Current Trends in Mobile-Phone Spam and Counteractions by NTT DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo, Inc. Shinichiro Takahashi July 7, 2004 THE SPAM PROBLEM Spam enquiries to DoCoMo (1,000) 120 i-mode subscribers (million) 50 i-mode subscribers 40 30 100 80 Spam Spam problem problem got got serious in 2001 serious in 2001 with with more more than than 20 20 million million subscribers subscribers Spam enquiries to DoCoMo De cr 20 ea si ng 60 40 10 20 0 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Source: NTT DoCoMo, DoCoMo, Inc. -1- i-mode SPAM Two major types of spam to i-mode subscribers are: Advertising dubious dating sites Demanding payment for fictitious invoices Title: Looking for a date? From: Address smile・・・@・・・ Title ドキドキしたいとき "電車で見かける素敵な彼(^。^) 街で見かけたアノ娘(^?^)みんな このメール? 見てるかも(?? ?) 出逢い? ? はい つ も スマイル (^?^) http://www.・・・・・・ 女性はもちろん 完 全 無 料 男 性は50ポイント分サービスです Visit our site if you’re looking for a handsome boy or a pretty girl. No charge for girls, 50 free points for boys! Title: Final Notice From: Billing Dept. You have not paid the amount of xxx yen for the site usage fee. Make sure to transfer money to the following bank account by 1:00 p.m., Feb. 2, 2004. XXX Bank No.00000 If you refuse to make the payment, you will be charged six times as the amount mentioned in this notice. Contact us at: 06-xxxx-xxxx z Invitation to access site z URL to malicious site provided Address 料金管理課 Title 最終通告 当方はメールサーチ内の有料サイト 課金管理部です。貴殿が観覧した観 覧料金(掲示板記載代含)17980円 (無料ポイント超過分)が未納となって おります。2月2日午後1時迄に大至 急ご入金ください。 振込先A銀行 B支店(普)××××。 尚、今回入金無き場合地方の債権 回収業者に貴殿の債権を延滞金を 付け約6倍の金額で債権譲渡させて 頂きますのでご注意ください。 連絡先は06-××××-×××× z Intimidating language z Bank account details and/or telephone number provided -2- DUBIOUS DATING SITE BUSINESS MODEL/ PROFIT STRUCTURE Site operators make huge profits by using “decoys” to deceive subscribers to become paying members. Business Model Profit Structure Site usage fees Spam outsourcing TransTransmitters • Operational cost of 10K EURO generates profits of 50K EURO A.Advertising mail z “Free points provided” z “Better change of meeting” • Most operators run some dozens of similar sites B.Invitation mail z “Let’s get together” Site operators Subscribers Hiring C.Reply z “I really want to see you (^。^).” “Decoy” A A decoy decoy keeps keeps communicating communicating with a paying member with a paying member until until free free points points are are used used up. up. -3- SPAM IS THE MOST COST-EFFECTIVE ADVERTISEMENT Delivery Cost (€cent/mail or copy) 40 26 30 20 10 0.3 to 2 0 3.75 3.75 SMS from Mobile Advertisement on dating magazine 0.006 E-mail from PC Source: NTT DoCoMo, DoCoMo, Inc. E-mail from Mobile DM Spam -4- INDUSTRY STRUCTURE Address list developers Bulk mail Sell lists Valid addresses Site operators ... Internet Sell lists Transmitters DoCoMo server (i-mode Centre) i-mode subscribers Spam Request spamming Spam ... ... Mobile phones Access to sites -5- COUNTERMEASURES AGAINST ADDRESS LIST DEVELOPERS DoCoMo constantly develops measures against progressive technology of address list developers. 2001 2002 Collected address info from Web sites, etc. Bulk mail via Internet Address Address List List Developers Developers Generated telephone number addresses with MS Excel. Developed software for generating short addresses. Collected addresses from Web sites, etc., automatically and manually. • Claimed for damage compensation of approximately 50K € (Jun. 2002) ・ Encouraged users to change from telephone number to alphanumeric address (Apr.2001) ・ Provided default address using 20 characters (Jul. 2001) 2004 (Year) Resumed bulk mail ・Developed software generating long, complicated addresses. ・Improved transmission capacity. (Transmission engine capable of 2 million mailmail-outs per hour) Enhanced blocking capability to eradicate bulk mail to invalid addresses (since Dec. 2003) Blocked bulk mail to invalid addresses (Nov. 2001) DoCoMo DoCoMo 2003 ・ Alerted users of the risk of listing their addresses on Web sites, catalogs and etc. ・ Filed the first lawsuit in Japan to seek suspension of mail transmission (Oct. 2001) -6- COUNTERMEASURES AGAINST TRANSMITTERS DoCoMo continues to take effective actions against transmitters who are trying all possible means. 2004 2003 Up to 2002 (Year) Spam from PCs Spam from mobile phones Transmitters Transmitters E-mail spam ... ・ Provided filtering by specifying domains (Jan. 2002) DoCoMo DoCoMo ・ Provided rejection/receipt features by specifying addresses (Nov. 2000) ・ Introduced selective receipt feature for 3G (May 2001) SMS spam E-mail spam ... ... • Deactivated mobiles phones used ・ Deactivated mobile phones for e-mail spam (since Jul. 2003) used for SMS spam • Set the limit of transmission to (since May 2004) 1,000 messages per day/phone ・ Increased the number of (Oct. 2003) specifiable domains for • Provided rejection of mobilefiltering (May 2004) generated bulk mail exceeding the limit of 200 messages (Jan. 2004) ・ Provided filtering by specifying carriers other than DoCoMo (Dec. 2003) ・ Offered selective receipt feature for 2G (May 2003) -7- PROMOTING SPAM PREVENTIVE PROGRAMS FOR i-mode USERS ◆ Advertising filtering/rejection features 9 Provide preventive information on DoCoMo’s home page. 9 Describe preventive features on product pamphlets and catalogs. 9 Prepare anti-spam pamphlets focusing on preventive measures to be delivered at mobile phone shops. ◆ Support activities for anti-spam promotion 9 Give “mobile phones lessons” to show how to use preventive features (at approximately 1,300 DoCoMo shops). 9 Offer support activities, such as setting for rejection, at mobile phone shops. 9 Send DMs to users who have not used preventive features. ◆ Reducing users’ costs 9 Introduced free packet services (since Aug. 2001). ・ No packet charge for setting rejection and changing address ・ No packet charge for receiving 100 messages per month (applicable to 2G) -8- FUTURE ISSUES Spam Spam Spam Spam ア Spam International Internationalcooperation cooperationis isessential essentialfor forself selfregulations regulationsand and legal . legalactions actionsagainst againstspam spam. ••ISPs ’ greater ’ lines ISPs’ greatereffort effortto tosuspend suspendtransmitters transmitters’ lines ••Continued Continuedpursuit pursuitof oflegal legalremedies remedies(e.g. (e.g.the theclaim claimfor fordamage damagemade madeby byDoCoMo) DoCoMo) ••Establish Establisheffective effectivelegal legalframeworks frameworks -9-