Grid Infrastructure for HealthCare Web Services

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- May to June Issue 2011
Grid Infrastructure for HealthCare Web Services
G. Senthil Kumar1, D. Karthik2, N. Malathy3
1Associate professor, Dept of MCA, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai,
PG Scholar, Deprt of MCA, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai,
Faculty, Dept of MCA, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai
TODAY ALMOST every sector of our lives tends to
become automated, as we are more and more tempted by the
HealthGrids are Grid infrastructures comprising
applications, services or middleware components that
deal with the specific problems arising in the processing
“ease with perfection” facility provided by computer-based
and IT based applications. The requirements specification is a
technical specification of requirements for the software
products. It is the first step in the requirements analysis
of biomedical data. Resources in HealthGrids are
process it lists the requirements of a particular software system
databases, computing power, medical expertise and even
including functional, performance and security requirements.
medical devices. Health Grids are thus closely related to
The requirements also provide usage scenarios from a user, an
eHealth. Although the ultimate goal for eHealth in
operational and an administrative perspective.
Europe would be the creation of a single Health Grid,
The purpose of software requirements specification is
i.e. a Grid comprising all eHealth resources, naturally
including security and authorization features to handle
subsidiary of independent nodes of the Heath Grid, the
development path will mostly likely include a set of
specific HealthGrids with perhaps simple inter-Grid
interaction/interoperational capabilities.
to provide a detailed overview of the software project, its
parameters and goals. This describes the project target
audience and its user interface, hardware and software
requirements. It defines how the client, team and audience see
the project and its functionality. Moreover, the information
stored in information systems needs to be maintained and
updated in an appropriate manner, so that the system can
respond to the various queries and knowledge extraction
HealthGrids, Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA),
techniques. In order to extract useful knowledge from such
Open Grid Service Infrastructure (OGSI),Web services,
systems in an efficient way , the information has to fulfll
resource discovery,Web-Services Resource Framework
certain requirements, namely, to be seamless, complete,
relevant, authentic, consistent, on-time, integrated, and up-to-
date. Being one of the biggest industries today, the health
sector requires customized solutions to its problems with
respect to Information integration. The sharing techniques
currently available are no tsophisticated enough and reliable
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enough, so as to fulfll the requirements of an integrated
industry, HealthGrid
healthcare system.
healthcare delivery processes.
The emerging technology of HealthGrids holds the
promise to resolve complex healthcare problems. It can do this
services should be integrated with
by successfully integrating health information systems and
various human as well as non human- healthcare entities, such
as scientists, scientific tools, medical instruments, physicians,
comprising applications, services or middleware components
patients, and all types of healthcare data, etc. on to a common
that deal with the specific problems arising in the processing
platform that can be shared and beeasily accessible. In such a
of biomedical data.Resources in HealthGrids are databases,
scenario, each health information system
computing power, medical expertise and even medical
is composed of
various distinct components, which are integrated in away that
devices. Health
each component has its well-defined semantics and ontology
and is well-aware of all other components.
Grids are thus closely related to eHealth. Although
the ultimate goal for eHealth in Europe would be the creation
Services are considered as one type of logical
of a single Health Grid, i.e. a Grid comprising all eHealth
resources on computational grids, which are transparent to the
resources, naturally including security and authorization
user and rely on a standard based service infrastructure to
features to handle subsidiary of independent nodes of the
share resources. This service could be in the form of data
Heath Grid, the development path will mostly likely include a
manipulation (storage or retrieval of data)using a storage
set of specific HealthGrids with perhaps simple inter-Grid
resource, getting solutions to complex business or real-world
interaction/interoperational capabilities. The future evolution
problems, calculations via computation alresources, or
of Grid technologies addresses most precisely problems that
accessing and using a hardware device, such as printers
are very appropriate for Healthcare. Health Grid applications
ororgan scanners in a healthcare setting,
etc. Resource
are oriented to both the individualized healthcare and the
discovery is prominent amongst the diverse Functionalities
epidemiology analysis. Individualized healthcare is improved
expected from HealthGrids and represents one of The biggest
by the efficient and secure combination of the widespread
challenges faced by today’s grid community. Typically,
personal clinical information and the availability of advanced
service type resources on HealthGrids are compositions of
services for diagnostic and therapy. The epidemiology Health
dedicated health care specific services integrated with various
Grids combine the information from a wide population to
Generic grid services to provide customized healthcare at a
extract the knowledge that can lead to the discovery of new
high standard.
correlations between symptoms, diseases, genetic features or
any other clinical data.
To address the multifaceted HealthGrid challenges,
there is need for the two communities of HealthGrid and
Webservices(WS) to work in close collaboration and seek
service-based solutions to HealthGrid resource discovery
problems.This paper suggests that in order for HealthGrids to
Services are one type of logical resources available
be able to address many of the problems of healthcare
on Health-Grids. Services are the means to provide access to
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various grid resources. Furthermore, services can be used to
access other services. The service-type resources provide
concurrent and ubiquitous access to or retrieval of various
other Health-Grid resources, such as data, files, information,
applications, and peripherals, etc. Healthcare delivery can be
made globally distributed by using HealthGrid services to
1) Scanning Data-Collection Services: In scanning and data
share ever-increasing biomedical data belonging to all the
collection, here doctor can entry the patient details and
levels of healthcare from the smallest cell level to the largest
analysis the diseases. Finally, the collection and publication of
public level.
the results for online sharing.
2) Visualization Services: In visualization, allow healthcare
data i.e. patient to be visualized in chart format and analysis
Registration is common to the entire user. I.e. Admin,
the variation.
Doctor and Patient. So those who need to access the health
grid service, they must register and get authorize member.
And finally, they enter into the service i.e website.
discussion, allow the healthcare community to perform online
analysis and discuss about the patient records.
1) Registration Member Details: In Registration member
details, here admin can maintain all the registration detail. i.e.
1)Search & View details: View Records and searching Here
those who are all member in this health grid service.
patient can view the records through the online and if they
have any query regarding the disease they can search it.
2) Management and Configuration Service: In Management
and configuration service, is responsible for the on demand
and online resource handling by adding new resource, deleting
or modifying existing ones, or checking resource availability
status for any of the registered health grid resource.
3) Scheduling and Planning Service: In scheduling and
planning, is responsible for the job scheduling and planning
for give priority and getting the various healthcare operations
performed by another resource.
4) Fault Tolerance Service: Finally, In Fault Tolerance
Service is responsible for error handling task, such as
malfunctioning of another service, broken service link or
identification of the fault.
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1) ASP.NET enables you to access information from data
Activity Diagram: HealthGrid System
sources, such as back-end database and text files that are
stored on a web server or a computer that is accessible to a
web server.
2) ASP.NET enables you to use a set of programming code
called templates to create HTML documents. The advantage
of using template is that you can dynamically insert content
retrieved from data sources, such as back-end database and
text-files, into an HTML document before the HTML
document is displayed to users. Therefore, the information
need not be changed manually as and when the content s
retrieved from data source change.
3) ASP.NET also enables you to separate HTML design from
the data retrieval mechanism. Therefore changing the HTML
deign does not affect the program that retrieve data from the
databases. Similarly, server-side scripting ensures that
changing data sources does not require a change in HTML
Resource discovery is a big challenge faced by the
A Web-based grid services approach is presented in
grid community today. In HealthGrids, this problem is
,which suggests that WS and WS technologies can be
magnified due to the highly sensitive nature of health-related
integrated or combined with the grid infrastructure. ASP.NET
data. The information contained in a HealthGrid has to be
is a part of the .NET Framework, a new computing platform
handled(stored, retrieved, and shared) with care so as to meet
from Microsoft optimized for creating applications that are
the patient confidentiality constraints. There are a number of
highly distributed across the Internet. To create dynamic web
issues that need to be addressed in order to achieve successful
pages by using server-side scripts. Microsoft has introduced
resource discovery on HealthGrids. Each HealthGrid resource
ASP. ASP.NET is the .NET version of ASP. ASP.NET is a
has particular issues related to its own discovery; for example,
standard HTML file that contains embedded server-side
data and file resources have their own resource-specific
scripts. ASP.NET provides the following advantage of server-
problems, such as encoding medical terms, file format
side scripting.
compatibility issues,ontologies matching issues, heterogeneity
issues, data archiving and distributed image analysis issues,
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The application resources are faced with different
constraints, such as consistency and reliability, availability of
grid-enabled applications. These messages could be written in
simple XML or could use rich data format (RDF) schemas for
Health grid can weight the quality of healthcare
their interpretation. These requests when received by the
services provided at the current state by making available the
ubiquitous access and retrieval services module would
dynamic and ever-present resources in a timely manner. This
generate further strings of queries in order to propagate the
project examined the various types of health grid services,
request and match into the registries of further nodes in the
classified into two levels with respect to their functionality and
network. Once the desired request is met, it is said that the
their integration with web service. There are a number of
“service is discovered.” This is one of the ways in which WS
issues in the discovery of health care services on healthgrids
are used to discover other services on large networks, but it is
that can be resolved by designing healthcare specialized
important to mention that the services on HealthGrids must
protocols and defining biomedical standards for healthgrids. A
have a state and are transient in nature, whereas WS are in
successfully implemented healthgrid infrastructure could
general stateless and persistent. Therefore, grid services need
provide the needed delivery services to support all the aspect
to be glued (integrated) with theWS using encapsulation or
of the healthcare domain, and offer the capability to deliver
personalized healthcare to the patients’ doorsteps
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