Energy Center #1 Materials: laser light LED flashlight standard flashlight black construction paper white construction paper aluminum foil saran wrap clear cup filled with water clear transparency tissue paper Procedures: 1. Label journal entry with correct center number. 2. Experiment with given materials to identify the main form of energy demonstrated in this investigation. 3. Journal your observations and be prepared to defend your claims. KepleyTonya Thursday, October 11, 2012 7:16:03 AM ET Energy Center #2 Materials: drum paper clips tuning fork container of water Procedures: * Label journal entry with correct center number. Part 1: Drums and Paper Clips * Place the paper clips on the drum. Tap on the drum and observe what happens to the paper clips. Describe what you observe. What do you see? What do you hear? Part 2: Throat and “AHHHHH” * Place your fingers next to your throat. What do you feel as you say, “AHH”? Describe what you observe. What do you hear? Part 3: Tuning Fork and Water Container * Gently strike the tuning fork on the corner of your desk and then place it in the water. Describe what you observe. What do you see? What do you hear? * Identify the main form of energy demonstrated in this investigation. KepleyTonya Thursday, October 11, 2012 7:16:03 AM ET Energy Center #3 Materials: 2 lamps 1 standard bulb (one 100 watt bulb) 1 CFL bulb (one 100 watt bulb) ruler timer paper plates (2 per group) ice cubes (2 per group) chocolate candies (4 per group) iron nails (2 per group) Procedures: 1. Label journal entry with correct center number. 2. Place a plate under each lamp (lamp off) and position the bulbs an equal amount of distance (6 inches) from the plates. 3. Place one ice cube, one chocolate candy, and one iron nail on each plate. 4. Journal your observations BEFORE turning on lamps. 5. Turn on lamps and observe what occurs for 5 minutes. 6. Journal your observations. 7. Identify the main form of energy demonstrated in this investigation. KepleyTonya Thursday, October 11, 2012 7:16:03 AM ET Energy Center #4 Materials: C or D battery 2 wires lightbulb and holder Procedures: 1. Label journal entry with correct center number. 2. Make observation of materials prior to experimenting. 3. Experiment with materials and create a circuit that lights the bulb. 4. Draw your design. 5. Identify the main form of energy demonstrated in this investigation. KepleyTonya Thursday, October 11, 2012 7:16:03 AM ET Energy Center #5 Materials: various sized and shaped magnets Procedures: 1. Label journal entry with correct center number. 2. Experiment with given materials to identify the main form of energy demonstrated in this investigation. 3. Journal your observations and be prepared to defend your claims. KepleyTonya Thursday, October 11, 2012 7:16:03 AM ET