International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT) – Volume18Number3 - Dec2014 Life Saving Breaker System for Hasty Drivers Banothu Sujatha1, B Santosh Kumar 2 1 PursuingM.Tech (ES), 2 Assistant Professor& HOD (ECE Department) 1 2 , Visvesvaraya College of Engineering and Technology (VCET), M.P.Patelguda, Ibrahimpatnam ,RangaReddy, Telangana, INDIA Abstract- The main concept of this proposed system is to avoid accidents. Accident happens mainly due to rash driving of vehicle or driving the vehicles with over speed. So accidents would be reduced when the vehicles will move with less speed. Firstly we need to verify with which speed the vehicles are moving, if they have crossed the recommended speed then we need to take the respective charge against the vehicle to reduce the speed of the vehicle. To perform that task we are going to use GPS (Global Positioning System) module. When the vehicle is moving at higher speed than the recommended speed the LED placed on the front side will be glowing. Basically the GPS is going to transmit the data string to controller using serial communication. the speed to be 40kmph then according to that when the vehicle have reached the school zone driver have to reduce the speed to 40kmph or else LED is going to glow indicating high speed. But here the problem arises how to identify whether it is a school zone area or highway. For that reason we are going to initially calculate the latitude and longitude values of the place using the satellite, so these values varies according to the place. With that we are going to identify the location details and these values need to be stored in the controller. GPS is going to transmit the values all the time to the controller so it is being compared all the time. With help of this proposed system we are going to save lumps of money for government by removing sign boards, because it would be initially fed into data base. Keywords: GPS, PWM technique. I. II. A. INTRODUCTION Most of the countries have faced problems of losing its citizens due to road accidents every year. Many parents have lost their children and many have been left physically handicapped. Most of them have been caused due to over speed, so to automatically reduce the speed of the vehicle we have proposed this paper. It is to solve these problems by using the Global Positioning System (GPS). We are going to prepare a device called Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA), which is used to calculate the speed of the vehicle. We are going to place this in the vehicle and it is going to receive the values from National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA), according to the values we are going to calculate the speed of the vehicle. It is being interconnected with the ECU (engine control unit), when the speed has been increased then the ISA will automatically reduce the speed of the vehicle. Thus this paper is going to provide the information about the communication of the GPS with vehicle speed, LCD display, speed indicating LED, and ECU. our project main aim is to provide the simple and low cost effective system which is going to indicate the driver about speed of his vehicle and also if required it is going to reduce the speed of the vehicle. By using this project we can perform two task 1) to set the vehicle with the constant speed throughout his journey 2) by default we can set different places with different speeds. For example on highways the maximum speed could 80kmph, when the vehicle crosses the 80kmph then only the LED is going to indicate the high speed. At school zone we have fixed HARDWARE DESCRIPTION LPC2148 The controller which we are using is ARM 7 LPC 2148. The main advantage of this controller is, it has many inbuilt applications. The feature of LPC 2148 has many essential features. They are 1) 64 pins IC with Quadra-pack. 2) It does 32-bit operations. 3) It has 512 kb flash memory. 4) It has 8kb SRAM. 5) It requires 1ms to erase 256 bytes of data and 400ms to erase complete memory. 6) In-built ADC with 14-channels and bit resolution is 10-bit. 7) Only one DAC with 10-bit resolution. 8) It has two timers/external event counters. 9) In-built RTC with clock frequency of 32 khz. 10) In-built USB 2.0. 11) In-built I2C. 12) In-built SPI and SSP. B. LCD DISPLAY Here LCD display is the output device used to give information. They can display the data of 32 characters. In our project it is used to display the location co-ordinates, recommended speed at that particular location and the current speed of the vehicle on LCD. Here LCD is connected to the ISSN: 2231-5381http://www.ijettjournal.orgPage 134 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT) – Volume18Number3 - Dec2014 PORT C of LPC2148. The display is provided with 8-bit data lines for the purpose of parallel data transfer. Table for pin out of LCD PIN NO. 1,3,5,16 2,15 4 6 7-14 CONNECTED TO GROUND +5V PORT B 2 PORT B 3 PORT C MESSAGE ID UTC time Latitude N/S Indicator Longitude E/W indicator C. GPS Device Here GPS receiver is the crucial one, where we receive the data about the latitude and longitude values. By using that we can also read the data about the speed, the vehicle is moving with. The module consists of 20-channels which are used to receive the data from the satellite. The latitude and longitude values changes with for every 5-10mts, as they are sufficient to provide the change in values. It is going to perform its task utilizing baud rate of 9600 bps. It takes only 1μs to update its value and send it to the controller. So to avoid interference we need to mount the GPS device on a separate board and need to connect it to controller using jumping cables. It has six pins 1) Pin1 (GND) 2) Pin2 (VCC) 3) Pin3 (RX) 4) Pin4 (TX) 5) Pin5 (GND) 6) Pin6 (PPS) The RX pin is used to receive data/information from the controller and the TX pin is used to transmit the information from GPS to the Micro Controller Unit. Table below gives information about pin diagram of GPS. Table for pin out of GPS to MCU PIN NO. PIN DESCRIPTION CONNECTION TO 1 Ground(GND) GND 2 Reference voltage (VCC) +5V 3 Receive channel(RX) Port A 4 4 Transmit channel(TX) PORT A 5 5 Ground(GND) GND 6 Pulse per Second(PPS) X Let us consider the sample format of the data received from the GPS receiver $GPGGA,161229.487,3723.2475,N,12158.3416,W,1,07,1.0,9. 0,M,,,,0000*18 UNITS 161229.48 7 3748.4361 N ddmm.mmmm N=north s=south dddmm.mmm m E=east w=west See table below Range 0 to 12 12158.341 6 W 1 MSL ALTITUDE UNITS GEOID SEPERATIO N UNITS AGE OF DIFF. CORR. 9.0 METERS M METERS METERS M METERS SECOND S DIFF REF STATION ID CHECK SUM <CR><LF> 0000 07 1.0 Horizon dilution of precision Null fields when DGPS is not used. *18 End of msg Table for position fix indicator Value 0 1 2 3 Description Fix not available or invalid GPS SPS Mode, fix valid Differential GPS, SPS mode, fix valid GPS PPS Mode, fix valid The speed of the robo on which GPS has been mounted is being read using serial communication. So the data received by the controller will consist of speed in terms of knots. But our recommended speed should be in terms of miles per hour. So we need to convert the knots into miles per second. As we know that 1knot = 1.150789miles per hour. TABLE FOR DESCRIPTION OF GPS VALUES EXAMPL E GGA protocol header hhmmss.sss Position fix indicator Satellites used HDOP It is the sample format received from the GPS NAME $GPGGA DESCRIPTIO N ISSN: 2231-5381http://www.ijettjournal.orgPage 135 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT) – Volume18Number3 - Dec2014 III. BLOCK DIAGRAM V. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION A. KEIL MICRO VISION 4 LCD POWER SUPPLY LPC 2148 LED BOARD GPS MOTOR DRIVER MOTOR Fig 1: IV. Block diagram SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Our project main theme is to reduce the accidents happening due to over speed. So for that we need to identify the places where we need to go slow. Here we are going to use GPS to perform the activities of calculating the latitude and longitude values along with the speed of the robo. So we need to initially store the values of recommended speed in our controller along with the latitude and longitude values. We are going to set the range of values with latitude and longitude values along with recommended speed. We then board the GPS on the robo and we let it go. It will move with initially specified speed. Controller will be receiving the values from GPS all the time. Internally our code will be utilized to compare the values received from the GPS. So when the values match with the internally stored values then controller is going to read the speed of the vehicle. When the speed of the vehicle is lesser than recommended then just green LED is glowed. If the speed of the vehicle is greater than the recommended one, then we need to reduce the speed of the vehicle. To reduce the speed of the vehicle we are going to use PWM technique. Initially we are going to send the 100% ON pulse. Later when we need to reduce the speed we have to send the ON pulse with only 80%, then the speed will be reduced by 20%. So according to the requirement we need to send the ON pulse. Thus according to the required value robo speed will be reduced. Here the vehicle will be moving with the recommended speed only within the range of specified latitude and longitude values. Thus our prototype performs the task assigned to it. Here ECU (Engine Control Unit) is the main unit its assigned task is to control the speed. So here we are showing the prototype so we are controlling using PWM technique. It is one of the versions of keil micro vision used to perform the task of coding required to drive the hardware components. The coding should be written in embedded c format and need to save with .c extension. Following are steps required to perform the coding. 1) Click on the icon keil u vision4 placed on the desktop, then keil IDE opens. 2) Now click on the project icon available in the toolbar. Click on the new project in the dialogue box, give the project name, and save it in the specified location. A new dialogue box opens. 3) Select NXP and then LPC2138 controller from the list. 4) Then add the start up files by selecting OK from the new dialogue box opened. 5) Now click on the file and select the new file. 6) Again click on the file in the toolbar and select the save from the dialogue box. 7) Now give your file name as your project name and end with .c extension. 8) Now write the code according to the requirement of the project. 9) Click on the file and again select the save option. 10) Now go to project window on the left side and right click on the source group, then select add files option. 11) Select your required c file and click ok. 12) Click on the build option and then click on rebuild option. 13) Your code will be complied. If your code consists of any errors or warnings, they are showed at the bottom of the page. 14) Then rectify those by clicking on the error. 15) Now your embedded c code is ready without any errors. Your requirement is to generate HEX file to dump into your controller. 16) So we need to click on target options beside rebuild option. 17) Here select crystal frequency you are using on your hardware board. 18) Then select output from the dialogue box and tick the box create the HEX file and click ok. 19) Now again click on build and rebuild. You can see that your hex file will be created with your project title. Thus it is process to undergo with the coding part for your project. ISSN: 2231-5381http://www.ijettjournal.orgPage 136 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT) – Volume18Number3 - Dec2014 VII.CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE VI. Basically we have introduced this project with some artificial intelligence to the vehicle. Whenever our vehicle is going to enter into the privileged areas it is going to reduce its speed on its own. Let us consider we have fixed the latitude and longitude values according to the school zone. So when it enters into that region it is going to decrease the speed of the robo. By the development of this project we are going to save lives of many people.We can further modify this project by adding GPRS setting to that when the vehicle is moving with higher speed than the recommended one, then those values will be recorded into the server and severe punishments will be given to the respective persons. ALGORITHM START RECEIVE VALUES FROM GPS VIII.REFERENCES COMPARE FORMAT$ NO GPGGA YES 1. TAKE DOWN LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE 2. 3. COMPARE THEM WITH NO IN-BUILT [1] "FARS Encyclopedia." FARS Encyclopedia.National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2012. http://wwwfars.nhtsa. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892. [2]"ATmega128 Datasheet." Atmel Corporation. Atmel Corporation, n.d.Web.15Dec.2012. [3]"Variable Speed Limits." FHWA Safety Program. Department of Transportation, n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. [4] B.Karthikeyan and M Tamileniyan. Article:Dynamic Data update for Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) System. International Journal of Computer Applications 11(1):8-13, December 2010. Published By Foundation of Computer Science. [5]"EM-406A Datasheet." GlobalSat, n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. [6]Skaff, Luke. "GM OBD-I ALDL Microcontroller Scan Interface." Luke Skaff, n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. VAUES IX. AUTHOR DETAILS YES Speed compari son. ? LESSER GREATER Reduce speed with PWM STOP Fig 2: Flow chart describes working process ISSN: 2231-5381http://www.ijettjournal.orgPage 137 BanothuSujatha,Pursuing Mtech (ES) from Visvesvaraya College of Engineering and Technology (VCET), M.P.Patelguda, Ibrahimpatnam, RangaReddy, Telangana, INDIA B.SanthoshKumar,working as Assistant Professor & HOD (ECE Department) from Visvesvaraya College of Engineering and Technology (VCET), M.P.Patelguda,Ibrahimpatnam, RangaReddy.HePursuingPh.D in Wireless Communications .He has more than nine years of Experience in Teaching Field.