HILDEN DORF.- Fluctua twns in Water-l evel of Artesiam Wells. ART. 491 the XLII.- Fluctuations in the Water-level of some A'l1esian Wells in Ghristck1.lrch Area. By F. W. HILGEN DORF, D.Sc. r, 1916; received by [Read before the Canterbury Ph~lo8opl~~cal In,st~tute, 6th Septembe December, 1917.] Ed~tors. 30th December, 1916; iS8ued separately, IOtA the IN 1896 Hutton recorded the fluctuations of two artesian wells at of one on tions observa the ed continu Chl'istchurch Museum. * Speight copies the wells in 1910,t and since then ha,s taken occasional readings, 1911 of which he has kindly given me for the purposes of this paper. In I took a series of readings on a 340 ft. well at Lincoln College, fourteen s ever miles south-west of Christchurch,t and have taken monthly reading urch since. From 1912 till the present time Mr. A. D. Dobson, Christch a e, Merival at well ft. 217 a on tions observa City Surveyor, has taken his illJle and a quarter north-west of the Cathedral, and l!as given me Hutton the from grant a by aided I, and Symes readings. In 1914 Mr. depth Fund, erected a continuous-record machine on a well of uncertain (see al Cathedr the of est north-w miles three about on Papanui Road, here. this volume, p. 493), and the readings of this well have been used _in The graph shows the fluctuations in the static level of the water these four wells. The comparatively small variation in the three Christwell .church wells as contrasted with the large variation of the Lincoln affords conclusive proof that the wells in the neighbourho~ of Christchurch have a relatively constant source of supply, while the well at Lincoln of this has a relatively intermi ttent one. The most reasonable explanation • artesian lirch Christch the of supply main the that is feature of the graph supplied is well Lincoln the wells comes from the Waimakariri River, while which chiefly by the rainfall direct, or by percolation from ~e Selwyn River, rains. heavy III Its middle course flows only during or after There are two facts that might be used to controvert this explanation were the evidence of the present graph not so overwhelming. and' (1.) The Christchurch wells do, as was pointed out by Hutton their is rainfall the that but rain, Speight, respond very rapidly to a day's ss chief source of supply is rendered improbable by their relative steadine the either of e influenc no be can There . during the dry years 1914-16 rainfall or the Selwyn River that would not be more distinctly felt at Lincoln Trans. than at Christchurch, as will be shown by a glance at the map in kept N.Z. Inst., vol. 44, 1912, p. 146. If either of these in1luences, then, steady well Lincoln the kept have should they the Christchurch wells steady, the too, and therefore we are driven to conclude that percolation from supply. urch Christch the of source Waimakariri is the chief tion is (2.) The second observation that does not support this supposi of the flow the or level the e influenc not do ariri that floods in the Waimak * F. W. HUTTON, On the Behaviour of Two Artesian Wells at the Canterbury Museum, Trans. N.Z. In.'3t., vol. 28, 1896, p. 654. t R. SPEIGHT, A Preliminary Account of the Geological Features of the Christ· church ArteSIan Area, Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 43, 1911, p. 420. in some .Artesian iF. W. HILGEID>ORF, Fluctuat ions ill the Level of the Wa.ter 142. Wells in the Christchurch Area, Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 44, 1912, p. Transactwns. 492 Christchurch wells, as has again been noted by Hutton. But, since the Waimakariri is flowing always, It is probably losing water by percolation always, and not only during floods; and the rise of water-level may be so toned down by passage through miles of gravel as to be unrecognizable by the time it reaches Christchurch. This is rendered probable by the behaviour of the well at Belfast, six miles from Christchurch, as described by me, * where a river rise of 8 ft gave a well rIse of 5 III The absence 0" " 6 rT ~. f d' .. 4. .,\ ",,10- ~ 1- "11 II 0 IJ , 11 ~'I- I'- 1 8 ~ 3'0 ~ .. I ~ I.... 'I \ J 4- If I' 0 8 4 ~O -4- ., '-J 1»"1 .... 11 . "'~. I..... ~. w• • • • ,- ", .....' .. J IF a;OCU7tU, -. 1-. -f-Tt- ~. 26 ~ , -~ l~. ~ 20 , ~ IJ ~,- +1- .... .... .. .. lit ~" l,th 'I } 0"" la 1\ L- IIll1t Y.5 ell4 ~nt7.. Vl e"", I->/v ~ e -1- ~ ~ • 2' 0" 8 4 . .. .... \ ", 8 I- ~I/\ J 0 30 ~ 01- '*"ir' 1'-0 __ , I (0" .. • 1-• .... +r- ~+- I' r\1 J\ 'Illhes 32 0~1 t-. ~. .1- .-~.1- Ram- .- lye ~ ~ 4 i'I ~ , 4. " _11' m ~ ~ M] JI Sp!lv Ja Mr IlIyJu Sp Nv Ja IIIr My JI Sp IIv.ld Mr My JI Sp rh Ja Mr ,., JI Sp ftv .la IDr My JI Sp Itv Ja II'r My JI Sp ~/2 ISIO 19/1 I~IZ 1913 1~14 1315 1916 Graph showmg fiuctuatlOns ID statIc level of four artesian wells in or near Christchurch. of response of Chnstchurch wells to Waimakariri floods, then, is not necessarily at varIance With the eVidence of the graph, that the Waimakariri is the chIef source of the ChrIstchurch arteSIan water-supply In 1862 or 1863, at R. Taylor's brewery, on the SIte of the present Normal School, some pipes were driven into the ground to form a staging After a time water was found flowing from these pipes, which thus formed the first artesian well in Christchurch. The City Council then sank a 2 III pipe at the corner of Tuam Street and Ferry Road to a depth of 81 ft, and * Loc c~t., p. 158. HILGEND ORF .-Fluct uation s in JJ'ate'1'-level of A'1'tesUl'n Wells. 493 1864, a good flow resulted. This well was completed on the lOth February, time this well, another started Council and on the 15th February, 1864, the J. Mr. to d indebte am I tion informa above the For Square. al in Cathedr years fifty about for s onward date this Lothian Wilson, of Kaiapoi. From it was thousands of private wells were sunk in the Christchurch area, and suffered ft., 80 and ft. 40 of depths to soon found that the earlier ones, sunk wells a serious and continuous fall in their static level. Deeper and deeper in ,ft. 400 to down strata earing were then sunk, tapping various water-b was viewed depth. The fall in the static level of large numbers of wells but the upply; water-s the of failure possible a ng very seriously, as indicati evidence of Hutton and Speight's long-period observations on the Museum level well shows that the fall has been checked, if not arrested. The static in was, of the 190 ft. well abov(> Hutton'R datum . 9 ft. 8 in. ,J Average f aI) per year, 3.5 m. 1894 _. 5 ft. 3in.) 1910 5 ft. Oin.fAverage fall per y~al', O·DIn. 1916 fall At the time Hutton made his observations he estimated the vearlv tw"entyla~t the during reduced greatly been has rate its at 5·5 in , so that two years. Why the wells have ceased to fall is not certam. There are good grounds of for believing that it is due to natural causes connected with the supply in But sea. the to rainage under-d the and ariri Waimak water from the wells, 1909 the City Council sank, within the area of an acre or two, four similar three and these from and , stratum ft 80 the to r, 8 in in diamete From wells sunk in 1912 water is pumped to supply nearly the whole town. this and ceased, entirely almost wells private of sinking this date, then, the ting fact may have so importa nt a bearing on the static level of the pre-exis longwells that the matter is not suitable for discussion until a new series of period observations have been made. ART. XLIII.- Note on the Fluctuation of Water-level in a Okristckurck Artes~an Well. By L. P. SYMES. 1916; 'I'eceweO. by [Read before the PhilosophioaZ Inst'ttute of Oanterbury, 2nd August, Ed",tors, 30th December, 1916; issued sep'l'l'ately, 10th December, 1917.] writers, notably Hutton, Speight, and Hilgendorf, have disoussed vel the Chnstchurch artesian system, and have shown that the water-le River rIses every evenmg, that It rIses WIth ram, and that the Waimakariri These has no apparen t influence. Button also described a "Sunda y rise." or less results were founded on intermi ttent observations made at hourly in confrequent mtervals. To obtain more definite knowledge the writer, ous junctIon WIth Dr. lIJ.lgendorf, set up an instrum ent to make continu i, Papanu at well isolated An veL water-le in ions fluctuat records of the asceryet not is depth its nately not in use, was selected, though unfortu the tained. This note deals with some of the results obtained through MANY