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Bankaf Baroda
Date: 1"t April 2015
BCC:lSD:1 07/1 0&16/ 186
The Vice President
The Vice President,
iorp. retationcorp. relations@bseindia' com)
B S E Ltd.,
ilational Stock Exchange of lndia Ltd.
Exchange Plaza,
Phiroze JeejeebhoY Towers,
Dalal Street, Mumbai- 400 001
BSE Code-532134
Bandra Kurla ComPlex
Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400 051
Dear Sir / Madam,
to Government of
Re: Bank of Baroda - Allotmen I ol 6,44,20,471 Equity sttT99
lndia (PresiOeni of lndia) on Preferential Basis on 31"t March 2015
March 2015 submitting the
Further to our retter no. BCC:rsD:107/10&16/175 dated 26th
the issue of equity
proceedings/outcome of the EGM approving by speciar Resorution,
the funds from the
shares to Government of lndia, we advise that on receipt of
and allotted 6,44,20,471
Government of rndia, the Bank has on 3i"t March 201s issued
paid up at an issue price of
Equity shares of Rs 2l- each (Rupees Two Only) fully
(premium of Rs'193'59 per share) amounting to
Rs.195.59 per equity share
on preferential basis',
Rs.1259,99,99,922.89 to Government of lndia (President of lndia)
as per SEBI Guidelines.
the needful, if any'
This,is,submitted.in compliance to the Listing Agreement for doing
-Co. Secretary & ComPliance
Copy forwarded for information to:
3. Shri s.V. Raju, AGM, M/s Kirvy
computersfrgre Pvt. Limited (Unit: Bank of
on 31't
Baroda), foiinformation & Ooi'ngthe'needful, Ls already advised
March 2015.
-Co. Secretary & ComPliance
qlEi gfrt tnfpreffi, eTqr (t ), ga-{ - aoo 051 qI{a
rstdr a'rqlie +€q, S-26, S-Efs,
complex, Bandra (E)' Mumbai - 400 051' lndia
Baroda corporate centre, c-26, G-Block, Bandra Kurla
.bt{ / pfione '. 91 22 6698 5812/5846 ' *ere I Fax 91 22 2652 6660