An Innovative Approach towards Traffic Signal Control E. Amith Kumar

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number3 - Dec 2014
An Innovative Approach towards Traffic Signal Control
E. Amith Kumar1, B.Santosh Kumar2
PursuingM.Tech (ES),2 Assistant Professor& HOD (ECE Department)
1 2
, Visvesvaraya College of Engineering and Technology (VCET), M.P.Patelguda, Ibrahimpatnam , RangaReddy, Telangana,
Abstract - The proposed paper gives information about
traffic light control system based on wireless sensor
network. Here the traffic lights changes according to the
density of the traffic. To identify the traffic density we are
going to use IR sensors. If there is more density
automatically the highest priority given to that side. Then
according to the priority basis the green light glows. By
using that we can reduce the traffic flow based on traffic
density. Here we can have the control on traffic lights
manually also. We can change the priority of traffic lights
according to the VIP’s visit on the respective side. Here we
receive information from wireless device to control station
and the person maintains the priority of the green light
glow. By this system we can reduce the waiting time for
the vehicle rider. . We can also reduce the traffic density
on the lane.
Keywords: - ZIGBEE, IR sensors, traffic density.
Now-a-daysdue to increase in population and increase in
vehicles, there is a huge crowd on roads which leads to traffic
jams, predominantly on peak hours. This has been a leading
problem in many countries to provide the smooth running
traffic in crucial situations. Many methods were proposed to
solve these traffic problems, but they are high cost involved
and also their accuracy depends on environment conditions.
But at present the methods utilized by our country are
sufficient to handle the traffic problems and they are very low
cost devices whose life span is also very low. Not only that
they require very high maintenance cost, but also the existed
systems are failed in measuring the traffic density accurately.
One of the
methods adapted by the traffic
department is that to reduce the time for the display of green
light for the respective time. With help of the above proposed
system we can reduce the waiting time for the individual at
the signal, but this is not the correct solution for the required
problem. With this system there creates a negative point so
that side which has no traffic has got the same time delay
when compared with the side which has heavy traffic.
So to rectify the problems which were discussed
above we have proposed this system which performs its
activities based on traffic density. According to the density of
the traffic automatically its priority will be increased /
Let us consider the system proposed by Malik
Tubaishat, Yi Shang andHongchi Shi from their project
ISSN: 2231-5381
„Adaptive Traffic Light Control with Wireless Sensor
Networks‟, it mainly consist of the wireless sensor network
along with intersection control agents.These wireless sensor
networks comprises of nodes in groups, each node comprising
of a processor unit, some sensors, a cordless radio and also a
battery. Using that they are going to give information on radio
about the speed, number of vehicles in the path, length of the
traffic jam and further more information is also transmitted.
So when coming to our proposed system we are
going to use IR sensors to identify the density of the traffic,
those IR are placed at that two different positions on the road
and when those IR‟s are detected then timer will be started so
according to that time delay if the detected value is same and
not changed then we are going to consider that there is more
traffic density on that road. That respective information is
transmitted to the centre controller placed at the junction.
Then according to the value received by the controller it is
going to identify the highest priority signal and it is being
given the green way.
Figure 1:Traffic signal controlling manually
Wireless sensor Network (ZIGBEE): The wireless
networkswhich will transmit the data from the nodes to the
centre area, where the data will be received by the controller.
Here the data received by the controller will be monitored and
is compared with the different in-formations received and
compared. Then it is going to set the priority value.
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number3 - Dec 2014
A. Sensor Node hardware:
The microcontroller used here is LPC 2148. The IR
sensors are placed on different sides of the road, when these
IR sensors have sensed then that information is passed to the
B. Vehicle Detection:
To perform this task we are going to use IR sensors
to calculate the traffic flow on the road. Two sensors have
been placed on the road at a distance, if both the sensors have
been detected, then timer will be started. If the sensor value
has been changed from 1 to 0, then timer will be stopped.
Thus we can identify the traffic flow.
C. Communication protocol:
For communication we are going to use wireless
network i.e. ZIGBEE, which is used to transfer the
information from the node area, where IR sensors are placed
to the control section. So the data received from the sensor is
collected at the controller and validated
D. Road Intersection Configuration:
These is the place where the priority of the lights will
be setting so whenever we are going to get the information
from the nodes then this controller will set the priority
according to the density.
E. Intersection control Agent (ICA)
It is the crucial part of the project, from where the data is
sent to the different parts of the nodes to the central area. The
main criterion of this section is to reduce the old methods of
vehicle detection and tracking system, by using the wireless
sensor network.
There are 2types of messages:
1) Sensor Nodes to ICA:
Sensor nodeindicates whether any vehicle has been stopped or
not. If there is a red signal then vehicles has to stop, when
there is less traffic then vehicles will be stopped at the
beginning of the stop line. Then sensor is not going to send
any information to the central controller.
2) ICA to Sensor Nodes:
After the information received from the sensor nodes, ICA is
going to identify the highest traffic density lane and is going
to provide the highest priority for that lane.
LPC 2148
Figure 2: Block Diagram
A. Microcontroller LPC2148:
Here we are going to LPC2148 controller to perform
all the operations according to the requirement. It has many
features which are useful to perform the all the activities
required for the project.
Features of LPC2148:
It is a 64-pin IC with Quadra-pack package.
Bit operations can be performed on 32-bit data.
Flash memory is of 512kb.
ADC has 10-bit resolution with 14-channels.
Single DAC with 10-bit resolution.
60 MHz clock frequency.
1ms for 256bytes to erase 1 byte and 400ms for full
USB 2.0 is also available.
2.44us is conversion time.
Twoexternal event counters/timers are also available.
It has in-built RTC with required frequency up to
32 kHz.
It is also provided with two UART‟s and two fast I 2C
bus and SSP, SPI with buffering and data length
B. IR Sensors
Infrared (IR) detectors have been called the eyes of
the digital battlefield. They are used at Military applications in
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Western countries. In addition to these applications for IR
systems they are also using target acquisition, missile seeker
guidance, search and track, there is a demand for IR sensors in
the commercial market.According to the detectors for the
infrared spectrum they are majorly divided into two types by
their physical principles: thermal detectors and photon
detectors. Photon detectors are used to convert radiation
directly into electrons. Thermal detectors are used to receive
radiation, when the temperature of the detector increases then
the sensing material will also change its electrical property,
according to rise in temperature. Phototransistors and
photodiodes belong to Photon detectors whose range varies
from visible region to the near infra-red region. Similarly
thermal detectors range varies from below visible region to
over 100μm.
It is a wireless network used to perform the action of
transfer of data from portion to other portion. It is based on
IEEE 802.15.4 standards and it is created by ZIGBEE
ALLIANCE. Its transfer rate is very low. It is used to transfer
small data packets. It works on different topologies, they are i)
star topology ii) cluster tree topology iii) mesh topology. It
utilizes network coordinator, routers and end devices.Mainly
zigbee exist in pairs, because when one zigbee is acting as
transmitter the other will acts as receiver. By using this zigbee
we can connect up to 32 devices. So at that moment one
zigbee acts as transmitter and the remaining 31 devices acts as
receiver. When coming to the frequency band and data
transfer speed, ISM 2.4 GHz global band at data transfer
speed 250kbps, 868 MHz European Band at 20kbps, 915 MHz
frequency band is in use at North Americanat data speed of
These traffic lights are used to indicate the drivers whether
they need to start their vehicles or not. According to the light
glowing, respective lane drivers should follow the rule behind
that light. These lights receive the instructions from the ICA
for their turn to emit the green light.
Our project mainly deals with the wireless traffic light
system control system using Zigbee. It is going to mainly
work upon the IR sensor placed on the different parts of the
road. Firstly these IR sensors are placed on the lane on which
the vehicles are nearing the junction, they should be placed at
20mts away from the junction and the second placed at 40mts
away from the junction. These IR sensors consist of pair ( tx
and rx). So they should be placed facing each other, when any
vehicle crosses the lane, the rays will not reach the receiver at
that moment we are going to get logic 1 at the controller pin.
Later we are going to check whether two sensors are
providing logic 1 are not. If they are providing, then we are
going to start the timer and check whether vehicles are halted
at that point or not. If they are halted then it is going to send
the information to the controller that density is high. Similarly
same process is continued with the four lanes. If more than
two lanes are going to provide the density, then controller is
going to pass the information to the intersection control agent
via ZIGBEE transmitter. The ZIGBEE receiver is placed at
ISSN: 2231-5381
the intersection control agent, to receive the information from
the nodes. So this ICA is going to set the priority order for the
traffic signals letting which lane should be given green
light.Thus we are going to reduce the traffic problems and
also reducing the waiting time for the vehicularist.
Sensors placed at
different places on
the roads.
Both sensors
Both sensors
Both sensors
Both sensors
send that information
to control at
intersection control
Setting the priority of
the light according to
the density
Traffic lights glows
according to priority
Fig 3: Flow Chart
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number3 - Dec 2014
Fig 4: Traffic Lights model
In this paper we are providing an intelligent wireless
communication system used to perform the task of calculating
the density of traffic based on IR sensor. We are providing an
efficient algorithm used to set the priority of glowing of green
light based on density. Thus we have provided a better
solution for the traffic jam control and also reduced the
waiting time for the vehicle rider.
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The future enhancement of this project is to provide the
transfer of information from one junction to another so that we
can calculate the situation in the nearby junctions and can let
the traffic flow.
We can also let the information about traffic to be
displayed on the notice board at the entrance of the lane, so
that who are very urgent to reach their destinations can choose
the alternative route. By this we can reduce the time wastage
and also give information for the emergency vehicles to take
on the alternative path.
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ISSN: 2231-5381
E. Amith Kumar, Pursuing Mtech
(ES) from Visvesvaraya College of
Telangana, INDIA
Assistant Professor & HOD (ECE
Department) from Visvesvaraya
RangaReddy.He Pursuing Ph.D in
Wireless Communications .He has
morethan nine years of Experience in
Teaching Field.
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