First name Last Name Ms. Cardullo English 1P Period # Month, day, year

Last name and page #1
First name Last Name
Ms. Cardullo
English 1P Period #
Month, day, year
Center Your Title
Begin your introduction here. Notice the title is the same size as your
heading and the essay. The title is not underlined or in quotes.
First paragraph must include a thesis sentence, a hook (sentences to
grab your readers' attention), and a progression. The second, third, and
fourth paragraphs need transitions sentences, facts, citations, opinions, etc.
to back up your thesis. The conclusion needs to restate the thesis, have some
insight, and make a logical conclusion to the essay.
Your paper is double-spaced throughout. Any subsequent pages
should have your last name and consecutive page number in the upper righthand corner, (go to insert / page numbers / top of page). Use only one side
of the paper.