ts fufin qdler BankolBaroda Date: 'l4h August 2015 No. BCC: ISD/'l 07/'1 6/423 President Ltd., Towers DalalStreet Mumbai - 400 001 BSE CODE- 532134 The vice BSE Phiroze Jeejeebhoy E-mail : "com I I relationslabseindia.com' L I The Vice Prssident National Stock Exchange of lndia Ltd. Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 051 NSE CODE- BANKBARODA Email : 'cmlistaanse.co.in" Dear Sir / Madam, Re: Bank of Baroda -Appoiniment of ('l) ilD & CEO and (2) Part Time Non-ofticial Director as well as Non-Executive Chai]man by GOI -Reporting under Cl. 30 of LA We advise as under in the captioned matter: 1. Government of lndia vide NOli[igatje! Ref. F. No.4/2/201 5-BO.l Dated 14rh August 2015 has advised that in exercise of powe6 confened by clause(a) of suEsection (3) of Section of the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 read with sub-clause ('l) of clause 3 and sub-clause (1) of clause 8 of The Nationalized Banks (Management and Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme, '1970, the Central Govemment, after consultation with the Reserve Bank of lndia, has appointed Shri P.S. Javakumar, (DOB: 08.04.1962) MD & CEO, VBHC Value Home Pvt. Ltd as MD & CEO. Bank of Baroda in the scale of pay of Rs.75,500-80,000/- for a period of three years with effect from the date of his assumption of charge of the post, or until further orders, whichever is earlier. lt is further advised that the appointment is subject to outcome of Writ Petition (C) No.225 of 20'15 in the Supreme Court in the matter of K.D. Khera Vs Union of lndia & Others, AND I 2. Government of lndia vide Notification Ref. F.No.4/4/2015-8O. 1 Dated 14h August 2015 has advised that in exercise of powers conferred by clause(h) of sub-section (3) of Section of the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970, read with sub-clause (1) of clause 3 and clause 5 of The Nationalized Banks (Management and lvliscellaneous Provisions) Scheme, 1970, the Central Government, after consultation with the Reserve Bank of lndia, has appointed Shri Ravi Venkatesan, (DOB: 12.01.1963) Executive Chairman in Bank of Baroda for a period of three years from the date of notillcation of his appointment or until furlher orders, whichever is earlier. It is further advised that the appointment is subject to outcome of Writ Petition (C) No.445 of 2015 in the Supreme Court in the matter of All lndia Bank Officers' Confederation Vs Union of lndia & Others. I as@ We request you to take note ofthe same under Clause 30 ofthe Listing Agreement. Kindly upload the information on your website. DGM - Company Secretary & Compliance 4-r ls ). tid-i 400 0,j1 !!., Baroda Corporate Ccntre. C 2ri G ij ock tl)Ndr. (!rla Coniplcx u.,fiir. (E) rvrr nb. 4!11051 i'.1?\arc t\ 22 66!8 5ril2/r,846 ' +rr / Fa! t: 22 2t)t,2t)at.,) i ,la / I n,a co rparv:t:.,el.r'v bc.io!ar<.i.a r ,n .., r ' r': I r. _tr i^re br.koiln,.i. :. l aitqT:6dit-c +<{, + 2r-r ll .,in {rrgrd a,Fq:].r. ,r.1.