Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting November 6, 2013 Professor Nelson called the meeting to order at 2:36 PM Present: Professor Candice Nelson, Lacey Wootton, Barlow Burke, Daniel Abraham, John Douglass, Todd Eisenstadt, Artur Elezi, Larry Engel, Joe Graf, John Heywood, Alex Hodges, Iris Kransnow, Jun Lu, Gwanhoo Lee, Stacey Marien, Glenn Moomau, Mohamed Nimer, John Nolan, Arturo Porzecanski, Gemma Puglisi, Jerzy Sapieyevski, Chris Simpson, Matthew Taylor, Elizabeth Worden, Provost Scott Bass and Dean Phyllis Peres Welcome and Approval of Minutes – Candy Nelson Professor Nelson welcomed everyone to the meeting. She stated that the minutes from the September 18, 2013 meeting were ready for approval and opened the floor for discussion. There was no discussion and no changes were made. The senate VOTED and passed the minutes unanimously in favor. Professor Nelson stated that she and Professors Burke and Wootton met with Professor Naomi Baron and Professor Marilyn Goldhammer the week after the last meeting. Provost Bass has asked Karen Froslid-Jones to collect examples of SETs from other peer institutions and once that information is available we will bring this back to the senate to form a committee to look at SETs and other efforts to evaluate teaching. The issue is on hold now but will be coming back soon. Provost’s Report – Scott Bass Provost Bass stated that the initial visit for the Middle States review from the chair of the committee went well. There has been a lot of work from many faculty and the committee to create the document but he stated that he feels that the document is a good reflection of the growth of the institution. The document does not just tell what has been done at the institution but sets the stage for the growth of the institution in the future. Provost Bass also stated that the growth of the new Honors Program is underway. There is a team of faculty who are meeting to implement new ways of teaching these talented honors students and the leadership of deans have supported this process. Provost Bass stated that the common application that AU uses has had some problems this year. The problems have caused some of our applicants a delay in being able to get their information into the university. We are using another vendor and alternate ways to submit the requirements for admission. Provost Bass stated that the University has a donor who is interested in intensifying some of the community based activities both domestically and internationally. He stated that he has written a Faculty Senate • November 6, 2013 Minutes Page 1 of 7 proposal to the donor that takes all the experiences that the students are involved in in the community and builds in a serious research component. As part of a team effort with a study of a non-profit, government agency and a variety of organizations learning the various aspects of how one enters a community setting, how you understand a question and how you provide meaningful feedback to the local entity. This is another core component to intensifying undergraduate research. This will be linked to the instructional oppurtunities. Committee on Information Services, (CIS) Proposal for Student Photos – Chris Simpson Professor Simpson presented to the senate a proposal to have students photos included with the rosters given to professors. The advantage would be for the professors to be able to learn names, know who is enrolled in their classes and to assist other students in knowing who their classmates are. The photos are used from those taken for the student ID cards. CIS has been in contact with OIT and this seems to be a fairly simple request. Professor Sapieyevski asked if there will be an option available for someone to opt-out of having their photo included. Professor Simpson stated that there will be an opt-out option available. The senate VOTED on the proposal and it was passed unanimously in favor. Middle States Report – Robert Blecker and Karen Froslid-Jones Director of Institutional Research and Assessment, Karen Froslid-Jones, introduced herself and Professor Robert Blecker from the Economics department as the co-chairs of the Middle States self study. She stated that every ten years all institutions of higher learning in the mid-atlantic area who are members of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education must do a comprehensive self study as part of a reaccreditation process. The study focuses on 14 standards of accreditation. Some are how to make an institution effective such as governance, administration, having a mission, planning incentives and faculty to name a few examples. Other examples are about the ways in which we act and present our services. Examples such as educational offerings and student services. Two of the 14 standards are about assessment Institutional assessment and student learning. In 2011 a steering committee was created with over 25 people from across the institution, with representation from every school, college and division. Additionally, there were many sub-committees that worked on specific areas. The steering committee decided that they wanted to make this self study as useful as possible to the institution. Even though it is an accreditation document that will be reviewed by a team of 10 professionals who will come to AU in March, the real purpose of this self study is for the institution to use this as a planning document to look at all aspects of the institution. Director Froslid-Jones stated that she has come to this meeting today to solicite the advice, suggestions and opinions from the senators for the report and to answer any questions. The time line for this process is as follows. From now through December is the comment period. Along with talking with the senate we will be talking with the staff council, student organizations, the BOT, the President’s Council and the Provost’s Operational Council. There will also be two townhall meetings. There is a middlestates email address, middlestates@american.edu, which is a great Faculty Senate • November 6, 2013 Minutes Page 2 of 7 place for corrections. There is a blog site and a twitter address. We are trying to make this process easy to access and follow. Professor Robert Blecker stated that when he and Karen met with the Executive Committee it was agreed that at today’s meeting there would be discussion and then the various committees of the senate would look at specific chapters that applied to their area. There are two undergraduate chapters, a graduate and professional education chapter, a faculty chapter, a leadership governance and administration chapter and a strategic planning budgeting and resource allocation chapter. With this wide variety Professor Blecker stated that he was certain that the senate committees would be able to choose a chapter that best corrolates with the senate commitees and review and provide comments and suggestions. Professor Nelson stated that the presentation today was just an introduction and that this would come back to the senate at the December meeting after everyone has had time to review the report and the individual areas that might apply to the committees that they serve on. Professor Blecker stated that the the report is still in draft form and all the comments that are received will be taken into account in the final formulations of the draft. He also stated that at the end of each chapter there will need to be at least two or three recommendations. Currently in some cases there are four or five and these will need to be cut down and edited based on input from all. This would be a very good area to review and provide your comments. Additionally, Professor Blecker stated that they want the recommendations to be bold and forward but not unobtainable within the next several years because there is also a “mid-term” in five years where the university has to provide a report that shows progress on the recommendations that are reported. Director Froslid-Jones stated that the committee is willing to meet with any group that has the desire to meet. She also informed the senators that the report will be available to the AU community tomorrow accessable from an email. We encourage all faculty to review the draft. Eventually when the report is finalized it will be available to the general public. Professor Blecker also stated that the search feature on the website works very well. Provost Bass stated that the Faculty Senate has played such a key role in the development of so many policies in the past five years and asked if the prior leadership would be called on by middlestates? Director Froslid-Jones stated that in the past the senate has not specifically been called on to meet with the visiting team, but they will be meeting with many aspects of the faculty community. Professor Nelson stated that the senate will be discussing the report more at the December 4, 2013 meeting. SPExS Proposal for Expedited Approval for Certificates – Carola Weil Faculty Senate • November 6, 2013 Minutes Page 3 of 7 Dean Carola Weil from the School of Extended Studies (SPExS) thanked the senate for their time. She stated that she is presenting a proposal to “fast track” the review process of certificates not only for SPExS but also for the the AU community as a whole. This process is intended to work with the current review process that is already in place but would allow the ability to take advantage of new opportunities in the educational market place. This includes announcing, marketing and offering the certificate. With the time frame that is in place now, the university could loose the opportunity to other competitors like George Washington and Georgetown universities. Dean Weil stated that this proposal would allow graduate proposals the ability to be offered as a pilot for at least one semester and no more than two. This would also allow SPExS for example to gather market data and fine tune the program. The proposal does require approval from the Provost and the Vice Provost of Graduate Studies in order to move forward to this pilot stage. Professor Worden stated that after having discussed this with her colleagues in the School of Education, Teaching and Health, they are sympathetic to the need for a “fast track” process but are concerned and uncomfortable with students being enrolled in a pilot program that might not be approved. She asked if Dean Weil would expand on what would happen to the students enrolled in the program if the certificate was not approved. Dean Weil stated that these are going to be certificates for credit and are different from the noncredit certificates. The university would honor any courses that a student has taken and be able to apply them to other certificates, and if they were almost finished with the certificate when it got pulled, they would be allowed to complete it. Provost Bass stated that students will be offered the full set of classes in order to complete the certificate even if the certificate was not approved by the senate or was terminated. Professor Engel stated that he was concerned if there might be an impact on the review process done by the senate committees of a certificate that is already being offered and how this would affect the relationship of a cohort as well what the implications to the university would be. Dean Peres asked how these certificates would appear on a student’s trancript. Dean Weil stated that they would show as individual classes and at the completion of all the classes needed to earn a certificate the student would then receive an actual paper certificate. Dean Peres replied and stated that these are academic awards even if they are not degrees and they must be approved. She requested that how they appear on transcripts is necessary. Professor Abrahamson asked what paper work would be submitted at the outset for the “fast Track” approval. Would this be an abstract of the certificate or the complete proposal? Professor Simpson stated that there must be some way that the registrar can confirm that an individual has completed the requirements or credentials for the certificate. He also stated that there needs to be some form of quality control on the naming convention for these certificates or Faculty Senate • November 6, 2013 Minutes Page 4 of 7 some form of continuing education that is being earned and the various amount of work that is done to earn these awards. Professor Eisenstadt stated that there needs to be oversight and regular oversight after the fact from the departments to have ownership. Provisions for this need to be made. Professor Wootton asked how would the faculty resources be handled. Dean Weil stated that adjuncts with specific expertise would be hired if the university does not already have these professors available and current tenure and term faculty will be also be asked to teach. These are Graduate Certificates that will require 12 to 18 credits to be earned. Dean Weil stated that a complete package of the certificate will be required for the “fast track” process. Everything required for the Senate committee will be submitted for review for “fast track” also. In response to the oversight after the fact is a good point. Any certificate earned from the university will fall under the already established structure currently in place. Librarian Marien stated that if it is taking too long to get a certificate approved by the current process, is there a plan to review the formal process and revise it instead of running a parallel process? Dean Weil stated that this is just an interim fix. The hope is that over time there will be a more streamlined process. Librarian Marien asked how long will this temporary process be in place? Dean Weil said that she hopes not for long but it is up to other colleagues and members of the administration. Provost Bass stated that the Senate committees have done a great job with turning the review process over within two weeks, however the thorough review process takes time to insure that the proposal is carefully looked at for a quality proposal. He stated that this will be something that will only work for certificates not degree programs. Sometimes it takes a lot of work so the time line is uncertain. Professor Hodges asked how the registrar has responded to this process. Dean Weil stated that there was no issue but she is waiting for faculty responses before engaging more with the registrar. Provost Bass stated that there is a product that the university is considering called Parchment. It is still in the early stages, but it will allow transcripts to be electronic and would help to attach other kinds of activities like certificates to them. Professor Sapieyevski stated that the university needs certificates to be competitive in the market place but we need to be careful not to be a Phoenix or Strayer type of school. He stated that he Faculty Senate • November 6, 2013 Minutes Page 5 of 7 agrees with the Provost that we adjust to the market place offering streamlined programs that are attractive and are good quality. Dean Weil stated that courses that have been approved for a graduate certificate have been approved from courses from a graduate degree or Ph.D program so the quality of the certificates has not been touched. The certificates are to offer part of a masters degree or Ph.D in a reduced time frame. Professor Abraham stated that he is in favor of the proposal with some clarifications on what is needed to present the “fast track” proposal but he expressed concern that there is no calendar of dates to meet the BOT for approval and the catalog. Professor Nelson stated that there is a calendar that has gone out this year to let everyone know the dates to make it to the BOT. Professor Engel stated that there are various dates that are already established for various areas of the process but that there is a bottle neck at other areas. Those dates need to be established in the schools to meet the BOT and catalog dates. Professor Douglass moved the proposal to be approved. Provost Bass requested that the clarifications that have been raised be corrected since it will be going to the Deans for review tomorrow. Professor Burke stated that he would like table this discussion and see the proposal return to the senate with the changes made. The proposal was tabled. Senate By-Law Revisons – Lacey Wootton • Enforcement of 3-minute policy – after discussion with the Executive Committee it was recommeneded to leave the language as it currently is and the chair will enforce the 3minute as needed to insure that issues are handled in a timely manner. • CFA election of new members if a member has to recuse himself or herself and explicit language about members returning and serving their term – New language was dafted and is as follows, “in the event that a member of the CFA must recuse himself or herself, the unit that he or she represents will elect a one-year replacement prior to the next meeting of the CFA. The original member may resume his or her position on the committee the following year. • Revisions to the section Article XI. “Additional Authority of the Senate” and placement of athlete oversight Section – Put the student-athlete oversight language in the “Duties of the Senate”, Article I.B. Delete Article XI and replace with language for the Executive Committee’s authority. Proposed language was presented as: Handling Faculty Senate • November 6, 2013 Minutes Page 6 of 7 Senate tasks when the full Senate is not meeting regularly; a report of actions taken shall be presented to the next full meeting of the Senate. There was extensive conversation and edits by the senators making revisions to this paragraph and it was proposed to bring this language back after the suggested edits were drafted into clear paragraphs for the senators to review. Professor Nelson said that there was another issue brought up at the last meeting in regard to the relationship of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, the Honors committee and the General Education Committee. She stated that she met with professors Larry Engel, Lacey Wootton, Andrea Tschemplik,Vice Provost of Undergraduate Studies Lyn Stallings, and the Interim Director of the Honors program Michael Manson to discuss the language and there was more discussion than expected. There were extensive changes and these are almost done and ready to bring back to the senate. Professor Nelson stated that she would like to suggest that the language for the Senate Executive Committee duties and the Undergraduate, Honors and General Education language be brought back to the December meeting. The Senators voted on the language changes for the Enforcement of the 3-minute policy and the Election of New Members to the CFA in the Event a Member must recuse himself or herself. The senate VOTED unanimously in favor of the two revisons. For the Good of the Order – Candy Nelson There was no discussion for the good of the order The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM Faculty Senate • November 6, 2013 Minutes Page 7 of 7