Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting October 9, 2013 Professor Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:35 PM Present: Professors Candice Nelson, Lacey Wootton, Barlow Burke, Daniel Abraham, Joseph Graf, John Douglass, Todd Eisenstadt, Artur Elezi, Larry Engel, Bryan Fantie, John Heywood, Alex Hodges, Iris Krasnow, Jun Lu, Gwanhoo Lee, Stacey Marien, Glenn Moomau, John Nolan, Arturo Porzecanski, Gemma Puglisi, Chris Simpson, Matthew Taylor, Elizabeth Worden, Provost Scott Bass, Dean Phyllis Peres. Chair’s Report – Candy Nelson Professor Nelson welcomed everyone to the meeting. She thanked all senators who would be attending the Leadership retreat on October 11, 2013 and who have volunteered to facilitate sessions at the retreat. The committee is absolutely serious about individuals bringing their lap tops, Ipads, smart phones as this will be a very interactive retreat with many opportunities throughout the day to comment on everything that is going on. Professor Nelson updated the senate on the status of the Emergency Care Provider. She stated that the committee met with the two finalists a couple of weeks ago. They are very close in the bids presented. The committee asked for additional information and should make a decision in a couple of weeks. Hopefully, if all goes well the service will be available at the beginning of 2014. Provost’s Report – Scott Bass Provost Bass stated that each year in the fall the Board of Trustees has a retreat which includes senate leadership. This year the presentation was from the Education Advisory Board, (EAB) on “Trends in Higher Education.” Chris Miller, who is the Executive Director of the EAB did a superb job. Provost Bass stated that he followed with a presentation that indicated what AU had already done is in the forefront around the country and stated that there is not a single area that has not been explored by AU already. The Provost stated that the board members left with a better understanding of how complicated the work is that the university has to do and that their businesses are so completely different. One board member stated that now he understands where the university is now and what the university has done. He also better understands the issues of financing in higher education. The university is in a very solid state and we are headed towards innovation in higher education. Provost Bass stated that a draft of the full Middle States report will be distributed in the next week. There will be an onsite visit on October 24, 2013 from the chair of the committee, Provost Eric Spina who is the current Interim Chancellor and President at Syracuse University. The major visit will be in the spring. The report will be issued to the community for comments. Faculty Senate • October 9, 2013 Minutes Page 1 of 5 Robert Blecker and Karen Froslid Jones are the co-chairs for the committee and have done a tremendous job. Provost Bass also stated his concerns on retention. The freshmen to sophomore number is down 1.5% from last year. There will be a lot of analysis done to determine if it is the students that are traditionally more vulnerable. The information will be gathered, analyzed and presented in the next few weeks. The initial data will be gathered from students that are no longer at the university. The challenge of diversity and inclusion is twofold. It’s not just about admitting and welcoming students, it’s being an inclusive setting that provides the financial, social and academic support. This will all be looked at so the university can find ways to better serve the students and find ways to reach students that are at risk. Something to talk with and encourage your colleagues to look for is the “early warning system.” The system entails notifying the advisor at week seven of any students that are at risk. Provost Bass stated that this system will be looked at to see if it is too late. The hope is to determine when communication will be effective. Provost Bass provided the senators with the agenda for the October 11, 2013 Leadership Retreat. He stated that this program is going to be very intuitive and the theme is “are we demanding enough and are we providing enough?” The keynote speaker will be Ashley Finley from the American Association of Colleges and Universities. Time will be spent on the report on quantitative preparation at AU. We have heard from some alumni that they do not feel they are prepared when they leave the university or go to graduate school with this skill. Additionally, there will be a writing panel presentation. The university has partnered with the Educational Testing Service to work with AU to look at writing in the various specializations and find ways to assess this and improve the students’ performance levels. Faculty Senate Oversight of Student Athletes – Candy Nelson Professor Nelson stated that the new language presented for the Senate by-laws is to replace the previous process performed by the Committee on Student Learning and Academic Engagement which is no longer in existence. The language is to meet the expectations of the NCAA and fulfill the oversight by the Senate of the athletes’ academics. The senate VOTED and approved the language unanimously. Senate By-Law Changes – Lacey Wootton Professor Wotton stated that the review of the by-laws was to organize the structure of the committees to be similar and to make them easier to compare, clean up language that is no longer in practice and to clarify some things that did not make sense. After meeting with Lyn Stallings and reviewing the changes with the Executive Committee these changes are the result of all those meetings. • Article I. Powers and Jurisdiction of the Senate: Moved the process to fill vacancies that occur over the summer under the Executive Committee. • Article II. Membership: Removed the number of senate members since it can change depending on the appointment of the vice chair. If the vice chair is appointed while in the Faculty Senate • October 9, 2013 Minutes Page 2 of 5 first year of their two year term the membership number is 24 but if they are appointed in their second year of term, their seat will be filled making the membership 25. • Article II. Membership: Clarification of the language was made for the committees and either the chair or the chair’s designee representation on the senate. The language was moved from each committee and placed in the membership paragraph. • Article III, Officers of the Senate: (B) Language clarification of the Vice Chair and their continued representation if their term has not expired. The Executive Committee will nominate someone if no current senator is able to be vice chair. The senate will confirm this nominee (C) Removal of sentence, “ The immediate Past Chair will resume his or her representative role” as this was not possible. • Article IV. Non-Voting Participants and Observers: Removal of the Dean of Academic Affairs because she/he is specified already in Article II A. Membership, so this was removed because of duplication. • Article VI. Agenda and Conduct of Meetings: (A) Removed “roll call” because this is not the practice. (B) Language was changed to meet the current schedule that the senate is now using. Changed the deadline for submission of documents for the Executive Committee meeting from fifteen days to seven. (E) Distribution of the agenda and handouts will be one week prior to the Senate meeting. It was requested to include language that materials will be sent to all faculty (F) Clarification of the chair’s role when there is a tie. “The Chair’s position will prevail.” • Article VIII. Access to Records of the Senate: Language was updated to reflect that there will no longer be hard copy books of the senate agenda and minutes and that digital copies of all information will be available on the senate web site as well as in the university archives. • Article IX. Committees and Functions: Clarification of language to reflect the relationship of the Executive Committee, the Senate and the Senate committees. (A) Executive Committee, Language was written to clarify how appointments are made to the Executive Committee. Language explaining how vacancies are filled on the senate was moved from the vacancies section at the end of the by-laws to the end of the Executive Committee paragraph to provide clarification of the process. (1) Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, changes in organization of general information of committee process to be consistent with all other committees. Further language was edited to reflect current process of this committee. (2) Graduate Curriculum Committee, changes were made to reflect the same changes in organization and process as the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. (3) Committee on Faculty Actions, due to Faculty Manual changes from last year language was added that term faculty on multi-year contracts can participate in the vote to elect the members from their unit. Organizational changes were made to match the previous committees. New language was added to clarify ineligibility or recusion of a member who will be going up Faculty Senate • October 9, 2013 Minutes Page 3 of 5 for promotion during their term. It was requested to clarify the process for re-election of a person who can no longer serve. This item will be taken back to the Executive Committee for review. Additional language was added to include the changes from the Faculty Manual last year for the CFA to review a term faculty file in the event of a disagreement between a teaching unit and its dean. (4) Committee on Academic Budget and Benefits, organizational changes only. (5) Committee on Information Services, organizational changes only. (6) Committee on Learning Assessment, organizational changes only. (C) Special and Advisory Committees: (1) Committee on Faculty Grievances, organizational changes as well as the addition from the Faculty Manual of term-faculty voting for the Grievance Committee membership. (2) Faculty Hearing Committee, sentence deleted, “it is also used to hear cases of a formal complaint of sexual harassment or violation of research integrity.” This is not handled by the hearing committee. Language added to allow term-faculty to vote for Hearing Committee members. (B) Committee on General Education, The description of the committee charge did not exist so a new description has been updated. Some deletions where made of repetitive language. The addition of the new membership language approved by the senate last year was added. Professor Abraham stated that he felt that it was still unclear as to who manages the committee and has the final approval. He stated that he felt that the current language is unclear as to who the final decision maker is. Will the Senate review and approve proposals before they go to the Provost? Professor Nelson stated that she would recommend getting the chairs of the UCC, GCC, the head of the honors program and Gen Ed together to go over this issue and come back with revised language. All agreed. Article X. Eligibility for, Nominations and Elections to the Senate and Its Committees, (A) Language was added to reflect the changes made in the Faculty Manual to add term and Multi-year faculty to vote for members on the Committee on Faculty Actions and Committee on Faculty Grievances. (E) Vacancies, Language was added to match the change of the Executive Committee managing vacancies as stated in Article IX. A. Additional organizational changes were made. Article XI. Authority of the Senate During the Summer Recess, Change of the title to “Additional Authority of the Senate” to reflect the practice that there is no recess for the summer. Additional summer language is being worked on for this section and will be brought back to the senate. Professor Wootton stated that the following sections will be revised and brought back to the senate for further discussion; a. Article IV Agenda and Conduct – Three minute rule b. Article IX. Committees and Functions B. 3 Committee on Faculty Actions, Clarification on the language of replacements if someone has to step down from their position. Election or dean appointment. (C) 3. Committee on General Education, (4) Honors Advisory Committee, Revised language Faculty Senate • October 9, 2013 Minutes Page 4 of 5 c. Article XI. Authority of the Senate During the Summer, Revised language Professor Nelson asked the senate to vote on the by-law changes that the senate did agree on excluding the four areas that will be brought back for discussion. The Senators VOTED, 20 in favor, 2 abstentions and 0 apposed. The changes were passed. For the Good of the Order – Candice Nelson Professor Simpson asked about the procedure for bringing proposals to the senate floor from the Committee on Information Services. Professor Nelson explained to have them to the Executive Committee one week before their next meeting for consideration and then if no revisions will move forward to the next senate meeting. Professor Nelson introduced Professor Joe Graf who will be representing the Committee on Learning Assessment. Professor Engel stated that there is still time to register for the Department of Energy 2013 Solar Decathlon. He requested that everyone vote for Lot 115. He stated that the students have done great work and hopes that they are winners. The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 PM Faculty Senate • October 9, 2013 Minutes Page 5 of 5