Unit/Lesson Plan Title: Primary Subject Collision Course - Forces and Motion Integrated Subjects

Unit/Lesson Plan Title:
Primary Subject
Integrated Subjects
Grade Level(s)
Length of Unit
Research Sources
Collision Course - Forces and Motion
Math, ELA
10 days
Engineering Design Process - Rowan Salisbury Schools
Unit Summary
In this unit students will be involved with problem based learning. The
teachers will introduce the problem via iMovie trailer. Students will work
collaboratively to use the five steps of the Engineering Process (Ask Imagine - Plan - Create - Improve). This unit includes whole group
instruction, small group instructions, differentiated learning centers, and
opportunities for integration.
Key Vocabulary For Unit
force, motion, speed, direction, gravity, distance, acceleration, friction,
lift, relative speed, mass, momentum, pattern, elapsed time, push, pull,
change, object
NC Essential Standards - Science *3.P.1.1
3.MD.4 Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers
marked with halves and fourths of an inch. Show the data by making a
line plot where the horizontal scale is marked off in aprropriate units whole numbers, halves, quarters.
3.NF.3d Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same
denominator by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons
are valid only when the two fractions refer to the sam whole. Record the
results of comparisons with the symbols greater than, equal, or less
than and justify the conclusions, e.g. by using a visual fraction model.
3.NF.3b Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g.
1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3. Explain why the fractions are equivalent e.g. by
using a visual fraction model.
NC Essential Standards For
Common Core Standards for
Common Core Standards for ELA
& Literacy
Essential Questions
These should be generated by the students, but here are some
How does an object change when speed or force is added to it?
How does the speed of an object affect the amount of time and
distance it can travel?
How does the earth’s gravity affect an object on or near the earth?
Saturday, September 7, 2013 2:38:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Materials & Resources
Big Universe Forces and Motion by Jane Weir
Pull It, Push It by Buffy Silverman
*Do4U The Robot Experience Force and Motion
*Looking at Forces and Motion:How Do Things Move
*Forces and Motion
*Give It A Push, Give It A Pull A Look At Forces
*How Amusement Parks Work
*Newton and Me
*Investigating Forces and Motion
The Magic School Bus - Plays Ball (Text and DVD Available)
Meteor by Patricia Polacco
Commander Toad and the Dis-asteroid By Jane Yolen
Horizons Kit - Experimenting WIth Forces and Motion 976001-1
Safety Requirements
*These texts are part of the Common Core collection found at every
school media center.
Saturday, September 7, 2013 2:38:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time
• Essential Question
• Explore/Engage
• Explain
• Elaborate (Inquiry)
• Evaluate
Introduction - Students will view the iMovie trailer and we will read
over the Problem Summary for the unit. As a class we will look at the
Problem Summary and complete the IDEAS and What do we need to
know in order to solve this problem? Children will complete the
CLAIMS section on their own. The EVIDENCE section will be
completed as children gain information throughout their trials.
**Throughout 10 days children will be working on design process to
build their prototype. The lessons below can take place at any time
throughout the 10 day unit to support your children’s understanding.
EQ - How does an object change when speed or force is added to it?
**Horizons Kit - Experimenting WIth Forces and Motion 976001-1 You
will need this kit for this lesson.
Explore/Engage Children will use the KNEX and battery operated fans to explore how
added mass and speed change the direction of an object.
STC Program Text - Experimenting With Forces and Motion This text is
found in the Horizons Kit mentioned above.
Lesson 9 - The Fan Car pages 98-102
Explain Use the website above to explore how mass affects speed.
Use Experimenting With Forces and Motion pages 142-145 (Or another
resource you want to use) to read about and discuss Newton’s three
laws of motion.
Introduce and discuss vocabulary related to this lesson - push, pull,
accelerate, speed, direction, force, and motion
Elaborate - Use this to discuss the implications on our prototypes for
NASA. Children should add new understandings to EVIDENCE portion
of ICE Chart used in introduction.
Evaluate - Students will journal after the experiment how force and
mass can change the speed and direction of an object.
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Activities/Procedures (Continued)
• Essential Question
• Explore/Engage
• Explain
• Elaborate (Inquiry)
• Evaluate
EQ 2 - How does the speed of an object affect the amount of time
and distance it can travel?
Explore/Engage Pictures of cyclist, nascar driver and meter stick will be provided. The
students will explore the items to figure out how speed can affect the
time and the distance it can travel.
Explain Introduce/ review vocabulary words: Speed, force, motion. The
teacher will explain the experiment to the students. The students will
receive the Speed Walking Experiment direction sheet and recording
sheet. The teacher will guide the students through the directions of
the experiment.
Elaborate - Use this to discuss the implications on our prototypes for
NASA. Children should add new understandings to EVIDENCE portion
of ICE Chart used in introduction.
Evaluate - Students will complete the question at the end of the Data
Recording Sheet.
EQ 3- How does the earth’s gravity affect an object on or near the
Explore/Engage - Students will engage in exploring with different items
of weight and mass and observing gravitational effects.
Explain - Students will test 3 different types of materials and record
results of how fast each item drops from a given height. Tthey will weigh
each object and record time it takes to hit the floor.
Elaborate - Use this to discuss the implications on our prototypes for
NASA. Children should add new understandings to EVIDENCE portion
of ICE Chart used in introduction.
Evaluate - Students will complete the question at the end of the Data
Recording Sheet.
Accommodations for
Differentiated Instruction
Cross Curricular
Depending on the learners in your classroom reading and writing
assignments can be completed whole class, small group, or individually.
MATH - During many experiments children will be required to be using
and recording measurement data to the nearest quarter inch. Also,
because we are measuring to the nearest quarter inch we will be
integrating fractions.
ELA - We also have mentioned several fiction and nonfiction texts that
you can integrate throughout your unit.
Journals, PBL End Project Rubric, Data Sheets, Teacher
Saturday, September 7, 2013 2:38:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Created by
Supporting Documents
Entire Unit - Vocabulary Cards, Common Core Resources, Engineering
Design Process Poster, Engineering Wheel
Introduction - iMovie Trailer, ICE Chart, Problem Summary
EQ 1 - Experimenting With Forces and Motion
EQ 2 - Speed Walk Experiment Directions, Speed Walk Data Sheet,
Photos of People walking, running, bike riding and race cars. timers,
meter sticks
EQ 3 - Material Drop Data Sheet, timer, materials for the drop
Saturday, September 7, 2013 2:38:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time