJee FmekeÀe jefpemì^ej Deewj Mes³ej nmleeblejCe SpeWì, FueskeÌì^e@efvekeÀ ªhe ceW Mes³ej jKeves Jeeues meom³eeW kesÀ meerOes ner he´ehle Ssmes efkeÀmeer DevegjesOe hej keÀe³e&Jeener veneR keÀjsiee pees yeQkeÀ efJeJejCeeW DeLeJee yeQkeÀ ceW[sì mes mebyebefOele neWies. Ssmes heefjJele&veeW keÀer met®evee kesÀJeue meom³eeW kesÀ ef[hee@efpeìjer menYeeieer keÀes ner oer peeveer ®eeefnS. b) Members holding shares in physical form are requested to advise any change of address along with a valid documentary evidence and formal request application duly signed immediately to the Bank’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent, i.e. M/s Karvy Computershare Private Limited, Hyderabad. Members holding shares in electronic form must send the advice about change in address to their respective Depository Participant only and not to the Bank or Bank’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent. Ke) YeeweflekeÀ ªhe ceW Mes³ej jKeves Jeeues meom³eeW mes DevegjesOe nw efkeÀ ³eefo GvekesÀ heles ceW keÀesF& heefjJele&ve nes lees FmekeÀer met®evee lelkeÀeue yeQkeÀ kesÀ jefpemì^ej Deewj Mes³ej nmleeblejCe SpeWì DeLee&le cewmeme& keÀeJeea kebÀh³etìjMes³ej he´e.efue. nwojeyeeo keÀes oW. FueskeÌì^e@efvekeÀ ªhe ceW Mes³ej jKeves Jeeues meom³eeW keÀes Deheves heles ceW efkeÀmeer he´keÀej kesÀ heefjJele&ve keÀer met®evee DeJeM³e ner Deheves mebyebefOele ef[hee@efpeìjer menYeeieer keÀes osveer ®eeefnS. yeQkeÀ DeLeJee yeQkeÀ kesÀ jefpemì^ej Deewj Mes³ej nmleeblejCe SpeWì keÀes met®evee osves keÀer DeeJeM³ekeÀlee veneR nw. ie) meom³eeW mes DevegjesOe nw efkeÀ Jes yeQkeÀ DeLeJee yeQkeÀ kesÀ jefpemì^ej Deewj Mes³ej nmleeblejCe SpeWì kesÀ meeLe efkeÀmeer Yeer he´keÀej kesÀ he$e-J³eJenej ceW Deheves mebyebefOele HeÀesefue³ees vebyej (GvekesÀ efueS, efpevekesÀ heeme Mes³ej YeeweflekeÀ ªhe ceW nw) Deewj Dehevee [erheer DeeF&[er/ie´enkeÀ DeeF&[er vebyej (GvekesÀ efueS, efpevekesÀ heeme Mes³ej FueskeÌì^e@efvekeÀ ªhe ceW nQ) keÀe GuuesKe DeJeM³e keÀjW. 8. HeÀesefue³ees keÀe meceskeÀve : efpeve Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW kesÀ heeme SkeÀ mes DeefOekeÀ Keeles ceW Deheves meceªhe veece mes Mes³ej nQ, Gvemes DevegjesOe nw efkeÀ Jes jefpemì^ej SJeb DeblejCe SpeWì keÀes Mes³ej he´ceeCe-he$eeW kesÀ meeLe Ssmes KeeleeW kesÀ efueS uespej HeÀesefue³ees keÀer met®evee oW leeefkeÀ yeQkeÀ SkeÀ Keeles ceW meYeer Oeeefjle Mes³ejeW keÀe meceskeÀve keÀj mekesÀ. he=ÿebkeÀve mebyebOeer DeeJeM³ekeÀ keÀej&JeeF& keÀjves kesÀ yeeo meom³eeW keÀes Mes³ej he´ceeCe he$e ³eLeemece³e ueewìe efoS peeSbies. 9. YeeweflekeÀ ªhe ceW Mes³ej Oeeefjlee keÀe DeYeeweflekeÀerkeÀjCe: c) Members are requested to invariably quote their respective folio number/s (for those holding shares in physical form) and their respective DP Id / Client Id number (for those holding shares in electronic/demat form) in any correspondence with the Bank or Bank’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent. 8. CONSOLIDATION OF FOLIOS: The Members holding shares in physical form in identical order of names in more than one account are requested to intimate to the Bank’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent, the ledger folio of such accounts together with the share certificates to enable them to consolidate all the holdings into one account. The share certificates will be returned to the members after making necessary endorsement in due course. 9. DEMATERIALIZATION OF PHYSICAL HOLDINGS: The Shareholders who are holding shares in physical mode may convert their holdings in dematerialized form, for which they may contact their respective Depository Participant, where they maintain their respective de-mat account. YeeweflekeÀ ªhe ceW Mes³ej jKeves Jeeues Mes³ejOeejkeÀ Deheveer Mes³ej Oeeefjlee keÀe DeYeeweflekeÀerkeÀjCe keÀj mekeÀles nQ, FmekesÀ efueS GvnW Deheves Gme mebyebefOele ef[hee@efpeìjer menYeeieer mes mebheke&À keÀjvee ®eeefnS peneb GvekeÀe Dehevee [ercesì Keelee nw. 10. DeblejCeeW kesÀ efueS he´mlegleerkeÀjCe : Mes³ej he´ceeCe-he$e/he$eeW keÀes DeblejCe efJeuesKe/efJeuesKeeW kesÀ meeLe yeQkeÀ kesÀ jefpemì^ej SJeb Mes³ej DeblejCe SpeWì kesÀ heeme efvecveefueefKele heles hej Yespee peevee ®eeefnS- CHANGE OF ADDRESS / DIVIDEND MANDATE: 10. LODGMENTS FOR TRANSFERS: Share Certificate/s along with transfer deed/s should be forwarded to the Bank’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent at the following address. 5 keÀeJeea kebÀh³etìjMes³ej he´e.efue. (³etefveì- yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe) keÀeJeea mesuesefve³ece ìe@Jej yeer, huee@ì veb. 31-32, ieef®eyeesJeueer, HeÀe³eveWefme³eue ef[eqmì^keÀ, veevee¬eÀceieg[e, mesefjeEueieceheuueer , nwojeyeeo -500 008 HeÀesve veb.. 040 67162222, HewÀkeÌme veb. 040 23001153, ìesue He´Àer 1800 345 4001 F&-cesue : 11. oeJee ve efkeÀS ieS ueeYeebMe, ³eefo keÀesF& neW: Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd (Unit :- BANK OF BARODA) Karvy Selenium Tower B, Plot No 31 & 32 Gachibowli, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Hyderabad – 500 008 Phone No. 040 6716 2222, Fax No. 040 23001153, Toll Free : 1800 345 4001 E- mail :, 11. UNCLAIMED/UNPAID DIVIDEND, IF ANY: Shareholders are requested to carefully note that pursuant to amendment in Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 vide “The Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) And Financial Institutions Laws (Amendment) Act, 2006, Public Sector Banks are required to transfer amount remaining unpaid/unclaimed in dividend accounts of earlier years on the commencement of the aforesaid Act, and also dividend declared after the commencement of the said Act, to “Unpaid Dividend Account”. The amount transferred to the said “Unpaid Dividend Accounts” and remaining unclaimed/unpaid for a period of seven years from the date of transfer, is required to be transferred to the Investors Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) established under Section 205 (C) of the Companies Act, 1956 (Section 125 of Companies Act, 2013) and thereafter no claim for payment shall lie in respect thereof to the Bank or the Fund. The Bank has already transferred unpaid dividend declared up to FY 2006-07 to IEPF. For the details of unpaid dividend from FY 2007-08 onwards, the Shareholders may visit Bank’s website “” The Shareholders who have not encashed their dividend warrants for the previous years i.e. from FY 2007-08 onwards (not yet transferred to IEPF) are advised to approach the Bank’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent at aforesaid address (para 10) or at Bank’s Investors’ Services Department at Mumbai on the following address : efveJesMekeÀ mesJeeSb efJeYeeie yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe, leermejer cebefpeue, yeæ[ewoe keÀeheexjsì meWìj meer-26, peer-yuee@keÀ, yeebêe-kegÀuee& keÀe@chueskeÌme,yeebêe (hetJe&) cegbyeF& - 400 051. F&-cesue - Investors’ Services Department Bank of Baroda, 3rd Floor, Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 051. E-mail - 12. meom³eeW mes DevegjesOe : Mes³ejOeejkeÀ ke=Àhe³ee veesì keÀj ueW efkeÀ yeQkeÀkeÀejer kebÀheveer (Ghe¬eÀceeW keÀe Depe&ve SJeb DeblejCe) DeefOeefve³ece,1970 ceW mebMeesOeve kesÀ HeÀuemJe©he yeQkeÀkeÀejer kebÀheveer (Ghe¬eÀceeW keÀe Depe&ve SJeb DeblejCe) leLee efJeÊeer³e mebmLeeve efJeefOe (mebMeesOeve) DeefOeefve³ece, 2006 kesÀ ceÎsve]pej meeJe&peefvekeÀ #es$e kesÀ yeQkeÀeW kesÀ efueS ³en DeefveJee³e& nw efkeÀ Jes GÊeÀ DeefOeefve³ece ueeiet nesves kesÀ HeÀuemJe©he Yegieleeve nsleg /oeJee nsleg Mes<e ueeYeebMe keÀer jeefMe leLee GÊeÀ DeefOeefve³ece ueeiet nesves kesÀ yeeo Ieesef<ele ueeYeebMe ’DeoÊe ueeYeebMe Keeles“ ceW Debleefjle keÀjW. ’DeoÊe ueeYeebMe Keeles“ ceW Debleefjle jeefMe Deewj DeblejCe keÀer leejerKe mes meele Je<e& keÀer DeJeefOe ³es DeoeJeeke=Àle /Dehe´oÊe jeefMe keÀes kebÀheveer DeefOeefve³ece, 1956 keÀer Oeeje 205 (meer) (kebÀheveer DeefOeefve³ece, 2013 keÀer Oeeje 125) kesÀ Debleie&le mLeeefhele efveJesMekeÀ efMe#ee Deewj mebj#eCe efveefOe (DeeF&F&heerSHeÀ) ceW Debleefjle efkeÀ³ee peevee Dehesef#ele nw Deewj GmekesÀ he½eele Fme mebyebOe ceW Yegieleeve kesÀ efueS keÀesF& oeJee yeQkeÀ keÀes ³ee efveefOe keÀes he´mlegle veneR efkeÀ³ee peeSiee.yeQkeÀ ves efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2006-07 lekeÀ Ieesef<ele efkeÀS ieS DeoÊe ueeYeebMe keÀes henues ner DeeF&F&heerSHeÀ keÀes Debleefjle keÀj efo³ee nw. efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2007-08 mes Deeies kesÀ DeoÊe ueeYeebMe kesÀ efJeJejCe kesÀ efueS efveJesMekeÀ yeQkeÀ keÀer JesyemeeFì osKe mekeÀles nQ. efpeve Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW ves efheíues Je<eeX DeLee&led efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2007-08 kesÀ yeeo mes (DeYeer lekeÀ DeeF&F&heerSHeÀ keÀes Debleefjle veneR ngDee nw) Deheves ueeYeebMe he$eeW keÀe vekeÀoerkeÀjCe ve keÀje³ee nes DeLeJee ueeYeebMe he$e GvnW he´ehle ve ngS neW, GvnW metef®ele efkeÀ³ee peelee nw efkeÀ Jes jefpemì^ej SJeb DeblejCe SpeWì nwojeyeeo mes (GhejesÊeÀ heles hej) DeLeJee yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveJesMekeÀ mesJeeSb efJeYeeie, cegbyeF& mes efvecveefueefKele heles hej meerOes mebheke&À keÀjW : 6 ke=Àhe³ee veesì keÀjW efkeÀ Jeee|<ekeÀ efjheesì& 2014-15 keÀer he´efle³eeb, efpeve Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW ves yeQkeÀ ceW Deheveer F&-cesue DeeF&[er hebpeerke=Àle veneR keÀjeF& nw GvnW cetle& ªhe mes Yeejleer³e [ekeÀ Üeje Deewj efpeve Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW ves Deheveer F&-cesue DeeF&[er hebpeerke=Àle keÀjJee jKeer nQ GvnW F&-cesue Üeje mee@HeÌì keÀeheer kesÀ ªhe ceW, Yespe oer ieF& nQ. Jeee|<ekeÀ efjheesì& yeQkeÀ keÀer JesyemeeFì hej Yeer GheueyOe nw. Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ ceW Jeee|<ekeÀ efjheesì& keÀer he´efle³eeb efJeleefjle veneR keÀer peeSbieer, Deleë meom³eeW mes DevegjesOe nw efkeÀ Jes yewþkeÀ ceW Jeee|<ekeÀ efjheesì& keÀer he´efle meeLe ueskeÀj DeeSb. 12. REQUEST TO MEMBERS: Please note that copies of the Annual Report- 2014-15 in physical form have been dispatched separately using the services of Indian Post to those Shareholders who have not registered their email IDs with the Bank and in soft copy by email to those Shareholders who have registered their email ids with the Bank. The Annual Report is also hosted on the website of the Bank. The Annual Report will not be distributed at the Annual General Meeting and hence members are requested to bring their copies of the Annual Report at the meeting. 13. F&-JeeseEìie leLee Jeee|<ekeÀ meceev³e yewþkeÀ ceW Jeesì kesÀ efueS keÀì-Dee@HeÀ-leejerKe ³eLeemebMeesefOele kebÀheveer (he´yebOeve SJeb he´Meemeve) DeefOeefve³ece, 2014 kesÀ efve³ece 20 kesÀ DevegmejCe ceW, SpeW[e ceo meb. 1 leLee 2 kesÀ mebyebOe ceW Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀe celeeefOekeÀej yegOeJeej, 17 petve 2015 lekeÀ ceev³e nesiee. ³eÐeefhe, ueeiet efJeefve³ece kesÀ Devegmeej, ceo meb. 3 DeLee&led efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ®egveeJe kesÀ ceeceues ceW, ³en veer®es oMee&F& ieF& efJeefvee|oä leejerKe DeLee&led Meg¬eÀJeej, 15 ceF& 2015 lekeÀ ceev³e nesieer. 14. efveosMekeÀ keÀe ®egveeJe -– efJeefvee|oä leejerKe veeseìf me ceW GequueefKele Devegmeej yeQkeÀ kesÀ keWÀêer³e mejkeÀej mes efYeVe Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW ceW mes, SkeÀ efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ®egveeJe kesÀ efueS ®egveeJe ceW Yeeie uesves DeLee&led veeefcele keÀjves, ®egveeJe ue[ves Deewj Jeesì keÀjves kesÀ efueS Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀer hee$elee kesÀ efveOee&jCe kesÀ he´³eespeve mes Meg¬eÀJeej, 15 ceF& 2015 keÀes efJeefvee|oä leejerKe efveOee&ejf le keÀjves keÀe efveCe&³e efue³ee ie³ee nw. 13.CUT-OFF DATE FOR E-VOTING AND POLL AT THE AGM 14. ELECTION OF DIRECTOR –SPECIFIED DATE 15.F&-JeeseEìie mìe@keÀ SkeÌme®eWpe kesÀ meeLe ngS met®eer³eve keÀjej kesÀ mebMeesefOele Keb[ 35yeer kesÀ DevegmejCe ceW, DeehekesÀ yeQkeÀ keÀes Deheves Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀes F&-JeeseEìie keÀer megefJeOee he´oeve keÀjles ngS he´meVelee nes jner nw, efpememes efkeÀ Jes veesefìme ceW GuuesefKele ceoeW hej FueskeÌì^e@efvekeÀ ceeO³ece mes Dehevee Jeesì os mekesÀ, efpemekesÀ efueS F&-JeeseEìie huewìHeÀece& GheueyOe keÀjeves nsleg cesmeme& keÀeJeea kebÀh³etìjMes³eme& he´e. efue. keÀes F&-JeeseEìie SpeWmeer kesÀ ªhe ceW efve³egÊeÀ efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw. yeQkeÀ ves cew. Sme.Sve. Deveblemegye´nceCe³eve Sb[ kebÀ., he´weqkeÌìeEmeie kebÀheveer meef®eJe keÀes F&-JeeseEìie he´ef¬eÀ³ee keÀe Gef®ele SJeb heejoMeea lejerkesÀ mes meb®eeefuele keÀjves nsleg mebJeer#ekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW efve³egÊeÀ efkeÀ³ee nw. F&-JeeseEìie JewkeÀequhekeÀ nw. Fme keÀì-Dee@]HeÀ-[sì (SpeW[e ceo meb. 1 SJeb 2) leLee efJeefvee|oä leejerKe (SpeW[e ceo meb. 3) keÀes cetle& ³ee Decetle& (ef[cewìsefjueeFp[) ªhe ceW yeQkeÀ kesÀ Mes³ej Oeeefjle keÀjves Jeeues Mes³ejOeejkeÀ FueskeÌì^eefvekeÀ ªhe mes Dehevee Jeesì os mekeWÀies. Ke. F&-JeeseEìie kesÀ efueS Fme ³etDeejSue keÀe Ghe³eesie keÀjW : https://evoting. ie. uee@ie-Fve ¬esÀ[Wefme³eue keÀer DeLee&led veesefìme kesÀ meeLe mebueive GheeqmLeefle he®eea ceW GuuesefKele ³etpej DeeF&[er SJeb heeme Je[& keÀes he´efJeä keÀjW. Ie. Ghe³egÊeÀ ªhe mes y³eewje ope& keÀjves kesÀ yeeo uee@ie-Fve hej eqkeÌuekeÀ keÀjW. It has been decided to fix Friday, 15th May 2015 as Specified Date for the purpose of determining the Shareholders entitled to participate in the Election i.e. to Nominate, Contest and Vote for the Election of ONE Director from amongst the Shareholders of the Bank other than the Central Government, as mentioned in the Notice. 15.E-VOTING Pursuant to Clause 35B of Listing Agreement with Stock Exchanges, your Bank is pleased to provide e-voting facility to enable Shareholders to cast their votes electronically on the items mentioned in the notice for which Bank has appointed Karvy Computershare Private Limited as the e-voting agency to provide the e-voting platform. The Bank has appointed M/s S.N. ANANTHASUBRAMANIAN & CO., Practicing Companies Secretary as the Scrutinizer for conducting the e-voting process in a fair and transparent manner. E-voting is optional. Shareholders of the Bank holding shares either in physical or in dematerialized form, as on the Cut – off Date (agenda items No. 1 and 2) and Specified Date (agenda item for No.3) may cast their vote electronically.. The instructions for E-Voting are as under: F& -JeeseEìie mes mebyebefOele DevegosMe efvecveevegmeej nw : keÀ. Jeesefìbie kesÀ efueS Heesì&ue jefJeJeej 21 petve, 2015 keÀes megyen 10.00 yepes mes cebieueJeej 23 petve, 2015 keÀes Meece 5.00 yepes lekeÀ (oesveeW efove Meeefceue) GHeueyOe jnsiee. Pursuant to Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 as amended, Voting Rights of the Shareholders in respect of Agenda items No.1 and 2 shall be reckoned as on Wednesday, 17th June 2015. However, pursuant to the applicable Regulations, in case of Agenda item No.3 i.e. Election of Director, it shall be reckoned as on the Specified Date as narrated below i.e. Friday, 15th May 2015. a) The Portal will remain open for voting from 10.00 A.M. ON SUNDAY, 21ST JUNE 2015 TO 5.00 P.M. ON TUESDAY, 23RD JUNE 2015 (BOTH DAYS INCLUSIVE). b) To use the following URL for e-voting: https://evoting. c) Enter the login credentials i.e., user id and password mentioned in the Attendance Slip attached with this Notice. d) After entering the details appropriately, click on LOGIN. [. Deehe `heemeJe[& yeoues' cesvet ceW hengb®eWies, peneb DeehekeÀes DeefveJee³e&leë Dehevee heemeJe[& yeouevee nesiee. ve³es heemeJe[& ceW SkeÀ `Dehej kesÀme' (A mes Z), SkeÀ uee@Dej kesÀme (a mes z), SkeÀ DebkeÀ (0-9) leLee SkeÀ efJeMes<e kewÀjskeÌìj meefnle v³etvelece 8 kewÀjskeÌìj neWies. efmemìce DeehekeÀes henueer yeej uee@efieve keÀjles mece³e heemeJe[& yeoueves nsleg leLee ceesyeeFue veb. F&- cesue pewmes mebheke&À kesÀ y³eewjs ceW keÀesF& DeÐeleve peevekeÀejer osveer nes lees Gmes ope& keÀjves nsleg keÀnsiee. Deehe ³eefo Dehevee heemeJe[& Yetue ie³es nQ, lees Gmes hegveë he´ehle keÀjves nsleg Deheveer hemebo kesÀ ieesheveer³e he´Mve Deewj GÊej keÀer he´efJeeqä Yeer keÀj mekeÀles nQ. ³en ¢{leehetJe&keÀ efmeHeÀeefjMe keÀer peeleer nw efkeÀ Dehevee heemeJe[& efkeÀmeer Dev³e keÀes ve yeleeSb Deewj Fmes ieesheveer³e jKeves nsleg Del³eble meeJeOeeveer yejleW. e) You will reach the Password change menu wherein you are required to mandatorily change your password. The new password shall comprise of minimum 8 characters with at least one upper case (A-Z), one lower case (az), one numeric value (0-9) and a special character. The system will prompt you to change your password and update any contact details like mobile, email etc. on first login. You may also enter the secret question and answer of your choice to retrieve your password in case you forget it. It is strongly recommended not to share your password with any other person and take utmost care to keep your password confidential. ®e. DeehekeÀes ve³es ¬esÀ[Wefme³eue mes hegveë uee@ie-Fve keÀjvee nesiee. f) You need to login again with the new credentials. 7 íæ.meHeÀueleehetJe&keÀ uee@ie-Fve kesÀ yeeo, efmemìce DeehekeÀes FJeWì, DeLee&le yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe keÀe ®e³eve keÀjves nsleg keÀnsiee. SpeW[e ceo meb. 1 leLee 2 kesÀ efueS (i) JeeseEìie he=ÿ hej, keÀì-Dee@]HeÀ-[sì (17 petve, 2015) hej Mes³ejOeejkeÀ Üeje Oeeefjle Mes³ejeW keÀer mebK³ee he´oe|Mele nesieer. (ii) Deehe menceefle DeLeJee Demenceefle, pees Yeer nes, hej eqkeÌuekeÀ keÀj mekeÀles nQ. (iii) hegeqä keÀjves nsleg ’OK“ hej eqkeÌuekeÀ keÀjW, Dev³eLee heefjJele&ve keÀjves nsleg ’CANCEL“ hej eqkeÌuekeÀ keÀjW. SkeÀ yeej hegeqä keÀjves kesÀ yeeo Deehe Jeesì ceW heefjJele&ve veneR keÀj mekeÀles. JeeseEìie DeJeefOe kesÀ oewjeve, Mes³ejOeejkeÀ mebkeÀuhe hej Jeesì osves lekeÀ efkeÀleveer Yeer yeej uee@ie-Fve keÀj mekeÀlee nw. For Agenda Items No.1 and 2 SpeW[e ceo meb. 3 kesÀ efueS (i) On the voting page, the number of shares as held by the shareholder as on the Cut-off Date (17th June 2015) will appear. (i) pees efJeefvee|oä leejerKe DeLee&led 15 ceF&, 2015 keÀes Mes³ejOeejkeÀ nQ, m¬eÀerve hej efpevekesÀ veece he´oe|Mele nes jns nQ Gve GcceeroJeejeW ceW mes DeefOekeÀlece SkeÀ GcceeroJeej kesÀ he#e ceW Dehevee Jeesì keÀj mekeÀles nQ. SkeÀ mes DeefOekeÀ GcceeroJeej keÀes Jeesì keÀjves mes DeehekeÀe Jeesì Deceev³e nesiee. (ii)hegeqä keÀjves nsleg ’OK“ hej eqkeÌuekeÀ keÀjW, Dev³eLee heefjJele&ve keÀjves nsleg ’CANCEL“ hej eqkeÌuekeÀ keÀjW. SkeÀ yeej hegeqä keÀjves kesÀ yeeo Deehe Jeesì ceW heefjJele&ve veneR keÀj mekeÀles. JeeseEìie DeJeefOe kesÀ oewjeve, Mes³ejOeejkeÀ ®egveeJe ceW Jeesì osves lekeÀ efkeÀleveer Yeer yeej uee@ie-Fve keÀj mekeÀlee nw pe. Ssmes ceeceueW ceW peye keÀesF& J³eefkeÌle meeceev³e Jeeef<e&keÀ yewþkeÀ keÀer met®evee Ieesef<ele efkeÀ³es peeves kesÀ yeeo Hejbvleg keÀe³e&met®eer ceo meb 1 SJeb 2 Hej F&-Jeesefìbie keÀer keÀì Dee@HeÀ leejerKe keÀes Gmemes Henues yeQkeÀ keÀe meom³e yevelee nw. DeLee&le 17 petve, 2015, lees Jen keÀeJeea keÀes Fcesue DeeF& [er Hej efueKekeÀj Yespe keÀj DeeF&[er Deewj HeemeJe[& kesÀ efueS DevegjesOe keÀj mecelee nw leLeeefHe keÀeJeea Gve ve³es meom³e keÀes ³etpej DeeF&[er Deewj HeemeJe[& Yespeves keÀe Òe³eeme keÀjsiee efpevekesÀ cesue DeeF&[er GHeueyOe nw. Pe. SkeÀ mes DeefOekeÀ HeÀesefue³ees/ef[cewì Keelee jKeves Jeeues Mes³ej OeejkeÀeW keÀes he´l³eskeÀ HeÀesefue³ees /ef[cewì Keeles kesÀ efueS Deueie mes JeeseEìie he´ef¬eÀ³ee keÀjveer nesieer. leLeeefhe, Mes³ejOeejkeÀ ke=Àhe³ee veesì keÀjW efkeÀ yeQeEkeÀie kebÀheveer (Ghe¬eÀceeW keÀe Depe&ve SJeb DeblejCe) DeefOeefve³ece, 1970 keÀer Oeeje 3 (2F&) kesÀ DeOeerve, Yeejle mejkeÀej kesÀ DeefleefjÊeÀ Dev³e keÀesF& Mes³ejOeejkeÀ keÀes, yeQkeÀ keÀer kegÀue Mes³ejOeeefjlee kesÀ 10… mes DeefOekeÀ kesÀ efueS Jeesì keÀjves keÀer Devegceefle veneR nesieer. meeLe ner, Yeejle mejkeÀej keÀe³e&met®eer keÀer ceoeW hej Jeesì keÀjves nsleg hee$e veneR nw. 8 g) On successful login, the system will prompt you to select the EVEN i.e., Bank of Baroda. _e. mebmLeeiele Mes³ejOeejkeÀ (DeLee&led J³eefÊeÀ, S®e³etSHeÀ, SveDeejDeeF& Deeefo kesÀ DeefleefjÊeÀ) pees Jeesì osves nsleg he´eefOeke=Àle neW, GvnW efJeefOeJeled he´eefOeke=Àle nmlee#eeefj³eeW kesÀ DeefOehe´ceeefCele nmlee#ejeW meefnle mebye× yees[& /mebkeÀuhe kesÀ (ii) You may click on the assent or dissent as the case may be. (iii)Click OK to confirm else CANCEL to modify. Once you confirm, you will not be allowed to modify your vote. During the voting period, Shareholders can login any number of times till they have voted on the resolutions. For Agenda Items No.3 (i) Those holding shares as on the Specified Date i.e. 15th May 2015, can cast their vote in favour of maximum ONE candidate, out of the contesting candidates whose names will appear on the screen. Casting vote exceeding ONE candidate shall render your vote as invalid. (ii) Click OK to confirm else CANCEL to modify. Once you confirm, you will not be allowed to modify your vote. During the voting period, Shareholders can login any number of times till they have voted on the Election. h) In case a person has become a member of the Bank after dispatch of AGM Notice but on or before the cutoff date for E-voting on agenda item no. 1 & 2 i.e., 17th June 2015, he/she may write to Karvy on the email id requesting for the User ID and Password. However, Karvy shall endeavor to send User ID and Password to those new members whose mail ids are available. i) Shareholders holding multiple folios / demat account shall choose the voting process separately for each folio / demat account. However, shareholder may please note that in terms of Section 3 (2E) of the Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970, no shareholder other than Government of India is allowed to exercise voting rights in excess of 10% of the total shareholding of the Bank. Further, the Government of India is not entitled to vote on the Agenda Item No. 3. j) Institutional Shareholders (i.e. other than individuals, HUF, NRI, etc.) are required to send scanned copy (PDF/JPG Format) of the relevant Board Resolution/ Authority letter etc. together with attested specimen signature of the duly authorized signatory (ies) who are authorized to vote, to the Scrutinizer through e-mail : he´eefOekeÀej-he$e keÀer mkeQÀ[ (heer[erSHeÀ/pesheerpeer) he´efle scrutinizer@snaco. net Hej F&- cesue kesÀ ceeO³ece mes mebJeer#ekeÀ keÀes Yespeveer Dehesef#ele nw. k) Once you have cast your vote on the resolutions/ election you will not be allowed to modify it subsequently. ì.SkeÀ yeej Deehe mebkeÀuhe /®egveeJe hej Jeesì os osles nQ lees GmekesÀ yeeo Deehe GmeceW heefjJele&ve veneR keÀj mekeÀles. l) ". DeehekeÀe ³eefo keÀesF& he´Mve nes lees Deehe hej [eGveuees[ DevegYeeie ceW GheueyOe Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW kesÀ efueS F&-JeeseEìie ³etpej cewv³etDeue mebyebOeer he´e³eë hetís peeves Jeeues he´Mve (FAQ) keÀe DeJeueeskeÀve keÀj mekeÀles nQ. DeLeJee cesmeme& keÀeJeea kebÀh³etìjMes³ej he´e. efue. kesÀ Þeer Sme Jeer jepet (³etefveì : yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe) mes 040 67161500 ³ee 1800 345 4001 (ìesue He´Àer) hej mebheke&À keÀj mekeÀles nQ. m) It is strongly recommended not to share your password with any other person and take utmost care to keep it confidential [. ³en ¢æ{leehetJe&keÀ efmeHeÀeefjMe keÀer peeleer nw efkeÀ Dehevee heemeJe[& efkeÀmeer Dev³e keÀes ve yeleeSb Deewj Fmes ieesheveer³e jKeves nsleg Del³eble meeJeOeeveer yejleW. ke=ÀHe³ee DeÐeleve F&-Jeesefìbie efveoxMeeW kesÀ efueS F&-Jeesefìbie Òeesì&ue DeLe&ele https:// osKeW DeLeJee THej efoS ie³es efJeJejCe kesÀ Devegmej F&-Jeesefìbie SpeWmeer mes mebHeke&À keÀjW. 16 Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ ceW ®egveeJeer he´ef¬eÀ³ee ®egveeJe meefnle keÀe³e&met®eer keÀer meYeer 3 vees ceoeW hej JeeseìE ie, F&-JeeseìE ie leLee celeoeve kesÀ ceeO³ece mes nesieer. pees F&-JeeseìE ie efJekeÀuhe keÀe he´³eesie veneR keÀjvee ®eenles Jes yewþkeÀ keÀer leejerKe keÀes Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ kesÀ mLeue hej Dee³eesepf ele efkeÀS peeves Jeeues ieesHeveer³e keÀe³e&met®eer ceo meb. 3 celeoeve ceW Dehevee Jeesì osves kesÀ hee$e neWies. yewþkeÀ kesÀ DeO³e#e Üeje Fme mebyebOe ceW Iees<eCee efkeÀS peeves kesÀ yeeo legjlb e yewuesì heshej efoS peeSbies. Fme he´³eespeve mes veeseìf me kesÀ meeLe Yespes ieS DeLeJee hebpeerkeÀjCe kesÀ mece³e peejer efkeÀS ieS yewuesì heshej heeme keÀes Jeeefheme pecee keÀjves kesÀ yeeo keÀeGìbj hej Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW/ he´ek@ eÌmeer OeejkeÀeW/ he´eefOeke=Àle he´elf eefveefOe³eeW keÀes yewuesì heshej peejer efkeÀS peeSbies. JeesìeW keÀer mebK³ee GvekesÀ Üeje keÀì-Dee@HeÀ-leejerKe DeLee&led ceo mebK³ee 1 leLee 2 kesÀ mebyebOe ceW 17 petve 2015 Deewj ceo meb. 3 kesÀ mebyebOe ceW 15 ceF& 2015 keÀes Oeeefjle Mes³ejeW keÀer mebK³ee kesÀ meceeve nesieer. F&-JeeseEìie leLee celeoeve kesÀ mecesefkeÀle heefjCeece keÀer Iees<eCee yewþkeÀ kesÀ Deble ceW keÀer peeSieer leLee Fmes yeQkeÀ, mìe@keÀ SkeÌme®eWpe Deewj keÀeJeea keÀer JesyemeeFì hej Yeer [euee peeSiee. 18. ®egveeJe keÀe mebJeer#ekeÀ : cew. Sme.Sve. Deveblemegye´nceCe³eve Sb[ kebÀ. he´weqkeÌìeEmeie kebÀheveer meef®eJe mebJeer#ekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW keÀe³e& keÀjsieer. ®egveeJe ceW celeoeve (keÀe³e&met®eer ceo meb. 3 ) yeQkeÀ, Üeje efve³egÊeÀ efkeÀS ieS cegK³e ®egveeJe DeefOekeÀejer kesÀ he³e&Jes#eCe ceW Dee³eesefpele efkeÀ³ee peeSiee Deewj GmekeÀer efveiejeveer kesÀvêer³e mejkeÀej kesÀ veeefceefle Üeje keÀer peeSieer, pees he³e&Jes#ekeÀ leLee efÜleer³e mebJeer#ekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW keÀe³e& keÀjsiee. FOR UPDATED E-VOTING INSTRUCTION, PLEASE VISIT e-voting portal i.e. OR CONTACT E-VOTING AGENCY AT THE CONTACT DETAILS GIVEN ABOVE. 16. POLL PROCESS AT THE AGM 17. F&-JeeseEìie leLee celeoeve keÀe heefjCeece : In case of any queries, you may refer the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Shareholders and e-voting User Manual for Shareholders available at the download section of or contact Mr. S.V. Raju (Unit : Bank of Baroda) of Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd at phone no. 040 6716 1500 or at 1800 345 4001 (toll free). The voting on all the 3 Agenda Items including Election shall be done by e-voting as well as by Poll through secret Ballot for Agenda Item No.3. Those who do not exercise the option of e-voting shall be entitled to participate and vote at the Poll to be conducted at the venue of the AGM on the date of the meeting. Ballot Papers will be issued immediately after an announcement in this regard is made by the Chairman of the meeting. Ballot Papers shall be issued at the Counters set up for this purpose to the Shareholders / Proxy holders/ Authorized Representatives on surrender of Ballot Paper Pass dispatched along with the Notice or issued at the time of registration. The number of votes will be equivalent to the number of shares held by them as on the Cut-Off Date i.e., 17th June 2015 in respect of items No. 1 and 2 and Specified Date i.e., 15th May 2015 in respect of item No. 3. 17. RESULTS OF EVOTING AND POLL The consolidated results of e-Voting and Poll will be announced at the end of the Meeting and also hosted on the websites of the Bank, Stock Exchanges and Karvy. 18. SCRUTINIZERS AT POLL M/s. S N Ananthasubramanian & Co. Practicing Company Secretaries shall act as Scrutinizer. The Poll on the Election (Agenda Item No. 3) shall be conducted under the supervision of Chief Returning Officer appointed by the Bank and would be overseen by the Central Government Nominee, who will act as an Observer and Second Scrutinizer. 9 EXPLANATORY STATEMENT J³eeK³eelcekeÀ efJeJejCe : Election of One Shareholder Director of the Bank yeQkeÀ kesÀ SkeÀ Mes³ejOeejkeÀ efveosMekeÀ keÀe ®e³eve DeefOeefve³ece keÀer Oeeje 9 (3)(i) kesÀ Devegmeej DeeHekesÀ yeQkeÀ ves keWÀê mejkeÀej kesÀ DeueeJee Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW ceW mes leerve efveosMekeÀeW ³eLee Þeer ceewefueve DejeEJeo Jew<CeJe, Þeer megjsvê eEmen Yeb[ejer Deewj Þeer jepeerye MesKej meent keÀes ®egvee efpevneWves 24 efomebyej 2011 keÀes heo Yeej mebYeeuee Deewj FvekeÀe keÀe³e&keÀeue 23 efomebyej 2014 keÀes meceehle ngDee. In terms of Section (9) (3) (i) of the Act, your Bank had elected three Directors viz. Shri Maulin Arvind Vaishnav, Shri Surendra Singh Bhandari and Shri Rajib Sekhar Sahoo, from amongst the Shareholders other than Central Government, who assumed charge on 24th December 2011 and their term ended on 23rd December 2014. Ghe³eg&ÊeÀ efjefÊeÀ³eeW keÀes Yejves kesÀ efueS, DeehekesÀ yeQkeÀ ves efoveebkeÀ 3 veJebyej 2014 keÀes SkeÀ veesefìme peejer efkeÀ³ee Lee. leLee GmekeÀer Òeef¬eÀ³ee keÀer Leer. neueebefkeÀ, DeeJeM³ekeÀ keÀe³e&JeeF& hetjer keÀjves leLee GcceeroJeejeW, efpevneWves Deehevee veeceebkeÀve Yeje Lee, keÀer ’GHe³egkeÌle SJeb mecegef®ele efmLeefle“ megefveeq½ele keÀjves kesÀ yeeo Fme ®egveeJe he´ef¬eÀ³ee mes oes efjefÊeÀefle³eeb ner Yejer pee mekeÀer Leerb Deewj SkeÀ efjefÊeÀ Keeueer jn ieF& Leer. With a view to fill in the vacancies as aforesaid, your Bank issued Notice dated 03rd November 2014 and initiated the process. However, after completing the due diligence and ascertaining “Fit and Proper Status” of the candidates, who filed their nomination, as an outcome of the election process, TWO vacancies could be filled-in and there exists ONE vacancy. keÀ. efJeefOekeÀ he´eJeOeeve The Shareholders (other than the Central Government) are therefore entitled to send their nominations as per the procedure detailed in various and relevant Act / Scheme /Regulations / Notification /Guidelines from the Central Government, the short particulars of which are given hereunder. One director will be elected either after the scrutiny of the nominations which the Shareholders submit to the Bank and determination of their Fit & Proper Status by the Nomination Committee of the Board or subsequent election at the Annual General Meeting. A Director so elected shall be deemed to have assumed office from the date next of the deemed date of election or 25th June 2015, as the case may be and will hold office for a period of three years from the date of such assumption. A. LEGAL PROVISIONS Deleë Mes³ejOeejkeÀ (keWÀêer³e mejkeÀej keÀes íesæ[keÀj) efJeefYeVe leLee mebye× DeefOeefve³ece/³eespevee/ efJeefve³ece, DeefOemet®evee keWÀê mejkeÀej kesÀ/efoMeeefveoxMeeW kesÀ DeOeesefueefKele mebef#ehle efJeJejCeeW ceW Jee|Cele he´ef¬eÀ³ee kesÀ Devegmeej Deheves veeceebkeÀve Yespeves kesÀ efueS hee$e nQ. SkeÀ efveosMekeÀ keÀe ®egveeJe ³ee lees yeQkeÀ keÀes Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW Üeje he´mlegle veeceebkeÀve keÀer peeb®e Deewj yees[& keÀer veeceebkeÀve meefceefle Üeje GvnW Ghe³egÊeÀ heeS peeves kesÀ yeeo DeLeJee lelhe½eeled Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ ceW ®egveeJe kesÀ yeeo nesiee. ®egves ieS efveosMekeÀ ®egveeJe keÀer leejerKe kesÀ yeeo mes Deieueer leejerKe ³ee 25 petve 2015, pewmee Yeer ceeceuee nes, mes Dehevee heoYeej mebYeeueWies leLee heoYeej ie´nCe keÀjves keÀer leejerKe mes leerve Je<eeX keÀer DeJeefOe lekeÀ kesÀ efueS heo hej yeves jnWies. Fme efJe<e³e mes mebyebefOele efJeefYeVe DeefOeefve³ece/³eespevee/efJeefve³ece/DeefOemet®evee kesÀ he´eJeOeeve veer®es leeefuekeÀe ceW efoS ieS nQ : DeefOeefve³ece/³eespevee/ efJeefve³ece/DeefOemet®evee yeQkeÀkeÀejer efJeefve³eceve DeefOeefve³ece, 1949 yeQkeÀkeÀejer kebÀheveer (Ghe¬eÀceeW keÀe Depe&ve SJeb DeblejCe) DeefOeefve³ece, 1970 he´eJeOeeve Oeeje 5 (Sve-F&) Oeeje 16 (1) Oeeje 20 â â â Oeeje 3 (2F&) âJeesì Oeeje 9 (3)(i) Oeeje 9 (3S) (S) mes (meer) Oeeje 9 (3SS) Je Oeeje 9 (3Syeer) 10 mebef#ehle efJeJejCe cenlJehetCe& ueeYe GYe³eefveÿ efveosMekeÀeW keÀe efve<esOe yeQkeÀ kesÀ efkeÀmeer Yeer efveosMekeÀ keÀer Deesj mes $eÝCe ³ee Deefie´ce keÀer mJeerke=Àefle hej he´efleyebOe osves kesÀ DeefOekeÀej hej he´efleyebOe â Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW Üeje ®egves peeves Jeeues efveosMekeÀeW keÀer mebK³ee â keÀeflehe³e efJe<e³eeW ceW efJeMes<e %eeve â keÀesF& Yeer J³eefÊeÀ efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW efve³egefÊeÀ kesÀ efueS leye lekeÀ hee$e veneR nesiee/nesieer peye lekeÀ efkeÀ Gmes Yee.efj.yeQ. Üeje efveOee&efjle ì^wkeÀ efjkeÀe[&, mel³eefveÿ kesÀ ceeveob[ hej ³ee Dev³e efveOee&efjle efkeÀmeer ceeveob[ hej Ghe³egÊeÀ veneR hee³ee peelee. The following table indicates the provisions contained in various Acts/ Regulation/ Scheme/Notifications applicable in this regard: ACT/SCHEME PROVISIONS REGULATIONS NOTIFICATIONS The Banking Regulation Act, 1949 The Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 SHORT PARTICULARS Section 5 (n-e) â Substantial Interest Section 16 (1) â Prohibition of Common Directors Section 20 â Restrictions for granting loan or advance to or on behalf of any of its Directors Section 3 (2E) â Restriction on voting rights Section 9(3)(i) â No. of Directors to be elected by the Shareholders Section 9(3A) â Special knowledge in (A) to (C) certain fields Section 9(3AA) â No person shall be eligible & to be elected as director Section 9(3AB) unless he is a person having fit and proper status based upon track record, integrity and such other criteria as RBI may prescribe. Oeeje 9 (3yeer) Oeeje 13(2) jeä^er³eke=Àle yeQkeÀ (he´yebOeve Keb[ 9 (4) SJeb efJeefJeOe he´eJeOeeve) Keb[ 10 ³eespevee, 1970 Keb[ 11 Keb[ 11S Keb[ 11 yeer Keb[ 12 (8) yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe efJeefve³ece 10 meeceev³e (Mes³ej SJeb yewþkeÀ) efJeefve³ece, 1998 efJeefve³ece 61 (2008 lekeÀ mebMeesefOele) efJeefve³ece 63 efJeefve³ece 64 efJeefve³ece 65 efJeefve³ece 66 efJeefve³ece 67 efJeefve³ece 68 efJeefve³ece 69 efJeefve³ece 70 Yee.efj.yeQ. DeefOemet®evee ¬eÀceebkeÀ [eryeerDees[er meb. yeermeer meb. 46 SJeb 47/ 29.39.001/2007-08 efoveebkeÀ 01.11.2007 SJeb meb. [eryeerDees[er. yeermeer. meb. 95/29.39.001/ 2010-11 efoveebkeÀ 23.05.2011 efoveebkeÀ 3 efmelebyej 2013 kesÀ keÀe³ee&ue³e %eeHeve kesÀ meeLe Heefþle Yeejle mejkeÀej kesÀ He$e meb. SHeÀ. veb. 16/51/2012-yeerDees DeeF& efoveebkeÀ 28 DeÒewue 2015 kesÀ meeLe heefþle kesÀvêer³e mejkeÀej Üeje DeMeemekeÀer³e efveosMekeÀeW keÀer efve³egÊeÀ keÀes mebyebOe ceW 25 cee®e& 2015 keÀes peejer efkeÀS ieS efoMeeefveoxMe ®egves ieS efveosMekeÀ keÀes, pees GÊeÀ DeefOeefve³ece keÀer Oeeje 9 (3S) Je 9(3SSS) keÀer peªjleeW keÀes hetje veneR keÀjles nQ, GvnW nìeves kesÀ efueS Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ keÀe DeefOekeÀej âefveÿe SJeb ieesheveer³elee yejleves mebyebOeer keÀle&J³e â efveJee&ef®ele efveosMekeÀeW keÀe keÀe³e&keÀeue â yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW efveJee&e®f ele nesves keÀer De³eesi³eleeDeeW kesÀ yeejs ceW â efveosMekeÀ keÀe³ee&ue³e keÀes Keeueer keÀjvee âefveJee&ef®ele efveosMekeÀ kesÀ heo mes nìe³ee peevee â efveJee&ef®ele efveosMekeÀ kesÀ keÀe³ee&ue³e ceW DeekeÀeqmcekeÀ efjefÊeÀ Yeje peevee â efveosMekeÀeW keÀer ©ef®e Jeeues kegÀí efveeq½ele #es$eeW keÀe efveosMekeÀeW Üeje he´keÀìerkeÀjCe â meb³egÊeÀ OeejkeÀeW kesÀ DeefOekeÀejeW keÀe Ghe³eesie â meeceev³e yewþkeÀeW ceW Jeesì osvee â meeceev³e yewþkeÀeW ceW ®egves peeves Jeeues efveosMekeÀ â Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀer met®eer â ®egveeJe kesÀ efueS GcceeroJeejeW keÀe veeceebkeÀve â veeceebkeÀveeW keÀer peeb®e â ®egveeJe efJeJeeo â JeeseEìie DeefOekeÀejeW keÀe efveOee&jCe âefJeefOeJele DeefOeke=Àle he´efleefveefOe³eeW Üeje Jeesì efkeÀ³ee peevee âhe´e@keÌmeer Section 9(3B) â Ssmes yeQkeÀkeÀejer kebÀheveer jeä^er³eke=Àle yeQkeÀeW kesÀ yees[& ceW efveJee&ef®ele (Ghe¬eÀceeW efveosMekeÀeW kesÀ efueS Ghe³egÊeÀlee ceeveob[ keÀe Depe&ve SJeb DeblejCe) DeefOeefve³ece 1970 keÀer Oeeje 9 (3SS) leLee 9 (3Syeer) kesÀ DevegmejCe ceW kesÀvêer³e mejkeÀej Üeje meeJe&peefvekeÀ #es$e yeQkeÀeW ceW DeMeemekeÀer³e efveosMekeÀeW keÀer efve³egÊeÀ kesÀ mebyebOe ceW 25 cee®e& 2015 keÀes peejer efkeÀS ieS efoMeeefveoxMe Section 13(2) The Nationalised Clause 9(4) Banks (Management Clause 10 And Miscellaneous Provisions) Clause 11 Scheme, 1970 Clause 11A Clause 11B Clause 12(8) Bank of Baroda General (Shares and Meetings) Regulations, 1998 (Amended upto 2008) Regulation 10 Regulation 61 Regulation 63 Regulation 64 Regulation 65 Regulation 66 Regulation 67 Regulation 68 Regulation 69 Regulation 70 RBI Notification Pursuant to No. DBOD.No. Section 9(3AA) BC.No.46 and and Section 47/29.39.001/ 9(3AB) of 2007-08 dated The Banking 01.11.2007 and Companies No.DBOD BC.No. (Acquisition 95/29.39.001/ and Transfer of 2010-11 dated Undertakings) 23.05.2011 Act, 1970 Guidelines issued by the Central Government for consideration as a non official director dated 25th March 2015 read with GOI letter dated 3rd September 2013. â Right of RBI to remove a director so elected who does not fulfill the requirements of Section 9(3A) and 9(3AA) of the said Act. â Obligation as to fidelity and secrecy â Term of office of elected directors â Disqualifications from being elected as a Director of the Bank â Vacation of office of Director â Removal from office of an elected Director âFilling of casual vacancy in the office of an elected Director â Disclosure of interest by directors in certain arrangements in which they are interested. â Exercise of rights of joint holders â Voting at General Meetings â Directors to be elected at General Meetings â List of Shareholders â Nomination of candidates for election â Scrutiny of nominations â Election disputes â Determination of voting rights â Voting by duly authorized representative âProxies Fit and Proper criteria for elected directors on the board of nationalized banks Guidelines issued by the Central Government for consideration as a non official director in Public Sector Banks dated 25th March 2015 11 Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ keÀe ceemìj heefjhe$e efoveebkeÀ 1 pegueeF& 2014. efveosMekeÀeW kesÀ mebyeefOe³eeW keÀes $eÝCe SJeb Deefie´ce keÀer mJeerke=Àefle met®eerye× keÀjves nsleg keÀjej keÀe Keb[ 49 mJeleb$e efveosMekeÀeW kesÀ mebyebOe ceW he´eJeOeeve Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀer megeJf eOee kesÀ efueS DeefOeefve³ece, efJeefve³eceve DeefOeefve³ece, ³eespevee/efJeefve³ece kesÀ mebye× DebMees kesÀ meeLe ner meeLe Yeejleer³e efjp] eJe& yeQkeÀ keÀer DeefOemet®evee meb. [eryeerDees[er. yeermeer.veb. 46 leLee 47/29.39.001/2007-08 efoveebkeÀ 1 veJebyej 2007 leLee [eryeerDees[er. yeermeer veb. 95/29.39.001/2010-11 efoveebkeÀ 23.05.2011 leLee Yeejle mejkeÀej kesÀ efoMeeefveoxMe yeQkeÀ keÀer JesyemeeFì hej he´oe|Mele efkeÀS peeSbies. efpemes Òe³eeskeÌlee Üeje osKee/[eGveuees[ efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw. Ssmes meejebMe F®ígkeÀ GcceeroJeejeW keÀes, GvekesÀ Üeje veeceebkeÀve HeÀe@ce& he´mlegle keÀjves keÀer Debelf ece leejerKe DeLee&le 9 petve, 2015 keÀes DeLeJee Gmemes henues kebÀheveer meef®eJe, yeQkeÀ Dee@H] eÀ yeæ[ewoe, keÀeheexjìs keÀe³ee&ue³e kesÀ heeme DevegjesOe he´ehle nesves hej F&- cesue Üeje Yeer Yespes pee mekeÀles nQ. Ke. ®egveeJe ceW Yeeieeroejer : pewmee efkeÀ henues ner oMee&³ee ie³ee nw efkeÀ Ssmes Mes³ejOeejkeÀ efpevekesÀ veece efJeefvee|oä leejerKe DeLee&le Meg¬eÀJeej, 15 ceF&, 2015 keÀes SveSme[erSue/meerSme[erSue Üeje he´mlegle Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW/ueeYeOeejkeÀeW kesÀ jefpemìj hej DebefkeÀle nQ, Jes meYeer (keWÀêer³e mejkeÀej keÀes íesæ[keÀj) efveosMekeÀeW kesÀ ®egveeJe kesÀ efueS GvnW veeefcele keÀjves, ®egveeJe ueæ[ves/Jeesì keÀjves keÀer he´ef¬eÀ³ee ceW Yeeie ues mekeÀles nQ. leLeeefHe kesÀvêer³e mejkeÀej efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ®egveeJe ceW Yeeie uesves DeLee&le Fme veesefìme keÀer keÀe³e&met®eer keÀer ceo meb. 3 kesÀ efueS Hee$e veneR nw. ie. yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW efveJee&ef®ele nesves nsleg De³eesi³eleeSb (keÀ) jeä^er³eke=Àle yeQkeÀ (he´yebOeve SJeb efJeefJeOe he´eJeOeeve) ³eespevee, 1970 kesÀ Keb[ 10 keÀer MeleeX kesÀ Devegmeej, keÀesF& Yeer Ssmee J³eefÊeÀ efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW efve³egÊeÀ nesves Deewj efveosMekeÀ nesves kesÀ efueS De³eesi³e nesiee. (De) ³eefo Jen, efkeÀmeer mece³e efoJeeefue³ee keÀjej keÀj efo³ee ie³ee nes ³ee Gmeves uesveoejeW keÀe Yegieleeve jeskeÀe ngDee nes ³ee he´Meceve efkeÀ³ee nes DeLeJee (Dee)³eefo Gmes efJeke=Àle efoceeie keÀe hee³ee ie³ee nes DeLeJee Gmes efkeÀmeer me#ece v³ee³eeue³e Üeje Ssmee Ieesef<ele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nes, DeLeJee (F)³eefo Gmes HeÀewpeoejer v³ee³eeue³e Üeje veweflekeÀ ®eefj$e nervelee kesÀ DehejeOe kesÀ keÀejCe oeqC[le efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nes, DeLeJee (F&)³eefo Jen, efkeÀmeer jeä^er³eke=Àle yeQkeÀ DeLeJee Yeejleer³e mìsì yeQkeÀ DeefOeefve³ece, 1955 keÀer Oeeje 3 keÀer Ghe Oeeje (1) kesÀ lenle ieefþle, Yeejleer³e mìsì yeQkeÀ DeLeJee Yeejleer³e mìsì yeQkeÀ (Deveg<ebieer yeQkeÀ) DeefOeefve³ece, 1959 keÀer Oeeje 3 ceW ³eLeeheefjYeeef<ele efkeÀmeer Deveg<ebieer yeQkeÀ kesÀ lenle ueeYe keÀe heo OeejCe keÀjlee nw/keÀjleer nw, efmeJee³e FmekesÀ efkeÀ Jen yeQkeÀ ceW DeefOeefve³ece keÀer Oeeje 9 keÀer Ghe Oeeje (3) kesÀ Keb[ (F&) Deewj (SHeÀ) kesÀ lenle yeQkeÀ kesÀ keÀce&®eeefj³eeW ceW mes veeefcele efkeÀS ieS hetCe&keÀeefuekeÀ efveosMekeÀ keÀe heo OeejCe keÀjlee nw/keÀjleer nw. (FmeceW he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ leLee efveosMekeÀ Yeer Meeefceue nw. Ie.DeJeefOe je<ì^er³eke=Àle yeQkeÀ (ÒeyebOeve SJeb efJeefJeOe ÒeeJeOeeve) ³eespevee, 1970 keÀer Keb[ 9(4) kesÀ Devegmeej efveJee&ef®ele efveosMekeÀ leerve Je<e& lekeÀ Heo Hej jnsiee Deewj Hegve:®egveeJe kesÀ efueS Hee$e nesiee. yeMelex Jen efveosMekeÀ DeHeves Heo Hej ueieeleej í: Je<e& mes DeefOekeÀ keÀer DeJeefOe mes ve jn jne nes. 12 RBI Master Circular dated 1st July 2014 Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement Granting loans and advances to relatives of Directors Provisions relating to Independent Director For the convenience of the Shareholders, the relevant extracts from the Act, Regulation Act, the Scheme/ Regulation as well as RBI Notifications No. DBOD.No.BC. No.46 and 47/29.39.001/2007-08 dated 01.11.2007 and No.DBOD.BC.No.95/29.39.001/2010-11 dated 23.05.2011 and GOI Guidelines will be hosted in the Bank’s, which can be viewed/ downloaded. Such extracts will also be e-mailed to the intending candidates on receipt of a request addressed to the Company Secretary, Bank of Baroda at their Corporate Office at "companysecretary.bcc@" on or before the last date fixed for submission of nomination forms viz. 9th June 2015. B. PARTICIPATION IN ELECTION: As already indicated earlier such of those Shareholders whose names appear on the Register of Shareholders / Beneficial Owners as furnished by NSDL / CDSL as on the Specified Date i. e., on Friday, 15th May 2015 shall be entitled to participate i.e. nominate, contest and vote in election of Director from amongst Shareholders other than the Central Government. However, Central Government is not entitled to participate in the election of Director i.e. Agenda Item No.3 of this Notice. C. DISQUALIFICATIONS FROM BEING ELECTED AS A DIRECTOR OF THE BANK UNDER THE SCHEME: (A) In terms of Clause 10 of the Nationalized Banks (Management & Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme, 1970, a person shall be disqualified for being appointed, as and for being a Director: a) if he has at any time been adjudicated an insolvent or has suspended payment or has compounded with his creditors; or b) if he has been found to be of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court; or c) if he has been convicted by criminal court of an offence which involves moral turpitude; or d) if he holds any office of profit under any nationalized Bank or State Bank of India constituted under sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the State Bank of India, 1955 or any Subsidiary Bank as defined in Section 3 of the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959, except for holding the post of whole time Director, including the Managing Director and Directors nominated under clauses (e) and (f) of sub-section (3) of Section 9 of the Act from among the employees of the Bank. D. TENURE: In terms of Clause 9 (4) of the Nationalized Banks (Management & Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme, 1970, an elected Director shall hold office for three years and shall be eligible for re-election. Provided no such Director shall hold office continuously for a period exceeding six years æ[. yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW ®egves peeves nsleg Dehesef#ele ³eesi³elee 1. DeefOeefve³ece keÀer Oeeje 9 (3S) kesÀ Devegmeej yeQkeÀ kesÀ efkeÀmeer Mes³ejOeejkeÀ Deewj Oeeje 9 (3)(i) kesÀ lenle yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW efveJee&ef®ele nesves kesÀ F®ígkeÀ he´l³eeMeer keÀes : keÀ. efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeÀmeer SkeÀ DeLeJee SkeÀ mes DeefOekeÀ efJe<e³e ceW efJeMes<e %eeve DeLeJee J³eeJeneefjkeÀ DevegYeJe nesvee ®eeefnS :Àef<e E. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR BEING ELECTED AS A DIRECTOR OF THE BANK: 1. In terms of Section 9(3A) of the Act, a candidate, being a shareholder of the Bank and who desires to be elected as Director of the Bank under Section 9(3) (i) of the Act shall a have special knowledge or practical experience in respect of the one or more of the following matters namely:- SJeb ie´eceerCe DeLe&J³eJemLee i. ii.yeQeEkeÀie agriculture and rural economy ii.banking iii.menkeÀeefjlee iv.DeLe&Meem$e iv.economics v.efJeÊe v. vi.efJeefOe vi. law vii. ueIeg GÐeesie viii. efkeÀmeer Dev³e efJe<e³e keÀe efJeMes<e %eeve Deewj J³eeJeneefjkeÀ DevegYeJe, pees Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ keÀer je³e ceW yeQkeÀ kesÀ efueS Ghe³eesieer nes. finance vii. small scale industry viii. any other matter the special knowledge of, and practical experience in which, would, in the opinion of the Reserve Bank of India be useful to the Bank. Ke. pees peceekeÀlee&DeeW kesÀ efnleeW keÀe he´efleefveefOelJe keÀjlee nes, DeLeJee b. represents the interest of depositors; or ie. efkeÀmeeveeW, keÀeceieejeW SJeb efMeuhekeÀejeW kesÀ efnleeW keÀe he´efleefveefOelJe keÀjlee nes. c. represents the interest of farmers, workers and artisans 2. DeefOeefve³ece keÀer Oeeje 9 (3SS) Deewj Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ keÀer DeefOemet®evee kesÀ Devegmeej Jen GcceeroJeej pees yeQkeÀ keÀe Mes³ejOeejkeÀ nw leLee yeQkeÀ keÀe efveosMekeÀ yevevee ®eenlee nw. Gmes ’Ghe³egkeÌle SJeb mecegef®ele“ nwefme³eleJeeuee nesvee ®eeefnS. 2. In terms of Section 9(3AA) of the Act and RBI Notification a candidate being a shareholder of the Bank, who desires to be a Director of the Bank, should possess ‘Fit and Proper’ status. DeefOeefve³ece keÀer Oeeje 9(3Syeer) kesÀ Devegmeej, Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ veW Yeer GheOeeje 3(SS) kesÀ Debleie&le peejer DeefOemet®evee ceW efJeefvee|oä efkeÀ³ee nw, ’GHe³egkeÌle leLee mecegef®ele“ eqmLeefle keÀe efveOee&jCe keÀjves Jeeues he´eefOekeÀejer, Gme efveOee&jCe keÀer he´Ceeueer, Gme efveOee&jCe kesÀ efueS Dehevee³eer peeves Jeeueer he´ef¬eÀ³ee leLee Ssmes Dev³e ceeceues pees Gmemes he´emebefiekeÀ nes ³ee DeeJeM³ekeÀ mecePes peeSb. FmekesÀ DeueeJee efveJee&ef®ele efveosMekeÀ Üeje he´mebefJeoe efJeuesKe efve<heeefole efkeÀ³ee peevee ®eeefnS leLee Fme mebyebOe ceW Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ Üeje efJeefvee|oä Jeee|<ekeÀ Iees<eCee he´mlegle keÀjvee ®eeefnS. In terms of Section 9(3AB) of the Act, the Reserve Bank may also specify in the notification issued under subsection 3(AA), the Authority to determine the ‘Fit and Proper’ status, the manner of such determination, the procedure to be followed for such determination and such other matters as may be considered necessary or incidental thereto. Further the elected Director should execute the deed of covenants and is required to furnish annual declarations as prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India in this regard. keÀ. Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ keÀer ’Ghe³egkeÌle SJeb mecegef®ele“ (efHeÀì Sb[ he´e@hej) ceeveob[ mebyebOeer efoMeeefveoxMe Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ (DeejyeerDeeF&) ves yeQkeÀkeÀejer kebÀheveer (Ghe¬eÀceeW keÀe DeefOeie´nCe SJeb DeblejCe) DeefOeefve³ece 1970/1980 keÀer Oeeje 9 keÀer GheOeeje(3SS) kesÀ Debleie&le MeefÊeÀ³eeW keÀe he´³eesie keÀjles ngS DeefOemet®evee yeermeer keÀ. 46 leLee 47/29.39.001/2007-08 efoveebkeÀ 1 veJebyej, 2007 peejer keÀer nw, efpemeceW yeQkeÀkeÀejer kebÀheveer (Ghe¬eÀceeW keÀe DeefOeie´nCe SJeb DeblejCe) DeefOeefve³ece 1970/1980 keÀer Oeeje 9(3)(i) kesÀ he´eJeOeeveeW kesÀ Debleie&le yeQkeÀeW kesÀ efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue ceW efveJee&ef®ele ngS J³eefÊeÀ³eeW Üeje hetjs efkeÀS peeves Jeeues Ghe³egÊeÀ SJeb mecegef®ele ceeveob[eW keÀe efJeMes<e ªhe mes efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw. A. RBI’S FIT AND PROPER CRITERIA GUIDELINES: Reserve Bank of Baroda (RBI), in exercise of powers conferred on it under sub-sections (3AA ) of Section 9 of the Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1970/1980 has issued notification DBOD BC No.46 and 47/29.39.001/2007-08 dated November 01,2007 laying down specific “ Fit and Proper “ Criteria to be fulfilled by the persons being elected as directors on the Board of the Banks under the provisions of Section 9 (3)(i) of the Banking Companies ( Acquisition &Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1970/1980. 13 DeefOemet®evee keÀer cegK³e-cegK³e yeeleW ’Ghe³egkeÌle SJeb mecegef®ele“ eqmLeefle Deeefo keÀe efveCe&³e keÀjves mebyebOeer he´eefOekeÀej, he×efle/he´ef¬eÀ³ee, ceeveob[ efvecveevegmeej nw. keÀ) he´eefOekeÀej : Salient Features of the Notification The Authority, Manner/ Procedure and Criteria for deciding the “Fit and Proper “status etc., are as under: a) Authority: meYeer jeä^e³r eke=Àle yeQkeÀeW mes Dehese#f ele nw efkeÀ Jes SkeÀ ’veeceebkeÀve meefceefle“ keÀe ieþve keÀjW efpemeceW efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue mes (meYeer mJeleb$e SJeb iewj-keÀe³e&heeuekeÀ efveosMekeÀ) v³etvelece leerve efveosMekeÀ Meeefceue neW. efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue Üeje GveceW mes SkeÀ efveosMekeÀ keÀes meefceefle keÀe ’DeO³e#e“ veeefcele keÀjvee ®eeefnS. keÀesjce ceW DeO³e#e keÀes efceueekeÀej leerve meom³e nesves peªjer nw. ³eefo veeefcele J³eefÊeÀ³eeW ceW mes keÀesF& DevegheeqmLele jnlee nw lees efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue GmekesÀ mLeeve hej efkeÀmeer Dev³e mJeble$e efveosMekeÀ keÀes Deeieeceer yewþkeÀ kesÀ efueS veeefcele keÀj mekeÀlee nQ. veeceebkeÀve meefceefle keÀe ieþve keÀjles mece³e yees[& FmekeÀer DeJeefOe keÀe Yeer efveOee&jCe keÀj mekeÀlee nw. Ke) he×efle SJeb he´ef¬eÀ³ee : veeceebkeÀve meefceefle keÀes GÊeÀ DeefOeefve³ece Oeeje 9 (3)(i) kesÀ lenle ceewpetoe ®egves ngS efveosMekeÀeW/efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW ®egves peevesJeeues J³eefÊeÀ³eeW keÀer `Gef®ele SJeb mecegef®ele' nwefme³ele keÀe efveOee&jCe keÀjves kesÀ efueS efveOee&efjle he´ef¬eÀ³ee keÀe heeueve keÀjvee ®eeefnS. Fme he´³eespeve kesÀ efueS yeQkeÀeW keÀes mebueive HeÀecexì ceW (DevegyebOe -1 ceW) ceewpetoe ®egves ieS efveosMekeÀeW/efveJee&®eve kesÀ efueS Dehevee veeceebkeÀve oeefKeue keÀjves Jeeues J³eefÊeÀ mes DeeJeM³ekeÀ met®evee SJeb Iees<eCee he´ehle keÀj uesveer ®eeefnS. veeceebkeÀve meefceefle keÀes ®egves peeves Jeeues J³eefÊeÀ³eeW kesÀ ceeceues ceW veeceebkeÀve oeefKeue keÀjves keÀer Debeflece leejerKe mes henues yewþkeÀ keÀjveer ®eeefnS Deewj efveCe&³e keÀjvee ®eeefnS efkeÀ efvecveebefkeÀle ceeveob[eW kesÀ DeeOeej hej efveJee&ef®ele nesves Jeeues J³eefÊeÀ³eeW keÀer GcceeroJeejer keÀes mJeerkeÀej efkeÀ³ee peeS ³ee veneR. meefceefle kesÀ efJe®eej efJeceMe& keÀes Deewhe®eeefjkeÀ keÀe³e&Je=Êe kesÀ ªhe ceW efjkeÀe[& ceW ope& efkeÀ³ee peevee ®eeefnS Deewj ³eefo ceewpetoe leLee veS efveosMekeÀeW kesÀ mebyebOe ceW JeeseEìie ngF& nes lees Gmes Yeer veesì efkeÀ³ee peevee ®eeefnS. nmlee#eefjle Iees<eCee ceW oer ieF& met®evee kesÀ DeeOeej hej veeceebkeÀve meefceefle keÀes he´l³eeMeer keÀer mJeerke=Àefle ³ee Dev³eLee ªhe ceW efveCe&³e keÀjvee ®eeefnS leLee peneb keÀneR DeeJeM³ekeÀ nes mecegef®ele he´eefOekeÀejer/J³eefÊeÀ³eeW kesÀ mece#e DeefYeJesove he´mlegle keÀjvee ®eeefnS leeefkeÀ DeeJeM³ekeÀ Devegheeueve megefveeq½ele efkeÀ³ee pee mekesÀ. b) Manner and procedure: ie.ceeveob[ : veeceebkeÀve meefceefle keÀes ®egves ngS ceewpetoe efveosMekeÀeW/he´mleeefJele he´l³eeMeer keÀer `Ghe³egÊeÀ SJeb mecegef®ele' eqmLeefle keÀe efveOee&jCe efvecveefueefKele ceeveob[eW kesÀ DeeOeej hej keÀjvee ®eeefnS : - (ii) Experience and field of expertise (iii) ì^wkeÀ efjkeÀe[& leLee efveÿe 14 veeceebkeÀve meefceefle keÀes ³en megefveeq½ele keÀjvee ®eeefnS efkeÀ ke̳ee GhejesÊeÀ ceeveob[eW ceW mes efkeÀmeer kesÀ Devegheeueve mes ®egves ngS ceewpetoe efveosMekeÀeW / he´mleeefJele he´l³eeMeer keÀes yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW Deheves keÀe³e& oeef³elJe keÀe efveJee&n keÀjves ceW ©keÀeJeì nesieer. Fmeer ¬eÀce ceW efkeÀmeer he´eefOekeÀejer/ The nomination committee should determine the ‘fit and proper’ status of the existing elected directors/proposed candidates based on the broad criteria as mentioned hereunder: (i) Educational qualification (ii) DevegYeJe leLee efJeMes<e%elee keÀe #es$e The nomination committee should undertake a process of due diligence to determine the ‘fit and proper’ status of existing elected directors/ the person to be elected as a director under Sec 9 (3)(i) of the Act ibid. For this purpose, the banks should obtain necessary information and declaration, in the format enclosed (Annexure-1), from the existing elected directors/persons, who file their nominations for election. The nomination committee should meet before the last date of acceptance of nominations in case of candidate to be elected and decide whether or not the person's candidature should be accepted based on the criteria mentioned below. The committee's discussions should be properly recorded as formal minutes of the meeting and the voting if done should also be noted in case of both existing and proposed Directors. Based on the information provided in the signed declaration, Nomination Committee should decide on the acceptance or otherwise of the candidate and may make references, where considered necessary to the appropriate authority/persons, to ensure their compliance with the requirements indicated. c) Criteria (i) Mew#eefCekeÀ ³eesi³elee (GhejesÊeÀ met®eer GoenjCe mJeªhe nw, J³eehekeÀ veneR) All the nationalized banks are required to constitute a "nomination committee" consisting of a minimum of three directors (all independent/ non-executive directors) from amongst the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors should also nominate one among them as Chairman of the nomination committee. The quorum required is three, including the Chairman. In case of absence of any member already nominated, the board of directors may nominate any other independent director in his place for the ensuing meeting. At the time of constituting the nomination committee the board can decide on its tenure. (iii) Track record and integrity (The above list is only illustrative and not exhaustive.) The Nomination Committee should see whether the non-adherence to any of the above criteria would hamper the existing elected director/ proposed candidate from discharging the duties as a director on the Board of the bank. Further, the candidate coming to the adverse notice of any authority/regulatory agency or insolvency or default of any loan from any bank or financial institution would make the candidate unfit and improper to be a director on the Board of a bank efJeefve³eecekeÀ efvekeÀe³e keÀes he´efleketÀue met®evee he´ehle nesves ³ee efkeÀmeer yeQkeÀ ³ee efJeÊeer³e mebmLee mes $eÝCe keÀer Deoe³eieer ceW ®etkeÀkeÀlee& ³ee efoJeeefue³ee nesves hej mebyebefOele GcceeroJeej keÀes yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue ceW efveosMekeÀ nesves kesÀ efueS De³eesi³e SJeb Devegef®ele ceevee peeSiee. d) Other matters Ie. Dev³e ceeceues : ³en Jeebíveer³e nw efkeÀ peveefnle ceW ³en megefveeq½ele keÀj efue³ee peeS efkeÀ ®egves ngS efveosMekeÀeW Üeje he´l³eskeÀ Je<e& 31 cee®e& keÀes he´mebefJeoe efJeuesKe efve<heeefole efkeÀ³ee peeS. (pewmee efkeÀ Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ kesÀ heefjhe$eebkeÀ [eryeer[erDees. ¬eÀ. yeermeer 116/08.139.001/2001- 02 efoveebkeÀ 20 petve, 2002 kesÀ Devegmeej [e@. ieebiegueer mecetn Üeje efmeHeÀeefjMe keÀer ie³eer nw.) ³en Yeer yeeO³ekeÀejer nw efkeÀ meYeer efveJee&e®f ele efveosMekeÀeW Üeje he´l³eskeÀ Je<e& 31 cee®e& keÀes ³en meeOeejCe Iees<eCee he$e he´mlegle efkeÀ³ee peeS efkeÀ pees met®evee GvneWves henues he´mlegle keÀer nw GmeceW keÀesF& heefjJele&ve veneR ngDee nw Deewj peneb keÀneR Yeer keÀesF& heefjJele&ve ngDee nw, Jeneb efveosMekeÀeW Üeje DeeJeM³ekeÀ efJeJejCe legjlb e he´mlegle keÀj efoS ieS nQ. ³eefo keÀesF& cenlJehetCe& heefjJele&ve ngDee nw lees meefceefle keÀes mecege®f ele meeJeOeeveer yejleveer ®eeefnS leLee efveosMekeÀ keÀer ’GHe³egkeÌle leLee mecege®f ele“ nwemf e³ele keÀe hegvejer#eCe keÀjvee ®eeefnS. It is desirable that it is ensured, in the public interest, that the elected directors execute the deed of covenants (as recommended by the Dr.Ganguly Group vide RBI circular DBOD. No.BC.116/08.139.001/2001-02 dated 20thJune 2002 and also every year as on 31st March. It is also mandatory that all the elected directors must furnish a simple declaration every year as on 31st March that the information already provided by them has not undergone any change and where there is any change, requisite details are furnished by the directors forthwith. If there are any significant changes, the nomination committee should undertake the due diligence exercise afresh and examine the ‘fit and proper’ status of the director. Ke. Yeejle mejkeÀej kesÀ efoveebkeÀ 25 cee®e&, 2015 kesÀ efoMeeefveoxMe B. GOI GUIDELINES DATED 25TH MARCH, 2015: FmekesÀ DeueeJee Yeejle mejkeÀej kesÀ he$e efoveebkeÀ 3 efmelecyej 2013 Üeje he´ehle met®evee kesÀ Devegmeej, yees[& keÀer veeceebefkeÀle meefceefle Mes³ejOeejkeÀ efveosMekeÀ keÀer ’GHe³egkeÌle leLee mecegef®ele“ eqmLeefle keÀe efveOee&jCe keÀjles mece³e DeMeemekeÀer³e efveosMekeÀeW (SveDees[er) kesÀ efueS Yeejle mejkeÀej Üeje peejer efoMeeefveoxMeeW keÀes Yeer O³eeve ceW jKesieer. Yeejle mejkeÀej ves 25 cee®e&, 2015 keÀes efoMeeefveoxMeeW ceW mebMeesOeve efkeÀ³ee nw leLee Deheves he$e efoveebkeÀ 28 Dehe´wue, 2015 Üeje meYeer meeJe&peefvekeÀ #es$e yeQkeÀeW keÀes Yespee nw, efpemekeÀe meejebMe efvecveefueefKele nw : keÀ)meeceev³e 1. veeceebkeÀve mebye× DeefOeefve³eceeW/efve³eceeW kesÀ he´eJeOeeveeW keÀes O³eeve ceW jKekeÀj efkeÀ³ee peevee ®eeefnS. 2. veeefceefle keÀer Ghe³egÊeÀlee meeceev³e Mew#eefCekeÀ ³eesi³elee, efJeMes<e%elee, ì^kw eÀ efjkeÀe[&, efveÿe Deeefo keÀer MeleeX kesÀ Devegmeej efveOee&ejf le keÀer peeveer ®eeefnS. mel³eefveÿe leLee Ghe³egÊeÀlee efveOee&ejf le keÀjves kesÀ efueS DeehejeefOekeÀ efjkeÀe[&, efJeÊeer³e eqmLeefle, Jew³eefÊeÀkeÀ keÀpeeX kesÀ efueS keÀer ieF& oerJeeveer keÀej&JeeF&, J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀ efvekeÀe³eeW ceW he´JesMe keÀer Devegceefle ve osvee ³ee Jeneb mes efvekeÀeue osvee, efJeefve³eecekeÀeW leLee Ssmes ner efvekeÀe³eeW Üeje ueieeS ieS he´elf eyebOe leLee efheíueer mebons elcekeÀ J³eJemee³e J³eJenejeW Deeefo keÀes DeeOeej yevee³ee peevee ®eeefnS. Ke)DevegYeJe 1) meeceev³eleë ke=Àef<e, ie´eceerCe DeLe&J³eJemLee, yeQeEkeÀie, menkeÀeefjlee, DeLe&Meem$e, J³eJemee³e he´yebOeve, ceeveJe mebmeeOeve, efJeÊe, keÀeheexjsì keÀevetve, peesefKece he´yebOeve, GÐeesie SJeb DeeF&ìer kesÀ #es$e ceW efJeMes<e Mew#eefCekeÀ he´efMe#eCe he´ehle ³ee J³eeJeneefjkeÀ DevegYeJe jKeves Jeeues J³eefÊeÀ³eeW hej efJe®eej efkeÀ³ee peeSiee. GÐeesie ceW Jeefjÿ heo hej 20 Je<e& kesÀ DevegYeJe, mebyebefOele #es$e ceW he´efleeqÿle efJeMes<e%elee (he´efleeqÿle mebieþve keÀe meHeÀueleehetJe&keÀ vesle=lJe efkeÀ³ee nes, efkeÀmeer Further as advised by GOI, vide its letter dated 3rd September 2013 the Nomination Committee of the Board may keep in mind guidelines issued by GOI for Non Official Directors (NOD), while determining “Fit and Proper Status” of the Shareholder Director also. The GOI has forwarded revised guidelines dated 25th March 2015 to Public Sector Banks vide its letter dated 28th April 2015, the gist of which is as under: a)General 1. Nominations will be made keeping in view the provisions of the relevant Acts/Rules. 2. The suitability of nominees may be assessed in terms of formal qualification and expertise, track record, integrity etc. For assessing integrity and suitability, information on criminal records, financial position, civil actions undertaken to pursue personal debts, refusal of admission to or expulsion from professional bodies, sanctions applied by regulators and similar bodies and previous questionable business practices etc. will be relied upon. b) Experience 1) Persons with special academic training or practical experience in the fields of agriculture, rural economy, banking, cooperation, economics, business management, human resources, finance, corporate law, Risk Management, industry and IT will ordinarily be considered. 20 years of industry experience at a senior position, established expertise in respective areas (successfully led a reputed organization, 15 brought turnaround in a failing organization) would be preferred. Ieeìs ceW ®eue jns mebieþve keÀes GyeejkeÀj cegveeHesÀ ceW uee³ee nes) keÀes Jejer³elee oer peeSieer. 2) Retired senior Government officials with total experience of 20 years and minimum 10 years of experience at Joint Secretary and above level. Retired CMDs/EDs of Public Sector Banks after one year of retirement. The ex-CMDs/EDs will not be considered for appointment as NOD on the Board of the PSB from which they have retired. Serving CMDs/EDs of PSB will not be considered as NOD on the Board of any other PSB. 2) mesJeeefveJe=Êe Jeefjÿ mejkeÀejer DeefOekeÀejer, efpevekeÀe kegÀue DevegYeJe 20 Je<e& keÀe nes Deewj meb³egÊeÀ meef®eJe ³ee Gmemes Thej kesÀ mlej hej v³etvelece 10 Je<e& keÀe DevegYeJe nes. meeJe&peefvekeÀ #es$e yeQkeÀeW kesÀ mesJeeefveJe=Êe DeO³e#e SJeb he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ/ keÀe³e&heeuekeÀ efveosMekeÀ mesJeeefveJe=efÊe kesÀ SkeÀ Je<e& yeeo. hetJe& DeO³e#e SJeb he´yebOe efveosMekeÀeW/ keÀe³e&heeuekeÀ efveosMekeÀeW keÀer Gme meeJe&peefvekeÀ #es$e yeQkeÀ kesÀ yees[& ceW, peneb mes Jes mesJeeefveJe=Êe ngS nQ, DeMeemekeÀer³e efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW efve³egefÊeÀ hej efJe®eej veneR efkeÀ³ee peeSiee. meeJe&peefvekeÀ #es$e yeQkeÀeW kesÀ DeO³e#e SJeb he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ/ keÀe³e&heeuekeÀ efveosMekeÀ, pees DeYeer mesJee ceW nQ, keÀes efkeÀmeer Dev³e meeJe&peefvekeÀ #es$e yeQkeÀ kesÀ yees[& ceW DeMeemekeÀer³e efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW efve³egÊeÀ veneR efkeÀ³ee peeSiee. 3) Academicians Directors of premier Management Banking Institutes and Professors having more than 20 years of experience. 4) Chartered Accountants with 20 years experience (excluding audit experience) would also be preferred. 3) he´cegKe yeQeEkeÀie he´yebOeve mebmLeeveeW kesÀ efMe#eeefJeo efveosMekeÀ Deewj he´esHesÀmej efpevnW 20 Je<e& mes DeefOekeÀ keÀe DevegYeJe nes. 4) 20 Je<e& keÀe DevegYeJe (Dee@ef[ì DevegYeJe kesÀ DeueeJee) jKeves Jeeues meveoer uesKeekeÀejeW keÀes Yeer Jejer³elee oer peeSieer. 5) However, the experience criteria may be relaxed with the approval of the Finance Minister in exceptional cases based on merits of the case. 5) neueebekf eÀ ceeceues keÀer cesejf ì kesÀ DeeOeej hej efJeefMeä ceeceueeW ceW efJeÊeceb$eer kesÀ Devegceesove mes DevegYeJe mebyebOeer ceeveob[eW ceW ítì oer pee mekeÀleer nw. 6) 6) peneb lekeÀ mebYeJe nes, ceefnueeDeeW leLee Depee/Depepee kesÀ J³eefÊeÀ³eeW keÀes he´efleefveefOelJe efo³ee peeS. ie)efMe#ee DeMeemekeÀer³e efveosMekeÀ keÀes (SveDees[er) efkeÀmeer Yeer Jeie& ceW keÀce mes keÀce mveelekeÀ nesvee ®eeefnS, efyepevesme he´yebOeve, peeseKf ece he´yebOeve, efJeÊe, ceeveJe mebmeeOeve Deewj met®evee he´eÐw eeseif ekeÀer ceW efJeMes<e%elee JeeueeW keÀes Jejer³elee oer peeSieer. efveosMekeÀ keÀer Dee³eg, me®e& meefceefle Üeje keÀer ieF& efmeHeÀeefjMe keÀer leejerKe keÀes 67 Je<e& mes DeefOekeÀ veneR nesveer ®eeefnS. An NOD should at least be a graduate in any stream preferably with specialization in Business Management, Risk Management, Finance, Human Resources and IT. The age of the Director, on the date of recommendation by Search Committee should not be more than 67 years. [) keÀe³e& DevegYeJe e) Work Experience Professionals/academicians should ordinarily have 20 years of work experience in their particular field. f) Disqualifications hesMesJej J³eefÊeÀ³eeW/efMe#eeefJeoeW keÀes efJeefMeä #es$e ceW meeceev³eleë 20 Je<e& keÀe DevegYeJe nesvee ®eeefnS. ®e)De³eesi³elee 16 c) Education d) Age Ie)Dee³eg As far as possible representation may also be given to women and the persons belonging to SC/ST community. i). ³eefo keÀesF& efveosMekeÀ henues mes ner efkeÀmeer Yeer ÞesCeer kesÀ Debleie&le efkeÀmeer yeQkeÀ/ efJeÊeer³e mebmLee (SHeÀDeeF&)/ Yee.efj.yew/ yeercee kebÀheveer ceW efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW keÀe³e&jle nes, lees Gmes efkeÀmeer Dev³e yeQkeÀ / efJeÊeer³e mebmLee/Yee.efj.yeQ/ yeercee kebÀheveer ceW SveDees[er kesÀ ªhe ceW veeceebkeÀve hej efJe®eej ve efkeÀ³ee peeS. ii) efkeÀje³ee Kejero, efJeÊe hees<eCe, efveJesMe, ueereEpeie ³ee Dev³e hewje-yeQeEkeÀie keÀe³e&keÀueeheeW mes pegæ[s ngS J³eefÊeÀ Sce heer, SceSueS, SceSuemeer leLee mìe@keÀ ye´eskeÀj keÀes yeQkeÀeW /efJeÊeer³e mebmLeeDeeW/ Yee.efj.yeQ/ yeercee kebÀheefve³eeW kesÀ efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue ceW DeMeemekeÀer³e efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW efve³egÊeÀ veneR efkeÀ³ee peeSiee. efkeÀje³ee Kejero, efJeÊe hees<eCe, efveJesMe, ueereEpeie ³ee Dev³e hewje-yeQeEkeÀie keÀe³e&keÀueeheeW mes pegæ[s ngS efveJesMekeÀeW keÀes DeMeemekeÀer³e efveosMekeÀ keÀer efve³egefÊeÀ mes De³eesi³e i) A director already on a Bank/Financial Institution (FIs)/RBI/Insurance Company, under any category, may not be considered for nomination as NOD in any other Bank/FI/ RBI/Insurance Company. ii) Persons connected with hire purchase, financing investment, leasing and other para-banking activities, MPs, MLAs, MLCs and Stock Brokers will not be appointed as non-official directors on the boards of Banks/ Fls/RBI/Insurance Companies. Investors in a hire purchase, financing investment, leasing and other para banking activities would not be disqualified for appointments NOD, if they are not having any managerial control in such companies. veneR þnje³ee pee mekeÀlee, ³eefo Jen Fve kebÀheefve³eeW ceW he´yebOekeÀer³e efve³eb$eCe veneR jKelee nes. iii) iii) No person may be re- nominated as an NOD on the Board of a Bank/Fl/RBI/Insurance Company on which he/she has served as Director in the past under any category for two terms or six years whichever is longer. efkeÀmeer Yeer J³eefÊeÀ keÀes, pees henues yeQkeÀ/efJeÊeer³e mebmLee/ Yee.efj. yeQ./ yeercee kebÀheveer kesÀ yees[& ceW ueieeleej efkeÀmeer Yeer ÞesCeer ceW oes keÀe³e&keÀeue ³ee -6- Je<e&, pees Yeer DeefOekeÀ nes, efveosMekeÀ ªhe ceW mesJee keÀj ®egkeÀe nw, SveDees[er kesÀ ªhe ceW hegveë veeceebefkeÀle veneR efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee. g)Tenure í) DeJeefOe efkeÀmeer Yeer SveDees[er keÀes yeQkeÀ/efJeÊeer³e mebmLee/ Yee.efj.yeQ./ yeercee kebÀheveer kesÀ efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue ceW efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW veeefcele veneR efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw, ³eefo Jen efveosMekeÀ henues mes ner efkeÀmeer Dev³e yeQkeÀ/efJeÊeer³e mebmLee/ Yee.efj. yeQ./ yeercee kebÀheveer kesÀ yees[& ceW ueieeleej -6- Je<eeX lekeÀ ueieeleej ³ee DeueieDeueie mece³e hej SveDees[er/Mes³ej OeejkeÀ efveosMekeÀ jne nw. h) Professional Restriction Pe) J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀ he´efleyebOe jeä^e³r eke=Àle yeQkeÀ ³eespevee (he´yebOeve SJeb efJeefJeOe he´eJeOeeve) ³eespevee, 1970 kesÀ Keb[ 10([er) kesÀ lenle meeJe&peefvekeÀ #es$e yeQkeÀ ceW ueeYe kesÀ Dee@eHf eÀme kesÀ meeLemeeLe J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀ he´elf eyebOe kesÀ ceeceues keÀe Deueie mes hejer#eCe efkeÀ³ee peeSiee. $e) #es$eer³e he´efleefveefOelJe meeJe&peefvekeÀ #es$e yeQkeÀeW kesÀ yees[& ceW osMe kesÀ meYeer í: peesve- GÊej, oef#eCe, hetJe&, heeq½ece, ceO³e leLee GÊej-hetJe& mes he´efleefveefOelJe megefveeq½ele keÀjves kesÀ he´³eeme efkeÀ³es peeves ®eeefnS. efoMeeefveoxMeeW keÀes Yeejle mejkeÀej, efJeÊe ceb$eeue³e keÀer JesyemeeFì hej Yeer osKee pee mekeÀlee nw Deewj ³en yeQkeÀ keÀer JesyemeeFì www. hej Yeer nesce hespe hej efveJesMekeÀ mebyebOe eEuekeÀ ceW GheueyOe nQ. The issue of professional restriction vis-à-vis office of profit in any Public Sector Bank under clause 10(d) of the Nationalised Banks Scheme (Management and Miscellaneous) Provision Scheme, 1970 may be separately examined. i) Regional Representation Efforts should be made to ensure representation of all the six zones of the country – North, South, East, West, Central and North-East on the boards of Public Sector Banks taken together. The guidelines can also be viewed on the website of GOI, MOF, at nod/ and also available at Bank’s website i.e. “” at Investor Relations link on home page. INSPECTION OF THE REGISTER OF SHAREHOLDERS Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀe jefpemìj, yeQkeÀ kesÀ he´Oeeve keÀe³ee&ue³e ceW mene³ekeÀ cenehe´yebOekeÀ (SSceSue), yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe, 8Jeeb leue, metjpe hueepee - I, me³eepeeriebpe, Je[esoje- 390 005 kesÀ heeme meYeer keÀe³e& efoJemeeW ceW meesceJeej mes Meg¬eÀJeej lekeÀ Meece 3:00 yepes mes Meece 5:00 yepes lekeÀ Deewj MeefveJeej keÀes megyen 11:00 yepes mes oeshenj 1:00 yepes lekeÀ Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW kesÀ efvejer#eCe kesÀ efueS GheueyOe jnsiee leeefkeÀ Òel³eeMeer Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW kesÀ jefpemìj kesÀ efkeÀmeer Yeeie mes Jeebefíle met®evee he´ehle keÀj mekeWÀ. The Register of Shareholders will be open for inspection by the Shareholders, at the Head Office of the Bank with the office of the Assistant General Manager (AML), Bank of Baroda, 8th Floor, Suraj Plaza-1, Sayajiganj, Vadodara 390 005 on all working days (other than Sundays and Bank Holidays) i.e, Monday to Friday between 3.00 p.m to 5.00 p.m. and on Saturday between 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. for the purpose of enabling the contestants to take extracts of any part from the Register of the Shareholders. ³eefo keÀesF& Mes³ejOeejkeÀ Ghe³eg&ÊeÀ keÀer he´efle ³ee ®e³eefvele/DebMe keÀer kebÀch³etìj Üeje cegefêle he´efle ®eenlee nw lees Gmes mebye× DebMe kesÀ he´l³eskeÀ 1000 MeyoeW DeLeJee GmekesÀ Yeeie nsleg 5 ©he³es keÀer oj mes jeefMe kesÀ Yegieleeve keÀjves hej he´oeve efkeÀ³ee peeSiee. If any shareholder requires a copy or computer print of select / part information of the same shall be supplied to him on payment at the rate of Rs.5/- for every 1,000 words or fractional part thereof required to be copied. G. LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS í. Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀer met®eer F. [. Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW kesÀ jefpemìj keÀe efvejer#eCe An NOD would not be considered for nomination as a Director on the Board of a Bank/Fl/RBI/ Insurance Company if such Director has already been a NOD / Shareholder-Director on the board of any other Bank/Fl/RBI/Insurance Company for six years, whether continuously or intermittently. pewmee efkeÀ yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe (Mes³ej SJeb yewþkeWÀ) efJeefve³ece, 1998 kesÀ efJeefve³ece 64 ceW Jee|Cele Deewj mebMeesefOele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw, Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀer met®eer keÀer SkeÀ he´efle (FueskeÌì^eefvekeÀ ªhe ceW DeLee&led meer[er ³ee Fme lejn kesÀ Dev³e ceeO³ece ceW) yeQkeÀ kesÀ Je[esoje eqmLele he´Oeeve keÀe³ee&ue³e ceW, 2 petve, 2015 mes GheueyOe nesieer Deewj Jen yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe kesÀ he#e ceW Je[esoje ceW os³e efkeÀmeer Devegmetef®ele yeQkeÀ Üeje peejer ©. 50,000/- (kesÀJeue he®eeme npeej ©heS) kesÀ ceebie [^e@HeÌì/hes Dee@[&j kesÀ ceeO³ece mes As provided in Regulation 64 of the Bank of Baroda (Shares and Meetings) Regulations 1998, as amended, a copy of the List of Shareholders (in electronic form i.e. CD or such other media) will be available at the Head Office, Vadodara of the Bank from 2nd June 2015 onwards for purchase by Shareholders on payment of Rs. 50,000/(Rupees Fifty Thousand only) by Demand Draft/Pay Order of Scheduled Bank in favor of “Bank of Baroda” payable at Vadodara. The candidates desirous of purchasing the said list shall have to give a request letter addressed to 17 Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW Üeje Kejero nsleg GheueyOe nesieer. F®ígkeÀ DeY³eLeea keÀes Ghe³eg&ÊeÀ met®eer Kejeroves kesÀ efueS SkeÀ DevegjesOe he$e cenehe´yebOekeÀ (heefj®eeueve SJeb mesJeeSb), yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe, íþe leue, metjpe hueepee - I me³eepeeriebpe, Je[esoje- 390 005 keÀes he´mlegle keÀjvee nesiee leLee ³en Je®eve he$e osvee nesiee efkeÀ GÊeÀ met®eer keÀe Ghe³eesie ®egveeJe ceW he´®eej kesÀ efueS efkeÀ³ee peeSiee leLee GmekeÀe keÀesF& Deewj Ghe³eesie veneR efkeÀ³ee peeSiee. pe. efveJee&®eve kesÀ efueS DeY³ee|Le³eeW keÀe veeceebkeÀve efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW ®egveeJe kesÀ efueS DeY³eLeea keÀe veeceebkeÀve efvecve MeleeX kesÀ DeO³eOeerve mJeerkeÀe³e& nesiee: keÀ) efJeefve³eceeW kesÀ efJeefve³ece 65 keÀer MeleeX kesÀ Devegmeej Jen efJeefvee|oä leejerKe Meg¬eÀJeej, 15 ceF&, 2015 keÀes yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe kesÀ keÀce mes keÀce 100 (SkeÀ meew) Mes³ejeW keÀe Mes³ejOeejkeÀ nes Deewj yewþkeÀ keÀer efleefLe lekeÀ Deewj GmekesÀ yeeo ³eefo ®egve efue³ee peelee nw lees GmekesÀ yeeo Yeer Gmes v³etvelece 100 Mes³ejeW keÀe Mes³ejOeejkeÀ nesvee ®eeefnS. Ke) GÊeÀ DeefOeefve³ece kesÀ Debleie&le efveosMekeÀ efveJee&ef®ele keÀjves kesÀ efueS veeceebkeÀve efueefKele ªhe ceW efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nes Deewj Jen keÀce mes keÀce SkeÀ meew hee$e Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW DeLeJee ³eLeeefJeefOe GvekesÀ Deìeveea Üeje nmlee#eefjle nes, yeMeleX, efkeÀ veeceebkeÀve ³eefo efkeÀmeer Ssmes Mes³ejOeejkeÀ Üeje efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nes, pees SkeÀ kebÀheveer nw Deewj GÊeÀ kebÀheveer kesÀ efveosMekeÀeW Üeje mebkeÀuhe heeefjle efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nes, lees mebkeÀuhe heeefjle keÀjves Jeeueer yewþkeÀ kesÀ DeO³e#e Üeje mebkeÀuhe keÀer SkeÀ he´efle, efpemes mel³ehe´efle kesÀ ªhe ceW DeefYehe´ceeefCele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nes, cenehe´yebOekeÀ (heefj®eeueve SJeb mesJeeSb), yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe, ídþe leue, metjpe hueepee-1, me³eepeeriebpe, Je[esoje- 390 005 keÀes Yespeer peeSieer Deewj Ssmeer he´efle keÀes Gme kebÀheveer keÀer Deesj mes efkeÀ³ee ie³ee veeceebkeÀve ceevee peeSiee. ie) Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW (v³etvelece 100) Üeje efkeÀS ieS JewOe veeceebkeÀve kesÀ meeLe efkeÀmeer v³ee³eeOeerMe, ceefpemì^ìs , jefpemì^ej DeLeJee meye jefpemì^ej Dee@H] eÀ SM³eesjmW e DeLeJee efkeÀmeer Dev³e jepeheef$ele DeefOekeÀejer DeLeJee Yeejleer³e efjp] eJe& yeQkeÀ kesÀ efkeÀmeer DeefOekeÀejer DeLeJee jeä^e³r eke=Àle yeQkeÀ kesÀ efkeÀmeer DeefOekeÀejer kesÀ mece#e nmlee#eefjle veeseìf me ceW efoS ieS veeceebkeÀve SJeb Iees<eCee kesÀ vecetves kesÀ Devegmeej ³en Iees<eCee Meeefceue nesveer ®eeefnS efkeÀ Jen veeceebkeÀve keÀes mJeerkeÀej keÀjlee nw Deewj efveJee&®eve ceW Keæ[s nesves kesÀ efueS F®ígkeÀ nw Deewj ³en efkeÀ Jen DeefOeefve³ece DeLeJee efJeefve³ece DeefOeefve³ece DeLeJee GÊeÀ ³eespevee DeLeJee efJeefve³eceeW ³ee Yeejle mejkeÀej kesÀ ueeiet efoMeeefveoxMeeW kesÀ lenle efveosMekeÀ kesÀ efueS De³eesi³e vener nw Deewj meeLe ner Jen Deheves J³eefÊeÀiele efJeJejCe (yee³ees [eìe) keÀes Ghe³egÊeÀ ªhe ceW nmlee#eefjle keÀjles ngS Deewj ³en he´elf e%ee keÀjles ngS Iees<eCee keÀjsiee efkeÀ ³en efJeJejCe GmekesÀ DeefOekeÀlece %eeve Je peevekeÀejer ceW mel³e Je Ghe³egÊeÀ nw Deewj meeLe ner ³en Yeer MeheLe he$e osiee efkeÀ Jen yeeo ceW Yeer Ssmes ceeceueeW ceW pees met®evee, leovegªhe Iees<eCee keÀer ¢eqä mes he´emebeif ekeÀ nw, Gmemes yeQkeÀ keÀes hetjer lejn DeJeiele keÀjeSiee. Ie) Jen veeceebkeÀve he´ehle nesves keÀer Debeflece leejerKe DeLee&le cebieueJeej, 9 petve 2015 lekeÀ yeQeEkeÀie efJeefve³ece DeefOeefve³ece 1949 ³ee yeQkeÀkeÀejer kebÀheveer (Ghe¬eÀceeW kesÀ DeefOeie´nCe SJeb DeblejCe) DeefOeefve³ece, 1970 ³ee jeä^er³eke=Àle yeQkeÀ (he´yebOeve SJeb efJeefJeOe he´eJeOeeve) ³eespevee 1970 ³ee yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe meeceev³e (Mes³ej SJeb yewþkeWÀ) efJeefve³ece 1998 (pewmee efkeÀ Deye `efJeefve³ece' kesÀ ªhe ceW meboe|Yele nesiee) kesÀ lenle De³eesi³e ve nes Deewj GmekesÀ yeeo Jen meeJe&peefvekeÀ #es$e yeQkeÀeW ceW DeMeemekeÀer³e efveosMekeÀeW keÀer efve³egÊeÀ kesÀ mebyebOe ceW Dehe´wue, 2015 ceW Yeejle 18 “General Manager” (Operations & Services), Bank of Baroda, 6th Floor Suraj Plaza-1, Sayajiganj, Vadodara 390 005 with an undertaking that the list will be used in canvassing for the election and shall not be used for any other purpose whatsoever. H. NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR ELECTION: The nomination of a candidate for election as a Director shall be accepted provided: a) In terms of Regulation 65 of the Regulations, he / she is a Shareholder holding not less than 100 (One hundred) shares of the Bank as on Friday 15th May 2015 being the Specified Date of reckoning for participation in the election and continues to hold a minimum of 100 shares till the date of the meeting and thereafter till the end of his/her tenure, if he/she is elected. b) The nomination is in writing signed by at least one hundred Shareholders entitled to elect Directors under the Act or by their duly constituted attorney, provided that a nomination by Shareholder who is a company may be made by a resolution of the Directors of the said Company and where it is so made, a copy of the resolution certified to be true copy by the Chairman of the meeting at which it was passed shall be dispatched to the Head Office of the Bank addressed to the General Manager (Operations & Services), Bank of Baroda, 6th Floor, Suraj Plaza-1, Sayajiganj, Vadodara – 390 005 and such copy shall be deemed to be a nomination on behalf of such Company. c) The valid nominations by the Shareholders (Minimum 100) is accompanied by a declaration by the candidate as per the specimen form of nomination and declaration furnished in this notice duly signed by the candidate before a Judge, Magistrate, Registrar or Sub-Registrar of Assurances or other Gazetted Officer or an officer of the Reserve Bank of India or any Nationalized Bank, that he / she accepts the nomination and is willing to stand for election, and that he / she is not disqualified either under the Act or Regulation Act or the Scheme or the Regulations or applicable GOI guidelines from being a Director along with his / her personal details (bio data) duly signed and affirming that such details are true to the best of his / her knowledge and belief and also his / her undertaking to keep the Bank fully informed as soon as possible of such events which are relevant to the information, subsequent to the declaration. d) As on Tuesday, 9th June 2015, being the last date for receipt of nominations, he / she is not disqualified under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 or the Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 or the Nationalized Banks (Management & Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme, 1970 or the Bank of Baroda General (Shares and Meetings) Regulations, 1998 (hereinafter referred to as “the Regulations”) and thereafter has been found “Fit and Proper” by the Nomination Committee of the Board in terms of the Notification No.DBOD No.BCNO.46/29.39.001/2007-08 dated 01.11.2007 of Reserve Bank of Baroda read with guidelines dated 25th March, 2015 by the Government for Non Official Directors of the Public Sector Banks or such other directives as may be issued from time to time from being elected as a Director. mejkeÀej Üeje peejer efkeÀS ieS efoMeeefveoxMeeW DeLeJee efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ®egveeJe kesÀ mebyebOe ceW mece³e-mece³e hej peejer Ssmes Dev³e efveoxMeeW kesÀ meeLe heefþle, Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ keÀer DeefOemet®evee meb. [eryeerDees[er meb. yeermeer meb. 46 Deewj 47/29.39.001/2007-08 efoveebkeÀ 1 veJebyej, 2007, kesÀ Devegmeej yees[& keÀer veebceekeÀve meefceefle Üeje Ghe³egÊeÀ SJeb mecegef®ele hee³ee ie³ee nes. veeceebkeÀve he$e Deewj Iees<eCee he$e efJeefve³eceeW kesÀ Üeje efveOee&ejf le nQ Deewj veeseìf me kesÀ meeLe mebueive he´eªhe ceW efoS ieS nw. (mebhetCe& veeseìf me, efpemeceW ³en he´eHs eÀecee& Yeer Meeefceue nw, yeQkeÀ keÀer JesyemeeFì hej Yeer GheueyOe nw. Pe. veeceebkeÀve HeÀece& keÀer he´mlegefle : Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW ceW mes yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀeW kesÀ ®egveeJe ueæ[ves kesÀ F®ígkeÀ Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀes (keWÀê mejkeÀej keÀes íesæ[keÀj) Fme veesefìme kesÀ meeLe mebueive he´eªheeW ceW efJeefOeJele Yejs ngS efvecveefueefKele omleeJespe meerueyebo efueHeÀeHesÀ ceW cenehe´yebOekeÀ (heefj®eeueve SJeb mesJeeSb), yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe, íþe leue, metjpe hueepee-1, me³eepeeriebpe, yeæ[ewoe390005 keÀes Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ keÀer efveOee&efjle leejerKe mes keÀce mes keÀce 14 keÀe³e& efoJeme hetJe& DeLee&le cebieueJeej, 9 petve, 2015 keÀes mee³eb 5:00 yepes lekeÀ ³ee Fmemes hetJe& he´mlegle keÀj osves ®eeefnS. keÀ) efJeefOeJele ªhe mes Yeje ie³ee Iees<eCee he$e Ke) efveJee&®eve ceW Yeeie uesves nsleg hee$e v³etvelece 100 Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW mes JewOe veeceebkeÀve HeÀece&. ie) Fme veeseìf me kesÀ meeLe mebueive he´eªhe ceW J³eefÊeÀiele met®evee, Iees<eCee he$e leLee Je®eve he$e, efpemekesÀ meeLe mebyebeOf ele omleeJespe, he´ceeCehe$e DeLee&le mJe nmlee#eefjle yee³ees[eìe, Mew#eefCekeÀ ³eesi³elee mebyebOeer he´ceeCehe$e, DevegYeJe Deeefo mebueive nes. Ie) Ghe³eg&ÊeÀ veeceebkeÀve HeÀece& Je Dev³e omleeJespe meYeer lejn mes hetCe& nesves ®eeefnS Deewj Ssmee ve nesves hej veeceebkeÀve DemJeerkeÀej efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw. _e. veeceebkeÀveeW keÀer peeb®e leLee efveosMekeÀeW keÀe ®egveeJe keÀ) veeceebkeÀve he´ehle nesves kesÀ efueS efveOee&efjle leejerKe yegOeJeej, 10 petve, 2015 kesÀ yeeo kesÀ he´Lece keÀe³e& efoJeme keÀes yeQkeÀ Üeje veeceebkeÀveeW keÀer peeb®e keÀer peeSieer Deewj ³eefo keÀesF& veeceebkeÀve JewOe veneR hee³ee ie³ee lees GmekeÀe keÀejCe ope& keÀjves kesÀ he½eele Gmes DemJeerke=Àle keÀj efo³ee peeSiee. Ke) veeceebkeÀve, Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ Üeje 1 veJebyej, 2007 keÀes peejer `Ghe³egÊeÀ Je mecegef®ele' efoMeeefveoxMeeW kesÀ lenle keÀe³ee&ue³eerve yees[& keÀer veeceebkeÀve meefceefle Üeje peeb®e kesÀ DeO³eOeerve nesiee. Yeejleer³e efjpeJe& yeQkeÀ kesÀ Ghe³eg&ÊeÀ efveoxMeeW kesÀ Devegªhe GcceeroJeej keÀer Ghe³egÊeÀ Je mecegef®ele eqmLeefle keÀe efveOee&jCe keÀjles mece³e, veeceebkeÀve meefceefle meeJe&peefvekeÀ #es$e yeQkeÀeW ceW DeMeemekeÀer³e efveosMekeÀeW kesÀ veeceebkeÀve kesÀ mebyebOe ceW efJeÊe ceb$eeue³e, Yeejle mejkeÀej Üeje 25 cee®e&, 2015 ceW peejer efkeÀS ieS efoMeeefveoxMeeW keÀes Yeer O³eeve ceW jKesieer. ie) veeceebkeÀve meefceefle Üeje peeb®e efkeÀS peeves kesÀ yeeo, ³eefo ®egveeJe Üeje Yejer peeves Jeeueer SkeÀ efjefÊeÀ nsleg kesÀJeue SkeÀ JewOe veeceebkeÀve he´ehle nes lees Fme he´keÀej veeefcele he´l³eeMeer Gmeer mece³e mes efveJee&ef®ele mecePee peeSiee Deewj GmekeÀe veece leLee helee efveJee&ef®ele efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW he´keÀeefMele nesiee. Ssmeer efkeÀmeer eqmLeefle ceW DeLeJee efkeÀmeer Yeer veeceebkeÀve kesÀ JewOe veneR hee³es peeves hej Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ keÀer ceo meb. 3 Dee³eesefpele veneR keÀer peeSieer. veJe efveJee&ef®ele efveosMekeÀ GmekesÀ ®egveeJe keÀer leejerKe efpeme efove GmekeÀe ®egveeJe mecePee ie³ee nw mes Deieues The nomination forms and declaration form are as prescribed by the Regulation as per the proforma annexed to this notice (The proforma is also available on the Bank's website: I. SUBMISSION OF NOMINATION FORMS Shareholders desirous of contesting the election of the Directors of the Bank from amongst the Shareholders, other than the Central Government, should submit following documents in formats annexed to this notice, in a sealed envelope to the General Manager (Operations & Services), Bank of Baroda, 6th Floor, Suraj Plaza-1, Sayajiganj, Vadodara – 390 005, on any working day not less than fourteen days before the date fixed for the AGM i.e., on or before closing hours of the Bank at 5.00 p.m., on Tuesday, 9th June 2015: a) Duly filled in Declaration Form; b) Valid Nomination Forms minimum of hundred Shareholders entitled to participate in the election; c) Personal Information, Declaration and Undertaking in the formats annexed to the Notice together with the connected documents, testimonials, viz. self attested copies of Bio-data, Certificate of Educational Qualifications, Experience, etc., d) The said nomination forms and other documents should be complete in all respects failing which, the nominations are liable to be rejected. J. SCRUTINY OF NOMINATIONS AND ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: a) Nominations shall be scrutinized on Wednesday, 10th June 2015, the first working day following the last date fixed for the receipt of the nominations and in case any nomination is not found to be valid, the same shall be rejected after recording the reasons thereof. b) Nominations shall also be subjected to scrutiny by the Nomination Committee of the Board in terms of the ‘Fit and Proper’ Guidelines dated November 01, 2007 issued by the Reserve Bank of India. While determination of the Fit & Proper Status of Candidates in terms of the aforesaid RBI guidelines, the Nomination Committee may also keep in mind for consideration, the guidlines issued by the Central Government as applicable for non official director in Public Sector Banks as issued by Government of India dated 25th March 2015. c) After the scrutiny by the Nomination Committee, if there is only one valid nomination for one vacancy to be filled by the election, the candidate so nominated shall be deemed to be elected forthwith and his/her name and address shall be published as so elected. In such an event or in case no nomination is found valid, the agenda item 3 at the AGM will not be conducted. The newly elected director will assume office on the 19 efove ner heoYeej ie´nCe keÀjWies. leLee 3 Je<e& keÀer DeJeefOe Hetjer nesves lekeÀ Heo Hej yeves jnsieW. next day of his/her deemed date of election and shall hold office until the completion of a period of three years from the date of such assumption. Ie) ³eefo JewOe veeceebkeÀve keÀer mebK³ee SkeÀ mes DeefOekeÀ nes lees ®egveeJe nesves keÀer oMee ceW he´l³eeefMe³eeW kesÀ veece mecee®eej-he$eeW ceW he´keÀeefMele efkeÀS peeSbies Deewj ®egveeJe ceW meJee&efOekeÀ F&-JeeseEìie leLee cele he´ehle keÀjves Jeeues he´l³eeMeer efveJee&ef®ele neWies Deewj GvekesÀ veece yewþkeÀ ceW Ieesef<ele efkeÀS peeSbies leLee mecee®eej-he$eeW ceW Yeer he´keÀeefMele efkeÀ³ee peeSbies. ®egvee ie³ee efveosMekeÀ efoveebkeÀ 25 petve, 2015 mes HeoYeej ûenCe keÀjsiee SJeb Fme lejn HeoYeej ûenCe keÀer leejerKe mes 3 Je<eeX keÀer DeJeefOe kesÀ efueS Heo Hej yevee jnsiee. d) If there are more than one valid nominations, the names of the candidates shall be published in the newspapers and Election will be held and candidate polling the majority of the votes i.e. aggregate of e-voting and Poll at the meeting will be deemed to have been elected and his/her name will be announced and also published in newspapers. The elected Director shall assume office w.e.f. 25th June, 2015 and shall hold office until the completition of a period of three years from the date of such assumption. ì. GcceeroJeejer Jeeefheme uesvee ³eefo keÀesF& GcceeroJeej Dehevee veeceebkeÀve Jeeefheme uesvee ®eenlee nw, lees Jen Meg¬eÀJeej efoveebkeÀ 19 petve, 2015 keÀes yeQkeÀ kesÀ keÀecekeÀepe kesÀ IebìeW keÀer meceeeqhle mes henues, DeLee&le Meece 5.00 yepes mes hetJe& efkeÀmeer Yeer mece³e, cenehe´yebOekeÀ (heefj®eeueve SJeb mesJeeSb) yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe, 6þe leue, metjpe hueepee-1, me³eepeeriebpe, Je[esoje- 390 005 keÀes mebyeesefOele he$e Yespe keÀj ³ee 0265 - 2362914 hej HewÀkeÌme YespekeÀj DeLeJee gm.ops. ho@bankofbaroda.comhej mkewÀve leLee nmlee#eefjle he$e keÀer F&-cesue YespekeÀj Dehevee veeceebkeÀve Jeeefheme ues mekeÀlee nw. K. WITHDRAWAL OF CANDIDATURE If any candidate desires to withdraw his nomination, he would be entitled to do so at any time prior to closing hours of the Bank i.e. on or before 5.00 p.m. on Friday, 19th June 2015 by sending a letter addressed to General Manager (Operations & Services), Bank of Baroda, 6th Floor, Suraj Plaza-1, Sayajiganj, Vadodara – 390 005 or sending fax at 0265- 2362914 or scanned and signed letter over e-mail at “”. þ. efJeJeeo L.DISPUTES ³eefo keÀesF& efJeJeeo GlheVe nesiee, lees yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe meeceev³e (Mes³ej SJeb yewþkeÀ) efJeefve³ece, 1998, ³eLee mebMeesefOele kesÀ efJeefvece³e 67 kesÀ Devegmeej Gmes efveheìe³ee peeSiee. * G×jCe ueeiet DeefOeefve³ece/ ³eespevee/ efJeefve³ece/ DeefOemet®evee/ Yeejle mejkeÀej kesÀ efoMeeefveoxMeeW kesÀ mebye× efnmmeeW kesÀ G×jCe Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW kesÀ ueeYeeLe& yeQkeÀ keÀer JesyemeeFì hej [eue efo³ee ie³ee nw. pees Mes³ejOeejkeÀ ®egveeJe ueæ[vee ®eenles nQ Jes Fmes [eGveuees[ keÀj mekeÀles nQ DeLeJee FmekeÀer he´efle cebieJeeves kesÀ efueS yeQkeÀ kesÀ kebÀheveer meef®eJe "" keÀes efueKe mekeÀles nQ Deewj Fmes Fcesue mes ÒeeHle keÀj mekeÀles nwb. efveosMekeÀeW keÀe efnle yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ Deheveer Mes³ejOeeefjlee keÀer meercee lekeÀ leLee Ssmes efveosMekeÀ efpevneWves veeceebkeÀve ope& efkeÀS nQ, keÀejesyeej keÀer GÊeÀ ceoeW mes GvnW mejeskeÀej nw ³ee GmeceW GvekeÀe efnle nw Ssmee mecePee peeSiee. If there is any dispute, the same will be settled as per Regulation 67 of the Bank of Baroda General (Shares and Meetings) Regulations, 1998 as amended. M.EXTRACTS Extracts of the relevant portions of the applicable Act / Scheme / Regulations / Notification/ GOI Guidelines are posted on Bank’s website:, for the benefit of the Shareholders. Shareholders desirous of contesting elections may download the same or write to the Company Secretary of the Bank at "companysecretary." and obtain the same over e-mail. N. INTEREST OF DIRECTORS Directors of the Bank to the extent of their shareholding and such Directors who file their nominations may be deemed to be concerned or interested in the aforesaid item of business. By Order of the Board of Directors For BANK OF BARODA efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue kesÀ DeeosMeevegmeej ke=Àle yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe mLeeveë cegbyeF& efoveebkeÀë 11 ceF&, 2015 20 (jbpeve OeJeve) he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ SJeb cegK³e keÀe³e&heeuekeÀ DeefOekeÀejer Place : Mumbai Date:11th May 2015 Ranjan Dhawan Managing Director & CEO ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããùû¹ãŠ ºãü¡ãõªã ¹ãÆ£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã – ½ããâ¡Ìããè, ºãü¡ãõªã 390 006 ¬eÀce meb. veeceebkeÀve HeÀece& he´efle, ÒeyebOe efveosMekeÀ SJeb cegK³e keÀe³e&HeeuekeÀ DeefOekeÀejer/keÀe³e&HeeuekeÀ efveosMekeÀ yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe he´Oeeve keÀe³ee&ue³e, Je[esoje. ceneso³e/ceneso³ee efveosMekeÀ keÀe ®egveeJe DeehekesÀ efoveebkeÀ 11 ceF&, 2015 kesÀ veesefìme kesÀ meboYe& ceW, ceQ Þeer/megÞeer ....................................................... ................................................................. yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe keÀe Mes³ejOeejkeÀ, Meg¬eÀJeej 15 ceF&, 2015 (DeLee&le efveJee&®eve ceW Yeeie uesves keÀer efJeefvee|oä leejerKe keÀes) he´l³eskeÀ ©. 2/- kesÀ ........................................ FefkeÌJeìer Mes³ejeW keÀe OeejkeÀ, Sleod Üeje Þeer/megÞeer ....................................................................megheg$e/megheg$eer/helveer............................................................ efveJeemeer ................................................................................................................... keÀes yegOeJeej, efoveebkeÀ 24 petve, 2015 keÀes nesvesJeeueer yeQkeÀ kesÀ Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀer Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ ceW, yeQkeÀkeÀejer kebÀheveer (Ghe¬eÀceeW keÀe DeefOeie´nCe SJeb DeblejCe) DeefOeefve³ece, 1970 keÀer Oeeje 9(3) (i) ceW efkeÀS ieS he´eJeOeeve kesÀ Devegmeej yeQkeÀ kesÀ Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀe he´efleefveefOelJe keÀjves kesÀ efueS yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe kesÀ efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW ®egves peeves nsleg veeefcele keÀjlee ntb/keÀjleer ntb. veece nmlee#ej Oeeefjle Mes³ejeW keÀer mebK³ee hebpeerke=Àle HeÀesefue³ees veb. (³eefo DeYeeweflekeÀ ªhe ceW ve nes) [er.heer. DeeF&.[er. veb. SJeb ie´enkeÀ DeeF&.[er. veb. (³eefo DeYeeweflekeÀ ªhe ceW nes.) mLeeve leejerKe efìhheCeer : keÀ)³eefo veeceebkeÀve efkeÀmeer keÀeheexjsì efvekeÀe³e Mes³ejOeejkeÀ Üeje efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nes, lees veeceebkeÀve HeÀece& kesÀ meeLe efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue Üeje heeefjle mebkeÀuhe keÀer DeefOehe´ceeefCele he´efle mebueive keÀer peeveer ®eeefnS Deewj Gme hej, efpeme yewþkeÀ ceW Fmes heeefjle efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nes, GmekesÀ DeO³e#e kesÀ nmlee#ej nesves ®eeefnS. Ke) he´l³eeMeer keÀe veeceebkeÀve keÀjves Jeeues Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW kesÀ nmlee#ej, yeQkeÀ kesÀ Mes³ej DeblejCe SpeWì kesÀ heeme GheueyOe vecetvee nmlee#ej mes cesue Keeves ®eeefnS. ie) ³eefo Ghe³eg&ÊeÀ ceW mes keÀesF& keÀe@uece efjÊeÀ íesæ[e ie³ee ³ee efJeJejCe Demel³e hee³ee ie³ee lees veeceebkeÀve jÎ efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw. 21 Bank of Baroda Head Office: Mandvi, Baroda – 390 006 Sr. No. NOMINATION FORM To Managing Director & CEO/Executive Director, Bank of Baroda Head Office, Vadodara. Dear Sir/Madam, ELECTION OF DIRECTOR With reference to your Notice dated 11th May 2015, I, ………………........................................................................…………………. a Shareholder of Bank of Baroda holding …………… equity shares of Rs. 2/- each fully paid up as on Friday, 15th May 2015 i.e., the Specified Date for participating in the Election, do hereby nominate Shri / Smt. …………………………….. …………………………….. son / daughter / wife of ……………….............................................................………………residing at …………………………………………………… …… ………… …. for being elected as a Director of Bank of Baroda representing the Shareholders of the Bank as provided in Section 9(3)(i) of the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 at the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Bank to be held on Wednesday, 24th June 2015. Name Signature No. of Shares Held Regd. Folio No. (if not dematerialized) DP ID No. & Client ID No. (If dematerialized) Place Date Notes: a) In case nomination is made by a Shareholder who is a body corporate, the Nomination Form should be accompanied by a certified true copy of the resolution passed at the meeting of the Board of Directors under the signature of the Chairman of the meeting at which it was passed. b) Signature of the Shareholder nominating the candidature should match with the specimen signature available with the Share Transfer Agent of the Bank. c) If any of the columns above is left blank or the particulars are found to be incorrect, the nomination is liable to be rejected. 22 ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããùû¹ãŠ ºãü¡ãõªã ¹ãÆ£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã – ½ããâ¡Ìããè, ºãü¡ãõªã 390 006 Iees<eCee he$e ceQ, Þeer/Þeerceleer ............................................................................................... megheg$e/megheg$eer/helveer/Þeer/Þeerceleer ........................................ ............................................................................................................., efveJeemeer ................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................SleoÜeje hegeqä keÀjlee /keÀjleer ntb efkeÀ :keÀ. ceQ Meg¬eÀJeej 15 ceF&, 2015 DeLee&led efveJee&®eve ceW Yeeie uesves keÀer efJeefvee|oä leejerKe keÀes yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe kesÀ 2/- ©he³es he´efle Mes³ej Jeeues ............................ FeqkeÌJeìer Mes³ejeW keÀe Mes³ejOeejkeÀ ntb Deewj Iees<eCee keÀjlee ntb efkeÀ ³eefo yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW ®egve efue³ee peelee ntb, lees GmekeÀer DeJeefOe keÀer meceeeqhle lekeÀ Mes³ejOeeefjlee jnsieer. Ke.cegPes* (i) ke=Àef<e SJeb ie´eceerCe DeLe&J³eJemLee (ii) yeQeEkeÀie (iii) menkeÀeefjlee (iv) DeLe&Meem$e (v) efJeÊe (vi) efJeefOe (vii) ueIeg GÐeesie DeLeJee .................. .............................................................................................. keÀe efJeMes<e %eeve Deewj J³eeJeneefjkeÀ DevegYeJe nw pees Yeejleer³e efj] peJe& yeQkeÀ keÀer je³e ceW yeQkeÀ kesÀ efueS Ghe³eesieer nesiee Deewj ceQ DeefOeefve³ece keÀer Oeeje 9 keÀer GheOeeje 3S kesÀ Devegmeej peceekeÀlee&DeeW DeLeJee efkeÀmeeveeW, keÀeceieejeW Deewj omlekeÀejeW kesÀ efnleeW keÀe he´efleefveefOelJe keÀjlee ntb/keÀjleer ntb Deewj GmekesÀ mee#³e kesÀ ªhe ceW, ceQ FmekesÀ meeLe mebyebefOele he´ceeCe he´mlegle keÀjlee ntb/keÀjleer ntb Deewj (pees ueeiet ve nes Gmes keÀeì os) ie. ceQ veeceekebÀve ¬eÀceebkeÀ ............................................................................................mJeerkeÀej keÀjlee ntb/keÀjleer ntb Deewj Ie. ceQ yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe kesÀ efveosMekeÀ kesÀ efveJee&®eve ceW he´l³eeMeer yevevee ®eenlee/®eenleer ntb. * ceQ, yeQkeÀkeÀejer efJeefve³eceve DeefOeefve³ece, 1949, yeQkeÀkeÀejer kebÀheveer (Ghe¬eÀceeW keÀe DeefOeie´nCe SJeb DeblejCe) DeefOeefve³ece, 1970, jeä^er³eke=Àle yeQkeÀ (he´yebOeve leLee efJeefJeOe he´eJeOeeve) ³eespevee, 1970, ³eLee mebMeesefOele yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe meeceev³e (Mes³ej SJeb yewþkeÀ) efJeefve³eceve, 1998 kesÀ he´eJeOeeveeW kesÀ DeOeerve Deewj Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ Üeje peejer mebyebefOele DeefOemet®evee leLee Yeejle mejkeÀej Üeje meeJe&peefvekeÀ #es$e yeQkeÀeW kesÀ DeMeemekeÀer³e efveosMekeÀeW kesÀ mebyebOe ceW peejer efoMee-efveoxMeeW kesÀ lenle yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ nesves kesÀ efueS De³eesi³e veneR ntb. ®e. ceQ ve keÀesF& ueeYe keÀe heo OeejCe keÀjlee ntb/ keÀjleer ntb DeLeJee ve ner ceQ efkeÀmeer jeä^er³eke=Àle yeQkeÀ DeLeJee Yeejleer³e mìsì yeQkeÀ DeefOeefve³ece, 1955 keÀer Oeeje 3 keÀer Ghe-Oeeje (1) kesÀ lenle ieefþle Yeejleer³e mìsì yeQkeÀ DeLeJee Yeejleer³e mìsì yeQkeÀ (Deveg<ebieer yeQkeÀ) DeefOeefve³ece, 1959 keÀer Oeeje 3 ceW ³eLee heefjYeeef<ele efkeÀmeer Deveg<ebieer yeQkeÀ keÀe keÀce&®eejer ntb. pe. cegPes keÀYeer Yeer efoJeeefue³ee keÀjej veneR efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw Deewj cewveW keÀYeer Yeer Deheves uesveoejeW keÀe Yegieleeve veneR jeskeÀe ³ee he´Meceve veneR efkeÀ³ee nw DeLeJee Pe. cegPes keÀYeer Yeer efJeef#ehle veneR hee³ee ie³ee nw Deewj ve ner keÀYeer efkeÀmeer me#ece v³ee³eeue³e Üeje Ssmee Ieesef<ele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nQ Deewj ve ner keÀYeer ®eefj$enervelee kesÀ efkeÀmeer pegce& ceW efkeÀmeer DehejeefOekeÀ v³ee³eeue³e Üeje DehejeOeer Ieesef<ele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw. _e. ceQ efkeÀmeer Dev³e yeQkeÀ ³ee efJeÊeer³e mebmLee ³ee Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ ³ee efkeÀmeer yeercee kebÀheveer ceW efkeÀmeer Yeer ÞesCeer kesÀ lenle efveosMekeÀ veneR ntb leLee ì. ceQ efkeÀmeer efkeÀje³ee Kejero, efJeÊeer³e efveJesMe, efueeEpeie leLee Dev³e hewje yeQeEkeÀie ieefleefJeefOe³eeW mes peg[e ngDee veneR ntb Deewj ceQ keÀesF& meebmeo/ efJeOee³ekeÀ/ SceSuemeer/ mìe@keÀ ye´eskeÀj Yeer veneR ntb. þ. ceQ henues Yeer efkeÀmeer yeQkeÀ ³ee efJeÊeer³e mebmLee ³ee Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ ³ee efkeÀmeer yeercee kebÀheveer kesÀ yees[& ceW efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue ceW efkeÀmeer Yeer ÞesCeer kesÀ Debleie&le ueieeleej ³ee Deueie Deueie mece³e Hej oes keÀe³e&keÀeue ³ee - 6 - Je<eeX kesÀ efueS pees Yeer DeefOekeÀ nw, efveosMekeÀ veneR jne ntb. 23 Bank of Baroda Head Office: Mandvi, Baroda – 390 006 DECLARATION I, ……………...................................…………………….......................…… son/daughter/wife of Shri/Smt…..............……................ ..................................….……………… resident of…………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………hereby confirm that : a. I am a Shareholder holding ……………… equity shares of Rs.2/- each of the Bank as on FRIDAY, 15th May 2015, i.e., the Specified Date for participating in the election, and undertake to hold the shares till the end of the tenure, if elected as a Director of the Bank; b. *I have special knowledge or practical experience in (i) agriculture and rural economy, (ii) banking, (iii) cooperation, (iv) economics, (v) finance (vi) law,(vii) small scale industry, or ………………………………………………. (special knowledge of and practical experience of which in the opinion of Reserve Bank of India would be useful to the Bank) and I represent the interest of the depositors or farmers, workers and artisans, in terms of subsection 3A of Section 9 of the Act and as an evidence thereof, I submit herewith the relevant testimonials, and (*Delete whichever is not applicable.) c. I accept the nominations numbering …………………….and d. I am willing to contest for the election of Director of BANK OF BARODA and e. I am not disqualified from being a director of the Bank under the provisions of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949, the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970, the Nationalized Banks (Management and Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme, 1970, Bank of Baroda General (Shares & Meetings) Regulations, 1998 as amended, relevant Notifications issued by RBI and Guidelines issued by GOI with regard to Non Official Directors of Public Sector Banks and f. I neither hold any office of profit nor am I an employee of any Nationalized Bank or State Bank of India constituted under subsection (1) of Section 3 of the State Bank of India Act, 1955 or any Subsidiary Bank as defined in Section 3 of the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959. g. I have not been at any time adjudicated as an insolvent or has suspended payment or has compounded with my creditors. h. I have not been found of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court and has not been convicted by a Criminal Court of an offence which involves moral turpitude.. i. j. I am not a Director in any other Bank or Financial Institution or RBI or Insurance Company under any category; and I am not connected with any hire purchase, financing investment, leasing and other para-banking activities and I am not a MP / MLA / MLC / Stock broker k. I have not been a Director on the Board of any Bank, or Financial Institution or RBI or Insurance Company in the past, under any category for two terms or six years, whichever is longer and whether continuously or intermittently. 24 æ[. cegPes efkeÀmeer Deee|LekeÀ DeefOekeÀejer ³ee v³eeef³ekeÀ ceefpemì^sì, ³ee G®®e v³ee³eeue³e ³ee efkeÀmeer Dev³e v³ee³eeue³e Üeje DehejeOeer Ieesef<ele veneR efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw leLee {. ceQ yeQkeÀ keÀes GhejesÊeÀ met®eveeDeeW mes mebye× Ssmeer meYeer IeìveeDeeW, pees cesjer efve³egefÊeÀ kesÀ he½eele nesleer nQ, keÀer peevekeÀejer ³eLeemebYeJe MeerIe´ ner GheueyOe keÀjJeeves SJeb yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ kesÀ ©He ceW ®egveW peeves kesÀ he½eele ÒemebefJeoe efJeuesKe keÀes efve<Heeefole keÀjves keÀe Je®eve oslee ntb. le. ceQ met®eer³eve keÀjej kesÀ Keb[ 49 (II) (yeer) kesÀ Devegmeej efveosMekeÀ yeveves mes keÀYeer Yeer De³eesi³e keÀjej veneR efo³ee ie³ee ntb Deewj ³en Yeer Iees<eCee keÀjlee ntb efkeÀ yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ heo hej yeves jnves lekeÀ FmekesÀ he´eJeOeeveeW keÀe heeueve keÀªbiee. Le. ceQ Dehevee J³eefÊeÀiele efJeJejCe mebueive keÀj jne ntb pees efkeÀ cesjer DeefOekeÀlece peevekeÀejer ceW Deewj efJeéeeme kesÀ Devegmeej mener SJeb hetCe& nQ. veece nmlee#ej Mes³ejeW keÀer mebK³ee hebpeerke=Àle HeÀesefue³ees veb. (³eefo DeYeeweflekeÀ ve nes) [er.heer. DeeF&.[er. veb. SJeb ie´enkeÀ DeeF&.[er. veb. (³eefo DeYeeweflekeÀ nes) mLeeve leejerKe Ghe³eg&ÊeÀ Iees<eCee he$e hej cesjer GheeqmLeefle ceW nmlee#ej efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw. nmlee#ej ......................................................................... v³ee³eeOeerMe, ceefpemì^sì, jefpemì^ej ³ee SM³eesjWmeme kesÀ Ghe jefpemì^ej ³ee Dev³e jepeheef$ele/DeefOekeÀejer ³ee Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ ³ee yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe ³ee efkeÀmeer jeä^er³eke=Àle yeQkeÀ kesÀ DeefOekeÀejer kesÀ nmlee#ej SJeb ceesnj. * pees ueeiet nes Gmes keÀeì oW. 25 l. I have not been declared as proclaimed offender by any Economic Officer or Judicial Magistrate or High Court or any other Court, and m. I undertake to keep the Bank fully informed, as soon as possible, of events, if any, which take place subsequent to this declaration which are relevant to the information provided hereto and to execute the Deed of Covenants upon my election as a Director of the Bank. n. I am not disqualified for being appointed as a Director pursuant to Clause 49 (II) (B) of the Listing Agreement and undertake to comply the provisions of the same till I hold the position as a Director of the Bank. o. I enclose my personal details which are to the best of my knowledge and belief true and complete in all respects, Name Signature No. of shares Regd. Folio No. (if not dematerialized) DP ID No. & Client ID No. (if dematerialized) Place Date The above declaration was signed before me. ____________________________________ Signature with seal of Judge, Magistrate, Registrar or Sub-Registrar of Assurances, or other Gazetted Officer or an officer of the Reserve Bank of India or Bank of Baroda or any Nationalized Bank. 26 ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããùû¹ãŠ ºãü¡ãõªã ¹ãÆ£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã – ½ããâ¡Ìããè, ºãü¡ãõªã 390 006 J³eefÊeÀiele met®evee, Iees<eCee SJeb Je®evehe$e HeemeHeesì& meeFpe HeÀesìes ef®eHekeÀeSb yeQkeÀ keÀe veece : yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe efoveebkeÀ_____________2015 keÀes Dehesef#ele DevegueivekeÀeW kesÀ meeLe he´l³eeMeer keÀer Iees<eCee SJeb Je®evehe$e I he´l³eeMeer keÀe J³eefÊeÀiele efJeJejCe keÀ hetje veece (yeæ[s De#ejeW ceW) efhelee keÀe hetje veece Ke pevce leejerKe ie Mew#eefCekeÀ ³eesi³eleeSb (Mew#eefCekeÀ/DekeÀeoefcekeÀ) (ke=Àhe³ee met®evee keÀer hegeqä ceW he´ceeCehe$eeW keÀer mJe³eb he´ceeefCele he´efle³eeb mebueive keÀjW). (Mew#eefCekeÀ/J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀ) (ke=Àhe³ee met®evee keÀer hegeqä ceW he´ceeCehe$eeW keÀer mJe³eb he´ceeefCele he´efle³eeb mebueive keÀjW). Ie mebyebefOele he=ÿYetefce SJeb DevegYeJe(yeQkeÀkeÀejer kebÀheveer (Ghe¬eÀceeW keÀe DeefOeie´nCe SJeb DeblejCe) DeefOeefve³ece 1970 keÀer Oeeje 9 (3-S) ceW ³eLeeshesef#ele) (ke=Àhe³ee yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ heo mes mebye× Deheves DevegYeJe keÀe GuuesKe keÀjW) [. mLee³eer helee 27 Bank of Baroda Head Office: Mandvi, Baroda – 390 006 Personal Information, Declaration and Undertaking Affix passport sixe photo here Name of the Bank : Bank of Baroda Declaration & Undertaking by the Candidate with enclosures as appropriate as on ___________2015 I Personal details of Candidate A Full Name (in block capital letters) Father’s Name (in Full) B Date of Birth C Educational Qualifications (Educational/ academic) (Please attach self attested copies of the certificates supporting the information). (Educational/ professional) (Please attach self attested copies of the certificates supporting the information). D Relevant Background and Experience (As required under Section 9(3A) of the Banking Companies (Acquisition & transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970. (Please indicate your experience relevant to the directorship of the Bank). E 28 Permanent Address ®e Jele&ceeve helee í F&-cesue helee ìsueerHeÀesve veb. (ueQ[ueeFve) pe Pe De II ìsueerHeÀesve veb. (ceesyeeFue) Dee³ekeÀj DeefOeefve³ece kesÀ Debleie&le mLee³eer Keelee mebK³ee (SkeÀ he´efle mebueive keÀjW) Dee³ekeÀj meke&Àue/he´Keb[ keÀe veece Deewj helee, peneb efvepeer keÀj efJeJejCe oe³ej efkeÀ³es peeles nQ. mebye× %eeve leLee DevegYeJe, yeQeEkeÀie kebÀheveer (Ghe¬eÀceeW keÀe DeefOeie´nCe SJeb DeblejCe)DeefOeefve³ece, 1970/1980 keÀer Oeeje 9 (3-S) keÀe meboYe& ie´nCe keÀjW. yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue mes mebyebefOele keÀesF& Dev³e met®evee he´l³eeMeer keÀer efjMlesoejer keÀ yeQkeÀ mes pegæ[s mebyebefOe³eeW keÀer met®eer, ³eefo keÀesF& nes (kebÀheveer DeefOeefve³ece 2013 keÀer Oeeje 2(77), efpemes kebÀheveer (heefjYee<ee efJeJejCe keÀer efJeefMeälee DeefOeefve³ece 2014) (Oeeje 6 SJeb kebÀheveer DeefOeefve³ece 1956 keÀer Devegmet®eer 1S) efve³ece 2014 kesÀ efve³ece 4 kesÀ meeLe he{e peeS, keÀes osKeW) Ke he´efleÿeveeW keÀer met®eer, ³eefo keÀesF& nes, efpeveceW `GmekeÀe efnle efveefnle jne nes (kebÀheveer DeefOeefve³ece 2013 keÀer Oeeje 2(49) SJeb Oeeje (184) keÀes osKeW) (kebÀheveer DeefOeefve³ece, 1956 keÀer Oeeje 299) (3) (S) Deewj Oeeje (300) ie he´efleÿeveeW keÀer met®eer, efpeveceW GvnW yeQkeÀkeÀejer efJeefve³eceve DeefOeefve³ece, 1949 keÀer Oeeje 5 (SveF&) kesÀ lenle he³ee&hle efnle jKeves Jeeues kesÀ ªhe ceW ceevee ie³ee nes. he´mleeefJele Deewj Jele&ceeve. 29 F Present Address G E-mail Address Telephone Number (Landline) H Telephone Number (Mobile) Permanent Account Number under the Income Tax Act (Please enclose a copy) I Name and Address of the Income Tax Circle/ Division where personal tax returns are being filed. Relevant knowledge and experience (Refer Section 9(3-A) of the Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of Undertakings) Act,1970 J II 30 A Any other information relevant to Directorship of the Bank Relevant Relationships of Candidate List of Relatives if any who are connected with the Bank (Refer Section 2(77) of Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 4 of Companies (Specification of Definitions Details) Rules, 2014 [Section 6 and Sch 1A of Companies Act 1956] B List of entities if any in which he/she is considered as being interested (Refer Section 2 (49) and Section 184 of the Companies Act, 2013) [Section 299(3)(a) and Section 300 of the Companies Act, 1956] C List of entities in which he/she is considered as holding substantial interest within the meaning of Section 5(ne) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 proposed and existing Ie [. ®e III keÀ keÀ Ke ie Ie [. ®e í yeQkeÀ keÀe veece, efpemeceW Jes yeQkeÀ kesÀ efveosMekeÀ ceb[ue kesÀ meom³e nQ DeLeJee jns nQ (heoeJeefOe keÀe efJeJejCe oW) efveefOe Deewj iewj-efveefOe DeeOeeefjle megefJeOeeSb, ³eefo keÀesF& nes, efpevekeÀe Gmeves Deewj/DeLeJee GhejesÊeÀ II (Ke) Deewj (ie) ceW met®eerye× FkeÀeF³eeW ves Jele&ceeve ceW yeQkeÀ mes Ghe³eesie efkeÀ³ee nes. Ssmes ceeceues, ³eefo keÀesF& neW, peneb he´l³eeMeer DeLeJee GhejesÊeÀ II(Ke) Deewj (ie) ceW GequueefKele FkeÀeF³eeW ves yeQkeÀ DeLeJee efkeÀmeer Dev³e yeQkeÀ mes $eÝCe megefJeOeeDeeW keÀes ®egkeÀeves ceW ®etkeÀ keÀer nes DeLeJee hetJe& ceW ®etkeÀ keÀer ieF& nes. J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀ GheueeqyOe³eeW keÀe efjkeÀe[& mebyebefOele J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀ GheueeqyOe³eeb he´l³eeMeer kesÀ efJeª× keÀej&JeeF³eeb, ³eefo keÀesF& nes ³eefo he´l³eeMeer efkeÀmeer J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀ mebmLee /efvekeÀe³e keÀe meom³e nw lees GmekesÀ efJeªÜ DevegMeemeveelcekeÀ keÀej&JeeF& keÀe efJeJejCe ³eefo keÀesF& efJe®eejeOeerve nes DeLeJee Megª keÀer ieF& nes DeLeJee GmekesÀ efJeªÜ henues oes<eefmeefÜ kesÀ HeÀuemJeªhe nes DeLeJee ke̳ee Jen efkeÀmeer mece³e efkeÀmeer J³eJemee³e/OebOes keÀes Megª keÀjves kesÀ efueS he´efleyebefOele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw. hetJe& ceW he´l³eeMeer Deewj /DeLeJee GhejesÊeÀ II(Ke) Deewj (ie) ceW met®eeryeÜ efkeÀmeer FkeÀeF& kesÀ efJeªÜ Deee|LekeÀ keÀevetve Deewj efJeefve³eceeW keÀe GuuebIeve keÀjves kesÀ efueS oes<eefmeefÜ kesÀ HeÀuemJeªhe uebefyele DeLeJee Megª efkeÀS ieS DeefYe³eespeveeW keÀe efJeJejCe, ³eefo keÀesF& nes. he´l³eeMeer kesÀ efJeªÜ hetJe& ceW uebefyele DeLeJee Megª efkeÀS ieS DeLeJee oes<eefmeefÜ kesÀ HeÀuemJeªhe DeehejeefOekeÀ DeefYe³eespeve keÀe efJeJejCe, ³eefo keÀesF& nes ke̳ee he´l³eeMeer keÀes kebÀheveer DeefOeefve³ece 2013 keÀer Oeeje 164 kebÀheveer DeefOeefve³ece, 1956 keÀer Oeeje 274] kesÀ Debleie&le efkeÀmeer Yeer he´keÀej keÀer De³eesi³eleeDeeW kesÀ keÀejCe De³eesi³e þnje³ee ie³ee nw ke̳ee he´l³eeMeer DeLeJee II (Ke) Deewj (ie) ceW GequueefKele efkeÀmeer FkeÀeF& keÀes mejkeÀejer efJeYeeie DeLeJee SpeWmeer Üeje efkeÀmeer DebJes<eCe kesÀ DeO³eOeerve jKee ie³ee nw? ke̳ee he´l³eeMeer keÀes keÀYeer keÀmìce/SkeÌmeeFpe/Dee³ekeÀj/efJeosMeer efJeefvece³e/ jepemJe he´eefOekeÀeefj³eeW Üeje efve³eceeW/efJeefve³eceeW/efJeOee³eer Dehes#eeDeeW kesÀ GuuebIeve kesÀ efueS oes<eer hee³ee ie³ee nw? ³eefo Ssmee nw lees efJeJejCe oW. ke̳ee he´l³eeMeer keÀYeer mesyeer, DeeF&Deej[erS, [ermeerS, Yeejleer³e efjpeJe& yeQkeÀ, ScemeerS pewmes efJeefve³eecekeÀeW kesÀ mece#e he´efleketÀue veesefìme ceW Dee³ee nw? (neueebefkeÀ he´l³eeMeer Üeje efJeefve³eecekeÀeW kesÀ Ssmes DeeosMeeW leLee efve<keÀ<eeX kesÀ yeejs ceW keÀe@uece ceW GuuesKe keÀjvee mebYeJe vener nesiee pees yeeo ceW meceie´ efvejmle / he´l³eeJee|lele keÀj efoS ieS, leLeeefhe Ssmes ceeceueeW keÀe GuuesKe keÀjvee DeefveJee³e& nesiee pees v³ee³eeefOekeÀeefjlee keÀer meerefcelelee DeLeJee DeYeeJe pewmes lekeÀveerkeÀer keÀejCeeW Deewj cesefjì hej ve nesves kesÀ keÀejCe he´efleJee|lele/efvejmle efkeÀ³es ieS neW. ³eefo efJeefve³eecekeÀ keÀe DeeosMe DemLee³eer ªhe mes jeskeÀ efo³ee ie³ee nes Deewj Deheerue/v³eeef³ekeÀ he´ef¬eÀ³ee uebefyele nes lees GmekeÀe GuuesKe efkeÀ³ee peevee ®eeefnS) 31 D E F III IV A A B C D E F g Name of Bank in which he/she is or has been a member of the board (giving details of period during which such office was held) Fund and non-fund facilities, if any, presently availed of by him/her and/or by entities listed in II (B) and (C) above from the Bank Cases, if any, where the Candidate or entities listed in II (B) and (C) above are in default or have been in default in the past in respect of credit facilities obtained from the bank or any other bank. Records of professional achievements Professional achievements relevant Proceedings, if any, against the Candidate If the candidate is a member of a professional association/body, details of disciplinary action, if any, pending or commenced or resulting in conviction in the past against him/her or whether he/she has been banned from entry of at any profession/occupation at any time. Details of prosecution, if any, pending or commenced or resulting in conviction in the past against the Candidate and/or against any of the entities listed in II (B) and (C) above for violation of economic laws and regulations Details of criminal prosecution, if any, pending or commenced or resulting in conviction in the past against the Candidate Whether the Candidate attracts any of the disqualifications envisaged under Section 164 of the Company's Act 2013 [Section 274 of the Companies Act, 1956] Has the Candidate or any of the entities at II (B) and (C) above been subject to any investigation at the instance of Government department or agency? Has the Candidate at any time been found guilty of violation of rules/regulations/ legislative requirements by customs/ excise /income tax/ foreign exchange /other revenue authorities, if so give particulars Whether the Candidate at any time come to the adverse notice of a regulator such as SEBI, IRDA, DCA, RBI, FEMA, MCA CIBIL etc. (Though it shall not be necessary for a candidate to mention in the column about orders and findings made by regulators which have been later on reversed/ set aside in toto, it would be necessary to make a mention of the same, in case the reversal/ setting aside is on technical reasons like limitation or lack of jurisdiction, etc. and not on merit. If the order of regulator is temporarily stayed and the appellate/ court proceedings are pending, the same also should be mentioned). 32 V ceo ¬eÀ. I Deewj iii kesÀ mebyebOe ceW Dev³e keÀesF& mheäerkeÀjCe/met®evee Deewj þerkeÀ Deewj Gef®ele heeS peeves kesÀ efueS efJe®eejCeer³e Dev³e keÀesF& met®evee. Je®evehe$e ceQ Þeer/Þeerceleer ---------------------------------------------------megheg$e / megheg$eer/helveer----------------------------------------- hegeqä keÀjlee/keÀjleer ntb efkeÀ GhejesÊeÀ met®evee cesjer peevekeÀejer Deewj efJeéeeme ceW mener Deewj hetCe& nw. ceQ yeQkeÀ keÀes GhejesÊeÀ met®eveeDeeW mes mebye× Ssmeer meYeer IeìveeDeeW, pees efkeÀ cesjer efve³egefÊeÀ kesÀ he½eele nesleer nQ, keÀer peevekeÀejer ³eLeemebYeJe MeerIe´ ner GheueyOe keÀjJeeves keÀe Je®eve oslee ntb. ceQ yeQkeÀ kesÀ meYeer efveosMekeÀeW Üeje efve<heeefole efkeÀS peeves Jeeues Je®eve efJeuesKe keÀes efve<heeefole keÀjves keÀe Yeer Je®eve oslee/osleer ntb. mLeeve: efoveebkeÀ: he´l³eeMeer kesÀ nmlee#ej DevegueivekeÀ: veesì : 1 peneb he³ee&hle peien ve nes, Jeneb ¬eÀceevegmeej DevegueivekeÀ ceW mecegef®ele meboYe& kesÀ meeLe met®evee mebueive keÀjs. 2 meYeer he=ÿeW (DevegueivekeÀeW meefnle) hej he´l³eeMeer kesÀ nmlee#ej nesves ®eeefnS. veeceebkeÀve meefceefle keÀer je³e/efìhheCeer meefceefle meom³e kesÀ nmlee#ej meefceefle meom³e kesÀ nmlee#ej meefceefle meom³e kesÀ nmlee#ej mLeeve: efoveebkeÀ: 33 V Any other explanation / information in regard to items I to III and other information considered relevant for judging fit and proper Undertaking I ______________________________________________________________________________________ Son/ Daughter / Wife of Shri_________________________________________________________confirm that the above information is to the best of my knowledge and belief true and complete. I undertake to keep the Bank fully informed, as soon as possible, of all events which take place subsequent to my appointment which are relevant to the information provided above. I also undertake to execute the deed of covenant required to be executed by all directors of the Bank. Place : Date : Signature of Candidate Enclosures: Note: Wherever space is not sufficient, please attach the information as annexures in chronological order and with appropriate cross reference. Each page (including annexures) is required to be signed by the candidate. Observations / Remarks of the Nomination Committee: Signature of Committee Member Place : Date : 34 Signature of Committee Member Signature Committee Member ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããùû¹ãŠ ºãü¡ãõªã ¹ãÆ£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã – ½ããâ¡Ìããè, ºãü¡ãõªã 390 006 ¹ãŠãù½ãà ºããè he´e@keÌmeer HeÀece& (Mes³ejOeejkeÀ Üeje Yeje SJeb nmlee#ej efkeÀ³ee peeS) hebpeerke=Àle HeÀesefue³ees vebyej [erheer DeeF&[er veb. ie´enkeÀ DeeF&. [er veb. (³eefo DeYeeweflekeÀ ªhe mes ve nes) (³eefo Mes³ej DeYeeweflekeÀ ªhe ceW nes) Mes³ejeW keÀer mebK³ee ceQ/nce......................................................................efveJeemeer...............................................efpeuee.............................................. jep³e...............................................yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe keÀe/kesÀ Mes³ejOeejkeÀ nesves kesÀ veeles SleÎÜeje Þeer/Þeerceleer............................................... efveJeemeer.............................................efpeuee..............................................jep³e...............................................keÀes ³ee GvekesÀ ve nesves hej Þeer / Þeer c eleer . .....................................................................................ef v eJeemeer . ......................................................... efpeuee...............................................jep³e..............................................keÀes yegOeJeej, 24 petve, 2015 keÀes he´eleë 10.30 yepes mej me³eepeerjeJe veiejie=n, Jeæ[esoje ceneveiej mesJee meove, ìer.heer.-1, SHeÀ.heer.549/1, peerF&yeer keÀe@ueesveer kesÀ heeme, Deesu[ heeoje jes[, Je[esoje - 390 020 ceW ³ee FmekeÀer efkeÀmeer mLeefiele leejerKe keÀes yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe kesÀ Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW keÀer nesves Jeeueer Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ ceW cesjer /nceejer Deesj mes yewþkeÀ ceW Yeeie uesves Deewj Jeesì osves kesÀ efueS he´e@keÌmeer efve³egÊeÀ keÀjlee/keÀjleer ntb/keÀjles nQ. jmeeroer efoveebkeÀ .....................ceen .....................2015 keÀes nmlee#eefjle efškeâš Ùeneb he´e@keÌmeer kesÀ nmlee#ej ..................... efÛehekeâeSb he´e@keÌmeer/SkeÀcee$e OeejkeÀ kesÀ nmlee#ej veece ...................................... helee ...................................... ...................................... he´e@keÌmeer HeÀece& hej nmlee#ej keÀjves SJeb pecee keÀjves mebyebOeer DevegosMe ]1. he´e@keÌmeer keÀe efueKele efvecveevegmeej nesves hej JewOe ceevee peeSiee keÀ. SkeÀue Mes³ejOeejkeÀ J³eefÊeÀ kesÀ ceeceues ceW, Mes³ejOeejkeÀ Üeje ³ee GmekesÀ Üeje efueefKele ªhe ceW he´eefOeke=Àle GmekesÀ Deìveea Üeje nmlee#eefjle nes DeLeJee Ke. meb³egÊeÀ OeejkeÀeW kesÀ ceeceues ceW, ³en jefpemìj ceW ope& he´Lece Mes³ejOeejkeÀ Üeje ³ee GmekesÀ Üeje efueefKele ªhe ceW efJeefOeJele he´eefOeke=Àle GmekesÀ Deìveea Üeje nmlee#eefjle nes DeLeJee ie. yee[er keÀeheexjsì kesÀ ceeceues ceW FmekesÀ DeefOekeÀejer Üeje keÀe@ceve meerue kesÀ meeLe nmlee#ej Deewj efve<Heeefole ³eefo keÀesF& nes, DeLeJee efJeefOeJele efueefKele ©He ceW ÒeeefOeke=Àle cegKleej Üeje nmlee#eefjle nes. he´e@keÌmeer efueKele Mes³ejOeejkeÀ Üeje Ghe³egÊeÀ ªhe mes nmlee#eefjle nesvee ®eeefnS hejbleg ³eefo efkeÀmeer keÀejCe mes Jen Dehevee veece efueKeves ceW DemeceLe& nw Deewj GmekesÀ Debietþs keÀe efveMeeve ueiee³ee ie³ee nw leye ³en leYeer JewOe ceevee pee³esiee peye Fmes efkeÀmeer v³ee³eeOeerMe, cewefpemì^sì, jefpemì^ej ³ee Ghe jefpemì^ej Dee@]HeÀ SM³eesjsvmesme ³ee efkeÀmeer Dev³e mejkeÀejer jepeheef$ele DeefOekeÀejer ³ee yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ yeæ[ewoe kesÀ efkeÀmeer DeefOekeÀejer Üeje mel³eeefhele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nes. 2. efJeefOeJele mìebefhele nesves SJeb cegKleejveecee ³ee Dev³e he´eefOekeÀej (³eefo keÀesF& nes) efpemekesÀ lenle nmlee#ej efkeÀS ie³es nQ DeLeJee Gme cegKleejveecee ³ee Dev³e he´eefOekeÀej keÀer he´efle pees efkeÀ efkeÀmeer veesìjer heeqyuekeÀ ³ee cewefpemì^sì Üeje he´ceeefCele leLee HetJe& ceW yeQkeÀ Heeme pecee keÀer ie³eer nes DeLeJee FmekesÀ Mes³ej ì^emHeÀj Spesvì kesÀ Heeme pecee keÀer ieF& nes. he´Oeeve keÀe³ee&ue³e ceW mene³ekeÀ cenehe´yevOekeÀ (kesÀJee³emeer SJeb SSceSue efJeYeeie), yeQkeÀ Dee@HeÀ ye[ewoe,DeeþJeeb leue, metjpe hueepee - I, me³eepeeriebpe, Jeæ[esoje-390 005 kesÀ heeme Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ keÀer leejerKe mes ®eej efove henues DeLee&le 19 petve 2015 keÀes keÀe³e& meceeeqhle kesÀ hetJe& mee³eb 5.00 yepes mes henues pecee efkeÀS peeves hej ner he´e@keÌmeer keÀes JewOe ceevee peeSiee. 3. ³eefo mebyeà cegKleejveecee Henues mes Hebpeerke=Àle nes leJe cegKleejveeces keÀer HebpeerkeÀjCe pecee Deewj Fme ÒekeÀej kesÀ HebpeerkeÀjCe keÀer leejerKe keÀe GuuesKe efkeÀ³ee peevee ®eeefnS. 4. he´e@keÌmeer keÀe efueKele HeÀece& ’yeer“ ceW nesves hej ner JewOe ceevee peeSiee. 5. yeQkeÀ kesÀ heeme pecee efkeÀ³ee ie³ee he´e@keÌmeer - efueKele DeheefjJele&veer³e Deewj Debeflece nesiee. 6. efJekeÀuhe kesÀ leewj hej oes ieejbefì³eeW kesÀ he#e ceW efoS ieS he´e@keÌmeer-efueKele kesÀ ceeceues ceW,SkeÀ mes DeefOekeÀ HeÀece& efve<heeefole veneR efkeÀ³ee peeSiee. 7. he´e@keÌmeer-efueKele efve<heeefole keÀjves Jeeuee Mes³ejOeejkeÀ Jeee|<ekeÀ meeceev³e yewþkeÀ ceW J³eefÊeÀiele ªhe ceW celeoeve keÀe nkeÀoej veneR nesiee. 8. efkeÀmeer Yeer J³eefÊeÀ keÀes, pees yeQkeÀ keÀe DeefOekeÀejer DeLeJee keÀce&®eejer nw, Ssmee efJeefOeJele he´eefOeke=Àle he´efleefveefOe he´e@keÌmeer efve³egÊeÀ veneR efkeÀ³ee peeSiee. 9. he´e@keÌmeer HeÀece& ceW efkeÀS ieS meYeer heefjJele&ve efJeefOeJele ªhe mes DeefOehe´ceeefCele efkeÀS peeves ®eeefnS. 35 Bank of Baroda Head Office: Mandvi, Baroda – 390 006 FORM ‘B’ FORM OF PROXY (To be filled in and signed by the Shareholders) DP ID Regd. Folio No. Client ID (If shares are not dematerialized) (If shares are dematerialized) No. of Shares I / We resident/s of in the district of in the State of being a shareholder / Shareholders of the Bank of Baroda, hereby appoint Shri/Smt resident of in the district of in the State of or failing him / her, Shri / Smt resident of .in the district of in the State of ……………………… as my / our proxy to vote for me/us and on my/our behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Bank of Baroda to be held on Wednesday, 24th June 2015 at 10.30 a.m. at Sir Sayajirao Nagargriha, Vadodara Mahanagar Seva Sadan, T. P. – 1, F. P. 549/1, Near GEB Colony, Old Padra Road, Akota, Vadodara – 390 020, and at any adjournment thereof. Signed this day of 2015. Please affix Signature of the Proxy Revenue Name: Stamp Address: Signature of first named / sole shareholder Instructions for signing and lodging the Proxy Form 1 No instrument of proxy shall be valid unless, a) in the case of an individual shareholder, it is signed by him/her or by his/her attorney, duly authorized in writing, or b) in the case of joint holders, it is signed by the shareholder first named in the register or his/ her attorney, duly authorized in writing, or c) in the case of a body corporate signed by its officer and executed under its common seal, if any or otherwise signed by its attorney duly authorized in writing. Provided that an instrument of Proxy shall be sufficiently signed by any shareholder, who is, for any reason, unable to write his/ her name, if his/her mark/thumb impression is affixed thereto and attested by a Judge or Magistrate or Registrar or SubRegistrar of Assurances or other Government Gazetted Officer or an Officer of Bank of Baroda. 2. No proxy shall be valid unless it is duly stamped and is deposited at the Head Office of the Bank at Bank of Baroda, KYC & AML Department, 8th Floor, Suraj Plaza-1, Sayajiganj, Vadodara- 390 005, not less than FOUR DAYS before the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting, i.e. on or before the closing hours of the Bank at 5.00 p.m. on 19th June 2015 together with the Power of Attorney 36 or other authority (if any) under which it is signed or a copy of that Power of Attorney or other authority certified as a true copy by a Notary Public or a Magistrate, unless such a power of attorney or the other authority is previously deposited and registered with the Bank/ its Share Transfer Agent. 3. In case the relevant Power of Attorney is already registered, the registration number of the Power of Attorney and the date of such registration may be mentioned. 4. No instrument of the proxy shall be valid unless it is in Form “B” 5. An instrument of proxy deposited with the Bank shall be irrevocable and final. 6. In the case of an instrument of proxy granted in favour of two grantees in the alternative, not more than one Form shall be executed. 7. The granter of an instrument of proxy shall not be entitled to vote in person at the Annual General Meeting to which such instrument relates. 8. No person shall be appointed as duly authorized representative or a proxy who is an officer or an employee of Bank of Baroda. 9. All alterations in the Proxy Form should be duly authenticated. 37