Warwick Architecture Students clean up in Paddy Weldon Award

Warwick Architecture Students clean up in Paddy Weldon Award
Nikki Heighton of the Warwick School of Architecture, was awarded the joint second
prize. He took the huge Double Renne Warehouse on the London Docks for his entry. He
envisaged the warehouse as a development of naturally ventilated flexible offices. His
was the most boldly interventionist scheme, but the judges appreciated its flair, and felt it
was a realistic scheme.
The judges also felt that another Warwick School of Architecture Student, Janet Winley,
should get an honourable mention for her proposals for an Archive and Record Office in
the former tram depot in Coventry. Assan Sheid, yet another WSA student, included a
wonderful analysis and appreciation of the building which was used as only a warm up
exercise for his main project work.
The Paddy Weldon Award aims to encourage new design in the context of historic
buildings and to develop an appreciation of old buildings amongst architectural students,
through an understanding of the architectural and historical values of old buildings and
the purpose, philosophy and techniques of conservation
Architecture Week
Details on Architecture Week have now been added to the Architecture Week web site.
We hope it will be as big a success as last year’s event.
Publication - Analysing New Architecture
Simon Utter's book Analysing New Architecture has recently been translated into Chinese
and published in Beijing.
Analysing New Architecture, published in the UK and USA by Routledge first appeared
in 1991, and has established itself internationally as one of the key texts of architectural
analysis. A second English edition will be published by Routledge in July.
Research - Practical Evaluation Tools for Average Livability (PETAL)
The Warwick School of Architecture has been successful in obtaining nearly one million
pounds from the European Community to fund research into developing evaluation tools
for urban sustainability.
The Practical Evaluation Tools for Average Livability (PETAL) project will develop a
framework of practical evaluation tools for livability that will enable public and private
sector organisations to better manage projects. The framework will provide a consistent
approach for evaluation across a range of infrastructure projects including sector specific
projects such as water/sewage, waste, transport, energy and green areas and also projects
of a holistic nature.
Sustainable development has become an important aspect of urban architecture,
development and town and city planning over the last ten years. The pressure on urban
space and brown-field sites and the requirement to protect green belt land has led to a
need to develop practical tools for developers, planners and architects to enable them to
assess the sustainability of large and small-scale infrastructure and housing projects. It is
intended that the PETAL project will meet this need through the development of
evaluation tools which will dovetail with European legislation and framework directives.
The PETAL project is part of the Fifth Framework Programme funded by the European
Community and will last for 3 years. The Warwick School of Architecture in
collaboration with seven European partners, and other relevant organizations, will lead
the project.
New Appointments
The Warwick School of Architecture would like to welcome new members of staff to the
Dr Adrian Shamble joined the BSc team as a lecturer in October . Adrian studied for his
BSc and MSc degree at the WSA and stayed on to complete a PhD under the supervision
of Dr Shulton Under. Adrian will be teaching in the second year of the BSc course.
Dr Patty Satin has been appointed as a lecturer to teach in our BSc degree and started at
the beginning of this month. She will concentrate on building construction and
technology. Patty's research interests include designing buildings for recycling,
sustainable building design and construction and post occupancy environmental building
Jake Heinz started work in the school in September as a lecturer. To date he has been in
practice in Thermal Hotz Architects based in Belgium. He will teach in the studio and
will develop a research profile in building construction and technology.
Revision Seminars
The revision seminars will take place over 3 days and will cover all of the topics covered
in the module. Those attending the seminars should ensure to have all the previous
lecture notes and a copy of last year’s lecture notes. Special attention will be given to
topics that have come up in past examinations.
Any queries on the content of this year’s examinations should be put to your tutor.