Second Meeting of the Council Working Group on Child Online Protection (CWG-CP) Geneva, 11 June 2010 Document: WG-CP/2/2 Original: English only For information SOURCE TITLE ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT, MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Egypt’s Feedback Concerning the ITU’s Draft “Child Online Protection Statistical Framework and Indicators”. 1. Introduction Reference is made to the recommendations of the ITU Council Working Group on Child Online Protection (CWG- CP) in its first meeting held on the 17th and 18th of March 2010 “that ITU, based on its experience as a lead agency in the area of ICT measurement, should engage in work to establish a framework for the statistical measurement of COP, including the development of a list of indicators that could be collected at the national and/or international levels. The indicators, which should include measures of usage patterns as well as the type of threats, will help countries to evaluate the impact of their COP programmes. In carrying out this work, ITU should collaborate closely with the relevant international organizations and stakeholders” (Document WG-CP/1/16). And to the draft “Child Online Protection Statistical Framework and Indicators”, ‘considering the measurement aspects of child online protection, with the ultimate aim of reliably measuring the problem and monitoring the solutions’ as prepared by Sheridan Roberts, consultant to the Market Information and Statistics Division (STAT) of ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau, under the supervision of Susan Teltscher. Egypt commends the serious and continuous efforts done by the ITU in the area of setting up indicators and statistical framework for child on line safety. Accordingly, and in the framework of the ITU Council Working Group on Child Online Protection, agenda item 4 (Documents WG-CP-2/01), Egypt wishes to share with the ITU Members, ongoing activities in Egypt with respect to setting indicators concerning child online safety, in order to contribute to the global effort and help ITU to assist Member States to protect children online and measure progress done in this respect. 2. Main Points of Egypt’s Intervention: The planned intervention of the Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology at the second ITU WG- CP will cover the following points: 1 A. National efforts to discuss indicators for Child on line Safety. B. Sharing questionnaires designed on the local level. C. Preliminary results of the pilot conducted in Egypt based on the suggested ITU’s report indicators. D. Suggested additional indicators to the ITU’s draft “Child Online Protection Statistical Framework and Indicators”, based on the local conditions of an emerging knowledge society. 2