English 1H - Classroom Expectations and Course Policies

English 1H - Classroom Expectations and Course Policies
In order for a classroom to run smoothly and for all of us that share the classroom to get the best educational
experience possible (and have the greatest amount of fun), a class must have expectations.
Class Rules:
My rules are simple.
I sum them up in a single word: respect.
If you want to get fancy, I have three rules.
1. Respect the teacher
2. Respect your peers
3. Respect the classroom
I define respect as treating others and other people’s things as you would like yourself and your things to be
treated. And seriously, no one likes maliciously being made fun of or having their things stolen.
Come to class prepared to learn with writing instruments, paper, and reading materials.
In addition, I will follow the LQHS tardy policy, as well as the plagiarism policy. Please review and understand
these policies.
Grading Weights, Policies, Categories:
The following are my categories and weights:
● Formative Assessments/Assignments - 30%
● Summative Assessments/Assignments - 60%
● Independent Practice - 10%
-Formative items might be quizzes, short writing exercises, presentations, small projects, and some verbal
-Summative items might be tests, longer writing, longer presentations and projects, sustained research
-Independent practice items include note taking at home, annotations, and assignments designed to practice
the skills we are learning and using in class
Absences and missed work - the amount of excused days you miss is how many days you get to make up
the assignment. If your absence is unexcused then you may not make up the assignment.
Late work - for major assignments such as process papers and projects, assignments turned in late will
receive 50% for up to one week late. For other assignments, no late work will be accepted.
Please take the bottom portion of this form home and have it signed by your parents (and yourself)
acknowledging that you understand the expectations and course policies. I reserve the ability to change these
class based policies based on the needs of the class.
I have read and understand the expectations and policies of Mr. Geil’s English 1H class.
Student Name: ________________________________________________________________
Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________
Parent Name:_________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________________
I have read and understand the expectations and policies of Mr. Geil’s English 1H class.
Student Name: ________________________________________________________________
Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________
Parent Name:_________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________________
I have read and understand the expectations and policies of Mr. Geil’s English 1H class.
Student Name: ________________________________________________________________
Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________
Parent Name:_________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________________