The Third International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control 12-14 May 2010 (ICDVC-2010)

The Third International Conference on
Dynamics, Vibration and Control
12-14 May 2010
Hangzhou, China
The First Announcement and Call for Papers
The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics (CSTAM)
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Beijing University of Technology
Harbin Institute of Technology
Jiangsu University
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Shanghai University
Tsinghua University
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Zhejiang University
Aims and Scope
Dynamics, vibration and control are among the most active scientific frontiers in sciences
and engineering in recent years, and ICDVC-2010 is devoted to this important research areas.
The aim of ICDVC-2010 is to bring together the international leading scientists of
dynamics, vibration and control communities, both theoreticians and experimentalists, and to
present their original research work of very high quality. The themes of the conference are
intended to be broad enough so as to cover most of the directions in dynamics, vibration and
control, promoting wide interactions among different academic disciplines. Mathematical
theory, numerical simulation, physical experiments, engineering design, information
technique, biological and financial studies, and their various applications are included in the
main program of the conference. The conference also provides an excellent opportunity to
researchers from different fields of science and engineering, both experts and new comers, for
sharing ideas, experience and progress, and exploring new directions and problems among
specialists in these fascinating areas of science and technology in the 21st century.
W.Q. Zhu
L.O. Chua
Zhejiang University, China
University of California, Berkeley, USA
K. Aihara
G.R. Chen
S.J. Hogan
G.A. Leonov
University of Tokyo, Japan
City University of Hong Kong, China
University of Bristol, UK
St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Local Advisory Committee
Y.S. Chen
H.Y. Hu
W.H. Huang
L. Huang
R.H. Liu
Q.S. Lu
J.P. Ou
B.C. Wen
W.X. Zhong
Tianjin University, China
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Peking University, China
Jinan University, China
Beijing University of Aeronautic and Astronautics, China
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Northeastern University, China
Dalian University of Technology, China
International Scientific Committee
D.K. Arrowsmith
M.A. Aziz-Alaoui
A.K. Bajaj
S. Banerjee
M. di Bernardo
S. Celikovsky
Queen Mary University of London, UK
University of Le Harvre, France
Purdue University, USA
Indian Institute of Technology, India
University of Naples, Italy
Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech
L.Q. Chen
S.H. Chen
X. Chen
F.L. Chu
H.H. Dai
M.Z. Ding
Z.S. Feng
A.L. Fradkov
M.G. Goman
K.S. Hedrih
D.J. Hill
J.Z. Hong
T. Kapitaniak
J. Kurths
A.Y.T. Leung
H. Li
C.W. Lim
J. Liu
X.R. Ma
G. Meng
Q.G. Meng
Igor Mezić
J.L. Moiola
M. Ogorzalek
C. Pierre
P. Pokorny
J.S. Rao
J. Šklíba
D. Soeffker
P. Sooraksa
J.Q. Sun
C.W.S. To
C.K. Tse
H.S. Tzou
H. Ulbrich
Z.H. Wang
R.B. Wang
K.W. Wang
J. Xu
Y.L. Xu
S.P. Yang
K. Yoshikawa
M.P. Yushkov
Shanghai University, China
Sun Yat-sen University, China
University of Windsor, Canada
Tsinghua University, China
City University of Hong Kong, China
University of Florida, USA
University of Texas-Pan American, USA
Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Russia
De Montfort University, UK
Mechanical Engineering University of Nis, Yugoslavia
Australian National University, Australia
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
University of Lodz, Poland
University of Potsdam, Germany
City University of Hong Kong, China
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
City University of Hong Kong, China
Nagoya University, Japan
Chinese Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, China
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
The National Natural Science Foundation of China
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
University of AGH, Poland
McGill University, Canada
Institute of Chemical Technology, Czech
Vibration Institute of India, India
Technical University, Czech Republic
Universitaet Duisburg-Essen, Germany
King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
University of California, Merced, USA
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
University of Kentucky, USA
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
East China University of Science and Technology, China
University of Michigan, USA
Tongji University, China
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Shijiazhuang Railway Institute, China
University of Kyoto, Japan
St. Petersburg University, Russia
W. Zhang
J.C. Zhang
Y.Y. Zhao
W.D. Zhu
Z. Zhusubaliyev
J.W. Zu
Beijing University of Technology, China
Academia Sinica, Taiwan, China
Hunan University, China
University of Maryland at Baltimore County, USA
Kursk State Technical University, Russia
University of Toronto, Canada
Local Organizing Committee
W.Q. Chen
Z.W. Chen
M.L. Deng
R.H. Huan
W.W. Huang
Z.G. Huang
Z.L. Huang
M. Ye
Z.G. Ying
Zhejiang University, China
Zhejiang University, China
Zhejiang University, China
Zhejiang University, China
Zhejiang University, China
Zhejiang University, China
Zhejiang University, China
Zhejiang University, China
Zhejiang University, China
Keynote Lectures
K. Aihara
G.R. Chen
L.O. Chua
H.Y. Hu
J. Kurths
G.A. Leonov
Q.S. Lu
M. Wiercigroch
University of Tokyo, Japan
City University of Hong Kong, China
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
University of Potsdam, Germany
St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Beijing University of Aeronautic and Astronautics, China
University of Aberdeen, UK
Topic of the Conference
1. Nonlinear Dynamics of Discrete and Continuous Systems
General Theory and Numerical Methods of Bifurcation and Chaos
Bifurcation and Chaos in Hamiltonian Systems
Dynamics of Non-smooth Systems
Dynamics of Time-delay Systems
Dynamics of Stochastic Systems
Pattern Formation and Complex Systems
Control of Bifurcations and Chaos
Synchronization of Chaotic Systems
2. Mechanical Vibration and Control
Free and Excited Vibrations in Linear or Nonlinear Structures and Machinery
Collision or/and Friction Induced Vibrations
Random Vibration and Control
Vibration and Control of Mech-electrical Coupled Systems
Vibration and Control of Rotor Systems
3. Control Theory and Application
Adaptive and Optimal Control
Control of Distributed Parameter Systems
Nonlinear Control
Stochastic Control
Robust Control
4. Dynamics and Control in Multi-body Systems
Theory and Computation of Dynamics and Control in Multi-body Systems
Contact and Impact Problems in Multi-body Systems
Numerical Simulation and Experiment Research
Engineering Applications
5. Analytical Dynamics
Hamiltonian Dynamics and Birkhoffian Dynamics
Dynamics with Holonomic and Nonholonomic Constraints
Symmetry and Conservation
Mathematical Methods in Dynamics
6. Dynamics in Engineering, Biology, Economy and Other Related Fields
Dynamics in Ecology, Epidemic and Environmental Sciences
Dynamics of Biological Systems
Dynamics and Control of Complex networks
Economy and Finance Dynamics
Dynamic Signal Processing, Monitoring and Diagnostics in Engineering Systems
Dynamics and Vibration of Micro-Systems and Micro-Structures
Dynamics Analysis in Nano- Systems
Dynamics of Railroad Vehicles and Transportation Systems
Spacecraft Dynamics and Control
Proceedings and Special Issues
The extended abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings with CD-ROM. A
number of selected full papers will be recommended to publish in the following international
journals after the conference:
1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos;
2 Journal of Sound and Vibration;
3 Science in China E, G;
4 International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics.
Abstract Submission
The abstract should include the following contents:
1) Corresponding author and his address;
2) Objective and novelty of the research;
3) Methods and techniques;
4) Main results;
5) Conclusions;
6) Main references.
A template of the extended abstract is available for download as
Microsoft WORD file in the following address:
Please submit your extended abstract by e-mail as attachments in MS-WORD
format to secretary Ms. W.W. Huang at
before September 30, 2009
After reviewed by the scientific committee, the acceptance of all abstracts will be notified
to the corresponding author, and revised extended abstract or full papers should be
sent to secretary Ms. W.W. Huang at for publication of the
Conference Proceedings before February 28, 2010. Some selected papers will be further
recommended for publication in international peer-reviewed journals.
Mini-symposia Proposals
Proposals of organizing special mini-symposia are welcome and encouraged, in which the
following information should be indicated: title of the mini-symposium; name, affiliation,
mailing address and e-mail address of the proposer(s); description of the topic of the
mini-symposium (not exceeding 100 words); estimated numbers of speakers. The deadline for
mini-symposia proposal submission is May 31, 2009. Please send your proposal to Prof.
W.Q. Zhu at
The conference will be held in Hangzhou. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities in
China, one of the seven ancient capitals in the Chinese history, and full of cultural heritages. It
is also known as the Town of Fish and Rice, House of Silk, Capital of Tea, and therefore the
Paradise of the Earth. Hangzhou is located on the east coast of China, about 200 kilometers
southwest of Shanghai. It can easily reached by air from shanghai, Beijing or Hong Kong, or
by train or car from Shanghai. For the travel and tourist information, please see
Social Program
The social program is open to all registered participants and registered accompanying
persons. Post-conference tours will be arranged by a travel agency. Detailed information will
be announced in the second circular.
Please download the pre-registration form in the following address:
Please submit your pre-registration form to secretary Ms. W.W. Huang at
before September 30, 2009
Important Dates
May 31, 2009
September 30, 2009
December 31, 2009
February. 28, 2010
Mini-symposium proposal submission
Pre-registration, Extended abstract submission
Notification of acceptance
Revised extend abstract or full paper submission
Contact Information
Inquiries, suggestions and comments are welcome. Please send them to the secretary:
Ms. W.W. Huang