(Office use only) date application was submitted: CASID & GenCen Undergraduate and Graduate FLAS Fellowship Application Form 2016-2017 Academic Year and 2016 Summer Intensive Language Fellowships in Foreign Language and International Development Studies at Michigan State University APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 5, 2016 CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDY OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CASID) Michigan State University, 427 N. Shaw Lane, Room 202, East Lansing, MI 48824-1035 Tel: 517/353-5925 Fax: 517/353-8765 CENTER FOR GENDER IN GLOBAL CONTEXT (GenCen) Michigan State University, 427 N. Shaw Lane, Room 206, East Lansing, MI 48824-1035 Tel: 517/353-5040 Fax: 517/432-4845 Read this application carefully. Failure to provide all requested information will delay processing of your application and may result in your application being disqualified. Questions about the fellowship and application process should be addressed to: Jennifer Brewer, CASID International Program Coordinator, at brewer13@isp.msu.edu. NAME (Last, First, M.I.): LANGUAGE of STUDY (during fellowship period): LANGUAGE LEVEL (during fellowship period): Beginning (1st year) Intermediate (2nd year) Advanced (3rd year or more) MSU DEPARTMENT (during fellowship period): PROGRAM LEVEL (during fellowship period): Undergraduate Master’s **If you indicated Master's, do you plan to continue on for a Ph.D.? Yes No** Doctoral (pre-dissertation) Doctoral (dissertation) Page 1 of 7 STATUS: Currently enrolled at MSU Application submitted to begin MSU Fall 2015 Applicants can apply for a CASID & GenCen Academic Year FLAS Fellowship, a CASID & GenCen Summer FLAS Fellowship, or both. Check the fellowship(s) you are applying for: 2016-17 Academic Year AND 2016 Summer Intensive FLAS Fellowship at MSU or approved site 2016 Summer Intensive FLAS Fellowship at MSU or approved site only 2016-17 Academic Year FLAS Fellowship only Check the other MSU’s centers to which you have applied for FLAS funds: Asian Studies Center African Studies Center A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Current Address: 2. Permanent Address (if different from above): 3. Phone Number: 4. Student email address: Alternative email address: 5. MSU Student Number (if currently enrolled): 6. Do you qualify for in-state tuition? If yes, on what basis? Yes No Michigan Resident Assistantship during fellowship period 7. Are you a citizen of the U.S.? Yes No Are you a legal permanent resident of the U.S.? Yes No **please note that to receive a FLAS Fellowship you must be a U.S. Citizen or a legal permanent resident** Page 2 of 7 B. FINANCIAL SUPPORT 8. Have you previously received support for study under the Title VI FLAS or Fulbright-Hays Act from a National Resource Center? Yes No If yes, indicate the name of the National Resource Center(s) you received support from, the type of Title VI funds you received, and the academic semesters supported. Include summer and semesters from the current academic year that have or will be supported. MSU National Resource Center Supported by FLAS or Hays Quarters/Semesters Supported 9. List all non-Title VI sources of financial support for study at MSU that you have received. Include any fellowships, scholarships, or assistantships you have received. Type of Support Received Source of support Semesters 10. List any fellowships or assistantships you applied for during the fellowship period for which you are applying. Fellowships/Assistantships applied C. UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION 12. Please provide a summary of your undergraduate education: Institution Major Dates Attended Degree Awarded Page 3 of 7 D. GRADUATE EDUCATION (if not applicable, skip to section E) 13. Please provide a summary of your graduate education: Institution Major Dates Attended Degree Awarded E. REFERENCES 14. Graduate Applicants: Give names and department affiliations of two people you have requested to write references. At least one reference letter is required from a professor in your major field. Provide your referees with the “Faculty Reference Request Form.” Letters should be returned directly to the CASID office by your referees by the application deadline. Each graduate application can only include two letters of reference. Faculty Name Department Undergraduate Applicants: Give the name and department affiliation of one person you requested to write a reference. The reference letter can be from a language professor or a professor in your major field. Provide your referee with the “Faculty Reference Request Form.” The letter should be returned directly to the CASID office by your referee by the application deadline. Each undergraduate application can only include one letter of reference. Faculty Name Department G. FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE 15. Please list your native language(s): 16. In the table below, list all other foreign languages you know or have studied. Use numbers to indicate level of current knowledge with 1=beginner, 2=intermediate, and 3=advanced. Amount of Time and How was competence Language Writing Listening Speaking Dates of Formal attained? Training Page 4 of 7 H. CAREER PLANS 17. What are your anticipated career plans following completion of your studies, mark all that apply: Education Elementary/Secondary International Organization outside the U.S. Education, Higher Education State/Local Government Federal Government International Organization in the U.S. Higher Education Administration Private Sector, For Profit Private Sector, Not-For Profit U.S. Military Foreign Government Other, Specify I. PLAN OF STUDY FOR ACADEMIC YEAR (summer only applicants – skip to #19) 18. Indicate your proposed course of study for the fellowship year; indicate department, course number, short title, and number of credits for each course you plan to take. Each semester of study must include your language of study and a 3-4 credit course pre-approved by CASID or GenCen as a core course for the study of International Development. Submit request to include non-core courses to the CASID International Program Coordinator. Note: Candidates newly entering MSU should indicate a preliminary plan of study subject to approval by your MSU adviser or graduate committee. * For list of MSU Academic Programs, visit: http://www.reg.msu.edu/ucc/ucc.asp * For Course Descriptions, visit: http://www.reg.msu.edu/ucc/AcademicProgramsUpdated.asp FALL: Dept./Course # Title # of Credits SPRING: Dept./Course # Title # of Credits Page 5 of 7 19. SUMMER FLAS Applicants – please see description of minimum summer requirements noted in the FLAS Fellowship Application Instructions. Proposed program of summer language study; list one or more proposed sites for language study. (Note: independent study or study with tutors cannot be funded). Provide a brochure (printed from the program website is acceptable) and web address for each program. It is critically important that information about tuition and fees be provided to the CASID office as soon as possible. Information from the previous year may be temporarily appended to provide estimated tuition and fees. Note: The stipend is intended to help cover your living expenses including travel and insurance. On occasion, additional funds may be available from CASID & GenCen for travel. Summer Program/Sponsor Program Location Dates Tuition Other Fees # Credits # Contact Hours ons os os **Website address or link for each program listed in the table above J. PERSONAL NARRATIVE 18. UNDERGRADUATES - Attach a personal statement of your overall plan of studies and career goals. Discuss how your past interests, education and experience (including study, travel, and work experience) have influenced your interest in and understanding of international development. CASID & GenCen FLAS funds are available to support undergraduate students interested in international development topics related (but not limited) to the following thematic foci: Global Food, Agriculture, and Environment; Livelihood Strategies, Economics, and Governance; Education and Health Disparities; Violence, Conflict, and Conflict Resolution; and Identities, Representations, and Human Rights. Be sure to include how you expect your studies during the fellowship period to impact your professional development and career plans. Undergraduate students should submit a maximum of three pages double-spaced. Narratives should be 12 point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. Include your name on each page of your personal statement. Page 6 of 7 GRADUATES - Attach a personal statement of your overall plan of studies and career goals. Discuss how your past interests, education and experience (including study, travel, and work experience) have influenced your interest in and understanding of international development. CASID & GenCen FLAS funds are available to support graduate students interested in international development topics related (but not limited) to the following thematic foci: Global Food, Agriculture, and Environment; Livelihood Strategies, Economics, and Governance; Education and Health Disparities; Violence, Conflict, and Conflict Resolution; and Identities and Representations. Be sure to include how you expect your studies during the fellowship period to prepare you to impact the field of international development. Emphasize particularly how your proposed language study fits in with and is necessary for your proposed research and career goals. Graduate students should submit a maximum of five pages double-spaced. Narratives should be 12 point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. Include your name on each page of your personal statement. K. Supporting Documents **Attach all relevant undergraduate or graduate transcripts, brochures, and supporting documents or email them to: Jennifer Brewer, CASID International Program Coordinator at brewer13@isp.msu.edu** Page 7 of 7