International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number2- Dec 2014 Cluster Based Secure Communication through Shamir Secret Sharing Technique 1 A.B. Vasavi,2KavithaKapala 1 1,2 Final M.TechStudent,2Sr.Assistant Professor Dept.of IT, Aditya Institute Of Technology And Management,Tekkali.,A.P Abstract:Secure transmission of data over cluster based wireless sensor networks is one of interesting research issues.In this paper we are proposing an efficient cluster based secure transmission technique in wireless sensor networks with authenticated Shamir key generation protocol with data confidentiality. In this approach we initially cluster the nodes based on coordinates of the node and we can choose any cluster for experimental implementation on nodes in cluster. Our experimental result shows more efficient results than traditional approaches. I. INTRODUCTION In present days wireless sensor networks are hugely increasing networks to communicate. In these networks there are many applications deployed in various locations controlled by someone and they form adhoc networks. In this messages are easily broadcasted using routers and mobiles devices. There are many sensors expected to provide fast and secure communication. Generally there are different types of sensor nodes which form adhoc networks and it needs group of similar types so called as clustering. By using clustering all nodes are accurately divided and grouped for achieving efficiency and extend the life time of the wireless sensor networks. [1, 4] The clustering algorithms in wireless sensor networks there are cluster heads which consists of clusters. In this there are some parameters there are number of clusters, intracluster communication, nodes types and roles, cluster head selection and mobility[2] [3]. Coming to number of clusters that is cluster count is the number of clusters. The groups of cluster heads are described and the number of ISSN: 2231-5381 clusters is usually complexparameters which consider the efficiency of the routing protocol. In clustering methods the communication between a sensor and its cluster heads are considered as single hop communication. In communication process the sensor nodes are limited or the cluster count is very huge and the number of cluster heads is bounded. In mobility let us consider the base station sensor nodes and the cluster heads are generally very stable clusters and provide the intra-cluster network management. In the cluster heads are also themselves are assumed to be mobile and the registration of cluster for each node dynamically change and forcing clusters to involve in time and need to maintain continuously. The cluster heads selection is proposed in some algorithms can be assigned previously[5]. In homogeneous environment the cluster heads are selected from the hosted group of nodes and their probabilistic or completely random way based on more particular situations for example residential energy and connectivity etc.[6, 8] In algorithm complexity the time complexity is the rate of most cluster procedures are proposed in presents is very constant. In the traditional protocols the complexity time has been allowed to base on the total number of sensors in the wireless sensor networks and focusing[7]. Overlapping: In several methods give also very important on the topic of node overlapping within various clusters and either for best routing efficient or for faster cluster generation protocol execution or for other reasons). Many of the traditional protocols and tried to have minimum merging or do not provide the merging at all. Page 108 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number2- Dec 2014 The Sensor Network Wireless is much assumed as very important methods for the 21st century. The sensor electronics scaled the ambient situations related to surrounding the sensors and transform them in to an electrical signal. In many WSN applications and the deployment of sensor nodes is performed in an ad-hoc fashion without careful planning and engineering. An intensive research that addresses the potential of collaboration among sensors in data gathering and processing and in the coordination and management of the sensing activities were conducted. The sensor nodes are constrained in energy supply and bandwidth. Energy conservation is critical in Wireless Sensor Networks. Replacing or recharging batteries is not adoption for sensors deployed in hostile environments. The communication electronics in the sensor utilizes most energy. Stability is one of the major concerns in advancement of Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN). A number of applications of WSN require guaranteed sensing, coverage and connectivity throughout its operational period. Death of the first node might cause instability in the network. Hence all of the sensor nodes in the network must be alive to achieve the goal during that period. One of the major obstacles to ensure these phenomena is unbalanced energy consumption rate. Numerous techniques were proposed to improve energy consumption rate such as clustering, the efficient routing and the dataaggregation. In a typical WSN application, sensor nodes are scattered in a region from where they collect data to achieve certain goals. Data collection may be continuous, periodic or event based process. WSN must be very stable in some obits applications like security monitoring and motion tracking[8]. II. RELATED WORK In many techniques already proposed to increase network time span wireless sensor networks. The clustering techniques are used in wireless ado networks, mobile ado networks with sensor networks. Clustering is a method is hosted ISSN: 2231-5381 in sensor networks are set into clusters. The sensor node is responsible for base station in the communication in a cluster. The sensor node is also called as cluster head and the remaining nodes in the cluster are known as followers. There are various clustering methods are established for wireless sensor networks. The techniques cannot used in wireless sensor networks because of the moderate the need energy efficient than mobile networks and there are very differences in energy of the sensor nodes[2] [9]. In previous traditional algorithms the routing algorithm merges hierarchical routing that is performed in greedy habitats. The method of data packet sending from the source peers and the destination location to the base station have two phases such as inter cluster routing and intra cluster routing. In inter cluster routing the greedy method is apt to send data packets from the cluster heads of the destination locations to the base station. In intra cluster routing is to used pass the packet inside the group of the cluster until nodes are less than the threshold. In other approach packet in destination cluster which means the cluster head segregates the destination cluster into sub locations and generates the similar number of query packet and the global node in sub location. In another algorithm is ACE is distributed clustering method which creates clusters into two stages such as swapping and migration. There are much iteration in every phase and the distance between two successive iterations uniform distribution. In the spawning stage the novel clusters are generated in elective manner and as nodes predicts to become its followers. In ACE result in cluster creations with packets efficient is very closure to packing. It does not consider the energy of the nodes until the selecting cluster heads. Distributed algorithms are also called as HEED [1] the residual energy of sensor nodes which outputs in the generation of clusters by Page 109 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number2- Dec 2014 statistically distributing the cluster heads across the network. It selects cluster heads according to a hybrid parameter and which consists of primary parameter the energy of a node and a secondary parameter such as propinquity of a node to its neighbors or node degree. HEED converges in 0 (1)iterations using low messaging overhead and achieves uniform cluster head distribution across the network. It chooses the initial percentage of cluster heads randomly. This random choice remains as a severe limitation of this algorithm. Optimal energy aware clustering [2] solves the balanced-clustering problem optimally, where k signifies the number of master nodes that can be in the network. The algorithm is based on the minimum weight matching. It optimizes the sum of spatial distances between the member sensor nodes and the master nodes in the whole network. It effectively distributes the network load on althea masters and reduces the communication overhead and the energy dissipation. However, this research work does not consider of residual energy level while choosing anode as the master. A number of research attempts to improve network stability period by various techniques like routing, scheduling, aggregation etc. However, in this paper we attempt to improve the network stability period using clustering as it can serve as a better platform for upper layer functionality such as broadcasting, aggregation etc. In previous approach ESRPSDC exploits the underlying method of Energy-Efficient Level Based Clustering Routing Protocol [5]. In our proposal, we have incorporated the security methods as specified in [6] [10]. III. PROPOSED WORK We are proposing an empirical model of secure cluster based data transmission technique with authenticated Shamir secret sharing and IDEA cryptographic algorithm. Initially nodes can be clustered with K means algorithm, to group the similar type or nearest objects based on geo parameters of nodes, and then we can perform ISSN: 2231-5381 cluster based secure transmission between any nodeswithin the cluster. Data can be encrypted with IDEA algorithm to maintain data confidentiality along with key generated by Shamir secret key generation algorithm. Nodes clustering: Nodes can be clustered based on Euclidean distance between nodes, based on geocodlings of nodes. In k means clustering,initially k number of centroids selected from dataset and compute Euclidean distance between k centroids and other data points, place the data point or node which is nearest tocentroid and continue the same process until maximum number of iterations reached. K Means Clustering Step1: Select K points as initial centroids for initial iteration Step 2: until Termination condition is met (user specified maximum no of iterations) Step 3: Measure Euclidean distance data point and centroid Step 4: Assign each point to its closest centroid to form K clusters Step 5: Recomputed the centroid within individual clusters Step6 .Continue steps from 2 to 5 Secure Key Generation: A secure session key can be generated between the required clusters based on destination node, Shamir secret sharing one of the efficient group protocols for generation secret key. All users request at key generation center with Random challenge, in turn it forwards a secret share to the respective user .Every Group Member forwards a random challenge (Ri) to group manager, in turn it forward a secret share (xi,yi),data member computes (xi, (yi XOR Ri)) and forwards the verification share to group manager and group manager verifies the user authentication with reverse XOP operation with random challenge, if it generates the corresponding member secret share ,then member is an authorized member Page 110 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number2- Dec 2014 Key generation centergenerates the key randomly it can be treated as a0 and generates a quadratic equation ,so generate two constant values ,with all these parameters ,find the points which satisfies the equation, these points can be forwarded to users to reconstruct the key input to construct the Lagrange’s polynomial equation f(x). key cannot be exchanges directly in proposed architecture ,transmits indirectly in terms of points to reconstruct the key,it leads to much security because security depends on key which is used to encrypt the data packets. 10 8 6 4 2 0 Traditional The main objective is to divide secret key S into pieces of data D1,…Dn in such a way that: 1. Aware of any k points from D can compute the secret key k 2. Details of k-1 shares cannot determine the secret key S This mechanism is called (k,n) threshold scheme or Shamir secret share technique. If then all users are required for reconstruction of the secret key. Rch ----Random_challenge Sshare---Secret_share Vshare----verification_share P={p1,p2…pn}-------points for construction of Lagrange’s equation After generation of the secure session key data can be transmitted through clustered nodes by encrypting the data with IDEA cryptographic algorithm to maintain data confidentiality For experimental analysis we implemented in java and compare with various factors in both traditional and proposed approach with time complexity i.e time taken to transmit data packets from source to destination, in traditional approach and cluster based proposed approach. Transmission speed varies from traditional approach, because data packets need not transmit through all nodes ,transmits only through cluster based nodes. For secure transmission of data packets between the nodes ISSN: 2231-5381 Proposed Fig: Performance Evaluation IV. CONCLUSION We are concluding our current research work with efficient and secure Cluster based data transmission technique. K means clustering algorithm groups the nodes based on geo parameters, Clusters can be selected based on destination node availability. A secure key can be generated between the nodes in selected cluster, for secure transmission and to maintain data confidentiality, it can be encrypted with IDEA cryptographic algorithm REFERENCES 1. Huang Lu, Jie Li and Mohsen Guizani “Secure and Efficient Data Transmission for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks” Ieee Transactions On Parallel And Distributed Systems, Vol. 25, No. 3, March 2014. 2. 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