We held an Interim Review meeting at the beginning of... all the profiles submitted. We closely monitor the... Interim

PGCE Core Primary and Early Years PP3 Weekly Placement Bulletin #6
We held an Interim Review meeting at the beginning of the week. Personal Tutors had reviewed
all the profiles submitted. We closely monitor the progress of all trainees throughout the
placement and at the Interim point there is the opportunity to provide support for some trainees
so that they can have a greater impact on pupil progress. Trainees receive weekly emails from
their Personal Tutor and/or Link Tutor to provide ongoing support and encouragement.
Submitting lesson observation grades
It is very important that ALL trainees complete the online form every week to identify whether or
not they have had a formal lesson observation and the grade given. This information is used each
week to support our ongoing monitoring. Please encourage trainees to complete the form:
Change from class teacher and Mentor training to class teacher and Mentor Development
In line with feedback from class teachers and Mentors the session early next term, prior to PP4 will
be a new format and will be the first of our termly development programme for both class
teachers and Mentors which aims to develop coaching and mentoring skills to support the
progress of trainees and NQTs. Look out for dates and flyers if you are supporting trainees on PP4.
CPE Self-evaluation – Mocksted
There are still two full weeks of the placement and we know from experience that trainees can
(and do) make huge progress in this period when they have the opportunity to teach an increasing
percentage of the timetable. We have set an “aspirational” target for achievement of trainees by
Easter and this should not detract from personalising provision for all trainees. Trainees should be
encouraged to be pro-active and collect and present evidence to Mentors of the aspects of their
practice that is being developed and share this at meetings. Addressing early reading and phonics,
including those trainees in upper Key Stage 2, will ensure trainees cover all areas of the Teachers’
Standards (TS), communicating with parents and, where appropriate, setting homework should
also be addressed by the end of the placement.
Trainees will have the opportunity to broaden their experience of a range of contexts in a series of
‘mini’ placements before Easter; these include spending time in SEND specialist schools, Learning
Outside the Classroom experiences and working with pupils from the Partnership.
Theme #4
Links to Partnership
 Grade 2-3 and
2-1 boundary
 Coverage of all
areas of the TS
 Targets always drawn
from Warwick
Assessment Descriptors
school experience with
Success criteria
 100% trainees at least
grade 2 by Easter
 100% trainees gain
experience of SEN, EAL
and SFCC placements
(core or experiential
WEEK 6 Monday 9th – Friday 13th March and WEEK7: Monday 16th – Friday 20th March - take
responsibility for around 70% of the timetable.
Core: Plan/teach/assess/evaluate a sequence a sequence of whole class lessons in English and maths.
Foundation: Plan/teach/assess/evaluate science and an increasing range of foundation subjects (MFL
priority for specialists).
Paired trainees: The whole timetable should be shared between the 2 trainees. To enable 70% teaching
time, each trainee should act as a TA, teaching/managing a group under their partner’s direction for some
of the timetable.
Mentor Weekly Guidance (P. 44)
Offer support and constructive feedback, for example, on the trainee’s :
use of AfL to adapt teaching within and between lessons and make a noticeable impact on
progress; (and have evidence of this in planning and pupil outcomes)
use of AfL strategies which allow pupils to take responsibility for their own learning.
Have a good weekend, the weather is supposed to be tropical, especially Saturday afternoon!
Best wishes, Sue
Sue Crosson, Lead Link Tutor
PGCE Primary and Early Years | Centre for Professional Development | University of Warwick
Westwood Campus Coventry CV4 8EE
t: 02476 523830 e: s.crosson@warwick.ac.uk