International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 16 Number 7 – Oct 2014 A Hybrid Approach for Efficient Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks K.DurgaBhavani1,K.Srinivasa Rao2 1 Final Mtech student,2Assistant Professor 1 Dept of CSE, Siet(Swarnandhra Institute Of Engineering And Technology),Seetharampuram(Narasapur). 2 Dept of CSE, Gvvit(GrandhiVaralakshmiVenkataRao Institute Of Technology,Tunduru. Abstract: Cooperative communication is the one of the current interesting research issue in the field of wireless sensors, Various cache based approaches proposed by various authors but cache individually cannot increase the performance over MANET. Topology architectures defined for data transmission and cooperative communication in MANET, In this approach we are introducing an empirical model for cooperative communication with one of the evolutionary algorithm along with cache implementation which is proposed in previous mechanism, In this approach we consider the factors of signal strength and channel capacity for calculating the communication cost then we generates the chromosomes for data transmission between source and destination through intermediate nodes. I. INTRODUCTION In wireless networks the end user nodes are available are not known. At the time of transferring the data from one node to another node it find the shortest path and sends the data to destination node. In path finding process it finds the intermediate node and sends the data to destination node. If the intermediate node is available or not active the process will stuck and the data is not sent to destination node. [1] To achieve this problem there are so many solutions are proposed such as the nodes in the network which sends the status to other nodes in the network those are active. There are cache present in the network , due to cache presentation in the network it stores the status of the node inn the network. The node that protects the intermediate node which is choose from network and send data to destination node which is active. It is not possible that all nodes status is store in cache because cache stores small amount of data and it has some storage limits.[2] That is what the researchers introduced a concept cooperative caching which is implemented in peer to peer networks. It is based on the asymmetric approach that ISSN: 2231-5381 cache the data and send data to others. It is mainly depends on the network layer and designed the cache in this at every node in the network. This solution is not only copies the data in user storage and the local storage.[3,4] Although cooperative cache has been implemented by many researchers these implementations are in the Web environment, and all these implementations are at the system level. As a result, none of them deals with the multiple hop routing problem and cannot address the on-demand nature of the ad hoc routing protocols. To realize the benefit of cooperative cache, intermediate nodes along the routing path need to check every passing-by packet to see if the cached data match the data request. In , the authors explored several system issues regarding the design and implementation of routing protocols for ad hoc networks. They found that the current operating system was insufficient for supporting on-demand or reactive routing protocols, and presented a generic API to augment the current routing architecture. However, none of them has looked into cooperative caching in wireless P2P networks. II. RELATED WORK In cooperative caching the status of the node are stored and the data send to network using DSR routing protocol using the status of the node which is stored in cache. The data initially send to the intermediate node that are active and the source node does not know the it is sent to destination node or not.[9] In asymmetric approach the above stated problems are there. So we another method that is centroid based method. The source node selects the centroid node within all active nodes. The centroid calculations are shown below. A=(a1+a2+a3+……….+an)/n and B=(b1+b2+b3+……….+bn)/n Page 332 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 16 Number 7 – Oct 2014 2. Centriod for n points is calculated as follows: between the nodes, after the mutation again calculate the communication cost between the source and destination nodes followed by relay nodes In node communication establishment module we construct a general node to node communication through the socket programming, Every node can communicate with each other .data packet can be transmitted from source node to destination node, Each node acts as server, it can accept the any connection and receives the data packets from any other node and transmits the data packets to other node. A = (a1+a2+…….+an)/n and Evolutionary algorithm: B = ( b1+b2+…….+bn)/n Genetic Algorithm is an evolutionary algorithm uses genetic operator to generate the offspring of the existing population. This section describes three operators of Genetic Algorithms that were used in GA algorithm: selection, crossover and mutation. The shortest path consisted node is taken as group head. It is calculated by taking the Euclidian distance of every node within the range of the nodes and the centroid. The distance is calculated as Ed=((a2-a1)2 + (b2-b1)2)/2 1. Initialize Cache cluster heads and gateways by finding centriods for different transmission ranges. 3. Cache the status of the nodes by updating cache tables maintained by Cache cluster heads. 4. Choose source and destination nodes. 5. Find shortest path from source to destination by using DSR or AODV[6,7] 6. Transmit the data if the nodes on the chosen path are all active by retrieving status from Cache cluster heads. III. PROPOSED WORK In this proposed architecture we introduced an evolutionary algorithm for optimal cooperative communication between the nodes with the parameters channel capacity and signal strength and cache implementation for accessing the previously accessed or transmitted data, it leads to the communication cost Node 2 Selection: The selection operator chooses a chromosome in the current population according to the fitness function and copies it without changes into the new population.GA algorithm used route wheel selection where the fittest members of each generation are more chance to select. Crossover: The crossover operator, according to a certain probability, produces two new chromosomes from two selected chromosomes by swapping segments of genes GA. evolutionary algorithm for efficient cooperative communication over nodes in MANET with the parameters channel capacity and signal strength, it leads to the Node 3 Node 6 Node 1 Node 4 between the nodes, here genetic algorithm finds the optimal communication cost by applying the process of optimal chromosome or path selection and mutation operators ISSN: 2231-5381 Node 5 communication cost between the nodes, here genetic algorithm finds the optimal communication cost by applying the process of optimal chromosome or path Page 333 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 16 Number 7 – Oct 2014 4. 3. Compute Path Centralized Server Source Node 9. Res po nse 8. Sa me Re qu est 2 . 7. Forward data Packets 5. 4. Forward Request 6. 5. R R e eq u q e u s Cache 6. Data Packets selection and mutation operators between the nodes, after the mutation again calculate the communication cost between the source and destination nodes followed by relay nodes. The above figure shows complete architecture of the proposed work, Source node makes the request to the centralized server through cache if data not available in cache. Centralized server computes the optimal path by Computing optimal cost and transfers the data packets through the path. If requested data packet available at cache, no need to connect to centralized server. Empirical cost computation: During the cooperative communication between the nodes, nodes communicate with each other with optimal path, which is generated by evolutionary approach, When a node transmits the data to receiver request made to evolutionary processing module for path computation and it computes all the paths between the source to destination and selects the optimal path and transmits the data. Communication cost=Signal strength + channel capacity Obtains the optimal path which has the best communication cost and transmits the data over the path. ISSN: 2231-5381 Destination Node Intermediate Node Step1: Initially Source node selects the destination to transmit data packets Step2: Request received by the Processing module and generates the paths in topology Step3: The Processing module computes the path with their signal strength and channel capacity Step4: Compute communication cost with signal strength and channel capacity for fitness Step5: select optimal path (optimal communication cost) and transmits the data. Consider an example of nodes A,B,C,D,E,F and if a node(gene) ’A’ wants to transfer the data to the receiver ’F’ , The processing module computes the all the available paths from source to destination and applies the fitness function and obtains the optimal path and transmits the data over that path, the following Evolutionary approach as shown below. ABCDEF ABEDCF AEDCBF ACDBEF Page 334 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 16 Number 7 – Oct 2014 Now compute the fitness value based on the signal strength and channel capacity as communication cost and Obtains the optimal path which has the best communication cost and transmits the data over the path. IV. CONCLUSION Finally we are concluding our research work with efficient cache implementation and evolutionary routing protocol based on signal strength and channel capacity for calculation of communication cost. Our primary factors gives optimal performance than the traditional weight based approaches an cache improves the performance by reducing the response time of the requested node. REFERENCES [1] Distributed Cooperative Caching in Social Wireless Networks . 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