Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 March & 7) - March 2007 2007 North Norfolk District Council North Norfolk District Council Planning Policy Team Telephone: 01263 516318 E-Mail: planningpolicy@north-norfolk.gov.uk Write to: Jill Fisher, Planning Policy Manager, North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN www.northnorfolk.org/ldf All of the LDF Documents can be made available in Braille, large print or in other languages. Please contact 01263 516321 to discuss your requirements. Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 1 Background 1 5 Employment Land Supply 4 7 Site Appraisal 9 Methodology 9 Site Assessment and Recommendations 12 Appendices A Maps of employment sites 21 B Commentary on Rates of Development 51 Maps Map A.1 - Catfield Industrial Estate Map A.2 - Cromer, High Station Map A.3 - Cromer, Holt Road Map A.4 - Cromer Business Park Map A.5 - Fakenham Industrial estate Map A.6 - Fakenham Commercial park, Enterprise Way Map A.7 - Fakenham Site, Holt Road Map A.8 - Fakenham, Oxborough lane Map A.9 - Fakenham, Hempton Road Map A.10 - Holt Industrial Estate Map A.11 - Holt, Old Station Way Map A.12 - Hoveton, Tunstead Road Map A.13 - Hoveton, Stalham Road Map A.14 - Melton Constable Industrial Estate Map A.15 - North Walsham Industrial Estate Map A.16 - North Walsham, Midland Road Map A.17 - North Walsham, HL Site Map A.18 - North Walsham, Focus Map A.19 - North Walsham, Marricks Rope Site Map A.20 - Sheringham, Weybourne Estate Map A.21 - Stalham Map A.22 - Wells next the Sea 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.23 - Fakenham Map A.24 - Holt, Cromer Road Map A.25 - Stalham, Former Bush abbatoir site Map A.26 - Tattersett Business Park Map A.27 - ST01 Map A.28 - ST02 44 45 46 47 48 49 Tables Table 5.1 - Employment Land Supply Table 5.2 - Additional sites proposed in the Site Specific Proposals Consultation document Table 7.1 - Criteria used to assess whether employment sites are to be released Table 7.2 - Site Assessment Methodology Table 7.3 - Site Appraisals Table 7.4 - Justification for Employment Land allocations in SSP Consultation document North Norfolk District Council 4 7 9 11 12 19 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.1 This report is one of a number of background studies prepared by North Norfolk District Council as part of the process of preparing new planning documents for the area covering the period from 2001 - 2021 (Local Development Framework). The study considers the supply of land which is proposed to be identified and reserved for employment and distribution developments in the emerging Local Development Framework (LDF). It is an update of sections 5) and 7) of a study originally prepared in 2006 to support the Councils Preferred Options Consultation on its Core Strategy and Site Specific Proposals Development Plans and should be read in conjunction with the previous study. Other types of employment generating development including retail, tourism, agriculture, health and other public sector uses are considered in a range of other studies which are published on the Council's Web site, including; Census and Population Statistics. Functional Analysis of the District - Land Use Consultants. Norfolk Employment Growth Study - Roger Tym and Partners. Retail and Town Centre Study - DTZ Pieda Consulting. Rural Economy Study - Acorus Rural Property Services. Town Strategies - North Norfolk District Council. Tourism Study - Scott Wilson. Economic Development Strategy to 2007 - North Norfolk District Council. 1.2 The study has informed, and is intended to provide, a reasoned justification for the employment land proposals in the Submission Core Strategy. 1.3 The scope of the study is restricted to the larger areas of employment land in the District located in the seven main towns and Hoveton. 1.4 The North Norfolk area has a number of Airbases which are either wholly or partially surplus to requirement. These include buildings which may be suitable for re-use for employment purposes. The Council recognises that a specific approach to future development on these sites is necessary. Separate 'Position Papers' have been prepared for RAF Coltishall, West Raynham and Neatishead. These sites are subject to a specific preferred approach in the Core Strategy consultation document. 1.5 The current North Norfolk Local Plan identifies a number of sites across the District as either existing or proposed General Employment Areas. These sites are reserved for employment generating uses and hence other types of development are not permitted. There is an identified need for new houses, particularly affordable dwellings, and the LDF documents for North Norfolk will need to identify new housing development sites. The general thrust of government advice is that where land has been identified for employment related development but this development has not taken place, and, it can be demonstrated that, firstly, the employment land is unlikely to be required and, secondly, that it may be suitable for some other type of development (housing) the presumption should be in favour of a change in the sites designation. This is to ensure that land which has been earmarked for employment development but has not been used for this purpose is nevertheless developed for beneficial purposes.The starting point for this study is North Norfolk District Council 1 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 therefore to consider land which is already allocated for employment uses in the current North Norfolk Local Plan. 1.6 Guidance produced by the ODPM (Planning for Economic Development) includes detailed advice on the approach which should be adopted by local authorities in conducting reviews of the supply of employment land in their areas. PPG3 (Housing), PPS7 (Sustainable Development in Rural Areas) and PPG4 (Industrial, Commercial Development and Small Firms) highlight that local authorities should undertake local needs assessments in order to establish the quantity, quality and type of employment facilities required to meet future needs in their areas. Local Planning Authorities should ensure that policies: provide for a sufficient supply of land of appropriate quality to meet the varied needs of businesses throughout the plan period; protect suitable existing employment land and premises which are required by the market in the short and long term; where appropriate, identify new employment allocations if the current stock of land and premises falls short of meeting future needs (in quantitative and qualitative terms); and where appropriate, facilitate the transfer of existing employment sites and allocations to alternative uses if they are unsuitable for employment use and / or are genuinely surplus to requirements. 1.7 2 In light of this policy guidance, the primary purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the quantity and quality of employment land in the District, consider historical rates and patterns of development, and to provide further justification for the proposals being made in the Submission Core Strategy. North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 5 Employment Land Supply Employment Land Supply North Norfolk District Council 3 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 5 Employment Land Supply 5.1 The tables below identify the total area of land designated in the North Norfolk Local Plan as Employment Land together with additional sites which the Council consulted on in the Site Specific Proposals Preferred Options Consultation. The tables indicate the total amount of land designated for employment purposes together with details of how much 'developable' land remains. 5.2 The sites referred to, and the areas which have been considered 'developable' within them are illustrated on Maps in Appendix A ‘Maps of employment sites’. Table 5.1 Employment Land Supply Site Name Site Ref Total Site Area (ha) Status Catfield Industrial Estate Remaining Remaining developable developable area area (ha) Reference EMP01 12.54 EMP01(a) 1.38 EMP02 1.06 EMP02(a) 0.28 EMP03 15.34 EMP03(a) 0.00 Dev 2006/07 Existing Local Plan designation Cromer High Station Existing Local Plan designation Cromer Holt Road Existing Local Plan designation EMP03(b) 0.25 EMP03(c) 0.46 EMP03(d) 0.45 EMP03(e) 0.00 Dev 2006/07 Cromer Retail Park EMP04 2.85 None 0.00 EMP05 32.47 EMP05(a) 4.58 EMP06 12.12 EMP06(a) 2.77 Existing Local Plan designation Fakenham Industrial Estate Existing Local Plan designation Fakenham Commercial Park (Enterprise Way) Existing Local Plan designation 4 North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Site Name Site Ref Total Site Area (ha) Status Fakenham (adj 30 Holt Road) Remaining Remaining developable developable area area (ha) Reference EMP07 1.01 None 0.00 EMP07 1.25 None 0.00 EMP08 3.65 EMP08(a) 1.60 EMP09 2.27 EMP09(a) 0.78 EMP10 10.25 EMP10(a) 2.79 EMP10(b) 1.49 EMP11 1.42 None 0.00 EMP12 6.98 EMP12(a) 5.54 EMP13 2.83 None 0.00 EMP14 7.70 EMP14(a) 0.59 EMP15 23.28 EMP15(a) 1.35 EMP15(b) 11.1 Existing Local Plan designation Fakenham, Site at 66/72 Holt Road Existing Local Plan designation Fakenham, Oxborough Lane Existing Local Plan designation Fakenham, Hempton Road Existing Local Plan designation Holt Industrial Estate Existing Local Plan designation Holt, Old Station Way (Thaxters) Existing Local Plan designation Hoveton, Tunstead Road Estate Existing Local Plan designation Hoveton, Stalham Road Ind Estate Existing Local Plan designation Melton Constable Industrial Estate Existing Local Plan designation North Walsham Industrial Estate Existing Local Plan designation North Norfolk District Council 5 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Site Name Site Ref Total Site Area (ha) Status North Walsham, Midland Road Remaining Remaining developable developable area area (ha) Reference EMP16 2.10 None 0.00 EMP17 5.70 EMP17(a) 5.20 EMP18 10.99 EMP18(a) 5.82 EMP19 3.73 EMP19 3.84 EMP20 6.02 EMP20(a) 1.73 EMP20(b) 0.3 EMP21 1.40 None 0.00 EMP23 3.33 EMP23a 0.4 Existing Local Plan designation North Walsham (HLfoods and adj land) Existing Local Plan designation North Walsham, Cranes site. Existing Local Plan designation. North Walsham, Marricks Wire Ropes Existing Local Plan designation Sheringham, Weybourne Estate and land adjacent to Splash leisure pool. Existing Local Plan designation Stalham, Hall Farm Existing Local Plan designation Wells, Great Eastern Way Existing Local Plan designation Totals 170.29 52.52 Notes ‘Total Site Area’ is the area of land designated in the adopted Local Plan. ‘Developable Area’ is the area of land which appears suitable for development or redevelopment as indicated on the maps in Appendix A ‘Maps of employment sites’. These sites include undeveloped land, vacant buildings and sites in temporary use. 6 North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Table 5.2 Additional sites proposed in the Site Specific Proposals Consultation document Site Address Site ref from SSP document. Site Area Fakenham, additional land at Clipped Bush Lane FO1 Part of mixed scheme. Final employment site area not determined. Stalham, Church Farm ST01 Part of mixed scheme. Final employment site area not determined. Stalham, Bush Abbatoir E4 1.05 hectares Stalham, Moores Yard ST02 Part of mixed scheme. Final employment site area not determined. Holt, Cromer Road E2 5.29 hectares Tattersett Business Park E7 28.63 hectares Totals 34.84 hectares North Norfolk District Council 7 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 8 North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 7 Site Appraisal Methodology 7.1 In considering which employment sites should be retained and which new sites are required the Council has based its assessment criteria on Stage 1 of the ODPM guide for completing Employment Land Reviews and in particular has had regard to the strategic, sustainability and market attractiveness criteria outlined in the guide (see table 7.1 below). The assessment has been completed for sites which have been identified / suggested as potential allocations in the emerging LDF Site Specific Proposals document, existing significant employment land allocations in the Local Plan which have been developed, and existing employment sites which have been vacant for some time. 7.2 The criteria have not been 'scored' or weighted as it is considered that the rationale for the provision and retention of land may vary across different locations in the District. For example, in some locations a site may score very poorly but may also be the only suitable site available in the area. Furthermore the role and function of each town is an important consideration. This is outlined in the next section. 7.3 Table 7.2 illustrates how the criteria have been considered. Sites have been assessed on the basis of how 'important' they are in terms of fulfilling the strategic objectives, contributing to sustainable development patterns, and market attractiveness criteria identified in the ODPM guide. Hence a site which is strategically important, would contribute to sustainable development and is either fully developed, or the subject of developer interest, is considered to be of 'high importance', whilst a site which is not strategically important, where employment development would be unsustainable and there has been no interest in development is of 'low importance'. The sites 'importance' has then been used to inform the conclusions and recommendations outlined in Table 7.3 Table 7.1 Criteria used to assess whether employment sites are to be released Strategic Planning Factors Is the site within an area identified as a principal or secondary settlement in the draft Core Strategy? Is the site in a location being promoted for employment growth in the draft Core Strategy of the LDF? Is the site identified or likely to be required for a specific user or specialist use? Is the site part of a comprehensive or long term development or regeneration proposal, which depends on the site being developed for employment uses? Are there any other policy considerations, such as emerging strategic objectives or spatial vision, which should override any decision to release the site? Is the site the only site available or part of a limited supply of land in the locality? North Norfolk District Council 9 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Sustainable Development Factors Would the site be allocated today for employment development, measured against present sustainability criteria (including public transport and freight access, environmental impacts and brownfield / greenfield considerations)? Is employment the only acceptable form of built development on this site (eg because of on-site contamination, adjoining uses or sustainable development reasons)? Market Attractiveness Factors Has the site been formally identified for employment for at least 10 years? Has there been any recent development activity, within the last 5 years? This could include works on site but also new or revised planning applications / building regulations applications. Is the site being actively marketed as an employment site? Is the site owned by a developer or another agency known to undertake employment development? Is the site in multiple ownership / occupation, or owned by an organisation unlikely to bring it forward for development? Is there public funding committed (or likely to be provided) sufficient to overcome infrastructure or on-site constraints to make employment development viable? Is there a valid permission for employment development, likely to meet market requirements? Or for an alternative use? Would employment development on this site be viable, without public funding to resolve infrastructure or other on-site constraints? Has the Authority been approached concerning possible development of the site in the last 5 years? 10 North Norfolk District Council The site is a large site within or adjacent to a Principal settlement There is a limited supply of land The site is designated for a specific use The site would be allocated for employment purposes today having regard to sustainability criteria Unsuitable for another use The site is fully occupied or is being marketed with Planning Permission and/or there have been expressions of developer interest Sustainable development Factors Would site be allocated today applying sustainability criteria Site unsuitable for other uses Market Attractiveness Factors Vacancy Availability Developer interest High Importance Strategic Planning Factors Location Size Adequacy of supply Designated for specific use Factors Considered (Summary) The site is allocated for employment and has been vacant for five years or more There is no evidence of marketing or development interest Unlikely to be allocated today unless part of a limited supply Unsuitable for another use Within or adjacent to a Secondary settlement Choice of possible sites available Medium Importance Degree of Importance Table 7.2 Site Assessment Methodology The site has been vacant for the past 5 years and despite evidence of regular and reasonable marketing there has been no developer interest Would not be allocated today having regard to sustainability criteria Is suitable for another use Not in a Principal or Secondary settlement Would make no meaningful contribution to employment land supply Low Importance Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 North Norfolk District Council 11 12 North Norfolk District Council Existing Local Plan designation Cromer High Station Existing Local Plan designation Catfield Industrial Estate Status Site Name EMP02 EMP01 Site Ref Medium Medium Strategic Importance Medium Medium Sustainability Low Medium Market Attractiveness The site is located within a principal settlement but due to its comparatively small size is not regarded as strategically important. Employment development would be appropriate but the development potential of this site is considered to be constrained by multiple ownerships, poor quality access, poor quality buildings and site clearance costs. It is therefore considered that the prospects of the site being redeveloped for commercial purposes are remote. It is well located for residential development and arguably this would constitute an environmental improvement. DECISION : Designate as employment land in the LDF The site is not located in one of the principal or secondary settlements but is well related to the strategic highway network. Developments in the last 10 years suggest that this is a popular location particularly with businesses already on the site. It makes a significant contribution to employment land at this part of the District where suitable land is limited. Proposals for housing / livework units have been resisted in recent years. It is thought that the remaining undeveloped part of the site (EMP01a) is owned by a housing developer. Summary Appraisal/ Decision Sites referred to are illustrated on the maps in Appendix A ‘Maps of employment sites’ 7.5 Table 7.3 Site Appraisals Having regard to the comments outlined above in respect of the role of each settlement and the site assessment criteria in table 5.1 the following conclusions have been reached in respect of individual employment sites. 7.4 Recommendations for individual sites Site Assessment and Recommendations Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Fakenham Commercial Park (Enterprise Way) Existing Local Plan designation Fakenham Industrial Estate Existing Local Plan designation Cromer Retail Park Existing Local Plan designation Cromer Holt Road Status Site Name EMP06 EMP05 EMP04 EMP03 Site Ref High High High High Strategic Importance High High High High Sustainability High High High High Market Attractiveness Enterprise Way is now fully developed. Additional employment land was identified adjacent to Morrisons in the Local Plan. Whilst no development has taken place there has only recently been DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF This site has high occupancy rates and comparatively limited scope for further development. The site is well placed to meet the employment needs of Fakenham and the surrounding area and has high strategic importance. DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF Now fully developed as a retail warehouse site this development fulfils an identified need for this type of development in Cromer. DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF Now almost fully developed this site makes a substantial contribution to employment needs in Cromer and due to the lack of significant alternatives and its size is regarded as strategically important. Only a small number of sites remain available for development. These are not considered suitable for residential development due to the proximity of adjacent commercial uses. There are no other significant opportunities for industrial development elsewhere in the town. Sites EMP03(a )and (e) were developed during 2006/07 DECISION : Allocate as residential development site in LDF During 2006/07 planning permission was granted for residential development on the northern third of the site. Summary Appraisal/ Decision Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 North Norfolk District Council 13 14 North Norfolk District Council Fakenham, Hempton Road Existing Local Plan designation Fakenham, Oxborough Lane Existing Local Plan designation Fakenham, Site at 66/72 Holt Road Existing Local Plan designation Fakenham (adj 30 Holt Road) Existing Local Plan designation Status Site Name EMP09 EMP08 EMP07 EMP07 Site Ref Medium Medium Low Low Strategic Importance Medium Medium Medium Medium Sustainability Medium High Medium High Market Attractiveness Site fully developed although buildings on site EMP09(a) are currently vacant. The site lies within a flood risk zone and is consequently unsuitable for housing development. DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF The area to the east appears underused and has redevelopment potential. Its relationship with existing commercial uses and poor quality vehicular access are considered to make the site unsuitable for housing. Much of this site is developed and provides significant numbers of jobs. DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF Site fully developed with low levels of vacancy. DECISION : Allocate as residential development site in LDF This site is occupied by two small businesses and is separated from the main industrial area by Holt Road. It is currently unsightly and occupies a prominent position on two main road frontages. Areas of employment land and buildings are available elsewhere in the town. Residential development would improve the appearance of the site. DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF evidence that the site is being marketed and this has resulted in some interest. Summary Appraisal/ Decision Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Medium Market Attractiveness Summary Appraisal/ Decision Hoveton, Stalham Road Industrial Estate Existing Local Plan designation Hoveton, Tunstead Road Estate Existing Local Plan designation Holt, Old Station Way (Thaxters) Existing Local Plan designation EMP13 EMP12 EMP11 Medium Medium Medium High Medium Medium High High High Fully developed with low levels of vacancy. DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF The northern part of this site (Norfolk Fruit Growers) has recently been purchased by developers interested in a mixed use redevelopment of the site. In the first instance it is recommended that the site be retained for employment developments as it represents one of only limited development opportunities in the area. DECISION : Retain part as employment land and allocate remainder (Thaxters) as residential/mixed development site. This area is fully developed. The site is located in a prominent position on a ‘gateway’ to Holt and is of insufficient size to make a substantial contribution to employment land supply. Redevelopment for residential purposes would improve the appearance of the site. DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF This is the main area of employment development in Holt. Site EMP10(a) is constrained by ownership issues and any further development would add to traffic in Hempstead Road. However the site makes an important contribution to employment land supply and is not suitable for housing due to its relative lack of integration within the town. High Sustainability Holt Industrial Estate High Strategic Importance DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF EMP10 Site Ref Existing Local Plan designation Status Site Name Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 North Norfolk District Council 15 16 High Market Attractiveness Summary Appraisal/ Decision North Norfolk District Council North Walsham (HLfoods and adj land) Existing Local Plan designation North Walsham, Midland Road Existing Local Plan designation EMP17 EMP16 High High High High Medium Medium High High Substantial complex of vacant buildings suitable for re-use or redevelopment. Good location for employment in relation to highway network. Although currently vacant it is considered that DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF This site is fully developed with low levels of vacancy. DECISION : Designate as employment land and ‘countryside’ in LDF. The main industrial estate is regarded as fully developed. Site EMP15(a) is understood to be available for redevelopment. It is not known to what extent the site has / is being marketed but it is considered premature to consider non commercial use at this stage. This and the remainder of the employment land including site EMP15(b) should be retained for employment uses. It is considered that there is very little prospect of EMP15(c) (remainder of the Local Plan designation) being developed and it is recommended that this be designated as ‘Countryside’. High North Walsham Industrial Estate EMP15 DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF Existing Local Plan designation Almost fully developed this site has proved to be a popular location in recent years. Medium Sustainability Melton Constable Industrial Estate Medium Strategic Importance DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF EMP14 Site Ref Existing Local Plan designation Status Site Name Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Sheringham, Weybourne Estate and land adjacent to Splash leisure pool. Existing Local Plan designation North Walsham, Marricks Wire Ropes Existing Local Plan designation. North Walsham, General Trailers. Existing Local Plan designation Status Site Name EMP20 EMP19 EMP18 Site Ref Medium Medium High Strategic Importance Low High High Sustainability Medium/Low Medium High Market Attractiveness This small industrial estate has had good levels of occupancy in recent years. A small site EMP20(b) is currently partly developed . The presumption should be in favour of retaining this site for employment development. Site EMP20(a) has been available for DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF Mainly undeveloped land with poor quality vacant building. The site is in a good location for employment development. The proximity of adjacent industrial land and developments and its relative lack of integration with other residential areas of the town render this site inappropriate for residential development. DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF The site was acquired for redevelopment for employment purposes by the East of England Development Agency (EEDA) in March 2001. However until works commenced on part of the site to provide a new DIY store in January 2005 the site and factory premises has remained in a derelict and undeveloped state. Interest has been expressed by developers in the partial clearance and redevelopment of the main factory building and a planning application is expected shortly. Redevelopment of this site for employment purposes is a key component of the economic development strategy for North Walsham. DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF the site is ideally suited to meet any long term needs, particularly for employment buildings. The site is within a principal settlement where employment growth is being promoted. Retention and re-use of the site/buildings for employment uses would assist in fulfilling strategic objectives in a sustainable manner. Summary Appraisal/ Decision Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 North Norfolk District Council 17 18 North Norfolk District Council Wells next the Sea, Great Eastern Way Existing Local Plan designation Tattersett Business Park Existing Local Plan designation Stalham, Hall Farm Existing Local Plan designation Status Site Name EMP23 EMP22 EMP21 Site Ref Medium Medium Low Strategic Importance Medium Medium Medium Sustainability Medium High Medium/Low Market Attractiveness The site includes some areas and buildings which are underused or suitable for redevelopment but there has been little interest. Most of the designated area is within a flood risk zone and DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF This site is located in a rural area but is served by good quality roads with convenient access to the strategic highway network. It has proved to be a popular location for employment development. Existing local plan policies limit the potential for new building as there are concerns that development here may undermine investment decisions in nearby Fakenham. However the site would be suitable for uses which are difficult for environmental or operational reasons to locate on other industrial estates in the district. Such an approach is identified as a preferred option in the SSP document. DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF This site is mainly in use. The site is not regarded as a suitable location for housing development as it is distant from the town centre and other key facilities. Other preferable sites for housing are available elsewhere in the town. DECISION : Designate the developed part of the site as employment land in LDF and the undeveloped (Allotments) as countryside. a number of years. Due to its prominent and highly sensitive location on the coast road approach to the town this site is no longer considered suitable for development and de-designation is suggested. Summary Appraisal/ Decision Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Strategic Importance Sustainability Market Attractiveness DECISION : Designate as employment land in LDF with exception of site EMP23(a) which it is proposed to allocate for residential use. consequently unsuitable for housing development. A small site to the north of Maryland is not within the flood risk zone (EMP23(a)) and would therefore be a suitable housing site. In light of the lack of demand for industrial development in the town it is recommended that site EMP23(a) be allocated for housing development. Summary Appraisal/ Decision Stalham, Church Farm ST02 ST01 E4 FO1 Fakenham, additional land at Clipped Bush Lane Stalham, Former Bushes Abbatoir Ref Site Medium High High High Not Known Not Known Strategic Sustainability Market Importance (See SA Attractiveness Report for SSP) Evidence suggests that the levels of commuting from Stalham are high, with many people going to work in Norwich. Catfield, to the south east of the town plays an important role in providing jobs for people in the area and Broads related employment is also significant. There is a real need to improve the opportunities for employment development within the town. Fakenham is identified as a Principal settlement in the Core Strategy where employment growth is a key priority. Large scale residential growth is also being promoted and to support this further employment growth is desirable. Employment Land is currently available in the town. However, historical development rates have been high (in the context of North Norfolk) and over the plan period additional land may be required. Justification In addition to the existing Local Plan additional employment land allocations are proposed in the Site Specific Proposals Consultation document as follows: Site Ref Table 7.4 Justification for Employment Land allocations in SSP Consultation document 7.6 Existing Local Plan designation Status Site Name Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 North Norfolk District Council 19 20 North Norfolk District Council High Medium Medium This site is well located in terms of vehicular access to the strategic highway network and it has been a popular location for new investment. The Core Strategy aims to ensure that job creating developments are located in positions close to the main centres of population (Fakenham), but also suggests that a site or sites should be identified for industrial uses which for either operational or environmental reasons would be inappropriate on industrial estates in one of the larger towns. Tattersett is regarded as an acceptable location for this type of development. Over the years following the closure of Sculthorpe Airbase the District Council has supported a number of proposals for the re-use of former airbase buildings on the site for commercial purposes. In the main the Council has not been supportive of proposals which would require the erection of new buildings. Sites with a suitable vehicular access to the A148 are proposed, which comply with the objectives for the town as identified in the Core Strategy. E7 (but strong demand in Holt) Not Known Tattersett Business Park High Holt has been identified as the most suitable location in the central ‘cluster’ of towns to accommodate further employment growth on industrial estates and business parks. Opportunities for further employment land development have been constrained in the past, to the detriment of the town’s economy, and it is reasonable to suppose that if a range of suitable sites are allocated they will be developed in the plan period. High E2 Justification Holt, Cromer Road Strategic Sustainability Market Importance (See SA Attractiveness Report for SSP) The most significant site which offers opportunities for re-using a redundant industrial building is the former Bush’s abattoir. Whilst it would be desirable for this site to be improved as a gateway into the town, particularly when approaching on foot from the Staithe, its potential for employment development should not be lost. Ref Station Yard/Moores Site Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Appendix A Maps of employment sites Map A.1 Catfield Industrial Estate Track 1.22m RH 1 CR 2 SU TT ON ED RO AD & Wa rd Bd y Sherwood Cottages 5857 Pond Mill View 7547 The Station House 2045 De f Three Gables ED Bdy CR Works Stone Guide Post Drain Horizon 3.2m Industrial Wa Tank rd Bdy 1 to RO AD Estate SU TT ON 3 4 to Drain 8 Tank Drain El Sub El Su 5 b Sta 6 Sta 4 Works 1 Def Catfield Industrial Units EMP01 Works Def Ppg Sta Drain Works El 0107 Drain Sub Sta n Drain Drai 1 6 to Bleak House THE STREET Cottages 1300 A 149 Hamilton House EMP01(a) 3500 1300 Works A 149 Hunters Chase Two Cottages Thompsons 5 Cottage CLO SE A 149 The Thatch n Have Croft UT TN Forge Poultry ES Houses s ple k Ba Pantiles orn Cottage Ho ing e Ac Th Redroof Rose rve st Th e Rid The The Ha The Stables Mo on s s 1 Street Farm 1687 e us Oa k Ap Barns Oa Farm Oa Street k Le af nk Co tta ge CH 1 Cottage Oaklea Hollies 2386 Patch El Cottage NEW ROAD Sub Sta The Oaks 1 Street The Firs Jacarene Farm Pebbles Rose Cottage ns 2 Catki Brumst e Long Acre Walnut e ttag House Co Toa se d Hou Watersplash LEA ROAD Greenacres ET Oak Side a hsi Fuc Cartref Chimneys Casa-mia Stone RE E ST TH on erit 6 Villaflor Cottag Ch Pa th E Sunbury Westview Chentey Cottage BM 5.40m 4.7m 1 K LAN ead BAC Tabard Granary House Bungalow Trouvaille Little Swallows Works 9678 3 Rose Corner Nitida Mo le End Westerley Cobblers Maples e Hous Galloway 11 ard Rich 12 Bottom Brambles House Medlar Tree Thre House e 4 FIE s Hous eway SE age ys Cott ewa CLO y age Thre ds dhu Broa Swallowtails The rst EL AP owa swin Cottage LD Crown PO St Helens (PH) bu Am CH Cott Cros fers Coni Bramley 1 Gall 3 Pond lia BM White 7 7. Horse 26 m House ge tta se Co Ro let tta e Co Co lov Vio Lomardan Catfield ge ge tta El Sub Sta 2167 xg Fo Pip's Cottage Catfield 0165 Ashton Hurst Methodist Church Melville 2 House Double Dutch The Barn 3 Hollycroft 7.2m Shenfield Lodge The Limes 5 Depot 12 14 1 The Rose LIM 8 10 ES ROA Pond D House 2 20 41 Barneybees 36 TH Hall OR 2 N ESS RO TCB AD 7 Pond 49 1 11 17 7 19 Pond 1 23 COU RT 0751 1 WA 18 CAN 12 ON 14 24 NOT TO SCALE 9 Key Pond 15 KE Catfield Industrial Estate - EMP01 Pp Ho 10 S CA 32 37 Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may leaf to prosecution or civil proceedings. Heath Farm 31 9 10 O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 36 7.35m 0549 Pond White House 33 AD RO INE ER TH ST CH CH 8 1 BM 17 Remaining Developable Area White House Pond Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) AVENU E UR 11 Parkers Close 20 8 16 5137 24 North Norfolk District Council 21 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 m .0 43 46 .1m Map A.2 Cromer, High Station 20 31 39 Rinaultrie Ainsdale to 9 37 20 66 149 26 27 Wistaria 28 25 12 159 32 74 Fieldside 8 13 14 153a 72 153 Ferndale 34 8 15 Sub Sta LINKS 1 AVENUE 3 11 2 5 24 38 to 44 49 .8 m 36 SALISBURY 6 ROAD MILL 84 169 El 11 2 17 PARK Shelter E AC PL 163b VIEW 165 REEVE 1 ROAD 35 163a HIGH BM 50.77m 21 St Martins 163 1 3 4 4a R HA m 59.0 6 TIN 6 38 1 ST AT IO 3 N RD RO AD ON GT 12 Hotel 1 26 5 42 2 7 41 58 44 55.7m 1 3 67 2 1 ee bil 1 Ju House e El Su bS ta 5 WOO NE LA 2 LYNE c rra EE BIL 2 The White Te JU 1 D CL The OSE Embankment 9 Mi-Ki-Ki 1 BM 3 60.80m 96 107 19 Lincairn EMP02 8 1 101 E ID LS HIL 13 7 21 14 Cromer 23 1 15 38 Gospel 4 12 27 Hall 62.6m 10 ard E HO y US Bd E GP 20 W HIT W & 22 ED EMP02(a) 39 ESTATE lter 15 9 42 e Sh 7 Works 8 32 El Sub Sta LB HIL LS ID E 41 4 52 47 Def 2 FF CL OS E BM 63.46m Sunny Side Works E 40 EMP02 NIGHT 33 1 INGAL 36 Gurney's Wood Grantley House RIDGE WAY 32 Cri m on 13 No 18 31 re 6663 d The Law pp ns Mast s ra Marmo use ill Ho Crowg Th eH av 24 en ton Riming 3 29a FINCH CLOSE ng Po Turni Ro se hil l Wood int View 2 29 1 24 roft Sunc 28 Dru m-N 26 a-C air n e yridg Sunn t View Wes Hill c 27 El res t Su bS ta p Hillto 23 ICH NORW 14 et Than Dal ROAD Oakwood Na Ma ra Briar Hill ST EV EN Dolgoch RO AD De f S Garage Croftnest 16 hs 13 TCB Farleig Malmar Kenvia dR antle Dism 65.3m 2 GP ailway LB 1 5840 Cromer High Station - EMP02 BM 67.39m Key Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) NOT TO SCALE Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may leaf to prosecution or civil proceedings. O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 Remaining Developable Area 22 North Norfolk District Council Def Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.3 Cromer, Holt Road 12 Pat h (um ) TB 76 81 82 83 12 9 24 HEIGHTS 28 14 8 44 22 36 30 1 HER SP 9 17 1 Pa (u th m UE AVEN FULC 52 Def Station Cromer 2 NELSON 34 58 ) SB E ER AVENU FULCH AVENUE 33 Paths (um) 41 Track 29 (um) Path FULCHER 31.5m SP SP ESS Cemetery MP 46.25 21 SPs 15 MILL ER MM US HO 1 1 E BARCLAY CL 22 20 30 31 SANDY LANE 61 55 16 12 10 11 32 3 Mushroom 29 a 3 29 LA Chapel SU The Yard 19 SP 8 49 47 Farm CLO 39 b 23 AD 24 3 9 RO 11 21 6 15 LT 2 Su El 1 10 HO 1 ERRY 7 GROVE 1to30 Barker's 4 BLACKB SE Sta CHARLES CL 37 1 12 Depot SANDY LANE 14 20 21 17 28 33 11 15 El Sub Sta 4b Ambulance Station 4a MID OK RO EB DL 3c 3b 3a W AY MIDDLEBROOK WA Y 2c Cromer 2b Business Park 1a 2a 1b 1c El Sub Sta EMP03 Gardeners Cottage Coal Yard Hall Wood WB Factory Def STONEHILL 14 WAY A EMP03(b) 8 A 14 8 EMP03 Depot El Sub Sta EMP03(d) EMP03(c) Works ED an dW ard Bdy Council Offices Council Offices 67.3m by yLa AD LT RO HO Jacket De Hole Cromer Holt Road - EMP03 Key NOT TO SCALE Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Trac k Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 Remaining Developable Area Hall Farm Track Home farm House North Norfolk District Council 23 Map A.4 Cromer Business Park Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 24 North Norfolk District Council 1 10 8 22 Chapel HER FULC 34 28 24 Cemetery 12 40.0m UE AVEN 30 SB Builder's Yard SP 22 39.5m 14 ESS 57 Depot 35.4m 68 CENTRAL ROAD E CLOS 22 58 MACDONALD ROAD 4 2 33.0m OU SE Herne Barker's 1to30 40 Posts A 148 30 ALFRED ROAD 32 8 Court Magistrates A 14 TCB EMP04 20 10 15 31.6m 10 BM 30.39m 9 R LT HO OW AD ME 5 ses ice Pol tion Sta Hou e Polic The Lodge D OA The Sta Sub El orge F Old 29.0m 4 Station Fire TCB 1 Lodge North Hill House 6 5 Chesterfield 4a Row Villas 4 24.2m Meth Ch Cromer 1 BM 24.73m 24.9m BM 23.95m Surgery North Car Park PC 44 Play Area Hall BM 23.24m 32 20 ROAD Chase The LB CANADA 14 12 MARRAMS AVENUE Villa Park WE 38 T EE R ST ST 44 Garage Golden Square 10 Golf Course The Meadow The Meadow 32 10 26 o ad Me 2 wC ag ott M ea Co tt es PH w do n 8 Car Park Ho rdo A 14 LB BM 32.44m Sunnydale House Police Orchard End 22.16m BM Colne Cottage 9 10 Croft Ho 12 ON 6 RO AD 10 8 Lodge Colne Club 24 2 BARCLAY CL O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 8a A1 49 2 Cregneish Glavon ET Crofters Pantiles Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may leaf to prosecution or civil proceedings. 26.3m ILT HA M 20.0m A 14 34 NOT TO SCALE Go Library 20.6m e TCBs Belmont Hous Town Hall Old Station Bus Shelter 2 House Clevedon 6 8 to 12 CABBELL ROA D 14 22 Cromer Retail Park - EMP04 m 31.5 Station Cromer 48 4 Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) 12 HILL 12 to 61 3 Key 16 3 SP HOWARD'S 16 78 3 SANDY LANE 1 28 18 88 RH 20 9 19 36 28 18 22.1m El Sub Sta Yor k Mew s 18 12 20 24 28 22 26 32 30 WALES ROA D PRINCE OF 19.6m CADOGAN ROAD A 149 Hazlewood FT 2 4 15 16 LB 9 1 24 HEIGHTS NELSON AD RO 6 12 2 6 16 24 1 26 33 11 HO 8 11 CR O 10 SU E MM 10 14 7 31 BM 39.31m 20 42 ROAD 4 31.1m DO M EA LB 25 27 29 a BERNARD ROAD SE BEACH ROAD 28 29 2 33 21 1 LT 37 b e ttag Co Su n Law El roft yc Sta nn 24 Vill CL O 1 19 8 32 11 1 27 9 45 47 Hall 5 43 51 5a 39 35 49 36 2 33 41 23 to 39 15 31 33 11 45 19 29 33 AD 45 RO 35 W 47 6 14 13 27 Su 21 1 19 9 35 15 21 41 HAL L 27 17 11 18 6 8 25 17 13 13 am Sh THE 8 FT 7 22 22a COLN E ROAD 9 7 13 to 19 11 1 31 15 1 21 13 20 9 23 to 25 7 5 25 1 3 21 8 1 to 6 CH AP to 11 CRO 5 2 17 15 13 17 15 7 to 12 13 12a 9 5 1 21 7 12c 13 1 5 to 9 ST RE 13 1 EL 3 THE 11 5 to 7 Manse Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 ck ro a 10 North Norfolk District Council 25 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.5 Fakenham Industrial estate AD D RO AN PL OR TH Track Lime Tree Farm Superstore El Sub Sta El Sta RUDHAM The LANE STILE CLIPBUSH LANE Sub Barn RUDHAM STILE 51.6m LANE 59 BM 13a 14 48 13 53.6m 54.39m 47 17 27 29 27a 39 11 SE BEE CH CLO COP 1 PER 54 WARNER AVENUE LEE 1 15 167 El Sub Sta 15a 19 37 25 49 13 60 42 59 WHITELANDS 44 52 155 58 24 32 8 AD LT HO 13 28 RO 48 4 65 D 1 70 36 SE RI RP TH OR 52 TE EN BM LEE WARNER AVENUE 137 133 125 35 93 87 115 2 1 101 33 2 El Sub Sta 143 .27 PL AN 7 Y WA m 22 29 WHITELANDS 1 RO AD 4 14 103 52.2m 85 LB B 1146 B 1146 White Post Corner 53.7m 1 Garage 2 54.1m 54.6m 131 54 52 3 Copnor El Sub Sta BM 127 54.44m A 1067 1 Surgery Water Tower B 114 6 El FAKENHAM Sub Sta 9 10 GARROOD DRIVE 13 Depot 10 Tanks 7 A 106 7 El 38 Sub Sta 15 AD RO 53.7m LT HO 11 12 19 Water Tower El BM Sub Sta 54.21m Tank 21 El Sub Sta 53.3m 7 SHELDRAKE Industrial Estate 35 95 3 28 47 CLOS Industrial E Estate 15 11 89 2 26 1 57 29 9 14 52.7m 7 END 47 TOW NSH GEORGE EDWARDS 1 2 42 6 23 8 GRE EN ROAD 20 16 5 SMITHS LANE THE DRIFT MILLER'S CLOSE El 14 1 Sub 5 EMP05 2 Sta El Sub Sta 2 24 31 12 S 8 ND N'S 25 MO 28 SAL 3 1 21 1 49.9m 39 DR 9 Y IFT LA WA 2 22 WYMANS WAY 32 20 TOWNSHEND 11 15 El Sub Sta 14 5 13 32 15 16 31 6 19 20 EMP05(a) GREEN WEST 4 50.9m 19 13 4 25 El Sub Sta BM 49.84m 13 Factory RD 9 EDWARDS Warehouse 23 11 48.1m E GEORG 78 EMP07 9a 103 17 9b Industrial Estate El Sub Sta 13a 7 45.7m 6 1 39 7 9 15 1 13 to 49 gs Maltin BM 52.01m House 25 61 SMIT 51 5 6 8 18 GR 195 8 Que Sara 2 193a T EA 12 30 EA Factory ER ST 21 23 52 WAY WALNUT 101 N 25 15 HS LANE PARKER DRIVE 37 39 193 40 42 187 Cranmer 51.2m VE 129 1 The Malt GRO 11 El Sub Sta 1e 97 House 1 135 ings LB 3 1 137 LB 151 H ROA NOR 1a 123a 165 173 117 115 2 1 49.6m 62 64 3 La 74 ng ha TCB 76 86 4 m Ct 88 3 to 6 96 Court BM 49.86m 44.3m 98 2 Folly 138a 1 138 46.8m 50 5 106 6 2 8 1 48 7 1 42 24 15 2 2 5 1b 50 4 1 EN 132 1 1 1a 1a 21 1 RE EG YR 3 FA Sub 2a 20 12 El 2 41.2m 106a 105 107 111 95 Sta D WIC 183 163 41.5m 113 109 140 to 37 HEATH RISE Tank 62 27 HEATH RISE 2 14 The Elms Tank THE DRIFT 16 103a The Brambles 5a Court VICTORIA LANE 8 34 10 6 20 2 4 THE RIDINGS 10 12 14 WENSUM WAY 6 8 9 134 15 13 16 29 136 11 10 8a 21 MISSION LANE 23 BARO WAY 7 5 15 5 WENSUM 1 27 8 19 1 16 6 21 Ken Doy THORN ROAD 13 3d 3b 3c 3a 18 11 MEADOW CT 14 Nursery 7 3 122 5 5 3 7 El Sub Sta 5 19 Walk 1 2 Edmondson 2 120 14 15 24 10 HALL 8 32 28 1 HE 14 11 AT 13 HE 1 26 Russet Lodge 33 22 LANE LE NIGHTINGA N'S Hall 9 Fakenham County 2 21 R 11 14 66 7 Infant School 16a Heathlands 16b 6 Close 6 16c 19 26 46 CLOSE 11 3 14 25 Drain 48 5 21 52 54 2 BARBER'S LANE K (um) OC Path 1 PA DD 18 8 47 50 58 56 27 51 49 1 6 N 33 3 22 7 2 10 SE R CLO SHE GFI 1 3 KIN LARD 12 39 2 1 47 43 61 9 CLOSE Track Pond MAL CLOSE 37 1 4 6 76 31 Y MAN LLE Y WA Sta RO VA El Sub HE Field View Court Baron's Meadow CHAP Drain Drain JOHN Y WA VER 70 8 CLO Pond 68 16d 3 19 23 6 18 Baron's Hall Farm 1a ay lw 12 1 10 41 Rai 2 42 5 E River View d tle COURT OS 37 an m 13 ROW CL Dis 3 6 GREEN CT 10 BAR 1 29 Drain 59 CLOS E in 30 2 Dr ain 12 7 42 72 40 RO AD 62 1 AM 56 TATIO BL N FOXGLO 3 E 2 ) COUR 3 T 5 20 66 th (um Pa BR PLAN 6 1 1 Pond Drain 1 70 11 48 SEDGE CLOSE in 6 ain Dr WAY VALLEY VE CL Dra Pond 67 57 53 2 Dra ain Dr 52 2 9 5 Drain 8 8 10 9 in Dra Drain Fakenham Industrial Estate - EMP05 Key NOT TO SCALE Drain Drain Pond Drain Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Disma Drain Drain Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) Common Pa ain Drain Dr Drain Drain Drain Fakenham Remaining Developable Area Common Dra in Drain in th (um ) Dra Fakenham O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 Dr ain in Dra Drain in Dra 26 North Norfolk District Council River Wensum ntled Railwa y Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.6 Fakenham Commercial park, Enterprise Way Path 51.9m A 14 8 Path Cherry Corner A 10 67 ET L A 148 Laurel Farm Poultry Farm Sports Ground EMP06(a) Football Ground AD ND RP RO LA O TH Lime Tree Farm Superstore RUDHAM STILE CLIPBUSH LANE El Sub Sta The LANE Barn RUDHAM STILE 51.6m LANE 13 13a 14 11 1 16 7 15 El Sub Sta 15a EMP06 5 15 AD LT RO HO 4 E W AY RIS 143 TE RP EN 137 A 1067 B 1146 B 11 46 El Sub Sta DRIVE GARROOD Tanks A 10 67 El 38 15 Sub Sta 11 12 Tank 21 23 39 7 3 SE CLO Key SHELDRAKE Fakenham Commercial Park (Enterprise Way) - EMP06 28 Industrial Estate NOT TO SCALE 11 2 26 29 Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. GWYN 1 35 CR ESCE NT 3 57 41 15 9 7 ROAD EEN NORT H 20 D GR 22 EN SH 47 55 WN TO 2 6 Sub O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 5 Remaining Developable Area 1 GEORGE EDWARDS 14 47 1 El 5 8 MILLER'S CLOSE 1 SMITHS LANE Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) Sta 8 34 2 57 24 SA 11 8 SH EN D 14 AY 'S W ON 12 LM 12 TO WN 3 EMP05(a) North Norfolk District Council 27 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 52 31 ailw 41 26 14 dR 20 e ntl ma Dis 19 ay LANCASTER AVENU CRANMER COURT Map A.7 Fakenham Site, Holt Road 5 85 16 87 38 53.0m 59 7 30 E El 61 42 Sub Sta 63 67 31 36 32 57 65 47 25 46 29 28 FB .57 53 83 BM m 79 52 32 84 69 5 67 73 57 84 58 13 a 52.0m EN 72 62 UE 63 91 BIL 59 EE AV 95 JU Works LB Tanks 99 101 EMP07 66 LAN CA STE RA ar UE ag e 50 .3 m 49 VE N G 86 64 66 a 58 70 39 72 47 to 49 gs Maltin House 30 37 27 103a The to 41 Brambles 3 4 22 39a 101 15 21 23 97 2 1 48.2m EMP07 37a 30 46.3m OSE AD ROAD CL ARD ORCH WESTME LT AD RO HO 37 altings The M 12 39 ds 105 2 27 m 95 .85 BM 45 El Sub Sta 41.2m 87 El 24 Sub 77 Sta 22a 67 65 ICH NORW Lodge 49 LB El Sub Sta 51 Posts 53 t BARO rnmen Offices Gove 45 ROAD 42.8m 47 34 Norwood 55 N'S 43.8m HALL Fire Sta 37 21 22 LANE BM 44.26m 26 19 20 1 26b 24b 24 1 22b 22 2 's Baron 29 20b 20 17 Hall 9) 18 16 15 NOT TO SCALE 14 13 24 E HALL CLOS 12 11 OSE 10 1 3 4 11 Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 2 CL N'S LAW NS 25 6 5 BARO 3 Key THE (1 to Fakenham Holt Road - EMP07 Station 1 Police 15 8 O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 7 Baron's Hall Farm Amb 31 28 107 rtlan Cou 23 North Norfolk District Council Sta Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.8 Fakenham, Oxborough lane PO 53 45 25 3 8 Bs TC PH 43.8m 21 Fire Sta 37 33 BM 44.26m 1 31 24b 11 24 1 22b 2 20b 20 16 21 22 9 7 29 27 26 37 33 23 17 14 Police 12 6 10 15 26b Bank BM 43.37m Station 4 34 SE CLO N'S BARO 3 26 5 Club WNS 8 THE LA 1 24 1 WHITEHORSE STREET 2 15 8 11 El Sub Sta Garage RATCLIFFE ROAD 31 21 11 5 Car Park 15 10 22 OXBO 2 18 19 1 ROUG H LANE 5a 5 T AR EM KET EE STR 2 3a Burial Ground TL CAT Club 8 EMP08(a) EMP08 Pump House OLIVET WAY Drain 2 8 16to26 1 6 10 Pond 14 to 17 Drain FB Drain th Pa ) m (u Drain Foot Key CD Fakenham Oxborough Lane - EMP08 Bridge Def Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) NOT TO SCALE Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 Remaining Developable Area North Norfolk District Council 29 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 5 Map A.9 Fakenham, Hempton Road d 5 41 FB 5a 3a 15 Pon PH TL CAT EET STR Club 2 36.0m 12 STREET 30 11 EET Drain 8 1 House BRIDGE STR SWAN 43 21 4 Grove T ARKE EM 3 1 5 3 Mill La ne 32 to 68 Baptist Ch Dr ain Pond nd Po 1 to 7 OLIVET WAY 61 70 to 80 Mill Court 2 to 8 70 to 92 71 16to26 73 El Sub Sta 1 B1 146 tel 79 Ho FB MASSEY COURT W .59m eir BM 34 1 to 1 to 18 4 6 11 46 Sluice Bri B Drain dg es The FB Wa lk 10 Old Mill 14 to 17 m 34.3 FB eum Mus 3 ) Path (um HEMPTO 5 34.3m N ROAD Chy 35.5m Drain Def Gas Works Distribution Pump Station House EMP09 Garage li View mbo Mill Stro EMP09(a) Dra Drain in CD CD Drain Drain SD Und 7413 CS in De in Dra Drain f Drain Dra Drain dy rd B Wa Spring Flagmoor Drain D ra in Springs Sewage Works Spring Key RH 8500 0004 Fakenham Hempton Road - EMP09 NOT TO SCALE Sewage Works 8500 Issues Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) ain Dr Remaining Developable Area 30 North Norfolk District Council Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.10 Holt Industrial Estate 9469 EL PIT GRAV LANE 28 24 20 5a 5b 10 4c Depot 2 EMP10(a) 41 El Sub Sta Depot 4a BM 43 67.03m 57 61 GLAV H EN RO AD 66.6m 65 The Firs 67 E 58 D RO 64 D AD HE 3 AT H DR IV 56 HEMP STEA 42 60 66 72 A 1 56a 50 1 CLOS El 49 LO Sub Sta S WE 8 1 PARK 40 51 12 ELSDEN CLOSE 62.8m 4 E 3 2 EMP10 59 7 12 14 1 AVENUE Warehouse 10 33 5 Car Park El Sub Sta 15 Mackey's Hill 7 14 9 Sub 1 Sta Tra ck AD RO El TT 8 ARNO 2 EMP10(b) 11 13 Holt Country Park 6100 9300 8000 Lowes Plantation 6100 8000 9300 ck Tra Key Holt Industrial Estate - EMP10 Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) Pit (disused) NOT TO SCALE Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 Remaining Developable Area North Norfolk District Council 31 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 26 Map A.11 Holt, Old Station Way House 7 3 DREW 'S CL OSE ST AN BM 63.35m Old School House 20 14 AT 12 ST IO N RO 8 AD Pavilion 18 10 HOLT 26 26a Playing Field 63.0m El Hotel ta bS 2 Su 30 El 1 Sub Sta 1 to 4 23 AT ST The N IO Beeches 5 a 32 AD O R 6 3860 ta gS 32 Pp LB 9 y rle be Am DS AN BL RU SH CT 30 Y WA Su bw EMP11 1 RID GE Depot 29 5 3 21 6 KER ay 23 28 to 17 Tel Ex 4 2 11 15 5 7 13 Car Park 13 17 23 9 TCB 2 12 33 se 1 EMP11 AY W 2 N IO AT D OL 48 A1 1 Hou Oak 18 land SW AN N Works ST 35 7 26 A 14 8 14 9 8 'S EN UE Q RO AD 26 1 23 5 25 4b AD RO 1 CO RO NA TIO N 36 4 4a 2 13 KIN 6 G'S 11 RO UE AD EN AV 14 IL NE 1 69 12 71 SE LO EC 9 TH 12 59 81 39 85 77 33 57 14 48 27 16 87 El Sub Sta 37 41 97 ub El S Sta 15 39 91 98 43 49 8 60 WOODROW 6 AVENUE 7 5 90 NOT TO SCALE 78 3 4 64 80 2 1 56 68 Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 66 17 12 54 53 Key WILLIAMS WAY 92 Holt Old Station Way - EMP11 8 11 60 2 CESS Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) 9 15 6 UR CO PRIN O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 1 T LB 2 1 1 6 32 North Norfolk District Council 2 8 26 8 10 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.12 Hoveton, Tunstead Road 13 2414 7 1 36 El 25 Sub-St 72 a 74 High Gables 42 INTS CLOS E 30 TWO SA Whitland Belmont House Longmynd 48 2700 The Close 66 3600 Pa 54 th BM (um ) 15.11m 2700 57 The Close Uplands 64 Holmwood Th e Sp inne y Halfacre Southacre Fir Trees TU NS TE AD LA NE 1 Depot The Pines Oldfield Gle nfie ld Shorna Cold Store Bure Valley Walk Cold Store El Su Hals Garth b St Westbury a Travers Iona Cold Store Leitholm Nevin Dodmans EMP12(a) Ivydene Fruit Packing Station White House Oakley The Lilacs Highfield EMP12 Locheil Five Birches Myrobalan BE U LA GH The Bungalow El Sub Sta RO AD Torrens Dalveen St Benets Bure Valley LB Railway 8.9m Ambleside 9.2m Adastra Dovedale Mayfair Wr Pt 5 6.5m TEAD RO AD Glenavon 4 Tennis Courts TUNS 8 SB b St a Tarn Hows El Su Works CL OSE Willow Bank TH RE E AC RE SP The Sc 11.6m hool Bu ngal ow 1 BM 12.71m 1.9m El Sub Sta The Laurels Works Hoveton 12 Delaware Mast The Beech Lodge Knoll 53 ard 's Y 42 55 51 Foyers lder TCB 48 44 26 49 Bui Subway 46 57 Wroxham Station 22 28 29 24 43 Highlands 41 1 3 9 13 11 27 7 17 15 31 5 1 19 21 25 23 29 Helen Lodge 2.5m 20 Posts 45 Garinish 47 GP Hall ST 2 4 MAR GAR S EN RD ET S GA St Helen's Primrose Bank 12 Station Church RO WES Sunningdale 8.1m k r ny gh GP 18 Summerholme 16 Inverclyde Ingl eb Lodge orou Broomhill Hoveton Dun Ra broo vens dale Tryddyn nrae er Co Oliv 14 T ttage Fird AD 22 Car Park ING 19 ene RN 28 HO Field House 17 Cottages Stra MP 8.75 Timber Hoveton, Tunstead Road Estate - EMP12 9.9 m TEAD ysto den 54 n uris to Galloway House 24 a an La gi ouse O AD nH Ke Hotel os esde Broads Hotel Arc Row 2 H AM R Cottage Sta irv iew 6.9m 13 W W 11 'S a EY AY 11 31 NE PC O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 Fa ST a Sub 13 El View AL Broad Remaining Developable Area 26 Broads 20 24 tage an Cot Inne Garage FB Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes 8.8m Crown Copyright and may lead to A 10 62 prosecution or civil proceedings. B 13 rhad 19 Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) Gre TUNS Gables nes 16 SP Paso RO 27 AD El White Viaduct NOT TO SCALE Surgery 22 Lodge 29a Mystleigh Key North Norfolk District Council 33 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.13 Hoveton, Stalham Road A 81 11 120 51 2600 11 2 118 TCB A 113 2 11 11 51 2600 0 11 80 102 104 98 GRAN GE CL BM 11.15m OSE 64 11.2m am El Su ta Lit tle 88 Bis ph bS 9 11 12 5 33 GR LB AN GE CL OS E 1 84 34 4 12 131 6 58 5 13 GRANGE CLOS E 41 5 BLOFIELD LOKE 10 3 1 21 19 15 72 59 TCB LB AM AD RO LH El Sub Sta A ST 8 Police House 70 60 47 4a 50 4b 2 5a 5b 40 a 40 8 9b 9a EMP13 10 12 96 22 26 5e 16 94 23 20 3 Industrial Estate 32 WA VE NE YC LO SE 16 9 92 LIT TL EW Key OO DS LA NE Hoveton, Stalham Road Ind Estate - EMP13 Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) NOT TO SCALE Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 34 North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.14 Melton Constable Industrial Estate Burgh Parva Hall The Old Dairy Burgh Hall Cottages Allotment Gardens 5114 34 Play grou Allotment BURGH BECK nd Melton Constable Gardens 24 21 ROAD 23 26 14 13 21 24 13 13 1 ROAD 3 2 1 6 KITCHENER ROAD 14 14 Track Playground Pond 2 OS CL 2 GORDON E 4 Tel 1 Ex S 69 158 PO 57 ING HAST Shelter GP BM 64.9m 43 3 41 29 BM 17 13 BM 66.1 8m 73.56m 9 1.22m RH GP BRISTON ROAD 179 TCBs 73.0m Guide Hut 50 20 18 8 RO AD 4 RO VE 28 5 G 27 Buildersbrook 14 22 Issues 7 10 24 7 Astley Terrace WAY COLVILLE ROAD Surgery Def 10 4 1 32 1 MARRIOTT MELTON STREET Ex Estate 30 1a 1 Tel Industrial 40 Club 2 21 0004 Glenaven 16 K WA Y 18 OC 13 12 PEAC 16 0004 PEA COCK WAY ROAD Def GROVE Bowling Green MARRIOTT WAY WB 1.22m RH Pond El Sub Sta 10 1A 2A EMP14 Tra ck 2B El Sub Sta Allotment Gardens 84.6m Industrial Estate Def EMP14(a) Scrap Yard 0063 4557 0057 Track Sinks' Plantation 0048 Key 1.22m Tk H Pond Melton Constable Industrial Estate - EMP14 Pond 1.2 H Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) in Drain Def Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Railway Sinks' Belt NOT TO SCALE Dismantled 2m Dra Tk O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 Remaining Developable Area Issues North Norfolk District Council 35 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.15 North Walsham Industrial Estate 21.8m BM 19.02m EMP15(b) LY NG AT E RO AD Drain Lyngate Drain Cottage 4 10 28.8m 8123 Drain Dr ain 23 1c 6 Ppg El RN IS H 1b 1 CO Sta W AY Sta Sub Drain 11 1a 1 21 15 2 2 in ra D AD 4 RO 6 E AT 12 FO 10 8 LG 8 7 CL E 14 OSBORN 9 10 1 3 1 11 El Sub Sta 5 ST AN FO 12 TU CK 2 RD RO ROA 99 D AD ELL 2 El Sub Sta HAZ Issues 78 5 76 87 AD 12 LY NF HA RB 16 UG LA S OR D BA 6 PETR CL OS DE 6 E E CL 4 16 2 2 AD 75 RO 12 7 5 FO LG AT E SE 11 O 74 CL 47 R 6502 5100 14 Indu 53 DO 8 3 10 9 25.2m IE LD stria RO lE stat e 1 The Folly 1 7 1 17 9 27 29 The Folly to 45 L ROAD 19 C LO SE 67 11 73 10 1 HAZEL HARBORD EMP15 GOOCH 15 Folgate CLOS E 19 24 House 20 17 60 55 37 2 40 CLOSE RO E AT HE AR 29 AD D EP 14 SH LG Y 34 26 17 FO WA 17 1 'S 9 ER 24 YM 50 GA Tanks CORB ETT RO AD 17 42 11 7 19 14 13 22 24 7 13 1 40 8 23 12 1 ROAD CLOSE 30 EB 62 Sub Sta 2 19 7 53 8 9 16 LA 43 Y DR PAGE CLOSE 38 AD 4a 4 2a 2 2 2 1 1 25 27 vey 1 Con 6 RO 1 60 D Estate 3 IEL Industrial 29 2 UN LYNF LO KE LB 41 El Sub 12 El 18 D Gov N E 2 Gas EN BRADFIELD Sta or 25 9 6 7 5 27.5m 13 29 16 16 31 50 47 Willow Park BR 1 9 EL FI AD 36 D MEAD RO OW CLOSE 7 ts Pos 46 JULER CLOSE 2 69 21 56 48 14 15 33 63 NDR El 12a Y 21 58 LOKE 21 35 16 75 Sta 85 to Sub Sta 10 RO AD LAU 23 DF 35 THM 8 87 EAD HA 97 Sta 12 NOR IELD 29 40 Posts El Sub 7 11 D ROA HADFIELD El Sub 1 1 AD 24 53 NO HF RT GARDEN CLOSE E 72 ALL CLOS DRIVE 105 47 18 10 25 4 21 AD RO 12 10 1 38 IELD KEND 117 to 107 8 Orchard 15 8a 2 8 10 9 8 WILLI 6 El Sub Sta 11 AMS WAY etta House Vall 34 13 28 Pellew Place 2 11 32 14 5 BEA 1 TRI 15 CE KL CLO SE RK 27.5m 3 73 PA 6 ay 1 Bdy CR 28.2m 27.86 m 6 OA AN DS 4 ORCHARD CLOSE 4 BM 1 d ar W EMP15(a) Subw 32.0m 1 Depot 66 24 13 20 Tr The ac Laundry k Bungalow 1 18 1 45 Red TCB 26. 3m Roofs Three 2 Gables 7 The BM 30.95m NORT HFIEL Ravens D 16a Suit Centre LB ROAD sus Health 2 16 58 30.7m The 5 28 41 40 26.3m 47 23 45 21 2 3 WAY 17 15 30 Hollies 10 Crackley 5 3 NELSON 1 38 ST MARY'S WAY m LB Posts 29.8m 4 18 20 39 14 Works 1 1 2 30 32 18 16 30.43 47 26 BM 30.5m 35 33 CH DRI VE BEE CIA 4 35 2Od 1 24 El 1 4 20b ACA 47 GVC SE 26 35 3 N CLO ILTO 42 30 Place 6 DRI 2 VE Lubbock HAM 34 Sub 2 31 Empson House 15 25 13 ood 25 47 rnw CL 11 9 1 7 17 4 se 3 Sta Cha Hou 31 Y RD 7 20 Clipperton Co ge 6 ara 19 Vic 15 13 YARD TAVE 56 1 34 MI TR E 28 1 29.35 Bk 9 10 11 13 Hall St Nicholas O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 18 16 Court 14 m 5 2 BM 1a Angel LB Court 27 4 3 8 .3m 30 32 5 Sta RN urt 9 n Co 7 Pa sto 4 78 11 21 15 Sub 6 MAR 2 KET STR PC EET 27 32.24m 29 28 1 9 21 t ur 16 13 29 BM 28b 7 31 St Nicholas's 2 n Co ON de ar G PS PH 12 CLO SE 28 8 28c 7 9 4 9 SIM 3 El Sta 33 ET 20 1 E LAN E Sub 15 6 REG 11 39 CHERR Y TRE 19 34 ST RE El 32 Ct 2 2 1 to 17 3 1 to MO ISON 12 Court Victory 45 29a 2 6 Old Bear 4 10 26 10 5 36a 12 Remaining Developable Area 3 North Norfolk District Council ET 9 1 to 3 2a 4a 4 OSE WAY AGE STRE 6 10 AD 18 to CL ENS 4 8 ER RR TH NOR 10a 12a 14a CROM RO to 55 VICAR 18 34 23a 21 1 m 1 7 to S CT 1 4 1 to 16 Car Park to 23 25 29.5 34a 1 3 E SP 17 15 PH 30.77m 38 28 ENT 5 Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 3 18a 31.1m BM Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) 35 NOT TO SCALE to IV 3 DR 20 Ch to urt Sub Sta Hall 22 AD RO 1 2 Church BM 37.32m 36 Hotel 20a AN KM sery 16 36 AY 11 OL RF Nur QUE ENW El NO Tree 40 GRE CLOSE North Walsham Industrial Estate - EMP15 Football Ground Key 29 to Car Park 20c Che rry 13 to 1 HA Mo rel lo Co tta ge Lynrick Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.16 North Walsham, Midland Road the Sacred 6 Heart 10 to 14 11 5 FARMAN AVENUE Builder's Yard 33.9m Hall 18 A 14 9 29 2 1 A 50 War B 11 9 14 Path (um) Meml 4 1 38.5m Trackside HEADLEY DRIVE Park Depot Pavilion 6 BM 38.71m 22 14 AVENUE ROAD 7 12 Playground 26 6 1 38.5m El bS Su 28b 28a 15 28 ta Hall 30 30a 35 .9m Vicarage TCB 30b LB BM 35.94m NO RW IC H RO AD Tanks BM 40.14m 39.5m 34 Mast Old Saleyard Court House BM 40.20m alsh Tank th W Nor am Builder's tion Sta MP 16 Police Station Yard Mus Su El Sub Sta EMP16 b St bS El Su El ta 40 a 42 Depot r 29 L Tw MIDLAND ROAD Works 41.1m 46 SB St Nicholas Builder's Yard School BM 41 Wks 42.45m 48 SIGNAL POST Wks Surgery 42.5m 18 13 El Sub Sta URT GE CO GRAN 9 1 50 LB 5 Ta nk s Factory 50a 49 52 56 42.9m El Sub Sta 54 SP 58 1 YARM y ROAD d Bd OUTH War Tk Nursing Home 53 BM 42. 91m nk 42.9m CR Ta Rebecca 64 House North Walsham Cottage Hospital North Walsham, Midland Road - EMP16 Home for the 9 25 NOT TO SCALE MP 15.75 66 11 31 Key Elderly Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 12 M SA Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) 6 ON PS 2 O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 6 37 Tank ROAD 20 14 20 North Norfolk District Council 37 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.17 North Walsham, HL Site Trackside HEADLEY DRIVE Park Depot 6 BM 38.71m 22 14 AVENUE ROAD 7 12 26 6 1 Pavilion El 28b 28 ta bS Su Hall 30a 35 .9m Playing Field TCB 30b LB BM 35.94m IC H ION RW AT RO AD NO 15 ST RO AD Tanks 37.6m Mast Old 11 Saleyard Court House 1 alsh Tank th W Nor Depot Builder's am Sta tion 6 Police Station Yard Mus Su bS ta b St El Su 14 MP 16 El a 2 2d 40 40.0m 40 L Tw .3m 22 r MIDLAND ROAD 13 2a 42 Works .0 0m 11 50 BM 1 St Nicholas 30 B SB B 11 50 Builder's Yard School Wks 36 SIGNAL POST Wks 52a 52 21 13 El Sub Sta 56 9 EMP17 EMP17(a) Ta nk s Factory 56 29 42.0m LB 64 SP NU RS ER 33 Y DR IV 70 E y d Bd War Tk 1 SE RY nk CR Ta NU R Rebecca DR 43 IV House E 5 41.0m 9 25 MP 15.75 11 Tank Key Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) Nursery 38 NOT TO SCALE Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 Remaining Developable Area North Norfolk District Council 15 El Sub Sta 20 53 North Walsham (HL Foods and adj land) - EMP17 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.18 North Walsham, Focus MP 17.25 BM 34.00m W ard y Bd CR Mill Farm Factory 35.3m MP 17 Kennels BM 36.55m 3100 EMP18 Cale Hill SL BM 36.97m Norstead EMP18(a) Factory CR OM ER RO AD El Factory Sub 7 Sta A 14 9 A 14 33.4m 11 8 4 Wor stead Lodg (Com e munit y Ho me) 9 1 Builder's Yard 27 BM 33.58m 104 100 32.6m 98 The B 114 5 Medway Oakfield LB 75 Alaunia 67 1a Whitway 4a North Walsham, Cranes site - EMP18 NOT TO SCALE 2 1 5a Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. WAY KINGS 8a 8 Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) 15 O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 Remaining Developable Area 16 18 Key Belmont Thaxted 23 North Norfolk District Council 39 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.19 North Walsham, Marricks Rope Site BM 34.00m ard W y Bd CR Mill Farm 35.3m MP 17 BM 36.55m 3900 3100 SL 75 76 70 El Sub Sta 67 Factory 14 11 El Factory Sub 61 Sta EMP19(a) D R LA MIL 7 O CL 5 59 SE 10 15 A1 49 A1 11 8 El Su b St a 1 33.4m 4 Wor stea d Lo (Com dge mun ity H ome) 49 14 EMP19 Builder's Yard SUFF IELD 18 CLO SE 1 MP 16.75 27 BM 33.58m 104 22 100 32.6m 98 The B 11 45 Medway Oakfield LB 82 75 32.7m 78 76 Alaunia 67 65 1a Whitway 4a Belmont Thaxted 2 1 Althea 55 5a 1 North Walsham, Marricks Wire Ropes - EMP19 NOT TO SCALE SWAY 8a 8 7 Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. KING Key 15 Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) 11a 15 11 19 16 18 27 30 23 Remaining Developable Area O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 44 40 North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.20 Sheringham, Weybourne Estate Skelding Hill Golf Links 8036 Shelter FS SW EETB Golf Club House RIA R LA NE MP 42.25 18.6m Level Crossing 22.6m 9515 MP 42.5 Track A 149 The Bungalow A 149 Track 30 Weybourne 26 Road 18 37 22 33 35 EMP20(a) Industrial 30 28 Estate 22.0m 32 El Sub Sta Allotment Gardens WEYBO URNE ROA BM 23.71m D 6 CRESCE NT EMP20(b) 7 LINKS 2 3 to 5 l Estate d Industria 9 1 5 1 13 rne Roa Weybou Swimming Pool 18 11 12 17 EMP20 3 22 Playing Field 50 5b 5 Works 13 2 9 15 21 Playing Field Depot 14 8 Games Court 7 8 29.1m ORCH 9a AR D 26 2 C LO 16 10 SE 20 1 9b 3 LANE 14 11 INE DRI LANE 1 VE 2 6 32.1m 28 WOO DH OU 8 6 23 10 56 SE l3 7 2 l9 2 40 42 1 1 LIP 9 COWSLIP COWS a CLO 11 HANNAH CLOSE COLUMB SE 14 1 32 11 29 5 8 12 FOXGLOVE 51 Hig AD 1 RO Ba 32 h HO NE LA 38 nk LT 54 14 44 10 16 15 18 16 2 EE NL 26 2 AN DS 31.1m 17 WAY 1 8 19 EBELL 33 WEST 3 37 33.2m 26 GREENLANDS RIS E 24 5 20 9 48 TEASEL BM 34.09m VIC AR 2 4 41 18 a DRIVE BLU 1 Pin es ide 11 GR 15 2 AG 7 ER 30 OAD 5 20 2 l9 1 1 AY DRIVE 42 4 3 39 El 2 3 W 9 Pp Ho BRAMBL E Sub Sta 6 36 DRIVE 21 44 37 1 WDROP SNO 1 26 35 2 1 32.6m 23 36 56 27 50 LAVENDER DRIVE 3 22 4 22 29 ION MP DRIVE 25 CA 2 34 VIOLET WAY 9 23 24 BM 34.03m 4 1 5 20 a 28 PO PP 1 Y DR Sheringham, Weybourne Estate and land adj to Splash leisure pool - EMP20 8 IVE 1 3 Briars 12 LA NE 20 Sweet 2 2 OW 1 23 AD IVE MEADOW CE LAND LB WAY 2 2 1 1 16 1 5 17 19 DR IV CLO 24 a VE R 3 57 B 14 8 1 1 9 57 7 AN D S PA R K 3 4 28 5 CH 1 AR 3 LO CK DR PL B 11 IV E PR U 17 Remaining Developable Area 8 O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 15 IM 26 RO S E 31 LA 4 NE 11 2 10 NOT TO SCALE Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 16 38.7m E 14 Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) 15 IVE 1 ORCH ID DR 3a 2 AR DR IV 1 AN E 2 7 9 Key MEADOW WAY INE DR 21 T EE SW ME North Norfolk District Council 41 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.21 Stalham Sedges Thatch 4 8 House Tr ac k 1 Works Paigles 5 Berland House Ch ap el C otta White Gates ge Hickory Cottage Pond Holly Cottage Threeways Nordyke Coach House Abies The Harnser Lodge El Sub Sta Keelers Peace (PH) Leeway Mallards Field Caird May Cottage Cottage Magnolia Cottage Weavers Pumping Lodge Station Meriden Lodge Pond Stalham Green YARMOUTH ROAD The Drain Homestead The Yews Tree-Tops E N LA sid ble Am OR MO ets inn eL Th 4 Conway Wychwood e Hollingdale 1 Hollingdale Court Yew Tree Cottage tage Forge Cot Moorland House Works 3.0m wn do n Su EMP21 Pond Welholme 4740 Holme House Pond BM Pond We 2m 3.7 lme lho a Cott ge 2m De f 2 k c Tra RH 4028 1.2 34 14 Und 27 60 46 22 f De 20 35 ST HA 12 14 10 16 5 16 18 54 8 IN Home Barn Bracondale 1 15 26 2 AY 50 W 52 GS Stalham, Hall Farm - EMP21 Key El 11 2 129 Sub Sta 8 48 Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) 32 3.5m 11 17 15 117 20 23 13 42 28 30 21 19 25 North Norfolk District Council Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. Greenfields © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 1 10 42 NOT TO SCALE O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 4821 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 East Haven 1 4 11 6 Fair View E IELD LAN NORTHF 9 11.0m 2 End Cottage Roseville East Dene Turnstone Cottage 3 Trusal Stanipatch Flints Jowsers Partners 10.5m 1 LB Bramlay BM 11.49m TCB 24 Fairport Y Scots Angles Map A.22 Wells next the Sea Stanfield Rosery 14 NORTHFI ELD LANE Garage 4 Garden 14 10.6m 1 2 3 Northfield Lodge 5 11 N St Elmo ELD AVE NORTHFI The Ex Pleasance CLOSE 6 Mill House Tel 4 Chestnuts 18 Works 5 Thymebank Boxwood Fern e Cottag The t asan Ple ce Pla SE IL NE BOLTS CLOSE 13 11.7m Cottage 2 NUE BM 11.55m 21 1 Library 47 The Lifeboat Mill Inn 10.7m 33 Place Mill ROAD m BM 9.06 Lodge 9 23 9.1m 58 Shrublands 70 N STATIO TCB KNITTING PO 23 NEEDLE 19 20 19a 8.8m 46 Bank BM 8.67m 8.4m 24 19b 34 NE LA 28 St Heliers 's Co Rose urt 25 5 1 1 Hill E 21 CLOS ORMA BELD 24 Sta House 19c Pol Aubretia Sunnyside Cottage 96 4 10.7m 26 El Sub Sta 108 27 Wells Hillside EMP23(a) Field Study 27 Centre 2.8m 120 Angus House Barn Pump Hou MARYLAND se 3.2m MARYLAND 4.2m Close 35 EET y Alle ool Sch 37 36 Ower ine Jasm e Hous Cottage House HIGH STR TCB LB sh Mar se Hou 39 41 40 Glowen- Marsh Factory 7.1m 46 EMP23 D OA 52 51 LA 48 N E 9 Drain AR LK PO 44 BM 3.92m M 53 W hip sg a AR GREA T 3.1m SH EAST ERN WAY 12 te 55 6 62 5 1 63 64 Depot 1 BM 4 3 Garage 4.3m 6 7 3 Yard e lebon 9 15 14 BLUEBELL GARDENS 2 6 Walk 1 12 4 CH 8 17 CHUR Old he Stait 22 Wha 0m 5.3 in Dra 1 7 32 21 PLAIN 11 Cemetery 26 alow 4.7m Pp Church 5 10 Bung B1 The 23 Hall LB St Nicholas' Church Room BM 30 Church House Wells-next-the-Sea County Primary School 2 4 1 6 05 B 11 6.86m Tanns End 5.0m 11 7 6 1 BM 5.41m PO Beggars AR 2 12 STRE 29 3 East 33 1 View Sh 39 3 erw 26 oo d 43 47 32 4 9 49 45 7.2m 6 Masseys Yard Lansdowne 18 ET Tennis Court 2 Four 41 1 PH Hirael 1 CHUR CH 45a Gables D OA Polka Place Stettiner Winds LK 5 4 Roost The 5 s Yard 05 Cadamy 53 11 5 6 51 Wain B Ashanti Endways A 149 BM 9.80m A 149 Orchard Cottage CHURCH STR EET GP Lilac House California Cottages 9.2m SE 1 40 WAVENE Y CLO 42 11.8m LB 13.9m WARH AM Ebenezer RO k AD nban Gree ntl t we p t ay ma Ou ilw oo k eL B 11 05 6 W ind s 19 Th Rectory Dis re Lado The Old ed GROV The Bowlin Ark Ra 8 E RO AD g Green The 1 16 Cottage ep dsw 69 Slin mo RO or AD Win 2 GRO VE 6 21 t The Rectory 27 Wells, Great Eastern Way - EMP23 27a 31 27b NOT TO SCALE 29 4 Key RECTORY CLOSE 56 WAVE CLOSE 1 35 2 NEY 33 Employment Area (Existing Local Plan) ay 41 45 d e ntl School ma 39 Bungalow Dis ilw Ra Mou nt Ple asan t 25a 25 Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 Remaining Developable Area Tank 7987 Dismantled Railway North Norfolk District Council 43 3 48a 2 OLIVIA CLOSE 1 30 48 9 16 END ON BAR TOLL 1 69 1 18 KIN GS 32 12 El Sub LB Sta D ROA 11 3m 49. 18 14 8 House Garden Holly House 4.95m 2 ROAD 41.5m Pavilion Tennis Courts Nursery Pavilion TRAP LANE Tennis Courts Cricket Ground Centre and 6th Form High School Fakenham 142 26 12 RO 1 14 13 19 54 38 41.1m 19 140 21 39to42 46 44 45 43 100 RO 92 SOUTHGATES 31 DRIVE AD 47 48 51 82 90 15 S ATE THG SOU 62 61 57 53 70 54 ELD HFI HIG 66 ROA D RTH ROAD d oun ygr Pla TCB PARK NORTH PARK NO DRIVE ST PETER'S 55.2m 109 109b 111 119 BM 45.39m 48 B 1146 52 The Pines Salamis 50.3m 51.5m Hemmick 14 162 LANE 14 84 82 und ygro Pla 83 5 Depot 9 FARM 33 DAIRY 44.8m 1 4 45.5m 85 Playground 58 Lodge Laurel House Walnut HARP CLOSE 1 1 BM 52.32m DIGBY DRIVE 160 STILE CL Hibank House 6 8 2 LB 57.7m 12 31 148 A 31 7 1 LANE 39 High Terrace 12 22 Allotment Gardens 40 2 BM 57.88m 25 23 14 27 ROAD 47 BM 51.54m FISHER LB 2 172 RUDHAM El Sub 13 Sta 7 47.8m 23 19 20 25 1 1 27 Allotment Gardens 1 5 26 1 49 15 25 49a PE 6 50.9m Manse 6 El Sub Sta School House 51.7m Courts Tennis 53.6m 25 SCUL THOR 78a 11 Fakenham High School Sta Works 5 31 Gardens Allotment 11 LB 33 4 15 8 49.8m 2 CHARLES ROAD 2 54.0m EDINBURGH DRIVE 43 45 EE 44.1m 17 63 DRIVE AD RO 40 1 PING S SEP ROAD El Sub K PAR ECKERS 2 17 42 102 1 CLAR LEY PECKOVER 20 51 19 9 Pond 39 El Sub Sta 22 3 RD 1 LANE FIELD 62 87 Pavilion BM G 17 28 23 21 BM 53.11m 47.57m e 26 WIG 80 1 1 ROAD 4 H e Lan 30 H PARK 73 Stil 3 34 ST NORT Sta El Sub Pond 6 Playing Field 41.57 m 67 ham 9 19 Rud 114 25 7 47a LAN 18 13 52.0m 45 25 15 9 YPIT RT ERS m Sta El Sub 11 NO PET 42.4 2 21 22 19 47 24 24 29 11 E WATER MOOR 1 12 33 2 AN Track 36 NORM 79 7a 1 JUBIL El AVENUE 38 19 12 13 24 Sub Sta 2 21 4 10 125 2 28 7 11 5 70a 114 35 14 33 2 22 Brick Kiln H DRIVE 65 63 The Flats E OV 52.0m 47 GR Poultry Farm E LAN JUBILEE 43 PH 14 WAY GREEN LANE 59 59a 61 M STILE RUDHA TCB Tank 20 LANE 63 12 75 WA LD FIE TER Ho 77 ER COPP Pp 2 BEECH 53.0m 87 LB 42 CLOSE 47 F01 8 Field 32 Sports 85 54.6m 89 7 148 2 A 1 MP 5 Lindum 25 121 Depot Tower Water 28 LEE 48 LB 53.3m 87 24 2 9 54 93 54.1m 54.39m BM Pond 2 54.21m BM 53.7m 107 109 LT HO AD Sub Sta El 52.7m RO 101 El Sta Sub BM 54.44m Dra in 53.6m LA GR OV Garage E WATER MOOR LANE (Track) FAKENHAM Water Tower WARNER AVENUE BM 47.66m Pond 25 El Sub Sta 53.7m 103 14 127 WHITELANDS 131 4 WHITELANDS ET L White Post Corner 115 37 Estate Industrial El Sub Sta 49 52.2m 125 1 El Sub Sta Pond A 148 THO RPL B 1146 AND CHAPPEL HILL 11 7355 133 B 1146 A 148 RUDHAM Sta Sub El 137 ET L STILE LANE 51.6m Tank 143 The Barn Tanks Pond LANE 3 Sta Sub El Industrial Estate RUDHAM STILE Farm Lime Tree ND PLA OR TH RO 1634 Ponds AD Pit 155 Poultry Farm (disused) MILLER'S CLOSE HOL GARROOD T ROA D DRIVE El Sub Sta 51.9m 167 Sub Sta El Laurel Farm 2969 ENT E RIS ERP Path Y WA Cherry Corner El Sub Sta Superstore B 1146 L Pit ET (disused) 1 Path A 1067 Westfield 26 Pond 38 A 148 42 Pond 95 5 Track 4 A 1067 Bungalow Thorpland 7 A 148 2 1 1 46.6m 131 9 Thorpland Cottages BM 47.48m 106 A St Josephs 35 8 10 32 10 13 1 ck CLIPBUSH LANE Pond BM 12 D Pond CLOSE 18 3 1 to ROA Pond 7m A 148 31 99 70 6 2 52.2 BM Tra ROAD BM 51.22m 13 B 2 1 6 22 13 ST PETE B 88 29 Melvern 15 36 32 BM 52.26m 11a 23 11 11 49 1 73 11 51.7m 3 12 9a 44 8 15 78 12 4 14 16 UE CLA 2a 16 63 2b 67 19 18 LAWRENCE 7 25 20 23 2 5 21 2 15 19 6 1 10 18 LANE 5 1 TRAP 11 7 Tank 2 4 15 36 2 El Sub Sta 1 3 25 10 ROAD 22 48.65m 109a 1 18 se 10 1 43 Pond 12 GREENWAY AV EN CLO 85 HAM BM FIEL 20 TER 59 18 2 57 Dis 26 30 WA 61 E AVENU 41 KEN 3 BUC 1 4 16 10 52 D 35 12 39 57 67 12 23 15 4 Pond 31 El Sub Sta GEORGE EDWARDS 8 15 LEE WARNER AVENUE 2 13 9 113 Surgery 31 5 R'S Copnor 11 35 10 53 19 2 20 1 99 32 6 108 44 13 NORT 50 11 16 52 11a 9 7 Sta 65 7 29 54 36 1 Pond 3 2 70 19 52.3m 1 47 167 2 55 Tank 48 32 39 1 21 44 29 erla Silv 7 27 El Sub 52 27a 60 2 58 27 Drain 1 14 11 15 21 Football Ground TOW 59 38 2 17 7 132 18 13 93 12 9b 5 18 7 AD 24 23 Clo 1 38 22 1 4 15a Track 15 67 87 nds 65 85 26 2 20 2 24 1 110 59 BETH 11 Pond 6 26 GREE NSHE ND 2 10 20 SHELDRAKE 14 1 13a ELIZA 13 79 SE 71 77 101 62 24 B ARTHUR 93 151 42 CLO 147 44a North Norfolk District Council 44b 44 50 Map A.23 Fakenham Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 12 CLOSE 8 1 5 28 SMITHS LANE 24 22 2 THE DRIFT 13 33 14 1 13 42 Track 31 1 6 ntle ma d Ra y ilwa CLO SE AVENUE 7 SE 1 21 29 7 CRANMER COURT 19 19 3 LANCASTER AVENUE 7 24 LANCASTER CLOSE 28 2 3 5 4 6 77 81 12 23 23a 48 QUEEN'S ROAD 28 CAS LON CLO SE 20 140a 143 CL 10 5 54 WELL S ROAD N 3 47 57 NE 32 2 120 157 110 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.24 Holt, Cromer Road 9274 Kelling Hospital 9474 Pond The Bell House Track Pit CF (disused) Drain Tall Chimneys Pond Waterloo Belt Pond Waterloo Belt OD LANE LEWO TEMP 9 Path (um) FB 5 Path (um) Pit (disused) 1 PO Platform FB TCB The Track LB 1 Bungalow Open Air 67.2m Theatre 2556 Trac k 6 Pine Chimneys ard W View Bd y CF (u m) Pond th Ashburn Pa Pond 5254 ER AD RO OM House 0154 D CR OL Lockhart House Track Butts Miniature Rifle Range m) th (u Pa Und CR Und Playing Fields Britten House e Be lt Th Theatre Chapel AD (private) Edinburgh House CR ER OM RO Waterloo 2436 Farm BM 63.25m 63.6m Gresham's GP School A 148 62.4m E2 2424 61.6m 0520 FB Grove Cottage LB The Grove Tallis 82 GRO E VE LAN 80 72 Path Playing Field (um 68 ) Depot 78 64a 76 62 64 68a 4 1 66b SE D CLO E HAR Y CLOS ORC HOLL 66 E VE LAN GRO 49 2 50 3 The Wilderness 66a 1 LY HOL Trac 5900 k CL 2 Stone A 8 14 The Belt 48 Lodge 1700 HO LLY Stone Lodge CL A 8 14 3200 3 4 Hunters Lodge The Belt 1994 Heath Farm Cottage 24b 8 A 14 k ac 24a Tr 8 Track A 14 24 7 21 Pond ain Dr Heath Farm Bungalow 25b 24c 25 Pond Dra in Heath Farm 2372 2169 9469 6364 Key Proposed Employment Area (Draft SSP) Holt, Cromer Road - E2 NOT TO SCALE Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 5a North Norfolk District Council 45 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Map A.25 Stalham, Former Bush abbatoir site 1 Bank 5 El 10 15 21 Barton ERLE Y 57 49 Sub First Sta Stalham School High School 12 COUR T The Drift 1 55 Stalham House Bowling Green 11 DUNK PO Haughley Bryn y Bia 24 14 59 St Mary's Works 67 BA NK STR EE T 69 GP 71 6 6.8m 10 Shelley House El Sub Sta 77 14 4 lla Church 44 12 123 FS 127 58 Ban k 6.8m 125 2 1 64 129 HIGH 131 STRE BM 135 ET Church 8.16m 62 74 133 Cottages 8 The Cottage Estate T BAKER STREE 1to2 Fern Cottage Industrial St Mary's (PH) Grim es Vi Stone 22 34 El Sub Sta Grebe 40 42 Villa 32 The 93 The 7.0m Tudors 88 The 4 90 PCs 5 Ros Pea r tre Cotta e ge W ET RO Maids es ly MARK Sutton Terrace Millston Wester 112 1 The Studio 114 9 168 130 126 Hollies 14 nook Head 2 The A Four Winds (PH) Ingle Garage Hotel 138 9 edal 110 The Swan 2 14 1to7 137 Town Hall A eC ourt Myrtles Sancho The Limes 142 3.4m 146 Hall 2 The PW 1 AD RO Pa ford Hous e gh Ho Kirk land s LO lbur Brad ) m (u El Sub Sta Car Park Smal 9 th Liv W urt 14 sto g in ER T y Co Filling Station A ne ST CO UR Wherr AIT 1to5 2 y TCBs HE 5 UPPER STAIT -b EL La y AP 4 CH HE ROAD Riddings use 51 B 11 1to8 9 The Coach House 51 Car Park Parkside Bungalow Abattoir Surgery 6 14 B 11 A 0006 Gar de Cotta n ge 4 (u m ) 3 Saleground n Cotta Play ge 36 Drain Carleton House 8 The Fire Station grou nd Pa th Gaydo Fire Tower Stone House E4 ROAD Connaught Cottage e olm irh Fa STAIT HE 48 ROAD Staithe Way ings rth R El Sub Sta LOWE MIL LS IDE Rutland 60 Little Forge Cottage UPPER 34 Gilmar Forge Cottage STAIT HE Fa Luqa Albion House Linford Wilds ALBI Roda E 4 DRIV Allotment Gardens 13 B 1151 ON k Glenwood Cottage Trac Staithe House BRAMBLEWOO 4 3.0m 1 El Sub Sta D 2 Mallards Meadow River View 25 Staithe Drain Corner BM 2.22m Staithe 26 Arconda House Dra in 1.0m Riverside The Staithe Riversdale Cottages 1 Drain Mill LB View Vine 4 Cottage Boat Yard Brickhill Cottage Pumping Station in AIT Th e HE Staithe Marsh Cord ova Cotta ges Gra ST Old Jetties Alder Cottage 4 na ry 1 Dra RO AD House Rose Weighbridge Cottage Key Haven Cottage Briar Cottage 1.3m AD NOT TO SCALE MIL L RO Proposed Employment Area (Draft SSP) Dyke End Stalham, Former Bush abbatoir site - E4 UTOP IA Toad Hall WAY El Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Tank Drain 4 O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 1 Sub Sta Jetty 2 3 Nightingale Tank Cottage Boat House Mill House 46 North Norfolk District Council t B 145 4 Water B 1454 B 1454 Wicken Covert BM 52.18m 24 22 E 4700 4700 AR EV UL D and Leisure Park Tattersett Business FAP ck Tra Sculthorpe Airfield Tattersett Business Park - E7 Sta 8956 50.0m FS FS BO ING Ponds Proposed Employment Area (Draft SSP) 46.0m 0079 RO Pond 6623 PE OR TH UL MM r Ta Wicken Covert Mast E7 SC CU Ri ve BM 54.32m RD VA ULE BATCHELOR DRIVE D AR AV UL House Highfield BO 9 BO Key 52.7m A RID FAP S ck 51.2m FLO Mast 1 7 GE GIA OR AD RO S XA TE UE EN AV CE AC SS RD Mast FAP Mast GIA OR GE AD RO S XA TE Mast UE EN AV 0851 SS AC CE Pond FL AG ET RE ST 1223 Pond D MU RO AD EET P STR PRO Tra GP Farm 19 EN GIN E ET CK BU AD RO AD RO RO ESS ACC RIC HA S RD D ROA AD Sculthorpe Airfield O RB TU 6926 64.9m Wickenpond FAP El Sub 66.1m E DEN OAK 25 STR EET 23 PEAC HTRE 2 1 12 Map A.26 Tattersett Business Park FAP 3758 O.S. LICENCE No. 100018623 Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to Sculthorpe Airfield prosecution or civil proceedings. NOT TO SCALE FAP Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 RO AD RO AD 21 AR MY AD f De North Norfolk District Council 47 Lo 1 ing rth Fa Fire Station Cottages Church 2 1 Last At 2 ns 12a El Staithe Way 1 12 Sta Sub 51 Newlands 22 5 51 The e Cottag Gaydon Coach 11 PW Gard en Cotta ge 3.4m Four Court Winds Surgery Sta El Sub ne to gs in Liv e Hous Car Park burgh Small Garage 168 FS Sports STALHAM House B T UR The CO LB TCBs 36 Myrtles The School High Stalham 81 Orchard Long Tudors The 75 in Dra 59 73 YARM OUTH b St El Su ROAD Church Farm a Playing Fields 13 E SID MILL Millside 36 23 Mill Cott 25 Mill House 4.5m Euneda HA G IN RO 25 M AD 1 LE VIL AN GR E OS CL 13 9 3 Rond Clippons View Hill 7.4m Edgefield Police Station LB Conifers ST01 1 de Gar 1 L PE A CH s irh El Sta Sub Fire Tower e olm Drain 137 Church St Mary's Exchange Telephone Fa e Co tta g e Th e dg 4 urt Co ry B 11 15 11 Hall lyn se 5 21 2 Ro 4 ROAD AD De x E RO seda le 3 15 ST AIT HE ER W r pe Cop n Coi STAITH LO 112 114 North Norfolk District Council round S D Playg s e l mbi d Hous 14 Brad for AN KL 8 15 EC BR nds en ey Treryn av dh oo W 2 1to8 142 m alo Sh 130 126 irh LD 138 Fa FIE 146 8 mau Em RT Kirkla AL 11 PO 6 26 6 Newn ham 16 48 30 Bro 34 83 20 82 85 38 67 39 5 57 49 48 Nur 45 47 48 2 10 20 2 Map A.27 ST01 Hillcrest TH EAD OU RM YARM RIVE ROAD Cottage Hall 27 White Lodge MS BM 6.18m 8800 Stalham Hall 9200 9200 Pond Cottage Stewards Farm Hall Farm Hall 0049 0049 Hall Farm Hall Farm Pond 1000 1000 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 11 nway Gree 33 57 1 3 1to7 21 23 37 MILL Davo SIDE ry MILLS IDE 79 TCBs HIGH STR EET 19 Depot Car Park 6.5m Library El Sta Sub 49 55 A 9 14 A 9 14 57 GP 59 6.8m Villa Estate Industrial 67 69 71 Fern Cottage DUN KER L 1to2 The Cottage The y- by 12 11 The Limes T La The Studio Hollies 77 EY COU RT BAKER STREE ST02 PO Barton 4 o 35 5 29 T Shelley House 25 12 15 22 Stone 1 34 32 4 2 Map A.28 ST02 44 14 42 40 14 10 6 13 10 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 North Norfolk District Council 49 5 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 50 North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Appendix B Commentary on Rates of Development CATFIELD Industrial Estate (EMP1) The North Norfolk Local Plan designated a General Employment Area immediately to the west of the village of Catfield. The site is bounded by recent residential development to the east fronting on to New Road; Sutton Road to the south and west and the A149 to the north and extends to cover an area of approximately 11.6 hectares, the vast majority of which is now developed. Trend Marine is the largest business operation trading from the site. This company, which manufactures marine window products, has experienced significant growth in the period since 1995, making investment in new production facilities on its original site and expanding its landholding through the acquisition of adjoining land and premises. In 1998/99 the business acquired the former Hanalean site and premises fronting on to Sutton Road and more recently has acquired and redeveloped the former George Mixer site, also on Sutton Road. Whilst the company operates from a number of buildings on each of these three sites, it also has a requirement for areas of outside storage and this is accommodated to the rear of the new buildings on the former George Mixer site. The total site area now occupied by Trend Marine extends to some 5.30 hectares or approximately 42% of the total GEA area. The company now employs in the region of 300 people. Other developments on the site include: Establishment and subsequent expansion of the Broadland Plastics business on the former Framlingham (Case) Tractors site on Sutton Road following the relocation of the Framlingham Tractors business to a site to the south of Norwich in 1998. Part of the site was sold in 2006 and is now occupied by Dolphin Cruisers Ltd. Intensification of development on the NNDC workshop site through the provision of two additional small workshop units on the site of the Catfield Industrial Units in 2000. Six units now provided on the site with good and stable levels of occupancy. Early 1990s the Haines Marine boatbuilding business was established in the former Dalgety Grain Store unit on Sutton Road. A freestanding unit adjoining the NNDC workshop site stood empty for a couple of years between 1998 and 2000, but has since been occupied by an engineering business believed to have relocated to the site from the Mundesley area. Stalham Joinery, Brimbelow Engineering and a number of miscellaneous businesses in the former Horizon building on Sutton Road. Engineering company Traymaster, which occupies a site with access on to New Road making their site somewhat independent of the wider GEA. A range of former mushroom sheds along the eastern boundary of the GEA where it adjoins new residential development fronting New Road have been vacant since 1999. The main premises which are believed to extend to approximately 40,000 sq ft require demolition in order to accommodate new development. This site / premises has been proposed for redevelopment to provide up to 19 ‘live-work’ units. However, the scale of the proposal, concerns regarding the relationship between the established businesses operating from the GEA, the residential element of the ‘live work’ units and the limited availability / loss of allocated employment land saw the application refused by the Area Development Committee North Norfolk District Council 51 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 in February 2005. The site occupied by these buildings therefore has the potential of being cleared and made available for redevelopment for business purposes. To the rear of the mushroom sheds are a number of poor quality units accommodating around six or eight small businesses. These buildings are also in a poor state of repair and the potential could exist to demolish the buildings so as to open up a larger area of land for employment related development. This would however require the relocation of the established businesses currently trading from these premises. At the end of these buildings is an undeveloped site of approximately 1 hectare currently being developed speculatively for industrial units. Without redevelopment of the former mushroom sheds it could be suggested that the Catfield Industrial Estate is fully developed. To the north of the A149 road planning consent has been granted for a significant factory development on the former Baileys greenhouse site. This proposal by Neatishead based Anglian Developments was supported recognising the special site requirements of the company which manufactures GRP products and stores large volumes of resin. Development of phase 1 of the new factory premises has been completed which, when fully complete, could extend to 7745sq metres on a 4.95 hectare site. CROMER High Station (EMP2) This is a small GEA extending to approximately 1.06 hectares; comprising the 10,000 sq ft factory premises previously occupied by the Cromer Crab Company; together with the factory and workshop premises occupied by Jaymic Engineering and two further office / workshop buildings which are occupied by a taxi company and a business which sells mobility aids. Approximately one third of the former Cromer Crab factory premises – including the main cold store is understood to be leased to a business which distributes frozen patisserie products. However the remainder of the premises has been vacant since the Cromer Crab Company expanded into purpose built premises on Holt Road in the town during 2000, despite attempts being made by the Cromer Crab Company to sub-let the premises to successor business occupiers. However, the low eaves height of the building, the restricted site area and its close proximity to residential properties may mean that the premises are not considered an attractive location for many businesses. At the front of the site is a derelict office building formerly occupied by a travel business. This has been empty since 2003. CROMER Holt Road / Middlebrook Way (EMP3) This large area of employment development which extends to approximately 15.3 hectares straddles the A148 to the west of Cromer town centre. This area has experienced quite rapid rates of development over the past fifteen years and includes the offices of North Norfolk District Council; the redevelopment of the former McLeans coast defence engineers site by the Cromer Crab Company and the former Middlebrook Mushroom farm site by English Partnerships. It is estimated that across all the developments and businesses operating from this area approximately 750 people are employed. Key businesses operating include the District Council, which employs 300 people from modern office buildings, the Cromer Crab Company which moved into purpose built accommodation representing an investment of some £3.5 million in 2000 and which supports 150 jobs, the Carter Concrete operation which manufactures pre-cast concrete products, and the Beer Seller warehouse and distribution operation both on Stonehill Way. The Middlebrook Way development, which was provided with road and utility infrastructure during the early 1990s by English Partnerships accommodates a number of retail uses including Co-Op Rainbow supermarket and Travis Perkins building supplies. In addition the East Anglian Ambulance Service has a modern ambulance station facility on the estate and English Partnerships / East of England Development Agency had two developments of 11 (total) small workshop units, the last two of which were constructed during 2001 on the last remaining vacant site within the development. A large car dealership occupying a 18,000 sq ft building closed in March 2006 with the loss of 24 jobs. An 52 North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 application has recently been received for the conversion of this unit to B1/B2 and B8 uses and a smaller car dealership established at the last remaining undeveloped plot meaning the site is fully developed. In addition to the Carter Concrete and Beer Seller operations on Stonehill Way, builders merchants Jewsons have a sales outlet on this site and there are a number of other workshop premises, formerly occupied by the Norfolk Textured Yarns business. Whilst one block of the former Textured Yarns premises extending to approximately 20,000 sq ft did remain vacant for a couple of years during 2000 – 2002, it has since been occupied by the Howdens timber business which sought premises in the locality for a number of years. To the rear of the Howdens premises there is a site of approximately 0.44 hectares which benefits from being within the GEA and which is currently being developed to provide further units. There is currently one vacant site on the Holt Road; the former coalyard site between the Cromer Crab factory and BP garage developments. The coalyard operation ceased during early 2004, since which time the depot has been leased for short term storage use. Consent was granted inJuly 2006 for a retail warehouse selling D.I.Y products. Development of this site commenced in January 2007. More recently the Burger King outlet adjacent to the BP Service Station which had been vacant for a short period has been re-occupied. Further down the Holt Road towards the town centre, the former British Telecom depot facility to the east of the new Cromer Crab Company operation was acquired by local civil engineering business McKinnon Construction as a depot facility during 1999. Cromer Retail Park (EMP4) The former Benbows Fruit shop (Travis Perkins) site, which was allocated as a site for a retail warehouse development in the Local Plan was developed in 2002 to accommodate the North Norfolk Retail Park which now accommodates Argos Extra, Carpetright and MFI stores. Elsewhere in Cromer there are three further small sites in / available for business use; these being:A 10,000 sq ft factory premises on a 1 hectare site on Runton Road, which until November 2004 was occupied by Structureflex. Whilst this site / premises does benefit from designation within the Local Plan as a residential site and has planning permission for 29 dwellings, following Structureflex’s relocation it has been advertised for business use, but remains vacant. Bullens offices and depot on Central Road, Cromer. Development of units at Hall Farm on the Cromer Hall Estate. The Cromer Hall Estate has recently created an 8,000 sq ft unit out of redundant farm buildings for North Norfolk Joinery which relocated from units on the Middlebrook Way development, thereby allowing the expansion of this successful Cromer company. A second unit accommodates a local coach firm; and permission exists for a further 5,000 sq ft unit. NORTHREPPS Lodge Farm / Cherryridge Northrepps has a Village Employment Area designation, close to the centre of the village, which recognises the established use of the Cherryridge Poultry operation. The site area extends to 1.0 hectare and accommodates offices, slaughterhouse and processing unit and cold storage facilities. Over recent years the business has made a significant investment in the processing facilities on the site, and was regarded as an important local employer, providing approximately 80 jobs. However, the business announced it's closure in December 2006, with the poultry rearing business bought by Bernard Matthews group; which it is understood has declared that the slaughterhouse / manufacturing facility is surplus to its requirements. North Norfolk District Council 53 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 During 2003 the Council supported an application for the redevelopment of redundant agricultural buildings at Lodge Farm, Crossdale Street, Northrepps, two miles south of Cromer town centre and benefiting from direct access on to the A149 road for business use. Now known as North Norfolk Business Centre the site will eventually provide approximately 20,000 square feet of workshops with a further 8,000 square feet of offices. The first phase of units totaling 12,000 sq ft were completed in Spring 2006 and are fully let. FAKENHAM Industrial Estate (EMP5) This development which extends to some 25.96 hectares is located to the north-east of the main residential areas of Fakenham, approximately a mile from the town centre. The estate is bounded by residential properties to the south (Heath Rise), east (Smiths Lane) and west (The Drift). To the north across the Holt Road is the Enterprise Way development, beyond which is Morrisons. The estate, accessed off of George Edwards Road and adjoining area of industry accessed off of the Holt Road and The Drift, has been developed over the past thirty years and now accommodates over 50 businesses, occupying a wide variety of sites and premises. Many plots within the estate have been developed on a freehold owner occupier basis, although there are a number of small developments on Millers Close and Garrood Drive which are let on leasehold terms. Over the past few years the last few plots within the estate have been developed (ie the Chemspec, Dempsey Heating and a further phase of units on Millers Close) and a number of businesses which had held land in reserve have also extended their premises (ie Marston and Langinger, Anglian Chemicals, John Davis Framing, Lewis Concrete, Jack Richards Haulage, Banham Poultry). This means that the existing estate could be regarded as fully developed, therefore offering little opportunity to accommodate further in-situ development by existing businesses or new investment by incoming businesses. A wide variety of business sectors are represented on the estate including the manufacture of joinery products (Marston and Langinger, Struik and Hamerslag, John Davis Frames); food processing (Hain Frozen Foods – Linda McCartney branded products; Banham Poultry hatcheries); engineering businesses (PMC Harvesters, Tapmatic); printing (Lanceni Press, Norwood Print, Fakenham Typesetting) transport and distribution (Jack Richards haulage, East Anglian Ambulance service, Johnson Apparel, Anglian Chemicals, Fakenham Frozen Foods); a Co-Op Rainbow foodstore; together with a large number of small miscellaneous businesses. Over the past ten years there has been some turnover of businesses on the estate, with a number of business closures, rationalisations and relocations. However, these businesses have in the main been replaced by incoming businesses mostly through local relocations to accommodate business expansion and the expansion of established businesses. Examples include the Aldiss Furniture Distribution Centre, which moved into the 53,000 sq ft former Ross Foods / McVities / United Biscuits premises on Norwich Road from warehouse premises on Oak Street in the town centre; Johnson Apparel which moved into the former National Pallets (which relocated to Tattersett Business Park) unit on Garrood Drive from premises in Holt town centre; Lewis Concrete which has expanded into the former yard area occupied by National Pallets in addition to its established facility within the Industrial Estate; Oliver Lighting occupied premises vacated by the Minicraft Designs business which was sold on the retirement of the owner manager after relocating from Burnham Market; the Grove Veterinary Practice which has occupied the office building vacated by PMC Harvesters in a move from premises in Wells Road and Anglo Scottish Buildings which has occupied vacant land sold by PMC Harvesters after a local move from a site near Fakenham Race Course; Dennis Lee & Co bought the 12,000 sq ft unit on George Edwards Road created by the closure of the Key Packaging business; Starlings mail order which has relocated into the Bob Allen Engineering unit and a vehicle repair workshop and MOT centre which has relocated into the 54 North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 former Claas unit, both of which are on George Edwards Road. Jack Richards Haulage has also expanded its operations on to a number of sites within the industrial estate. At the present time there is a low level of freehold / leasehold vacancy on the main Fakenham Industrial Estate, with only two units of any size available for leasehold sale and occupation. Elsewhere on the estate there are a number of small workshop units available for lease, but compared to historic levels of vacancy, even these are limited in number. FAKENHAM Enterprise Way / Clipbush Lane (EMP6) This area, which extends to 9.12 hectares, lies to the north of the Holt Road and west of the A1075 Clipbush Lane bypass. The Enterprise Way development was provided with road and utility infrastructure by English Partnerships during the early 1990s and since this time serviced plots have been sold off for freehold development. At 1995 only three plots were developed – i.e. those occupied by the Jentique furniture factory, which closed in 1999 and has since been occupied by Graham’s builders merchants; the Cookes VW dealership and GJL Animal Feeds wholesale business. Since 1995 a further four plots have been developed including a Bussey Ford dealership, a Thurlow Nunn Vauxhall dealership, a 10,000 sq ft factory unit developed by the District Council and occupied by JW Automarine (now Scholle Europe) following an expansion of the company’s operation from Holt and more recently the development of a Focus DIY store. This means that the Enterprise Way site is fully developed. To the north of the Enterprise Way development is the Morrisons supermarket and petrol filling station and associated car parking, beyond which is employment land allocation E3. This allocation has remained undeveloped since its designation in 1993 but was not actively marketed until 2005. Some interest is understood to exist in the development of this land, although not sufficient to warrant investment in infrastructure at this time. FAKENHAM Holt Road (EMP7) There are three small GEA sites on Holt Road in Fakenham as detailed below:Johnsons Tractors / Just Bathrooms and Kitchens showroom– this site has road frontage on to both the Holt Road and Greenway Lane and accommodates an agricultural dealership. The site extends to cover an area of 0.95 hectares and is bounded to the east by residential properties and to the west by Fakenham medical practice and a water tower. This site is somewhat detached from other established employment areas within the town and could be considered as a potential residential development site in the future. Ernest Doe and Sons / Eastern Glazed Ceramics – this site lies to the south-east of the Holt Road midway between the town centre and the main area of employment on the Fakenham Industrial Estate / Enterprise Way development. The GEA covers an area of 1.25 hectares and comprises a number of buildings accommodating an agricultural dealership (Ernest Doe and Sons), a tile showroom and a motorcycle dealership. The first two of these businesses have established themselves in Fakenham within the past five years and the general tidiness and appearance of the site has improved over this time. The site as a whole however is under occupied and there are some quite large areas of undeveloped land providing some potential to accommodate additional business users. Plots of land within the GEA are understood to be in a number of ownerships and it is not known whether any planned development of the remaining site areas will be taken forward. Fakenham Laundryclean – occupies a site of 1.01 hectares between the Holt and Norwich Roads where it has its contract laundry operation employing 200 people. The site area currently occupied by the business extends to cover an area larger than that designated as a GEA within the adopted Local Plan - particularly the area of land used as staff parking North Norfolk District Council 55 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 with access on to Norwich Road and consideration should be given to revising the boundaries of the site as part of the LDF process. FAKENHAM Oxborough Lane (EMP8) This GEA is located to the south-east of Fakenham town centre and comprises a number of buildings which historically accommodated the Fakenham print business, which closed its operations in the early 1980s. The site extends to an area of 3.65 hectares and borders the town centre policy area to the north and west; residential development to the north-east and the Wensum Valley marshes (Open Countryside) to the south and east. Today land and premises within the GEA are in three ownerships. The western third of the site is occupied by the Aldiss Lifestyle and Furniture store which is a major retail outlet and shopping destination drawing large numbers of customers to Fakenham from a large part of Norfolk. As this part of the site adjoins the Town Centre policy area to the north and west, consideration could be given as part of the LDF process to amending the boundaries of the GEA and Town Centre policy area to incorporate the Aldiss store. The central third of the GEA is occupied by the Kinnerton Chocolate factory, which has seen significant growth since becoming established in the town in 1987. This business now employs up to 450 permanent and 250 seasonal staff in the manufacture of chocolate confectionary and biscuit products under its own label and for many of the major retail chains. Over the past few years the company has made significant investment in new production facilities with a factory and office extension to the north to accommodate biscuit production with offices above, and a new production hall and warehouse extension to the south. The company operates 24 hours a day and would be concerned by any new development on adjoining sites which might prejudice its future operations. The eastern third of the GEA is owned by Duffy Haulage and consists of a number of small buildings and a large open yard which appears to be under utilised. Access to this GEA is difficult with HGVs mixing with shoppers cars and pedestrians in the narrow Oxborough Lane. Access could be significantly improved to all three business operations if a new road could be provided off a southwards extending spur from the existing roundabout at the southern end of White Horse Street where it joins Olivet Way. Within the existing adopted Local Plan the area to the south of the roundabout is designated as Open Countryside, although immediately to the east south of Olivet Way is an area of housing constructed in the early 1990s which lies within the Town Centre policy area. Consideration should therefore be given as part of the LDF process to extending the development boundary of Fakenham and the town centre policy area southwards from the White Horse Street roundabout down to the River Wensum, and making specific provision for the development of a new road to serve the Oxborough Lane GEA within the new Plan – with the road being funded by the business beneficiaries. FAKENHAM Hempton Road (EMP9) To the south of the River Wensum and Hempton Road is a further GEA, covering an area of 2.27 hectares. This area comprises a number of miscellaneous business uses including workshops, a car showroom (closed in March 2006) and the former Fakenham Gas works (now a Scheduled Ancient Monument and museum). Development of plots within this GEA gives the impression of being uncoordinated, although there are no significant plots or parcels of land within the area capable of accommodating any further development, except for the vacant car dealership premises HOLT Industrial Estate, Hempstead Road (EMP10) The Hempstead Road Industrial Estate:- This is the main Holt Industrial Estate and covers an area of 10.25 hectares on either side of the Hempstead Road approximately 400 metres to the south of the A148 Holt bypass. To the north the site adjoins residential properties, to the east is open agricultural land, while to the south and west is an area of woodland, part of which is the Holt Country Park. 56 North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Key employers on the Holt Industrial Estate include Booker Cash and Carry; Kongskilde – a Danish owned business which supplies agricultural equipment; Prospero which employs approximately 50 people in the manufacture of high quality frozen desserts; CT Bakers builders merchants and Sanders Coaches main offices and depot. In addition there are two developments of small workshop units which are leased to small business occupiers and a national tyre fitting company. Recent developments on the estate include the establishment of the CT Bakers builders merchants operation during 2000 and a development on a site adjoining the Booker Cash and Carry operation by Osprey Foods also during 2000. In recent years Kongskilde has also let surplus office accommodation to the Icefresh Foods business which relocated its operation from office premises in Norwich Road, Cromer. During 2006, the development company Bullen & Son took forward a development of nine units totaling 10,000 sq ft for leasehold occupation. Severn of the nine units are now occupied with proposals for a further two units to be provided at the site. To the north of the main Holt Industrial Estate development to the east of the Hempstead Road, there is an area of land extending to approximately 2.8 hectares which is covered by the GEA designation and could accommodate future business development as an extension to the existing industrial estate. This land has remained vacant for many years despite a number of serious expressions of interest by established local businesses, a number of which have realised their development plans elsewhere within and beyond the North Norfolk district. The land is owned by H. Bullens, part of the RG Carter Group of companies, which is only prepared to sell land with a development contract attached which, it is understood, has deterred a number of businesses from investing at this location. HOLT Old Station Way (EMP11) Two small sites immediately to the north and south of the A148 Holt bypass with its junction with Hempstead Road. The site to the north of the junction extends to 0.43 hectares and comprises a tyre fitters and telephone exchange. The site to the south of the junction extends to approximately 1 hectare and is bounded by the A148 to the north, Hempstead Road to the east and residential properties to the south and west. The development accommodates the Thaxters woodyard and manufacture of timber buildings operation, a cabinet makers business, the Glaven Veterinary practice and a plumbers wholesalers business. The last remaining plot in the development has recently been developed to provide accommodation for the Holt Youth Centre project. This GEA site is intensively occupied, with no opportunity to accommodate further development / expansion of established businesses. Indeed, the Thaxters operation expanded into approximately 4000 sq ft of floorspace on the site it shared with the Florida Shoe manufacturing business, following the closure of that business in 1999. HOVETON Norfolk Fruit Growers (EMP12) The Horning Road / Tunstead Road Industrial Estate – an area of 6.98 hectares which is identified as a single area to the north of Horning Road between the Norwich to Sheringham rail line which forms the western boundary of the site and the rear boundaries of residential properties which fronts onto Tunstead Road. To the east, the northern boundary of the GEA has a boundary with residential properties on Two Saints Close. This area is in fact three separate sites – one, previously known as The Plain Sailing site more recently redeveloped by Eric Bates and Son (furniture makers), which extends to 3.50 hectares accessed off Horning Road; the second known as the Norfolk Fruit Growers Site (no longer trading from the site) which is of 2.50 hectares, being accessed from Tunstead Road through a private road; and the third North Norfolk District Council 57 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 being the railway goods yard site of 0.97 hectares, which has an access on to the Coltishall Road with very poor visibility to the west because of the railway bridge. Taking the first of the above-mentioned sites, the District Council prepared a development brief for this site in 1997 which promoted its development for employment purposes. This brief proposed that opportunities should be explored to improve access into the site, particularly the Fruit Growers site to the north – preferably by this site being accessed from the Horning Road. This would avoid conflict with residential properties and traffic associated with the Broadland High School on Tunstead Road. The Plain Sailing site historically accommodated a boatbuilding business, sail manufacture and woodyard operation. The woodyard business ceased in the late 1980s and the boatbuilding business closed in 1999, leaving only the sailmaking business operating from the site in rented buildings. During 1999/2000 prospective developers explored the potential of the site being developed for housing. Residential development was resisted on the grounds that it was contrary to Local Plan policy and a concern about the limited supply of employment land in the east of the District. The site was subsequently purchased by North Walsham based Eric Bates and Son Furniture Manufacturers which has made a significant investment in the redevelopment of existing and provision of new buildings on the site to accommodate the relocation and further growth and expansion of its business which is understood to employ approximately 60 people. The Fruit Growers site is a little more complex in its development over recent years. The main site area accommodates a number of large buildings which have historically been used for the storage and packaging of fruit. However, over the past ten years these buildings have fallen out of their historic use and been marketed for alternative uses. Bure Valley (Lakeside) Foods, which employed 150 people in Hoveton manufacturing poultry-based ready meals and airline meals, occupied most of the buildings on the site as a production facility over the period 1998-2005 but has since closed. Over the period of time it operated from the site the company made a number of planning applications in respect of its manufacturing processes supporting quite significant levels of investment. The company has ceased trading and the site premises advertised for sale. Proposals have recently been submitted by the new owner of the site to convert the buildings by raising the eaves height to provide factory floorspace for a local boatbuilding business which employs 90 people. To the north of the large buildings on the site is an area of elevated land, with a boundary to the north with residential properties fronting on to Two Saints Close. This elevated site did for a time accommodate an aggregates business which was the subject of neighbour complaints and enforcement action; and a separate boat sales business. If a wider development plan was to be established for the GEA, this area of land might be suitable for workers parking, although its potential to accommodate further buildings might be constrained by the relationship of the site with adjoining residential uses. To the west of the Fruit Growers site, also at a slightly higher level are some redundant grain store buildings with railhead sidings. These buildings are accessed off of a lane which runs between the railway and the Plain Sailing site, which joins the B1354 Horning / Coltishall Road immediately to the east of the railway bridge. The very poor visibility provided from this access to the west is likely to constrain the future occupation of these units, unless a more comprehensive scheme to provide access through the Eric Bates site can be achieved. The potential recognised in the development brief for this GEA is dependent upon a new access being provided off the Horning Road. Whilst the Eric Bates development effectively holds the key to opening up a new access into the whole site, which would clearly come at a price, sufficient space exists to the east of his factory development to provide a road access into the wider site area. 58 North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 HOVETON Stalham Road (EMP13) The Stalham Road Industrial Estate occupies a total site area of 2.83 hectares and accommodates a number of businesses – particularly small engineering, car repairs and marine related businesses, mostly in small workshop units which have been developed at quite a high density. The largest occupiers on the site are builders merchants Jewsons and Charles Barr furniture makers. The estate is well established and fully developed, offering no scope for further development within its existing boundaries. MELTON CONSTABLE Industrial Estate (EMP14) Within the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan there is a General Employment Area to the south west of the village of Melton Constable on the site of the former railway junction / goods yard. The site is bounded by residential development to the north-east, the Fakenham Road to the north, a by road to the west and open countryside to the south and south-east. The GEA extends to cover an area of approximately 7.70 hectares, the vast majority of which is developed. Much of the GEA site area (including the former engine sheds) is occupied by the Structure Flex company which has recently consolidated all its operations on this site following closure of its Cromer Holt and Aylsham operations and provides employment for up to 150 people. Other plots of land within the GEA accommodate local haulage companies, vehicle workshops, and a breakers yard. The East of England Development Agency has a small development of six units within the GEA, four of which are occupied by the Big Prawn seafood business. Close to the entrance to the Industrial Estate Gobur Caravans have a manufacturing facility. The general appearance of the estate has improved over recent years, through the improved management and operation of existing business operations, reduced unit vacancy and the development of new units. The estate is now nearing full development and given the layout and configuration of the estate it is difficult to envisage how it could be extended further. NORTH WALSHAM Lyngate Industrial Estate (EMP15) This development which extends to some 22.9 hectares is located to the north-west of North Walsham to the west of the B1145 Mundesley Road (North Walsham bypass). To the south the industrial area adjoins established residential development, whilst to the west and north is open countryside. The land to the west is identified as a future employment land allocation – ie an extension of the existing industrial estate. The estate has been developed over the past thirty years and now accommodates over 50 businesses, occupying a wide variety of sites and premises. Many plots within the estate have been developed on a freehold owner occupier basis, although there are a number of small developments of units which are let on leasehold terms – including 16 units owned by Norfolk County Council known as Douglas Bader Close; 9 units owned by North Norfolk District Council on Cornish Way and four units recently sold by the East of England Development Agency on Folgate Road. Over the past five years the last few plots within the estate have been developed (ie the North Walsham Tractors site, which has subsequently been occupied by Chell Instruments and Vacweld, and a site off Stanford Tuck Road) and a number of businesses which had held land in reserve have also extended their premises (ie Ashford Windows, PSS Ltd, Rowlands Wodehouse, the East Coast Group and the Berry Plastics – formerly Norwich Injection Mouldings). This means that the existing estate could be regarded as fully developed, therefore offering little opportunity to accommodate further in-situ development by existing businesses or new investment by incoming businesses. A wide variety of business sectors are represented on the estate including the manufacture of plastic North Norfolk District Council 59 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 products (Ashford Windows, Berry Plastics, Coda Plastics, East Coast Group, PG Products, VacWeld); engineering businesses (Lake and Nichols, Novomec Controls, PSS Ltd, Paston Racing, Renosteel, Rowland Wodehouse, Samplex); boatbuilding and marine related businesses (Hardy Marine, Marine Weld); agricultural supplies (Ernest Doe and Sons, Norfolk Farm Machinery) transport and distribution (Bluebird Travel, Drury Transport, Sanders Coaches, TC Transport). Over the past ten years there has been quite a significant turnover of businesses on the estate, with a number of business closures, even of some medium sized companies. However, these businesses have in the main been replaced by incoming businesses mostly through local relocations to accommodate business expansion. Examples include the PSS business, which moved into the former Farm and Country premises on Folgate Road from workshop premises at White Horse Common; Chell Instruments and Vacweld which moved into the former North Walsham Tractors unit on Folgate Road from premises on Grammar School Road and Douglas Bader Close; TC Transport which moved into the premises vacated by Moneyfacts on Laundry Loke following Moneyfacts relocation and expansion in Norwich; and Marine Weld Engineering which moved into a former confectionary distributors on Folgate Road from premises in Hoveton. In addition a number of businesses have moved into premises on the estate from outside of the North Norfolk area. These include Ernest Doe and Sons which moved into the former Farm and Country unit on Stanford Tuck Road, PG Products which relocated its business to North Walsham from Scotland and now occupies two units on the Industrial Estate and Girovac Limited which moved to North Walsham from Hertfordshire. At the present time there is an historically low level of unit vacancy on the main North Walsham Industrial Estate, with only one significant unit available for freehold sale and occupation i.e. a 5,000 sq ft unit at the junction of Stanford Tuck Road and Lyngate Road. Elsewhere on the estate there are a number of small workshop units available for lease, but again compared to historic levels of vacancy, even these are limited in number. It was in anticipation of the continued intensification of development on the existing North Walsham Industrial Estate through developing out the remaining undeveloped plots and the expansion of existing businesses, and the town’s historic role as a centre of employment, that a major allocation of land for future employment related development was identified within the North Norfolk Local Plan. This proposed a 26 hectare area of land for future phased development to the west of the existing Industrial Estate which extended southwards across the Norwich to Sheringham railway line to the Cromer Road to the east of the General trailers site. A 6.1 hectare site at the north of the allocation has had outline approval for industrial development, accessed through Cornish Way and Folgate Road on the existing industrial estate. Recently detailed planning permission has been granted and work has commenced on providing services to a number of plots which it is understood will be made available on a freehold basis. The only other area of land within the allocation which has been developed is a site of 0.91 hectares immediately to the west of the Berry Plastics facility which has accommodated a 70,000 sq ft development by that business to provide additional warehousing and production floor-space. The remainder of the allocation is unlikely to be brought forward for development as envisaged in the Local Plan due to the need for any development to meet the costs of a 1-mile relief road between the A148 Cromer Road amd B1145 Mundesley Road. This makes development of the allocation uneconomic and therefore it is proposed to de-allocate this land through the LDF process. NORTH WALSHAM Midland Road (EMP16) This is a relatively modest area of employment related development, extending to 2.1 hectares to the 60 North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 south of the town, albeit occupying a prominent location on the A149 Yarmouth Road / North Walsham bypass. Over recent years the general appearance of this development has improved significantly – particularly with the development of the funeral directors and stone masons units, the unit occupied by the door manufacturer, the car sales business and the change of use of the Uttings engineering business to the Mattressman bed and flooring showroom. There are still a couple of small sites and premises within the wider GEA which could be improved in terms of their construction and use, but essentially the area is fully developed. NORTH WALSHAM HL Foods (EMP17) This GEA, as identified within the existing Local Plan, recognised the long established canning factory operation occupying a 5 hectare site on Norwich Road in the town, adjacent to the Norwich to Sheringham railway line. The HL Foods operation closed in September 2002 with the loss of 100 permanent and 100 contract jobs. These job losses were preceded by the loss of a further 150 positions with the company in September 1999 when baked bean production was relocated from North Walsham to Long Sutton in Lincolnshire. HL Foods parent company, Premier Foods, appointed agents Bidwells to promote the redevelopment of the site for residential use and an application for outline planning consent for such a development was refused by the District Council in early 2003 on the grounds that the proposal was contrary to the adopted Local Plan in that it represented a loss of employment land and that the company had made little or no attempt to promote the site for alternative business use. This position is felt to have been justified in that it is understood that some business interest has been expressed in the site / premises since the refusal of the residential application. The LDF seeks to retain the site for business use recognising the potential of the buildings to accommodate future employment uses; the location of the site adjacent to the railway and it being to the west of the railway which constraints HGV movements to the main industrial estate from the west, particularly Norwich and Cromer. NORTH WALSHAM General Trailers (EMP18) The former General Trailers site in its entirety covers an area of 11 hectares, the north-westerly quarter of which is occupied by structural steel manufacturer Wall Engineering, which moved onto this site from a constrained site on Aylsham Road in 1994. The Aylsham Road site has subsequently been developed for affordable housing. The remainder of the General Trailers site, approximately 6 hectares, laid vacant since the trailer making operation which had operated from the site since 1967, closed in September 1999 with the loss of some 350 jobs. The site was acquired for redevelopment for employment purposes by the East of England Development Agency (EEDA) in March 2001. However until works commenced on part of the site to provide a new DIY store in January 2005 the site and factory premises has remained in a derelict and undeveloped state. Recent discussions between EEDA and the District Council have established that open land to the rear of the factory premises has been transferred to Wall Engineering which is now using the land for the laying out / storage of finished product. Interest has been expressed by developers CityGate in the partial clearance and redevelopment of the main factory building and a planning application for such works to include an office building for the North Norfolk Housing Trust was submitted in November 2006. In addition, the District Council has applied for funding to look at the feasibility of establishing an enterprise hub and innovation centre on a 1 acre site within the development. NORTH WALSHAM Marricks Ropes (EMP19) This site was identified in the Local Plan as an existing employment site (frontage of site) and a proposed employment area (rear of site). The front part was previously occupied by Marricks Wire Ropes but it has been vacant for many years. The site is now owned by a local house building company. There has been no stated interest in developing the site for industrial purposes. However there is no evidence that North Norfolk District Council 61 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 the site has been marketed in recent years. Part of the site fronting Cromer Road accommodates a Travis Perkins builders yard. SHERINGHAM Weybourne Road Industrial Estate (EMP20) There is an established General Employment Area on the western fringe of Sheringham, fronting onto the Weybourne Road, which forms the northern boundary of the site. To the south and east the site is bounded by residential development and to the west there is an area of allotments and the Sheringham Sports Association fields, the former of which in the adopted Local Plan is an allocated site for future employment related development (E4). The existing GEA extends to cover an area of approximately 4.29 hectares, and is fully developed. Principal occupiers of premises within the GEA are Sheringham Caravans (which recently ceased trading with the site being advertised for let and with interest being received); Kingsland Engineering which is the town’s largest manufacturing employer (50 employees) and makes metal working benches; Oglaend Pioner which manufactures specialist workwear and employs approximately 30 people; a couple of workshop units occupied by motor related businesses; offices of the Sheringham Development Company and the Splash Leisure Pool. Over recent years the Kingsland Engineering business has extended its factory premises to accommodate the manufacture of new products and the Oglaend Pioner business extended its operations into premises previously occupied by the North Norfolk Shellfish business following its acquisition by the Cromer Crab Company. SHERINGHAM Land adjacent to Splash (EMP21) This site is allocated for employment related development in the North Norfolk Local Plan. The allocation is small - with the total site area only extending to 1.7 hectares. In this respect it is believed that the site is unlikely to be brought forward for development as the cost of site servicing is likely to mean that the site is an uneconomic proposition in terms of the price which would have to be asked for plots of land within the development. Furthermore the site, which would form the limit of built development in Sheringham, and is therefore a gateway site which is highly visible from within the AONB and the local planning authority would therefore be justified in asking for a development of a high quality design. However this would also increase the costs of development meaning the viability of development on the site is questionable unless a single user was to take the whole site. There has been no interest in developing this site in recent years and therefore through the LDF process it is proposed to de-allocate this site. STALHAM Peugeot Garage and Land adjacent (EMP22) Stalham has only one very modest GEA identified within the North Norfolk Local Plan, the site and premises occupied by the Nicholson Engineering business on Stalham Green which extends to 1.4 hectares; although there is quite a large number of small industrial and workshop units within the town centre eg Moores Yard, adjacent to the Kingfisher Hotel; and St Mary’s Works, Bank Street. The largest concentration of employment related premises in Stalham are the large boatshed buildings on the Richardsons boatyard site to the south of the A149 Stalham bypass. These sheds cover a significant floor area and a number are understood to be under-utilised. However, by virtue of their historic use the buildings are considered to have little conversion potential for alternative business uses. The premises lie within the Broads Authority area and therefore that authority will have the principal responsibility for considering future development proposals made in respect of these buildings. 62 North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 Within the Town Centre policy area of Stalham there are a number of sites and established business operations trading from a variety of business premises. These include the former Bush Abattoir business which occupied a site of approximately 0.76 hectares fronting on to the A149 bypass; a number of relatively modest lock-up units known as Moores Yard referred to above accessed off of the High Street, and the St Mary’s Works development off Bank Street which has recently seen investment in the upgrading of units within the development. Beyond the town, the Sands Agricultural Supplies and Machinery businesses occupy premises at Ingham and Brumstead, the former of which supplies agricultural chemicals, whilst the second manufactures crop sprayers. Both are long established operations occupying isolated sites and premises within the Countryside Policy Area. Through the LDF process it is recognised that for Stalham to have a more sustainable economy with a better balance between housing and jobs, the provision of some employment land in the town needs to be considered. It is therefore proposed to designate the former Bush Abattoir site for redevelopment for employment purposes through the LDF Site Specific Proposals document. TATTERSETT Business Park (E7) The Tattersett Business Park site lies approximately 8 kilometres to the west of Fakenham, 1 kilometre to the north of the A148 Fakenham - Kings Lynn road. The site, which was formerly the Technical Area of the RAF Sculthorpe airbase, was sold by the Ministry of Defence in 1996 and was for the period 1996-2004 in the ownership of a local development company. The site is since understood to have been sold twice, with the second sale being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office. More recently a further attempt has been made to sell the site, with interest understood to have been received. The former Technical Site covers 74.30 hectares and comprises large areas of open land, former single person accommodation blocks, a number of miscellaneous buildings which were formerly in community uses eg chapel, bowling alley, shop, petrol filling station, community hall etc; and a number of warehouse and maintenance buildings associated with the former airbase use. The disposal of the site by the Ministry of Defence occurred after the publication of the Deposit Draft version of the Local Plan and therefore no specific policies were included within the Plan in relation to the re-use of the RAF Sculthorpe site. However, policies for the site were included within the adopted Plan – see Annex 6 of the Plan. This proposed that the former Technical Site be divided into two areas described as follows:one comprising the former accommodation blocks and community buildings which were to the north and north east of the Technical Site area and adjoined an area of residential bungalows historically connected with the base, which were also sold by the Ministry of Defence at the same time as the Technical Area. It was felt that this area should accommodate limited future development and ideally attempts should be made to clear a number of the buildings (the accommodation blocks) on the site because of their poor construction and limited potential for re-use. It was suggested that other buildings in this area of the site could be converted to new community uses for the expanding residential population living in the Blenheim Park / Wicken Green community; whilst other might have some potential to accommodate B1 Business users. the second an area to the south and west of the wider site area which accommodated the former warehouse and maintenance buildings; which it was recognised had the potential for conversion to accommodate future business uses. Concern was expressed within the adopted Local Plan that the future development of the RAF Sculthorpe site could undermine the role of Fakenham as a Growth Town. Against this background it was stated North Norfolk District Council 63 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 that the local planning authority would look favourably upon proposals which promoted the re-use of existing buildings on the site, but that new build proposals would generally be resisted unless there were particular environmental or operational reasons why the use could not be accommodated within a General or Village Employment Area elsewhere in the District. In the period since 1996, a number of the larger former warehouse and workshop buildings on the site have been occupied on a freehold or leasehold basis – mostly by established local companies seeking premises in which to expand their businesses. Examples include Listwood, which manufactures mouse mats and promotional products which moved from premises in Harpley and now occupy two 20,000 sq ft units and office buildings on the site; National Pallets which relocated from Fakenham and occupy a large industrial building and have extensive areas of outside storage; Cleyndert Limited which manufactures furniture and moved into the old chapel on the site from Fakenham; and the Norfolk Lavender mail order operation which relocated to the site from Heacham in order to accommodate further expansion. In addition there are a number of smaller businesses operating from the site. In total over 400 people are now understood to be employed on the site the vast majority of which are employed by businesses which have occupied existing premises on the site. More recently Langham Glass has relocated its manufacturing facility and visitor centre to the site. The majority of the warehouse and workshop buildings on the site have now been occupied, meaning that there is limited further potential for activity to increase further on the site, without the approval of new build proposals. The occupation of buildings on the site proves that the site has some appeal as a location for business – albeit initially that buildings on the site were cheap in comparison to other commercial property in the Fakenham area. However, this initial advantage has now been exhausted and any future new build development on the site is going to be at a price more reflective of the local market for industrial land as the overall site area needs significant capital investment in terms of the provision of utility services into the site and build costs of new property will be the same at Tattersett as they are in the wider area. In this respect the relative advantage of the Tattersett site has been realised by early occupiers, but will not be available to businesses viewing the site as having potential to accommodate new build proposals. WELLS NEXT THE SEA Great Eastern Way (EMP24) Small area known locally as Maryland occupying the former station and goods yard site to the east of Polka Road on the eastern fringe of the town. The site is bounded by Maryland Road and residential development to the north, a coach / lorry park fronting on to Polka Road to the west, the County Primary School to the south and allotments and open countryside to the east. In total the site comprises 3.3 hectares of employment land. The major business operation within the site is the Orchard Caravans which stores and supplies static caravans. This business occupies the eastern half of the site. The remaining site area is occupied by a number of workshop units, which have been developed in two phases. The first phase was developed by English Estates during the late 1970s and early 1980s and comprises of eight units developed in two terraces. Over the years the units have accommodated a variety of businesses.The development was sold by English Estates to a private sector buyer / landlord and for much of the last eight years the units have been largely unoccupied and in a poor state of repair. The owner is understood to spend a lot of time abroad and until late 2003 little or no attempt appeared to have been made to market the units for occupation despite enquiries by the District Council and pressure from Well's Town Council. In more recent times a number of the units appear to have been let and this is an encouraging development as there are few alternative workshop units available in the town or the surrounding area. The second phase of development was taken forward by English Partnerships during the early 1990s which constructed a unit of 5,000 sq ft, capable of subdivision into two units. This unit remained vacant for a considerable 64 North Norfolk District Council Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 period of time after completion, but is now understood to be occupied as a storage warehouse for a local giftware business. North Norfolk District Council 65 Employment Land in North Norfolk (Update of sections 5 & 7) - March 2007 66 North Norfolk District Council