ihii 311m iidlo Bank of Baroda / BCC:ISO: 104/10/372 .& =-A The Vice presid-PY( Fax No. 022-22723719) Bom iStock Exchange Ltd,, -Bhilbze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street < Mumbai -400 001 BSE Code.532134 Date, 29.06.2012 The Vice President. (Fax No. 022-6641 8124/25/26) National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 NSE Code-BANKBARODA Dear Sir / Madam, Re: Proceedings of 16th Annual General Meeting of our Bank We submit herewith the proceedings of 16th Annual General Meeting of our Bank held at Vadodara on 28 June 2012 along with voting result as per annexure, th This is in compliance of clause 31 (d) and 35-A of the Listing Agreement. Yours faithfully, N« Vinay A. Shah DGM & Company Secretary '7 Encl,- As above W#m mifite *im, it-26, 41 898, rim·· 9 C,1 *Iihwi, ligi (li), Sqlf 400 051 MI' Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26, G Block: Bandra-Kurla Complex: Bandra (E), Mumbai 400 051, India *I / Phone . 91 22 6698 5812/5846 ·4**R /Fax 91 22 2652 6660 4-*[/ E-mail - coinpanysecretary bcc@bankofbaroda.com · 4 / www,bankofborodo.com hir.d 2£286592:01 09992592 22 J6 808:WONd 80:9J 2J02-Nnf-62 WIi liiqi 4212 vq a Bank of Barod 160 Annual General Meeting Proceedings . dated 22ne May, 2012, the 16th Annual General In accordance with the notice ers of Bank of Baroda was held on Thursday, Meeting of the Sharehold Sir Sayajirao Nagargriha, Vadodara Mahanagar 28th June, 2012 at 10.30 a.m. at . 549/1, of Baroda Centenary Year (2007-2008), T.P, - 1, F,P Seva Sadan, Bank 0. Akota, Vadodara 39002 Near GEB Colony, Old Padra Road, Bank chaired the and Managing Director of the n irma Cha the llya Ma . M-0 Shri > > meeting. >· >' > to Order. the quorum, called the Meeting The Chairman, after ascertaining present, and introduced the Directors ers old reh the sha d me lco The Chairman we nvening ted 22nd May, 2012 co da e tic No the rmed that Bank and The Chairman info Meeting was mailed to all the shareholders of the "Business at" and 16th Annual General in English, "Navbhar ith the rd" t June 2012. W *'Business standa S 1 in 0 d n he o is ti bl ra pu ja so u al " in G i and "Sandesh t, the Notice was taken as read. d in H in d" ar esen Stand areholders pr holders permission of the sh apprised the share f the He . rs e ld o h Performance o gic sed the Share s e re th d n d o a w n ie e rv th te man t, Ove ank's Key Stra B , 2 > The Chair nomic and Banking Environmen 1 0 2 h rc a d 31St M on the Eco ngineering, al Year ende ci n a in F ess Process Rpee n si the u B g n ri u n, d , la k es n Ba Human Resourc s and also future business g in d e u Initiatives incl Responsibility initiativ l and adoption Corporate Socia , approval s of Board of n io ss cu r is fo d rt the resolution 012 together with repo then moved rch 2 n a m ir a h r's Report on the nded 31St Ma ito e d u A > The C ar d an ye k n a the of the B of accounts for and activities ng the ki or w Directors on nts. et and Accou nded Balance She proposed and seco , n tio lu g so in re w the follo an's response on te irm o v ha C to t the u p n d e th tions an hands. The Chairman r due delibera * te Af , rs e n show of ld o o h y sl u o Share im n a the n ssed u by ies, it was pa Bank as at e shareholders' quer th f o t e e h year ended Balance S for the the Audited nt ou T cc A A H T ng and Loss "RESOLVED on the worki s Profit and or ct ire the D 2012, Auditor's the Board of 31 st March ccounts and A e report of th the , 12 20 y nd b 31 St March d covered and is hereby approved a rio the pe r fo k , be e Ban activities of th Balance Sheet and Accounts the Report on Page 1 of 2 ." \« I1 adopted mipm thm \ :'Vle/0 J e India 4400 051 in Mumbai 400 051, 8 ), (5 i ilm , m dra (E), omplex, Ban *, 4im-Fit *1A ria C riAA 1, 1'1 26, dr-C-26, G-Block, Bandra-Ku 2 2652 6680 *2 e it *M T V # rate Centre, / Fax · 91 2 kofbaroda o 4 / www ban 2/5846 - *6 Baroda Corp 4 1 8 · 5 m 98 68 co a 91 22 bankofbarod *r / Phone · ecretag hoc@ ys n a p m co 1-# / E-mall. a ) '2/Dern- corn / *iii 3#!Ii u.dkr Bank of Baroda > The Chairman took Item No. 2 on the Agenda pertaining to declaration of dividend. He informed that the Board of Directors had recommended a dividend @ Rs.17/- per equity share of Rs.10/- each for the year 2011-12, The Chairman then put to vote the following resolution, proposed and seconded by the Shareholders, which was passed unanimously on show of hands: > "RESOLVED THAT as recommended by the Board, dividend at the rate of Rs,17/- (Rupees Seventeen only) per equity share of Rs.10/- each fully paid up, on the Equity Capital of the Bank be and is hereby approved and declared for the year 2011-12." > The Chairman also informed that the Dividend would be paid on 9th July 2012. > The Chairman then thanked all the participants and declared the 16th Annual General Meeting as closed. .. For BANK OF BARODA =40„« Vinay A. Shah DGM & Company Secretary Place: Mumbai Date: 29th June 2012 / dmim- 1 Page 2 of 2 11 lf,de..firill/< { 9,-4.4.- R'Al I i rn i 1/'F inven,;,<1 Sqnlice; 1 085/ i)) i "ttraER#* ,*r Wrk#=a, 4-26, ;fl 171*, Piel··Mir* Flpl#*Fi, 1131 (13), 14 400 051.1= Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26, G-Block, Bandn-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbm 400 051, India 4 / Phone : 91 22 6698 5812/5846 · *ENT / Fax 91 22 2652 6660 4-43/ E-mail - companysccrctary bcc@bankofbaroda.com · #1/ www-bankofbaroda com t.£.d 2£286592:01 09992592 22 J6 808:WONd 60:9J 2J02-Nnf-62 83 A 311!ii ii#W Bank of Baroda Name ofthe Company: Bank of Baroda Date of the AGM: 28 June 2012 Total number of shareholders on record date: 1,83,778 (as on 15.06.2012) Promoters and 1 Promoter Group: Public: 375 Promoters and NIL No. of Shareholders attended the meeting Promoter Group: Public: NIL through Video Conferencing Approval of Ordinary Resolutions for following business. (Agenda-wise) Details of the Agenda: 1. To discuss, approve and adcrt the Balance Sheet of the Bank as at 31 March 2012, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended No. of shareholders present In the meeting either in person or through proxy; - 2. 315 March, 2012, the report of the Board of Directors on the working and activities of the Bank for the period covered by the accounts and the Auditor's Report on the Balance Sheet and Accounts. To declare dividend for the year 2011-12. Ordinary Resolution required: (Ordinary/Special) i Show of hands (passed unanimously) Mode of voting: (Show of hands/Poll/ Postal ballot/E-voting) In case of Poll/Postal ballot/E-voting: No. Promoter/Pub of lic share No. of vote S S held polle NOT APPLICABLE % of Votes No. Polled on of outstanding Vote shares s - in favo d No. of % of Votes In % of Votes Votes favour on against on votes polled votes polled again St (6)=[(4)/(2)]*1 00 ur (3)=[(2)/(1)]*1 (7)=[(5)/(2)]*1 00 00 (1) (4) (5) (2) Promoter and Promoter Group Public Institutional holders NOT APPLICABLE Public-Othe-mTotal 1440 1/ (MAY#1 1 /1 el # el,0/ I \1 13 -4/ \A\B,„t, 0,9,7 :d d 3(.2# g,Aes * *m 5» 1411"2 1 for Bank of Baroda lit59=Ri * company Secretary diWIngit5*R , 11-26, * 14), *WEWR# Ail AW:K, mim (9), $1 400 001,Vhf Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26, 0-Block, Sandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai 400 qjFT / Phone : 91 22 6698 5812/5846 · *El: r / Fax 91 22 2652 6660 4-4,1/ E-mail companysecretary. bcc@bankofbaroda.com • #T / www bankofbaroda com t./.d 2£286592:01 09992592 22 J6 808:WONd 051 India 60:9J 2J02-Nnf-62