Primary Initial Teacher Education Personalised Training Plan 2015/2016 University of Warwick Personalised Training Plan 15-16 Route EYITT Core 3-7 Core 5-11 School Direct 3-7 School Direct 5-11 Assessment Only Trainee’s Name Alliance Lead school (if applicable) Specialism (if applicable) Personal Tutor 1 Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Pen portrait ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Subject knowledge audits & action plan ....................................................................................................................... 3 Longitudinal log of training schools/settings .................................................................................................................... 4 Teachers’ standards progress log ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Introduction to short-term weekly targets and mentor meetings ................................................................................... 7 Training needs and weekly mentor meetings for Autumn Term...................................................................................... 8 Training needs and weekly mentor meetings for Spring Term....................................................................................... 11 Training needs and weekly mentor meetings for Summer Term ................................................................................... 14 Additional training log..................................................................................................................................................... 18 NQT/ end of year action plan.......................................................................................................................................... 19 Introduction It is a requirement that you maintain a Training Plan throughout your training year. Aims of the training plan: To encourage trainee self-management of their professional development; To enable trainees to identify, track and make explicit short term development targets at the start of placements along with ongoing weekly development targets; To facilitate mentor engagement with short-term target setting and the degree to which trainees make progress against these targets; To record additional training and professional development which takes place outside of placement What the trainee will do: Keep the training plan up to date and available for the mentor and University staff to view at all times; Take the responsibility for setting targets and recording details of progress; Communicate and engage with mentors on a weekly basis and ensure that weekly mentor meetings and observations are recorded in the training plan; Highlight to the mentor, person tutor and link tutor in a constructive manner if any aspects of the training plan have not been completed appropriately. What the mentor will do: Meet with the trainee on a weekly basis during training placements to review training and complete the relevant weekly meeting update; Discuss the initial and weekly short-term development targets and details of progress, which mentors should record in the weekly mentor meetings section of the training plan; Highlight to the trainee and link tutor in a constructive manner if any aspects of the training plan have not been completed appropriately. What the University will do: University Subject and Personal tutors will engage with the training plan in meetings with the trainee and in University taught sessions to ensure that it is being used effectively, challenging the trainee where this is not the case: University link tutors will engage with the training plan in placement visits to ensure that it is being used effectively, challenging the trainee where this is not the case: University staff will signpost any causes for concern in relation to the completion of the training plan with the appropriate programme leader. A good training plan must include up-to-date, professionally presented and professionally reflective: Pen portrait with relevant personal and professional experiences Targets identified at your interview Subject Knowledge audits and action plans as appropriate Consideration of termly and termly assessment profiles and targets Notes of your weekly meetings with your School Professional Mentor and your Class Teacher and / or your University Link Tutor Notes from any professional development training and course attended The training plan will be maintained mostly in paper form, but there will be sections which can be completed electronically (available from the start of the year). This will be explained by your tutors. 1 Pen portrait In the spaces below, provide a ‘picture’ of yourself which, during the early stages of your training, will help both university and school-based colleagues to get to know you and your professional needs more easily. Complete electronically and copy/paste relevant information to e-PDP Personal Details page and letters to schools. You should seek to include the following: Pen portrait A few details about your academic background e.g. Degree subject and subject interests; Personal skills, e.g. linked to the National Curriculum or general classroom activities (computing, arts, music, sports, etc.) Initial thoughts on your strengths and areas for development in relation to subject knowledge (personal and pedagogical) and the Teachers’ Standards Personal goals and aspirations for this year and beyond. Pre-course experience in schools and educational settings Information if relevant about your work or work experiences including skills gained A brief résumé of your recent experiences in school or working with children 2 Subject knowledge audits & action plan SUBJECT AUDIT SCORES / ACTIONS English Maths Science Wider curriculum and experiences TARGETS FROM INTERVIEW Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Actions to feed into CEDP: 3 See: and PLACEMENT TYPE DATES OFSTED GRADE e.g. placement, serial and miniplacements NOTABLE FEATURES* DATE OF LAST OFSTED SCHOOL/SETTING NAME MENTOR LINK TUTOR AGE GROUP Longitudinal log of training schools/settings % EAL % SEN % FSM ADDITONAL NOTES including key issues from Ofsted report e.g. about progress and attainment and 4 See: and PLACEMENT TYPE DATES OFSTED GRADE e.g. placement, serial and miniplacements NOTABLE FEATURES* DATE OF LAST OFSTED SCHOOL/SETTING NAME MENTOR LINK TUTOR AGE GROUP Longitudinal log of training schools/settings % EAL % SEN % FSM ADDITONAL NOTES including key issues from Ofsted report e.g. about progress and attainment and 5 Teachers’ standards progress log TEACHERS’ STANDARDS Initial selfassessment INTERIM PROFILE IP1 FINAL PROFILE AP1 INTERIM PROFILE IP2 FINAL PROFILE AP2 INTERIM PROFILE IP3 FINAL PROFILE AP3 THE PREAMBLE NO/YES NO/YES NO/YES NO/YES NO/YES NO/YES NO/YES 1. SET HIGH EXPECTATIONS WHICH INSPIRE, MOTIVATE AND CHALLENGE PUPILS WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 4321 2 . PROMOTE GOOD PROGRESS AND OUTCOMES BY PUPILS WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 4321 3. DEMONSTRATE GOOD SUBJECT AND CURRICULUM KNOWLEDGE WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 4321 4. PLAN AND TEACH WELL STRUCTURED LESSONS WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 4321 5. ADAPT TEACHING TO RESPOND TO THE STRENGTHS AND NEEDS OF ALL PUPILS WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 4321 6. MAKE ACCURATE AND PRODUCTIVE USE OF ASSESSMENT WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 4321 7. MANAGE BEHAVIOUR EFFECTIVELY TO ENSURE A GOOD AND SAFE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 4321 8. FULFIL WIDER PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 WT 3 2 1 4321 PART TWO: PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT NO/YES NO/YES NO/YES NO/YES NO/YES NO/YES NO/YES 6 Introduction to short-term weekly targets and mentor meetings Initial training needs: These will be identified by trainees based upon: Audits, Previous school reports, Self-evaluation of progress towards meeting the Teachers’ Standards and Coverage of the EYFS/National Curriculum. They will be agreed with the Personal Tutor prior to each placement and shared with the Mentor, Class Teacher and Link Tutor to enable support and monitoring. (use bullet points) Short-term development targets: New training needs will be identified by the trainee as the placement progresses and will be added in the training plan below. The trainee’s professional needs will be informed by lesson observations, evaluations and the ongoing professional with mentors, class teachers and other professionals in school. Targets may be carried forward across weeks and terms, but trainees should always consider with their mentors, what actions they will undertake to progress against the Teacher Standards. Mentor should sign the final column when targets are met. Weekly mentor meetings should include the following: Review of progress towards current targets: Review of progress: Review of planning/assessment/record-keeping/evaluations in school file: Focus for discussion (see guidance in week-by week section of guides) Identification of new targets – to inform weekly short-term targets 7 Date /Week commencing Training needs and weekly mentor meetings for Autumn Term Initial short-term developmental targets identified on placement by trainee Specific actions to address target [including school-based training experiences & relevant standard] Target met/evaluation TS 7: establish a clear framework for classroom behaviour to promote learning TS 1: Establish high expectations and demonstrate positive values to promote a climate for learning TS 6: Assess and record pupils’ attainment against the lesson objectives and use this to inform planning pupil progress 8 WEEK 1 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee WEEK 2 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee WEEK 3 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee Specific actions Specific actions Specific actions lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee 9 WEEK 4 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee WEEK 5 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee WEEK 6 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee Specific actions Specific actions Specific actions lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee Please add further rows for short-term development targets and weekly mentor meetings as appropriate 10 Training needs and weekly mentor meetings for Spring Term Week Initial short-term commencing developmental targets Date identified on placement by trainee Specific actions to address target [including school-based training experiences & relevant standards Target met/evaluation 11 WEEK 1 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee WEEK 2 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee WEEK 3 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee Specific actions Specific actions Specific actions lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee 12 WEEK 4 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee WEEK 5 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee WEEK 6 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee WEEK 7 Specific actions Specific actions lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee lesson observation carried out by mentor Specific actions Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee Specific actions Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee Record of weekly mentor meeting lesson observation carried out by mentor Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee Please add further rows for short-term development targets and weekly mentor meetings as appropriate 13 Training needs and weekly mentor meetings for Summer Term Date Initial short-term developmental targets identified on placement by trainee Specific actions to address target [including schoolbased training experiences & relevant standard] Target met/evaluation 14 WEEK 1 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee WEEK 2 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee WEEK 3 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee Specific actions Specific actions Specific actions lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee 15 WEEK 4 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee WEEK 5 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee WEEK 6 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee Specific actions Specific actions Specific actions lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee 16 WEEK 7 Record of weekly mentor meeting Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee WEEK 8 Specific actions Weekly short-term developmental targets set by trainee Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee Record of weekly mentor meeting Specific actions lesson observation carried out by mentor lesson observation carried out by mentor Evidence initialled by mentor/trainee Please add further rows for short-term development targets and weekly mentor meetings as appropriate 17 Additional training log Log of further professional training in university or personalised provision/support Please add additional sheets as necessary 18 NQT/ end of year action plan Guidance for completion: - Identify targets which link to areas for further professional development as in Q 3 above; your final profile and any discussions with your Induction Mentor in your new school - Ensure targets are clear, focused, achievable and linked to the Teachers’ Standards - Identify actions that you can take to achieve the target (actions might be further developed in discussion with your NQT Induction Mentor) - Identify a review date e.g. some targets may be completed over the Summer vacation in preparation for your first post, others might be completed in the first half term or term etc. - At termly review points, evaluate outcomes with your NQT Induction Mentor Name: Teachers’ Standard NQT Induction Mentor: School: Target Actions to achieve target Suggested Review Date Outcomes at Termly Review points Short-term developmental targets to be addressed prior to September in preparation for NQT Year End of first week of term Longer-term developmental targets End of first half term End of first half term. 19