ts dm $rw qrfrI Bankof Baroda BCC: ISD:1061161172 .022 22723719) Stock Exchange Ltd,, roze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai - 400 001 BSE CODE-532134 Date:7th April 2014 .022-26598237 t 38) Stock Exchange of lndia Ltd. I Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 051 NSE CODE-BANKBARODA Dear Sir / Madam, Re: Compliance Report on Corporate Governance with regard to Clause - 49 of the Listing Agreement for the quarter ended 31"t March 2014 We forward herewith the Compliance Report on Corporate Governance with reference to the Clause - 49 of the Listing agreement pertaining for the quarter ended 31't March 2014. Yours faithfully, 341.M.L.Jain DGM - Company Secretary & Compliance Encls. : As Above ,dopy to: The Deputy General Manager (Marketing &pR), BST, Mumbai -for information and arranging uploading on Bank's website under designated section ompany Secretary & h ffimoliance s-stdro'rqfte*:m, S-zo, "ft-do, ETqre-diqirq-+-fi, eT-"rr (X),gv{ - aoo 0b1. qrqo Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051, lndia vtt i Phone . 91 22 6698 5Bt2l5846 . far' I Fax . 91 ZZ 2652 6660 {-i-a/ e-mait :companysecretary.bcc@bankofbaroda.com . }q/ Web :www.bankofbardda.com B da iw {.€ta Bankof Baroda FORMAT OF QUARTERLY COMPLIANCE REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Quarter ended on U',o r"r"n Clause of Particulars t. 6oard ol Utrectors (A) Composition of Board Listing Compliance Status Aqreement Yes / No Remarks 49t 49 (tA) Yes Governed by the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 and the Nationalized Banks (Management and Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme, 1970 as amended from time to time by GOr. (B) Non-executive Directors' compensation & disclosures 4e (rB) (C) Other provisions as to Board and 49 (rC) Yes 49 flD) 49 flt) 49 (ilA) Yes 49 flrB) 49 flrc) 49 flrD) 4e (ilE) Yes Yes Yes Yes 4e (ilr) Yes Committees (D) Code of Conduct il. AUOtt Uommtttee (A) Qualified & lndependent Audit Committee (B) Meeting of Audit Committee LC) Powers of Audit Committee (D) Role of Audit Committee (E) Review of lnformation by Audit Committee lll. Subsidiary Companies amended from time to time by GOl. Yes The Bank does not have any Material non listed lndian Subsidiarv (A) Basis of related partv transactions 49flU(A) 49flU(B) nghts issues, preferential issues. etc. (E) Remuneration of Directors (F) Management (G) Shareholders V. CEO / CFO Certification 4e (rv) (D) Not Applicable being a Bank 4e (rv) ( E) Yes. Governed by the Nationalized Banks 49flV)(F) 49 flU (c) 49 M) 49 Mt) 49 (Vt vt. Keport on uorporate Governance vll_ uomptlance Yes Yes Yes N/A 49flU(C) ) Board Disclosures (D) Proceeds from puOtic issues, 3 (Management and Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme, 1970 as 49 flV) (p) Disclosure of Accountinq Treatment 2' Governed by the Nationalized Banks Governed by RBI Guidelines lV. Disclosures 1' Yes (Management and Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme, 1970 as amended from time to time bv GOl. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes of Baroda is a Bo.dy Corporate acquired and incorporated under the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970. The Bank is- a listi.cl entity in the nature of publii Sector Undertaking, but not a company, within the meaning of The Companies Act, 1956. SEBI vide its Circular No. SEBI/CFD tDlUCGl1t2OO4tl2t10 dated 29.10.2004 has, inter atia, provided that the Ctause 49 will apply to the listed entities which are Bodies Corporate incorporated under different siatutes, to the extent not inconsistent with the respective regulatory laws / provisions. Jhg Bank is complying with all the provisions as per the guidelines and directives issued by the respective Requlatory Authorities from time to time and Clause 49 of the ListingiAgreement, to the extent appticabte. Bank '';'-'-*'' Date:o7.04.2014 %/ U_ M.L.Jain DGM & Company Secretary rstEralftc tst, S-Zo, "ft-d5., Srqr g-di qiq-Asq, er.qr (E), ge-{ - +OO 051. qpd Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 0S1, lndia st{l pnone 91 22 6698 5812/5846 fem Fax..91 2226526660 {-i-a/ E-mait :companysecretary.bcc@bankofbaroda.com . tq/ weo:www.bankofbardda.com . l