October 26, 2015
Long Street
Board of Education Members Present :
Chairman Mr. Josh Wagner
Vice Chair Mr. Dean Hunter
Mr. Travis Allen
Mrs. Susan Cox
Mr. Chuck Hughes
Mrs. Jean Kennedy
Dr. Richard Miller
Staff Present :
Dr. Lynn Moody, Superintendent
Dr. Julie Morrow, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
April Kuhn, Executive Director for Administration and Legal Services
Kristi Rhone, Executive Director for Human Resources
Ken Soo, Board Attorney
Patty Overcash, Clerk to the Board
*Dr. Richard Miller arrived at the Board of Education Meeting at 5:50 p.m.
Call to Order / Roll Call
Chairman Wagner called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Mr. Hughes officiated the
Pledge of Allegiance, and Chairman Wagner requested that everyone share a moment of silence.
Adopt Agenda
***Mr. Hughes made a motion to adopt the Agenda.
Mrs. Cox seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)
There were no Celebrations at this meeting.
Superintendent’s Comments
Dr. Lynn Moody spoke to the Board on procedures for being a Low Preforming School
District and what Rowan Salisbury Schools is planning to do to address the Low
Performing School District Designation. She also informed the Board that the school system has only received one written comment concerning the low performing school district rating.
Each Board Member was given a book with the Strategic Plan and the plan to address
Low Performing School District Designation.
Public Hearing Comments
Christopher Smith, Principal of Millbridge Elementary, talked about the improvements in student engagement and collaboration and the benefit of blended and personalized instruction that the strategic plan has helped to implement. He also talked about teachers now working “harder and smarter” for their students. Smith said the district’s story is one that is still being written.
Communications to the Board
Dee Dee Wright of Salisbury expressed concern for Knox Middle School and its safety needs. She also asked the Board of Education to consider honoring Kay Wright
Norman’s service to the Board by adding her name somewhere on the new school system building.
Marsha Wood of Salisbury spoke to the Board of Education about her concerns for the doors at Knox Middle being unlocked and the safety of the school.
Shelley Cross of Concord expressed concern for the safety of students and staff at Knox
Middle due to unlocked doors during the school day.
***Mr. Allen moved to adopt the District Improvement Plan
Mrs. Cox seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)
Consent Agenda
BOE Mins.
Matching Funds Application Summary 2015-2016 / Mrs. Tara Trexler, Finance Officer
Second Reading BOE Policy 4120 Domicile or Residence Requirements-
April Kuhn, Exec. Dir., Adm. & Legal Services
Second Reading BOE Policy 4130 Discretionary Admission-
April Kuhn, Exec. Dir., Adm. & Legal Services
Second Reading BOE Policy 4135 Tuition for Discretionary Admissions-
April Kuhn, Exec. Dir. for Adm. and Legal Services
Second Reading BOE Policy 4125 Homeless Students-
April Kuhn, Exec. Dir., Adm. & Legal Services
Second Reading BOE Policy 4152 Unsafe School Choice School Transfer-
April Kuhn, Exec. Dir., Adm. & Legal Services
*Mrs. Cox asked that field trips and the personnel report be pulled from the Consent
*Mr. Hunter asked that the 1 st Quarter Purchasing Report be pulled from the Consent
***Mrs. Cox made a motion to approve the Amended Consent Agenda.
Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)
Discussion/Information Items - Josh Wagner, Chairman
Technology: Student Perceptions
North Rowan Middle School Teacher Angie Fleming and students from North Rowan Middle
School informed the Board of Dr. Moody’s challenge to them and the steps they took to completed the challenge. The students spoke to the Board about the article they wrote which is being published in a National magazine and presented a video to the Board of Education.
Student Led Conferencing - Sally Schultz, Teacher at Hanford Dole Elem.
Mrs. Schultz gave the Board of Education a presentation on what is a Student Led Conference and why Student Led Conferencing is important.
Responsive Classroom - Middle School Principal Leadership Conference
Tonya Brinegar-German, Principal of Corriher Lipe Middle School and
Chris Smith, Principal of Millbridge Elementary, attended a conference on Responsive
Classroom and informed the Board of Education on what they learned and brought back to Rowan Salisbury Schools from the conference.
*Dr. Richard Miller arrived at the Board of Education Meeting at 5:50 p.m.
*The Board of Education took a 10 min. break at 5:50 p.m.
Wallace Educational Forum Update - Dr. Stewart Hobbs, System-Wide Athletic Director
Dr. Stewart Hobbs and Bill Burgin, Ramsay Burgin Smith Architects updated the Board of
Education on the Wallace Educational Forum. They presented the Board a picture of what the Board plaque and the time capsule would look like.
***Mrs. Cox made a motion to add L.A. Overcash and Kay Wright Norman’s names to the Board of Education plaque for the Forum.
Mr. Hughes seconded. Motion Approved. (5:2)
Chairman Wagner and Mr. Hunter voted against the motion.
***Mr. Allen made a motion to add just the last term years of service for Kay Wright Norman and L.A.
Overcash to the plaque and to also the add names of the previous County Commissioners who were in office during the agreement for the Wallace Forum.
Dr. Miller seconded the motion. Motion Approved. (6:1)
Chairman Wagner voted against the motion.
Purpose Built Communities - Susan Cox, Board Member
Mrs. Cox and Jason Walser, Purpose Built Communities, gave a report to the Board of Education on a trip they participated in to see Purpose Built Communities. Susan Cox urged the Board to make plans to visit a Purpose Built Community so that the Board could be more informed.
Budget Priorities for 2016-17 - Lynn Moody, Superintendent
Dr. Lynn Moody presented the Board with a Budget Priority List for 2016-17.
*The Board took a 10 min. break at 7:45 p.m.
First Reading BOE Policy 4100 - Age Requirement for Initial Entry-
April Kuhn, Exec. Dir., Adm. & Legal Services
This policy will be brought back to the November Board of Education Meeting under Consent Agenda.
First Reading BOE Policy 4270 Concussion and Head Injury-
April Kuhn, Exec. Dir., Adm. & Legal Services
This policy will be brought back to the November Board of Education Meeting under Consent Agenda.
First Reading BOE Policy 4310 Integrity and Civility-
April Kuhn, Exec. Dir., Adm. & Legal Services
This policy will be brought back to the November Board of Education Meeting under Consent Agenda.
First Reading BOE Policy 4333 Weapons, Threats-
April Kuhn, Exec. Dir., Adm. & Legal Services
This policy is going to be revised and it will be brought back to the November Board of
Education Meeting under Action Items for a vote.
Dates for BOE Business Meetings - Nov. 16, 2015 & Dec. 14, 2015
*It was consensus of the Board to not have a Board of Education Work Session Meeting during the months of November and December. Due to the holidays the November Board of Education
Meeting will be on November 16, 2015 and the Meeting in December will be December 14, 2015.
The time will be 3:00 p.m. for both meetings. Public Comments will be 5:00 and the Board will recess for dinner at 5:30 p.m.
Discussion/Action Items - Josh Wagner, Chairman
Original Budget Resolution for 2015-2016
Tara Trexler presented the Board of Education an Original Budget Resolution for 2015-16.
***Mr. Hughes made a motion to approve the Original Budget Resolution.
Dr. Miller seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Board Goals - Josh Wagner, Chairman
***Dr. Miller made a motion to adopt the Board Goals with the rewording of item Capital Projects.
We will ensure a timely and fiscally reasonable completion of the central office project, begin planning and site prep for WRES, and begin planning, bidding, and start of roofing projects on existing facilities (app. $2,500,000 allocated in funding amendment). We will ensure that we
utilize the new long-range plan data to develop current and future capital projects.
Mr. Hunter seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Field Trips
***Mrs. Cox made a motion to approve the Field Trips.
Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Personnel Report
***Mrs. Cox made a motion to approve the Personal Report.
Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
1st Quarter Purchasing Report - 2015-16
“Information Only”
Closed Session
***Mr. Hunter moved to recess into Closed Session at 10:00 p.m. to consider personnel action that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this Board [NC Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)], To prevent disclosure of information that
is privileged or confidential pursuant to state or federal law. [NC Gen. state 143-
318.11(a)(1) and 143-318.11(a)(3)]. And To consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body. [NC Gen. Stat.#143-318.11(a)(3)]
Chairman Wagner asked to add an item to Closed Session
Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
*The Board took a 10 min. break at 10:02 p.m.
BOE Closed Session Mins. 9-28-15 & 10-12-15
***Dr. Miller made a motion to approve the Board Mins.
Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Recommendation of Low-Performing School Principals Remediation Plan
Presented the Board with a Low-Performing School Principal’s Remediation Plan
Superintendent's Evaluation - Josh Wagner, Chairman
Report of Closed Session
Mrs. Cox made a motion to adjourn at 11:20.
Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
_________________________________ _________________________________
Mr. Josh Wagner, Chairman Lynn Moody, Ed. D, Secretary