Light Absorption, Reflection, & Refraction Worksheet

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Light Absorption, Reflection, & Refraction
1. What happens when light hits a shiny or smooth surface?
a. it disappears
b. it is refracted
c. it is absorbed
d. it is reflected
2. What is the angle of reflection equal to?
a. the angle of refraction
b. the angle of incidence
c. the angle of absorption
d. the angle of light
3. What might explain why light travels is a straight line?
a. if there is nothing to interfere with light waves, they should travel in a strait line
b. light waves will always travel in a straight line, even if they could come into contact
with another object
c. light waves donʼt travel in a straight line
d. light waves travel in a straight line because sound waves travel in a straight line
4. What is it called when light bends as it moves from one substance to another?
a. absorption
b. reflection
c. refraction
d. incidence
5. Why doesnʼt the surface of a wooden boat reflect light as the surface of water does?
a. because the boatʼs surface is rough and absorbs more light
b. because the surface of the boat is red, not blue
c. because the boat is not a natural object like the water is
d. because the boat is on top of the waterʼs surface
6. What is the angle of incidence?
a. the angle at which light bends in water
b. the angle at which light hits a surface
c. the angle at which light is absorbed by an object
d. the angle at which light bounces off a surface
7. When you look into a mirror, what is happening to the light?
a. it is increasing in wavelengths
b. it is being refracted
c. it is being absorbed
d. it is being reflected
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:17:20 PM ET
1. (d) it is reflected
2. (b) the angle of incidence
3. (a) if there is nothing to interfere with light waves, they should travel in a straight line
4. (c) refraction
5. (a) because the boatʼs surface is rough and absorbs more light
6. (b) the angle at which light hits a surface
7. (d) it is being reflected
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:17:20 PM ET