EARL 263G Attendance Verification Form Intern: _____________________ Coop Teacher: ____________________ Semester: _______ Lab Site: _______________________________ Director / Principal: ____________________ Weeks Dates Hours Attended Total Required Hours 1 ____ to ____ 10 2 ____ to ____ 20 3 ____ to ____ 30 4 ____ to ____ 40 5 ____ to ____ 50 6 ____ to ____ 60 7 ____ to ____ 70 8 ____ to ____ 80 9 ____ to ____ 90 10 ____ to ____ 100 11 ____ to ____ 110 12 ____ to ____ 120 13 ____ to ____ 130 14 ____ to ____ 140 15 ____ to ____ 150 Labs End __________ 150 Total Hours Coop’s Signature 150 Note: Write dates in column 2. Enter your weekly hours in column 3. Calculate your total hours to date and enter in column 4. Column 5 shows the expected total hours by weeks. Get your Cooperating Teacher’s signature in column 6 at the end of each week to verify attendance. At the end of week 15 submit this form with your final lab. You MUST complete 150 hours of lab for EARL 263G.