Henderson Independent High School Placement Procedure APC ~ “Alternative Placement Committee” Placement Options • • • • Alternative Committee Placement: Schools refer students after exhausting and documenting all supports provided at the referring school, and the APC determines placement. Administrative Placement: The Board of Education and/or Superintendent (or designee) places the student at Henderson Independent High School. Emergency Placement: Schools refer students due to safety concerns and the APC determines placement. Transition Placement: Students who are coming from alternative placements from outside the district and are deemed not ready to transition directly into a traditional setting, for example: incarceration, mental health facilities, court involvement, etc. The Alternative Placement Committee (APC) is comprised of the following members: • • • • • • • • • High School Principal/Middle School Principal (HS/MS principals will serve for one (1) semester on a rotating basis.) * Transition Case Manager EC Director or EC Program Specialist (as needed) * Grade Span Director (Middle or HS as needed) * ESL Director (as needed) * Student Service Director * Henderson Principal Referring School Representative (preferably an administrator) Henderson Intervention Specialist * indicates voting members 1 9/1/2015 Steps for Placement at Henderson Independent High School: 1. If a referral to the alternative school is being considered, the referring school must begin with the school-based Student Assistance Team (SAT) process (except for Administrative, Emergency or Transition placements). a. The Student Assistance Team will review written documentation of all interventions, accommodations, and strategies utilized at the referring school prior to the referral. Upon review of the documentation, the SAT will make one of the following recommendations ü Continue the current student placement, ü Pursue testing to determine EC identification, ü Develop a 504 Education Plan, or ü Refer the student to Henderson Independent High School. b. If a student has a current IEP, 504 Plan, PEP, or Graduation Support Plan, these must be reviewed and updated as appropriate. 2. If the Student Assistance Team decides to refer the student for placement to Henderson Independent High School, the referring school must: a. Inform the parent/guardian of the referral and recommendation for placement at Henderson Independent High School. The school must talk with the parent by phone or by home visit and send the corresponding RSS APC Referral letter to the parent by mail or by home visit. b. Ensure that the student’s PEP, IEP, and/or 504 Plan are up to date. c. Complete the Henderson Independent High School Referral Application. 3. The following necessary documentation is required PRIOR to consideration for placement at Henderson Independent High School: a. Henderson Independent High School Referral Application b. Current schedule and grades (including most current progress report) c. Attendance record d. Discipline record e. Information provided to the Student Assistance Team (SAT) f. Personal Education Plan (PEP) * g. Behavior Plan * h. Individual Education Plan (IEP) * i. 504 Plan * j. Transcript (high school only) k. Differentiated Diploma documentation*(high school only) l. Graduation Support Plan documentation*(high school only) m. Additional individual information concerning the need for placement * indicates “if applicable” 4. The completed Henderson Independent High School Application form and required documentation must be sent to the Transition Case Manager for review. After reviewing 2 9/1/2015 the documentation, the Transition Case Manager includes the referral on the APC agenda for the next scheduled meeting. The Transition Case Manager will contact all relevant APC members regarding the specific case and will contact the referring school with the scheduled time to present the required information to the APC. 5. Referral Meeting: a. A representative from the referring school will attend the APC meeting to share pertinent information; this person should be familiar with the student and all interventions that have been provided. b. When determining placements, the APC will make recommendations based on the best interest of the student. c. The Transition Coordinator will notify Henderson and the referring school of the APC’s decision. d. The parents will be informed of the decision by phone and letter. 6. If placement at Henderson Independent High School is accepted: a. If the placement is accepted, the Transition Case Manager will contact the parent by phone or home visit. In addition, a written explanation (RSS Accepted Letter) of the Henderson placement with the placement review date will be sent to the parent by mail or delivered in person. b. When a Henderson placement is determined, the minimum length of placement (semester, academic year, or remainder of academic career) and the placement review time will also be determined. Initial placement will be no less than the completion of the semester, except in the case of a Transitional Placement from another alternative school from outside the district. Placement may be for the full year or until completing school based on the individual needs of the student. c. The referring school will gather all documentation, reports, and materials for the student’s transition to Henderson. The Transition Case Manager will make arrangements with the referring school for collecting this information. d. The Transition Case Manager will contact the parent to facilitate an enrollment meeting with Henderson Independent High School staff. Transportation information will be provided to the parent by the Transition Case Manager or the Henderson Bus Coordinator. e. Henderson administration will schedule an enrollment meeting with the student and his/her parents immediately following the placement decision. The student will begin at Henderson no later than five (5) days after the placement decision has been made unless the student is serving a suspension. If the student is serving a suspension the student will begin at Henderson the first day following the last day of suspension. f. A placement plan will be developed which includes: i. Academic, behavior, and other goals and objectives ii. A personalized schedule which addresses required credits, including potential credit recovery options iii. Duration of the minimum placement at Henderson Independent High School with a timeline for placement review and transition back to the referring school 3 9/1/2015 7. If placement at Henderson Independent High School is declined: a. If placement is declined, the referring school will make the parent contact. A letter (RSS Declined Letter) explaining the decision as well as plans to support the student at the referring school will be sent to the parents by mail or delivered in person. b. The APC will make recommendations to the referring school for additional support steps that will assist the student with being successful at the referring school. c. The referring school will schedule a meeting with the parents to develop a support plan (PEP, Behavior Intervention Plan, Graduation Support Plan) to address the student’s needs. Review of Placement: 1. Placement will be reviewed by the APC at the end of the placement period to evaluate the student’s level of success with meeting the goals and objectives originally set forth by the APC and Henderson Independent High School. 2. Review of placement and possible return to the student’s home school will occur at the end of the semester. 3. All transitions to the referring school will involve the APC. Henderson staff will present documentation to support continued placement at Henderson or the recommendation to return to the home school. The APC will make the final decision regarding all student placements (except for Administrative or Transition Placements). 4. The Transition Case Manager will inform parents of the outcome of this review and the decision for the student to remain at Henderson or return to the referring school. Initial contact will be made through a phone call or home visit followed by written notice (RSS Review Letter). The Transition Case Manager: • • • • • • • • • Will be the first line of communication between the referring school and the APC. Will receive and review all applications for completeness prior to scheduling APC meetings. Will develop the APC Agendas and will contact all members as well as the referring schools. Will take notes during APC meetings. Will maintain a notebook and database of all referrals to the APC. Will inform the referring school of the APC decision. Will contact parents of all students who are placed at Henderson and facilitate the enrollment meeting with Henderson principal or designee. Will contact parents of all students who returning to the traditional school and facilitate the enrollment at the traditional school. Will work with the Henderson Bus Coordinator to arrange transportation for students.. 4 9/1/2015 Meeting and Documentation Schedules: Alternative placement meetings will be held the 2nd Friday of the month for regular meeting and 4th Friday for emergency meeting if needed. Referrals, with appropriate documentation, should be submitted to the Transition Case Manager by the 1st Tuesday of the month for regular meetings. If referral information is not received by the deadline, the referral will not be discussed at the next APC meeting. Principals who want to place a student on the APC Emergency agenda should contact the Transition Case Manager ASAP. Referral information should be submitted to the Transition Case Manager as soon as possible but no later than the Friday before the scheduled meeting. Student placements for August must be finalized in June, except in rare situations. Alternative Placement Committee Meeting (Unless otherwise indicated, meetings will begin at 8:00 am. Schools will be provided an approximate time.) Friday, Sept. 11, 2015 - Regular Meeting Friday, Sept. 25, 2015 - Emergency Meeting (if needed) Friday, Oct. 9, 2015- Regular Meeting Friday, Oct. 23, 2015- Emergency Meeting (if needed) Friday, Nov. 13, 2015- Regular Meeting Friday, Dec. 4, 2015- Regular Meeting Friday, Dec. 18, 2015- Emergency Meeting (if needed) 1st Semester Review – TBA – January 2016 Semester Change Friday, Jan. 29, 2016- Regular Meeting Friday, Feb. 12, 2016- Regular Meeting Friday, Feb. 26, 2016- Emergency Meeting (if needed) Friday, Mar. 11, 2016- Regular Meeting Friday, Apr. 8, 2016 - Last regular placement meeting Emergency meeting – April and May as needed 2nd Semester Review – TBA – June 2016 – Placements for August, 2016 should be completed, except in rare circumstances. * All meetings will be held at 8:00 am at Henderson Independent High School. 5 9/1/2015