
Name ____________________________________________ !


1. Electrical energy can be produced from which of the following forms of energy?


A. chemical energy

B. heat energy

C. light energy

D. all or the above

2. A basketball lying in the yard is an example of what kind of energy?

A. potential energy

B. magnetic energy

C. sound energy

D. kinetic energy

3. A basketball rolling down the court is an example of this type of energy?

A. kinetic energy

B. light energy

C. chemical energy

D. potential energy

4. Your teacher shining a laser pointer across the room is an example of what form of energy?

A. sound energy

B. magnetic energy

C. light energy

D. nuclear energy

5. You start a fire in your fireplace to keep warm. What is the main type of energy produced?

A. heat energy

B. sound energy

C. electrical energy

D. magnetic energy

6. As you sit and listen to the radio, energy is produced. The energy being produced is mostly in what form?

A. heat energy

B. light energy

C. sound energy

D. atomic energy

KepleyTonya Wednesday, September 5, 2012 10:13:04 AM ET

7. Turning the television on requires what form of energy?

A. electrical energy

B. heat energy

C. sound energy

D. magnetic energy

8. What happens to energy that is wasted?

A. the energy disappears

B. the energy transforms into another form of energy

C. the energy vaporizes

D. the energy always transforms into heat energy

9. When your body sweats what forms of energy are most likely affecting your body?

A. light and magnetic energy

B. sound and electrical energy

C. magnetic and heat energy

D. heat and light energy

10. What type of energy would have the greatest impact on an iron nail on a warm, sunny day?

A. magnetic energy

B. light energy

C. heat energy

D. electrical energy

11. The vibrations in stereo speakers are most likely caused by which of the following forms of energy?

A. light and magnetic energy

B. electrical and sound energy

C. heat and light energy

D. magnetic and heat energy

12. Which of the following groups lists 5 forms of energy?

A. power, watt, volt, amp, pole

B. heat, light, magnetic, sound, electrical

C. hot, warm, cold, boiling, frozen

D. magnet, bulb, heater, speaker, radio

13. Energy has the ability to cause which of the following?

A. night and day

B. summer and winter

C. motion and change

D. fall and spring

KepleyTonya Wednesday, September 5, 2012 10:13:04 AM ET

Answer the following questions below or on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is energy?

2. Differentiate between potential and kinetic energy.

3. What is the earth ʼ s primary source of energy? Defend your answer.

4. Identify 5 major forms of energy.

5. Explain or diagram how kinetic and potential energy are connected.

6. Analyze how an object ʼ s potential energy can affect its kinetic energy.

7. Diagram and label an example of how different forms of energy are related to one another.

KepleyTonya Wednesday, September 5, 2012 10:13:04 AM ET

Answer Key














Answers will vary for open-ended questions.

KepleyTonya Wednesday, September 5, 2012 10:13:04 AM ET
